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三角帆蚌贝壳珍珠层颜色遗传规律的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探明三角帆蚌(Hyriopsis cumingii)贝壳珍珠层颜色的遗传规律,为珍珠层颜色的选择育种提供理论指导,利用三角帆蚌紫色和白色选育品系进行自交和正反杂交,建立了白色♂×白色♀、白色♂×紫色♀、紫色♂×白色♀和紫色♂×紫色♀4个交配组合,统计分析了每个交配组合子代的珍珠层颜色分离情况.结果显示,白色自交组合的子代贝壳珍珠层颜色全部表现为白色,没有发生颜色分离;杂交组合的子代珍珠层颜色出现两种情况,一是全部表现为紫色,二是颜色发生分离,且紫色和白色个体比例符合1∶1的比例关系;紫色自交组合的子代珍珠层颜色也出现两种情况,一是全部表现为紫色,二是颜色分离出紫色和白色,且比例符合3∶1的比例关系.结果表明,三角帆蚌贝壳珍珠层颜色受遗传基因控制,可以稳定遗传,属质量性状.珍珠层紫色性状对白色性状为显性,两种颜色性状均不存在母性遗传.白色个体为隐性纯合体,选育纯化较为容易,而紫色个体既有显性纯合体又有杂合体,选育纯化相对较困难.  相似文献   

为了探明三角帆蚌(Hyriopsis cumingii)贝壳珍珠层颜色的遗传规律,为珍珠层颜色的选择育种提供理论指导,利用三角帆蚌紫色和白色选育品系进行自交和正反杂交,建立了白色♂×白色♀、白色♂×紫色♀、紫色♂×白色♀和紫色♂×紫色♀4个交配组合,统计分析了每个交配组合子代的珍珠层颜色分离情况。结果显示,白色自交组合的子代贝壳珍珠层颜色全部表现为白色,没有发生颜色分离;杂交组合的子代珍珠层颜色出现两种情况,一是全部表现为紫色,二是颜色发生分离,且紫色和白色个体比例符合1︰1的比例关系;紫色自交组合的子代珍珠层颜色也出现两种情况,一是全部表现为紫色,二是颜色分离出紫色和白色,且比例符合3︰1的比例关系。结果表明,三角帆蚌贝壳珍珠层颜色受遗传基因控制,可以稳定遗传,属质量性状。珍珠层紫色性状对白色性状为显性,两种颜色性状均不存在母性遗传。白色个体为隐性纯合体,选育纯化较为容易,而紫色个体既有显性纯合体又有杂合体,选育纯化相对较困难。  相似文献   

珍珠及珍珠层的化学成分比较研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
本文对不同产地及不同等级的淡水养殖褶纹冠蚌、三角帆蚌珍珠以及珍珠层中的氨基酸和微量元素进行了对比分析,结果表明,珍珠的来源不同,其氨基酸的种类及含量不同,各种微量元素的含量也有差异。研究表明,珍珠的等级与化学成分含量无相关性。  相似文献   

