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刈割、施肥和浇水对垂穗披碱草补偿生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
植物的补偿生长特性受放牧强度和生境资源获得性的影响。通过为期2年的野外控制实验,研究了刈割高度(留茬1cm、3cm及不刈割)、施肥(施、不施)和浇水(浇、不浇)处理对垂穗披碱草(Elymus natans)补偿生长的影响,并结合对各处理分株密度、比叶面积、净光合速率和相对生长率的变化研究,探讨了其补偿生长机制。结果表明:刈割后垂穗披碱草分株种群密度显著增加,补偿生长高度显著降低,比叶面积和相对生长率随刈割强度增加而呈上升趋势,叶片净光合速率变化不显著;施肥能显著增加垂穗披碱草的补偿生长高度、比叶面积、叶片净光合速率和相对生长率;浇水处理以及刈割、浇水、施肥处理之间的交互作用均不显著。可见,在刈割条件下,垂穗披碱草具有一定的密度补偿机制,但由于刈割抑制补偿性高生长,导致分株高度出现低补偿。因此,即使刈割后比叶面积和株高相对生长率显著增加,也不一定必然引起株高的超补偿;但施肥可显著提高垂穗披碱草的补偿能力,增加耐牧性,证实了改进后的限制资源模型的预测。  相似文献   

通过野外控制实验,研究了刈割(留茬3 cm、留茬1 cm及不刈割)、施肥(施肥、不施肥)和浇水(浇水、不浇水)处理对高寒草甸矮嵩草(Kobresia humilis)和垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans)补偿高度、株高相对生长率、比叶面积、叶片净光合速率和地上总生物量的影响.结果表明:2物种的株高和地上总生物量在刈割后均为低补偿响应,但其株高相对生长率显著提高,并均随年份而增加;垂穗披碱草比叶面积、叶片净光合速率和地上总生物量对刈割损伤更加敏感;尽管施肥能显著提高2物种上述各项指标,但在不同处理条件下矮嵩草的耐牧性指数均小于垂穗披碱草;浇水的作用不显著.说明2物种的耐牧性依赖于土壤养分资源获得性,矮嵩草的耐牧性强于垂穗披碱草.  相似文献   

光照,施肥及刈割对垂穗披碱草生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以甘南高寒草甸常见牧草垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans)为研究对象,比较不同光照、肥力条件下,垂穗披碱草对刈割的生长和补偿反应。研究发现,光照和肥力存在交互作用。施肥、中度光照下,未刈割单株垂穗披碱草地上生物量最大,为3.239g。施肥、中度光照下,比较刈割植株地上生物量补偿发现:晚期刈割单株地上生物量的补偿大于早期刈割;刈割强度无显著影响;刈割两次单株地上生物量的补偿最大。施肥、中度光照、晚期、轻度、一次刈割时,单株垂穗披碱草地上生物量累积最大,为4.500g。全光照、未施肥条件下,刈割对单株地上生物量的补偿无影响。就补偿机制而言,植株地上生物量的增加以地下生物量为代价。  相似文献   

刈割时间、刈割强度与施肥处理对燕麦补偿的影响   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
刈割强度、刈割时间和施肥状况对燕麦的补偿有明显影响作用。在不施肥条件下,分蘖期轻度刈割有利于植物的补偿作用,拔节期重度刈割以及重复刈割影响植物生长。施肥可以提高受适度刈割损害植物的补偿程度。无论施肥与否,燕麦都没有发生明显的超补偿现象。但在施肥条件下,留茬高度8cm的刈割处理使燕麦在一定程度上提高了植物的生产力,尤其是秆叶的干重。  相似文献   

