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Abstract. Charadrii (shorebirds, gulls, and alcids) have an unusual diversity in their sexual size dimorphism, ranging from monomorphism to either male-biased or female-biased dimorphism. We use comparative analyses to investigate whether this variation relates to sexual selection through competition for mates or natural selection through different use of resources by males and females. As predicted by sexual selection theory, we found that in taxa with socially polygynous mating systems, males were relatively larger than females compared with less polygynous species. Furthermore, evolution toward socially polyandrous mating systems was correlated with decreases in relative male size. These patterns depend on the kinds of courtship displays performed by males. In taxa with acrobatic flight displays, males are relatively smaller than in taxa in which courtship involves simple flights or displays from the ground. This result remains significant when the relationship with mating system is controlled statistically, thereby explaining the enigma of why males are often smaller than females in socially monogamous species. We did not find evidence that evolutionary changes in sexual dimorphism relate to niche division on the breeding grounds. In particular, biparental species did not have greater dimorphism in bill lengths than uniparental species, contrary to the hypothesis that selection for ecological divergence on the breeding grounds has been important as a general explanation for patterns of bill dimorphism. Taken together, these results strongly suggest that sexual selection has had a major influence on sexual size dimorphism in Charadrii, whereas divergence in the use of feeding resources while breeding was not supported by our analyses.  相似文献   

Although sexual selection is widely accepted as a primary functional cause of sexual size dimorphism in birds and mammals, results from some comparative studies have cast doubt on this conclusion. Chief among these contradictory results is the widespread association between body size and size dimorphism—large species tend to be more dimorphic than small species. This correlation is not directly predicted by the normal sexual selection scenario, and many hypotheses have been advanced to explain it. This paper reviews these hypotheses and evaluates them using data for the New World blackbirds (Icterinae). In this avian subfamily, (1) body size correlates with the intensity of sexual selection (as measured by mean harem size), and (2) size does not correlate with dimorphism if the effects of mating system are removed. Similar results are obtained when controlling for the confounding influence of phylogeny. Further, body size and mating system are associated with nesting dispersion. These results strongly argue that sexual dimorphism is a product of sexual selection in this subfamily, and suggest that either: (1) large body size itself, or the ecology of large species, promotes the development of coloniality and a polygynous mating system; or (2) polygyny and/or coloniality lead to the evolution of large size in both males and females. None of the other hypotheses examined predict an association between size and mating system, and all predict that size will correlate with dimorphism after the effects of mating system are removed. Thus, none of the other hypotheses seem applicable in this case. These results are compared to those obtained for other avian and mammalian taxa. Difficulties of analysis present in previous studies are discussed. I argue that it is inappropriate to assume that associations between a trait and body size or phylogeny are evidence of nonadaptive evolutionary “constraints.”  相似文献   

Approximately one-quarter of all lek-breeding bird species are sexually monomorphic. Understanding the significance, if any, of this exception to the usual correlation between sexual selection and dimorphism requires detailed data on the mating systems of both monomorphic and dimorphic species. The capuchinbird (Perissocephalus tricolor) is a sexually monomorphic, lek-breeding member of the cotinga family. I studied the social and sexual behavior of this species, and compared it with the Guianan cock-of-the-rock (Rupicola rupicola), a dimorphic, lekking member of the same family. Male–male competition in capuchinbirds involved direct contests for dominance, rather than territorial displays as in classic lek species. In each year, one dominant individual was able to control the most desired display site on the 8-male lek, and was the only male that copulated. In contrast to dimorphic lek birds, female as well as male capuchinbirds engaged in frequent and intense aggression at the lek, and both males and females engaged in sexual mimicry. I suggest that plumage monomorphism in lek birds has evolved as a result of social competition affecting both sexes. This hypothesis accounts for the exaggerated plumage characters shared by males and females in capuchinbirds and a number of other monomorphic lek birds. The evolution of plumage can best be analyzed as an arms race, in which the balance of selective forces acting on each sex can produce a variety of equilibrium states, ranging from sexual indistinguishability to extreme dimorphism.  相似文献   

