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植物内生固氮菌   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
植物内生固氮菌的发现和研究显现了一个新的固氮系统,深化了根际联合共生固氮的研究。文章综述了10年来植物内生固氮菌的研究进展,并探讨了内生固氮菌进入植物体内的方式和行使固氮功能的可能性。  相似文献   

广西甘蔗根际高效联合固氮菌的筛选及鉴定   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
胡春锦  林丽  史国英  汪茜  王钱崧  李杨瑞 《生态学报》2012,32(15):4745-4752
对广西主要甘蔗产区的根际联合固氮细菌进行了收集和评价,拟筛选获得对甘蔗具有潜在促生性能的联合固氮菌,为甘蔗生产节肥减耗提供依据。结合nifH基因扩增和固氮酶活性分析方法筛选获得36个固氮细菌菌株;进一步对所获得固氮菌株的固氮能力、溶磷性、分泌植物生长素IAA的特性等促进植物生长潜能进行评价,获得了5个同时具有较强固氮能力、降解无机磷和分泌植物生长激素IAA的功能菌株;通过Biolog鉴定系统和16S rRNA序列分析对5个具有较好应用潜力的固氮菌进行分类鉴定。结果表明这5个菌株分别属于Klebsiella sp.、Bacillus megaterium、Pseudomonas sp.、Pantoea sp.和Burkholderia sp.。本研究结果表明广西甘蔗根际联合固氮菌具有较大的开发利用潜力。  相似文献   

介绍了共生菌固氮涉及的动物和微生物类群、动物共生菌固氮的性质和机理。应用乙炔还原法和固氮酶基因检测等研究表明,所涉及的动物有7门13纲23目50科99属174种。动物肠道具有丰富的微生境,供不同生理需求的固氮菌生长发育,所蕴含的共生固氮菌类群也十分丰富,涵盖植物共生固氮菌、植物内生固氮菌、植物根际固氮菌、自生固氮菌等生态类型。一般认为动物共生固氮菌来源于环境,其性质属于联合共生固氮。动物共生固氮菌一般与其他共生生物形成复合体,以满足固氮过程中对电子和质子供体、能量供给、固氮酶活性保护以及氨阻遏解除等方面的需求。动物共生菌固氮产物氨的同化也需要多种共生物的协同作用,可能通过谷氨酰胺合成酶/谷氨酸合成酶等途径。总体上,食物氮、非蛋白氮和共生菌固氮相互协调,形成营养和解毒的代谢网络,共同维持动物体内氮素营养的动态平衡,并对未来研究提出展望。  相似文献   

【背景】生产上过高的氮肥投入是我国农业可持续发展的重要限制因子之一。利用生物固氮是减少氮肥施用量最为有效的途径,植物内生固氮菌资源的挖掘和利用对我国农业可持续发展具有重要实践意义。【目的】筛选高效甘蔗内生固氮菌,并对其联合固氮效率及促生长功能进行评价。【方法】从广西甘蔗茎基部组织分离筛选到一株内生固氮菌株NN08200,利用乙炔还原法测定固氮酶活性,通过菌落PCR扩增nif H基因确定菌株为固氮菌;通过菌株培养性状和菌体形态观察、Biolog细菌鉴定系统和16SrRNA基因序列分析确定该菌株的分类;采用盆栽接种测定菌株对甘蔗的实际促生长作用,并利用15N同位素稀释法测定其相对固氮效率。【结果】菌株NN08200的固氮酶活性达到2445nmolC2H4/(h·m L),菌株的nif H基因长度为339bp,与甘蔗内生固氮醋酸杆菌Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus PAL5菌株的nif H相似性达99%;根据菌株培养性状和菌体形态观察、Biolog细菌鉴定系统和16SrRNA基因序列分析结果,菌株NN08200属于泛菌属(Pantoeasp.)细菌;盆栽接种菌株NN08200能显著提高甘蔗幼苗的株高和干重,15N同位素分析结果表明接种该菌株甘蔗植株的根、茎和叶从空气中获得氮素的百分率分别为7.49%、15.02%和10.79%,其联合固氮效率显著优于甘蔗内生固氮模式菌株G. diazotrophicus PAL5,利用后者接种的甘蔗根、茎和叶从空气中获得氮的百分率分别为3.53%、9.44%和4.87%。【结论】菌株Pantoea sp. NN08200是高效甘蔗内生固氮菌,其固氮促生长效果明显高于G. diazotrophicus PAL5菌株,可望研发成为优良固氮微生物肥料生产菌种,并可进一步用于甘蔗联合固氮菌作用机理的相关研究。  相似文献   

