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环形RNA(circular RNA circRNA)是由前体RNA的3'末端和5'末端首尾相连形成的环状非编码RNA,可竞争内源性RNA,调节基因的表达。环形RNA在发现之初,被认为是由于错误剪接产生的,未引起重视,随着RNA测序和生物信息等技术的发展大量的环形RNA被发现,并逐渐成为非编码RNA的研究热点。虽然目前对其功能了解甚少,但已有的研究表明环形RNA可以对基因转录后进行调控。本文将从环形RNA的发现过程、形成机制、生物学功能、与疾病的关系以及研究中存在的问题进行综述,有助于进一步研究中心法则,同时为疾病诊治提供新的方向。  相似文献   

环形RNA是一种广泛存在于真核细胞的内源性RNA,由前体RNA反向剪接而成,不具有5’末端帽子和3’末端poly(A)尾巴,呈封闭环状结构。环形RNA通过miRNA海绵结合等方式参与基因表达调控等许多重要的生物学过程。环形RNA可以通过可变剪接产生不同的环形RNA转录本,因此获取环形RNA转录本内部全长序列信息以及对环形RNA内部可变剪接产物进行精确定量是揭示环形RNA调控功能的前提。生物信息学工具能够高效便捷的处理高通量测序数据,被普遍用来鉴别和分析环形RNA。本文介绍了环形RNA的产生机制以及功能特性,对环形RNA检测、全长序列组装以及定量相关计算工具进行综述。  相似文献   

环状RNA(circular RNA,circRNA)是近年来RNA领域最新的研究热点.它是一类由特殊的选择性剪切产生且在真核细胞中广泛表达的环形内源性RNA分子.研究发现,circRNA富含microRNA(miRNA)结合位点,可以发挥竞争性内源RNA作用,作为miRNA"海绵"来解除对其靶基因的抑制效应.近年来,circRNA作为一种新型调控分子调控miRNA功能的发挥,受到众多研究者的青睐.本文综述circRNA的产生机制,及其调控miRNA的最新研究进展与研究方法等.  相似文献   

环状RNA(circular RNA,circRNA)是真核细胞中广泛存在的一类由3′末端和5′末端共价结合形成的环状非编码RNA(non-coding RNA,ncRNA)。越来越多的研究表明,circRNA具有种类丰富、结构稳定、序列保守以及细胞或组织特异性表达等特点。circRNA具有很多潜在的功能,例如作为天然小RNA(microRNA,miRNA)海绵体吸附并调控miRNA的活性,与转录调控元件结合或与蛋白互作调控基因的转录等。目前关于circRNA的研究多集中在动物和人体中,在植物中的研究还较少,仅在水稻(Oryza sativa)、拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)、小麦(Triticum aestivum)、猕猴桃(Actinidia chinensis)、番茄(Solanum lycopersicum)和大豆(Glycine max)等中鉴定到了circRNA的存在,并且其作用机理尚不清楚。该文主要针对circRNA的分类、形成机制、分子特征、相关研究方法以及在植物中的主要研究进展进行综述,并对目前植物circRNA研究中存在的问题进行了分析总结。  相似文献   

李浩  刘如娟  王恩多 《生命科学》2020,32(4):309-314
转移核糖核酸(transfer RNA, tRNA)在蛋白质生物合成过程中起关键作用,是将遗传信息翻译成蛋白质一级结构的接头分子。tRNA长久以来一直被认为是基因表达调控过程中的执行者而不具备调控功能,更不曾与癌症的发生联系起来。最新研究表明,某些tRNA在癌细胞中异常表达,与癌症的发生和发展有密切联系。tRNA来源的小分子非编码RNA (tRFs和tiRNAs)是一类新的基因表达调控分子,tRFs可以调控癌基因的表达或者与RNA结合蛋白相互作用来调控癌细胞增殖和细胞周期进程。tRNA的转录后修饰能够调控mRNA翻译过程,进而影响癌细胞的生长。随着测序技术的发展,tRNA在癌症发生和发展中的调控作用成为近年来的研究热点,现将从"tRNA分子调控癌症的发生和发展"、"tRNA来源的小分子非编码RNA与癌症"以及"tRNA修饰与癌症"三个方面综述tRNA分子在癌症发生和发展中的调控功能。  相似文献   

环形RNA是一类广泛存在于真核细胞的内源性RNA,其由前体RNA反向剪接形成,呈闭环结构,没有5’端帽子结构及3’端polyA尾巴。一直以来,环形RNA被认为没有编码能力,不能编码蛋白质,只是作为microRNA"海绵"等方式,发挥调控功能。然而,近年来随着对环形RNA研究的不断深入,部分环形RNA被发现可通过非帽依赖翻译起始机制编码蛋白质。并且,环形RNA编码的蛋白质被证实在多个细胞过程中发挥着至关重要的作用。对目前环形RNA编码蛋白的研究现状进行综述,并对目前环形RNA编码蛋白的相关生物信息学工具进行了总结。  相似文献   

