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"拥挤效应"被认为是外周视觉物体辨认过程中的一个重要瓶颈.它是指当目标被干扰子包围,在外周视野呈现时,观察者辨认目标的能力被大大削弱,尤其是当目标和干扰子之间存在某种相似性时.许多研究分别试图在不同层次上提出解释这一现象的机制.本文通过三个实验,使用了不同的视觉刺激图形的辨认任务(例如,三角形和箭头的朝向判断、数字和字母的辨认以及S形图形的朝向辨认),测量了目标和干扰子之间中心距离的阈值,结果一致地发现,当目标和干扰子之间存在拓扑性质差异(洞的个数差异)时,拥挤效应会显著降低,并且排除了目标和干扰子之间的主观相似性、形状和面积差异等可能的因素.从知觉组织的角度验证了当目标和干扰子之间存在拓扑性质差异时,拥挤效应会显著降低,这是首次发现的一个影响拥挤效应的新的维度.本文结果不仅为拥挤效应的机制提供了一个新的解释,也为大范围首先拓扑知觉在知觉物体形成中的作用提供了支持性证据.  相似文献   

复杂刺激的知觉学习是指由训练或经验引起的对物体或者面孔等复杂视觉刺激在知觉上长期稳定的改变,一般认为这反映了大脑高级视皮层的可塑性.对简单刺激知觉学习特性的研究已经揭示了低级视皮层的部分可塑性,但是复杂刺激知觉学习的神经机制目前仍存在争议.本文介绍了知觉学习的理论模型和实验证据,并重点探讨了复杂刺激如物体和面孔知觉学习的特性、神经机制及研究方法.该领域未来需要在复杂刺激知觉学习的持久性、面孔不同属性知觉学习的机制,以及复杂刺激知觉学习的理论模型方面做进一步研究.  相似文献   

大脑如何感知物体并对感知到的物体进行类别的划分,这是视觉认知神经科学研究的重要目标之一。先前的研究证明,当我们看到物体时,大脑腹侧视觉通路能够对看到的物体进行识别并分类,进而使我们在行为上产生针对物体的不同交互方式。本文总结了腹侧视觉通路与物体视觉分类相关的最新研究进展,从物体在视觉皮层中的神经表征和机制等方面阐述了物体生命度与真实大小这两个重要组织维度的研究现状,提供了新的见解,同时指出了进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

我们对视觉特征和客体的分辨与识别能力会随着训练提高,这种现象被称为视知觉学习。对其神经机制的研究使我们更好地理解成人大脑可塑性。回顾了该研究领域的两大核心问题:(1)视知觉学习发生的皮层位置:学习发生在早期信息加工的视皮层,或是涉及决策等认知功能的高级额顶叶区域,抑或是视觉区域到高级认知区域的连接;(2)视知觉学习发生的形式:包括表征增强、表征锐化、易化等多种机制。最后,讨论了神经干预手段在知觉学习领域的应用,并展望该领域未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

特征绑定问题(the binding problem)是物体识别的一个基本问题,也是视觉科学研究的最重要问题之一。视觉系统在加工物体信息的过程中,需要将在早期加工阶段中彼此独立编码的视觉特征整合成完整统一的物体,这一加工过程被称为视觉特征绑定。本文首先介绍了视觉特征绑定的基本概念以及绑定机制是否存在于视觉系统中的理论及实验争论。尽管大量研究发现在视觉系统中存在同时加工两种及以上特征的神经元,但这些证据并不能证明特征绑定是基于这些双选择或多选择神经元的一种完全自动化、自下而上的加工过程,错误绑定现象的存在更加证明了特征绑定涉及更复杂的编码加工过程。其次,本文回顾了关于视觉特征绑定神经机制的研究及理论争论。视觉系统对特征的绑定,尤其是主动绑定过程(例如特征错误绑定过程)不仅需要自下而上的信息输入,更加依赖于自上而下的反馈调节信息的调控。近年来,越来越多的研究开始关注神经振荡与特征绑定的关系,这些研究发现神经同步振荡可能直接决定视觉特征的绑定过程。最后,本文总结并讨论了以往研究的局限并展望了这一领域未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