贝类贝壳在生物材料学及仿生学研究中占据着重要地位。贝壳基质蛋白质是贝壳中的主要有机质成分,对贝壳的形成以及贝壳的力学性能至关重要。翡翠贻贝(Perna viridis)贝壳主要由肌棱柱层和珍珠质层两种微观结构组成,其结构层次较简单,是研究贝壳基质蛋白质及其与贝壳形成关系的极好材料。为深入研究翡翠贻贝贝壳基质蛋白质的分子组成以及分布特点,首先采用扫描电子显微镜,观察翡翠贻贝贝壳内表面珍珠质层和肌棱柱层的微观结构;采用刮取法获得贝壳内表面珍珠质层和肌棱柱层的粉末;对不同层次的贝壳粉末,利用酸溶法去除碳酸钙成分,所获得的有机质组分通过离心将其分为酸可溶性组分和酸不溶性组分。采用Illumina深度测序技术对翡翠贻贝外套膜组织进行大规模测序和序列组装,在此基础上,采用LC-MS/MS质谱技术结合外套膜转录组数据库搜索,对翡翠贻贝肌棱柱层和珍珠质层贝壳基质蛋白质开展组学分析。扫描电镜观察结果表明,翡翠贻贝贝壳有两种不同形貌结构的层次,其中珍珠质层为片状堆叠结构,而肌棱柱层为柱状结构。翡翠贻贝外套膜转录组测序共计获得 69 859 条Unigene。蛋白质组学鉴定结果表明,翡翠贻贝贝壳中总计鉴定到蛋白质54种,其中38种为肌棱柱层所特有蛋白质,3种珍珠质层特有蛋白质,另有13种在珍珠质层和肌棱柱层均被鉴定到。肌棱柱层特有蛋白质的分子多样性明显强于珍珠质层。上述研究为进一步探讨贝壳不同微观层次的形成机制,以及贝壳基质蛋白质对贝壳不同结构层次的调控作用机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

为研究不同水体Ca2+浓度(10-80 mg/L)下三角帆蚌生长和珍珠质沉积量和晶体结构的变化, 采用鱼蚌混养的养殖模式养殖10周。结果表明, 1龄幼蚌生长的适宜Ca2+浓度为40 mg/L, 2龄未植片三角帆蚌生长的适宜Ca2+浓度为40-70 mg/L, 2龄植片三角帆蚌珍珠沉积的适宜Ca2+浓度为40 mg/L。拉曼光谱分析和珍珠层小片的扫描电镜观察结果表明, 适宜Ca2+浓度影响三角帆蚌珍珠质沉积可能是通过促进外套膜组织有机基质分泌从而调节CaCO3晶体形成和生长实现的。研究结果提示, 在三角帆蚌生长快速季节, 养殖水体中添加一定的钙源如生石灰等将有利于蚌体和珍珠的生长。同时研究结果也为加快珍珠培育, 提高珍珠品质提供理论依据和实践操纵手段。  相似文献   

褶纹冠蚌珍珠囊发育的研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
以褶纹冠蚌(Cristaria plicata Leach)为实验对象,应用光学显微技术和扫描电子显微技术研究珍珠囊的发育,结果表明在水温16℃左右时约需30d形成具有单层上皮细胞的珍珠囊,6个月后稳定分泌珍珠质。构成珍珠囊的上皮细胞从高柱状逐渐变成扁平状或立方形,细胞的碳酸酐酶污性也日益增强。大部分移植细胞小片的结缔组织与母蚌的结缔组织共同成层排列在珍珠囊腔外围。游走细胞在珍珠囊的早期发育阶段十分活跃。本文还阐明了珍珠囊液是存在于上皮细胞与珍珠表面之间的一薄层流体状物质。碳酸钙结晶的核化(nucleation)和初期生长都发生在珍珠囊液中。  相似文献   

本文采用H.E染色法和酶组织化学方法,对背角无齿蚌珍珠囊形成过程的组织学和酶组织化学的变化情况进行了研究,证实了“初生珍珠囊”的形成和溶解及“次生珍珠囊”的形成,并推没“次生珍珠囊”表皮细胞是由育珠蚌结缔组织转化而来的;观察了育珠手术后九种酶在珍珠囊形成的各个阶段和在珍珠囊和育珠蚌不同部位的变化情况,说明了珍珠囊珙成过程是与复杂的能量代谢,物质代谢及物质转运等有关的生理生化过程。  相似文献   

刘小明 《水生生物学报》1989,13(3):294-296,302
30年代日本小林等对珍珠贝外套膜组织结构及珍珠囊形成组织学作过观察,指出了外套膜、外表皮(壳侧表皮)与珍珠囊表皮细胞形态上存在着明显差异及细胞分泌特点;后经许多珍珠学者不断拓展,逐步形成了目前已基本上定论的珍珠分泌组织学及分泌机制1-3.作者观察到几种淡水河蚌外套膜组织及一些尚未被描述的分泌结构:这些物质与外表皮分--泌物一致,能够解释贝类组织学及珍珠(贝壳)形成机制上的一些重要问题,且在某些见解上与上述文献报道有较多出入.因此,有必要对实验结果作分析报道,供今后进一步研究作参考.    相似文献   

