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为了研究Dicer及其所产生的miRNAs在血管平滑肌细胞(VSMC)中的作用,本研究采用条件性基因打靶法敲除了小鼠VSMC中的Dicer外显子23,通过采用连续性剖检妊娠小鼠法、病理组织学、免疫荧光、PCR、Western blot和实时PCR等技术对条件性敲除Dicer(Dicer c KO)胚胎的血管病变和VSMC中的Dicer、miRNAs和信号转导通路蛋白变化进行了详细研究.结果发现,在培育条件性敲除Dicer小鼠的过程可产生三种不同基因型小鼠,即野生型、杂合型和纯合型(Dicer c KO)小鼠.其中野生型和杂合型小鼠出生后无明显临床异常,而Dicer c KO小鼠却死于腹中而不能出生.Dicer c KO胚胎在胚胎发育的第12.5天(E12.5)就出现发育迟滞变化,在E14.5,皮肤、骨骼肌和肝脏的血管极度扩张、血液淤滞和广泛的弥漫性出血,在E15.5死亡.Dicer c KO胚胎血管壁的病变于E13.5即出现,主要表现为血管中膜的VSMC排列不整,增生减少;E14.5血管壁变薄、塌陷,管腔不规则,细胞增生明显减少;E15.5血管壁的结构完全破坏,细胞增生停止,血管壁的屏障作用破坏,通透性增强,向外渗血.在胚胎发育的E14.5,VSMC标志性基因的表达明显下调,VSMC中大部分受检miRNAs的表达也明显降低,磷酸化的信号转导通路蛋白,即细胞外信号调节激酶和蛋白激酶明显衰减.研究证明,Dicer是血管发育所必需的基因,它可通过控制mi RNA产生和成熟来调节VSMC标志性基因的表达,借以促进VSMC的增殖与分化,保障血管壁结构的完整.  相似文献   

目的:建立OTUB1肝脏特异性基因敲除小鼠模型,初步分析其表型并研究OTUB1基因与肝脏代谢的关系。方法:利用Cre/Loxp系统构建条件性基因敲除小鼠模型,即将OTUB1~(fl/fl)转基因小鼠与Alb-Cre小鼠杂交,子代自交,得到OTUB1肝特异性基因敲除小鼠并进行鉴定。取同窝对照小鼠(control,NC)和肝特异型基因敲除(hepatic-specific OTUB1 knockout,HCKO)小鼠,通过PCR和免疫印迹(Western blot),确证OTUB1肝脏特异性基因敲除小鼠模型是否成功构建。通过组织病理学方法,分析主要组织器官的形态以及是否存在自发的病变;通过血清生化指标检测肝脏脂代谢水平;通过血糖耐受实验(GTT)分析HCKO小鼠对血糖的控制。结果:基因组测序和Western blot检测结果显示HCKO小鼠肝脏中OTUB1被敲除,其他组织中OTUB1表达水平无变化,证明OTUB1肝脏特异性基因敲除小鼠模型构建成功。HCKO小鼠出生正常,各组织器官无异常,生化指标中总胆固醇水平明显降低,表明OTUB1影响肝脏脂代谢水平。糖耐受实验中HCKO小鼠血糖回落迅速,表明敲除OTUB1影响肝脏血糖调节稳态。结论:应用Cre/Loxp技术成功建立OTUB1肝脏特异性基因敲除小鼠模型,为研究OTUB1在肝脏的生理功能和调控机制提供了重要的动物模型。  相似文献   

目的:运用Cre/Loxp重组酶系统构建肝脏特异性CD36基因敲除小鼠并进行鉴定和验证,为研究CD36的生物学功能奠定基础。方法:构建CD36打靶载体,电转转染胚胎干细胞,通过长链PCR筛选出正确同源重组的阳性克隆,阳性胚胎干细胞克隆经扩增后,注射入C57BL/6J小鼠的囊胚中,获得嵌合小鼠,再与Flp小鼠交配筛选获得Flox杂合子小鼠,该小鼠与引进的Alb-Cre小鼠交配,在F3代获得CD36fl/fl:Alb-Cre+基因型小鼠,即为肝脏特异性CD36敲除小鼠。采用PCR鉴定小鼠基因型,PCR、实时荧光定量PCR和Western blot验证小鼠肝脏CD36敲除效果,Western blot检测小鼠肾脏、脂肪和心肌组织CD36表达情况,HE染色观察小鼠肝脏形态学改变。结果:建立了CD36基因的Flox杂合子小鼠,与Alb-Cre小鼠交配后,在F3代筛选出CD36fl/fl:AlbCre-和CD36fl/fl:Alb-Cre+基因型小鼠,DNA水平证实CD36fl/fl:Alb-Cre+基因型小鼠肝脏CD36基因通过Cre/Loxp重组酶系统被敲除。与CD36fl/fl:Alb-Cre-基因型小鼠相比,CD36fl/fl:Alb-Cre+基因型小鼠肝脏CD36mRNA和蛋白表达水平显著降低,肾脏、脂肪和心肌组织CD36蛋白表达无差别,肝脏形态学特征无明显差异。结论:通过Cre/Loxp重组酶系统成功构建了肝脏特异性CD36基因敲除小鼠,为研究CD36在肝脏代谢和肝脏疾病中的功能提供了动物模型。  相似文献   

