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目的:选择黏度适宜的高分子溶液,制备相转化水凝胶微针。方法:通过考察两种型号的聚乙烯醇本身的黏度性质、溶液温度、几种不同性质的高分子材料,包括透明质酸、预胶化淀粉等可能影响聚乙烯醇溶液黏度的因素,使用粘度计测定其黏度值并作图比较,观察溶液黏度变化的规律。将所制溶液分别制备微针以观察针形的好坏,选择合适制备相转化水凝胶微针的溶液黏度范围。结果:实验表明黏度范围在2.5万至13万m Pa·s之间的聚合物溶液较为粘稠且流动性适宜。结论:在该黏度范围内的聚合物溶液可用以制备相转化水凝胶微针,适用于工业化生产。  相似文献   

目的:考察分子量为4 k Da的透明质酸,羧甲基纤维素钠对相转化水凝胶微针的影响以及对药物体外释放的影响。方法:制备含有不同浓度透明质酸或羧甲基纤维素钠的微针,利用显微镜观察微针的外观形态,用高效液相色谱法检测药物的体外释放,并用统计分析软件检测体外释放率的差异性。结果:含有透明质酸的微针出现相分离现象,体外释放24 h,释放率为55%左右;羧甲基纤维素钠的微针未出现相分离现象,体外释放24 h,释放率能达到60%左右,两种微针在3 h和24 h时体外释放率无显著性差异,在12 h时有显著性差异(P0.05)。结论:透明质酸与聚乙烯醇混合易出现相分离现象,可应用于微针的浓度范围较窄,羧甲基纤维素钠微针不易出现相分离现象。在12 h体外释放方面,含有羧甲基纤维素钠的微针处方优于含有透明质酸的微针处方,但是哪一种辅料更优还需要进一步的实验验证。  相似文献   

目的:考察透明质酸复合微针的制备方法,并选择形态粘度适宜的高分子溶液制备透明质酸微针。方法:测定不同浓度透明质酸溶液的粘度,确定适宜制备微针的溶液浓度。利用聚乙烯醇反复冷冻-解冻的物理交联方法制备透明质酸复合微针,并加入其他辅料考察微针针形的优劣。利用高效液相色谱法考察优化后透明质酸微针的体外释放行为。结果:10%透明质酸溶液适宜用抽真空法制备微针,聚乙烯醇优化后的透明质酸微针柔韧性更佳,刚性减小,易于揭膜。微针针形良好,不易断裂。体外释放实验中显示有缓释效果,8小时内可释放40%的理论载药量。结论:通过加入聚乙烯醇等生物相容性良好的辅料制备透明质酸微针,既具有良好的物理性能,又有较好的释放行为,优于目前文献报道的纯透明质酸微针的性能,可继续优化处方,具有更进一步研究的价值。  相似文献   

采用新型微孔膜乳化技术制备了载胰岛素的壳聚糖微球。研究表明,要制备粒径均一的壳聚糖微球,必须将亲水性膜修饰成疏水性;制得的微球粒径和所采用的膜孔径之间存在很好的线性关系,使得微球粒径可控;以胰岛素为模型药物,主要考察了交联剂用量和交联时间对微球表面形态、药物包埋率和微球体外释药特性的影响。结果表明当氨基与醛基的摩尔比为1∶0.7、交联时间为1h时,所得载药微球的包埋率最高,随着戊二醛用量的增加和交联时间的延长,药物体外释放速率减慢。  相似文献   

探究聚(N-异丙基丙烯酰胺)[poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)]基互穿网络(interpenetrating polymer network)温敏水凝胶(记作:IPNT)作为噬菌体内溶素Lys84递送载体的可行性,及载药水凝胶作为抗菌材料的应用潜力。以海藻酸钠和N-异丙基丙烯酰胺为原材料,通过自由基聚合的方法制备互穿网络温敏水凝胶,采用干态浸泡法负载金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus aureus)噬菌体内溶素Lys84获得载药水凝胶(IPNT-Lys84)。通过红外光谱仪、扫描电子显微镜(scanning electron microscopy,SEM)、差示扫描量热仪(differential scanning calorimetry,DSC)对水凝胶载药前后的物理性能进行表征,并研究水凝胶溶胀、退溶胀以及内溶素Lys84释放情况、在不同温度及不同浓度药液浸泡的抗菌性能。结果表明,IPNT-Lys84水凝胶孔洞均匀,低临界溶解温度(lower critical solution temperature,LCST)为32°C;水凝胶平衡溶胀度为30 g/g,退溶胀时失水率为88%;在37°C时内溶素释放率在6 h内达到70%以上;IPNT-Lys84水凝胶杀菌率达99.9%以上。研究表明,采用IPNT递送内溶素Lys84具有可行性,IPNT-Lys84水凝胶有望成为针对多重耐药金黄色葡萄球菌的有效抗菌材料。  相似文献   