本研究的主要目的是建立昆明小鼠物体识别模型并评价该模型在安全药理学研究中的潜在应用价值。研究了昆明小鼠物体识别记忆随时间而减弱的特性,在训练结束后4h或1h,检测昆明小鼠的物体识别记忆,并评价了东莨胆碱对昆明小鼠物体识别记忆的影响。结果表明:1h间隔组昆明小鼠熟悉期探究物体的时间差和测试期探究物体的时间差存在显著差异(P<0.05),昆明小鼠在训练结束后1h记忆保持良好,可以进行物体识别;东莨胆碱组昆明小鼠熟悉期探究物体的时间差和测试期探究物体的时间差比较(P>0.05),没有显著性差异。因此,东莨胆碱损伤了昆明小鼠的物体识别记忆。用昆明小鼠建立的物体识别模型具有简单、快速、可靠等特点,在安全药理学研究中可用于检测化学药物对记忆的损伤。  相似文献   

我们研究的目的是探查视觉大细胞系统在汉字识别中的作用.研究以24名大学生正常阅读者作为被试,通过调控汉字材料的空间频率和时间频率区分出大细胞通路敏感刺激和正常视觉刺激两种条件,并采用整体/部件字形判断任务来比较在不同视觉条件下,被试加工汉字整体和部件信息的过程,记录反应时和错误率.结果表明,在大细胞条件下,被试对整字信息的判断要显著快于对部件的判断,即出现整体优先效应.而在正常视觉条件下,整体和部件判断的反应时无显著差异.同时,在大细胞条件下,被试进行部件判断的错误率显著高于整体判断,在正常视觉条件下两者差异不显著.研究结果表明视觉大细胞通路促进了汉字整体信息的加工.  相似文献   

识别其他生物体的运动对于个体的生存和社会交互都有极为重要的意义.本文首先基于生物运动识别的行为学、心理物理学、脑损伤和精神障碍研究介绍了生物运动识别的一些特性和影响因素;然后基于神经影像学、脑损伤和神经电生理学研究从视觉系统背腹侧双通路加工的角度,梳理了其信息加工机制的进展;最后对生物运动识别信息加工神经机制的研究方向提出了一点建议,并指出研究过程中需要注意的问题.  相似文献   

电磁场曝露对生物组织电磁特性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
电磁辐射严重影响着人体的健康.电磁场生物效应的发生机制与电磁场本身的特性相关,同时也与生物组织在电磁场作用下电磁特性的改变密切相关.生物体内的信号分子、自由基以及磁颗粒等处于外加电磁场中时其电磁特性会发生变化,尤其是不同频率电磁场曝露作用下生物组织的导电、介电以及磁学等特性会有非常显著的区别.明确不同频率电磁场作用下生物组织电磁特性的变化规律是研究电磁场生物效应发生机制以及预防问题的关键.综述了近年来电磁场对于生物组织电磁特性影响的研究成果,并对未来的研究方向做了展望.  相似文献   

跨通道迁移是指将在一种感觉通道获得的知识应用于另一感觉通道的能力。跨通道迁移的相关研究探索了大脑表征不同感觉通道信息的方式,为减少重复学习、提高认知加工效率提供了新的见解。为较好地概括跨通道迁移的特点和机制,本文首先介绍了在物体识别、类别学习和时间知觉等不同领域对跨通道迁移效应的实验研究,之后介绍了支持跨通道迁移的表征类型和相关理论,梳理了跨通道迁移产生的理论及采用事件相关电位(ERP)和功能磁共振成像(fMRI)等技术探讨跨通道迁移神经机制的研究进展,并指出了影响跨通道迁移的因素。最后,对目前跨通道迁移研究成果及其潜在应用进行了总结,并对这一领域未来的研究问题进行了展望。  相似文献   

