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研究了综防区和非综防区稻田飞虱卵寄生蜂群落的重建和维持。结果表明:早稻生长期,稻虱缨小蜂Anagrus nilaparvatae 和拟稻虱缨小蜂 A. paranilaparvatae 在水稻移栽后第9天进入综防区稻田,在第13天进入非综防区稻田,同在第21天完成群落重建,重建速率分别是0.28种/天和0.21种/天。晚稻生长期,综防区和非综防区稻虱缨小蜂和拟稻虱缨小蜂均在水稻移植后第1天进田,至第21天完成群落重建,重建速率分别是0.12种/天和0.04种/天。维持阶段综防区群落较非综防区稳定。群落重建和维持受温度、种库中卵寄生蜂种类和数量、种库距稻田的远近、稻田中害虫种类和数量以及害虫防治策略的影响。  相似文献   

非稻田生境褐飞虱卵寄生蜂群落动态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对稻田周围田埂和路边上能寄生褐飞虱的卵寄生蜂群落的动态进行了初步研究。研究结果表明:冬季休耕期,卵寄生蜂群落变化趋势为先降后升;夏季休耕期,因为水稻收割,部分寄生蜂迁移到田埂和路边,卵寄生蜂数量呈直线上升趋势;早稻生长期,田埂和路边的飞虱卵寄生蜂的数量变化同稻田褐飞虱卵寄生蜂和褐飞虱呈正相关的关系;晚稻移栽后,田埂和路边上飞虱卵寄生蜂数量下降,以后在一定的范围内波动,晚稻后期,数量急剧上升随后很快下降,害虫防治史影响着稻田周围生境中8飞虱卵寄生蜂群落,综防区试验田周围生境中飞虱卵寄生蜂群落的寄生蜂数量、物种丰富度、多样性指数和均匀性指数均优于非综防区。  相似文献   

不同抗性品种稻田捕食性节肢动物的群落结构   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
对3个类型稻田早、晚稻捕食性节肢动物群落调查,结果表明:共有捕食性节肢动物67种,丰富度以蜘蛛高于捕食性昆虫类;早稻高于晚稻;中抗品种高于抗虫和感虫品种。早稻以皿蛛科Linyphiidae的食虫沟瘤蛛UlmmeliatainsecticepesBoes.etStr.占优势,晚稻则以狼蛛科Lycosidae的相对丰盛度最高。早稻捕食性天敌数量动态以中抗品种峰期最长;感性样田中天敌平均密度与中抗样田差异不显著,与抗虫品种差异显著;捕食性节肢动物多样性随着品种抗性的增强呈降低趋势,优势度随着品种抗性的增强而增强。晚稻3个品种样田中天敌的平均密度差异不显著;各品种样田的多样性明显高于早稻,且波动幅度小于早稻,品种之间多样性差异较小,晚稻群落可能具有较高的稳定性。  相似文献   

高山地区甘蓝田节肢动物群落特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对湖北省高山地区自然天敌控制害虫的甘蓝田的节肢动物群落结构进行了研究.结果表明:自然天敌控制害虫的甘蓝田内害虫优势种为小菜蛾(Plutella xylostella )、甘蓝蚜(Brevicoryne brassicae)和甘蓝夜蛾(Mamestra brassicae);天敌优势种为菜蚜茧蜂(Diaeretiella rapae)、菜蛾绒茧蜂(Cotesia plutella)、草间小黑蛛(Erigonidum gramiaicolum)和大灰食蚜蝇(Syrphus corollae).害虫及天敌亚群落物种的丰富度、多样性、均匀度及集中性在时间序列上有变化;害虫亚群落优势集中性高,优势种突出,群落多样性及均匀性指数较低,天敌亚群落的多样性和均匀性指数较高,优势集中性较低,群落相对比较稳定.经聚类分析,害虫和天敌亚群落的14个时序群落分别被划分为4类和3类.  相似文献   