目的探究马尾松树皮提取物(Pinus massoniana bark extract, PMBE)对载脂蛋白E(ApoE)基因敲除小鼠肝脏脂肪变性的影响。方法给8只ApoE KO雄性小鼠每天口服PMBE(30 mg/kg)2周,然后喂养高胆固醇及高脂饮食8周后,与普通饮食(NC)组及高脂饮食(HCD)组进行对比,取各组小鼠肝脏组织进行油红染色及Real-time PCR试验,检测脂质代谢相关基因的表达。结果经PMBE治疗后的小鼠肝细胞中脂质沉积减少,肝脏脂质含量减低;随后检测脂质代谢相关基因,发现PMBE通过减少脂质合成和增加脂解作用显著抑制了肝脏脂肪的蓄积。结论 PMBE可以预防肝脏脂肪变性的发生和发展。  相似文献   

目的:在小鼠海马中特异性敲除RNA酶Ⅲ酶(RNAase Ⅲenzyme)Dicer1,并初步观察Dicer1在小鼠海马的生长发育中起到的基本作用。方法:用在海马中特异性表达Cre酶的Frizzled9-CreERTM小鼠和Dicer1(flox/flox)小鼠交配,得到Dicer1(flox/+);Frizzled9-CreERTM小鼠,并再次与Dicer1(flox/flox)交配,得到Dicer1(flox/flox);Frizzled9-CreERTM小鼠,用他莫昔芬(TM)诱导Cre酶的表达,使Dicer1在海马中特异性敲除,观察小鼠的表型。结果:TM诱导的Dicer1全敲的小鼠出生率低,大部分在出生后40天左右死亡,海马中CA3区域变薄,猜测与海马中缺乏Dicer1酶有关。结论:Dicer1是miRNA产生过程中的重要因素,在海马中敲除Dicer1后影响小鼠发育,小鼠易猝死。  相似文献   

目的:构建FKBP38(FK506 Binding Protein 38)基因肝脏特异敲除小鼠。方法:利用胚胎注射法构建在FKBP38上携带lox P位点的转基因小鼠。在FKBP38基因位置携带lox P位点的小鼠的基础上,以肝脏实质细胞特异性表达的Alb-Cre介导FKBP38条件性敲除,以获得FKBP38基因肝脏特异敲除小鼠模型Alb-Cre:FKBP38~(fl/fl)。同时对FKBP38特异性敲除鼠进行鉴定。结果:(1)FKBP38肝脏特异敲除小鼠FKBP38~(-/-)肝脏中FKBP38基因的m RNA水平相对于同年龄同窝野生型小鼠具有统计学差异(P0.001)。(2)FKBP38肝脏特异敲除小鼠FKBP38~(-/-)肝脏中FKBP38基因的蛋白表达水平相对于同年龄同窝野生型小鼠具有统计学差异(P0.001)。(3)FKBP38肝脏特异敲除小鼠FKBP38~(-/-)肝脏中,转录和翻译相关蛋白水平未见显著差异,p70 S6K的磷酸化水平轻微上调,4EBP-1的磷酸化水平有轻微下调。(4)FKBP38肝脏特异敲除小鼠FKBP38~(-/-)肝脏中,凋亡相关蛋白Bcl-2未见差异化表达。结论:FKBP38肝脏特异敲除小鼠FKBP38~(-/-)肝脏中,FKBP38基因的m RNA和蛋白基本不表达,提示成功构建FKBP38基因肝脏特异敲除小鼠。  相似文献   

