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长江中上游两个鲢群体遗传变异的微卫星分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
王长忠  梁宏伟  邹桂伟  罗相忠  李忠  田华  呼光富 《遗传》2008,30(10):1341-1348
对长江中上游2个鲢群体使用39个微卫星标记进行了遗传多样性分析, 计算并统计了平均观测等位基因数、平均有效等位基因数、多态信息含量、遗传杂合度、Hardy-Weinberg平衡偏离指数、遗传相似系数、遗传距离等遗传参数。结果表明: 万州鲢和监利鲢群体所检测微卫星位点的平均观测等位基因数分别为6.128和4.974; 平均有效等位基因数分别为4.107和3.395; 多态位点百分率分别为100和94.87; 39个微卫星标记共有等位基因259个, 173个等位基因为两群体所共有; 多态微卫星位点的PIC在0.077~0.865之间变动,平均为0.617; 两群体所检测位点平均观测杂合度为0.834和0.775, 平均期望杂合度为0.713和0.623; 两个群体间的遗传相似系数为0.618, 群体间的遗传距离为0.482。结果显示长江中上游两个鲢群体间存在显著遗传分化, 应隶属于不同的种群。  相似文献   

湘江野鲤养殖群体和自然群体遗传多样性的微卫星分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
采用微卫星技术,用17对微卫星引物对湘江野鲤养殖群体和自然群体的的遗传多样性进行分析.结果表明:有15对引物扩增出清晰的条带,其中13对引物在群体间呈现多态性;2个群体中,13对多态性引物分别扩增等位基因2~12个,共90个,其中35个等位基因为2群体共有,55个等位基因具有群体特异性,引物平均等位基因数为6.92个,等位基因频率为0.0667~0.8333;养殖群体和自然群体的平均遗传杂合度和平均多态信息含量分别为0.5688、0.5152,0.5860、0.5347;2个群体间遗传相似性指数为0.6762,遗传距离为0.3238,表明湘江野鲤养殖和自然群体遗传多样性均较为丰富,2个群体间遗传变异程度较高.  相似文献   

利用17个微卫星标记分析鳙鱼的遗传多样性   总被引:23,自引:5,他引:18  
选用本实验室克隆的17个鳙鱼微卫星分子标记分析四川泸州和江西鄱阳湖的两个种群鳙鱼的遗传多样性及种质特性,计算和统计了杂合度、多态信息含量(PIC)、有效等位基因数、等位基因频率、遗传距离、遗传相似系数、Hardy-Weinberg平衡偏离指数等方面内容。结果表明:选择使用17个微卫星标记,其中有4个为单态标记,13个为多态标记。江西和四川鳙鱼群体每个微卫星位点的平均等位基因数分别为3.325及3.882,平均有效等位基因数分别为3.531及2.676,多态位点百分率分别为82.4及70.5, 17个微卫星标记共有等位基因71个,多态微卫星位点的PIC在0.114~0.960之间变动,平均为0.417 ,两群体位点平均观测杂合度为0.385和0.452,平均期望杂合度为0.360和0.422,两个群体间的遗传相似系数为0.897,群体间的遗传距离为0.109。  相似文献   

黑龙江水系不同倍性鲫鱼的遗传多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
贾智英  石连玉  刘晓峰  孙效文 《遗传》2008,30(11):1459-1465
摘要: 利用12对微卫星标记对黑龙江水系6个野生鲫鱼不同倍性群体进行遗传结构分析。结果表明: 6个采集群体的平均等位基因数为5.8~6.8, 平均有效等位基因数为2.8~4.6, 平均期望杂合度为0.5592~0.6962, 平均多态信息含量为0.5962~0.6481, 说明这几个群体遗传多样性水平较高。根据d值, 各群体均有不同程度的偏离Hardy-Weinberg平衡的现象, 均表现为杂合度过度。Kruskal-Wallis 检验表明两种倍性、6个采集群体鲫鱼遗传多样性差异不显著, 没有发现三倍体鲫由于倍性增加而出现额外的等位基因片段。群体间基因分化系数(GST)为0.0398, 表明群体间存在轻度遗传分化。聚类分析表明, 同水体两种鲫鱼亲缘关系最近, 不同采集群体间松花江与乌苏里江分化最小, 月亮湾与新荒泡其次, 双凤水库群体分化最大  相似文献   

