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利用传统生物防治控制外来杂草的入侵   总被引:34,自引:3,他引:31  
马瑞燕  王韧  丁建清 《生态学报》2003,23(12):2677-2688
随着国际贸易的日益频繁,外来有害植物入侵,严重威胁我国的自然环境和生物多样性。利用从原产地引入食性较专一的天敌来控制外来杂草是杂草生物防治的主要方式之一,有保护环境一劳永逸的效果。简要介绍了国际生物防治概况,统计表明全世界至少有133种目标杂草进行生物防治,主要分布在菊科、仙人掌科和含羞草科,63科369种无脊椎动物和真菌作为杂草生物防治的天敌,利用最多的天敌是鞘翅目象甲科和叶甲科昆虫,其中大多数项目是治理外来杂草的。杂草生物防治最活跃的国家依次为美国、澳大利亚、南非、加拿大和新西兰。重点论述了利用传统生物防治方法防治外来杂草的经典项目、国内外研究概况,以及目前面临的问题和应用前景。我国杂草生物防治起步晚,传统杂草生防的目标杂草有4种,紫茎泽兰、空心莲子草、豚草和水葫芦,其中,空心莲子草的生物防治获得成功。共引进天敌14种,输出天敌23种,与世界上生物防治先进的国家比尚有距离。中国应充分借鉴国际成功经验,对外来杂草开展生物防治。中国的生物多样性在世界上占有十分独特的地位,将在生物多样性保护中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

张广学 《昆虫学报》2004,47(6):i011-i011
茧蜂科(包括蚜茧蜂)是农林和卫生害虫的天敌昆虫,在生物多样性研究、害虫生物防治、种群数量控制和生态环境保护方面具有重要的意义。随着贯彻科学发展观和可持续发展战略的实施,加强环境生态保护而应用天敌昆虫进行生物防治和推进综合治理已日益得到重视。茧蜂科是天敌昆虫类群尤为引人瞩目的研究领域之一。对其进行系统分类鉴定、查明我国资源情况,开展生物多样性和生物防治研究,皆是重要的基础理论研究和应用基础的需要。  相似文献   

论生物防治在生物多样性保护中的重要意义   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:20  
陆庆光 《生物多样性》1997,5(3):224-230
外来种有害生物传入新区之后,在适宜条件下,往往严重干扰本地的生物多样性,破坏生态平衡,给人类带来巨大损失。传统生物防治学,采用国外天敌引种的策略和技术防治有害生物,常可获得持续控制的效果。文章概述国内外天敌引种研究情况,并根据我国现状提出了尽快健全法规,提高技术水平等若干建议。  相似文献   

农田边界是农田间的过渡带 ,包含了树篱、防护林、草皮 (带 )、墙、篱笆、沟渠、道路、作物边界带等景观要素[3] 。许多研究表明 ,农田边界在保护生物多样性方面有着重要的作用。Dennis等[7] 的研究表明 ,通过为节肢动物提供多样、稳定的栖息地和越冬场所 ,增加农田中节肢动物的多样性。Holland等[12 ] 的研究也表明 ,林地边界在农业生态系统中能起到保护生物多样性的作用 ,这种作用不仅使林地中有较高的多样性 ,而且还使相邻农田生物多样性增加。同时 ,多样化的农田生态系统比纯作系统具有更为丰富和多样的害虫天敌[6 ] 。国…  相似文献   

生物多样性与天敌——资源保护   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
生物多样性与天敌──资源保护董应才,贾桂花(西北农业大学,陕西杨陵,712100)生物物种是人类赖以生存和发展的食物来源,工业原料来源,人民生活必需品来源和药物资源,是自然赋予我们的巨人基因库。在人类科学史上,生物物种为科学的发展和进步做出了突出的贡...  相似文献   