贝壳珍珠层不同取向弹性模量的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究天然生物材料的组织结构特征与其性能之间的关系对于材料的仿生有重要意义.在自制的激光测试设备上用三点弯曲法对贝壳珍珠层不同取向的弹性模量进行了研究,报道了不同取向和加载方式条件下弹性模量的变化规律。结果表明,在平行和倾斜于生长纹路方向上弹性模量的平均值分别为60.3GPa和56.7GPa,而垂直于纹路方向的为48GPa,呈现出各向异性。弹性模量的各向异性主要来自于珍珠层微观组织结构和贝壳生长纹结构的特点.  相似文献   

不同pH值对三角帆蚌珍珠质分泌的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
邱安东  石安静 《动物学报》1999,45(4):361-370
运用多种组织化学方法和透射电镜技术,研究了5种pH水环境(pH5、6、7、8、9)对三角帆砷外套膜珍珠质分泌的影响机制,结果表明,在中性水环境中,贝体能积极地从外界水环境中吸收钙,并能旺盛地合成和分泌贝壳珍珠层及珍珠有机基质前体物质,持续的酸性水环境导致贝体的钙严重丢失,并引起珍珠质分泌细胞对有机基质前体物质的合成和分泌能力减弱,持续的碱性水环境虽能导致贝体对钙的积累,但珍珠质分泌细胞合成和分泌珍  相似文献   

Yan Z  Fang Z  Ma Z  Deng J  Li S  Xie L  Zhang R 《Biochimica et biophysica acta》2007,1770(9):1338-1344
Calmodulin-like protein (CaLP) was believed to be involved in the shell formation of pearl oyster. However, no further study of this protein was ever performed. In this study, the in vitro crystallization experiment showed that CaLP can modify the morphology of calcite. In addition, aragonite crystals can be induced in the mixture of CaLP and a nacre protein (at 16 kDa), which was detected and purified from the EDTA-soluble matrix of nacre. These results agreed with that of immunohistological staining in which CaLP was detected not only in the organic layer sandwiched between nacre (aragonite) and the prismatic layer (calcite), but also around the prisms of the prismatic layer. Take together, we concluded that (1) CaLP, as a component of the organic layer, can induce the nucleation of aragonite through binding with the 16-kDa protein, and (2) CaLP may regulate the growth of calcite in the prismatic layer.  相似文献   

Nacre of the Pinctada pearl oyster shells is composed of 98% CaCO3 and 2% organic matrix. The relationship between the organic matrix and the mechanism of nacre formation currently constitutes the main focus regarding the biomineralization process. In this study, we isolated a new nacre matrix protein in P. margaritifera and P. maxima, we called Pmarg- and Pmax-MRNP34 (methionine-rich nacre protein). MRNP34 is a secreted hydrophobic protein, which is remarkably rich in methionine, and which is specifically localised in mineralizing the epithelium cells of the mantle and in the nacre matrix. The structure of this protein is drastically different from those of the other nacre proteins already described. This unusual methionine-rich protein is a new member in the growing list of low complexity domain containing proteins that are associated with biocalcifications. These observations offer new insights to the molecular mechanisms of biomineralization.  相似文献   