于1986—1988年,先后人工诱导2尾红镜鲤和4尾荷包红鲤抗寒品系雌核发育,获得雌核发育2倍体当年鱼种2133尾,其中红镜鲤685尾,荷包红鲤1448尾。通过对这些后代鳞被和体色两个质量性状的分析,发现荷包红鲤抗寒品系雌核发育2倍体(1987)中有约三分之一个体表现散鳞型鳞被和桔红色(出现由深到浅一系列变化)及少量桔黄色、肉红色个体。红镜鲤散鳞型鳞被出现体表全部覆盖不规则大型鳞片、2/3、1/2覆盖不规则的大型鳞片和散鳞型个体。体色出现桔红色、桔黄色,上述二色都出现由深到浅一系列变化和肉红色。这两个质量性状在雌核发育代中表现出数量性状的特征。  相似文献   

利用30个微卫星标记分析长江中下游鲢群体的遗传多样性   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
朱晓东  耿波  李娇  孙效文 《遗传》2007,29(6):705-713
摘要: 利用30对微卫星分子标记对长江中下游5个鲢群体进行了遗传多样性分析。结果表明: 在30个基因座中, 共检测到144个等位基因, 每个座位检测到的等位基因数为1~10个, 其中有25个座位具有多态性, 多态位点百分率为83.33,5个群体的平均等位基因数A为4.0/4.1, 平均有效等位基因数Ne为2.4445~2.6332, 平均观察杂合度Ho为0.3233~0.3511, 平均期望杂合度He为0.4421~0.4704, 平均多态信息含量PIC为0.4068~0.4286。对数据进行F-检验, Fst值表明群体间的遗传分化程度中等, 并对基因型进行了基于Hardy-Weinberg平衡的卡方检验, 所得P值说明5个群体均一定程度上偏离了平衡。5个群体间的遗传相似系数为0.8466~0.9146,遗传距离为0.0893~0.1665, 并根据Nei氏标准遗传距离用UPGMA方法对5个鲢群体进行亲缘关系聚类。  相似文献   

利用微卫星分子标记分析了天津地区于桥水库、大黄堡湿地、七里海湿地、团泊水库和潮白新河5个野生大鳞副泥鳅群体的遗传多样性。5个群体在12个微卫星位点共检测到98个等位基因,平均等位基因数为8.500;有效等位基因数为2.713;平均观测杂合度为0.526;平均期望杂合度为0.544。5个群体间的遗传分化指数介于0.021~0.106之间,平均遗传分化指数为0.059,属中低水平的遗传分化。AMOVA分析结果显示,在总的变异中,94.1%的遗传变异来自群体内,5.90%的遗传变异来自于群体间。根据Nei’s遗传距离所绘制的系统树显示,于桥水库、团泊水库、七里海湿地和大黄堡湿地4个群体的遗传距离相对较小聚为一支,潮白新河群体单独为一支。遗传瓶颈效应分析表明,该5个群体近期未经受遗传瓶颈效应,处于突变-漂移平衡。总体来看,天津地区5个野生大鳞副泥鳅群体的遗传多样性较高,可作为品种选育的基础群体。  相似文献   

广西本地鲢和长丰鲢群体遗传多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究采用32个微卫星标记分析广西本地鲢和长丰鲢两个群体的遗传差异,计算并统计其微卫星遗传参数。结果显示:32个微卫星标记广西本地鲢鱼和长丰鲢群体共检测到等位基因119个,其中两群体所共有为88个;平均观测等位基因数为2.937 5和3.406 2;平均有效等位基因数为1.787 3和2.074 7;多态信息含量(PIC)在0~0.727 1和0~0.748 4之间,平均值为0.293 6和0.360 0,表明两个群体的遗传多样性均不高。两群体平均观测杂合度为0.373 9和0.559 7,平均期望杂合度为0.327 1和0.413 3,均表现为本地鲢群体低于长丰鲢群体,说明两个群体的均不高,并且广西本地鲢群体的遗传多样性低于长丰鲢群体;两个鲢鱼群体间的遗传距离和遗传相似系数分别为0.297 7和0.742 5,表明两个鲢鱼群体间的遗传差异不大。两个群体的遗传分化系数(Fst)在不同微卫星位点间差异明显,平均0.171 7。本研究为广西地方鱼类种质资源保护和利用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

引进美洲红点鲑群体遗传多样性微卫星的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解引进种美洲红点鲑种群遗传结构和种质资源现状,本研究利用15个微卫星标记对其养殖群体遗传多样性进行了分析。结果表明:在30个个体中,15对微卫星引物除1对扩增产物为单态外,其余14对在美洲红点鲑群体内扩增均出现了多态,14个多态性位点等位基因数目为3~7不等,共检测到等位基因数为69个,平均有效等位基因数为3.03;期望杂合度在0.540~0.809之间,平均期望杂合度为0.664;多态信息含量在0.360~0.719之间,平均多态信息含量为0.578,表明引进的美洲红点鲑遗传多样性水平较高,具有良好的选育潜力,可以作为良好的育种材料。  相似文献   