施肥和刈割对冷地早熟禾补偿生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以青藏高原东部高寒草甸常见牧草冷地早熟禾(Poa crymophila)为研究对象,比较研究了肥力和不同刈割处理对植物生长和生物量补偿的影响。实验采用随机设计,肥力分为施肥和不施肥,刈割处理为刈割时间、刈割频度和刈割强度3因子组合。结果表明:不刈割情况下,施肥显著促进冷地早熟禾的生长,而在刈割情况下,施肥对植物的生长没有明显的促进作用甚至有负作用。不施肥,刈割可促进冷地早熟禾地上生物量的增加并发生超补偿,但补偿程度因刈割强度、刈割频度和刈割时间而异;施肥时,刈割没有或很少促进植株发生超补偿。超补偿发生时,资源贫瘠的条件可能是必需的。冷地早熟禾发生超补偿可能是以损耗地下部分的资源为代价的,刈割刺激分蘖的增加对超补偿的发生也有一定的贡献。  相似文献   

刈割、施肥和浇水对矮嵩草补偿生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
通过对青海海北高寒矮嵩草(Kobresia humilis)草甸进行为期3年的野外控制试验, 研究了刈割(留茬1 cm、3 cm及不刈割)、施肥(2.5 g·m-2尿素+ 0.6 g·m-2磷酸二胺、不施肥)和浇水(20.1 kg·m-2、不浇水)处理对矮嵩草补偿生长(包括分株密度、株高和分株地上生物量)的影响, 及其比叶面积、叶片净光合速率和相对增长率的变化, 探讨矮嵩草补偿生长的机制。研究结果表明: 刈割后, 矮嵩草的补偿生长高度和比叶面积显著降低; 分株密度有增加的趋势, 但会随刈割强度的增加而下降; 株高和生物量的相对增长率随刈割强度的增加而呈上升趋势; 补偿地上生物量在重度刈割处理下最高。施肥能显著增加矮嵩草的补偿高度、分株密度、补偿地上生物量、株高相对增长率、生物量相对增长率、比叶面积和净光合速率; 与不浇水处理相比, 浇水处理对重度刈割处理下的分株地上生物量、密度相对增长率、比叶面积和净光合速率无影响, 而显著降低了中度刈割处理下的补偿高度和株高相对增长率, 提高了不刈割处理下的分株密度和重度刈割处理下的生物量相对增长率。刈割、施肥和浇水处理的交互作用也显示出刈割与施肥对矮嵩草补偿生长具有拮抗效应, 而刈割与浇水具有协同效应。上述结果说明, 矮嵩草在刈割后可通过增加分株密度和相对增长率等途径来提高补偿能力, 弥补在生长高度上出现的低补偿, 而施肥可显著抵消刈割的不利影响, 提高矮嵩草的补偿能力。  相似文献   

采用7种播种方式(3种单播和4种混播)和3种刈割留茬高度裂区试验,测定了青藏高原高寒地区人工建植3年的垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans)、中华羊茅(Festuca sinensis)和羊茅(Festuca ovina)草地地上生物量、物种丰富度以及杂草生物量,以分析刈割对青藏高原人工草地初级生产力和物种丰富度的影响。结果显示:(1)在草地建植第2年,不刈割与刈割留茬60和20 mm的草地初级生产力均有显著差异;留茬60和20 mm刈割使单播草地的平均初级生产力分别降低20%和27%,使混播草地的平均初级生产力分别降低29%和37%。(2)草地建植第3年,不刈割、留茬60和20 mm 3个处理间的草地生产力均差异极显著;留茬60和20 mm刈割使单播草地的平均生产力分别降低19%和36%,使混播草地的平均生产力分别降低4%和18%。研究表明,刈割显著降低了人工草地的初级生产力,同时显著增加了垂穗披碱草单播草地的物种丰富度和杂草生物量以及3种牧草混播草地物种丰富度,其他播种草地的物种丰富度和杂草生物量与不刈割草地均无显著差异。  相似文献   

