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黑刺粉虱Aleurocanthus spiuiferus是茶园重要害虫之一,为明确黑刺粉虱在北方茶园的越冬分布型及越冬虫态,通过对茶园黑刺粉虱越冬代虫源进行调查,分冠层统计不同越冬时期各虫态的发生量,利用聚集度指标分析、m*-m回归方程分析和Taylor幂法则回归方程分析其空间分布型。结果显示黑刺粉虱越冬代田间分布型为聚集分布,种群聚集均数λ>2,聚集原因为种群自身产卵习性与环境因素共同作用结果;各虫态在茶树冠层间的分布存在差异,卵和1龄若虫主要分布于树冠中、上部,3龄、4龄若虫和伪蛹主要分布于树冠中、下部;随着越冬时间推移,卵和低龄若虫占比逐渐减少,至越冬结束黑刺粉虱4龄若虫和伪蛹占种群总量的80%。本研究明确了黑刺粉虱在北方茶园以各龄若虫和伪蛹越冬,越冬期间可缓慢发育至4龄若虫和伪蛹,越冬代田间分布型为聚集分布,研究结果可为黑刺粉虱精准预测预报和合理制定综合防治措施提供技术支持。  相似文献   

生物测定证实枝孢霉(Cladosporium,sp.)为茶黑刺粉虱(Aleurocanthus spiniferus)的一种弱致病性病原真菌。田间调查表明,该菌常以地方病状态存在于黑刺粉虱中,适逢阴雨高湿时期则易于该害虫高密度种群中酿成流行病。在流行盛期罹病寄主个体的空间格局为聚集分布,在茶丛中层的聚集强度高于下层。下层罹病个体数量大于中层(t=2.2776^**>t0.01)。而中层的罹病率略高于下层。  相似文献   

茶园黑刺粉虱自然种群生命表   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12  
韩宝瑜  崔林 《生态学报》2003,23(9):1781-1790
1989年黑刺粉虱Aleurocanthus spiniferus在我国茶区大发生。在皖南茶区选常年虫情较重的茶园,每5天1次系统地调查了全年各个世代各虫态的种群波动及其与气候因子的关系,及茶园生境、品种间虫口密度的差异,连续研究了3个世代的自然种群生命表,分析了粉虱种群暴发至衰退过程中各种致死因子的作用。2002年轻发生,又调查了种群数量与天气的关系。经轻、重发生年份的比较分析认为,该粉虱趋荫湿郁闭的茶丛中下层,1988年越冬代蛹的累积基数较大,越冬期间天气稍温暖干燥,死亡率较低。1989年春温暖湿润宜于化蛹、羽化和第1代卵的孵化而暴发。至第1代蛹期,寄生蜂的控制作用显著增强,羽化的成蜂紧接着寄生第2代粉虱的1、2龄幼虫。自第2代3龄幼虫起,长时期阴雨、高湿,几种虫生真菌在粉虱种群中酿成流行病。第1~3代粉虱种群趋势指数分别为0.47、0.09和0.02,种群数量逐代锐藏,于8月下旬崩溃。经关键因子分析认为,10余种寄生蜂的寄生和4种虫生真菌的侵染为重要制约因子。斯氏寡节蚜小蜂Prospaltella smithi、刺粉虱黑蜂Amitus hesperidum、蚧侧链孢Pleurodesmospora coccora、枝孢霉Cladosporium sp.、顶孢霉Acremonium sp.和韦伯虫座孢Aegerita webberi是优势种天敌。  相似文献   

杨小舟蛾越冬蛹的空间分布格局   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对杨小舟Micromelalophatroglodyta(Graeser)越冬蛹在土壤中水平方向和垂直深度分布格局的调查、分析 ,认为杨小舟蛾越冬蛹在土壤中呈聚集型分布 ,分布的基本单位是个体群 ;该虫大部分集中在树冠投影下 ,距寄主主干半径 1 2 0~ 1 60cm地表的枯枝落叶和杂草层中。  相似文献   

