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Secondary sexual characters are often expressed in both sexes (mutual ornamentation), but are less often studied simultaneously. We studied the adaptive signaling function of male and female ornamentation in a mutually ornamented fish, the whitefish Coregonus lavaretus. In an experimental design in which nongenetic environmental effects were minimized, we found that highly ornamented females, males, and their parental combinations had offspring with better swimming performance and predator‐avoidance ability than less ornamented individuals or combinations. Furthermore, highly ornamented females had larger offspring that also had higher yolk volume than less ornamented individuals. Offspring swimming performance was not dependent on offspring size and was only weakly affected by yolk volume, which suggest that swimming performance and measured morphological traits are independent fitness measures. In conclusion, mutual ornamentation of whitefish may signal the quality of individuals in both sexes, which may indicate ongoing directional selection for these ornamental traits. However, offspring fitness traits were also dependent on parental combination, which suggests that genetic compatibility effects may weaken the directional selection and the indicator value of the ornamentation.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that melanin‐based plumage coloration correlates with different components of fitness and that it may act as a social or sexual signal of individual quality. We analysed variation in melanin pigmentation in the outermost tail feathers of the Common Snipe Gallinago gallinago. During courtship flights, male Snipe use their outermost tail feathers to generate a drumming sound, which plays a role in territory establishment and mate choice. As the outermost tail feathers are displayed to females during these flights, we predicted that conspicuous variation in their rusty‐brown (pheomelanin‐based) coloration may act as an honest signal of individual quality. To test this prediction, we spectrophotometrically measured brightness (an indicator of total melanin content) and red chroma (an indicator of pheomelanin content) of the outermost tail feathers in 180 juvenile and adult Common Snipe. An age‐related decline in feather brightness was found exclusively in females, suggesting that melanization could have evolved by natural selection to camouflage incubating birds. In both sexes, brightness of the tail feathers was inversely correlated with their structural quality (as measured with mass–length residuals), suggesting that melanization could increase mechanical properties of feathers and, in males, enhance the quality of courtship sonation. Red chroma positively correlated with total plasma protein concentration, supporting our prediction that pheomelanin pigmentation of tail feathers may act as an honest signal of condition. Our study indicated that variation in the melanin‐based coloration of the outermost tail feathers in the Common Snipe could have evolved as a result of several different selection pressures and it emphasizes the complexity of the processes that underlie the evolution of melanin‐based plumage coloration in birds.  相似文献   

Intraspecific sexual and social communications are among themost important factors shaping costly color traits in birds.Condition capture models assume that only animals in superiorcondition can develop and maintain a colorful plumage. Althoughthere is good evidence that carotenoid-based components of plumagecolors show condition dependence, the situation is more controversialwith the underlying UV-reflecting structural component. We conducteda brood size manipulation in blue tits (Parus caeruleus) toinvestigate condition-dependent effects on plumage colorationin male and female offspring. Carotenoid chroma and UV reflectanceof the yellow breast plumage showed condition-dependent expressionin male and female fledglings. However, only males that wereraised in reduced broods had higher UV reflectance in the UV/bluetail feathers, whereas female tail coloration did not differbetween treatments. Our data suggest that there is a sex-specificeffect on the blue but not the yellow plumage and that thisis related to differences in the signaling function of bothplumage traits. Although sexual selection may already act onmale nestlings to develop colorful tail feathers for the nextbreeding season, the UV/yellow breast feathers are molted duringthe postjuvenile molt, and their signaling value is likely tobe important for both sexes during the extended postfledglingphase.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that sexual selection promotes speciation has rarely been tested. We identified 70 evolutionarily independent events of feather ornaments in birds. For each focal species we noted the number of ornamented and nonornamented species belonging to its genus and its number of subspecies, as well as its mating system and the extent of its geographic range. For purposes of comparison, we randomly chose a second, nonornamented species for which we obtained information on the number of subspecies, and in cases in which the nonornamented species was in the same genus, we chose a third, nonornamented species in a related genus and obtained the same information. We then noted the number of species in each genus and the difference in numbers of species, or species richness, between paired genera. For the genera of the focal ornamented species, we regressed number of ornamented species on number of nonornamented species and found a positive relationship. As number of species per genus rose, number of ornamented species per genus rose more rapidly, indicating that more speciose genera have a higher proportion of ornamented species than less speciose genera. We then took the deviations from this regression, the residual number of species, and regressed them on the differences in species richness between the paired genera. This relationship was positive indicating that ornamented genera with more than the expected number of ornamented species were more speciose with respect to their paired genera than were genera with fewer than the expected number of ornamented species. Finally, we compared the deviations from this regression, the residual number of ornamented species, with species' mating system and found a greater residual number of ornamented species among species whose mating system is associated with greater skew in male mating success and thus more intense sexual selection. Ornamented species had more subspecies than nonornamented species, even when controlling for geographic range, suggesting an association between subspeciation and ornaments.  相似文献   

