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Osteosarcoma cells are recognized by abnormal function that causes a primary bone tumor. Osteosarcoma cells U2OS and SAOS‐2 were analyzed for the expression of cell surface markers. High expression was quantified for hyaloronidase receptor (CD‐44) > moderate for integrins (CD‐51 and ‐61), > and lower for selectins (CD‐62). High mitotic capacity were demonstrated by gene expression (measured by RT‐PCR) and the protein level (measured by FACS) for cFOS, cMYC, and cJUN. The basic definition of osteosarcoma is excessive production of pathological osteoid. Expression of mRNA for matrix genes osteocalcin, osteonectin, and biglycan was studied. Osteocalcin and osteonectin were detected in RNA from primary cultured marrow stromal, trabecular bone cells, and osteosarcoma cell lines (U2OS, SAOS‐2). mRNA for biglycan was detected only in primary cells and MG‐63 cell line and was undetectable in RNA from U2OS, SAOS‐2 osteosarcoma cell lines and by RNA extracted from bone biopsies of osteosarcoma patients. The absence of biglycan message observed in osteosarcoma samples provides evidence for the alterations in the extra cellular matrix which result with non‐mineralized osteoid produced by the osteosarcoma cells. J. Cell. Biochem. 84: 108–114, 2002. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Rice is mostly cultivated in wetlands, where arbuscular mycorrhization (AM) is reported to decrease. The mechanisms regulating such events are largely unknown. Rice uninoculated and inoculated with Rhizophagus irregularis were grown in dry and flooded conditions, allowing also for the transfer of plants from one water regime to the other. Roots were sampled at different times, from 7 to 35 d post‐inoculation (dpi). The morphological and molecular parameters (root branching, aerenchyma formation, mycorrhizal colonization, AM marker gene expression) were evaluated. Root branching was more pronounced in dry conditions, and such phenotype was enhanced by the fungus. In wetlands, the colonization level was comparable till 21 dpi, when the mycorrhization then decreased, paralleled by an increase in aerenchyma. Expression of the fungal transporters was comparable under the two conditions. The root apparatus, when shifted from one water regime to the other, rapidly adapted to the new condition, revealing a marked plasticity. The reversibility of the AM rice symbiosis was also mirrored by expression changes of plant marker genes. The results demonstrate that the water regime is the driving force that regulates AM colonization under flooding conditions, by directly influencing root architecture and anatomy, but without impacting the basic AM functionality.  相似文献   

Sucrose synthesis/accumulation in sugarcane is a complex process involving many genes and regulatory sequences that control biochemical events in source–sink tissues. Among these, sucrose synthase (SuSy), sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS), soluble acid (SAI) and cell wall (CWI) invertases are important. Expression of these enzymes was compared in an early (CoJ64) and late (BO91) maturing sugarcane variety using end‐point and qRT‐PCR. Quantitative RT‐PCR at four crop stages revealed high CWI expression in upper internodes of CoJ64, which declined significantly in both top and bottom internodes with maturity. In BO91, CWI expression was high in top and bottom internodes and declined significantly only in top internodes as the crop matured. Overall, CWI expression was higher in CoJ64 than in BO91. During crop growth, there was no significant change in SPS expression in bottom internodes in CoJ64, whereas in BO91 it decreased significantly. Apart from a significant decrease in expression of SuSy in mature bottom internodes of BO91, there was no significant change. Similar SAI expression was observed with both end‐point and RT‐PCR, except for significantly increased expression in top internodes of CoJ64 with maturity. SAI, being a major sucrose hydrolysing enzyme, was also monitored with end‐point PCR expression in internode tissues of CoJ64 and BO91, with higher expression of SAI in BO91 at early crop stages. Enzyme inhibitors, e.g. manganese chloride (Mn++), significantly suppressed expression of SAI in both early‐ and late‐maturing varieties. Present findings enhance understanding of critical sucrose metabolic gene expression in sugarcane varieties differing in content and time of peak sucrose storage. Thus, through employing these genes, improvement of sugarcane sucrose content is possible.  相似文献   

We compared the effects of two major isoflavones, daidzein and genistein, on lipid metabolism in rats. Daidzein (150 mg/kg diet), genistein (150 mg/kg diet), daidzein and genistein (1:1, 300 mg/kg diet), or control diets were fed to 4 groups of 6-week-old ovariectomized (Ovx) and non-Ovx Sprague Dawley rats for 4 weeks. Dietary daidzein, but not genistein, reduced serum and hepatic total cholesterol levels significantly relative to that by the control group, regardless of whether the rats had undergone ovariectomy. Genistein did not exhibit any physiological effects on lipid levels, but did affect genes involved in cholesterol metabolism. These results indicate that daidzein and genistein may influence lipid regulation via differing modes of action.  相似文献   