茶黑刺粉虱蛹和卵的发育分级及与其防治适期的相关性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
韩宝瑜 《昆虫知识》2002,39(2):130-132
20 0 0年 4~ 6月 ,每 5日在皖南黑刺粉虱Aleurocanthusspiniferus(Quaintance)常发茶园中以平行跳跃法选 5 0个样方。每样方为 1m茶行 ,查其上、中、下层各 2片成叶上各虫态粉虱的数量 ;采回 2 0 0头蛹于立体显微镜下解剖。越冬代蛹期 32~ 38d。据蛹体形态和颜色的显著变化而分为 4级 :体液乳白色( 1 2~ 1 4d)、体液淡黄色 ( 6~ 8d)、体液橙红色 ( 1 1~ 1 2d)和体液淡紫色阶段 ( 3~ 4d)。引入该粉虱于盆载茶苗上 ,观察其生物学习性。第 1代卵期 2 2~ 2 8d ,据卵颜色的显著变化分为 4级 :乳白色 ( 2~ 4d)、淡黄色 ( 2~ 3d)、橙红色 ( 1 5~ 1 7d)和紫黑色阶段 ( 3~ 4d)。第 1代幼虫期 2 5~ 2 8d ,其中 1龄 9~ 1 2d ,2龄 9d ,3龄 7d ,蛹期 7~ 8d。越冬代成虫盛期和第 1代 1龄盛期为防治适期 ,可较好地用蛹或卵的分龄分级法预测。越冬代蛹全部羽化之时 ,又恰是 1龄幼虫盛期 ,易于掌握  相似文献   

黑刺粉虱及其天敌的研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
黑刺粉虱Aleurucamhus spiniferus Quaint.是柑桔、茶树等经济作物的重要害虫。福建一年发生4-5代,闽北、闽中发生4代,世代重叠。主要以若虫在柑桔等叶背越冬,越冬若虫于翌年2月间开始化蛹(伪蛹),4月间成虫羽化并产卵。各世代若虫发生期为第一代4月上旬至6月上旬;第二代6月中旬至7月下旬;第三代7月中旬至9月上旬;第四代9月中旬至翌年3月,11月进入越冬期。一年中以6-9月为发生为害高峰期。黑刺粉虱的寄生性天敌和捕食性天敌资源丰富,蛹期被寄生率甚高,对该虫的综合治理可以生物防治为主要措施。  相似文献   

通过比较研究茶黑刺粉虱 Aleurocanthus camelliae Kanmiya & Kasai和樟刺粉虱 Aleurocanthus cinnamomi Takahashi形态特征,有助于更好地区分这两种刺粉虱种类。采集这两种粉虱标本,通过体视显微镜和扫描电镜对茶黑刺粉虱和樟刺粉虱不同龄期形态结构进行了系统观察和比较研究;同时将伪蛹制作玻片标本观察。茶黑刺粉虱和樟刺粉虱卵、1 龄若虫和2 龄若虫形态结构比较相似,但是伪蛹形态不同,刺的数量及分布有较大的区别。茶黑刺粉虱中央区隆起,尤其是管状孔区域更明显,位于一个凸起的瘤突上;亚缘区上有10 ~ 11 对刺排列,樟刺粉虱亚缘区具有刺14 对,其中头胸部5 对,腹部9 对。茶黑刺粉虱管状孔隆起,亚心形或近圆形,盖瓣心形,几乎充塞了整个管状孔区域;樟刺粉虱管状孔半圆形,盖瓣半圆形,充塞管状孔一半区域。两种刺粉虱成虫整体上比较相似,复眼、胸部和腹部及前翅基部为橙黄色;前后翅及身体上的白色粉状物都是由后足将腹部蜡盘分泌物覆盖上的,茶黑刺粉虱的粉状物比樟刺粉虱要多。前后翅上有不同形状的白色斑纹,左右翅斑相连,但是樟刺粉虱前翅后缘全白,而茶黑色粉虱前翅后缘仅有部分白斑。本研究结果有助于更好地区分樟刺粉虱和茶黑刺粉虱,为农林生产过程中准确鉴定和防治提供一定的参考资料。  相似文献   

茶树黑刺粉虱(Aleurocanthus spiniferus)的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黑刺粉虱是我国近20多年来频繁暴发的茶树主要害虫之一,为更好地开展对该虫的防治,本文就黑刺粉虱生物学特性、空间格局、自然种群生命表、发生与环境的关系、防治指标、预测预报以及防治技术方面的研究进展进行了综述,并对今后的研究进行了探讨。  相似文献   