An important cost of sexual and social colour signals may be increased conspicuousness of the animals to visual predators. Although such predation costs have repeatedly been proposed for various ornaments of birds, especially for melanised and depigmented signals with low presumed production costs, tests of this hypothesis are rare and inconclusive. In this study we investigated whether individual variation in plumage ornamentation was associated with predator-related risk-taking behaviour and short-term survival in free-living House Sparrows Passer domesticus . In a large sample of birds we measured three aspects of coloration used in sexual and social signalling: the size of the melanised black throat patch in males, and the area and conspicuousness of the depigmented wing-bar in both sexes. We measured risk-taking by manipulating the distance of feeders from shelters, and recorded individually ringed birds feeding close to and far from shelter. Sparrows seemed to perceive the farther feeders as more risky, as indicated by the shorter time spent and smaller groups feeding far from rather than close to shelter. However, the use of the more risky (farther) feeders was not related to any of the colour traits we measured, suggesting that Sparrows do not adjust their risk-taking behaviour to their ornamentation. Males (the more ornamented sex) did not take less risk than females. Furthermore, we found no evidence that larger throat patches or more ornamented wing-bars reduced the probability of survival. Our findings were robust and consistent across multiple approaches, even when we controlled for several potential confounding effects. These results do not support the suggestion that melanised and depigmented plumage ornaments have significant predation costs in House Sparrows.  相似文献   

We used a comparative approach, by comparing bird species with tail ornamentation with sister taxa without ornamentation, to deduce the aerodynamic function of extravagant feather ornaments and the costs of such ornaments in birds. First, the aerodynamic function of tail feather ornaments in birds can be deduced from asymmetry in the width of tail feather vanes, since flightless birds have symmetrical vanes while flying birds without feather exaggeration by sexual selection have asymmetrical vanes. Distal inner vanes at the tip of tail feathers were more narrow in ornamented as compared to nonornamented birds, and vane asymmetry at the tip of the feather was therefore reduced in ornamented species, suggesting marginal aerodynamic function of the distal part of extravagant feather ornaments. Second, the cost of feather ornaments due to parasite drag is proportional to the area of feathers extending beyond the maximum continuous width of the tail, and aerodynamic costs of long tails could therefore be diminished by a reduction in feather width. Consistent with this prediction, the outermost tip of feather ornaments was narrower than the homologous character in nonornamented sister taxa, while the base of the feather had similar width in the two groups of birds. These results suggest that the costs of extravagant ornamentation have been diminished by a reduction in feather width, leading to a reduction in drag. Costs of feather ornaments, as demonstrated by their fine morphology, thus appear to have been extensive during the evolution of these characters.  相似文献   

