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为筛选支气管上皮鳞状不典型增生进展的分子标志物,采用改良的脱氧胆酸-三氯醋酸(deoxycholate-trichloroaetic acid, DOC-TCA)法提纯支气管上皮总蛋白质进行双向电泳(two-dimensional electrophoresis,2-DE),应用ImageMaster 2D分析软件、Student’s t-检验识别差异蛋白质点,基质辅助激光解吸电离飞行时间质谱(matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry, MALDI-TOF-MS)得到相应的肽质指纹图(peptide mass fingerprint,PMF),搜索数据库鉴定差异蛋白质.由此获得人支气管上皮不典型增生和浸润癌组织的2-DE图谱及其凝胶的平均蛋白质点数(1 273.00±43.31,1 326.00±66.63),且两阶段间平均差异蛋白质点数为 56.00±8.96.取38个差异蛋白质点进行PMF分析,鉴定出一些与细胞生长、分化或肿瘤发生等有关的蛋白质,随即应用免疫组化检测差异蛋白质EGFR、c-Jun、Mdm2在两类组织中的表达,其结果也显示了类似的表达差异.支气管上皮不典型增生恶性转化过程中存在蛋白质的差异表达,这些差异蛋白质可能以不同的方式参与了癌变过程,且EGFR、c-Jun、Mdm2的免疫组化验证结果与质谱结果的一致性表明,比较蛋白质组学是一种筛选癌变相关分子标志物的可靠方法之一.  相似文献   

人肺鳞癌组织的血清蛋白质组学的比较分析   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
采用以肿瘤免疫学与蛋白质组学(proteomics)研究技术有机地结合为基础的血清蛋白质组学研究体系(serologicproteomeanalysis ,SERPA)筛选肺癌分子标志物.对10例人肺鳞癌组织,应用双向凝胶电泳(two dimensionalelectrophoresis ,2 DE)技术对同一肺鳞癌组织的细胞总蛋白同时进行电泳后获得3张相同的凝胶,其中一块2 DE凝胶经银染显色作为平行胶,其余两块2 DE凝胶经电转膜将凝胶中的蛋白质转至硝酸纤维素(NC)膜上,然后分别与肺癌患者的自身血清以及正常对照血清进行Western印迹分析,获取Western印迹反应图谱.经计算机图像分析识别差异反应的蛋白质,然后与平行胶比较找出相应的差异反应蛋白质点.获得了分辨率较高的人肺鳞癌组织与患者的自身血清以及正常对照血清的Western印迹反应图谱;图像分析共识别36±8个差异反应的蛋白质;在平行胶上找到了匹配的差异反应蛋白质点.对2 0个差异蛋白质点进行了肽质指纹图分析,鉴定出14个与细胞生长增殖、细胞代谢、细胞周期调控、信号转导等有关的肺鳞癌相关抗原.通过血清蛋白质组技术对肺鳞癌组织进行的研究,建立了分辨率较高的人肺鳞癌组织与患者的自身血清以及正常血清的Western印迹反应图谱,成功鉴定14个肺鳞癌相关抗原,为进一步筛选用于肺鳞癌诊断、治疗和预后评估  相似文献   

为筛选肺腺癌(lung adenocarcinoma,AdC)发病相关蛋白质,首先采用激光捕获显微切割技术(laser capture microdissection,LCM)分别从AdC组织和正常支气管上皮(normal bronchial epithelium,NBE)组织中切割并收集AdC细胞和NBE细胞,再应用双向凝胶电泳技术(two-dimensional gel electrophoresis,2-DE)分离经LCM收集的细胞蛋白质,通过PDQuest软件分析差异表达的蛋白质点,基质辅助激光解吸电离飞行时间质谱(MALDI-TOF-MS)鉴定差异表达蛋白质,组织芯片免疫组化方法检测差异蛋白质膜联蛋白A4(annexin A4)在30例AdC组织、配对的癌旁组织和淋巴结转移癌组织中的表达水平。研究结果显示,通过蛋白质组学方法建立了LCM收集的AdC和NBE细胞的2-DE图谱,质谱鉴定得到了33个差异表达蛋白质,其中21个蛋白质在AdC细胞中表达上调,12个蛋白质在AdC细胞中表达下调。组织芯片免疫组化结果显示,与癌旁肺组织相比,annexin A4在AdC组织中的表达水平显著上调,且在AdC淋巴结转移癌组织中的表达明显高于其原发癌组织。上述结果提示annexin A4与AdC的发病及淋巴结转移相关,有望成为诊断AdC及预测AdC转移的分子标志物。  相似文献   