褐飞虱 ( Nilaparvatlugens)是一类水稻主要害虫。由于稻飞虱对抗虫水稻品种的适应 ,以及化学农药的毒副作用 ,其间歇性大发生的局面仍没有改变 ,因此 ,以保护利用自然天敌为主的生物防治方法日益受到重视。褐飞虱的天敌种类很多 [1~ 4 ] ,对褐飞虱的控制作用不是由某一种或几种完成的 ,而是褐飞虱天敌群落共同作用的结果 ,因而有必要在群落水平上研究褐飞虱天敌 ,了解天敌群落的结构和动态 ,从而使天敌对褐飞虱的控制作用更好地发挥。本文对综防区和非综防区稻田生境中稻飞虱卵寄生蜂群落的结构和动态进行了比较研究。1 材料与方法1 .1…  相似文献   

茶园间作不同绿肥对节肢动物群落结构和多样性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】研究在茶园中合理间作绿肥对茶园节肢动物群落结构和多样性的影响。【方法】本文在茶园中分别设间作铺地木兰+罗顿豆、圆叶决明+白三叶、白三叶+平托花生3种不同绿肥组合处理,并设不间作绿肥、常规除草的茶园为对照。【结果】间作不同绿肥均能提高茶园节肢动物群落的物种丰富度和群落多样性,提高茶园捕食性天敌昆虫、蜘蛛和寄生性天敌在茶园冠层群落的比率;不同处理茶园冠层节肢动物Shannon-wiener多样性指数(H)、Simpson指数(D)和均匀度指数变化趋势基本一致;茶冠层的节肢动物群落多样性指数在4类不同处理茶园间差异显著;间作绿肥增加了茶园的生物多样性,4类不同处理茶园茶冠层群落相似性系数在0.741~0.892之间,表明4类不同处理茶园冠层群落在物种组成上有较高的相似性。4类不同处理茶园害虫与天敌两类群功能团的丰盛度之间成显著的正相关,表明天敌对害虫的空间数量跟随效应强,主要表现为二者数量间的相互作用。灰色关联度分析表明在4类不同处理茶园中的群落节肢动物物种数/个体数、天敌物种数/害虫物种数、害虫丰富度与多样性指数和均匀度指数的关联系数较高,反应了群落的多样性和稳定性。【结论】间作增强了茶园群落的生物多样性,提高害虫天敌的种类和个体数,有利有效发挥天敌对有害生物的生态控制。  相似文献   

【目的】昆虫多样性作为生物多样性的重要组成部分,在农业生态系统中发挥重要的生物控害与传粉功能。【方法】对山东烟台3种不同防控措施的苹果园,即普通生物防治区、功能植物调控区和化学防控区进行了为期2年(2018-2019)的害虫和天敌种群调查,比较了3种不同生态措施苹果园主要害虫、天敌发生特征。【结果】发现生防区、功能植物区的绣线菊蚜Aphis citricola Vander Goot、金纹细蛾Lithocolletis ringoniella Mats.、苹果全爪螨Panonychus ulmi(Koch)发生数量比化防区都高,而其内的异色瓢虫Harmonia axyridis、中华通草蛉Chrysoperla sinica(Tjeder)、食蚜蝇Syrphidae发生数量明显比化防区高。【结论】功能植物区和生防区的天敌数量均高于化防区,在一定程度上可抑制害虫发生的种群密度;而化防区内进行化学防治控制主要害虫的同时,也对天敌数量产生一定的负影响,其害虫种群数量波动较大,容易暴发成灾。  相似文献   