The outermost tail feathers in male barn swallows (Hirundo rustica)are the target of a strong directional female mate preference.The tail ornament is also expressed in females, since femaleshave considerably longer tails than juveniles, either due to(1) a strong genetic correlation between the characters in thetwo sexes, or (2) direct sexual selection on females. To discriminatebetween these two hypotheses, we manipulated the length of theoutermost tail feathers in female barn swallows shortly afterarrival by either shortening or elongating the outermost tailfeathers, or maintaining their length among control individuals.Start of laying of the first clutch, reproductive performance,or provisioning of offspring did not show any significant differencesamong treatments. Original female tail length before manipulationwas unrelated to reproductive performance, while male tail lengthexplained some variation in the number of clutches and, to someextent, the total number of eggs laid per year. Females withlonger tails arrived earlier at the breeding grounds. Manipulatedfemale tail length was positively correlated to the tail lengthof their mates. Our results support the correlated responsehypothesis but do not support the sexual selection explanationfor the existence of exaggerated tail feathers in female barnswallows.  相似文献   

We investigated whether trace elements in tail feathers of an insectivorous and long-distance migratory bird species could be used to identify moulting areas and hence migratory pathways. We analysed tail feathers from birds of different age and sex collected from a range of different breeding sites across Europe. The site of moult had a large effect on elemental composition of feathers of birds, both at the European and African moulting sites. Analysis of feathers of nestlings with known origin suggested that the elemental composition of feathers depended largely upon the micro-geographical location of the colony. The distance between moulting areas could not explain the level of differences in trace elements. Analysis of feathers grown by the same individuals on the African wintering grounds and in the following breeding season in Europe showed a large difference in composition indicating that moulting site affects elemental composition. Tail feathers moulted in winter in Africa by adults breeding in different European regions differed markedly in elemental composition, indicating that they used different moulting areas. Analysis of tail feathers of the same adult individuals in two consecutive years showed that sand martins in their first and second wintering season grew feathers with largely similar elemental composition, although the amounts of several elements in tail feathers of the older birds was lower. There was no difference between the sexes in the elemental composition of their feathers grown in Africa. Investigation of the trace element composition of feathers could be a useful method for studying similarity among groups of individuals in their use of moulting areas.  相似文献   

Adult‐directed predation risk imposes important behavioral constraints on parents and might thus alter relationships between costly sexual ornaments and parental performance. For instance, under low predation risk, highly ornamented individuals might display better parental performance than others, as predicted by ‘good parent’ models of sexual selection. However, under high risk of predation, highly ornamented individuals might abandon parental effort if conspicuous to predators, or if social partners are more willing to take parental risks when paired with highly ornamented mates. We experimentally elevated perceived adult‐directed predation risk near nests to explore how carotenoid‐ and phaeomelanin‐based pigmentation in both sexes relate to parental risk‐taking for offspring in the yellow warbler Setophaga petechia. Compared to other males, males with more intense carotenoid‐based pigmentation maintained higher levels of paternal effort under predation risk at highly concealed nests, but reduced nestling provisioning rate more at exposed nests. Further, when faced with predation risk, females with more phaeomelanin‐based pigmentation reduced nestling provisioning rate less than other females, regardless of nest concealment. Females displayed higher parental effort across treatments when paired to males with more colorful carotenoid pigmentation. However, birds did not reduce parental effort under risk less when paired to a highly ornamented mate, suggesting that predation risk did not accentuate differential allocation. Males did not take fewer parental risks than females. Results indicate that nest concealment modifies parental risk‐taking by males with colorful carotenoid‐based pigmentation, and suggest that female melanin‐based pigmentation may indicate boldness and greater a propensity to take parental risks.  相似文献   

There is currently considerable controversy in evolutionary ecology revolving around whether social familiarity brings attraction when a female chooses a mate. The topic of familiarity is significant because by avoiding or preferring familiar individuals as mates, the potential for local adaptation may be reduced or favoured. The topic becomes even more interesting if we simultaneously analyse preferences for familiarity and sexual ornaments, because when familiarity influences female mating preferences, this could very significantly affect the strength of sexual selection on male ornamentation. Here, we have used mate-choice experiments in siskins Carduelis spinus to analyse how familiarity and patterns of ornamentation (i.e. the size of wing patches) interact to influence mating success. Our results show that females clearly prefer familiar individuals when choosing between familiar and unfamiliar males with similar-sized wing patches. Furthermore, when females were given the choice between a highly ornamented unfamiliar male and a less ornamented familiar male, half of the females still preferred the socially familiar birds as mates. Our finding suggests that male familiarity may be as important as sexual ornaments in affecting female behaviour in mate choice. Given that the potential for local adaptation may be favoured by preferring familiar individuals as mates, social familiarity as a mate-choice criterion may become a potential area of fruitful research on sympatric speciation processes.  相似文献   