为分析支气管上皮癌变进程中的差异表达蛋白质,筛选肺鳞癌早期诊断标志物,以人支气管上皮癌变各阶段组织为研究对象,先采用激光捕获显微切割技术(LCM) 纯化人正常支气管上皮组织、鳞状化生、不典型增生、原位癌、浸润性肺鳞癌组织,再用同位素标记相对和绝对定量 (iTRAQ) 技术结合二维液相色谱串联质谱(2D LC-MS/MS)鉴定支气管上皮癌变进程中各阶段的差异表达蛋白质。结果共鉴定了1036个蛋白质,筛选出102个与人支气管上皮癌变相关的差异蛋白质,在这些差异蛋白质中,有的在支气管上皮癌变过程中进行性上调,有的在支气管上皮癌变过程中进行性下调,有的呈阶段特异性改变;功能分析表明,这些差异蛋白质涉及代谢、细胞凋亡、增殖、分化、信号传导、转录、翻译、细胞粘附、免疫反应与发育等。Western blotting 及免疫组织化学技术验证了其中 2个差异蛋白(S100A9和 CKB) 的表达,证实了定量蛋白质组学结果的可靠性。研究结果提示:这些差异表达蛋白质与支气管上皮癌变相关,并可成为肺鳞癌的早期诊断标志物,进一步研究差异蛋白的生物学功能,将有助于阐明支气管上皮的癌变机制,从而为肺鳞癌的早期诊断与发病机制研究提供新思路。  相似文献   

利用我室建立的原位鼻咽癌裸鼠模型,建立了稳定性较好的鼻咽癌裸鼠血清蛋白质2-DE方法,并比较了原位鼻咽癌裸鼠血清与对照组裸鼠血清蛋白质2-DE图谱之间的差异.与正常裸鼠血清比较,原位鼻咽癌裸鼠模型组血清增加了4个蛋白质点.利用MALDI-TOF质谱技术对血清差异蛋白点进行鉴定,发现SAA-1前体(serumamyloidA-1 protein precursor)在鼻咽癌裸鼠模型组血清中明显高表达,为寻找鼻咽癌血清生物标志物提供了有利的线索.  相似文献   

肾阳虚证候的人血清比较蛋白质组学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用双向电泳(2-DE)优化分离了除去高丰度蛋白(白蛋白和IgG)的老年体虚肾阳虚患者(以健康组为参照)的血清样本,对比分析pH 4~7范围的2-DE谱图,肾阳虚患者和参照组的平均蛋白点分别为(393±32)和(455±19)个. 其中肾阳虚证候表达量上调2倍(P<0.05)以上的蛋白点有26个,下调2倍以上的有33个. 用质谱获得上述差异蛋白的肽质量指纹图谱,并经数据库检索共鉴定出了49种差异蛋白质,其中有10种在肾阳虚血清中特异表达,有6种在健康组血清中特异表达. 蛋白功能分析发现,其中33种蛋白质的差异表达与肾阳虚证密切相关. 蛋白质TCRβ及transthyretin的蛋白印迹实验验证了2-DE 的结果. 该研究结果为阐明中医肾阳虚证的机理提供了一条新途径.  相似文献   

目的分离并鉴定喉癌和癌旁正常粘膜组织的差异表达蛋白质,为喉癌早期临床诊断、治疗提供新的有关的肿瘤生物学标记和靶标。方法收集5对人喉癌组织和对应的癌旁正常粘膜组织,提取组织总蛋白质,采用二维凝胶电泳技术分离蛋白并进行比较。选择在喉癌中明显差异表达的蛋白质点,进行质谱分析。结果获得了分辨率和重复性均较好的凝胶蛋白图谱。筛选出的在喉癌及癌旁正常粘膜组织中明显差异表达的10个蛋白质点,并成功鉴定。其中在喉癌组织中高表达的7个,低表达的3个。结论喉癌组织与癌旁正常粘膜组织蛋白存在明显的差异,筛选并鉴定出的这些蛋白质可能成为喉癌早期临床诊断、治疗的标志物和靶标。  相似文献   

