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Birth season adult heterosexual nonkin relationships of 50 free-ranging female rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) in two social groups at Cayo Santiago, Puerto Rico were examined using focal follow (289 hr) and ad lib data. Eighty-eight percent of subjects had at least one relationship characterized by particularly high frequencies of spatial proximity, grooming, or both. These were designated “friendships.” Males intervened in aggressive interactions more frequently on behalf of Friends than non-Friends. Female aggressive support of males was extremely rare. Higher-ranking males experienced more friendships than lower-ranking males. High-ranking females had higher-ranking Friends than low-ranking females. Older females had higher-ranking Friends than younger females. Females groomed high-ranking Friends more than they were groomed by them, whereas they groomed low-ranking Friends less than they were groomed by them. In one social group, high-ranking females were more likely than low-ranking females to groom their Friends more than they were groomed by them. Males were more responsible than females for spatial proximity maintenance in 9 of 14 Friend dyads for which sufficient data were available. Neither male nor female dominance rank affected responsibility for proximity maintenance in Friend dyads. Eight of 24 females had friendships with males with whom they had completed copulations during their conception peri-ovulatory period of the preceding mating season. Two of 19 females completed peri-ovulatory copulations with Friends during the following mating season. Friendship was not correlated with either of two demonstrated female mate choice indicators: (1) proximity maintenance during estrus; or (2) cooperation with male “hip-grasp” courtship attempts. Males directed “muzzle-up” courtship signals at lower rates toward Friends than toward non-Friends. These and other investigators' results indicate that (1) protection from aggression is the primary benefit to female rhesus macaques of birth season heterosexual relationships; (2) the most effective protectors are in greatest demand as Friends; and (3) friendship has no effect or an inhibitory effect on mate choice in this species. Benefits to males of friendships were not apparent from this study but may include coalitional support against lower-ranking males.  相似文献   

The processes of female searching by male potato tuber moths,Phthorimaea operculella, were analyzed. The behavioral components to copulation were antennal cleaning, quiescence, walking, wing fanning, contact with female, hair brush display, copulation attempt, and copulation. Males did not always succeed in mating on their first attempt. Searching behavior of males changes to “area-restricted searching” after contact with a female. Males could, therefore, find females efficiently and copulate.  相似文献   

Male mating success in a multimale–multifemale group can depend on several variables: body condition, dominance, coalitions, “friendship,” or an exchange of services for mating access. Exchange patterns may also be determined by market effects or social relationships. We studied the mating tactics of males in a captive, multimale–multifemale group of rhesus macaques and the resulting patterns of mating and paternity to determine the influence of dominance rank, mating markets, and relationship quality on their mating tactics. Male rank was positively related to the total number of copulations and the number of mating partners, but did not explain male mating distribution completely. Moreover, male fertilization success was not related to male rank. Males did not exchange grooming for mating access on the same day and neither the supply nor the rank (as a proxy for quality) of receptive females affected the amount of male grooming, suggesting that market effects did not explain male mating access. However, there was a positive correlation between long-term grooming patterns of both males and females and mating access, indicating that social relationships were important for male mating access. Paternity data revealed that these social relationships were also important for male reproductive success. We conclude that both male rank and male–female “friendship” determined male mating access in these rhesus macaques, but that “friendship” was more important in determining paternity, emphasizing the importance of intersex social bonds in male mating success in multimale primate societies.  相似文献   

Tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) provide an extreme example of active female sexual solicitation of males. In spite of being targeted by females for sex, males may delay copulation for hours or days. Data were collected on the sexual interactions in one wild capuchin group at the Estação Biológica de Caratinga in Brazil from September 1996 to August 1997. All successful conceptions during this year occurred in the dry season, yet sexual behavior was observed during 9 months of the year. This study tested whether male sexual response to female proceptivity was seasonally‐mediated. Male consortship participation, solicitation of females, latency to copulation, and copulation frequency were compared between fertile and nonconceptive females. Seasonal patterns in copulation interference, mating style, and alternative mating strategies were also examined. Thirty‐two copulations were observed. The alpha male was solicited for significantly more consortship days per female, but his mating success, in terms of copulation frequency, did not differ from that of two other adult males in the group. In the dry season, when the females were fertile, the males showed increased contest competition for mates, a higher frequency of alternative mating strategies against copulation interference, and increased monitoring of the females' condition. However, contrary to expectations, the alpha male's latency to copulation was significantly longer in the fertile season than in the nonconceptive months, and no males were observed to mate more than one time per day, even at the conceptive peak. Male mating strategies were affected by both season and rank, and there was evidence for reproductive constraints on males throughout the year. Limited male ejaculatory capacity and male choice in the timing of copulations within female proceptive phases may both be important factors in driving the sexual dynamics of this species. Am. J. Primatol. 67:313–328, 2005. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This study compares adult and adolescent female rhesus macaques with regard to (1) characteristics of their copulatory partners, (2) their proceptive behaviors, and (3) adult male behaviors toward them during estrus. We conducted focal follows of 24 adolescent and 65 adult free-ranging estrous female rhesus macaques on Cayo Santiago during two mating seasons. Compared to adult females, adolescents presented sexually to males at higher rates; copulated more frequently with rankless young male, and extra-group males; and, in one of two mating seasons, were ignored more frequently by males to whom they presented sexually. Adolescents tended to copulate with ranked, resident males at higher frequencies on days when the operational sex ratio (adult males:estrous adult females) was high. Males directed “muzzle-up” signals to adolescents at lower rates than to adults in one of two mating seasons, although this effect vanished when males who might have fathered adolescent females were excluded from analysis. Adolescents did not differ consistently from adults in strength of the correlation between proximity maintenance (dyadic Hinde's Index) and copulation rate, or in approach rate to males. Adolescent females, relative to adult females, presented sexually more to rankless young males, but did not present more to ranked, resident males. Both proximate (e.g. endocrine) and ultimate (e.g. differential fecundity; female-female mate competition) explanations may account for the reported differences between adult and adolescent female rhesus macaque sexuality.  相似文献   

Sexual selection, through female choice and/or male–male competition, has influenced the nature and direction of sexual size dimorphism in numerous species. However, few studies have examined the influence of sperm competition on size dimorphism. The orb‐web spider Nephila edulis has a polygamous mating system and extreme size dimorphism. Additionally, the frequency distribution of male body size is extremely skewed with most males being small and few large. The duration of copulation, male size and sexual cannibalism have been identified as the significant factors determining patterns of sperm precedence in spiders. In double mating trials, females were assigned to three treatments: either they mated once with both males or the first or the second male was allowed to mate twice. Paternity was strongly associated with the duration of copulation, independent of mating order. Males that were allowed to mate twice not only doubled the duration of copulation but also their paternity. Small males had a clear mating advantage, they copulated longer than large males and fertilized more eggs. Males of different sizes used different tactics to mate. Large males were more likely to mate through a hole they cut into the web, whereas small males approached the female directly. Furthermore, small males usually mated at their first attempt but large males required several attempts before mating took place. There was no obvious female reaction towards males of different sizes.  相似文献   

The reproductive behavior of 6 paired, captive Bornean tarsiers was studied over an 8-month period. Seven copulations were observed. Females signalled males by visual displays and olfactory cues from vulval rubbing. Males signalled females with courtship calls heard before matings. After a courtship lasting from 1 to 2 h, copulation occurred with the male thrusting 61-190 times for 60-90 s, ending in ejaculation. The female regulated timing of mating by rejection or avoidance of the male. Multiple matings were not observed, and mating occurred once or twice a night during each night of estrus. This copulatory pattern of infrequent matings of short duration and active female solicitation and regulation of copulating timing suggests a harem or monogamous system.  相似文献   

The copulatory pattern of groups of rats (Rattus norvegicus) was studied in the laboratory in a seminatural environment. In a given mating session, every oestrous female copulated with each male; likewise, every male copulated with each oestrous female. While individual males and females experienced similar amounts of copulation, there were dramatic sex differences in sequence and temporal pattern. Males mated in a multiple intromission pattern and had more ejaculatory series when several females were in oestrus. In contrast, females received intromissions and ejaculations in a random order, not in the sequence of a male ejaculatory series. Males copulated at shorter intervals than females did, a temporal sex difference that was determined by the pattern of female solicitations and male approaches. These sex differences are used to discuss the different units of analysis that are appropriate for male and female sexual behaviour in this species. Furthermore, the sex differences in the temporal pattern of copulation which emerged during group mating parallel the known sex differences in the temporal parameters of the neuroendocrine reflexes which mediate successful reproduction in the domestic strain.  相似文献   

