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【目的】通过比较不同时期的H9N2亚型禽流感流行毒株HA基因的分子特征和变异频率,揭示免疫压力下病毒的遗传演化趋势。【方法】选取源于课题组的40株鸡源H9N2毒株,以及从Gen Bank下载的136株中国鸡源H9N2流行毒株和7株经典毒株的序列,利用Lasergen 7.1和MEGA 5.1等软件,对其HA基因进行系统演化、分子特征和变异频率分析。【结果】系统发育分析表明,近20年的鸡源H9N2流行株分属于BJ94、Y280和S2等谱系,优势流行株的分布与年代密切相关。氨基酸序列比较显示,H9N2病毒不同谱系之间具有各自的特征,且存在着明显的氨基酸变异积累。以Ck/BJ/1/1994 HA基因为参照,1994–2014年间,H9N2流行株核苷酸和氨基酸的年均进化率分别为5.73×10^(–3)和4.25×10^(–3)。其中,2011–2014年的核苷酸(氨基酸)年均进化率为6.35×10^(–3)(5.32×10^(–3)),明显高于2006–2010年5.22×10^(–3)(3.70×10^(–3)),更显著高于疫苗推广初期1999–2005年的0.74×10^(–3)(0.50×10^(–3))。【结论】H9N2疫苗株和流行毒株的不匹配是病毒变异频率加快的重要原因。  相似文献   

选取13株国内2001~2004年分离的新城疫流行病毒(Newcastle disease virus,NDV),经蚀斑纯化,克隆其融合蛋白(F)和血凝素.神经氨酸酶(HN)基因,结合疫苗株La Sota、Clone30和国内标准强毒株F48E9等的基因序列,进行遗传变异分析.利用纯化的病毒制备特异阳性血清,进行鸡胚交叉中和试验,确定不同NDV毒株之间的抗原相关性,并与NDV不同毒株之间的HN和F基因核苷酸(氨基酸)同源性进行相关比较.结果表明:病毒中和指数与HN基因的核苷酸(氨基酸)同源性显著相关(P<0.01,r=-0.35),与F基因呈弱相关(P<0.05,r=0.20),而与F基因前374bp的核甘酸同源性不相关.这表明,NDV的分子变异已经对NDV的抗原性变异产生了影响,研制新型的疫苗成为必然.  相似文献   

为探讨新城疫病毒(Newcastle disease virus,NDV)血凝素-神经氨酸酶(HN)和磷蛋白(P)基因遗传特性以及相互关系,将1997~2005年间国内分离到12株NDV毒株,分别进行HN和P基因克隆测序,结合15个已发表的国内外不同时期的NDV毒株HN和P基因,计算所有毒株HN和P基因的不同核苷酸和氨基酸片段进化距离,利用统计软件进行了不同片段间进化距离的方差分析,HN或P基因核苷酸进化距离与毒株分离时间、HN或P基因片段与其全长间以及HN和P基因全长间的相关分析.统计分析显示:NDV HN或P基因不同核苷酸和氨基酸序列片段变异程度不一样;不同毒株间HN或P基因片段与其全长间以及HN和P基因全长间无论是核苷酸还是氨基酸遗传变异高度相关.以上说明,NDV HN和P基因虽以不同的方式进化,但是HN和P基因遗传变异的趋势是相同的.HN和P基因的变异与分离时间有一定的联系.  相似文献   

运用针对NDV囊膜糖蛋白(HN)的单克隆抗体(MAbs), 对2005~2006年间自我国江苏和广西部分地区的20株NDV分离株进行排谱试验, 初步分析了不同毒株之间HN蛋白的抗原表位差异; 并应用RT-PCR技术成功扩增了其HN基因整个编码区, 经克隆、测序最终获得13株鸡源NDV与7株鹅源NDV HN基因的编码区序列, 分析测定核苷酸序列及推导的氨基酸序列, 并将 鹅源NDV与鸡源NDV相应序列进行了比较。结果单抗排谱试验表明, 20株NDV分离株之间 HN蛋白的抗原表位存在差异; 测序结果表明, 测定的HN基因的编码区长度皆为1716nt编码571个氨基酸; 分离株中18株基因Ⅶ型NDV分离株之间HN基因编码区核苷酸序列具有较高的同 源性,达94.8%~100%; 与近几年国内流行的其它基因Ⅶ型NDV之间的核苷酸序列同源性 为92.1%~99.6%。对其推导的HN蛋白一级结构中潜在的糖基化位点及HN蛋白细胞受体结合相关区域的氨基酸序列等进行了比较分析。结果显示, 单抗排谱差异显著株在部分氨基酸位点发生了突变; 同时揭示我国部分地区同期流行的鹅源NDV与鸡源NDV HN基因之间具有较近的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