We studied patterns of parentage in 85 broods (332 cygnets) of black swans during three breeding seasons, using a set of eight polymorphic microsatellite markers. We detected both intraspecific brood parasitism (IBP; < 5% of cygnets per year) and extra-pair paternity (EPP). In these years, 10-17% (mean = 15.1%) of cygnets resulted from EPP, and 27-40% (mean 37.6%) of broods contained at least one extra-pair cygnet. Compared with levels of EPP in closely related species with similar life histories, these values are unexpectedly high. EPP in black swans appears unrelated to ecological factors (breeding density and synchrony) or genetic factors (genetic similarity between pair members or genetic quality of the offspring). We found no evidence that a mutual sexual feather ornament known to play a role in social mate choice in black swans (curled wing feathers) is involved in extra-pair mate choice. EPP does not lead to greater variance in reproductive success in males, relative to females in this species. We therefore suggest that EPP does not result in differential sexual selection on males and females, explaining why they are ornamented to the same degree.  相似文献   

Life-history theory posits trade-offs between fitness components. Reproduction negatively affects physiology and immune systemfunctioning, and the effect of this form of stress may be mediatedby glucocorticosteroids. We manipulated brood size of barnswallows (Hirundo rustica) to study the effect of stress arisingfrom reproductive effort on corticosterone levels of males.We also measured T-cell—mediated immunocompetence by intradermally injecting birds with phytohemagglutinin, whichis mitogenic to T-lymphocytes. The results confirmed the predictionof a negative effect of parental effort on lymphoproliferativeresponse. We found no covariation between immune response andcorticosterone levels. Males with long tails, an ornament currentlyunder directional sexual selection, had a relatively large T-cell response to the mitogen, consistent with models of parasite-mediated sexual selection predicting higher levels of immune defensein highly ornamented males. In addition, males with large sexualornaments had relatively low corticosterone levels at the endof the parental period. These results can be reconciled withthe hypothesis proposing a trade-off between parental activitiesand adaptive immunity and suggest that highly ornamented malesare less exposed or less susceptible to stress arising fromparental effort.  相似文献   

Selection due to social interactions comprises competition over matings (sexual selection stricto sensu) plus other forms of social competition and cooperation. Sexual selection explains sex differences in ornamentation and in various other phenotypes, but does not easily explain cases where those phenotypes are similar in males and females. Understanding such similarities requires knowing how phenotypes influence nonsexual social interactions as well, which can be very important in gregarious animals, but whose role for phenotypic evolution has been overlooked. For example, ‘mate choice’ experiments often found preferences for ornamentation, but have not assessed whether those are strictly sexual or are general social preferences. Using choice experiments with a gregarious and mutually ornamented finch, the common waxbill (Estrilda astrild), we show that preferences for ornamentation in the opposite‐sex also extend to same‐sex interactions. Waxbills discriminated between opposite‐ and same‐sex individuals, but most preferences for colour traits were similar when interacting with either sex. Similar preferences in sexual and nonsexual associations may be widespread in nature, either as social adaptations or as by‐product of mate preferences. In either case, such preferences may set the stage for the evolution of mutual ornamentation and of various other similarities between the sexes.  相似文献   