苏丽  戈峰  刘向辉 《昆虫学报》2002,45(6):777-784
分析比较了化学防治对8种不同类型棉田害虫、捕食性天敌群落多样性的影响。研究结果表明,化学防治对棉田害虫、捕食性天敌群落的多样性指数、均匀性指数、丰富度及个体数的变化有较大的影响,尤其对捕食性天敌群落的影响显著。但这种作用依不同类型棉田或棉花不同生育阶段而异:化学防治对套作棉田害虫、捕食性天敌群落的影响较小,而对单作棉田和豆间棉棉田害虫、捕食性天敌群落的影响较大;晚播棉田害虫与捕食性天敌群落较早播棉田受化学防治的影响更大;化学防治对免耕棉田害虫、天敌群落的影响更大,非免耕棉田害虫、捕食性天敌群落受其干扰较小;春套棉边害虫、捕食性天敌群落与其它棉田类型相比,受化学防治的影响较少;棉花害虫在棉花生育前期对化学防治较棉花生育后期敏感,而捕食性天敌在棉花整个生育期均对化学防治敏感。  相似文献   

淮北棉田节肢动物的群落结构   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
应用多样性指数、均匀性指数、优势度、排序和聚类分析的方法研究了不同时期淮北棉田节肢动物的群落结构。结果表明 ,棉花生长前期优势种不突出 ,多样性指数、均匀性指数均较大 ,后期棉蚜发生量大 ,优势度高 ,多样性指数和均匀性指数降低。发生种类和数量与棉花生育期密切相关 ,棉花苗期害虫及天敌数量较少 ,花铃期较丰富  相似文献   

作物多样性对害虫及其天敌多样性的级联效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物物种丰富度对植食性、寄生性和捕食性节肢动物多样性的影响是群落生态学的一个重要研究内容.探讨了作物物种丰富度对害虫及其天敌多样性的影响.通过连续4年5个作物物种丰富度水平的野外实验,发现作物物种丰富度显著性影响害虫物种丰富度,但对天敌物种丰富度的影响甚微.然而,害虫物种丰富度却显著影响天敌物种丰富度.这些发现表明,相邻营养层之间的级联效应较强,而不相邻营养层之间的作用关系被中间营养层所弱化.此外,本研究还发现,混栽田中节肢动物群落稳定性高于单一种植田中节肢动物群落稳定性.本研究结果突出了不同营养层之间复杂的作用关系以及作物多样性在农业生态系统食物网中的关键性角色.  相似文献   

棉田蜘蛛群落及其多样性研究   总被引:31,自引:5,他引:26  
李代芹  赵敬钊 《生态学报》1993,13(3):205-213
本文对武汉地区棉田蜘蛛群落及其多样性进行了研究。结果如下:1)棉田蜘蛛种类较多,有30种;优势种为草间小黑蛛、三突花蛛、八斑鞘蛛和棕管巢蛛;2)控制打药区群落的多样性高于常规打药区;棉花生育后期群落的多样性高于生育前期。蜘蛛群落的多样性曲线由结网型蜘蛛亚群落的多样性曲线决定;3)棉花生育前期影响多样性的主要成分是种类丰富度,后期影响多样性的主要成分是均匀性。  相似文献   

2001~2003年在福建省云霄县进行了白僵菌超低容量油剂林间防治马尾松毛虫后对生物多样性的影响研究(包括使用前后的物种丰富度S、个体数N、多样性指数H'、均匀度指数R和优势度指数D等),结果表明,未防治区和白僵菌油剂防治区的物种数分别为473种和392种,而化学防治区的物种数只有266种;白僵菌油剂防治区天敌和害虫个体数与未防治区的比例相近,分别为0.1049:1和0.1051:1.明显高于化学防治区(0.0558:1);化学防治和白僵菌油剂防治均降低了物种的丰富度和多样性。同时也增强了物种的优势度,但化学防治区与未防区的差异显著,白僵菌油剂防治区与未防区的差异不显著,尤其对天敌和非目标昆虫无显著影响。  相似文献   

2001~2003年在福建省云霄县进行了白僵菌超低容量油剂林间防治马尾松毛虫后对生物多样性的影响研究(包括使用前后的物种丰富度S、个体数N、多样性指数H'、均匀度指数R和优势度指数D等).结果表明,未防治区和白僵菌油剂防治区的物种数分别为473种和392种,而化学防治区的物种数只有266种;白僵菌油剂防治区天敌和害虫个体数与未防治区的比例相近,分别为0.1049:1和0.1051:1,明显高于化学防治区(0.0558:1);化学防治和白僵菌油剂防治均降低了物种的丰富度和多样性,同时也增强了物种的优势度,但化学防治区与未防区的差异显著,白僵菌油剂防治区与未防区的差异不显著,尤其对天敌和非目标昆虫无显著影响.  相似文献   