新城疫分离毒HN蛋白的抗原性初步分析及分子特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用针对NDV囊膜糖蛋白(HN)的单克隆抗体(MAbs),对2005~2006年间自我国江苏和广西部分地区的20株NDV分离株进行排谱试验,初步分析了不同毒株之间HN蛋白的抗原表位差异;并应用RT-PCR技术成功扩增了其HN基因整个编码区,经克隆、测序最终获得13株鸡源NDV与7株鹅源NDV HN基因的编码区序列,分析测定核苷酸序列及推导的氨基酸序列,并将鹅源NDV与鸡源NDV相应序列进行了比较.结果单抗排谱试验表明,20株NDV分离株之间HN蛋白的抗原表位存在差异;测序结果表明,测定的HN基因的编码区长度皆为1716nt编码571个氨基酸;分离株中18株基因Ⅶ型NDV分离株之间HN基因编码区核苷酸序列具有较高的同源性,达94.8%~100%;与近几年国内流行的其它基因Ⅶ型NDV之间的核苷酸序列同源性为92.1%~99.6%.对其推导的HN蛋白一级结构中潜在的糖基化位点及HN蛋白细胞受体结合相关区域的氨基酸序列等进行了比较分析.结果显示,单抗排谱差异显著株在部分氨基酸位点发生了突变;同时揭示我国部分地区同期流行的鹅源NDV与鸡源NDV HN基因之间具有较近的亲缘关系.  相似文献   

为了解我国现流行的F基因型腮腺炎病毒全基因组的基因特征,本研究选择对腮腺炎病毒F基因型参考株MuVi/Shandong.CHN/4.05[F]进行全基因组测序,结合其它来自于GenBank的腮腺炎病毒全基因组序列,共同分析我国流行的F基因型腮腺炎病毒的全基因组特征及其与现有疫苗株的遗传差异及抗原位点变异情况。通过研究发现,和腮腺炎病毒其它基因型相比,腮腺炎毒株MuVi/Shandong.CHN/4.05[F]全基因组核苷酸差异在3.8%~6.5%之间,其中与A基因型(疫苗株)差异最大,与B和N基因型差异最小。腮腺炎毒株MuVi/Shandong.CHN/4.05[F]和疫苗株在全基因组序列上分别存在26个和25个N-糖基化位点,和疫苗株相比,腮腺炎毒株MuVi/Shandong.CHN/4.05[F]在HN蛋白上第464~466氨基酸位点上增加了一个N-糖基化位点,而其它基因型的腮腺炎病毒在这个位点上也均为N-糖基化位点。另外,腮腺炎毒株MuVi/Shandong.CHN/4.05[F]和疫苗株在其它已知的抗原相关位点上也存在着氨基酸变异。我国现流行的腮腺炎流行株与腮腺炎病毒其它基因型及疫苗株之间在全基因组上已存在较大的差异,提示需进一步加强对国内现有腮腺炎流行株与疫苗株之间的遗传变异分析,系统评价当前疫苗的免疫保护效果。  相似文献   

从GenBank检索并下载了我国近40年的麻疹病毒血凝素蛋白(H)和核蛋白(N)的全基因组序列,用Bioedit7.0软件对参考株和代表株进行序列比对,并进行氨基酸进化树的构建,进一步从氨基酸层面分析麻疹流行株的变化速率。结果显示麻疹病毒H蛋白发生的变异,表现为近十年的变异率(1.33×10-3)大约为前三十年变异率(0.95×10-3)的1.4倍,而N蛋白发生的变异,表现为近些年的变异率(1.90×10-3)大约为前三十年变异率(1.01×10-3)的1.8倍。本研究结果提示麻疹病毒近年变异率有增快的趋势,今后需加强对麻疹病毒基因型变异和演变的监测。  相似文献   