研究超声对于高分子聚合物Pluronic P-105载药缓释系统的影响作用。方法配制不同浓度的P-105溶液,研究P-105溶胶-凝胶转化点及其影响因素。构建P-105载米托蒽醌水凝胶系统,将水凝胶暴露于不同频率与功率的超声波作用下,一定时间后,用PBS缓冲液冲洗水凝胶,根据缓冲液中米托蒽醌的紫外吸光值计算得出超声引发的药物的释放量。结果P-105的溶胶-凝胶转化点受P-105的浓度及外界环境温度的影响。在浓度低于26%的区域或较低温度时没有凝胶形成,浓度高于26%或者温度接近人体正常体温(或高于体温)时即为凝胶。P-105载药系统中药物的释放量与超声波的频率与功率有关,释放量随着超声功率增加而增加,随频率增加而降低。结论超声可以引发高分子聚合物Pluronic P-105载药系统的药物定时定量释放。  相似文献   

摘要目的:考察PVA/ 葡聚糖/ 羧甲基纤维素钠复合水凝胶外用膜剂的制备方法,并与纯PVA 水凝胶贴膜进行对比,考察本膜 剂在物理性能和药物体系的体外释放行为上所具备的优越性。方法:利用冷冻-解冻物理交联方法制备水凝胶装载胰岛素模型药 物的外用膜剂,通过万能拉力机和差示扫描量热法考察膜剂的物理性能,利用高效液色谱法考察该膜剂的体外释放行为。结果: PVA复合水凝胶外用贴膜相较于纯PVA水凝胶贴膜的韧性减小、刚性增加,体外释放变好。结论:通过将具有材料友好性的PVA 和多糖葡聚糖、羧甲基纤维素钠合并使用制备胰岛素复合水凝胶贴膜,既能保证贴膜具有良好的物理性能,又具有较好地释放行 为,优于目前文献报道的纯PVA水凝胶贴膜性能,有望继续研究优化性能。  相似文献   

目的:考察PVA/葡聚糖/羧甲基纤维素钠复合水凝胶外用膜剂的制备方法,并与纯PVA水凝胶贴膜进行对比,考察本膜剂在物理性能和药物体系的体外释放行为上所具备的优越性。方法:利用冷冻-解冻物理交联方法制备水凝胶装载胰岛素模型药物的外用膜剂,通过万能拉力机和差示扫描量热法考察膜剂的物理性能,利用高效液色谱法考察该膜剂的体外释放行为。结果:PVA复合水凝胶外用贴膜相较于纯PVA水凝胶贴膜的韧性减小、刚性增加,体外释放变好。结论:通过将具有材料友好性的PVA和多糖葡聚糖、羧甲基纤维素钠合并使用制备胰岛素复合水凝胶贴膜,既能保证贴膜具有良好的物理性能,又具有较好地释放行为,优于目前文献报道的纯PVA水凝胶贴膜性能,有望继续研究优化性能。  相似文献   

目的:制备与表征还原可降解的聚磺酸甜菜碱型纳米水凝胶,利用该纳米递药系统包载阿霉素(DOX)并初步评价其抗肿瘤性能。方法:利用回流沉淀聚合的方法合成含二硫键的聚磺酸甜菜碱甲基丙烯酸酯(PSBMA)纳米水凝胶及不含二硫键的PSBMA纳米凝胶(nd-PSBMA);通过粒度仪和透射电镜考察两种纳米水凝胶的粒径、形态以及稳定性;通过考察谷胱甘肽(GSH)对纳米凝胶溶液相对浊度的影响以评价还原环境对两种纳米凝胶的还原可降解性;利用纳米凝胶包载阿霉素(DOX),考察载药凝胶在GSH中的释药行为,并初步评价其对A549肿瘤细胞的杀伤作用。结果:以N, N'-双丙烯酰胱胺为交联剂制备了含二硫键的PSBMA纳米凝胶,其粒径在180~200 nm;同时以N, N'-双丙烯酰胺为交联剂制备了不含二硫键的n-PSBMA纳米凝胶。两种纳米凝胶与小鼠血清共孵育7天水合粒径仍无明显变化,表明磺酸甜菜碱型纳米凝胶具有良好的抗蛋白吸附能力。此外,PSBMA纳米凝胶在GSH溶液中迅速地降解,且降解速度与GSH浓度呈正相关;而nd-PSBMA纳米凝胶在GSH溶液中几乎不降解。载DOX的PSBMA纳米凝胶可在GSH作用下快速的释放药物而载DOX的nd-PSBMA纳米凝胶在GSH作用下缓慢的释放药物;体外细胞实验显示空白纳米凝胶和载药nd-PSBMA对A549细胞无明显毒性作用,但载DOX的PSBMA纳米凝胶可高效地杀死A549肿瘤细胞,其药效与游离DOX相仿。结论:还原可降解的PSBMA纳米水凝胶有望成为智能型控释药物载体。  相似文献   

