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1.用电穿孔法进行黑曲霉的转化作用 用电穿孔法可以将DNA转入完整的黑曲霉萌发分生孢子。此法不仅简单快捷,转化子菌落出现的时间也比原生质体转化法早些。分生孢子不经预处理,转化频率为1.2菌落/μg整合载体,或100菌落/μg质粒DNA。若将分生孢子用稀的真菌细胞壁分解酶溶液预处理,转化频率大约可提高两倍。用DNA贴印法分析染色体DNA,和用转化子DNA的限制性DNA图谱分析表明,整合载体已通过同源或非同源整合到染色体组中。这个结果和用原生质体转化法相同。在质粒DNA转中,无论电穿孔法或用常规方法,转化子中的质粒DNA大多数呈游离状态,只有很少数整合到染色体上。  相似文献   

灵芝Ganoderma lingzhi是我国著名的药用真菌。但是,作为一种营养和保健价值都非常高的大型担子菌,灵芝还缺乏完善的转基因方法和安全转基因体系。本研究建立了免疫调节蛋白基因的过表达系统,并利用真菌特异性启动子GPD、终止子NOS和目的基因LZ-8构建真菌特异性双T-DNA表达载体p SB130NG-LZ8;利用溶壁酶提取灵芝原生质体,并用FDA染色法检测灵芝原生质体活性,原生质体成活率约为80%。通过PEG转化法对灵芝原生质体成功进行了转化,转化得到的原生质体在带有潮霉素抗性平板上长出,转化率为3–4/μgpSB130NG-LZ8+107个原生质体。转化子通过PCR检测和荧光定量PCR检测,获得LZ-8在灵芝中的过表达。  相似文献   

红曲菌9903A转化体系影响因素的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用PEG介导的原生质体转化方法,研究了将含有潮霉素抗性基因的质粒pMP-Hygro转入红曲菌9903A的影响因素。实验结果表明,原生质体转化最佳条件为:1.0mol/L的山梨醇为渗透压稳定剂;以含有50mmol/L的Ca2 和最终质量分数为40%的PEG4000为转化介质;最佳原生质体浓度和载体DNA用量分别为1×108个/mL、1μg/100μL原生质体;原生质体再生培养基采用不含无机盐的培养基,再生方式采用原生质体液涂布单层再生培基平板法。得到的平均DNA转化率可达160个/μgDNA。本文所研究的PEG介导的原生质体转化方法可以较好的向红曲菌细胞导入外源DNA,并使外源DNA在红曲菌细胞内大量表达。  相似文献   

利用PEG法建立药用真菌灵芝的转化系统   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
本文首次建立了一种通过PEG转化缓冲液将外源基因转入灵芝的方法,转化频率约为5~6个/mg(抗性转化子/质粒+107个原生质体)。转化子在不含HmB的培养基上经5代以上的继代培养后仍可以稳定表达HmB抗性。Southernblot检测证明外源基因已经整合到了灵芝的基因组DNA中。本研究为通过基因工程手段定向、快速改良灵芝药用品质以及利用灵芝发酵方法生产一些具有重大经济价值的外源蛋白等应用奠定基础,并且也有助于我们进一步了解灵芝这一大型真菌中的基因的表达调控机制。  相似文献   

郭慧  R.  N.  库利 《菌物学报》1990,9(4)
本文报道了利用具有潮霉素抗性标记的质粒(pAN7-1)对粟长蠕孢菌原生质体进行转化的结果。经pAN7-1质粒DNA转化处理的粟长蠕孢菌原生质体在含潮霉素(200μg/ml)的选择性培养基上出现两类转化子。一类是正常转化子,其转化率为2个转化子/μg DNA;另一类是流产转化子,其产生频率为500—600个转化子/μg DNA。DNA杂交分析结果表明,在正常转化子中质粒DNA以首尾相接、重复排列的形式整合入受体菌染色体DNA。初筛获得的转化子多数以异核状态存在,经单孢分离纯化后可通过有丝分裂稳定传代。  相似文献   