【目的】了解2012–2015年江淮地区猪丹毒杆菌分离株血清型分布、spaA基因遗传进化关系和基因分型特征。【方法】收集临床分离鉴定的42株猪丹毒杆菌,应用琼脂扩散沉淀实验、PCR扩增和序列分析技术、脉冲场凝胶电泳分型技术(PFGE)分别测定分离株的血清型、spaA基因遗传变异性及PFGE基因型。【结果】42株猪丹毒杆菌分离株血清型均为1a型;spaA基因与猪丹毒杆菌国内外参考株核苷酸序列相似性为98.5%–100%,分离株在第609 bp处出现T突变为G、769 bp处C突变为A,对应的氨基酸第203位Ile突变为Met、第257位Leu突变为Ile,为Met-203、Ile-257型;分离株形成8个PFGE基因型,相似度达88.8%–100%,优势基因型为ER2 (54.8%),弱毒疫苗G4T10和GC42株独立为同一个基因型。【结论】江淮地区致病猪丹毒杆菌流行血清型为1a型,spaA基因相似性高,分离株变异小、源于同一克隆系,Met-203、Ile-257型菌株致病力强,是江淮地区猪丹毒发生与流行的主要致病菌型。  相似文献   

新城疫分离毒HN基因的分子特性和片段同源相关性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
选取国内1997-2005年分离的新城疫病毒(Newcastle disease virus,NDV)24株,经蚀斑纯化克隆其血凝素-神经氨酸酶(HN)基因,与在GenBank发表的36株国内外不同时期的NDV毒株,进行氨基酸遗传变异分析,并利用SPSS8.0软件对其不同片段的氨基酸进行同源相关比较。结果显示:国内所有NDV分离毒株氨基酸高度同源,同源性为94.4%-99.4%;与LaSota、Clone30疫苗株等的氨基酸同源性为86.9%-89%;与强毒株F48E9的氨基酸同源性为87.9%-89.9%;与国外NDV的氨基酸同源性为87.2%-96.2%。系统发育分析表明:国内NDV分离毒HN遗传距离较近,而与LaSota、Clone30和F48E9遗传距离较远。国内NDV分离毒均缺乏538-540位糖基化位点。不同片段与全长的氨基酸同源性高度相关,且与前80个氨基酸相关最密切。  相似文献   

Eight highly virulent Newcastle disease virus (NDV) strains were isolated from vaccinated commercial chickens in Indonesia during outbreaks in 2009 and 2010. The complete genome sequences of two NDV strains and the sequences of the surface protein genes (F and HN) of six other strains were determined. Phylogenetic analysis classified them into two new subgroups of genotype VII in the class II cluster that were genetically distinct from vaccine strains. This is the first report of complete genome sequences of NDV strains isolated from chickens in Indonesia.  相似文献   

Newcastle disease virus (NDV) can cause severe disease in chickens. Although NDV vaccines exist, there are frequent reports of outbreaks in vaccinated chickens. During 2009–2010, despite intense vaccination, NDV caused major outbreaks among commercial poultry farms in Indonesia. These outbreaks raised concern regarding the protective immunity of current vaccines against circulating virulent strains in Indonesia. In this study, we investigated whether a recombinant attenuated Indonesian NDV strain could provide better protection against prevalent Indonesian viruses. A reverse genetics system for the highly virulent NDV strain Banjarmasin/010/10 (Ban/010) isolated in Indonesia in 2010 was constructed. The Ban/010 virus is classified in genotype VII of class II NDV, which is genetically distinct from the commercial vaccine strains B1 and LaSota, which belong to genotype II, and shares only 89 and 87% amino acid identity for the protective antigens F and HN, respectively. A mutant virus, named Ban/AF, was developed in which the virulent F protein cleavage site motif “RRQKR↓F” was modified to an avirulent motif “GRQGR↓L” by three amino acid substitutions (underlined). The Ban/AF vaccine virus did not produce syncytia or plaques in cell culture, even in the presence of added protease. Pathogenicity tests showed that Ban/AF was completely avirulent. Ban/AF replicated efficiently during 10 consecutive passages in chickens and remained genetically stable. Serological analysis showed that Ban/AF induced higher neutralization and hemagglutination inhibition antibody titers against the prevalent viruses than the commercial vaccines B1 or LaSota. Both Ban/AF and commercial vaccines provided protection against clinical disease and mortality after challenge with virulent NDV strain Ban/010 (genotype VII) or GB Texas (genotype II). However, Ban/AF significantly reduced challenge virus shedding from the vaccinated birds compared to B1 vaccine. These results suggest that Ban/AF can provide better protection than commercial vaccines and is a promising vaccine candidate against NDV strains circulating in Indonesia.  相似文献   