不同松林马尾松毛虫蛹及其寄生天敌群子的空间格局分析   总被引:24,自引:3,他引:21  
石根生  李典谟 《生态学报》1997,17(4):386-392
应用地学统计学的原理和方法研究了3种松柯马尾松毛虫越冬工蛹及其寄生天敌群子的窨结构和空间相关性。结果表明,湿地松-马尾松-火炬松混交松林中蛹的半变异函数曲线为球形,其空间格局为聚集型,受害程度高的马尾松纯林中,蛹的半变异函数曲线为指数形,空间格局为聚集型,受害程度低的纯马尾松林中,蛹的半变异函数曲线是一条截距为0.423,斜率为0.003814的直线,表明为随机或均匀型的空间格局。3种松林中蛹的寄  相似文献   

茶园黑刺粉虱(Aleurocanthus spiniferus)种群的RAPD多样性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
付建玉  韩宝瑜 《生态学报》2007,27(5):1887-1894
用RAPD技术对华东地区7个茶园的黑刺粉虱种群进行遗传结构分析。从40个随机引物中筛选出9条具特异性的引物,扩增出248条长度约为200~2000bp的DNA条带,其中199条多态性条带,多态性为80.24%。经Popgene软件分析,黑刺粉虱种群平均水平的多态位点百分比(P砚)为48.33%,Nei's基因多样性(HE)为0.2910,Shannon's多态性信息指数(日)为0.4442,表明黑刺粉虱种群遗传多样性丰富;各种群问遗传分化程度(Gst)较高,达0.3749,其中PPL以福建武夷山区的九龙山种群(JLS)最高,达77.42%,其次为安徽九华山种群(JHS)的65.73%;而且两种群的HE,H等遗传指标均较高。以NTSYSpc软件包,基于Nei's遗传距离对昆虫个体进行UPGMA和NJ法聚类分析,构建分子系统树,并进行多维标度分析(MDS)。系统树显示:同一种群的个体优先聚类,遗传相似度高的种群依次聚类。多维标度分析也显示:浙江杭州、富阳和绍兴3种群集中分布,安徽宣城种群靠近该3种群;而九华山种群则与武夷山区的九龙山种群聚拢;福建金山种群独立成簇。多维标度分析与聚类分析结果一致。认为粉虱种群间的遗传距离与地理距离之间存在相关性;两个山地种群的多样性有别于其它种群,是因为山地环境和气候引起粉虱适应性的生态地理分化。  相似文献   

The oviposition behaviour of Dendrocerus carpenteri (Curtis), an ectophagous hyperparasitoid of aphidiine wasps inside mummified aphids was examined. Hyperparasitoids were provided in the laboratory with pea aphids ( Acyrthosiphon pisum ) which had been parasitized by three different species of aphidiine wasps ( Aphidius ervi, Ephedrus californicus and Praon pequodorum ) ranging in physiological age from the late larval stage to the late pupal stage. Females accepted only the hosts inside mummified aphids; they ignored live aphids, and did not accept dead, but not yet mummified aphids, although the latter were sometimes probed with the ovipositor. Female behaviour in handling A. ervi or E. californicus mummies did not change with experience; handling and oviposition times were stereotypic. However, naive females needed experience to locate the cocoon of P. pequodorum and distinguish it from the empty aphid mummy. Host acceptance and specificity were influenced more by the developmental stage than the species of the primary parasitoid. In dichotomous choice tests, hyperparasitoids 'preferred' prepupae over younger pupae of A. ervi , but they did not distinguish between these stages of E. californicus; older pupae were accepted at a low rate. Host preference was not influenced by conditioning on the rearing host. We consider several constraints on the host range of D. carpenteri , and discuss alternative explanations of differential hyperparasitism in the field.  相似文献   