According to theory, two consequences of sexual selection are sexual dimorphism in size and secondary sexual characteristics, due to either intra- or intersexual selection. In this paper I suggest three criteria for the test of an evolutionary hypothesis involving quantitative morphological characters. First, the postulated change must be shown to have occurred in evolutionary time. Second, this change must be positively correlated with a change in the proposed selective agent. Third, given two taxa with different degrees of sexual size dimorphism and different mating system, the possible influence of drift must be rejected. If the hypothesis is not rejected by these three criteria, then we still have no proof of causality, but we can at least be more confident about its plausibility. This is applied to the particular hypothesis that sexual dimorphism in the Boat-tailed and Great-tailed grackles (Quiscalus spp; Icterinae; Aves) is caused by the highly polygynous mating system in these species. In relation to an outgroup, both species have increased disproportionately in male tarsus and tail size, creating an increased sexual dimorphism. This has cooccurred with the evolution of their particular mating system. However, the variance among species in male tarsus size can be accounted for by drift, and need not be a result of selection for increased size. In contrast, the variance among species in male tail size was much larger than expected under a null model of drift, indicating directional selection for long tails. The variance in female tail size was not larger than expected by drift, whereas the variance in female tarsus size was in fact lower than expected by drift, indicating stabilizing selection. The data are consistent with the hypothesis with regard to tail size, but not with regard to body size.  相似文献   

Evolution to reduce inbreeding can favor disassortative (intermorph) over assortative (intramorph) mating in hermaphroditic sexually polymorphic plant species. Heterostyly enhances disassortative pollination through reciprocal placement of stigmas and anthers of morphs and appropriate pollinators. Stylar dimorphism in which there is not reciprocal anther placement may compromise disassortative mating, particularly when there is not intramorph incompatibility. Variable rates of disassortative mating along with differential female fecundity or siring success among floral morphs could lead to variation in morph ratio. We investigated mating patterns, female fecundity, and siring success of style‐length morphs in Narcissus papyraceus, a self‐incompatible but morph‐compatible species with dimorphic (long‐ and short‐styled) and monomorphic (long‐styled) populations in central and north regions of its range, respectively. We established experimental populations in both regions and exposed them to ambient pollinators. Using paternity analysis, we found similar siring success of morphs and high disassortative mating in most populations. Female fecundity of morphs was similar in all populations. Although these results could not completely explain the loss of dimorphism in the species’ northern range, they provided evidence for the evolutionary stability of stylar dimorphism in N. papyraceus in at least some populations. Our findings support the hypothesis that prevailing intermorph mating is key for the maintenance of stylar dimorphism.  相似文献   

Studies integrating evolutionary and developmental analyses of morphological variation are of growing interest to biologists as they promise to shed fresh light on the mechanisms of morphological diversification. Sexually dimorphic traits tend to be incredibly divergent across taxa. Such diversification must arise through evolutionary modifications to sex differences during development. Nevertheless, few studies of dimorphism have attempted to synthesize evolutionary and developmental perspectives. Using geometric morphometric analysis of head shape for 50 Anolis species, we show that two clades have converged on extreme levels of sexual dimorphism through similar, male‐specific changes in facial morphology. In both clades, males have evolved highly elongate faces whereas females retain faces of more moderate proportion. This convergence is accomplished using distinct developmental mechanisms; one clade evolved extreme dimorphism through the exaggeration of a widely shared, potentially ancestral, developmental strategy whereas the other clade evolved a novel developmental strategy not observed elsewhere in the genus. Together, our analyses indicate that both shared and derived features of development contribute to macroevolutionary patterns of morphological diversity among Anolis lizards.  相似文献   

In polygynous mating systems, reproductive skew depends on the ability of males to monopolize females, which in turn may promote the development of contrasting traits in the two sexes. Although dominant individuals normally enjoy a higher reproductive success (RS) than subordinates, the use of genetic markers has shown that behavioural observations of male mating success may not provide reliable clues of RS. We report the preliminary results of the first DNA‐based paternity analysis on the Northern chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra), a scarcely dimorphic mountain ungulate described as highly polygynous, in relation to mating tactic and age. Because of sampling difficulties, the success in parentage assignment was low, and the interpretation of results requires caution. Territorial males had a greater RS than nonterritorial ones but they were unable to monopolize mating events. Age had a weak effect on paternity outcome but only males ≥ 6 years showed siring success. Although future studies are needed to assess the opportunity for sexual selection in male chamois, the concurrence of limited sexual size dimorphism, compensatory growth, unbiased sex‐specific survival, RS of alternative mating tactics and, possibly, long breeding tenure, may hint at the adoption of a conservative mating strategy in this species.  相似文献   