This paper describes the complete genomic sequences of two virulent Newcastle disease virus (NDV) isolates, Shaanxi06 (prevalent genotype VIId) and Shaanxi10 (novel sub-genotype VIi), from sick crested ibises. The genomes of both isolates were 15,192 nt long and consisted of six genes in the order of 3′-NP-P-M-F-HN-L-5′. The genomes of the two isolates were highly similar to other reference NDV strains. However, some unique features were found in the HN protein of Shaanxi06 and the F gene end of Shaanxi10. Shaanxi06 and Shaanxi10 shared the same virulent motif 112 −R-R-Q-K-R-F− 117 at the F protein cleavage site, which coincided with previous pathogenicity test results. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that both isolates were clustered within class II NDV, with Shaanxi06 in genotype VII and Shaanxi10 in genotype VI. Both isolates shared high homology with the prevalent genotype NDV strains that circulate in fowls and waterfowls. This study is the first to provide genomic information about a novel sub-genotype VIi NDV strain and another genotype VIId virus, which will be useful for subsequent investigations.  相似文献   

Virulent strains of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) can cause devastating disease in chickens worldwide. Although the current vaccines are substantially effective, they do not completely prevent infection, virus shedding and disease. To produce genotype-matched vaccines, a full-genome reverse genetics system has been used to generate a recombinant virus in which the F protein cleavage site has been changed to that of avirulent vaccine virus. In the other strategy, the vaccines have been generated by replacing the F and HN genes of a commercial vaccine strain with those from a genotype-matched virus. However, the protective efficacy of a chimeric virus vaccine has not been directly compared with that of a full-genome virus vaccine developed by reverse genetics. Therefore, in this study, we evaluated the protective efficacy of genotype VII matched chimeric vaccines by generating three recombinant viruses based on avirulent LaSota (genotype II) strain in which the open reading frames (ORFs) encoding the F and HN proteins were replaced, individually or together, with those of the circulating and highly virulent Indonesian NDV strain Ban/010. The cleavage site of the Ban/010 F protein was mutated to the avirulent motif found in strain LaSota. In vitro growth characteristics and a pathogenicity test indicated that all three chimeric viruses retained the highly attenuated phenotype of the parental viruses. Immunization of chickens with chimeric and full-length genome VII vaccines followed by challenge with virulent Ban/010 or Texas GB (genotype II) virus demonstrated protection against clinical disease and death. However, only those chickens immunized with chimeric rLaSota expressing the F or F plus HN proteins of the Indonesian strain were efficiently protected against shedding of Ban/010 virus. Our findings showed that genotype-matched vaccines can provide protection to chickens by efficiently preventing spread of virus, primarily due to the F protein.  相似文献   



Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) has been considered to only infect avian species. However, one paramyxovirus named as Xiny10 was isolated from swine. The differences of Xiny10, another previous swine NDV (JL01) and vaccine strain La Sota were compared on the basis of sequences of the whole-lengthen Fusion (F) gene and biological characteristics.


Through serologic tests and sequence alignment, Xiny10 was proved as NDV. It has great differences with JL01 in virulence, biological characteristics, genotype and amino acid homology of F gene. The sequence alignment showed Xiny10 and La Sota both belonged to genotype II. It shared 97.3% to 98.7% identities with genotype II NDVs, which was higher than these strains from the other genotypes.


These above data suggested that the swine virus was NDV and it might be generated from La Sota.  相似文献   

4株鹅源新城疫病毒融合蛋白基因的克隆及序列分析   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
测定了4株鹅源新城疫病毒(NDV)融合蛋白(F)基因5’端1700核苷酸片段的序列,并由此推导了F蛋白氨基酸序列,并对鹅源NDV的基因型分类地位进行探讨。结果表明,4株病毒F基因的同源性大于97%,与DNV标准强毒株F48E8 F基因的同源性为860%~868%,F基因转录起始序列及起始密码子位置与已知NDV完全相同;F蛋白具有和已知NDV相似的各种功能区,F蛋白前体F0裂解位点附近的氨基酸序列为112RRQKRF117,符合NDV强毒株的特征。对F基因第334~1682位核苷酸之间3种限制性内切酶HinfⅠ、BstoⅠ\,\%Rsa\%Ⅰ酶切图谱的分析表明,4株病毒的基因型与文献报道的I~Ⅷ型有明显差异。  相似文献   

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