In Lepidoptera, effects of larval crowding on life history traits may manifest themselves as changes in growth rate and duration of larval period. For the outbreaking geometrid moth, Epirrita autumnata , impacts of crowding have been shown in earlier laboratory studies, and these responses were modified by diet quality. In this study, the aim was to find out the specific nature of crowding effects of E. autumnata in the field. E. autumnata larvae were reared individually and in groups in mesh bags on mountain birch, both on good and poor quality foliage. Three field experiments were carried out with different densities in the crowded treatment (12, 21 and 45 larvae per 100 short shoots of mountain birch), simulating intermediate to severe outbreaks. The study revealed the density interval (12–21) within which impacts of crowding become evident. Significant effects were mostly found with the two highest densities in the crowded treatment combined with poor foliage quality. In those treatments, crowding resulted in 8–12% and 24–33% decrease in pupal mass and larval survival, respectively. The results of the present field experiments, however, did not corroborate the results of earlier laboratory studies: duration of larval period was not substantially affected, net effects of crowding were negative and interactions between crowding and foliage quality were contrary to those obtained in earlier laboratory studies. In many other Lepidoptera as well, the knowledge on responses to crowding may be mostly qualitative since most crowding experiments have been conducted in laboratory.  相似文献   

On the analysis of competition at the level of the individual plant   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary The extent to which some measure of local crowding can account for the performance of individual plants is examined with reference to populations of two species of annual plant. Only a relatively small proportion of the variation in individual plant yield could be accounted for by measures of local crowding. These included the number of close neighbours, an estimate of the area available to each plant and competitive pressure. A multiple regression that took account of both emergence time and local crowding increased the proportion of variance that could be accounted for up to 50%. Computer simulations of the growth of indivudual plants in monoculture were then caried out in order to determine whether the unexplained variation resulted from fundamental flaws in the models or from unaccounted for sources of variation in the field. The results from the simulations again indicated that only a relatively low proportion of the variation in individual plant yield could be accounted for by emergence time and local density, even though these were known to be the only variables present. These findings are discussed in relation to the relative importance of one-sided and two-sided competition, and the complex cross-correlations that occur between individuals in plant populations. These two factors will make it very difficult for field workers to determine accurately what factors determine individual plant yield and in particular to predict the effects of local crowding on the performance of individual plants.  相似文献   

Object recognition in the peripheral visual field is limited by crowding: the disruptive influence of nearby clutter. Despite its severity, little is known about the cortical locus of crowding. Here, we examined the neural correlates of crowding by combining event-related fMRI adaptation with a change-detection paradigm. Crowding can change the appearance of objects, such that items become perceptually matched to surrounding objects; we used this change in appearance as a signature of crowding and measured brain activity that correlated with the crowded percept. Observers adapted to a peripheral patch of noise surrounded by four Gabor flankers. When crowded, the noise appears oriented and perceptually indistinguishable from the flankers. Consequently, substitution of the noise for a Gabor identical to the flankers ("change-same") is rarely detected, whereas substitution for an orthogonal Gabor ("change-different") is rarely missed. We predicted that brain areas representing the crowded percept would show repetition suppression in change-same trials but release from adaptation in change-different trials. This predicted pattern was observed throughout cortical visual areas V1-V4, increasing in strength from early to late visual areas. These results depict crowding as a multistage process, involving even the earliest cortical visual areas, with perceptual consequences that are increasingly influenced by later visual areas.  相似文献   

Signal transduction within crowded cellular compartments is essential for the physiological function of cells. Although the accuracy with which receptors can probe the concentration of ligands has been thoroughly investigated in dilute systems, the effect of macromolecular crowding on the inference of concentration remains unclear. In this work, we develop an algorithm to simulate reversible reactions between reacting Brownian particles. Our algorithm facilitates the calculation of reaction rates and correlation times for ligand-receptor systems in the presence of macromolecular crowding. Using this method, we show that it is possible for crowding to increase the accuracy of estimated ligand concentration based on receptor occupancy. In particular, we find that crowding can enhance the effective association rates between small ligands and receptors to a degree sufficient to overcome the increased chance of rebinding due to caging by crowding molecules. For larger ligands, crowding decreases the accuracy of the receptor’s estimate primarily by decreasing the microscopic association and dissociation rates.  相似文献   

US gene therapy in crisis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The recent death of a young man, Jesse Gelsinger, in a gene therapy experiment has sent shock waves throughout the US research community. This tragic event has raised new questions about the prospects for human gene therapy. And it has also reopened old controversies about how best to guide the development of this field.  相似文献   