对猴头菌Hericium erinaceus原生质体制备的各种因素进行比较研究,结果表明,猴头菌原生质体制备的最佳体系为:液体培养5d的猴头菌丝,以0.6mol/L KCl作为稳渗剂,加入含1.0%纤维素酶+1.0%蜗牛酶+1.0%溶壁酶的复合酶,在30℃酶解猴头菌丝3h时,原生质体得率达到3.0×106个/mL。潮霉素敏感性测试表明,猴头菌在PDSA固体培养基上的潮霉素最低筛选浓度为60μg/mL。采用PEG介导的原生质体法,将质粒pBgGI‐hph(含有灵芝gpd1‐Gl启动子和潮霉素抗性基因hph)转化猴头菌原生质体,经潮霉素初步筛选以及PCR鉴定,表明有4株猴头菌拟转化子的基因组扩增出hph基因;转化子经过多次转接后进行Southern杂交验证,结果表明4个转化子的基因组中均稳定整合了hph抗性基因。  相似文献   

旨在优化深绿木霉(Trichoderma atroviride)菌株HP35-3原生质体制备和转化条件,便于对该菌株进行遗传操作以提高其纤维素酶产量。分别对制备深绿木霉原生质体的菌龄、酶解时间、酶组分及比例和转化条件进行优化。结果显示,利用3mg/m L蜗牛酶、3 mg/m L溶菌酶和3 mg/m L裂解酶酶组分酶解菌龄10 h的菌丝2 h,获得的原生质浓度达到3.5×107个/m L以上,原生质体再生率为61%。利用原生质体进行PEG介导转化,当原生质体浓度为1×108个/m L、外源DNA为5μg时,转化率达到35个转化子/μg DNA。建立的高效原生质体制备及转化体系可用于深绿木霉的遗传转化及菌株改造。  相似文献   

【目的】通过分析不同酶解条件对金黄壳囊孢菌[Cytospora chrysosperma(Pers.)Fr.]原生质体释放的影响,建立高效制备原生质体及其遗传转化体系的方法,为开展杨树腐烂病菌的致病分子机制研究奠定基础。【方法】以杨树腐烂病菌菌株CFCC 89981为受体,在细胞壁降解酶作用下产生用于转化所需的原生质体,通过PEG(Polyethylene glycol)介导将g GFP DNA导入杨树腐烂病菌的原生质体中获得转化子。经PCR扩增、Southern blot和荧光观察验证g GFP DNA插入到杨树腐烂病菌基因组中并表达出GFP(Green fluorescent protein)蛋白。【结果】以p H 5.5的1.2 mol/L KCl为稳渗剂,杨树腐烂病菌菌丝经Driselase和Lysing enzymes共同酶解4 h可获得1.2×108个/m L原生质体,再生率可达63.74%±9.73%,FDA(Fluorescein diacetate)溶液染色结果显示98%左右的原生质体具有较高的活力。利用PEG介导的遗传转化方法,转化效率可达76个/μg DNA。PCR检测和Southern blot均可在转化子基因组中检测到GFP基因片段,且荧光检测转化子的菌丝均呈绿色荧光,表明GFP基因在杨树腐烂病菌中表达。此外,GFP转化子在无潮霉素抗性的PDA培养基中多代转接后仍稳定遗传并表达GFP蛋白。【结论】通过筛选酶解条件,获得高质量、高活性的杨树腐烂病菌原生质体,并利用PEG介导的转化方法建立了高效稳定的原生质体遗传转化体系。该体系的建立为杨树腐烂病菌的后续研究奠定了技术基础。  相似文献   

根据Murasugi等发表的LZ-8基因的DNA序列,利用PCR方法从灵芝菌丝体的基因组DNA中扩增到lz-8基因.将该基因构建到毕赤酵母表达载体上,电激转化毕赤酵母.对转化子先后进行PCR和PCR-Southem鉴定,表明lz-8基因已转入毕赤酵母.转化子经发酵培养后用SDS-PAGE电泳方法检测发酵液,证明毕赤酵母...  相似文献   