刈割后两种不同体型植物的补偿式样对比研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
 对比了两种不同体型植物燕麦(Avena sativa)和油菜(Brassica campestris) 在不同施肥水平下的刈割反应特点。结果表明:对于燕麦而言,在不施肥条件下,3个时期的轻度刈割处理与对照相比,其生物量、总生物量、果重、果数等都有增加,但只有某些指标出现超补偿;在施肥条件下,各种刈割处理后均没有发生超补偿。并且无论施肥与否, 分蘖期与拔节期的补偿指数均高于抽穗期的补偿指数。可以认为,不施肥条件下营养期轻度刈割处理较有利于燕麦的补偿生长。对于油菜而言,花蕾期轻度刈割处理后植物补偿指数最大,且施肥条件下的补偿指数高于不施肥条件下的补偿指数。比较两种植物在不同资源下补偿反应的特点,可认为因休眠芽位置及其活动方式不同而所造成的体型差异对植物的补偿反应式样有很大影响。  相似文献   

在草地刈割过程中, 群落地上生物量的时间稳定性与物种多样性及物种异步性关系密切。本文基于2014-2018年的野外刈割实验, 研究了围封(对照, 无刈割)、轻度(留茬8 cm)、中度(留茬5 cm)和重度(留茬2 cm)等不同刈割强度对内蒙古大针茅(Stipa grandis)典型草原地上生物量时间稳定性的影响。结果表明: (1)与围封相比, 刈割对群落时间稳定性无显著影响, 但对种群平均时间稳定性影响显著, 重度刈割处理的种群平均时间稳定性显著降低; 且种群平均时间稳定性与群落时间稳定性无显著相关关系, 表明这二者独立波动。(2)与围封相比, 重度刈割处理的物种丰富度显著降低, 但它与群落时间稳定性无显著相关关系, 表明物种丰富度不是群落地上生物量时间稳定性的主导因素; 此外, 重度刈割处理的群落抵抗力显著降低, 但也与群落时间稳定性无显著相关关系。(3)异步性与群落稳定性存在极显著正相关关系, 但刈割对异步性无显著影响, 故未造成群落稳定性显著变化。因此, 异步性可能是影响群落时间稳定性的主导效应之一, 在草地管理与利用过程中, 可从物种异步性角度来对草地稳定性进行评价。  相似文献   

顾梦鹤  杜小光  文淑均  马涛  陈敏  任青吉  杜国祯    《生态学报》2008,28(6):2472-2472~2479
试验选用青藏高原东部高寒草甸普遍存在的3种禾本科牧草垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans)、中华羊茅(Festuca sinensis)以及羊茅(Festuca ovina)进行种间竞争的野外研究.通过测定3种牧草生物量的干重,对其进行方差分析并计算了相对产量总和(RYT)以及竞争率(CR).结果如下:对实验物种竞争率(CR)的分析表明垂穗披碱草的竞争力最强,中华羊茅次之,羊茅最差.施肥和刈割处理对于原来的竞争格局没有影响,即在施肥、刈割及其交互作用下3种牧草的竞争等级均是一致的.对试验物种混播的相对产量总和(RYT)的分析表明:在中华羊茅与垂穗披碱草的混播中,两种组成物种利用相同的资源,表现出相互竞争的趋势,这种趋势是非密度依赖的;垂穗披碱草和羊茅混播,在低密度时,羊茅和垂穗披硷草可以共享资源,但是随着密度增加,羊茅和垂穗披碱草表现出竞争相同资源的趋势;在中华羊茅和羊茅的混播中,二者在生长过程中能够共享资源,有相互促进的趋势,表现出共生的关系,且是非密度依赖的.  相似文献   