硝酸铵水凝胶分子印迹聚合物的制备   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的:目前安全问题成为世界各国的首要问题,尤其是对炸药分子的检测。硝酸铵是硝铵炸药的主要成分。研究水凝胶分子印迹法对硝铵炸药分子的检测。方法:水凝胶分子印迹方法制备硝酸铵水凝胶分子印迹聚合物,运用静态结合实验对其结合率进行了测定。结果:聚合物对硝酸铵具有良好的识别和吸附性能。印迹聚合物的解离常数为4.08g/L,最大吸附量为3.51mg/g。结论:水凝胶分子印迹法可合成水溶性炸药分子印迹聚合物,并且识别及吸附性能良好。  相似文献   

A revolutionary paradigm shift is being observed currently, towards the use of therapeutic biologics for disease management. The present research was focused on designing an efficient dosage form for transdermal delivery of α-choriogonadotropin (high molecular weight biologic), through biodegradable polymeric microneedles. Polyvinylpyrrolidone-based biodegradable microneedle arrays loaded with high molecular weight polypeptide, α-choriogonadotropin, were fabricated for its systemic delivery via transdermal route. Varied process and formulation parameters were optimized for fabricating microneedle array, which in turn was expected to temporally rupture the stratum corneum layer of the skin, acting as a major barrier to drug delivery through transdermal route. The developed polymeric microneedles were optimized on the basis of quality attributes like mechanical strength, axial strength, insertion ratio, and insertion force analysis. The optimized polymeric microneedle arrays were characterized for in vitro drug release studies, ex vivo drug permeation studies, skin resealing studies, and in vivo pharmacokinetic studies. Results depicted that fabricated polymeric microneedle arrays with mechanical strength of above 5 N and good insertion ratio exhibited similar systemic bioavailability of α-choriogonadotropin in comparison to marketed subcutaneous injection formulation of α-choriogonadotropin. Thus, it was ultimately concluded that the designed drug delivery system can serve as an efficient tool for systemic delivery of therapeutic biologics, with an added benefit of overcoming the limitations of parenteral delivery, achieving better patient acceptability and compliance.  相似文献   

光动力疗法与给药微针(microneedle, MN)相结合为治疗肿瘤提供了一种安全有效的途径。本文设计了一种基于壳聚糖搭载高能光子的可控缓释型载药微针贴片(LED-losartan-HEMA/ CS-MN, LLH-CSMN),重点研究了其制备工艺,并且以氯沙坦为模型药物对微针阵列的形貌尺寸进行了表征,探究了LLH-CSMN的力学性能、皮肤穿刺性能、缓释性能以及高能光子在长时间工作下的光热性能。结果表明,基于壳聚糖搭载高能光子的微针贴片能够有效地在皮肤表面打开通道进行药物递送,并进行光动力治疗。同时,体外透皮扩散试验表明,以氯沙坦为模型药物制备的微针在1 h内释放了约30%的药物,在1 d内总共释放了约60%的药物,随后进行缓慢释放,在6 d后最终释放了93%的药物,LLH-CSMN具有可控缓释特性以及良好的长效光辅助治疗效果,为肿瘤治疗提供了一个新的安全有效途径。  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of vaccine delivery to the skin by vaccine-coated microneedles; however there is little information on the effects of adjuvants using this approach for vaccination. Here we investigate the use of TLR ligands as adjuvants with skin-based delivery of influenza subunit vaccine. BALB/c mice received 1 μg of monovalent H1N1 subunit vaccine alone or with 1 μg of imiquimod or poly(I:C) individually or in combination via coated microneedle patches inserted into the skin. Poly(I:C) adjuvanted subunit influenza vaccine induced similar antigen-specific immune responses compared to vaccine alone when delivered to the skin by microneedles. However, imiquimod-adjuvanted vaccine elicited higher levels of serum IgG2a antibodies and increased hemagglutination inhibition titers compared to vaccine alone, suggesting enhanced induction of functional antibodies. In addition, imiquimod-adjuvanted vaccine induced a robust IFN-γ cellular response. These responses correlated with improved protection compared to influenza subunit vaccine alone, as well as reduced viral replication and production of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the lungs. The finding that microneedle delivery of imiquimod with influenza subunit vaccine induces improved immune responses compared to vaccine alone supports the use of TLR7 ligands as adjuvants for skin-based influenza vaccines.  相似文献   