Host plant-associated fitness trade-offs are central to models of sympatric speciation proposed for certain phytophagous insects. But empirical evidence for such trade-offs is scant, which has called into question the likelihood of nonallopatric speciation. Here, we report on the second in a series of studies testing for host-related selection on pupal life-history characteristics of apple- (Malus pumila L.) and hawthorn- (Crataegus mollis L. spp.) infesting races of the Tephritid fruit fly, Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh). In particular, we examine the effects of winter length on the genetics of these flies. We have previously found that the earlier fruiting phenology of apple trees exposes apple-fly pupae to longer periods of warm weather preceding winter than hawthorn-fly pupae. Because R. pomonella has a facultative diapause, we hypothesized that this selects for pupae with more recalcitrant pupal diapauses (or slower metabolic/development rates) in the apple-fly race. A study in which we experimentally manipulated the length of the prewintering period for hawthorn-origin pupae supported this prediction. If the period preceding winter is important for apple- and hawthorn-fly pupae, then so too should be the length (duration) of winter; the rationale for this prediction is that “fast developing” pupae that break diapause too early will deplete their energy reserves and disproportionately die during long winters. To test this possibility, we chilled apple- and hawthorn-origin pupae collected from a field site near Grant, Michigan, in a refrigerator at 4°C for time periods ranging from one week to two years. Our a priori expectation was that longer periods of cold storage would select against allozyme markers that were associated with faster rates of development in our earlier study. Since these electromorphs are typically found at higher frequencies in hawthorn flies, extending the overwintering period should favor “apple-fly alleles” in both races. The results from this “overwinter” experiment supported the diapause hypothesis. The anticipated genetic response was observed in both apple and hawthorn races, as allele frequencies became significantly more “apple-fly-like” in eclosing adults surviving longer chilling periods. This indicates that it is the combination of environmental conditions before and during winter that selects on the host races. Many tests for trade-offs fail to adequately consider the interplay between insect development, host plant phenology, and local climatic conditions. Our findings suggest that such oversight may help to explain the paucity of reported fitness trade-offs.  相似文献   

南京地区棉铃虫越冬蛹滞育的解除与发育   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
蒋明星  张孝羲 《昆虫学报》1997,40(4):366-373
南京地区棉铃虫Heliclverpa armigera (Hubner)越冬蛹滞育的解除时间及解除后发育与温度的关系等问题。结果表明,该地区越冬蛹于12月中旬前后解除滞育,12月下旬至3月上旬处于休眠状态,3月下旬至4月上旬温度上升至约10℃~12℃后眼点开始移动。发现该虫在滞育后的发育中,眼点移动前期的发育速率、发育起始温度及血淋巴总蛋白含量动态明显不同于眼点移动后期或非滞育蛹。  相似文献   

In contrast to the situation with egg-larval and larval endoparasitic wasps, little is known about the effects of pupal endoparasitoids and their secretions on the hemocytes of their insect hosts. This study focuses on the pupal endoparasitoid, Pteromalus puparum, and its host, the small white butterfly, Pieris rapae. Parasitism by P. puparum, resulted in a significant increase in the total number of host hemocytes up to day five after parasitization. From day one to day four after parasitization, the percentage of plasmatocytes significantly decreased, and the proportion of granular cells increased. Moreover, from 12 h to day three after parasitization, hemocyte mortality in parasitized pupae was noticeably higher. When P. rapae pupae were parasitized by adult females of P. puparum irradiated by gamma-ray (pseudoparasitization), it was clear that the treated wasps could induce similar hemocyte changes. However, such phenomena did not occur in punctured host pupae (mimic-parasitization). After treatment with P. puparum venom, both the percentages of spreading plasmatocytes and encapsulated Sephadex G-25 beads were lessened significantly in vitro. Electron microscopy analysis and visualization of hemocyte F-actin with phalloidin-FITC showed that hemocytes treated with venom had a rounded configuration and neither spread nor extended pseudopods, while there was no marked alteration of hemocyte cytoskeletons after venom treatment. The results suggested that venom of P. puparum could actively suppress the hemocyte immune response of its host, but not by destroying the host hemocyte cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Parapoynx stagnalis (Zeller) (=Nymphula depunctalis (Guenée), is a sporadic rice paddy pest of south and southeast Asian rice paddy fields, and widely known as rice caseworm. A recent outbreak of the pest was observed in the upland rice paddy agro-ecosystem of the central Western Ghats, India. No potential natural enemies of this pest have so far been reported, mainly due to the semi-aquatic behavior of the larvae and pupae. However, an undescribed aquatic ichneumonid wasp species (belonging to a genus near Litochila) is reported as a potentially useful early stage pupal parasitoid of this pest in our study. The host searching behavior and potential of the parasitoid wasp was studied in detail using both field and laboratory experiments. The adult female wasps usually dive into the water in search of the host pupae, remaining under water for a maximum of 90.2s, while searching for rice caseworm pupae. In field and laboratory experiments, we found 73% of the parasitized pupae of P. stagnalis kept under water yielded adult parasitic wasps. However, no parasitoids emerged from parasitized host pupae maintained in dry terrariums. Sex ratio was 2.8:1. The present discovery of the semi-aquatic parasitoid wasp could aid in better management of the rice caseworm population in rice paddy fields.  相似文献   

