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广西隆林祥播中二叠世生物礁的钙藻化石   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
吴亚生 《古生物学报》1991,30(6):750-767
本文描述了广西隆林祥播中二叠世茅口期生物礁中的钙藻化石17属18种,其中新属5个:Paralithoporella gen. nov., Guangxilamina gen. nov., Favoporella gen. nov., Sinophyllum gen. nov.,和Monostysisyrinx gen. nov.; 新种9个:Solenopora guangxien sis sp. nov., Paralithoporella sincrisis gen. et sp. nov., Guangxilamina incompta gen. et sp. nov., Favoporella hexagona gen. et sp. nov., Ivanovia permica sp. nov., Anchicodium expressum sp. nov., Sinophyllum hexagonum gen. et sp. nov., Sphaeroporella minima gen. et sp. nov., Monostysisyrinx circula ris gen. et sp. nov.。本文还建立一新科——Monostysi sy rinaceae。在当前生物礁中,钙藻是重要的造礁生物,可以起造架、粘结、障积等作用,也可作为居礁生物或造粒生物  相似文献   

记山西榆社晚新生代鼠科化石新属种   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
本文描述了山西榆社盆地晚新生代鼠科化石中的新属种:Huaxiamys primitivus gen. et sp. nov., Huaxiamys downsi gen. et sp. nov., Micromys tedfordi sp. nov., Apodemus qiui sp. nov., Apodemus zhangwagouensis sp. nov.,  相似文献   

描述哈格鸣螽科化石2新属7新种:Circulaboilu aureus gen.et sp.nov.,Circulaboilus amoenus gen.et sp.nov.,Furcaboilus excelsus gen.et sp.nov.,Aboilus stratosus sp.nov.,Aboilus cornutus sp.nov.,Pseudohagala shihi sp.nov.,Bacharaboilus jurassicus sp.nov..标本采自于内蒙古宁城道虎沟中侏罗世九龙山组地层和辽宁西部晚侏罗世义县组地层,现保存于首都师范大学生命科学学院.  相似文献   

辽西义县组细蜂总科(昆虫纲,膜翅目)昆虫化石   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
描述了产自辽宁北票上园地区黄半吉沟上株罗统义县组下部细蜂总科(Proctotrupoidea)昆虫化石10属12种,其中8属12新种,这些化石分属于3科,其中Gurvanotrupes stolidus sp.nov.,Gurvanotrupes exiguus sp.nov.,Liaoserphus perarus gen.et sp.no.,alloserphus saxosus gen.et sp.nov.,Scalprogaster fossilis gen.et sp.nov.,steleoserphus beipiaoensis gen.et sp.nov.,Saucrotrupes decorosus gen.et sp.nov和Ocnoserbphous sculptus gen.et sp.nov.归入细蜂科(Serphidae=Proctotrupidae);Protocyrtus validus sp.nov.和Spherogaster cornoata gen.et sp,nov。归入柄腹细蜂科(heloridae);Liaoropronia leonina gen.et sp.nov和Liaoropronia regia gen.et sp.nov.归入窄腹细蜂科(Roproniidae),对我们中生代细蜂总科化石的研究状况作了回顾。  相似文献   

描述中生蝎蛉科Mesopanorpodidae Tillyard,1918化石2新属3新种:宽翅柱状蝎蛉Stylopanorpodes eurypterus gen.et sp.nov.,华美纺锤蝎蛉Netropanorpodes decorosus gen.et sp.nov.,多刺纺锤蝎蛉Netropanorpodes sentosus gen.et sp.nov..所有化石标本均采于内蒙古宁城道虎沟中侏罗世九龙山组地层,模式标本现保存于首都师范大学生命科学学院.  相似文献   

蜘蛛寄生革螨1新属2新种(蜱螨亚纲:巨刺螨科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马立名 《蛛形学报》2002,11(1):8-13
报道巨刺螨科Macronyssidae 1新属2新种:广西蛛刺螨 Arachnyssus guang.riensis gen.et sp. nov.和虎纹蛛刺螨 Arachnyssus huwenae gen.et sp. nov., 均寄生于虎纹捕鸟蛛 Ormthoctonus huwena Wang et al., 1993。  相似文献   

文中记述内蒙古赤峰地区中生代锹甲化石2新属4新种.道虎沟中侏罗统的Juraesalus atavus gen.et sp.nov.是最古老的金龟总科化石.其余3种,Sinaesalus longipes gen.et sp.nov.,S.curvipes gen.et sp.nov.和S.tenuipes gen.et...  相似文献   

记述中国长角枝(螩)亚科1新属及5新种:微翅股(螩) Lopaphus micropterus sp.nov.,广东玛异(螩) Marmessoidea guangdongensis sp.nov.,树椿拟管(螩)Pseudosipyloidea shuchuni gen.et sp.nov.,大明山拟管(螩) Pseudosipyloidea damingshanensis gen.et sp.nov.及刺突臀(螩) Scionecra spinosa sp.nov..新种模式标本存放于上海昆虫博物馆及香港昆虫学会.  相似文献   