血小板环状 RNA研究进展   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
血小板环状RNA (platelet circular RNA, platelet circRNA)是一类在血小板中由RNA反向剪切封闭形成的环形RNA分子,具有结构稳定、丰度高以及细胞、组织特异性.血小板环状RNA可以参与细胞内RNA调控网络,与疾病的发生和发展密切相关,可能成为新型的生物标记物及治疗靶点.近年来,关于血小板环状RNA产生、调控、生物学特性、功能及其与疾病的关系等均取得了初步的研究进展.本文将对血小板环状RNA的研究进展予以综述.  相似文献   

环状RNA是一类新发现以共价键形成环状结构的RNA分子,没有5'帽和3'尾,具有高度的序列保守性和稳定性,不易被核酸外切酶降解,在转录或转录后水平发挥基因表达调控的作用。近年来,已发现环状RNA与许多肿瘤包括胃癌发生密切相关。首先介绍环状RNA形成、分类、分子特征和功能,然后从环状RNA与胃癌发生、环状RNA与胃癌诊断、以及环状RNA在胃癌治疗中的作用等三个方面阐述环状RNA与胃癌的关系。  相似文献   

转移核糖核酸(tRNA)是蛋白质合成的关键接头分子,特异性识别信使RNA(mRNA)的密码子信息,将其接载的氨基酸基团掺入到新生多肽链中。最新研究表明,在很多物种中,在某些特定情况下,tRNA或其前体被特异性剪切产生tRNA来源的小片段RNA(tRNA-derived fragment,tRF)。这类tRF是一类新的基因表达调控因子,其发挥作用的机制多样,如某些tRF以microRNA方式抑制mRNA翻译;某些tRF作为逆转录病毒RNA基因组的逆转录引物;而某些tRF参与了前体rRNA剪切复合物的组装。此外,细胞受胁迫产生的带有多聚鸟苷酸模块的tRF则会竞争性抑制延伸因子elF4G与mRNA的结合,从而抑制蛋白质翻译。随着研究的继续深入,对tRF的发生发展、作用机制以及在疾病中的潜在作用将会进一步丰富。拟从tRF作为新的基因表达调控分子的角度,简要介绍tRF发挥作用的分子机制。  相似文献   

宿娅  张晨芳  魏强  李广林 《西北植物学报》2014,34(11):2357-2365
长链非编码RNA(long noncoding RNAs,lncRNAs)是一类长度超过200nt的非编码RNA分子,通过信号分子、诱饵分子、引导分子、支架分子等4种方式在转录水平和转录后水平调控基因的表达。lncRNAs的表达水平相对于蛋白编码基因较低,但它们在X染色体沉默、基因组印迹、染色体修饰、转录激活、转录干扰以及核内运输等方面具有重要的功能。相对于研究较多的非编码小RNA,lncRNAs的功能目前尚不完全清楚。该文从lncRNAs的起源、分类、分子机制、功能和进化等方面综述了lncRNAs的研究进展,为进一步探究lncRNAs的功能和作用机制提供依据。  相似文献   

Self-splicing of yeast mitochondrial ribosomal and messenger RNA precursors   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
G van der Horst  H F Tabak 《Cell》1985,40(4):759-766
We have previously shown linear and circular splicing intermediates resembling intermediates that result from self-splicing of ribosomal precursor RNA of Tetrahymena to be present in mitochondrial RNA. Here we show that splicing of yeast mitochondrial precursor RNA also occurs in vitro in the absence of mitochondrial proteins. The large ribosomal RNA gene, consisting of the intron and part of the flanking exon regions, was inserted behind the SP6 promoter in a recombinant plasmid and was transcribed in vitro. The resulting RNA shows self-catalyzed splicing via incorporation of GTP at the 5'-end of the excised intron, 5'- to 3'-exon ligation, and intron circularization. When purified mitochondrial RNA is incubated under similar conditions with alpha-32P-GTP, the excised ribosomal intron RNA is also labeled, as well as several other RNA species. Some of these RNAs are derived from excised introns from the multiply split gene coding for cytochrome oxidase subunit I.  相似文献   

Exon circularization in mammalian nuclear extracts.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

随着高通量测序技术的发展,环状RNA (circular RNA, circRNA)逐渐成为非编码RNA研究领域的热点。CircRNA是由3′端下游供体和5′端上游受体经反向剪接形成的共价闭合环状分子,普遍存在于真核生物中。CircRNA过去被认为是错误剪接的副产物,近年来相关研究爆炸式增长,才将这种错误概念推翻。相较于动物中的大量研究,植物circRNA的研究还处于起步阶段。文中从植物circRNA的发现引入,总结了植物circRNA的环化特征、表达特异性、保守性和稳定性等特征;关注了circRNA的鉴定工具、主要类型和生成机制;归纳了植物circRNA作为microRNA(miRNA)海绵和翻译模板的潜在功能,以及在生物/非生物胁迫应答中的重要作用;简单概括了植物circRNA的降解与定位。最后讨论了植物circRNA研究存在的问题并对进一步开展植物circRNA研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