目的优化原生质体介导的马尔尼菲青霉转化体系,为其基因功能研究提供良好的平台。方法通过原生质体介导将构巢曲霉(Aspergillus nidulans)pyrG基因插入马尔尼菲青霉尿嘧啶缺陷株ligD(pyrG-,ligD-)中,在不含尿嘧啶的培养基中筛选阳性转化子,运用PCR验证重组子,通过改变影响转化效率的酶解时间、培养基浓度、质粒浓度、不同配方的原生质体洗涤液STC和不同配方的原生质体助融剂PTC 5个条件对体系进行优化。结果 PCR验证A.nidulans pyrG基因成功的插入ligD中,转化子可稳定传代。最适合ligD原生质体转化效率的条件为:酶解时间6h,PTC(60%PEG-4000,100mmol/L Tris-HCl pH8.0,100mmol/L CaCl2),每100μL原生质体(106~107/mL)加入2.5μg质粒,0.6 mol/L蔗糖SD/SDU筛选/再生培养基,每1μg质粒转化子可达68个左右。结论成功优化了原生质体介导马尔尼菲青霉转化体系的条件,优化后该方法转化效率高,为基因功能研究提供良好平台。  相似文献   

柱状田头菇(茶树菇)Agrocybe aegerita是一种美味的食用菌,具有极高的经济价值。随着其全基因组测序的完成,功能基因组学研究也逐渐展开,其中,高效的遗传转化体系作为技术基础成为研究重点。本研究以柱状田头菇原生质体为受体、潮霉素抗性基因(hph)作为筛选标记,以增强型绿色荧光蛋白基因(egfp)为报告基因,应用PEG介导法进行柱状田头菇遗传转化体系研究。结果表明,150μg/mL潮霉素可以完全抑制柱状田头菇的生长。30℃下用2%裂解酶液酶解菌丝3h,能够获得最大得率的原生质体。通过PEG介导将构建好的DNA片段转化入柱状田头菇原生质体,通过潮霉素抗性筛选获得转化子,转化得率达到7个/μg DNA。PCR验证和荧光显微镜观察,外源片段成功转入柱状田头菇中并稳定表达。本研究建立的PEG介导转化体系,为柱状田头菇基因功能研究提供了技术基础。  相似文献   

A transformation vector, pLS-hph, was constructed with the promoter and terminator of the glyceraidehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPD) gene derived from an ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete, Lyophyllum shimeji, and with the hygromycin B (HmB) phosphotransferase (hph) gene from Escherichia coli. This vector was introduced into protoplasts of L. shimeji and 3.4 transformants per microg plasmid DNA were obtained. In most of the transformants, multiple copies of the vector were integrated into the genomic DNA. The results indicate that pLS-hph is a useful vector for L. shimeji.  相似文献   

A white-rot basidiomycete Ganoderma lucidum has long been used as a medicinal mushroom in Asia, and it has an array of enzymes important for wood degrading activity. There have been many reports about the ingredients which show health aiding effects. In order to analyze gene functions and introduce foreign genes into this fungus, genetic transformation is required. We have successfully transformed G. lucidum to geneticin resistance using pJS205-1 which has the antibiotic resistance genes against geneticin and phosphinothricin. Many different mutants have been generated during the transformation by restriction enzyme mediated integration, and the transformation yield was 4-17 transformants (microg plasmid DNA)(-1). The plasmid was integrated stably into the recipient chromosome, which was confirmed by PCR with the plasmid-specific primers.  相似文献   