试论织金壳科Zhijinitidae的构造、亲缘、分类及其地层意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文叙述了贵州织金、新疆乌什两地区,早寒武世梅树村阶和筇竹寺阶的Zhijinitidae科的3个属Zhijinites Qian 1978,Cambroclavus Mambetov 1979,Parazhijinites gen.et sp.nov.和7个种 Zhijinites longistriatus Qian,Z.minutus Qian,Z.panduriformis sp.nov.,Z.cordiformis sp.nov.,Z.triangularis sp.nov.,Cambroclavus paradoxus sp.nov.,Parazhijinites quizhouensis gen.et sp.nov.的形态特征和应使用的构造术  相似文献   

河北蔚县中侏罗世苔藓植物   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
记述了河北蔚县中侏罗统乔儿涧组的8种苔藓植物化石:Hepaticites elegans sp. nov., H. hebeiensis sp. nov., H. sp., cf. H. solenotus, Riccardiopsis hsüi gen. et sp. nov., Metzgerites yuxianensis gen. et sp. nov., M. exhibens g1n. et sp. nov., Marchantiolites sulcatus sp. nov.。通过扫描电镜和显微镜对这些化石的形态特征和细胞构造的观察和研究,发现有些属种与现代苔纲的某些科属具有一定的亲缘关系;此外对本区苔藓植物化石的生态型、古地理、古气候等问题也作了初步探讨。  相似文献   

In this paper, five new pollen genera and twenty new pollen species of angiospermae from the Late Cretaceous of a certain basin in central China are described. Four new organ genera and their species include: Morinoipollenites normalis gen. et sp. nov., Morinoipollenites minor gen. et sp. nov., Morinoipollenites polyprojectus gen. et sp. nov., Morinoipollenites rhombiformis gen. et sp. nov., Jianghanpollis ringens gen. et sp. nov., Jianghanpollis, mikros gen. et sp. nov., Jianghanpollis radiatus gen. et sp. nov., Jianghanpollis sayangensis gen. et sp. nov., Jianghanpollis arciformis gen. et sp. nov., Myoporumpollonites variabilis gen. et sp. nov., Myoporumpollenites striatus gen. et sp. nov., Lythraites giganteus Yu, Guo et Mao gen. et sp. nov. Lythraites clavatus sp. nov., Lythraites dilutus sp. nov., Lythraites magnus sp. nov., Lythraites varrustriatus sp. nov., Lythraites pachyrrhachis sp. nov.; the new-form genus and its species are: Crassimarginpollenites reticulatus gen. et sp. nov., Crassimerginpollenites mirus gen. et sp. nov., Crassimarginpollenites psilatus gen. et sp. nov. The new pollen genera and their species described herein have been compared in some details with recent pollens and considered their affinity with such recent families as Dipsacaceae, Myoporaceae, Apocynaceae and Lythraceae. According to the age of the pollen-bearing strata, a preliminary discussion is made regarding to the taxonomy of the recent plants families with which our new described pollens are related. Hence, this study may provide some mieropalaeobotanical information for deciphering 'the phylogeny of these plants.  相似文献   

中国东北晚侏罗世虻类化石(昆虫纲:双翅目)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文论述了辽宁西部上侏罗统虻类6个科的化石,包括1新科,10个新属和15个新种。其中Palaepangonius eupterus gen.et sp.nov.,Elpangonius pletus gen,et sp.nov.和Allomyia ruderalis gen.et sp.nov.均属于虻科(Tabanidae);Orsobrachyceron chinensis gen.et sp  相似文献   

Abstract:  A diverse fauna of three-dimensionally preserved sponges is described from nearshore volcanogenic sandstones near Llandrindod, Mid-Wales. The fauna was preserved through early marginal silicification, in rare examples with silicification of soft tissue, and includes aspicular and spicular demosponges, hexactinellids, and a heteractinid. The fauna is largely endemic, with the following new species, genera and families erected: Onerosiconcha gregalia gen. et sp. nov., Ordinisabulo quadragintaforma gen. et sp. nov., Miritubus erinaceus gen. et sp. nov., Vadosifistula milvus gen. et sp. nov., Polycornua trescelestus gen. et sp. nov. (Pseudolanciculidae fam. nov.), P. entropus sp. nov., Palaeocallyoides improbabilis gen. et sp. nov., Reticulicymbalum tres gen. et sp. nov., Triactinella rigbyi gen. et sp. nov. (Triactinellidae, fam. nov.), Spissiparies minuta gen. nov., Brevicirrus arenaceus gen. et sp. nov., Pyritonema scopula sp. nov. (Pyritonemidae, fam. nov.) and Microastraeum tenuis gen. et sp. nov. In addition, Pseudolancicula Webby and Trotter is recorded outside Australia for the first time, although only as isolated spicules. The environment represented by this fauna has not previously yielded articulated sponges, and thus the apparent endemism may be misleading.  相似文献   