桉树与联合固氮菌相互作用的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
联合固氮菌-催娩克氏菌(Klebsiella oxytoca NG13/pMC73A)接种木栖植物桃金粮种(Myrtaceae)桉树属(Eucalyptus)的苗木,研究它们之间相互作用关系。扫描电镜观察结果表明;联合固氮菌不但可以在桉树根表定殖,而且还可进入根内定殖,并在接种桉树的根际,根表和根内均分离到该菌,接种联合固氮菌能刺激桉树根系的分泌作用,并对根系分泌物的氨基酸,糖及激素的含量有所影响,联合固氮菌对桉树生长有明显的促进作用。  相似文献   

联合固氮的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1975年,Dbereiner实验发现与禾本科植物联合共生的固氮菌并提出根际联合固氮的概念。近年来,随着一些新的研究手段包括化学分析、遗传工程、分子生物学、免疫学等方法的运用,推进了联合固氮领域的研究深度。综述了近年来发现的联合固氮菌的种类;联合固氮体系的形成过程(趋化、结合和侵入);影响联合固氮的主要因素:自然条件、土著微生物的竞争、植物基因型差异和环境条件的变化、结合态氮(氨、亚硝酸盐、硝酸盐等)和氧。并从固氮联合作用测定方法、联合固氮菌的资源筛选、联合固氮工程菌的研究、联合固氮分子生态学研究方法4个方面,论述了联合固氮的研究现状。  相似文献   

巨菌草不同生长时期的内生固氮菌群组成分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
【背景】禾本科植物中存在着丰富的内生固氮菌资源,可为植物的生长、营养利用、增强抗逆性等起到重要的促进作用。【目的】揭示巨菌草不同生长时期根、茎、叶内生固氮细菌的组成及其变化。【方法】采用高通量测序技术对不同生长时期的巨菌草根、茎、叶内生固氮菌群进行群落分析。【结果】不同生长时期巨菌草根、茎、叶的15个样本分别得到4-6万条有效序列,主要分布在360 bp左右。根部巨菌草内生固氮菌群在成熟期最高,茎部和叶部均为拔节期最高,同一生长时期则为根叶茎,变化趋势与巨菌草植物样本的固氮酶活性变化趋势一致,其主要的菌群门类为变形菌门(Proteobacteria)和蓝藻菌门(Cyanobacteria),主要核心属为克雷伯氏菌属(Klebsiella)、草螺菌属(Herbaspirillum)和慢生根瘤菌(Bradyrhizobium)。整体上看,根、叶部来源的各自微生物菌群组成较为接近,茎部来源的菌群与根部、叶部有交叉,成熟期根部的联合固氮菌群种类和丰度最高。典范对应分析表明各来源样本固氮菌群的组成主要受环境温度影响,其次为湿度和pH。【结论】不同生长时期巨菌草根、茎、叶固氮菌群的组成及丰度存在着较大的差异,本研究可为巨菌草内生固氮菌群资源的开发和利用以及种质资源库的建立提供基础依据。  相似文献   