农业景观生物多样性与害虫生态控制   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
郑云开  尤民生 《生态学报》2009,29(3):1508-1518
现代农业的一个重要特征就是人类对农田生态系统的干扰强度及频率不断增加,严重影响农业景观的结构及其生物多样性.农业景观结构的变化及其生物多样性的丧失,必然引起生态系统服务功能的弱化,不利于实施以保护自然天敌为主的害虫生态控制.农业的集约化经营导致自然生境破碎化,减少了农业景观的复杂性,使得作物和非作物变成一种相对离散化的生境类型和镶嵌的景观格局;破碎化的生境不仅会减少某些物种的丰度,还会影响物种之间的相互关系及生物群落的多样性和稳定性.非作物生境类型如林地、灌木篱墙、田块边缘区、休耕地和草地等,是一种比较稳定的异质化环境.非作物生境较少受到干扰,可以为寄生性和捕食性节肢动物提供适宜的越冬或避难场所以及替代猎物、花粉和花蜜等资源,因此,非作物生境有利于自然天敌的栖息和繁衍,也有利于它们迁入邻近的作物生境中对害虫起到调节和控制作用.景观的格局-过程-尺度影响农田生物群落物种丰富度、多度、多样性以及害虫与天敌之间的相互作用.从区域农业景观系统的角度出发,运用景观生态学的理论和方法来研究作物、害虫、天敌等组分在不同斑块之间的转移过程和变化规律,揭示害虫在较大尺度和具有异质性的空间范围内的灾变机理,可为利用农业景观生物多样性来保护农田自然天敌,实施害虫的区域性生态控制提供新的研究思路和手段.  相似文献   

天敌瓢虫常在农业生产的生物防治中被广泛引进和使用。这种使用过程往往会导致天敌瓢虫在遗传水平的改变,并最终影响到其生物防治的使用效果和本地生态多样性。对天敌瓢虫种群遗传学的研究,有助于我们认识甚至预测这种遗传改变的规律和生态机制,从而为生物防治计划的优化提供理论基础。本文介绍了种群遗传学的研究方法,分析在生物防治中促进天敌瓢虫遗传改变的因素,以及几种常见的天敌瓢虫种群演变情况,并讨论种群遗传学在天敌瓢虫研究的未来方向。  相似文献   

生物多样性是人类可持续发展的重要基础,保护和利用生物多样性是国际社会普遍关注的问题。近年来,通过改善农田生物多样性和强化农田生态系统保益控害的服务功能,实现作物病虫害生态调控已成为国内外研究的热点。本文在总结分析国内外利用生物多样性控制害虫理论研究和实际应用的基础上,综述了该领域的研究进展、实践成果和发展前景。文中介绍了生物多样性的基本概念及其与害虫综合治理的关系,系统概述了利用农田生物多样性控制作物害虫的各种理论假说,包括天敌假说、资源集中假说、联合抗性假说、"推-拉"假说、中度复杂假说、景观缓冲假说等;从提高天敌多样性、作物多样性、非作物多样性和景观多样性等方面综合评述了利用农田生物多样性控制作物害虫的应用实践,重点介绍了我国的一些典型的实际应用案例,旨在充分展示中国昆虫学科技工作者在该领域做出的贡献;针对现代农业集约化经营导致农田生态系统结构简单、农田生物多样性不断下降等特点,对如何以农田景观为单元进一步做好利用生物多样性控制作物害虫的理论研究和应用实践进行了讨论和展望。  相似文献   