Binary communication systems that involve sex‐specific signaling and sex‐specific signal perception play a key role in sexual selection and in the evolution of sexually dimorphic traits. The driving forces and genetic changes underlying such traits can be investigated in systems where sex‐specific signaling and perception have emerged recently and show evidence of potential coevolution. A promising model is found in Drosophila prolongata, which exhibits a species‐specific increase in the number of male chemosensory bristles. We show that this transition coincides with recent evolutionary changes in cuticular hydrocarbon (CHC) profiles. Long‐chain CHCs that are sexually monomorphic in the closest relatives of D. prolongata (D. rhopaloa, D. carrolli, D. kurseongensis, and D. fuyamai) are strongly male‐biased in this species. We also identify an intraspecific female‐limited polymorphism, where some females have male‐like CHC profiles. Both the origin of sexually dimorphic CHC profiles and the female‐limited polymorphism in D. prolongata involve changes in the relative amounts of three mono‐alkene homologs, 9‐tricosene, 9‐pentacosene, and 9‐heptacosene, all of which share a common biosynthetic origin and point to a potentially simple genetic change underlying these traits. Our results suggest that pheromone synthesis may have coevolved with chemosensory perception and open the way for reconstructing the origin of sexual dimorphism in this communication system.  相似文献   

We have presented a formal model for the quantitative analysis of phylogenetic and specific effects on the distribution of trait values among species. Total trait values are divided into phylogenetic values, inherited from an ancestral species, and specific values, the result of independent evolution. This allows a quantitative assessment of the strength of the phylogenetic inertia, or burden, displayed by a character in a lineage, so that questions concerning the relative importance of phylogenetic constraints in evolution can be answered. The separation of phylogenetic from specific effects proposed here also allows phylogenetic factors to be explicitly included in cross-species comparative analyses of adaptation. This solves a long-standing problem in evolutionary comparative studies. Only species' specific values can provide information concerning the independent evolution of characters in a set of related species. Therefore, only correlations among specific values for traits may be used as evidence for adaptation in cross-species comparative analyses. The phylogenetic autocorrelation model was applied to a comparative analysis of the determinants of sexual dimorphism in weight among 44 primate species. In addition to sexual dimorphism in weight, mating system, habitat, diet, and size (weight itself) were included in the analysis. All of the traits, except diet, were substantially influenced by phylogenetic inertia. The comparative analysis of the determinants of sexual dimorphism in weight indicates that 50% of the variation among primate species is due to phylogeny. Size, or scaling, could account for a total of 36% of the variance, making it almost as important as phylogeny in determining the level of dimorphism displayed by a species. Habitat, mating system, and diet follow, accounting for minor amounts of variation. Thus, in attempting to explain why a particular modern primate species is very dimorphic compared to other primates, we would say first because its ancestor was more dimorphic than average, second because it is a relatively large species, and third because it is terrestrial, polygynous, and folivorous.  相似文献   

Why mainly males compete and females take a larger share in parental care remains an exciting question in evolutionary biology. Role‐reversed species are of particular interest, because such ‘exceptions’ help to test the rule. Using mating systems theory as a framework, we compared the reproductive ecology of the two most contrasting coucals with regard to sexual dimorphism and parental care: the black coucal with male‐only care and the biparental white‐browed coucal. Both species occur in the same lush habitat and face similar ecological conditions, but drastically differ in mating system and sexual dimorphism. Black coucals were migratory and occurred at high breeding densities. With females being obligatory polyandrous and almost twice as heavy as males, black coucals belong to the most extreme vertebrates with reversed sexual dimorphism. Higher variance in reproductive success in fiercely competing females suggests that sexual selection is stronger in females than in males. In contrast, resident white‐browed coucals bred at low densities and invariably in pairs. They were almost monomorphic and the variance in reproductive success was similar between the sexes. Black coucals were more likely to lose nests than white‐browed coucals, probably facilitating female emancipation of parental care in black coucals. We propose that a combination of high food abundance, high population density, high degree of nest loss and male bias in the adult sex ratio represent ecological conditions that facilitate role reversal and polyandry in coucals and terrestrial vertebrates in general.  相似文献   