Microneedle (MN) technology has emerged as an effective drug delivery system, and it has tremendous potential as a patient friendly substitute for conventional methods for transdermal drug delivery (TDD). In this paper, we report on the preparation of lidocaine-loaded biodegradable microneedles, which are manufactured from fish scale-derived collagen. Lidocaine, a common tissue numbing anaesthetic, is loaded in these microneedles with an aim of delivering the drug with controlled skin permeation. Evaluation of lidocaine permeation in porcine skin has been successfully performed using Franz diffusion cell (FDC) which has shown that the drug permeation rate increases from 2.5 to 7.5% w/w after 36 h and pseudo steady state profile is observed from 5.0 to 10.0% w/w lidocaine-loaded microneedle. Swelling experiments have suggested that the microneedles have negligible swellability which implies that the patch would stick to the tissue when inserted. The experiments on MN dissolution have depicted that the lidocaine loaded in the patch is lower than the theoretical loading, which is expected as there can be losses of the drug during initial process manufacture.  相似文献   

Microneedle arrays have been developed to deliver a range of biomolecules including vaccines into the skin. These microneedles have been designed with a wide range of geometries and arrangements within an array. However, little is known about the effect of the geometry on the potency of the induced immune response. The aim of this study was to develop a computational model to predict the optimal design of the microneedles and their arrangement within an array. The three-dimensional finite element model described the diffusion and kinetics in the skin following antigen delivery with a microneedle array. The results revealed an optimum distance between microneedles based on the number of activated antigen presenting cells, which was assumed to be related to the induced immune response. This optimum depends on the delivered dose. In addition, the microneedle length affects the number of cells that will be involved in either the epidermis or dermis. By contrast, the radius at the base of the microneedle and release rate only minimally influenced the number of cells that were activated. The model revealed the importance of various geometric parameters to enhance the induced immune response. The model can be developed further to determine the optimal design of an array by adjusting its various parameters to a specific situation.  相似文献   

Mortality due to seasonal and pandemic influenza could be reduced by increasing the speed of influenza vaccine production and distribution. We propose that vaccination can be expedited by (1) immunizing with influenza virus-like particle (VLP) vaccines, which are simpler and faster to manufacture than conventional egg-based inactivated virus vaccines, and (2) administering vaccines using microneedle patches, which should simplify vaccine distribution due to their small package size and possible self-administration. In this study, we coated microneedle patches with influenza VLP vaccine, which was released into skin by dissolution within minutes. Optimizing the coating formulation required balancing factors affecting the coating dose and vaccine antigen stability. Vaccine stability, as measured by an in vitro hemagglutination assay, was increased by formulation with increased concentration of trehalose or other stabilizing carbohydrate compounds and decreased concentration of carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) or other viscosity-enhancing compounds. Coating dose was increased by formulation with increased VLP concentration, increased CMC concentration, and decreased trehalose concentration, as well as increased number of dip coating cycles. Finally, vaccination of mice using microneedles stabilized by trehalose generated strong antibody responses and provided full protection against high-dose lethal challenge infection. In summary, this study provides detailed analysis to guide formulation of microneedle patches coated with influenza VLP vaccine and demonstrates effective vaccination in vivo using this system.  相似文献   

复杂的肿瘤微环境导致抗肿瘤药物在肿瘤组织内递送效率低下,严重阻碍了药物对浅表肿瘤的治疗效果。生物相容透皮给药微针凭借较高的机械强度,刺穿皮肤角质层,将微针内的药物递送至浅表肿瘤组织内,提高生物利用度,改善静脉注射、口服给药的肝肾毒性等问题。本文介绍了生物相容透皮给药微针的设计及其在癌症化疗、光动力治疗、光热治疗、免疫治疗、基因治疗等领域的研究进展,对浅表肿瘤的微创、局部递药和精准、高效治疗具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

As a hybrid between a hypodermic needle and transdermal patch, we have used microfabrication technology to make arrays of micron-scale needles that transport drugs and other compounds across the skin without causing pain. However, not all microneedle geometries are able to insert into skin at reasonable forces and without breaking. In this study, we experimentally measured and theoretically modeled two critical mechanical events associated with microneedles: the force required to insert microneedles into living skin and the force needles can withstand before fracturing. Over the range of microneedle geometries investigated, insertion force was found to vary linearly with the interfacial area of the needle tip. Measured insertion forces ranged from approximately 0.1-3N, which is sufficiently low to permit insertion by hand. The force required to fracture microneedles was found to increase with increasing wall thickness, wall angle, and possibly tip radius, in agreement with finite element simulations and a thin shell analytical model. For almost all geometries considered, the margin of safety, or the ratio of fracture force to insertion force, was much greater than one and was found to increase with increasing wall thickness and decreasing tip radius. Together, these results provide the ability to predict insertion and fracture forces, which facilitates rational design of microneedles with robust mechanical properties.  相似文献   

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