辽西义县组长节锯蜂科(昆虫纲,膜翅目)昆虫化石   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
描述产自辽宁西部北票上园地区和凌源大王杖子义县组长节锯蜂科(Xyelidae)巨长节锯蜂亚科(Macroxyelinae)昆虫化石12种,归于4族8属,其中6新属12新种,包括Angaridyela robusta sp.nov.,Angaridyela exculpta sp.nov.,Angaridyela suspecta sp.nov.,Angaridyela endemica sp.no  相似文献   

本文描述古蝉科化石2新属、6新种,即Liaocossushuegen.etsp.nov.,L.beipiaoensisgen.etsp.nov,L.exiguusgen.etsp.nov,L.fengningensisgen.etsp.nov,L.Pingquanensisgen.etsp.nov.,Miracossusingentiusgen.etsp.nov.。这批化石保存有完整的虫体标本,使作者能够进一步研究古蝉类化石的虫体特征。化石采于冀北和辽西晚侏罗世义县组地层中,保存在中国地质博物馆。  相似文献   

In Hal Nan Island, Lei Zhou Peninsula and some basins of Guang Dong Province Tertiary deposits are up to 5000 meters thick, contaning very rich pollen and spores. Palynological research has been going on since 1975. This paper is only dealing with some new pollen types and main palynofloristical characters. 4 new genera and 9 new species are described. They are: Trilobapollis gen. nov., Operculumpollis gen. nov., Utriculariapollis gen. nov. and Trilobapolliseptus gen. nov. et sp. nov., Trilobapollis ellipticus gen. nov. et sp. nov., Pilosipollis elegans gen. nov. et sp. nov., Oper culumpollis operculatus gen. nov. et sp. nov., Utriculariapollis tetratremites gen. nov. et sp. nov., Utriculariapollis tritremites gen. nov. et sp. nov., IlexpoUenites membranous sp. nov., Tricolpites tenuicolpus sp. nov., Vcrrutricolporites pachydermis.  相似文献   

Until now, only two Psychodoidea were known from Lebanese amber. We describe two new genera and species of Phlebotomidae ( Mesophlebotomites hennigi gen. et sp. nov., Libanophlebotomus lutfallahi gen. et sp. nov.) and four new genera with six new species of Psychodidae ( Paleopsychoda solignaci gen. et sp. nov., Paleopsychoda jacquelinae sp. nov., Protopsychoda nadiae gen. et sp. nov., Protopsychoda hammanaensis sp. nov., Libanopsychoda abillamai gen. et sp. nov., Cretapsychoda inexpectata gen. et sp. nov.) from the Lower Cretaceous amber of Hammana/Mdeirij, Lebanon. These fossils are included in a phylogenetic analysis of the subfamilies of Psychodoidea. This superfamily was probably as diverse in the Early Cretaceous as now.  相似文献   

Abstract  A new family, Grammolingiidae of fossil lacewings is erected, of which 3 new genera and 6 new species are described and illustrated: Grammolingia boi . gen. nov. et sp. nov., Lithlingia rhra gen. nov. et sp. nov., Litholingia eumopha gen. nov. et sp. nov. and Litholingiu polychotom gen. nov. et sp. nov., Leptolingia jurassica gen. nov. et sp. nov. and Leptolingia tianyiensis gen. noc. et sp. nov. A key to genera within this new family is provided. All specimens described were collected from the Middle Jurassic Jiulongshan Formation of Eastern Inner Mongolia, China. The present discovery demonstrates that present knowledge of the Jurassic Neuropetra fauna remains very poor. The fossil specimens are deposited in Yizhou Fossil Museum and Department of Biology, Capital Normal University, respectively.  相似文献   

The rich fauna of Late Devonian (Late Frasnian) siliceous sponges from the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland is composed of 15 species and 11 genera. Both astylospongid demosponges (lithistids) and hexactinosan hexactinellids are present. The following new genera and/or species are proposed: D regulara Rigby and Pisera sp. nov., Jazwicella media Rigby and Pisera gen. et sp. nov., Astyloscyphia irregularia Rigby and Pisera gen. et sp. nov., A. turbinata Rigby and Pisera gen. et sp. nov., Astylotuba modica Rigby and Pisera gen. et sp. nov., Paleoregulara cupula Rigby and Pisera gen. et sp. nov., Paleoramospongia bifurcata Rigby and Pisera gen. et sp. nov., Cordiospongia conica Rigby and Pisera gen. et sp. nov., Paleocraticularia elongata Rigby and Pisera gen. et sp. nov., P gigantia Rigby and Pisera gen. et sp. nov., Polonospongiadevonica Rigby and Pisera gen. et sp. nov., P fistulata Rigby and Pisera gen. et sp. nov., Urnospongia modica Rigby and Pisera gen. et sp. nov., and Conicospongia annulata Rigby and Pisera gen. et sp. nov. The investigated fauna contains the youngest astylospongiids known and the oldest well-preserved, and most diversified Palaeozoic hexactinosans. The sponge fauna constituted a significant element of a brachiopod-coral-sponge assemblage that inhabited a deep slope of the local Dyminy Reef structure, during its final phase of growth, in a clearly hemipelagic setting. This fauna is limited to the intrashelf depression within an incipiently drowned carbonate platform.  相似文献   

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