Stigma-height dimorphism is a sexual polymorphism in which plant populations are composed of two floral morphs that differ significantly in style length but not anther position. The morphs exhibit approach and reverse herkogamy, floral designs that in most species typically occur as monomorphic conditions. We investigated the floral biology of stigma-height dimorphism in the Mediterranean geophyte Narcissus papyraceus (Amaryllidaceae) in an effort to understand the evolutionary forces maintaining stylar polymorphism. Our survey of 66 populations in Spain, Portugal, and Morocco indicated that 56% were dimorphic with the long-styled morph at an average frequency of 0.79. The remaining 44% of populations sampled were monomorphic for the long-styled morph. In dimorphic populations there was a significant positive relation between population size and the frequency of the short-styled morph. Controlled pollinations demonstrated that N. papyraceus is self-sterile with no significant differences in female fertility between intra- and intermorph crosses. Prior self-pollination reduced seed set in flowers that were subsequently cross-pollinated. Estimates of mating patterns using allozyme markers in eight populations indicated that N. papyraceus is largely outcrossing (mean t(m) = 0.81) with no significant differences between monomorphic and dimorphic populations or style morphs. Stigma-height dimorphism in N. papyraceus is maintained in populations by insect-mediated cross-pollination with biased morph ratios and stylar monomorphism likely resulting from the combined influence of the inheritance of the polymorphism, morph-specific differences in assortative mating and founder effects.  相似文献   

Narcissus, the daffodil genus, exhibits an unusual diversity of sexual systems, with populations that are monomorphic, dimorphic or trimorphic for style length. Associated with this variation are striking differences among species in floral morphology and pollination biology. This diversity provides an opportunity to investigate the evolution of mating polymorphisms, and to determine how floral morphology promotes transitions among sexual systems. Because of the absence of heteromorphic incompatibility in Narcissus, floral morphology plays a key role in governing patterns of outcrossed mating. Phylogenetic evidence indicates that stylar monomorphism is ancestral in the genus, with multiple origins of stylar polymorphism, including independent origins of stigma-height dimorphism, distyly and tristyly. Sexual polymorphisms have evolved only in lineages with narrow floral tubes that are pollinated by Lepidoptera and/or long-tongued bees. Populations of polymorphic Narcissus species are typically dominated by the long-styled morph and display imperfect reciprocity in the positions of sexual organs. These features are consequences of the unusual association between stylar polymorphism and a self-incompatibility system that permits intramorph mating.  相似文献   

Sexually selected traits are often highly variable in size within populations due to their close link with the physical condition of individuals. Nutrition has a large impact on physical condition, and thus, any seasonal changes in nutritional quality are predicted to alter the average size of sexually selected traits as well as the degree of sexual dimorphism in populations. However, although traits affected by mate choice are well studied, we have a surprising lack of knowledge of how natural variation in nutrition affects the expression of sexually selected weapons and sexual dimorphism. Further, few studies explicitly test for differences in the heritability and mean‐scaled evolvability of sexually selected traits across conditions. We studied Narnia femorata (Hemiptera: Coreidae), an insect where males use their hind legs as weapons and the femurs are enlarged, to understand the extent to which weapon expression, sexual dimorphism and evolvability change across the actual range of nutrition available in the wild. We found that insects raised on a poor diet (cactus without fruit) are nearly monomorphic, whereas those raised on a high‐quality diet (cactus with ripe fruit) are distinctly sexually dimorphic via the expression of large hind leg weapons in males. Contrary to our expectations, we found little evidence of a potential for evolutionary change for any trait measured. Thus, although we show weapons are highly condition dependent, and changes in weapon expression and dimorphism could alter evolutionary dynamics, our populations are unlikely to experience further evolutionary changes under current conditions.  相似文献   