  生物多样性与生态系统功能之间的关系及其形成的内在机制还存在很多争议。为了揭示植物群落生产力形成的生态学机制, 采用盆栽方法探讨了物种多样性、物种属性以及施肥水平与植物群落生产力之间的关系。研究结果显示: 在不施肥和每盆施5.0 g磷酸二铵的条件下, 随着物种多样性的增加, 地上生物量增加不显著; 在每盆施10.0 g磷酸二铵的条件下, 随着物种多样性的增加, 地上生物量显著增加。相对于中华羊茅(Festuca sinensis)而言, 垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans)和垂穗鹅观草(Roegneria nutans)对群落生产力的贡献较大, 但在不同施肥水平和播种密度下, 其影响不完全相同。这表明物种多样性对群落生产力的影响随着土壤肥力的变化而变化; 并且植物群落生产力受组成群落的物种属性影响较大, 而物种属性又与特定时间和特定生境下资源的利用方式相联系。在高肥力水平下, 物种多样性之所以对群落生产力具有正效应, 可能是因为高肥力水平增加了可利用的生态位空间, 最终仍体现在物种组合上。因此, 植物群落的生产力与物种多样性之间没有必然的联系, 而与土壤肥力和土壤肥力决定的物种属性有关。  相似文献   

The weakly-competitive grass, Puccinellia distans (Jacq.) Parl., and the highly competitive grass, Elymus repens (L.), coexist on roadsides in Central Europe which are regularly mowed. The effect of mowing on this existence was evaluated in situ at the roadside and in experimental field plots under non-limiting water and nutrient conditions. In four experimental garden plots, tussocks of P. distans were transplanted into monocultures of E. repens early in the growing season. After establishment, two of the plots were mowed and two left unmowed. In the unmowed plots, P. distans was quickly overtopped and died, while in mowed plots, P. distans was able to persist throughout the growing season. Despite persistence in the mowed plots, the number of tillers of P. distans declined throughout the growing season as numbers of tillers of E. repens increased. It was concluded that mowing could enhance coexistence in situations of unlimited nutrients and water where the faster growing and aggressive E. repens would exclude P. distans without mowing. At the roadside, six plots were established at a site containing both species early in the growing season. Weekly mowing was performed on three of the plots while the others were left unmowed. In mid-July, when the grasses were beginning to senesce and had produced seed-heads, foliage area for P. distans was significantly higher in the mowed than the unmowed plots while the reverse was true for E. repens. While P. distans had higher foliage area in the mowed plots, it was able to persist to seedhead production in the unmowed plots. Simulations conducted with a multispecies canopy photosynthesis model indicated that reductions in carbon gain for P. distans due to shading by foliage of E. repens did not correspond well with foliage area for P. distans at the start of experiment or in the mowed and unmowed plots in mid-July. In both the mowed and unmowed plots, the portion of foliage consisting of P. distans increased with closeness to the roadway and corresponded inversely with soil depth. At soil depths of greater than 15 cm, P. distans did not occur. More effective exploitation of shallow soil may shift the competitive balance toward P. distans and be a significant factor in the coexistence of these two species in the shallow soils at the roadside. Differences in leaf temperatures at the roadside that might result from different leaf widths were also evaluated. The narrower-leaved P. distans was hypothesized to have lower midday leaf temperatures at sites close to the asphalt and perhaps be closer to the temperature optimum for photosynthesis during warm summer days. In situ leaf temperature measurements made with small thermocouples attached to intact leaves, however, were not significantly different for the two species, and coexistence was not likely to be affected by leaf temperatures.  相似文献   

Due to its ability to create aboveground conditions that favour plant diversity, mowing is often used to preserve the high conservation value of semi-natural species-rich grasslands. However, mowing can also affect belowground conditions. By decreasing plant carbon supply to soil, mowing can suppress the activity of soil decomposers, diminish plant nutrient availability and thus create a feedback on plant growth. In this study, we first documented the effects of three-year mowing on plant community structure in a species-rich grassland. We found that mowing decreased the total areal cover of woody plants and increased the total cover of leguminous forbs. At the species level, mowing further increased the cover of two non-leguminous forbs, Prunella vulgaris and Sagina procumbens. Mowing did not affect the species number, diversity or evenness of the plant community. To study whether any of these effects could be explained by mowing-induced changes in the soil, and particularly by reduced nutrient availability, we then collected soil from different treatment plots and monitored the growth of nine plant species in these soils in a greenhouse. Plant growth did not differ between soils collected from mowed and unmowed plots, suggesting that our mowing regimes did not impose such changes in soil decomposer activity and nutrient supply that would feedback on plant growth. Moreover, each of the nine species responded equally to the different nutrient availability in different parts of the grassland, which indicates that even if mowing had reduced plant nutrient supply, this would not have led to changes in plant community structure. It appears that those changes in aboveground vegetation that we recorded after three years of mowing were purely due to the aboveground effects, such as frequent cutting of woody plants and enhanced light availability for low-growing forbs.  相似文献   