1. During the spring of 1992, fifty-two quantitative diatom samples were collected from twenty-eight rivers located in the Tokyo Metropolitan area, Japan, to study the response of the diatom assemblages to water pollution (assessed using physical and chemical data determined monthly from April 1987 to March 1992). 2. Species composition was analysed by means of biotic indices (Pantle and Buck's saprobic index) and multivariate analyses [two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) for classification and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) for ordination]. Species-abundance relationships were analysed using diversity indices (species richness, Shannon's diversity index and Pielou's evenness index) and rank-abundance patterns (rank-abundance curves). 3. CCA revealed two major gradients. The first corresponded to organic pollution and eutrophication. The second corresponded to variables related to geographical location. Four main station groups were determined by TWINSPAN. The location of the indicator species of groups 1–3 along the CCA axis 1 is consistent with their known pollution tolerance characteristics. Indicator species for group 4 had larger scores on CCA axis 2, and are representative of brackish water environments. 4. Species richness tended to be higher in the intermediate range of water pollution. Pielou's evenness index and Shannon's diversity index followed the same tendency but only weakly. 5. The rank-abundance patterns of diatom assemblages were more or less constant in all stations. The curves were very similar in shape, differing only in length and gradient (directly related to species richness and evenness, respectively). 6. The results of this study indicate that the response of diatom assemblages to environmental change can be observed in species compositional variation. Multivariate analyses and pollution indices revealed this response and are to be preferred to species diversity measures.  相似文献   

广西红树林蜘蛛群落研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
韦绥概  周放 《蛛形学报》2000,9(1):33-37
广西红树林区及其近邻非红树林生境共采集到蜘蛛82种,隶属于13科49属,其中红树林区有13科32属55种。红树林区以园蛛科、非红树林区以猫蛛科和狼蛛科种类所占比例较高。角腹艾蛛是红树林区的优势种。物种多样性和丰富度红树林区比非红树林区高。  相似文献   

The relationship between crop richness and predator-prey interactions as they relate to pest-natural enemy systems is a very important topic in ecology and greatly affects biological control services. The effects of crop arrangement on predator-prey interactions have received much attention as the basis for pest population management. To explore the internal mechanisms and factors driving the relationship between crop richness and pest population management, we designed an experimental model system of a microlandscape that included 50 plots and five treatments. Each treatment had 10 repetitions in each year from 2007 to 2010. The results showed that the biomass of pests and their natural enemies increased with increasing crop biomass and decreased with decreasing crop biomass; however, the effects of plant biomass on the pest and natural enemy biomass were not significant. The relationship between adjacent trophic levels was significant (such as pests and their natural enemies or crops and pests), whereas non-adjacent trophic levels (crops and natural enemies) did not significantly interact with each other. The ratio of natural enemy/pest biomass was the highest in the areas of four crop species that had the best biological control service. Having either low or high crop species richness did not enhance the pest population management service and lead to loss of biological control. Although the resource concentration hypothesis was not well supported by our results, high crop species richness could suppress the pest population, indicating that crop species richness could enhance biological control services. These results could be applied in habitat management aimed at biological control, provide the theoretical basis for agricultural landscape design, and also suggest new methods for integrated pest management.  相似文献   

