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为了深入研究 Rab3a 和神经生长抑制因子 (GIF) 的相互作用,在大鼠海马神经元细胞原代培养体系中,用 MTT 还原法定量研究了 Rab3a 对 GIF 神经生长活性的影响,发现 Rab3a 可以替代脑提取物而使 GIF 发挥神经生长抑制活性 . 接着又利用多克隆抗体方法研究了 GIF 与 Rab3a 的相互作用,结果说明 Rab3a 是 GIF 发挥神经生长抑制活性所必需的蛋白质,并且它们的相互作用受空间位置的因素影响较大 . 在随后对它们相互作用的机理和可能的生物学意义进行了讨论 .  相似文献   

为了研究G蛋白Rab3a与神经生长抑制因子 (growthinhibitoryfactor,GIF ,原称金属硫蛋白 3,MT 3)相互作用对神经元细胞生长的影响 ,以嗜铬细胞瘤株 (pheochromocytoma)PC1 2充当神经元模型 .将hMT 3(humanMT 3)和Rab3a基因分别克隆至真核表达载体pFlag CMV 2和pSV HA中 ,质粒共同转染PC1 2细胞 ,观察转染后细胞的生长状态 .以共转染pFlag CMV 2 hMT 1和pSV HA Rab3a的细胞组作为对照 ,验证hMT 3与Rab3a相互作用对PC1 2影响的特异性 .结果发现 ,共转染pFlag CMV 2 hMT 3和pSV HA Rab3a的PC1 2细胞生长明显受到抑制 ,细胞生长抑制率与GIF在脑提取物存在F的神经元生长抑制作用接近 ,但转染两基因中的任何单个基因以及共转染pFlag CMV 2 hMT 1和pSV HA Rab3a对PC1 2细胞生长无影响 .进一步构建重组表达质粒pGEX 4T 1 Rab3a和pGEX 4T 1 hMT 3,转化大肠杆菌BL2 1 ,经谷胱甘肽 Sepharose 4B亲和层析、凝血酶酶切和SephacrylS 1 0 0纯化 ,得到纯度 95 %以上的Rab3a和hMT 3蛋白 .体外细胞生物学活性检测表明 ,表达的Rab3a蛋白与重组hMT 3蛋白共培养PC1 2 ,对细胞的生长产生了明显的特异性协同抑制作用 ,抑制曲线与GIF在脑提取物存在下的神经元生长抑制曲线极为相似  相似文献   

为了探讨神经生长抑制因子(Neuronal growth inhibitory factor,GIF)与Alzheimer’s病(Alzheimer’s disease,AD)的关系,将GIF的cDNA全基因克隆到载体pHyblex中,运用酵母双杂交系统从Alzheimer’s病人脑cDNA文库中筛选出与GIF相互作用蛋白的cDNA克隆。免疫共沉淀和蛋白质印迹实验进一步验证了该蛋白在体内与GIF相互作用的特异性。克隆并鉴定了其中1个与GIF特异性结合的蛋白,与人细胞核dUTP焦磷酸酶(DUT)同源。进一步构建了重组表达质粒pGEX-4T-1/DUT,转化大肠杆菌BL21,经谷胱甘肽-Sepharose 4B亲和层析、凝血酶酶切和Sephacryl S100纯化,得到纯度95%以上的dUTPase蛋白。体外生物学活性检测表明,表达的dUTPase蛋白可以与GIF共同作用嗜铬细胞瘤株(pheochromocytoma)PC12,对细胞的生长产生抑制作用。  相似文献   

目的 利用酵母双杂交技术从人脑cDNA文库中筛选与人GATA-1相互作用的蛋白质.方法 从人K562细胞中扩增出全长GATA1基因,设计引物将其3段截断体亚克隆入酵母表达载体pDBLeu中,转化至AH109感受态酵母中,利用酵母双杂交技术筛选人脑cDNA文库中与其相互作用的蛋白质,阳性克隆通过回转及免疫共沉淀试验进行验证,利用3xGATA荧光素酶报告基因对相互作用蛋白质进行功能验证.结果 成功构建出酵母诱饵蛋白表达质粒pDBLeu-GATA1(1),pDBLeu-GATA1(2),pDBLeu-GATA1(3),筛到34个阳性克隆,用生物信息学分析及回转验证得到5个与GATA-1相互作用的候选蛋白,通过免疫共沉淀试验进一步验证,获得3个蛋白质能与GATA-1相互作用,分别是ECSIT,EFEMP1和GPS2.荧光素酶试验表明这3个蛋白质均能对GATA1的转录活性产生影响,证实它们之间的相互作用具有影响GATA1转录的功能.结论 应用酵母双杂交技术及免疫共沉淀试验,从人脑cDNA文库中成功获得3个与GATA-1相互作用并对其转录活性具有调节作用的蛋白质,为研究GATA1蛋白质的功能提供了新的线索.  相似文献   