Many early attempts at tallgrass prairie reconstruction failed to achieve the high species diversity of remnant prairies, and instead consist primarily of C4 grasses. We hypothesized that frequent mowing of established prairie grasses could create sufficient gaps in the aboveground and belowground environment to allow for the establishment of native forbs from seed. We studied forb seedling establishment in a 25‐year‐old prairie planting in northern Iowa that was dominated by native warm‐season grasses. In winter 1999, 23 species of native forbs were broadcast into the recently burned sod at a rate of 350 viable seeds/m2. Treatment plots were mowed weekly for either one or two growing seasons, and control plots were unmowed. Mowed plots had greater light availability than controls, especially when warm‐season grasses began to flower. Overwinter seedling mortality was 3% in mowed treatments compared to 29% in the controls. Forbs in mowed plots had significantly greater root and shoot mass than those in control plots in the first and second growing seasons but were not significantly more abundant. By the fourth growing season, however, forbs were twice as abundant in the mowed treatments. No lasting negative impacts of frequent mowing on the grass population were observed. Mowing a second year influenced species composition but did not change total seedling establishment. Experimental evidence is consistent with the idea that mowing reduced competition for light from large established grasses, allowing forb seedlings the opportunity to reach sufficient size to establish, survive, and flower in the second and subsequent years.  相似文献   

高原鼠兔通过取食对高寒草甸产生广泛的影响,从而影响高寒草甸植物的个体生长特征。2012年在青海省果洛州矮嵩草草甸,以高原鼠兔喜食植物(豆科和垂穗披碱草)为研究对象,通过小区控制研究高原鼠兔取食(对照组、低密度处理组、中密度处理组、高密度处理组)对植物个体生长特征的影响。研究显示:在实验前期(5月和6月),喜食植物个体特征基本上无明显规律;在实验后期(7月和8月),随着高原鼠兔取食强度增大,高原鼠兔喜食植物的地上生物量、平均高度、分蘖枝数、分蘖枝长度、丛幅均呈下降趋势;叶片长度和叶片数均呈先上升后下降态势。2.高原鼠兔喜食植物个体特征的增长率对照组显著高于高密度处理组(P<0.05)。以上结果表明(1)高寒草甸豆类植物在其生长后期与高原鼠兔的取食强度呈一定的负相关关系;高原鼠兔取食强度在阈值(中、低密度)内有利于垂穗披碱草的生长,但超过其阈值的取食强度不利于其生长。(2)高原鼠兔高强度的取食对其喜食植物个体的生长率有明显的抑制作用。  相似文献   

Establishment of native plant populations on disturbed roadsides was investigated at Bryce Canyon National Park (BCNP) in relation to several revegetation and seedbed preparation techniques. In 1994, the BCNP Rim Road (2,683–2,770 m elevation) was reconstructed resulting in a 23.8‐ha roadside disturbance. Revegetation comparisons included the influence of fertilizer on plant establishment and development, the success of indigenous versus commercial seed, seedling response to microsites, methods of erosion control, and shrub transplant growth and survival. Plant density, cover, and biomass were measured 1, 2, and 4 years after revegetation implementation (1995–1998). Seeded native grass cover and density were the highest on plots fertilized with nitrogen and phosphorus, but by the fourth growing season, differences between fertilized and unfertilized plots were minimal. Fertilizers may facilitate more rapid establishment of seeded grasses following disturbance, increasing soil cover and soil stability on steep and unstable slopes. However the benefit of increased soil nutrients favored few of the desired species resulting in lower species richness over time compared to unfertilized sites. Elymus trachycaulus (slender wheatgrass) plants raised from indigenous seed had higher density and cover than those from a commercial seed source 2 and 4 years after sowing. Indigenous materials may exhibit slow establishment immediately following seeding, but they will likely persist during extreme climatic conditions such as cold temperatures and relatively short growing seasons. Seeded grasses established better near stones and logs than on adjacent open microsites, suggesting that a roughened seedbed created before seeding can significantly enhance plant establishment. After two growing seasons, total grass cover between various erosion‐control treatments was similar indicating that a variety of erosion reduction techniques can be utilized to reduce erosion. Finally shrub transplants showed minimal differential response to fertilizers, water‐absorbing gels, and soil type. Simply planting and watering transplants was sufficient for the greatest plant survival and growth.  相似文献   

Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) and other exotic winter‐active plants can be persistent invaders in native grasslands, growing earlier in the spring than native plants and pre‐empting soil resources. Effective management strategies are needed to reduce their abundance while encouraging the reestablishment of desirable native plants. In this 4‐year study, we investigated whether mowing and seeding with native perennial grasses could limit growth of exotic winter‐actives, and benefit growth of native plants in an invaded grassland in Colorado, United States. We established a split‐plot experiment in October 2008 with 3 mowing treatments: control, spring‐mowed, and spring/summer‐mowed (late spring, mid‐summer, and late summer), and 3 within‐plot seeding treatments: control, added B. tectorum seeds, and added native grass seeds. Cover of plant species and aboveground biomass were measured for 3 years. In March and June of 2010, 2011, and March of 2012, B. tectorum and other winter‐annual grasses were half as abundant in both mowing treatments as in control plots; however, cover of non‐native winter‐active forbs increased 2‐fold in spring‐mowed plots and almost 3‐fold in spring/summer‐mowed plots relative to controls. These patterns remained consistent 1 year after termination of treatments. Native cool‐season grasses were most abundant in spring‐mowed plots, and least abundant in control plots. There was higher cover of native warm‐season grasses in spring/summer‐mowed plots than in control plots in July 2011 and 2012. The timing of management can have strong effects on plant community dynamics in grasslands, and this experiment indicates that adaptive management can target the temporal niche of undesirable invasive species.  相似文献   

以青藏高原东部高寒草甸群落为研究对象,通过比较了不同施肥条件和不同刈割对群落地上生物量和多样性的影响。结果表明施肥可提高生物量且生物多样性降低,施肥和刈割处理后,施肥效应显著而刈割效应不显著,说明施肥是主效应。实验还发现施肥可提高群落的补偿能力;不同资源梯度的情况下植物群落对刈割处理后补偿作用也不相同,对刈割处理后植物群落补偿能力随资源的升高而增强。当未施肥和施肥30g/m^2时相同强度的1次刈割的补偿能力较相同强度的2次刈割的补偿能力大;当施肥60g/m^2和120g/m^2时相同强度的2次刈割的补偿能力较相同强度的1次刈割的补偿能力大。  相似文献   

We measured the influences of soil fertility and plant community composition on Glomeromycota, and tested the prediction of the functional equilibrium hypothesis that increased availability of soil resources will reduce the abundance of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi. Communities of plants and AM fungi were measured in mixed roots and in Elymus nutans roots across an experimental fertilization gradient in an alpine meadow on the Tibetan Plateau. As predicted, fertilization reduced the abundance of Glomeromycota as well as the species richness of plants and AM fungi. The response of the glomeromycotan community was strongly linked to the plant community shift towards dominance by Elymus nutans. A reduction in the extraradical hyphae of AM fungi was associated with both the changes in soil factors and shifts in the plant community composition that were caused by fertilization. Our findings highlight the importance of soil fertility in regulating both plant and glomeromycotan communities, and emphasize that high fertilizer inputs can reduce the biodiversity of plants and AM fungi, and influence the sustainability of ecosystems.  相似文献   

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