西南岩溶石漠化山区水土流失严重、养分贫瘠,导致植被恢复困难。为探究固氮菌对岩溶石漠化地区造林苗木的生长促进效应,该文以广西石漠化地区常见造林树种香樟、任豆、喜树和台湾相思苗木为材料,利用平板稀释法从石漠化乡土植物根际土壤筛选固氮菌,通过测定固氮酶活性及鉴定固氮菌菌种,选择固氮酶活性较高的菌种制成复合菌剂接种到试验苗木进行盆栽试验。结果表明:共筛选得到6株具有固氮能力的根际促生菌,分别属于根瘤菌属(Rhizobium)、中华根瘤菌属(Sinorhizobium)和黄杆菌属(Flavobacterium),其中归类为根瘤菌属的3株固氮菌酶活性较高。复合菌剂接种试验表明接种固氮菌对造林苗木的生长具有明显促进作用。与未接种处理相比,接种处理苗木的株高、叶面积、生物量以及叶绿素含量均显著增长;同时苗木的氮、磷、钾含量也有不同程度的增加。其中,香樟、任豆、喜树和台湾相思的氮含量分别提高了28.9%、53.1%、37.0%和31.6%;香樟、台湾相思的磷含量分别增加了25.6%和42.5%;任豆、台湾相思的钾含量分别增加了57.5%和49.7%。接种石漠化乡土固氮菌能够显著促进造林苗木生长和养分含量,在石漠化植被修复中具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

化学氮肥在解决人类温饱问题中起了极为重要的作用,但近年发现过量施用化肥有较大的负面影响.植物内生固氮菌是近年发现的一类非豆科植物中的高效固氮微生物,这一新型固氮系统为新型绿色农业生产建设提供了一种新的生物固氮途径.本研究综述了化学氮肥在农业生产建设中的危害、生物固氮作用、植物内生同氮菌及其固氮机制、植物内生固氮菌在绿色农业生产建设中的应用,并对应用植物内生固氮菌的可能性和意义,以及需要注意的问题作了一些探讨.  相似文献   

生物固氮作用是生态系统中重要的氮素来源,参与固氮作用的微生物对植物的生长发育至关重要。与共生固氮微生物相比,非共生固氮微生物地域分布更广泛、种类更多,对全球生态系统中氮素循环有着重要意义。本文总结了非共生固氮菌的分类及系统发育,非共生固氮菌的群落构建过程和机制;归纳了不同生态系统(如草原、森林、海洋、农田等)、植物不同部位(如林冠、叶际、根际、根内、凋落物等)和土壤中非共生固氮菌的群落组成及固氮潜力的差异,以及影响非共生固氮菌群落组成和固氮潜力的主要因素(如气候因素、土壤理化性质、人为措施等);并整理了常用的研究非共生固氮菌及其固氮潜力的检测方法。  相似文献   

In an agro-ecosystem, industrially produced nitrogenous fertilizers are the principal sources of nitrogen for plant growth; unfortunately these also serve as the leading sources of pollution. Hence, it becomes imperative to find pollution-free methods of providing nitrogen to crop plants. A diverse group of free-living, plant associative and symbiotic prokaryotes are able to perform biological nitrogen fixation (BNF). BNF is a two component process involving the nitrogen fixing diazotrophs and the host plant. Symbiotic nitrogen fixation is most efficient as it can fix nitrogen inside the nodule formed on the roots of the plant; delivering nitrogen directly to the host. However, most of the important crop plants are nonleguminous and are unable to form symbiotic associations. In this context, the plant associative and endophytic diazotrophs assume importance. BNF in nonlegumes can be encouraged either through the transfer of BNF traits from legumes or by elevating the nitrogen fixing capacity of the associative and endophytic diazotrophs. In this review we discuss mainly the microbiological strategies which may be used in nonleguminous crops for enhancement of BNF.  相似文献   

Miscanthus × giganteus and Panicum virgatum are potential promising bioenergy feedstock crops suitable for the temperate zone. The energy efficiency and sustainability of bioenergy production could be improved by reducing their fertilizer inputs – particularly energy intensive nitrogen fertilizers. Miscanthus is known to benefit from nitrogen fixation by associative diazotrophs. However, because the effects of edaphic‐, management‐, and plant‐related factors on feedstock‐associated diazotroph communities have not yet been characterized, it is not currently possible to optimize the nitrogen contribution to feedstock crops from associated diazotroph communities. To address this critical knowledge gap, we characterized the bacterial and diazotroph communities in the rhizosphere and endophytic compartments of both species at eight research sites across Illinois. We also quantified the nifH gene abundance in the rhizosphere soil as well as a range of soil chemistry parameters at these sites. Multivariate statistical analyses revealed that diazotroph and bacterial communities in the rhizosphere varied primarily among sites, with very small differences between host species. Conversely, diazotroph and bacterial communities in the endophytic compartments differed significantly between plant species, but did not vary substantially among sites. Finally, nifH gene abundance in the rhizospheres of both species varied substantially from site to site and was positively correlated with soil iron concentration as well as soil ammonium concentration, and negatively correlated with abundance of other soil nutrients including calcium, total nitrogen, and nitrates. These results indicate the potential edaphic drivers of associative diazotroph communities in feedstock rhizospheres and suggest that manipulating bioavailable iron content in the soil is a potential direction for investigating the optimization of these communities to improve their nitrogen contribution to crops.  相似文献   