目的:利用酵母双杂交技术筛选人肝cDNA文库中与类固醇激素合成急性调节蛋白(STAR)相互作用的蛋白质。方法:将全长STAR基因克隆到酵母表达载体pDBLeu中,形成诱饵;将构建好的诱饵质粒转化至AH109酵母感受态中,利用酵母双杂交技术筛选人肝cDNA文库中与其相互作用的蛋白质,并进行相互作用的回转验证。结果:构建了酵母诱饵蛋白表达质粒pDBLeu-STAR,并筛选到6个猎物,其中有5对相互作用回转验证阳性。结论:为进一步研究STAR的功能和作用机制提供了新的线索。  相似文献   

早老性痴呆大脑cDNA文库构建及目的基因克隆   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 取临床确诊为早老性痴呆 (Alzheimer’sdisease ,AD)患者的大脑组织 ,应用磁珠法直接提取mRNA ,电泳检测其质量 .经逆转录合成双链cDNA后 ,用碱性凝胶电泳检测其大小在 0 .2~ 9.0kb范围 ,主要集中在 1.0~ 2 .0kb之间 .层析除去多余的adaptors ,收集大于 4 0 0bp的cDNA片段 ,与载体pYESTrp2连接 ,经电转化后 ,得到克隆总数为 5.1× 10 5的AD病人大脑cDNA文库 .用PCR技术从该文库中扩增得到小肠三叶因子 (intestinaltrefoilfactor ,ITF) [1] 和神经生长抑制因子 (growthin hibitoryfactor,GIF) [2 ] 的cDNA编码区 .研究表明 ,所构建的cDNA文库质量较高 ,可广泛用于AD病研究工作 .同时 ,将所克隆的GIF编码区插入到载体pHybLex Zeo上 ,构建成带饵基因的质粒 ,为进一步通过酵母双杂交方法搜寻与GIF相互作用的神经因子提供了必要条件  相似文献   

应用酵母双杂交技术筛选Herp的相互作用蛋白。构建编码Herp的基因HERPUD1真核表达载体HERPUD1plexA,应用MATCHMAKERLexA酵母双杂交系统筛选人胎脑cDNA文库,获得的阳性克隆的插入子为Herp的候选相互作用蛋白质,将Herp与筛选到的相互作用蛋白再一对一回复进行酵母双杂交实验,去除假阳性。对阳性克隆插入子的DNA序列测序,在GenBank中作匹配及生物信息学分析。结果得到其中1个阳性克隆的插入子序列与TEGT基因序列一致,编码蛋白为Baxinhibitor1。得出结论:Herp与Baxinhibitor1相互作用,Baxinhibitor1具有调节凋亡特性,提示Herp可能参与凋亡调节。  相似文献   

禽流感病毒核蛋白 (NP) 在病毒的转录、复制以及决定病毒的宿主特异性方面都具有重要作用。通过酵母双杂交系统筛选与核蛋白相互作用的蛋白,为进一步了解NP蛋白与细胞内蛋白质的相互关系以及流感病毒与宿主的相互关系奠定基础。应用酵母双杂交系统,构建NP诱饵质粒,进而筛选人脑cDNA文库,寻找可能与禽流感病毒NP相互作用的蛋白质。经过酵母双杂交共验证,得到7个与NP相互作用的阳性克隆。该结果为深入了解病毒复制的分子机理及其在蛋白质水平上与宿主蛋白的相互作用关系提供了线索。  相似文献   

目的:利用酵母双杂交技术从人c DNA文库中筛选人前动力蛋白受体2(hPROKR2)C端相互作用蛋白。方法:复苏酵母菌Y2HGold-hPROKR2-C,与人c DNA文库杂交,计算杂交效率;筛选相互作用克隆并测序,寻找hPROKR2蛋白C端相互作用蛋白;通过在DDO/X、QDO/A/X平皿上划线,对筛选到的人c DNA文库质粒的自活性进行验证;采用GST pull down进一步验证两者之间的相互作用。结果:酵母双杂交实验的杂交融合效率为1.375×10~8;在人cDNA文库中筛选出hPROKR2蛋白C端相互作用蛋白SNAPIN,GST pull down实验证实两者之间存在相互作用。结论:SNAPIN可与hPROKR2蛋白C端结合。  相似文献   