Organismal traits often represent the outcome of opposing selection pressures. Although social or sexual selection can cause the evolution of traits that constrain function or survival (e.g. ornamental feathers), it is unclear how the strength and direction of selection respond to ecological shifts that increase the severity of the constraint. For example, reduced body size might evolve by natural selection to enhance flight performance in migratory birds, but social or sexual selection favouring large body size may provide a countervailing force. Tracheal elongation is a potential outcome of these opposing pressures because it allows birds to convey an auditory signal of exaggerated body size. We predicted that the evolution of migration in cranes has coincided with a reduction in body size and a concomitant intensification of social or sexual selection for apparent large body size via tracheal elongation. We used a phylogenetic comparative approach to examine the relationships among migration distance, body mass and trachea length in cranes. As predicted, we found that migration distance correlated negatively with body size and positively with proportional trachea length. This result was consistent with our hypothesis that evolutionary reductions in body size led to intensified selection for trachea length. The most likely ultimate causes of intensified positive selection on trachea length are the direct benefits of conveying a large body size in intraspecific contests for mates and territories. We conclude that the strength of social or sexual selection on crane body size is linked to the degree of functional constraint.  相似文献   

Plumage colour can be used as an honest signal to convey health and status, which has traditionally been examined in the sexual selection context of choosy females and elaborate males. We use a model avian system to study the role of plumage coloration in a social context such as inter‐ and intrasexual competition over food resources. The diamond firetail (Stagonopleura guttata) is an endemic Australian finch: females have more white flank spots than males, and white spot number was correlated with cell‐mediated immune response in females. We use two experimental designs to test the role of white flank spots for feeding dominance and dominance discrimination in a group‐living bird. The results from two‐choice trials and from single‐arena trials showed that female ornamentation was consistently important in social food contests, and males consistently responded to female spot number. Females with higher spot number fed first, in trials with males and/or females. Also, females preferred to feed next to test birds with low spot number, but males showed no preference for feeding next to birds with few or many spots. Finally, latency to feed was predicted by spot number: both males and females had longer latency to feed if test birds had more spots than the focal birds. We conclude that female, but not male, ornamentation was important for inter‐ and intrasexual food competition. This is one of the very few studies to show that the same plumage ornament can have a different function between the sexes as a signal of social status. Moreover, this study shows that white plumage can be a signal of dominance.  相似文献   

Plumage coloration in birds plays a critical role in communication and can be under selection throughout the annual cycle as a sexual and social signal. However, for migratory birds, little is known about the acquisition and maintenance of colorful plumage during the nonbreeding period. Winter habitat could influence the quality of colorful plumage, ultimately carrying over to influence sexual selection and social interactions during the breeding period. In addition to the annual growth of colorful feathers, feather loss from agonistic interactions or predator avoidance could require birds to replace colorful feathers in winter or experience plumage degradation. We hypothesized that conditions on the wintering grounds of migratory birds influence the quality of colorful plumage. We predicted that the quality of American redstart (Setophaga ruticilla) tail feathers regrown after experimental removal in Jamaica, West Indies, would be positively associated with habitat quality, body condition, and testosterone. Both yearling (SY) and adult (ASY) males regrew feathers with lower red chroma, suggesting reduced carotenoid content. While we did not observe a change in hue in ASY males, SY males shifted from yellow to orange plumage resembling experimentally regrown ASY feathers. We did not observe any effects of habitat, testosterone, or mass change. Our results demonstrate that redstarts are limited in their ability to adequately replace colorful plumage, regardless of habitat, in winter. Thus, feather loss on the nonbreeding grounds can affect social signals, potentially negatively carrying over to the breeding period.  相似文献   

Immaculateness, a novel measure of bird plumage quality, defined as the regularity of the borders of a coloured patch of feathers, and the uniformity of the colour within the patch, tends to decline as a result of feather wear and damage. If it declines more quickly amongst birds in poor condition, it has the potential to act as an honest signal of individual quality and therefore be subject to social and sexual selection. We scored plumage immaculateness in shelducks Tadorna tadorna, based on the absence of white feathers in the red-brown chest band and the evenness of the band's border. We monitored body condition and plumage quality in birds at feeding sites in the Severn Estuary (UK) during the early breeding season when females were forming eggs, and later in the season when chicks arrived. Drakes had more immaculate chest bands than ducks. At preferred feeding sites, drakes were more immaculate, and birds of both sexes were in better body condition. Birds with more immaculate plumage tended to mate assortatively at preferred sites and were more likely to produce a brood that survived the journey to the feeding areas. Immaculateness could therefore be an honest signal of parental quality. Although our evidence is only correlational, we suggest that plumage immaculateness indicates the ability to establish and maintain control over the best breeding sites and feeding territories in the face of competition with other shelducks.  相似文献   