Diversity of the native diazotrophs associated with the rhizosphere of pearl millet (P. glaucumn), grown in nutritionally poor soils of semi-arid regions was studied with a view to isolate effective nitrogen fixing and plant growth stimulating bacteria with root associative characteristics. The native population varied from 10(3)-10(4) g(-1) of rhizosphere soil after 40 d growth and belonged to genera Azospirillum, Azotobacter and Klebsiella. Another non-diazotrophic root associative group was Pseudomonas sp., which also produced IAA and enhanced plant growth. Some of these rhizobacteria showed high in vitro acetylene reduction activity along with production of indole acetic acid. Out of 11 selected diazotrophs used as seed inoculants, M10B (Azospirillum sp.), M11E (Azotobacter sp.) and M12D4 (Klebsiella sp.) resulted in significant increase in total root and shoot nitrogen at 45 and 60 days of plant growth under pot culture conditions.  相似文献   

Nitrogen‐fixing rhizobacteria can promote plant growth; however, it is controversial whether biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) from associative interaction contributes to growth promotion. The roots of Setaria viridis, a model C4 grass, were effectively colonized by bacterial inoculants resulting in a significant enhancement of growth. Nitrogen‐13 tracer studies provided direct evidence for tracer uptake by the host plant and incorporation into protein. Indeed, plants showed robust growth under nitrogen‐limiting conditions when inoculated with an ammonium‐excreting strain of Azospirillum brasilense. 11C‐labeling experiments showed that patterns in central carbon metabolism and resource allocation exhibited by nitrogen‐starved plants were largely reversed by bacterial inoculation, such that they resembled plants grown under nitrogen‐sufficient conditions. Adoption of S. viridis as a model should promote research into the mechanisms of associative nitrogen fixation with the ultimate goal of greater adoption of BNF for sustainable crop production.  相似文献   

Many insects feed on a low‐nitrogen diet, and the origin of their nitrogen supply is poorly understood. It has been hypothesized that some insects rely on nitrogen‐fixing bacteria (diazotrophs) to supplement their diets. Nitrogen fixation by diazotrophs has been extensively studied and convincingly demonstrated in termites, while evidence for the occurrence and role of nitrogen fixation in the diet of other insects is less conclusive. Here, we summarize the methods to detect nitrogen fixation in insects and review the available evidence for its occurrence (focusing on insects other than termites). We distinguish between three aspects of nitrogen fixation investigations: (i) detecting the presence of potential diazotrophs; (ii) detecting the activity of the nitrogen‐fixing enzyme; and (iii) detecting the assimilation of fixed nitrogen into the insect tissues. We show that although evidence from investigations of the first aspect reveals ample opportunities for interactions with potential diazotrophs in a variety of insects, demonstrations of actual biological nitrogen fixation and the assimilation of fixed nitrogen are restricted to very few insect groups, including wood‐feeding beetles, fruit flies, leafcutter ants, and a wood wasp. We then discuss potential implications for the insect's fitness and for the ecosystem as a whole. We suggest that combining these multiple approaches is crucial for the study of nitrogen fixation in insects, and argue that further demonstrations are desperately needed in order to determine the relative importance of diazotrophs for insect diet and fitness, as well as to evaluate their overall impact on the ecosystem.  相似文献   