K Y Lee  P Lund  K Lowe    P Dunsmuir 《The Plant cell》1990,2(5):415-425
A single amino-acid change in the acetolactate synthase (ALS) protein of tobacco confers resistance to the herbicide chlorsulfuron. A deleted, nonfunctional fragment from the acetolactate synthase gene, carrying the mutant site specifying chlorsulfuron resistance plus a closely linked novel restriction site marker, was cloned into a binary vector. Tobacco protoplasts transformed with Agrobacterium tumefaciens carrying this vector yielded chlorsulfuron-resistant colonies. DNA gel blot analysis of DNA from these colonies suggested that in three transformants homologous recombination had occurred between the endogenous ALS gene and the deleted ALS gene present in the incoming T-DNA. Plants were regenerated from these chlorsulfuron-resistant colonies, and in two of the transformants, genetic analysis of their progeny showed that the novel gene segregated as a single Mendelian locus. Possible models for the generation of these recombinant plants are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Leptosphaeria maculans, a fungal pathogen of Brassica spp., was successfully transformed with the vector pAN8-1, encoding phleomycin resistance. Protoplasts of a vigorous Phleor transformant were then retransformed using the partially homologous vector, pAN7-1 which encodes hygromycin B resistance. Retransformation of this strain to hygromycin resistance occurred at frequencies that were consistently twofold higher than with the original recipient strain. Linearised pAN7-1 DNA transformed phleomycin-resistant protoplasts at higher frequencies still. All the transformants that were tested retained a phleomycin-resistant phenotype (20/20). Molecular analysis of five transformants generated with circular pAN7-1 DNA indicated that in four cases the pAN7-1 vector had integrated into pAN8-1 sequences. These results suggest that transformation frequencies in L. maculans are limited by the ability of vector DNA to integrate into the genome. Hence, construction of strains with target sites for integration may prove to be a generally useful method for improving transformation frequencies of poorly characterised filamentous fungi, particularly when using heterologous vectors. This would greatly facilitate the identification of genes by transfer of gene libraries and the standardisation of chromosomal location effects in studies of expression of nested promoter deletions.  相似文献   

A new rapid transformation system for Aspergillus niger that uses electroporation to render intact germinating conidia permeable to DNA is described. The transformant colonies appeared earlier than transformants obtained by the protoplast-forming method. Without pretreatment of the conidia the transformation frequencies were 1.2 colonies per μg of integrative vector and 100 colonies per μg of plasmid DNA. When the conidia were treated with a dilute solution of fungal cell wall lytic enzyme, the frequency of transformation was increased by approx. 2-fold when using two vectors. Southern blot analysis of genomic DNA and restriction endonuclease-digested DNA from a random sample of transformants showed homologous and nonhomologous integration of the integrative vector into the genome, as is also observed with the protoplast-forming method. In transformation with the plasmid vector, the transformant DNA was shown to be mostly maintained in free form with minimal integration into the chromosome when transformed by either intact electroporation or the conventional method.  相似文献   

Uracil auxotrophs of Pleurotus ostreatus were isolated using the selectable marker, resistance to 5'-fluoro-orotic acid (5'-FOA). Two of the nine uracil auxotrophs obtained were transformed to prototrophy using plasmid pTRura 3-2 that contains the orotidine monophosphate decarboxylase (ura3) gene from Trichoderma reesei. Southern blot analyses of the transformants showed that the transforming DNA had integrated into the genome of the protoplasts. Using 2 x 10(7) protoplasts, this system gave a transformation efficiency of about 30 transformants per microg of DNA. Normal fruiting bodies were induced in the transformants by crossing them with wild-type monokaryons, and the basidiospores collected from these fruiting bodies showed a biased segregation rate to prototrophy. These results indicate the integrated DNA was stably inherited.  相似文献   

The parameters affecting polyethylene glycol-induced plasmid transformation of Streptococcus lactis LM0230 protoplasts were examined to increase the transformation frequency. In contrast to spreading protoplasts over the surface of an agar medium, their incorporation into soft agar overlays enhanced regeneration of protoplasts and eliminated variability in transformation frequencies. Polyethylene glycol with a molecular weight of 3,350 at a final concentration of 22.5% yielded optimal transformation. A 20-min polyethylene glycol treatment of protoplasts in the presence of DNA was necessary for maximal transformation. The number of transformants recovered increased as the protoplast and DNA concentration increased over a range of 3.0 X 10(6) to 3.0 X 10(8) protoplasts and 0.25 to 4.0 micrograms of DNA per assay, respectively. With these parameters, transformation was increased to 5 X 10(3) to 4 X 10(4) transformants per microgram of DNA. Linear and recombinant plasmid DNA transformed, but at frequencies 10- to 100-fold lower than that of covalently closed circular DNA. Transformation of recombinant DNA molecules enabled the cloning of restriction endonuclease fragments coding for lactose metabolism into S. lactis LM0230 with the Streptococcus sanguis cloning vector, pGB301. These results demonstrated that the transformation frequency is sufficient to clone plasmid-coded genes which should prove useful for strain improvement of dairy starter cultures.  相似文献   

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