Sex differences in behavior, morphology, and physiology are common in animals. In many bird species, differences in the feather colors of the sexes are apparent when judged by human observers and using physical measures of plumage reflectance, cryptic (to human) plumage dichromatism has also been detected in several additional avian lineages. However, it remains to be confirmed in almost all species whether sexual dichromatism is perceivable by individuals of the studied species. This latter step is essential because it allows the evaluation of alternative hypotheses regarding the signaling and communication functions of plumage variation. We applied perceptual modeling of the avian visual system for the first time to an endemic New Zealand bird to provide evidence of subtle but consistent sexual dichromatism in the whitehead, Mohoua albicilla. Molecular sexing techniques were also used in this species to confirm the extent of the sexual size dimorphism in plumage and body mass. Despite the small sample sizes, we now validate previous reports based on human perception that in male whiteheads head and chest feathers are physically brighter than in females. We further suggest that the extent of sexual plumage dichromatism is pronounced and can be perceived by these birds. In contrast, although sexual dimorphism was also detectable in the mass among the DNA‐sexed individuals, it was found to be less extensive than previously thought. Sexual size dimorphism and intraspecifically perceivable plumage dichromatism represent reliable traits that differ between female and male whiteheads. These traits, in turn, may contribute to honest communication displays within the complex social recognition systems of communally breeding whitehead and other group‐breeding taxa. J. Morphol., 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The determinants and function of pigmentation of feathers and other tissues have been the focus of a large number of studies, particularly with respect to socio‐sexual communication. However, many birds exhibit depigmented white spots or bars on their feathers whose function is poorly understood. Here we assess whether white feather spots reflect phenotypic condition at the time of moult by investigating the covariation between spot size or shape and condition‐dependent feather growth rate, as gauged by width of the growth bars on the tail feathers of Barn Swallows. We found that feathers with higher growth rates had larger, less rounded white spots. In addition, variance in spot perimeter for a given spot area was larger in males than in females. This study is the first to provide evidence that features of white markings on feathers directly reflect body condition at the time of moult and can therefore reliably signal phenotypic quality in the context of socio‐sexual communication. In addition, the study highlights the potential communication function of the shape and not just the size of colour signals.  相似文献   

The indicator mechanism for sexual selection proposed by Hamilton and Zuk (i.e. that sexually selected ornaments signal parasite resistance) has received rather little observational support, and none in the case of long-distance migrant birds. Here we present a test by examining the association between helminth infestations and breeding plumage quality in bar-tailed godwits Limosa lapponica taymyrensis during their spring staging period in the Wadden Sea, The Netherlands. After a non-stop flight from West Africa, these shorebirds refuel in the Wadden Sea in preparation for a second flight to the central Siberian Arctic breeding grounds. Earlier studies have shown that only relatively heavy and well ornamented birds carry out a "top-up" moult during stopover, in which part of the contour feathers recently grown in West Africa are replaced by even fresher ones. Active body moult was therefore taken as the primary indicator of ornament quality. Of 78 birds collected between 1992 and 1997, 42% carried helminths, including four species of digenean trematodes (flukes), three species of cestodes (tapeworms) and an acanthocephalan (spiny-headed worm). Faecal samples examined for helminth eggs in another 92 birds in 1998 and 2000 showed similar rates of infestation. Actively moulting bar-tailed godwits were confirmed to be heavier and to show more extensive breeding plumage than non-moulting birds. In females, but not in males, active moult was associated with fewer cestodes and acanthocephalans. Also, breeding plumage and presence of cestodes were negatively associated in females. We argue that the quality of the breeding plumage reliably indicates parasite resistance in female godwits. The repeatability of plumage scores of females between years is consistent with such resistance having a heritable component. In contrast, male ornaments may demonstrate other qualities, e.g. an ability to combine adequate fuelling and flight performances with moult during the time-stress of migration.  相似文献   

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