目的检测和评估金黄地鼠封闭群SPF化后的遗传学变化,为SPF金黄地鼠遗传质量的控制提供技术资料。方法应用小鼠和大鼠的微卫星标记筛选适于金黄地鼠遗传检测的微卫星标记,并结合微卫星荧光标记-半自动基因分型技术,对成都生物制品研究所的SPF级金黄地鼠及其来源的普通级金黄地鼠进行遗传检测,计算其群体遗传学参数。结果对18个小鼠和6个大鼠微卫星标记进行了筛选,分别有2个小鼠和2个大鼠微卫星标记在金黄地鼠种群中具PCR扩增多态性。4个检测的微卫星位点在普通级金黄地鼠和SPF金黄地鼠种群分别发现25和20个等位基因,两群体的期望杂合度分别为0.4979和0.5048,其群体遗传多样性无显著差异;群体间的不同微卫星位点FST范围从0.0095到0.0367,平均为0.0315,表明两群体间的遗传分化很弱,其遗传多样性主要存在于群体内;Nei(1972)遗传距离和Nei(1978)无偏遗传距离分别为0.0678和0.0570,表明了2群体之间很高的遗传相似度和非常近的亲缘关系;Hardy-Weinberg平衡检验表明普通级和SPF金黄地鼠分别有2个和3个位点偏离遗传平衡,且偏离位点均表现为杂合子缺陷。结论该SPF金黄地鼠基本保持了其来源普通级黄地鼠的遗传多样性,两群体间遗传分化程度和遗传差异很小,但应进一步加强其封闭群的繁育控制,保持其遗传稳定性。  相似文献   

微卫星DNA标记探讨镜鲤的种群结构与遗传变异   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
全迎春  李大宇  曹鼎辰  孙效文  梁利群 《遗传》2006,28(12):1541-1548
采用30个微卫星分子标记, 对5个镜鲤群体的观测杂合度(Ho)、期望杂合度(He)、多态信息含量(PIC)和有效等位基因数(Ae)等进行了遗传检测, 根据基因频率计算遗传相似系数和Nei氏标准遗传距离, 以c2检验估计Hardy-Weinberg平衡, 以近交系数(FST)和基因流(Nm)分析群体的遗传分化。同时, 使用PHYLIP3.63软件绘制基于Nei氏标准遗传距离的UPGMA聚类图, 并进行bootstrap自举检验验证进化树的可靠性。在德国镜鲤选育系(Scattered Cyprinus carpio L.)和来自4个不同养殖场(松浦、东岗、奉城和辽中)的德国镜鲤群体中共检测到7 083个扩增片段, 长度在102 ~ 446 bp之间, 在群体内扩增出等位基因1~16个不等, 共计356个等位基因。结果表明: (1)5个群体检测的有效等位基因数在1.07~12.30个不等, 平均多态信息含量为0.74、0.74、0.69、0.75和0.75, 无偏期望杂合度的平均值为0.74、0.78、0.70、0.76和0.78, 说明这几个群体属于高度多态, 遗传多样性水平较高。(2)群体间相似系数在0.52以上, 相似性较高。聚类分析显示, 东岗、奉城和辽中3个养殖场的德国镜鲤群体聚类成一个分支, 而德国镜鲤选育系与松浦群体聚类成另一分支。聚类的先后与它们在地理分布上距离远近有一定的相关性。(3)在与功能基因相关的多个微卫星基因座位上, 扩增产物呈现不同程度的缺失现象, 这些无效等位基因的产生可能与结构基因在育种中受到人工选择的影响较大有关。  相似文献   