The processes governing the evolution of sexual dimorphism provided a foundation for sexual selection theory. Two alternative processes, originally proposed by Darwin and Wallace, differ primarily in the timing of events creating the dimorphism. In the process advocated by Darwin, a novel ornament arises in a single sex, with no temporal separation in the origin and sex-limitation of the novel trait. By contrast, Wallace proposed a process where novel ornaments appear simultaneously in both sexes, but are then converted into sex-limited expression by natural selection acting against showy coloration in one sex. Here, we investigate these alternative modes of sexual dimorphism evolution in a phylogenetic framework and demonstrate that both processes contribute to dimorphic wing patterns in the butterfly genera Bicyclus and Junonia. In some lineages, eyespots and bands arise in a single sex, whereas in other lineages they appear in both sexes but are then lost in one of the sexes. In addition, lineages displaying sexual dimorphism were more likely to become sexually monomorphic than they were to remain dimorphic. This derived monomorphism was either owing to a loss of the ornament ('drab monomorphism') or owing to a gain of the same ornament by the opposite sex ('mutual ornamentation'). Our results demonstrate the necessity of a plurality in theories explaining the evolution of sexual dimorphism within and across taxa. The origins and evolutionary fate of sexual dimorphism are probably influenced by underlying genetic architecture responsible for sex-limited expression and the degree of intralocus sexual conflict. Future comparative and developmental work on sexual dimorphism within and among taxa will provide a better understanding of the biases and constraints governing the evolution of animal sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

Sexual selection can influence the evolution of sexually dimorphic exaggerated display structures. Herein, we explore whether such costly ornamental integumentary structures evolve independently or if they are correlated with phenotypic change in the associated skeletal system. In birds, elongate tail feathers have frequently evolved in males and are beneficial as intraspecific display structures but impart a locomotor/energetic cost. Using the sexually dimorphic tail feathers of several passeriform species as a model system, we test the hypothesis that taxa with sexually dimorphic tail feathers also exhibit sexual dimorphism in the caudal skeleton that supports the muscles and integument of the tail apparatus. Caudal skeletal morphology is quantified using both geometric morphometrics and linear morphometrics across four sexually dimorphic passeriform species and four closely related monomorphic species. Sexual dimorphism is assessed using permutational MANOVA. Sexual dimorphism in caudal skeletal morphology is found only in those taxa that exhibit active functional differences in tail use between males and females. Thus, dimorphism in tail feather length is not necessarily correlated with the evolution of caudal skeletal dimorphism. Sexual selection is sufficient to generate phenotypic divergence in integumentary display structures between the sexes, but these change are not reflected in the underlying caudal skeleton. This suggests that caudal feathers and bones evolve semi‐independently from one another and evolve at different rates in response to different types of selective pressures.  相似文献   

Sexes can differ in features associated with differential reproduction, which can be used during courtship or aggressive encounters. Some traits tend to evolve independently between sexes and emerge as sexually dimorphic within the organismal phenotype. We characterize such a relationship by estimating the phenotypic integration of the head morphology and modularity of the crest in the casque‐headed lizards (Corytophanidae). In this clade, some species show extreme sexual dimorphism (e.g., head crests in the genus Basiliscus) while in others, both sexes are monomorphic. To characterize these patterns, we define phenotypic integration at the interspecific level as a pattern or network of traits evidenced by phylogenetically adjusted correlations that persist among species. At this level, modularity is an increased connectedness (e.g., higher correlation) among sections of these networks that persist in a lineage during the evolution of complex phenotypes. To test both concepts, we used phylogenetic geomorphometrics to characterize the head structure of corytophanid lizards, based on a time‐calibrated phylogeny that includes candidate fossil ancestors. We found evidence of an older diversification of corytophanids than previously reported (~67 vs. ~23.5 MYA) and show that this clade includes two morphological head architectures: (1) Sexually dimorphic crests present in males that are evolving independently from the rest of the head structure, and (2) full integration of the head morphology in monomorphic species. We propose that both architectures are optimal evolutionary trajectories of the parietal crest bones in the head of these lizards. In sexually dimorphic species, these bones are elongated and thinner, and gave rise to the extended crest used in male courtship displays. In monomorphic species, the parietal crest grew thicker in both sexes to allow for a better insertion of muscles associated with a stronger bite.  相似文献   