豚草(Ambrosia artemisiifolia)是一种世界性恶性杂草,也是入侵我国的重要杂草之一,其不仅对入侵地的植物种群多样性造成极大的破坏,同时也严重危害土表节肢动物多样性.世界各国都在积极地采取各项措施控制豚草的进一步扩散和危害,其中生物防治是一种高效、安全、经济的防治措施.由此,通过小区试验比较了生物防治(广聚萤叶甲(Ophraella communa)和豚草卷蛾(Epiblema strenuana))区和化学药剂防治(农达)区内土表节肢动物多样性,并运用多样性指数、丰富度指数、优势集中性指数、均匀度指数等指标进行分析、评价.通过对70个试验小区进行8次的系统取样调查,共采集到2个纲,13个目,86个科,16838个节肢动物个体,其中弹尾目、蜘蛛目、膜翅目、同翅目等的节肢动物是优势物种,弹尾目的个体数量是各科目之最,占总个体数的35.7%.不同控制措施防治豚草,天敌昆虫豚草卷蛾和广聚萤叶甲防治小区的多样性指数、丰富度指数、均匀度指数均较化学药剂防治区和CK高,而优势集中性指数较化学药剂防治区和CK低.生物防治各小区的各项指数随时间的波动性明显较化学防治区和CK的小,两种天敌昆虫防治的高梯度小区较低梯度的波动性稍小,联合防治小区较单一天敌防治小区的波动小.可见,利用豚草天敌昆虫豚草卷蛾和广聚萤叶甲防治豚草对生态系统的节肢动物多样性具有明显的改善作用.本研究结果进一步证实了可利用天敌昆虫豚草卷蛾和广聚萤叶甲防治豚草来恢复豚草发生区的生态系统,生态学意义深远.  相似文献   

农业生态系统中天敌多样性的保护和维持是当前生物多样性科学研究中的薄弱环节。作者对江苏通州市1970’s后期到1980’s前期和近年(2003~2004)棉田中捕食性节肢动物的多样性作了比较研究。调查表明,1970’s后期到1980’s前期,通州市棉田生态系统中常见的捕食性节肢动物的主要优势种维持在10余种。2003~2004年,在同一区域,采用相同的方法进行调查。结果表明,棉田的天敌物种多样性锐减,仅有龟纹瓢虫、草间小黑蛛等少数几类天敌。对棉田天敌的物种多样性锐减的原因作了初步的定性分析。  相似文献   

Agricultural systems around the world are faced with the challenge of providing for the demands of a growing human population. To meet this demand, agricultural systems have intensified to produce more crops per unit area at the expense of greater inputs. Agricultural intensification, while yielding more crops, generally has detrimental impacts on biodiversity. However, intensified agricultural systems often have fewer pests than more “environmentally-friendly” systems, which is believed to be primarily due to extensive pesticide use on intensive farms. In turn, to be competitive, less-intensive agricultural systems must rely on biological control of pests. Biological pest control is a complex ecosystem service that is generally positively associated with biodiversity of natural enemy guilds. Yet, we still have a limited understanding of the relationships between biodiversity and biological control in agroecosystems, and the mechanisms underlying these relationships. Here, we review the effects of agricultural intensification on the diversity of natural enemy communities attacking arthropod pests and weeds. We next discuss how biodiversity of these communities impacts pest control, and the mechanisms underlying these effects. We focus in particular on novel conceptual issues such as relationships between richness, evenness, abundance, and pest control. Moreover, we discuss novel experimental approaches that can be used to explore the relationships between biodiversity and biological control in agroecosystems. In particular, we highlight new experimental frontiers regarding evenness, realistic manipulations of biodiversity, and functional and genetic diversity. Management shifts that aim to conserve diversity while suppressing both insect and weed pests will help growers to face future challenges. Moreover, a greater understanding of the interactions between diversity components, and the mechanisms underlying biodiversity effects, would improve efforts to strengthen biological control in agroecosystems.  相似文献   

生物多样性的进化原理及其保护对策   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
曹家树  缪颖 《生物多样性》1997,5(3):220-223
本文论述了传统进化论学说对生物多样性解释的不足,探讨用生物适化学说解释生物多样性的形成,提出生物多样性产生的表达式: Bd=T[(Gc-m+MEc-(Nt+Ap+Hf)]dt, 并以此说明制订保育它们的原则对策。  相似文献   