Genetic relationships among eight populations of domesticated carp (Cyprinus carpio L.), a species with a partially duplicated genome, were studied using 12 microsatellites and 505 AFLP bands. The populations included three aquacultured carp strains and five ornamental carp (koi) variants. Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) was used as an outgroup. AFLP-based gene diversity varied from 5% (grass carp) to 32% (koi) and reflected the reasonably well understood histories and breeding practices of the populations. A large fraction of the molecular variance was due to differences between aquacultured and ornamental carps. Further analyses based on microsatellite data, including cluster analysis and neighbor-joining trees, supported the genetic distinctiveness of aquacultured and ornamental carps, despite the recent divergence of the two groups. In contrast to what was observed for AFLP-based diversity, the frequency of heterozygotes based on microsatellites was comparable among all populations. This discrepancy can potentially be explained by duplication of some loci in Cyprinus carpio L., and a model that shows how duplication can increase heterozygosity estimates for microsatellites but not for AFLP loci is discussed. Our analyses in carp can help in understanding the consequences of genotyping duplicated loci and in interpreting discrepancies between dominant and co-dominant markers in species with recent genome duplication.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map is a powerful research tool for mapping traits of interest and is essential to understanding genome evolution. The aim of this study is to provide an expanded genetic linkage map of common carp to effectively carry out quantitative trait loci analysis and conduct comparative mapping analysis between lineages. Here, we constructed a genetic linkage map of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) using microsatellite and single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers in a 159 sibling family. A total of 246 microsatellites and 306 SNP polymorphic markers were genotyped in this family. Linkage analysis using JoinMap 4.0 organized 427 markers (186 microsatellites and 241 SNPs) to 50 linkage groups, ranging in size from 1.4 to 130.1 cM. Each group contained 2-30 markers. The linkage map covered a genetic distance of 2,039.2 cM and the average interval for markers within the linkage groups was approximately 6.4 cM. In addition, comparative genome analysis within five model teleost fish revealed a high percentage (74.7%) of conserved loci corresponding to zebrafish chromosomes. In most cases, each zebrafish chromosome comprised two common carp linkage groups. The comparative analysis also revealed independent chromosome rearrangements in common carp and zebrafish. The linkage map will be of great assistance in mapping genes of interest and serve as a reference to approach comparative mapping and enable further insights into the comprehensive investigations of genome evolution of common carp.  相似文献   

Using five microsatellite loci, genotyping and genetic diversity estimates were obtained for nine samples representing seven common carp breeds most widespread in Russia. For comparison, the samples of Amur wild common carp (Cyprinus carpio haematopterus) and a sample of European Hungarian carp were used. In the samples examined (n = 148) a total of 78 alleles were revealed. The highest mean allele number per locus (7.3) was identified in Amur wild common carp, while the lowest number was found in Cherepets carps (4.0). In different breeds, the observed heterozygosities varied from 0.819 (Altai carp) to 0.651 (Cherepets scaly carp). Three out of five microsatellite loci (MFW-24, MFW-28, and MFW-19) revealed a high level of population differentiation. In the dendrogram of genetic differences, all breeds clustered into two groups. One of these groups was composed of the two strains of Ropsha carp, Stavropol carp, Amur wild common carp, and the two samples of Cherepets carp. The second cluster included Altai carp (Priobskii and Chumysh populations), two Angelinskii carp breeds (mirror and scaly), and Hungarian carp. The pairs of breeds/populations/strains, having common origin, were differentiated. Specifically, these were two populations of Altai carp, two strains of Ropsha carp, as well as the breeds of Angelinskii and Cherepets carps. The reasons for genetic differentiation of Russian common carp breeds, as well as the concordance of the evolutionary histories of these breeds, some of which originated from the European breeds, while the others contain substantial admixture of the Amur wild common carp, are discussed.  相似文献   

异源四倍体鲫鲤及其原始亲本遗传变异的微卫星标记分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用从鲤中分离出来的32对微卫星DNA标记,对异源四倍体鲫鲤、红鲫和野鲤的基因组DNA进行了研究。在筛选出的15对微卫星引物中,随引物不同,各等位基因数为1~8个,大小在100~420bp之间。从3个不同群体内部的遗传相似系数来看,异源四倍体鲫鲤个体之间的遗传相似系数最大,说明异源四倍体鲫鲤群体内部的遗传变异程度最低,已经形成了一个遗传性状稳定的群体。从3个不同群体之间的遗传相似系数来看,异源四倍体鲫鲤和红鲫遗传相似系数为0.5625,和野鲤的遗传相似系数为0.5125,说明异源四倍体鲫鲤接受原始母本的遗传物质比原始父本野鲤要多一些。微卫星标记与以前报道的RAPD标记的检测结果是相似的,然而由微卫星标记获得的种群内和种群间的遗传距离均大于RAPD,说明微卫星标记比RAPD标记显示出更高的个体多态性。  相似文献   

Ten tri- and tetranucleotide microsatellite DNA markers were isolated and characterized from common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) to estimate genetic potential. These markers were tested in the samples from two closely related carp populations (Cyprinus carpio var. xingguonensis and Cyprinus carpio var. wananensis). The number of the alleles ranged from three to nine, and observed and expected hererozygosities varied from 0.207 to 1.000 and from 0.499 to 0.900 in each population, respectively. No evidence for linkage disequilibrium was found, indicating that these markers will be useful for population studies.  相似文献   