目的:比较青年小鼠和老年小鼠不同脑区糖原及其代谢的差异,为后续相关研究奠定基础。方法:分别取雄性C57BL/6J青年小鼠(8周龄)和老年小鼠(18月龄)皮层、海马、纹状体三个脑区脑组织,通过糖原定量试剂盒检测糖原含量,通过Western Blot检测糖原代谢相关酶(包括糖原合成、糖原分解、葡萄糖转运、乳酸转运相关酶类)的表达水平。结果:与青年小鼠相比,老年小鼠皮层、纹状体糖原含量明显上升,但海马的糖原含量无明显变化。在糖原合成代谢的关键酶中,糖原合成酶在老年小鼠皮层、纹状体的表达水平明显升高,而海马区则无明显差异;糖原分支酶在老年小鼠皮层的表达水平有所下降,在海马和纹状体则无明显变化。在糖原分解代谢的关键酶中,老年小鼠的糖原磷酸化酶在皮层、海马和纹状体均明显升高,而糖原脱支酶在上述脑区则无明显变化。葡萄糖转运体1的表达水平在老年小鼠与青年小鼠各脑区无显著差异。在单羧酸转运体中,老年小鼠单羧酸转运体1在各脑区均明显上升,单羧酸转运体4在皮层明显升高,其余脑区则无明显差异。结论:老年小鼠脑内糖原含量总体上较青年小鼠高,老年小鼠脑糖原代谢通路相关酶的表达与青年小鼠存在明显差异,且不同脑区之间存在异质性。  相似文献   

NADPH氧化酶活性不影响主动脉平滑肌细胞负荷胆固醇   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
NADPH氧化酶产生的活性氧促进血管平滑肌细胞的增殖和迁移,与动脉粥样硬化的发生密切相关.为了观察NADPH氧化酶的亚基p47phox对血管平滑肌细胞胆固醇代谢的影响,把p47phox基因敲除小鼠的主动脉血管平滑肌细胞与10 mg/L水溶性胆固醇共孵育72 h,然后用0.3 mg/L凝血酶处理10 min,采用免疫组织化学和油红O染色、实时定量逆转录PCR、免疫蛋白印迹、细胞内胆固醇测定等方法,观察细胞内胆固醇的改变,与平滑肌细胞、巨噬细胞、炎症反应细胞内胆固醇代谢相关蛋白的表达.结果显示,与未孵育的对照组相比,水溶性胆固醇孵育过的主动脉血管平滑肌细胞内胆固醇明显增加,差别有显著性意义:细胞内中性脂滴明显增加;α-肌动蛋白的表达下降,半乳糖凝集素3表达升高,单核细胞趋化蛋白1及血管细胞黏附分子1的表达不变;ATP结合盒转运体A1、酰基辅酶A:胆固醇酰基转移酶1及脂肪分化相关蛋白的表达增加.但是,与野生型血管平滑肌细胞相比,敲除p47phox基因并不能使所测定的指标发生变化.结果提示,负荷胆固醇后,p47phox依赖的NADPH氧化酶并不能改变血管平滑肌细胞向泡沫细胞的转变.单纯敲除p47phox基因不能改变细胞内胆固醇代谢的状态.  相似文献   

目的建立Dicer1转基因小鼠模型。方法构建pcDNA3.1-Dicer1转基因构件,经酶切、纯化后通过显微注射方法导入BDF1小鼠受精卵原核并移植到同期受孕的ICR受体母鼠输卵管内。出生后仔鼠用PCR和Southern方法检测鼠尾DNA鉴定基因型,通过免疫组化检测Dicer1基因表达。结果显微注射172枚卵,移植119枚卵于3只受体输卵管中,2只怀孕,共产仔15只,经PCR检测获得6只阳性鼠,Southern检测6只均为阳性。对Southern检测阳性转基因小鼠子代进行RT-PCR检测和免疫组化分析证明Dicer1基因在肝脏、肾脏、肺内均有表达。对腹腔肿胀的转基因阳性1号鼠解剖发现肝脏、脾脏明显增大,胚胎发育异常。结论成功建立Dicer1基因表达的转基因小鼠模型,该模型为进一步研究DICER1基因功能及miRNA的表达及功能等奠定基础。  相似文献   