Plant Growth-Promoting Effects of Diazotrophs in the Rhizosphere   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Because of their ability to transform atmospheric N2 into ammonia that can be used by the plant, researchers were originally very optimistic about the potential of associative diazotrophic bacteria to promote the growth of many cereals and grasses. However, multiple inoculation experiments during recent decades failed to show a substantial contribution of Biological Nitrogen Fixation (BNF) to plant growth in most cases. It is now clear that associative diazotrophs exert their positive effects on plant growth directly or indirectly through (a combination of) different mechanisms. Apart from fixing N2, diazotrophs can affect plant growth directly by the synthesis of phytohormones and vitamins, inhibition of plant ethylene synthesis, improved nutrient uptake, enhanced stress resistance, solubilization of inorganic phosphate and mineralization of organic phosphate. Indirectly, diazotrophs are able to decrease or prevent the deleterious effects of pathogenic microorganisms, mostly through the synthesis of antibiotics and/or fungicidal compounds, through competition for nutrients (for instance, by siderophore production) or by the induction of systemic resistance to pathogens. In addition, they can affect the plant indirectly by interacting with other beneficial microorganisms, for example, Azospirillum increasing nodulation of legumes by rhizobia. The further elucidation of the different mechanisms involved will help to make associative diazotrophs a valuable partner in future agriculture.  相似文献   

Isolation and identification of root associated diazotrophs   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Diazotrophs have been isolated from the rhizosphere or roots of plants by many workers. To recognize a certain diazotroph as the most abundant bacterium at a certain site or as the principal agent responsible for N2-fixation is much more difficult. It is probable that many diazotrophs, including possibly the most efficient ones, have not been identified yet. The use of proper selective media which simulate the environment of the various diazotrophsin situ has led to the discovery of 10 new root-associated diazotrophs, three of them during 1986/1987 (Azospirillum halopraeferans, Herbaspirillum seropedicae and the recently proposedAcetobacter diazotrophicus). The importance of using a variety of carbon substrates in the growth media with pH indicators, and the use of N-free semi-solid media, is discussed. Recognition of plant-bacteria interactions requires, in addition to the identification of the bacteria, the demonstration of effects of the plant on the bacteria and of the bacteria on the plant. Confirmation of the identity of diazotrophs responsible for response of plants to inoculation must be made in experiments with strains labelled with antibiotic resistance or other markers. If establishment of the inoculated strain is demonstrated in plants grown in15N-labelled soil, the15N enrichment of the plants will reveal if any observed responses in N yield are due to N2-fixation or increased soil/fertilizer-N uptake.  相似文献   

生物土壤结皮能够有效提高矿业废弃地有机质和氮的积累,促进植被的恢复.本研究基于固氮微生物的nifH基因多样性,以铜陵铜尾矿废弃地3种类型的生物土壤结皮(藻结皮、藓结皮和藻-藓混合结皮)为对象,利用变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)技术研究生物土壤结皮中固氮微生物的多样性以及废弃地植物群落发育对其产生的影响.结果表明: 尾矿库裸地表面的藻结皮的固氮微生物多样性最高,其次为维管植物群落下的藻-藓混合结皮,苔藓结皮的固氮蓝藻多样性最低;随着维管植物群落高度和盖度的增加,固氮微生物多样性降低,铜尾矿废弃地的pH、水分、有机质、养分含量(氮和磷)以及有效态和总重金属浓度对固氮微生物多样性的影响均不显著.测序和系统发育分析表明,废弃地结皮中固氮微生物以蓝藻为主,主要为不具有异形胞的丝状蓝藻.

Rhizosphere associative dinitrogen fixation could be a valuable source of nitrogen in many nitrogen limited natural ecosystems, such as the rhizosphere of Molinia coerulea, a hemicryptophytic perennial grass naturally occurring in contrasted oligonitrophilic soils. The diversity of the dinitrogen-fixing bacteria associated with this environment was assessed by a cloning-sequencing approach on the nifH gene directly amplified from environmental DNA extracts. Seventy-seven randomly picked clones were analysed. One type of NifH sequence was dominant in both roots and surrounding soil, and represented 56% of all retrieved sequences. This cluster included previously described environmental clones and did not contain any NifH sequences similar to cultivated diazotrophs. The predominance of few NifH sequence types in the roots and the rhizosphere of Molinia coerulea indicate that the plant environment mediates a favourable niche for such dinitrogen-fixing bacteria.  相似文献   

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