The microtubule-associated protein Tau, generated by the MAPT gene is involved in dozens of neurodegenerative conditions (“tauopathies”), including Alzheimer's disease (AD) and frontotemporal lobar degeneration/frontotemporal dementia (FTLD/FTD). The pre-mRNA of MAPT is well studied and its aberrant pre-mRNA splicing is associated with frontotemporal dementia. Using a PCR screen of RNA from human brain tissues, we found that the MAPT locus generates circular RNAs through a backsplicing mechanism from exon 12 to either exon 10 or 7. MAPT circular RNAs are localized in the cytosol and contain open reading frames encoding Tau protein fragments. The MAPT exon 10 is alternatively spliced and proteins involved in its regulation, such as CLK2, SRSF7/9G8, PP1 (protein phosphatase 1) and NIPP1 (nuclear inhibitor of PP1) reduce the abundance of the circular MAPT exon 12??10 backsplice RNA after being transfected into cultured HEK293 cells. In summary, we report the identification of new bona fide human brain RNAs produced from the MAPT locus. These may be a component of normal human brain Tau regulation and, since the circular RNAs could generate high molecular weight proteins with multiple microtubule binding sites, they could contribute to taupathies.  相似文献   

Besides linear RNAs, pre-mRNA splicing generates three forms of RNAs: lariat introns, Y-structure introns from trans-splicing, and circular exons through exon skipping. To study the persistence of excised introns in total cellular RNA, we used three Escherichia coli 3′ to 5′ exoribonucleases. Ribonuclease R (RNase R) thoroughly degrades the abundant linear RNAs and the Y-structure RNA, while preserving the loop portion of a lariat RNA. Ribonuclease II (RNase II) and polynucleotide phosphorylase (PNPase) also preserve the lariat loop, but are less efficient in degrading linear RNAs. RNase R digestion of the total RNA from human skeletal muscle generates an RNA pool consisting of lariat and circular RNAs. RT–PCR across the branch sites confirmed lariat RNAs and circular RNAs in the pool generated by constitutive and alternative splicing of the dystrophin pre-mRNA. Our results indicate that RNase R treatment can be used to construct an intronic cDNA library, in which majority of the intron lariats are represented. The highly specific activity of RNase R implies its ability to screen for rare intragenic trans-splicing in any target gene with a large background of cis-splicing. Further analysis of the intronic RNA pool from a specific tissue or cell will provide insights into the global profile of alternative splicing.  相似文献   

While most long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) appear indistinguishable from mRNAs, having 5′ cap structures and 3′ poly(A) tails, recent work has revealed new formats. Rather than taking advantage of the canonical cleavage and polyadenylation for their 3′ end maturation, such lncRNAs are processed and stablized by a number of other mechanisms, including the RNase P cleavage to generate a mature 3′ end, or capped by snoRNP complexes at both ends, or by forming circular structures. Importantly, such lncRNAs have also been implicated in gene expression regulation in mammalian cells. Here, we highlight recent progress in our understanding of the biogenesis and function of lncRNAs without a poly(A) tail.This paper is part of a directed issue entitled: The Non-coding RNA Revolution.  相似文献   

Group II introns are large ribozymes that require the assistance of intron-encoded or free-standing maturases to splice from their pre-mRNAs in vivo. They mainly splice through the classical branching pathway, being released as RNA lariats. However, group II introns can also splice through secondary pathways like hydrolysis and circularization leading to the release of linear and circular introns, respectively. Here, we assessed in vivo splicing of various constructs of the Ll.LtrB group II intron from the Gram-positive bacterium Lactococcus lactis. The study of excised intron junctions revealed, in addition to branched intron lariats, the presence of perfect end-to-end intron circles and alternatively circularized introns. Removal of the branch point A residue prevented Ll.LtrB excision through the branching pathway but did not hinder intron circle formation. Complete intron RNA circles were found associated with the intron-encoded protein LtrA forming nevertheless inactive RNPs. Traces of double-stranded head-to-tail intron DNA junctions were also detected in L. lactis RNA and nucleic acid extracts. Some intron circles and alternatively circularized introns harbored variable number of non-encoded nucleotides at their splice junction. The presence of mRNA fragments at the splice junction of some intron RNA circles provides insights into the group II intron circularization pathway in bacteria.  相似文献   

Group II introns are large RNA enzymes that can excise as lariats, circles or in a linear form through branching, circularization or hydrolysis, respectively. Branching is by far the main and most studied splicing pathway while circularization was mostly overlooked. We previously showed that removal of the branch point A residue from Ll.LtrB, the group II intron from Lactococcus lactis, exclusively leads to circularization. However, the majority of the released intron circles harbored an additional C residue of unknown origin at the splice junction. Here, we exploited the Ll.LtrB-ΔA mutant to study the circularization pathway of bacterial group II introns in vivo. We demonstrated that the non-encoded C residue, present at the intron circle splice junction, corresponds to the first nt of exon 2. Intron circularization intermediates, harboring the first 2 or 3 nts of exon 2, were found to accumulate showing that branch point removal leads to 3′ splice site misrecognition. Traces of properly ligated exons were also detected functionally confirming that a small proportion of Ll.LtrB-ΔA circularizes accurately. Overall, our data provide the first detailed molecular analysis of the group II intron circularization pathway and suggests that circularization is a conserved splicing pathway in bacteria.  相似文献   

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