Perlucin is one of the proteins of the organic matrix of nacre (mother of pearl) playing an important role in biomineralisation. This nacreous layer can be predominately found in the mollusc lineages and is most intensively studied as a compound of the shell of the marine Australian abalone Haliotis laevigata. A more detailed analysis of Perlucin will elucidate some of the still unknown processes in the complex interplay of the organic/inorganic compounds involved in the formation of nacre as a very interesting composite material not only from a life science-based point of view. Within this study we discovered three unknown Perlucin splice variants of the Australian abalone H. laevigata. The amplified cDNAs vary from 562 to 815 base pairs and the resulting translation products differ predominantly in the absence or presence of a varying number of a 10 mer peptide C-terminal repeat. The splice variants could further be confirmed by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionisation time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-ToF MS) analysis as endogenous Perlucin, purified from decalcified abalone shell. Interestingly, we observed that the different variants expressed as maltose-binding protein (MBP) fusion proteins in E. coli showed strong differences in their influence on precipitating CaCO3 and that these differences might be due to a splice variant-specific formation of large protein aggregates influenced by the number of the 10 mer peptide repeats. Our results are evidence for a more complex situation with respect to Perlucin functional regulation by demonstrating that Perlucin splice variants modulate the crystallisation of calcium carbonate. The identification of differentially behaving Perlucin variants may open a completely new perspective for the field of nacre biomineralisation.  相似文献   

Understanding the molecular composition is of great interest for both nacre formation mechanism and biomineralization in mollusk shell. A cDNA clone encoding an MSI31 relative, termed MSI7 because of its estimated molecular mass of 7.3 kDa, was isolated from the pearl oyster, Pinctada fucata. This novel protein shares similarity with MSI31, a prismatic framework protein of P. fucata. It is peculiar that MSI7 is much shorter in size, harboring only the Gly-rich sequence that has been proposed to be critical for Ca(2+) binding. In situ hybridization result showed that MSI7 mRNA was expressed specifically at the folds and outer epithelia of the mantle, indicating that MSI7 participates in the framework formation of both the nacreous layer and prismatic layer. In vitro experiment on the function of MSI7 suggested that it accelerates the nucleation and precipitation of CaCO(3). Taken together, we have identified a novel matrix protein of the pearl oyster, which may play an important role in determining the texture of nacre.  相似文献   

Acidic macromolecules, as a nucleation factor for mollusc shell formation, are a major focus of research. It remains unclear, however, whether acidic macromolecules are present only in calcified shell organic matrices, and which acidic macromolecules are crucial for the nucleation process by binding to chitin as structural components. To clarify these questions, we applied 2D gel electrophoresis and amino acid analysis to soluble shell organic matrices from nacre shell, non-nacre aragonitic shell and non-calcified squid shells. The 2D gel electrophoresis results showed that the acidity of soluble proteins differs even between nacre shells, and some nacre (Haliotis gigantea) showed a basic protein migration pattern. Non-calcified shells also contained some moderately acidic proteins. The results did not support the correlation between the acidity of soluble shell proteins and shell structure.  相似文献   

Shell nacre is laid upon an organic cell-free matrix, part of which, paradoxically, is water soluble and displays biological activities. Proteins in the native shell also constitute an insoluble network and offer a model for studying supramolecular organization as a means of self-ordering. Consequently, difficulties are encountered in extraction and purification strategies for protein characterization. In this work, water-soluble proteins and the insoluble conhiolin residue of the nacre of Pinctada margaritifera matrix were analyzed via a proteomics approach. Two sequences homologous to nacre matrix proteins of other Pinctada species were identified in the water-soluble extract. One of them is known as a fundamental component of the insoluble organic matrix of nacre. In the conchiolin, the insoluble residue, four homologs of Pinctada nacre matrix proteins were found. Two of them were the same as the molecules characterized in the water-soluble extract. Results established that soluble and insoluble proteins of the nacre organic matrix share constitutive material. Surprisingly, a peptide in the conchiolin residue was found homologous to a prismatic matrix protein of Pinctada fucata, suggesting that prismatic and nacre matrices may share common proteins. The insoluble properties of shell matrix proteins appear to arise from structural organization via multimerization. The oxidative activity, found in the water-soluble fraction of the nacre matrix, is proposed as a leading process in the transformation of transient soluble proteins into the insoluble network of conchiolin during nacre growth.  相似文献   

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