灵长类交配模式是灵长类社群结构和婚配制度的重要表征之一,其研究有助于了解灵长类社群结构和两性交配策略。2013年11月至2014年10月,我们对云南白马雪山国家级自然保护区一人工辅助投食滇金丝猴群进行了观察研究,采用焦点动物取样法和全事件记录法收集了雌雄个体的交配相关的行为数据,主要包括邀配对象、交配过程、持续时间和回合数,以及参与交配的雌雄对在交配结束后的相互理毛的持续时间和回合数。研究结果表明:研究群滇金丝猴全年均有交配行为,交配高峰期在7-9月,两性参与交配的积极性和对季节变化的响应不同;交配主要由雌性通过邀配发动(76%),交配高峰期也是雌性邀配的高峰期;雄性爬跨频次(年均0.43次/月,n=5)和射精爬跨比(年均19%,n=5)则在全年无显著变化。交配行为发生的典型表现为:雌性通过小跑或跳跃进入雄性视线范围内,爬伏呈臀向雄性邀配;雌猴爬伏时离雄猴的远近距离不同(<1m vs. 2-5m : 69% vs. 31%)会影响其邀配成功率(<1 m vs. 2-5 m :68% vs. 40%);若一次邀配失败,雌猴可能会连续爬伏邀配(最多4次),连续多次邀配的成功率显著高于单次邀配(79% vs. 52%)。交配结束后雌性会主动为雄性理毛,但雌性主动理毛与交配是否射精无关。  相似文献   

Sociobiologists and feminists agree that men in patriarchal social systems seek to control females, but sociobiologists go further, using Darwin’s theory of sexual selection and Trivers’s ideas on parental investment to explain why males should attempt to control female sexuality. From this perspective, the stage for the development under some conditions of patriarchal social systems was set over the course of primate evolution. Sexual selection encompasses both competition between males and female choice. But in applying this theory to our “lower origins” (prehominid ancestors), Darwin assumed that choices were made by essentially “coy” females. I argue here that female solicitation of multiple males (either simultaneously or sequentially, depending on the breeding system) characterized prehominid females; this prehominid legacy of cyclical sexual assertiveness, itself possibly a female counter-strategy to male efforts to control the timing of female reproduction, generated further male counter-strategies. This dialectic had important implications for emerging hominid mating systems, human evolution, and the development of patriarchal arrangements in some human societies. For hominid males who will invest in offspring, there would be powerful selection for emotions, behaviors, and customs that ensure them certainty of paternity. The sexual modesty that so struck Darwin can be explained as a recent evolved or learned (perhaps both) adaptation in women to avoid penalties imposed by patrilines on daughters and mates who failed to conform to the patriline’s prevailing norms for their sex. Other supposedly innate universals, such as female preferences for wealthy husbands, are also likely to be facultative accommodations by women to constraints set up when patrilines monopolized resources needed by females to survive and reproduce, and passed on intergenerational control of these resources preferentially to sons.  相似文献   

Some dyads of Japanese monkey adult males and females show remarkable spatial proximity and frequent exchanges of social behaviors. It is suggested that some kind of “affinity” exists between them. Females obtain much unilateral benefit from “proximity effects”; even lowranking females can dominate high-ranking females as long as they stay nearby their “affinitive” males. Males acquire female followers in return. Mating relations and female mother-daughter relations play important roles in forming new “affinitive relations.” Once monkeys have formed “affinitive relations,” however, they seldom mate with each other, as if they were kin-related. Therefore, the acquisition of female followers appears inconsistent with a male's strategy for reproducing many genes in the next generation. This study was financed partly by the Cooperative Research Fund of the Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University. The outline of this paper has already been published inTakahata (1980b).  相似文献   