脑是富含胆固醇的器官,机体大约有25%的胆固醇集中在脑组织中.ATP结合盒超家族转运蛋白对脑组织中胆固醇的膜外转运和动态平衡起着重要的调节作用.研究发现,ATP结合盒超家族转运蛋白亚体ABCG1、ABCG4和ABCA1在成体脑组织中存在不同程度的表达,一种或多种亚体的缺失可以导致神经退行性病变.然而,ATP结合盒超家族转运蛋白亚体对脑发育过程中脑胆固醇动态变化的调节缺乏相关性的报道.在本研究中,从低胆固醇饮食喂养的C57BL/6J小鼠中获取出生后不同发育时期的脑组织,对ABCG1、ABCG4和ABCA1的mRNA与蛋白质表达水平进行测定,并对脑组织和血清中ATP结合盒超家族转运蛋白的表达水平与胆固醇水平的相关性进行研究.同时,使用ABCG1、ABCG4单一基因敲除鼠和ABCG1、ABCG4双基因敲除鼠,研究ATP结合盒超家族转运蛋白对与胆固醇合成的相关基因表达的影响以及对脑组织胆固醇代谢的调节作用.结果发现,ABCG1、ABCG4和ABCA1在机体多个器官中均有表达,但ABCG1和ABCG4在小鼠脑组织中表达量最高.在脑组织发育过程中,ABCG1和ABCG4mRNA水平呈现明显的表达时效性,小鼠于出生后42天达到峰值,而ABCA1 mRNA的表达水平无明显变化.血清和脑组织中中酯化型胆固醇水平呈双高峰分布,也于出生后42天达到最高.基因敲除鼠模型显示,单一敲除ABCG1或者ABCG4基因对脑组织胆固醇水平无明显影响,而ABCG1和ABCG4基因的同时缺失导致脑胆固醇水平显著升高,并明显降低胆固醇合成相关基因的表达水平.本研究表明,在脑发育成熟过程中,ATP结合盒超家族转运蛋白亚体ABCG1和ABCG4,而非ABCA1,以调节脑胆固醇的膜外转运;ABCG1和ABCG4互补调控脑胆固醇的动态平衡.  相似文献   

Bile acids are synthesized from cholesterol in the liver and are excreted into bile via the hepatocyte canalicular bile salt export pump. After their passage into the intestine, bile acids are reabsorbed in the ileum by sodium-dependent uptake across the apical membrane of enterocytes. At the basolateral domain of ileal enterocytes, bile acids are extruded into portal blood by the heterodimeric organic solute transporter OSTalpha/OSTbeta. Although the transport function of OSTalpha/OSTbeta has been characterized, little is known about the regulation of its expression. We show here that human OSTalpha/OSTbeta expression is induced by bile acids through ligand-dependent transactivation of both OST genes by the nuclear bile acid receptor/farnesoid X receptor (FXR). FXR agonists induced endogenous mRNA levels of OSTalpha and OSTbeta in cultured cells, an effect that was not discernible upon inhibition of FXR expression by small interfering RNAs. Furthermore, OST mRNAs were induced in human ileal biopsies exposed to the bile acid chenodeoxycholic acid. Reporter constructs containing OSTalpha or OSTbeta promoters were transactivated by FXR in the presence of its ligand. Two functional FXR binding motifs were identified in the OSTalpha gene and one in the OSTbeta gene. Targeted mutation of these elements led to reduced inducibility of both OST promoters by FXR. In conclusion, the genes encoding the human OSTalpha/OSTbeta complex are induced by bile acids and FXR. By coordinated control of OSTalpha/OSTbeta expression, bile acids may adjust the rate of their own efflux from enterocytes in response to changes in intracellular bile acid levels.  相似文献   

Cell transplantation is a potential therapy for acquired or inherited liver diseases. Donor-derived hepatocytes (DDH) have been found in humans and mice after bone marrow transplantation (BMT) but with highly variable frequencies in different disease models. To test the effect of liver repopulation after BMT in inherited cholestatic liver diseases, spgp (sister of P-glycoprotein, or bile salt export pump, abcb11) knockout mice, a model for human progressive intrahepatic cholestasis type 2 with defects in excreting bile salts across the hepatocyte canalicular membrane, were transplanted with bone marrow cells from enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) transgenic donor mice after lethal irradiation. One to 6 months later, scattered EGFP-positive DDHs with positive spgp staining were observed in the liver. These hepatocytes had been incorporated into hepatic plates and stained positively with hepatocyte-specific marker albumin. RT-PCR for the spgp gene revealed positive expression in the liver of sgsp knockout mice that had received the transplant. Bile acid analysis of bile samples showed that these mice also had higher levels of total biliary bile acid and taurocholic acid concentration than knockout mice without transplantation, indicating that BMT partially improved biliary bile acid secretion. Our results indicate that bone marrow cells could serve as a potential source for restoration of hepatic functions in chronic metabolic liver disease.  相似文献   

The scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI), which is expressed in the liver and intestine, plays a critical role in cholesterol metabolism in rodents. While hepatic SR-BI expression controls high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol metabolism, intestinal SR-BI has been proposed to facilitate cholesterol absorption. To evaluate further the relevance of SR-BI in the enterohepatic circulation of cholesterol and bile salts, we studied biliary lipid secretion, hepatic sterol content and synthesis, bile acid metabolism, fecal neutral sterol excretion, and intestinal cholesterol absorption in SR-BI knockout mice. SR-BI deficiency selectively impaired biliary cholesterol secretion, without concomitant changes in either biliary bile acid or phospholipid secretion. Hepatic total and unesterified cholesterol contents were slightly increased in SR-BI-deficient mice, while sterol synthesis was not significantly changed. Bile acid pool size and composition, as well as fecal bile acid excretion, were not altered in SR-BI knockout mice. Intestinal cholesterol absorption was somewhat increased and fecal sterol excretion was slightly decreased in SR-BI knockout mice relative to controls. These findings establish the critical role of hepatic SR-BI expression in selectively controlling the utilization of HDL cholesterol for biliary secretion. In contrast, SR-BI expression is not essential for intestinal cholesterol absorption.  相似文献   

The bile acid receptor farnesoid X receptor (FXR) is a key regulator of hepatic defense mechanisms against bile acids. A comprehensive study addressing the role of FXR in the coordinated regulation of adaptive mechanisms including biosynthesis, metabolism, and alternative export together with their functional significance is lacking. We therefore fed FXR knockout (FXR(-/-)) mice with cholic acid (CA) and ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA). Bile acid synthesis and hydroxylation were assessed by real-time RT-PCR for cytochrome P-450 (Cyp)7a1, Cyp3a11, and Cyp2b10 and mass spectrometry-gas chromatography for determination of bile acid composition. Expression of the export systems multidrug resistance proteins (Mrp)4-6 in the liver and kidney and the recently identified basoalteral bile acid transporter, organic solute transporter (Ost-alpha/Ost-beta), in the liver, kidney, and intestine was also investigated. CA and UDCA repressed Cyp7a1 in FXR(+/+) mice and to lesser extents in FXR(-/-) mice and induced Cyp3a11 and Cyp2b10 independent of FXR. CA and UDCA were hydroxylated in both genotypes. CA induced Ost-alpha/Ost-beta in the liver, kidney, and ileum in FXR(+/+) but not FXR(-/-) mice, whereas UDCA had only minor effects. Mrp4 induction in the liver and kidney correlated with bile acid levels and was observed in UDCA-fed and CA-fed FXR(-/-) animals but not in CA-fed FXR(+/+) animals. Mrp5/6 remained unaffected by bile acid treatment. In conclusion, we identified Ost-alpha/Ost-beta as a novel FXR target. Absent Ost-alpha/Ost-beta induction in CA-fed FXR(-/-) animals may contribute to increased liver injury in these animals. The induction of bile acid hydroxylation and Mrp4 was independent of FXR but could not counteract liver toxicity sufficiently. Limited effects of UDCA on Ost-alpha/Ost-beta may jeopardize its therapeutic efficacy.  相似文献   

Bile acid transport in sister of P-glycoprotein (ABCB11) knockout mice   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Lam P  Wang R  Ling V 《Biochemistry》2005,44(37):12598-12605
In vertebrates, bile flow is essential for movement of water and solutes across liver canalicular membranes. In recent years, the molecular motor of canalicular bile acid secretion has been identified as a member of the ATP binding cassette transporter (ABC) superfamily, known as sister of P-glycoprotein (Spgp) or bile salt export pump (Bsep, ABCB11). In humans, mutations in the BSEP gene are associated with a very low level of bile acid secretion and severe cholestasis. However, as reported previously, because the spgp(-)(/)(-) knockout mice do not express severe cholestasis and have substantial bile acid secretion, we investigated the "alternative transport system" that allows these mice to be physiologically relatively normal. We examined the expression levels of several ABC transporters in spgp(-)(/)(-) mice and found that the level of multidrug resistance Mdr1 (P-glycoprotein) was strikingly increased while those of Mdr2, Mrp2, and Mrp3 were increased to only a moderate extent. We hypothesize that an elevated level of Mdr1 in the spgp(-)(/)(-) knockout mice functions as an alternative pathway to transport bile acids and protects hepatocytes from bile acid-induced cholestasis. In support of this hypothesis, we showed that plasma membrane vesicles isolated from a drug resistant cell line expressing high levels of P-glycoprotein were capable of transporting bile acids, albeit with a 5-fold lower affinity compared to Spgp. This finding is the first direct evidence that P-glycoprotein (Mdr1) is capable of transporting bile acids.  相似文献   

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