在浙南海域布设42个调查站位, 于2015年11月、2016年2月、5月和8月进行了4个航次的系统调查。针对获得的头足类样品, 运用相对重要性指数、生态位宽度和生态位重叠等生态指标, 结合非度量多维标度法(nMDS)和典范对应分析(CCA)对生态位的重叠和分化进行分析。结果表明: 调查海域有头足类14种, 优势种为剑尖枪乌贼、多钩钩腕乌贼、曼氏无针乌贼和火枪乌贼; 生态位变化范围为0.09—7.01, 多钩钩腕乌贼、剑尖枪乌贼、柏氏四盘耳乌贼和火枪乌贼为广生态位种, 四盘耳乌贼、曼氏无针乌贼和田乡枪乌贼为中生态位种, 其余为窄生态位种; 生态位重叠值范围为0.00—0.70, 种间变化较大; 影响头足类分布的最主要因素是悬浮物, 其次为叶绿素和盐度, 温度和溶氧影响相对较小, 这些环境因素综合解释了此区域头足类群落结构83%的总变异。  相似文献   

Recent declines in biodiversity have increased interest in the link between biodiversity and the provision and sustainability of ecosystem services across space and time. We mapped the complex network of interactions between herbivores and parasitoids to examine the relationship between parasitoid species richness, functional group diversity and the provision of natural pest control services. Quantitative food webs were constructed for 10 organic and 10 conventional farms. Parasitoid species richness varied from 26 to 58 species and we found a significant positive relationship between parasitoid species richness and temporal stability in parasitism rates. Higher species richness was associated with lower variation in parasitism rate. A functional group analysis showed significantly greater parasitoid species complementarity on organic farms, with on average more species in each functional group. We simulated parasitoid removal to predict whether organic farms experienced greater robustness of parasitism in the face of local extinctions. This analysis showed no consistent differences between the organic and conventional farm pairs in terms of loss of pest control service. Finally, it was found that the different habitats that make up each farm do not contribute equally to parasitoid species diversity, and that hedgerows produced more parasitoid species, significantly more so on organic farms.  相似文献   

1990年8月对梵净山和张家界两个自然保护区内蜘蛛群落进行调查,结果表明:自然保护区内蜘蛛资源极为丰富,经初步鉴定,计有蜘蛛27科85属180种,其中主要成分依次为肖蛸、园蛛、狼蛛、球蛛和皿蛛等。蜘蛛发生量折合每亩为17,585—54,000头。八个不同生境类型蜘蛛群落的种类数和密度存在明显差异;各种蜘蛛分布群在群落内的比例随栖息地结构变化而改变,因而也导致蜘蛛群落的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数,Simpson优势度和均等度等参数的变化。  相似文献   

Island biogeography of temporary wetland carabid beetle communities   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Aim The study tests if island biogeography is applicable to invertebrate communities of habitat islands in the agricultural landscape that are not fragments of formerly larger habitats. Location Thirty temporary wetlands in the agricultural landscape of northeast Germany. Methods The composition and species richness of carabid beetle communities was analysed. Habitat area, isolation, the density of temporary wetlands in the landscape, land‐use intensity and the maximum duration of flooding were recorded as independent variables. Overall species richness and wetland species richness were studied in independent regression analyses. The community composition was analysed by means of a Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA). A partial CCA was used to analyse the effect of the distance to the edge of the field after removing impacts of other independent variables. Results The area of the habitats and various measures of isolation (mean distances = 81–240 m) did not influence species richness or wetland species richness. The community composition was mainly determined by the land‐use intensity, habitat area did not have significant effects, and the distance to the edge of the field was the only effective isolation parameter. Short‐winged species were more often affected by the distance to the edge of the field than full‐winged species. Main conclusion There is evidence that the distances between the wetlands do not provide an effective barrier to the species dispersal and, therefore, metapopulation structures including subpopulations of multiple temporary wetlands might counteract local area effects on subpopulations. Short‐winged species, however, might be more affected by isolation than full‐winged species. As carabid beetle community structure in most early successional habitats is similar, these results may be representative of many agricultural landscape habitats. Nature conservancy concepts that aim to increase habitat area and habitat connectivity have successfully been applied to fragmented late‐successional habitats. The present study indicates that such concepts do not necessarily result in higher diversity or larger populations in early successional habitats.  相似文献   

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