鲤的微卫星引物对草鱼基因组分析适用性的初步研究   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
运用微卫星DNA-聚合酶链反应(STR—PCR)基因分型技术,选取已发表的28对鲤的微卫星引物,探讨鲤的引物用于草鱼基因组微卫星分析的可能性。通过优化PCR反应条件,消除了影子带和异源核酸双链分子两类微卫星相关假阳性带对STR—PCR分析的干扰。在此基础上,筛选出7对引物可在湘江野生草鱼基因组中扩增出特异性条带,占总数的25%;其中的4对引物(约占总数的14.3%)在8尾湘江野生草鱼小群体中即检测到了个体间等位基因的多态性。这些初步的结果表明鲤的微卫星引物可以用于草鱼基因组的分析。  相似文献   

微卫星DNA标记分析德国镜鲤的遗传潜力   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
侯宁  张研  鲁翠云  李勇  李大宇  季旭  丁雷  孙效文 《遗传》2007,29(12):1509-1518
结合体重、体长、体高等数量性状, 用30个微卫星分子标记, 评估了3个德国镜鲤群体的遗传潜力, 共检测到287个等位基因, 559种基因型, 片段长度109~400 bp, 有效等位基因数1.1014~6.4665, 观察杂合度0.0968~0.9892, 期望杂合度0.0926~0.8554, 位点多态信息含量0.08787~0.8559, 其中中度多态(0.25≤PIC≤0.5)13个, 高度多态(PIC≥0.5)13个。统计结果显示: 3个群体的遗传潜力处于中度水平, 双来养殖群体的遗传潜力比换新和松浦繁殖群体低。同时, 用30个基因座的不同等位基因和基因型与双来群体的体重、体长、体高进行了连锁分析, 得到2个与镜鲤体长相关的微卫星分子标记(HLJ319, HLJ693)和1个与体高相关的位点(HLJ677), 与体长相关的1个位点(HLJ693)还与体重连锁。将此遗传标记在鲤鱼重组自交系中验证, 结果显示: 主要经济性状相连锁的3个遗传标记中HLJ319与鲤鱼体长性状的QTL定位结果基本一致。  相似文献   

Forty-seven new microsatellite markers were generated and applied, together with the AFLP (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism) technique using two different enzyme combinations, to the genetic analysis of two carp species, Cyprinus carpio L. and Ctenopharyngodon idella. The extent of polymorphism and the genetic relationships between nine carp populations were studied. The incidence of microsatellites containing CA and CT motifs was estimated to be one every 17.4 and one every 126.3 kb, respectively, and their average allele numbers were four and five, respectively. Across populations, the average proportion of individuals that were heterozygous for microsatellite markers was 44.2% and the average allele number was 4.02. The EcoRI/TaqI combination generated more analyzable AFLP bands than the EcoRI/MseI pair, making the former preferable for the analysis of carp populations. The proportion of polymorphic AFLP bands within populations ranged from 6.7% in grass carp to 59.9% in Kohaku strain (Koi) of the ornamental carp. The fixation index (FST) for microsatellites in these populations was estimated to be 0.37, and for AFLP markers the value was 0.39. Genetic distance matrices derived from microsatellites and from two AFLP analyses were positively correlated. Grass carp showed fewer AFLP bands than other populations and was genotyped by only half of the microsatellite markers. These findings agree with genetic distance estimates in suggesting that the grass carp is phylogenetically quite remote from all the other populations examined.  相似文献   

Polymorphic components of the common carp Cyprinus carpio L. genome were examined by means of polymerase chain reaction with random primers (RAPD-PCR). Using four primers, genetic diversity estimates were obtained for 12 populations and seven strains of Russian common carp breeds, as well as for European Hungarian common carp and Amur wild common carp (N = 87). The highest number of polymorphic loci was revealed in Angelinskii common carp, as well as in the samples of Altai common carp and Amur wild common carp (P = 23.8-18.7%), while the lowest number of polymorphic loci was in the BB strain of Ropsha common carp. The index of genetic diversity, H, was high (11%) in Amur wild common carp, as well as in Altai and Angelinskii common carps. In the remaining breeds, the value of this index varied from 4 to 8%. Based on summarized RAPD profile (132 bands), a dendrogram of genetic differences was constructed. In this dendrogram, all breeds examined grouped into two clusters. One of the clusters was formed by Hungarian and Angelinskii common carps, and the three samples of Altai common carp. The second cluster was formed by the group consisting of the representatives of Cherepetskskii, Stavropol, and Ropsha common carps, along with the differing from them Amur wild common carp. The observed differentiation was confirmed by the analysis of the polymorphic markers variance by the method of principle components. Evolutionary history and the reasons for genetic differentiation of Russian common carp breeds are discussed.  相似文献   

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