1 The use of native natural enemies to combat native pests has received proportionately less consideration than other viable approaches to biological control. Successful attempts at augmentation, conservation, preservation, and enhancement of the effectiveness of natural enemies have been limited. 2 However, this approach to biological control should be re-examined, placing emphasis on intentional manipulation of population dynamics to encourage the natural tendencies of populations to grow in the absence (or during the delay in resurgence) of certain regulating forces. 3 We discuss theoretical and empirical evidence that suggests native herbivorous insects have the potential to be manipulated successfully as biological control agents for native competing vegetation.  相似文献   

Recent work in the philosophy of biology has attempted to clarify and defend the use of the biodiversity concept in conservation science. I argue against these views, and give reasons to think that the biodiversity concept is a poor fit for the role we want it to play in conservation biology on both empirical and conceptual grounds. Against pluralists, who hold that biodiversity consists of distinct but correlated properties of natural systems, I argue that the supposed correlations between these properties are not tight enough to warrant treating and measuring them as a bundle. I additionally argue that deflationary theories of biodiversity don’t go far enough, since a large proportion of what we value in the environment falls outside bounds of what could reasonably be called “diversity”. I suggest that in current scientific practice biodiversity is generally an unnecessary placeholder for biological value of all sorts, and that we are better off eliminating it from conservation biology, or at least drastically reducing its role.  相似文献   

J. Waage 《BioControl》1996,41(3-4):315-332
Thanks to the efforts and enthusiasm of research scientists, biological control today enjoys considerable popularity. An increasing number of decision makers have high expectations of biological control as the foundation of IPM, as a viable commercial alternative to chemical pesticides, as the self-perpetuating solution to exotic pest problems and as the restorer of parks and endangered habitats threatened by alien invasive species. All of these expectations require that biological control scientists engage a broader community, including farmers, extensionists, environmentalists, regulators, and the public at large, and that they succeed with them to transfer, scale up and implement biological control at a level far beyond its present use. Increased movement of alien pests due to changing patterns of trade, as well as their emerging importance as threats to biodiversity has increased demand for classical biological control. Meeting this demand effectively will require improved understanding of the risks posed by alien pests and introduced agents, as well as better mechanisms to inform and involve governments and scientists in selfregulation and sharing of benefits. A growing portfolio of commercial biological control agents indicates the potential for inundative methods, but the continued emphasis on developing mass-marketed, pesticide-like agents, increasingly with the help of biotechnology, will eventually limit their application in IPM systems unless a broader approach in taken. Finally, opportunities exist for the transfer of methods for natural enemy conservation on a scale far greater than that of the classical or inundative interventions mentioned above, but realizing these opportunities requires a new approach to research and extension, wherein farmers become active research partners and farmers and scientists explore together the complex and very local dynamics of natural enemy complexes. Thus, for all of these areas of biological control, “making it work in the field” will require new directions in scientific research and establishing new partnerships in the transfer and implementation of its results  相似文献   

The concept of biodiversity has played a central role within conservation biology over the last thirty years. Precisely how it should be understood, however, is a matter of ongoing debate. In this paper we defend what we call a classic multidimensional conception of biodiversity. We begin by introducing two arguments for eliminating the concept of biodiversity from conservation biology, both of which have been put forward in a recent paper by Santana (Biol Philos 29:761–780. doi: 10.1007/s10539-014-9426-2, 2014). The first argument is against the concept’s scientific usefulness. The other is against its value as a target of conservation. We show that neither of these objections is successful against the classic multidimensional conception of biodiversity. Biodiversity thus understood is important from a scientific perspective, because it plays important explanatory roles within contemporary ecology. Moreover, although it does not encompass all valuable features of the natural world, this does not show that we should abandon it as a target of conservation. Instead, biodiversity should be conceived as one of many grounds of value associated with ecosystems. This is consistent with concluding that a central aim of conservationists should be to protect biodiversity.  相似文献   