In a 6-week study of the social behavior of wild Sulawesi crested black macaques (Macaca nigra), we found a linear and transitive dominance hierarchy among the six adult males in one social group. Dominance rank, as determined by the direction of supplantations, correlated strongly with percentage of time near more than four neighbors, frequency of grooming received from adult females, and percentage of time with an adult female as nearest neighbor. These results suggest that high-ranking males are socially attractive. Adult females sexually solicited high-ranking males more often than low-ranking males, but frequency of copulation was not correlated with dominance rank. Frequency and intensity of aggression between males are strongly correlated with rank distance, but aggression toward females was greatest for mid-ranking males. Males of all rank displayed significantly more aggression toward sexually receptive females than toward females in other estrous states. These data indicate that male Sulawesi crested black macaques display a social organization similar to that reported for multimale groups in other macaque species rather than the egalitarian social organization described for female Sulawesi macaques.  相似文献   

Male agonistic displays may allow males to assess competitors, females to assess mates, or could be directed at cycling females to sexually coerce them. We analysed the display output of 26 male ursine colobus monkeys (Colobus vellerosus) in four groups over 13‐mo at the Boabeng‐Fiema Monkey Sanctuary, Ghana. Display indices (including three behaviours, loud calls, stiff‐legs, and jump‐displays) were calculated for males in each group. Males vary in their expression of these behaviours suggesting they are sexually selected signals. We investigated the target of displays and whether display indices varied in relation to male dominance rank, eviction of other males, copulation rate, and proceptive behaviours received from females, to assess the primary function of these behaviours. Male displays decreased in vigour over time and were targeted to other groups and males. High‐ranking males displayed more than low‐ranking males. Alpha male display indices correlated with the number of other males evicted from the group. Display rates were generally higher when cycling females were present in the group. However, neither male display index nor rank correlated with copulation rates. Alpha and non‐alpha males gave cycling females equal rates of sexual solicitations; likewise cycling females showed no difference in the rates of proceptive behaviours directed towards alpha and non‐alpha males. Females mated promiscuously and did not seem to base mating decisions on male display output, although data on female hormones is needed to determine if they mate with strongly displaying males more in the periovulatory period. The male–male competition hypothesis received the greatest support, with some support for the female mate choice hypothesis. Although behaviours that appeared sexually coercive were observed, the function of male displays did not seem to be sexual coercion. Displays were rarely directed at females and males that displayed more did not have greater mating success.  相似文献   

Assortative mating is non-random mating by the mutual choice of phenotypes or behavioral types. In polygynandrous species, competition for mating by social rank can lead to assortative mating. However, although not an individual trait, social bonds also influence mating opportunities resembling assortative mating. Stump-tailed macaques form long-term close bonds and organize in a linear dominance–subordination hierarchy. Therefore, we studied whether the strength of the social bond and rank closeness influenced mating decisions and increased mating opportunities, particularly for low- and middle-ranking animals. Firstly, we observed whether females directed proceptive behavior to close-bonded or adjacent rank males. Secondly, we measured whether successful copulations were related to the strength of social bonds and close ranking. Thirdly, to ensure that copulations owed mainly to the aforementioned factors, we also evaluated whether sexual coercion was unrelated to social bonds and rank similarities. Finally, we assessed whether close bonds mediated agonistic support to females. The study subjects were 12 adult female and 11 male captive stump-tailed macaques. We monitored daily females' reproductive status by vaginal cytology. Sexual behavior was recorded by all occurrences sampling and scan sampling to collect the agonistic and affiliative instances required to calculate social ranks, social bond strength, and agonistic support. The results indicated that the probability of females displaying proceptivity increased during the follicular phase toward close-bonded and high-ranking males. Copulation chances increased with male–female social bonds and rank closeness. Forced copulation decreased in close-bonded individuals, while agonistic support increased in close-ranking strong-bonded animals. In conclusion, close social bonds and similar social rank result in non-random mating in stump-tailed macaques.  相似文献   

The mating behavior of the male feral cat (Felis catus) living on a small island was investigated. The cats in the study area (6.0 ha) formed the “feeding groups” at the garbage sites (Yamane et al. 1994; Izawa et al. 1982). We examined the factors influencing fighting ability, rank during courtship, and mating success of the male cat. Males with heavier body weight mostly won over lighter males in the agonistic encounters during the estrous season. Heavier males occupied the more advantageous positions to copulate with the estrous females and had higher mating success. These results suggest that body weight was one of the important factors affecting the courtship rank and the mating success of the male cat. When males visited and courted the females of feeding groups other than their own, they were sometimes defeated by the lighter males in that particular group, which lowered their courtship rank and success in copulations. These results indicate that the location of the courting male (inside or outside of its own group) and the kind of females they courted (member of the same group or not) were also important factors.  相似文献   