Physiological medium constitutes a crowded environment that serves as the field of action for protein-protein interaction in vivo. Measuring protein-protein interaction in crowded solutions can mimic this environment. Here we report the application of fluorescence spectroscopy and resonant mirror biosensor to investigate the interactions of bovine milk xanthine oxidase and bovine erythrocyte copper, zinc-superoxide dismutase in crowded solutions. Four nonspecific high molecular mass crowding agents, poly(ethylene glycol) 2000 and 20,000, Ficoll 70, and dextran 70, and one low molecular mass compound, glycerol, are used. Superoxide dismutase shows a strong and macromolecular crowding agent concentration-dependent binding affinity to xanthine oxidase. Addition of high concentrations of such high molecular mass crowding agents increases the binding constant remarkably and thus stabilizes superoxide dismutase activity, compared to those in the absence of crowding agents. In contrast, glycerol has little effect on the binding constant and decreases superoxide dismutase activity over the same concentration range. Such a pattern suggests that the enhancing effects of polymers and polysaccharides on the binding are due to macromolecular crowding. Taken together, these results indicate that macromolecular crowding enhances the binding of superoxide dismutase to xanthine oxidase and is favorable to the function of superoxide dismutase.  相似文献   

高星 《人类学学报》2022,41(4):618-629
对石制品等文化遗存的分类与类型学分析是旧石器时代考古的基础工作之一。旧石器考古类型学发端于法国,由博尔德奠定基础框架,其后多位学者针对不同地区和时段的材料提出有所区别的类型学方案。该体系在发展过程中其主观性和标准不统一等问题一直被质疑,一直在补充和完善,目前已在很大程度上转化为对遗址和材料做整理、分析和描述的工具。类型学对于遗址出土材料的整理、表述和信息简化、分析不可或缺,但相对于与人类生存和认知更近的石器技术、功能、原料利用等方面的研究,其重要性和受重视程度已大大降低。中国旧石器考古类型学融合了西方学术体系的一些元素并进行了本土化实践,发展出一定的区域特色。在操作链理念的指导和数字技术的支撑下,以技术解读、特征分析为目标与导向的技术类型学研究,应是解决旧石器时代考古中分类与类型学研究所遭遇的困难与问题的思路和方向。  相似文献   

Sexual selection is a major force influencing the evolution of sexually reproducing species. Environmental factors such as larval density can manipulate adult condition and influence the direction and strength of sexual selection. While most studies on the influence of larval crowding on sexual selection are either correlational or single-generation manipulations, it is unclear how evolution under chronic larval crowding affects sexual selection. To answer this, we measured the strength of sexual selection on male and female Drosophila melanogaster that had evolved under chronic larval crowding for over 250 generations in the laboratory, along with their controls which had never experienced crowding, in a common garden high-density environment. We measured selection coefficients on male mating success and sex-specific reproductive success, as separate estimates allowed dissection of sex-specific effects. We show that experimental evolution under chronic larval crowding decreases the strength of sexual and fecundity selection in males but not in females, relative to populations experiencing crowding for the first time. The effect of larval crowding in reducing reproductive success is almost twice in females than in males. Our study highlights the importance of studying how evolution in a novel, stressful environment can shape adult fitness in organisms.  相似文献   

Crowding is the impairment of peripheral target perception by nearby flankers. A number of recent studies have shown that crowding shares many features with grouping. Here, we investigate whether effects of crowding and grouping on target perception are related by asking whether they operate over the same spatial scale. A target letter T had two sets of flanking Ts of varying orientations. The first set was presented close to the target, yielding strong crowding. The second set was either close enough to cause crowding on their own or too far to cause crowding on their own. The Ts of the second set had the same orientation that either matched the target’s orientation (Grouped condition) or not (Ungrouped condition). In Experiment 1, the Grouped flankers reduced crowding independently of their distance from the target, suggesting that grouping operated over larger distances than crowding. In Experiments 2 and 3 we found that grouping did not affect sensitivity but produced a strong bias to report that the grouped orientation was present at the target location whether or not it was. Finally, we investigated whether this bias was a response or perceptual bias, rejecting the former in favor of a perceptual grouping explanation. We suggest that the effect of grouping is to assimilate the target to the identity of surrounding flankers when they are all the same, and that this shape assimilation effect differs in its spatial scale from the integration effect of crowding.  相似文献   

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