农业生物多样性保护的景观规划途径   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
农业生物多样性保护不仅关系到农业可持续发展,也是物种多样性保护的重要组成部分.近年来,生物多样性保护更加强调通过景观规划途径来实现.本文在回顾国内外关于景观结构对生物多样性影响一般性结论和研究结果的基础上,从景观、地块间、地块内3个尺度分别探讨了农业生物多样性保护的景观规划途径,并建议可以通过采取如下途径有效地保护农业生物多样性:1)在景观尺度上,维持较高比例的自然、半自然生境,注意农用地和种植作物的多样化,注重树篱等廊道生境的保护和建设;2)在地块间尺度上,构建农田边缘地带;3)在地块内尺度上,合理地规划作物种植密度、作物空间分布及采取间套作、轮作等方式.此外,大尺度景观规划途径的实施还需要诸如自然保护计划、土地利用规划及生态补偿等相关政策措施的配套与支持.  相似文献   

稳定而复杂多样的自然生境有利于多样性的形成和保存,剧变并趋于简单化的干扰生境常使多样性丧失。现实中的森林破碎化使区域物种丧失。多样性保护要求具备促使物种能长久生存的生境。生物最小面积概念集中讨论物种长久生存与群落(景观)面积的关系,是多样性保护的最基本的理论基础。根据自然保护实践,提出最小景观,扩充了生物最小面积概念。讨论了生物最小面积概念在建立自然保护区的理论框架、了解被保护生物及其生境的自然特点以及建立更全面的自然保护网络等方面的应用  相似文献   

生物多样性保护的一个理论框架——生物最小面积概念   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
稳定而复杂多样的自然生境有利于多样性的形成和保存,剧变并趋于简单化的干扰生境常使多样性丧失。现实中的森林破碎化使区域物种丧失。多样性保护要求具备促使物种能长久生存的生境。生物最小面积概念集中讨论物种长久生存与群落(景观)面积的关系,是多样性保护的最基本的理论基础。根据自然保护实践,提出最小景观,扩充了生物最小面积概念。讨论了生物最小面积概念在建立自然保护区的理论框架、了解被保护生物及其生境的自然特点以及建立更全面的自然保护网络等方面的应用。  相似文献   

Key global indicators of biodiversity decline, such as the IUCN Red List Index and the Living Planet Index, have relatively long assessment intervals. This means they, due to their inherent structure, function as late‐warning indicators that are retrospective, rather than prospective. These indicators are unquestionably important in providing information for biodiversity conservation, but the detection of early‐warning signs of critical biodiversity change is also needed so that proactive management responses can be enacted promptly where required. Generally, biodiversity conservation has dealt poorly with the scattered distribution of necessary detailed information, and needs to find a solution to assemble, harmonize and standardize the data. The prospect of monitoring essential biodiversity variables (EBVs) has been suggested in response to this challenge. The concept has generated much attention, but the EBVs themselves are still in development due to the complexity of the task, the limited resources available, and a lack of long‐term commitment to maintain EBV data sets. As a first step, the scientific community and the policy sphere should agree on a set of priority candidate EBVs to be developed within the coming years to advance both large‐scale ecological research as well as global and regional biodiversity conservation. Critical ecological transitions are of high importance from both a scientific as well as from a conservation policy point of view, as they can lead to long‐lasting biodiversity change with a high potential for deleterious effects on whole ecosystems and therefore also on human well‐being. We evaluated candidate EBVs using six criteria: relevance, sensitivity to change, generalizability, scalability, feasibility, and data availability and provide a literature‐based review for eight EBVs with high sensitivity to change. The proposed suite of EBVs comprises abundance, allelic diversity, body mass index, ecosystem heterogeneity, phenology, range dynamics, size at first reproduction, and survival rates. The eight candidate EBVs provide for the early detection of critical and potentially long‐lasting biodiversity change and should be operationalized as a priority. Only with such an approach can science predict the future status of global biodiversity with high certainty and set up the appropriate conservation measures early and efficiently. Importantly, the selected EBVs would address a large range of conservation issues and contribute to a total of 15 of the 20 Aichi targets and are, hence, of high biological relevance.  相似文献   

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