Widemo F  Owens IP 《Animal behaviour》1999,58(6):1217-1221
Lek size varies greatly among lekking species. At present there is no explicit theoretical explanation for this diversity. We extend an existing model of optimal lek size that incorporates female mating preferences and male-male contest competition. The model shows that variation in lek size is predicted by the interaction between lek size, overall copulation rate and the proportion of copulations accruing to males of different rank. In species where females prefer to mate on the largest leks and high-ranking males are able to monopolize females irrespective of the size of the lek, the maximum lek size will be large. Conversely, in species where females show weak preference for mating on large leks or increasing lek size quickly results in scramble competition, the maximum lek size will be smaller. Thus, differences between species in lek size may be due largely to differences in the extent to which high-ranking males can monopolize mating opportunities. Leks become unstable and break down when high-ranking males can no longer get their 'expected' copulation success. Therefore, the mechanism that generates male clustering, that is, sexual parasitism of high-ranking males by subordinates, also sets a limit to the largest stable lek size. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

This study examined sexual and other social behavior in relation to menstrual cycle phase in four mixed-sex social groups of Cebus apella. Groups consisted of two adult males and either six or nine adult females. Menstrual cycles of high (rank 1–2) and low (rank 3–7) dominance-rank females from each group were monitored via vaginal swabs, and correlated with data collected from ongoing behavioral observations. Only cycles bounded by positive detection of menstrual blood were included in this analysis (n = 15 females, 182 cycles; mean ± s.d., cycle length = 20.8 ± 1.2 days). Rates of copulation and female solicitation of males varied significantly with cycle phase, with highest rates at midcycle. While total rates of solicitation and copulation did not vary with female dominance rank, copulation rates with the dominant male were significantly greater for high ranking females than for low ranking ones. Variance observed in affiliative and agonistic behaviors, including those with males, was attributable to female rank rather than cycle phase. Females and males were also observed attempting to interfere with copulations of lower ranking same-sex individuals. Although further study, particularly of wild populations, is needed, these results indicate that female-female reproductive competition should be included as a component of the capuchin breeding system. As in other primate species, both social and hormone-related factors influence the sexual behavior of Cebus apella. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

APieris melete male emits species-specific scent from the wings, while a virgin female ofP. melete is frequently observed to take the so-called “mate-refusal posture” in response to courting males. The role of the male scent in the mating behavior ofP. melete was investigated experimentally by using scented and scentless male models. It is suggested that the male wing scent can function primarily as a sex pheromone to “seduce” the virgin females that assume the mate-refusal posture, and can therefore induce a successful copulation. This work was financially supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.  相似文献   

Aggressive dominance orders of all adults in a confined troop of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) were determined each mating and birth season during a 4-year interval. Males outranked more females in the mating than in the birth season, and some males shifted back and forth from ranks lower than female ranks in the birth season to ranks higher than female ranks in the mating season. Mating behaviour (number of female partners in mount and ejaculation series and ejaculation frequency) did not differ among males with ranks higher than, as high as, or lower than those of most females, nor did individual males mate more in years, when they were high-ranking than in years when they were not. There was a correlation, however, between ejaculation frequency and the number of females defeated by males. A pattern of increasing male rank with age was found.  相似文献   

Male mating behavior of a Japanese pond frog,Rana porosa brevipoda, was observed in an enclosed pond. Males organized chorus aggregation during the night. Within the chorus, most males defended “floating” territories. Territorial males exhibited 2 types of calls: advertisement and encounter. Mating occurred primarily in male territories with female initiation, while most spawning occurred outside of the territories. After spawning, males returned to their territories and resumed display behavior. The mating system of this frog is analogous to the typical lek system. Alternative male mating tactics, including satellite and ambush behavior, were also observed. Satellite and ambush males mated with females through forced clasping.  相似文献   

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