A mannose-binding C-type lectin (MBL) was isolated by affinity chromatography from Heliothis virescens immune pupal hemolymph. The immune pupal hemolymph was obtained after bacterial injection of live Enterobacter cloacae bacteria. MBL in mammals acts as an opsonin for phagocytosis and activates the lectin complement pathway of the innate immune response, which leads to killing of gram-negative bacteria and enveloped viruses. The affinity-purified and reduced pupal MBL showed a single band of 36 kDa by SDS-PAGE (12% gel). A dot-immunoblot ELISA (using guinea pig anti-MBL IgG as primary antibody) demonstrated specificity of the antibody for the affinity-purified pupal MBL. The immune pupal hemolymph contained 21 microg of MBL per ml of hemolymph. The amino acid composition of the purified pupal MBL was determined with high amounts of arginine and histidine detected. The presence of MBL in insect pupae has not before been reported and could be important in pupal innate immunity to bacterial infection.  相似文献   

研究了自然条件下土壤含水量和蛹室对甜菜夜蛾Spodoptera exigua Hübner蛹越冬的影响,发现蛹在自然蛹室中能存活30d以上(不超过60d)。处理15d,随着土壤含水量的变化,蛹的存活率分别降至80%、20%和43%。但处理30、60、90和120d时死亡率均达到100%。调查发现,随着处理时间的延长,各土壤含水量中所埋的蛹死亡特征均有一个相同趋势,即发黑、发霉——肿胀——腐烂——残留部分蛹体。不同土壤含水量条件下,蛹的过冷却点、结冰点和蛹体含水量间均存在显著性差异(P≤0.05),尤以在最低的土壤含水量条件下蛹的过冷却点、结冰点和蛹体含水量最低,分别为(-20.2±1.1)℃、(-11.95±2.5)℃和(57.6±7.7)%。在室外变温条件下,结果初步表明蛹室对蛹有一定的保护作用。  相似文献   

Abstract:  Life history parameters in two generations of endoparasitoid Campoletis chlorideae (Uchida) were examined using Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)-resistant Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) larvae feeding on B. thuringiensis toxin Cry1Ac. In the laboratory, Bt toxin was fed to Bt-resistant host larvae continuously in case of Bt treatment and only before or after the host larvae were parasitized in Bt–P and P–Bt treatments, respectively. C. chlorideae pupae developed faster in Bt treatment than non-Bt treatment. The shortened pupal stage duration was mainly because of the feeding of host larvae on Bt-diet before being parasitized. Body length of adult male C. chlorideae developed inside Bt-treated Bt-resistant (Bt–Bt) H. armigera larvae significantly decreased, especially in host larvae feeding on Bt-diet after being parasitized. However, survival, pupal mortality and adult longevity of C. chlorideae were almost unaffected in Bt-resistant H. armigera larvae feeding on Bt-toxin. Furthermore, Bt-treated host larvae had the same effect on the F1 progeny of C. chlorideae as the previous generation, and there was no significant difference between generations. This experiment suggests that there is very limited effect on the life history parameters in two generations of C. chlorideae parasitizing Bt–Bt H. armigera larvae. But both generations of C. chlorideae are affected when Bt-resistant H. armigera larvae fed on Bt toxin for different durations.  相似文献   

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