We investigated the individual effect of null mutations of each of the four sucrose‐phosphate synthase (SPS) genes in Arabidopsis (SPSA1, SPSA2, SPSB and SPSC) on photosynthesis and carbon partitioning. Null mutants spsa1 and spsc led to decreases in maximum SPS activity in leaves by 80 and 13%, respectively, whereas null mutants spsa2 and spsb had no significant effect. Consistently, isoform‐specific antibodies detected only the SPSA1 and SPSC proteins in leaf extracts. Leaf photosynthesis at ambient [CO2] was not different among the genotypes but was 20% lower in spsa1 mutants when measured under saturating [CO2] levels. Carbon partitioning at ambient [CO2] was altered only in the spsa1 null mutant. Cold treatment of plants (4 °C for 96 h) increased leaf soluble sugars and starch and increased the leaf content of SPSA1 and SPSC proteins twofold to threefold, and of the four null mutants, only spsa1 reduced leaf non‐structural carbohydrate accumulation in response to cold treatment. It is concluded that SPSA1 plays a major role in photosynthetic sucrose synthesis in Arabidopsis leaves, and decreases in leaf SPS activity lead to increased starch synthesis and starch turnover and decreased Ribulose 1,5‐bisphosphate regeneration‐limited photosynthesis but not ribulose 1·5‐bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco)‐limited photosynthesis, indicating a limitation of triose‐phosphate utilization (TPU).  相似文献   

The actions of 17beta-estradiol (E2) and selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) have been extensively investigated regarding their ability to act through estrogen receptor-alpha (ERalpha) to perturb estrogen receptor positive (ER+) breast cancer (BC) growth. However, many BCs also express ERbeta, along with multiple estrogen receptor (ER) splice variants such as ERbetacx, an ERbeta splice variant incapable of binding ligand. To gain a more comprehensive understanding of ER action in BC cells, we stably expressed ERalpha, ERbeta, or ERbetacx under doxycycline (Dox) control in Hs578T cells. Microarrays performed on E2 or 4OH-tamoxifen (4HT) treated Hs578T ERalpha and ERbeta cells revealed distinct ligand and receptor-dependent patterns of gene regulation, while the induction of ERbetacx did not alter gene expression patterns. E2 stimulation of Hs578T ERbeta cells resulted in a 27% decrease in cellular proliferation, however, no significant change in proliferation was observed following the exposure of Hs578T ERalpha or ERbeta cells to 4HT. Expression of ERbetacx in Hs578T cells did not effect cellular proliferation. Flow cytometry assays revealed a 50% decrease in E2-stimulated Hs578T ERbeta cells entering S-phase, along with a 17% increase in G0/G1 cell-cycle arrest. We demonstrate here that ERalpha and ERbeta regulate unique gene expression patterns in Hs578T cells, and such regulation likely is responsible for the observed isoform-specific changes in cell proliferation. Hs578T ER expressing cell-lines provide a unique BC model system, permitting the comparison of ERalpha, ERbeta, and ERbetacx actions in the same cell-line.  相似文献   

Selectivity of recreational angling on fish behaviour was studied by examining whether capture order or lure type (natural v. artificial bait) in ice‐fishing could explain behavioural variation among perch Perca fluviatilis individuals. It was also tested if individually assessed personality predicts fish behaviour in groups, in the presence of natural predators. Perca fluviatilis showed individually repeatable behaviour both in individual and in group tests. Capture order, capture method, condition factor or past growth rate did not explain variation in individual behaviour. Individually determined boldness as well as fish size, however, were positively associated with first entrance to the predator zone (i.e. initial risk taking) in group behaviour tests. Individually determined boldness also explained long‐term activity and total time spent in the vicinity of predators in the group. These findings suggest that individual and laboratory‐based boldness tests predict boldness of P. fluviatilis in also ecologically relevant conditions, i.e. in shoals and in the presence of natural predators. The present results, however, also indicate that the above‐mentioned two angling methods may not be selective for certain behavioural types in comparison to each other.  相似文献   

Consistent, individual differences in the expression of maternal behaviour have been described in several species including the sheep. The neuroendocrine mechanisms underlying the onset of maternal behaviour in the sheep have been described, although the relationship between hormonal events and individual differences in behaviour has yet to be determined. In this study, we examined whether the individual differences in plasma estradiol, progesterone, oxytocin and cortisol concentrations were related to observed individual and breed differences in maternal behaviours in two breeds of sheep (Scottish Blackface and Suffolk) known to differ in maternal behavioural expression. Maternal estradiol concentration increased rapidly before parturition and was higher in Blackface ewes than Suffolk ewes. Plasma progesterone declined before parturition and was higher in Suffolk than Blackface ewes. Prepartum estradiol, but not progesterone, was related to individual differences in maternal grooming of the lamb. Plasma oxytocin did not differ between breeds in late gestation. There was a tendency for oxytocin to be higher in Blackface than Suffolk ewes immediately after birth. However, there were no significant relationships between prepartum or postpartum oxytocin and any maternal behaviours. Plasma cortisol was higher in Blackface than Suffolk ewes in the last days of pregnancy but rose in both breeds over the last 24 h before parturition and did not differ at delivery. Cortisol peripartum was negatively related to individual differences in maternal affiliative behaviours. These data suggest that estradiol, and potentially cortisol, may mediate individual differences in maternal behaviour in sheep.  相似文献   

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