Sexual selection is generally held responsible for the exceptional diversity in secondary sexual traits in animals. Mating system evolution is therefore expected to profoundly affect the covariation between secondary sexual traits and mating success. Whereas there is such evidence at the interspecific level, data within species remain scarce. We here investigate sexual selection acting on the exaggerated male fore femur and the male wing in the common and widespread dung flies Sepsis punctum and S. neocynipsea (Diptera: Sepsidae). Both species exhibit intraspecific differences in mating systems and variation in sexual size dimorphism (SSD) across continents that correlates with the extent of male–male competition. We predicted that populations subject to increased male–male competition will experience stronger directional selection on the sexually dimorphic male foreleg. Our results suggest that fore femur size, width and shape were indeed positively associated with mating success in populations with male‐biased SSD in both species, which was not evident in conspecific populations with female‐biased SSD. However, this was also the case for wing size and shape, a trait often assumed to be primarily under natural selection. After correcting for selection on overall body size by accounting for allometric scaling, we found little evidence for independent selection on any of these size or shape traits in legs or wings, irrespective of the mating system. Sexual dimorphism and (foreleg) trait exaggeration is therefore unlikely to be driven by direct precopulatory sexual selection, but more so by selection on overall size or possibly selection on allometric scaling.  相似文献   

The effects of a series of ecological and size factors on the degree of sexual dimorphism in body weight and canine size were studied among subsets of 70 primate species. Variation in body-weight dimorphism can be almost entirely attributed to body weight (83% of variance R2 of weight dimorphism). Much smaller amounts of the variation can be attributed to mating system (R2 =6.8%,polygynous species being more dimorphic than monogamous ones) and diet (R2 = 2.5%,frugivorous species being more dimorphic than folivorous ones). Habitat (arboreal vs. terrestrial) and activity rhythm (nocturnal vs. diurnal) have only an indirect effect on weight dimorphism. Variation in canine-size dimorphism can be explained in terms of canine size (R2 =49%),activity rhythm (R2 = 20%,diurnal species being more dimorphic than nocturnal ones), and mating system (R2 = 10%).Habitat and diet do not play a significant role in canine-size dimorphism. The unexpectedly high contribution of size to sexual dimorphism coupled with the observation of increased sexual dimorphism with increased size leads us to formulate a new selection model for the evolution of sexual dimorphism. We suggest that if there is selection for size increase, whatever its cause, directional selection in both males and females will lead to an increase in sexual dimorphism based on differences in genetic variance between the sexes. Sexual selection, resource division between the sexes, or lopsided reproductive selection need not play a role in such a model.  相似文献   

De Brazza's monkey (Cercopithecus neglectus), like other guenons, shows marked sexual dimorphism in an array of features. While strong sexual dimorphism is generally associated with a polygynous mating system, populations of De Brazza's monkeys in Gabon are reportedly monogamous. An explanation of this unique phenomenon is offered here. Patterns of sexual dimorphism are examined for morphology, growth and development, behavior, and ecology, and field and captive studies on the social organization and mating system of De Brazza's monkey and congeneric guenon species are reviewed. Based on the findings, it is postulated that 1) De Brazza's monkeys are not strictly monogamous, but exhibit interpopulational variation in their mating system, from facultative monogamy to mild polygyny; 2) marked sexual dimorphism most likely reflects the effect of the historical-phylogenetic factor; ie, it represents a holdover of a degree of dimorphism established earlier in evolutionary history when the degree of polygyny Was higher; and 3) lessening in the degree of polygyny and a tendency toward monogamy represents a consequence of selection toward small group size. Small group size, a unique antipredator strategy, and failure to form polyspecific associations are ultimately most likely the result of intragroup and interspecific competition and predation pressure.  相似文献   

The positive relationship between sexual size dimorphism (SSD) and harem size across pinnipeds is often cited as a textbook example of sexual selection. It assumes that female aggregation selected for large male size via male–male competition. Yet, it is also conceivable that SSD evolved prior to polygyny due to ecological forces. We analyzed 11 life‐history traits in 35 pinniped species to determine their coevolutionary dynamics and infer their most likely evolutionary trajectories contrasting these two hypotheses. We find support for SSD having evolved prior to changes in the mating system, either as a consequence of niche partitioning during aquatic foraging or in combination with sexual selection on males to enforce copulations on females. Only subsequently did polygyny evolve, leading to further coevolution as the strength of sexual selection intensified. Evolutionary sequence analyses suggest a polar origin of pinnipeds and indicate that SSD and polygyny are intrinsically linked to a suite of ecological and life‐history traits. Overall, this study calls for the inclusion of ecological variables when studying sexual selection and argues for caution when assuming causality between coevolving traits. It provides novel insights into the role of sexual selection for the coevolutionary dynamics of SSD and mating system.  相似文献   

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