用B型流行性感冒病毒BM2蛋白开放阅读框架片段,构建酵母双杂交体系中的"饵”载体,明确其在酵母细胞中的表达,排除自身激活作用,并用酵母双杂交法从人cDNA基因库中筛选出与BM2蛋白相互作用的蛋白.结果表明B型流感病毒BM2蛋白与宿主细胞的某一蛋白有相互作用.应用酵母双杂交体系,可以非常有效地从人cDNA基因库中确定与"饵”蛋白相互作用的蛋白基因.  相似文献   

S Tsuji  H Kobayashi  Y Uchida  Y Ihara    T Miyatake 《The EMBO journal》1992,11(13):4843-4850
In previous studies, we discovered a growth inhibitory factor (GIF) that was abundant in normal human brain, but greatly reduced in Alzheimer's disease (AD) brain. Molecular cloning of a full-length cDNA for human GIF revealed that the GIF had striking homology to metallothioneins. Furthermore, it was determined that the GIF gene was on chromosome 16, as are the metallothionein genes. GIF, in contrast to metallothioneins, was found to be expressed exclusively in the nervous system. The GIF protein produced by Escherichia coli harboring the GIF cDNA in a prokaryotic expression vector inhibited the growth of neonatal rat cortical neurons. These results indicate that GIF is a new member of the metallothionein family with distinct tissue-specific expression and functions. Northern blot analysis revealed that expression of the GIF mRNA is drastically decreased in AD brains. The result raises the possibility that down-regulation of the GIF gene in AD brain plays an important role in the pathogenesis of AD.  相似文献   

Rab4 belongs to the Rab family of small GTPases involved in the regulation of intracellular transport, and has been localized to early endosomes. We have employed the yeast two-hybrid system to identify proteins that specifically interact with Rab4AQ67L, a GTPase-deficient mutant form of Rab4A. Screening a mouse embryo cDNA library identified a clone (M449) that interacted with Rab4A in a nucleotide-dependent fashion. Data base searches identified this clone as the mouse cytoplasmic dynein light intermediate chain-1 (LIC-1). Based on this finding, the full-length equivalent human cytoplasmic dynein LIC-1 was isolated by PCR. When Rab4A was overexpressed together with either M449 or dynein LIC-1 in HeLa cells, the proteins were found to colocalize in the perinuclear region. We characterize the localization of both overexpressed human dynein LIC-1 and the endogenous protein with respect to microtubules and show that it concentrates to the microtubule-organizing center and mitotic spindle. Additionally, GFPRab4A endosomes localize to microtubules and are redistributed by nocodazole treatment. This is the first described interaction between cytoplasmic dynein, a retrograde motor protein, and a Rab protein.  相似文献   

The early endosomal autoantigen EEA1 is essential for early endosomal membrane fusion. It binds to endosomes via a C-terminal domain (EEA1-CT). To identify proteins interacting with EEA1-CT, we screened a human brain library in the yeast two-hybrid system. Fourteen clones reacted strongly with EEA1-CT. Sequencing of these clones revealed that they all contained the ORF of the small GTPase, Rab5b. Further two-hybrid analysis suggested that Rab5b also interacts with the N-terminus of EEA1 (EEA1-NT). The interaction of both EEA1-CT and EEA1-NT with Rab5b was confirmed biochemically, and was found to be GTP dependent. Confocal immunofluorescence microscopy indicated that EEA1 colocalizes with Rab5b on early endosomes. Although EEA1-CT and EEA1-NT interacted strongly with wild-type Rab5b in the two-hybrid system, we detected no interaction with wild-type Rab5a, even though GTPase-deficient mutants of both Rab5a and Rab5b interacted equally well with EEA1. This difference could not be explained by differences in intrinsic GTPase activities, as these were found to be very similar. Instead, we speculate that yeast may contain a GTPase-activating protein (GAP) activity that stimulates Rab5a but not Rab5b. In contrast, pig brain cytosol was found to contain a GAP activity that stimulates the GTPase activity of Rab5b in preference to that of Rab5a. These data provide evidence that EEA1 interacts with both Rab5a and Rab5b, and that the GTPase activities of the two proteins are differentially regulated in vivo.  相似文献   

Humanine is a human neuroprotective peptide with a wide action spectrum. To analyze molecular mechanisms of humanin functioning, a search for proteins interacting with this peptide was conducted using yeast two-hybrid system. Screening of human fetal brain cDNA library identified seven proteins with different functions that specifically interacted with humanin.  相似文献   

Humanine is a human neuroprotective peptide with a wide action spectrum. To analyze molecular mechanisms of humanin functioning, a search for proteins interacting with this peptide was conducted using yeast two-hybrid system. Screening of human fetal brain cDNA library identified seven proteins with different functions that specifically interacted with humanin.  相似文献   

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