人原发性肺腺癌转移相关分子的定量蛋白质组学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
癌细胞转移是人原发性肺腺癌(lung adenocarcinoma, AdC)死亡率高和预后差的主要原因.为了筛选潜在的肺腺癌转移相关分子标志物,依据临床诊断选取无转移的肺腺癌组织和有转移的肺腺癌组织作为研究对象,首先采用激光捕获显微切割技术(laser capture microdissection, LCM)对两组肺腺癌组织中的癌细胞进行纯化,再利用荧光差异凝胶电泳技术(two-dimensional differential in-gel electrophoresis, 2D-DIGE)分离无转移肺腺癌组和有转移肺腺癌组的癌细胞总蛋白,通过Decyder软件分析两组差异表达的蛋白质点,质谱(mass spectrometry, MS)对差异表达的蛋白质点进行鉴定,Western blot验证部分差异蛋白annexin A1, annexin A2, annexin A3, B23和 S100A9的表达.建立了LCM 纯化的无转移和有转移的肺腺癌组织癌细胞的2D-DIGE图谱,质谱鉴定了20个非冗余差异蛋白质,其中12个蛋白质在有转移肺腺癌组中较无转移肺腺癌组表达上调,8个蛋白质在有转移肺腺癌组中表达下调.Western blot验证分析显示,差异蛋白annexin A1,annexin A2,annexin A3和 S100A9的表达水平在有转移肺腺癌中较无转移肺腺癌增高,B23的表达水平在有转移肺腺癌中较无转移肺腺癌降低.免疫组化进一步证实S100A9在有转移的肺腺癌中较无转移的肺腺癌中表达上调.首次应用LCM技术联合2D-DIGE及MS技术分析鉴定出肺腺癌转移相关蛋白质,为研究肺腺癌的转移分子机制、筛选预测肺腺癌转移的分子标志物奠定了基础.  相似文献   

为筛选鼻咽癌(nasopharyngeal carcinoma, NPC)的分子标志物,采用激光捕获显微切割技术(laser capture microdissection, LCM)分别从NPC组织和正常鼻咽上皮组织(normal nasopharyngal epithelial tissue, NNET)中切割纯化NPC细胞和正常鼻咽上皮细胞(normal nasopharyngal epithelial cells, NNEC),应用二维凝胶电泳(two-dimensional electrophoresis, 2-DE)分离LCM纯化细胞的蛋白质,图像分析识别差异表达的蛋白质点,基质辅助激光解吸电离飞行时间质谱(MALDI-TOF-MS)和电喷雾电离串联质谱(ESI-Q-TOF-MS)鉴定差异蛋白质点,Western blot检测差异蛋白cytokeratin 8 (CK8)在LCM纯化的NPC细胞和NNEC以及具有不同分化程度或转移潜能的4株NPC细胞中的表达,免疫组织化学检测CK8在63例NPC、28例NNET及20例颈淋巴结转移NPC组织中的表达水平.建立了LCM纯化的NPC细胞和NNEC的2-DE图谱,质谱鉴定了29个差异蛋白质,其中15个蛋白质只在NPC表达或表达明显增高,14个蛋白质在NPC中表达下调或缺失;Western blot结果显示,CK8的表达水平在NPC中较NNET明显下调,并与NPC细胞株的分化程度和转移潜能有关;免疫组织化学结果显示,CK8在NPC组织中的表达较NNET明显下调,在颈淋巴结转移NPC中的表达较原发NPC明显上调.研究结果提示,CK8与NPC分化及淋巴结转移相关,有望成为预测NPC转移和区别NPC分化程度的分子标志物.  相似文献   

慢性应激可造成海马神经细胞丢失、树突萎缩等损伤,但有关其损伤机制仍有很多问题不甚明了.为了寻找应激致海马损伤相关的重要蛋白质、从蛋白质水平揭示应激致海马损伤的分子机制,应用双向凝胶电泳(2-DE)技术分离对照组和束缚应激组大鼠海马组织总蛋白质,图像分析检测差异表达的蛋白质点,基质辅助激光解析电离飞行时间质谱(MALDI-TOF-MSS)和数据库检索对差异表达的蛋白质点进行鉴定,并采用半定量的RT-PCR在mRNA水平验证2-DE结果.得到了分辨率较高、重复性较好的对照和束缚应激大鼠海马2-DE图谱,质谱分析和数据库检索鉴定了14个差异表达蛋白质点中的11个蛋白质,大多数差异蛋白的功能涉及能量代谢、信号传递等过程.研究结果为揭示应激致海马损伤的机制、提高机体的应激适应能力提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

Behcet's disease (BD) is a multisystemic autoimmune disease with unclear etiology and pathogenesis. To screen aberrant serum proteins in BD, serum samples were obtained from eight male BD patients with active uveitis and eight male healthy volunteers with informed consent. The serum samples from active BD patients and normal controls were pooled. Highly abundant serum proteins (albumin and IgG) were depleted from these two samples using an affinity capture based kit. The obtained samples were subjected to two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE). Protein spots were visualized with the "blue silver" staining. Differently expressed proteins were subsequently identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption /ionization tandem time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF/TOF-MS). Western blot and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) were performed using the serum samples from 18 patients with active BD, 6 patients with inactive BD, 22 patients with Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada (VKH) syndrome, and 20 healthy volunteers to validate the results of 2-DE and MS. Proteomic profiles of the pooled samples were compared, and approximately 800 protein spots were observed in each of the gels. Expression levels of four of the protein spots in active BD were significantly higher than those in the normal controls. Mass spectrometric protein identification revealed that the four protein spots corresponded to two proteins: haptoglobin (Hp) and serum amyloid A (SAA). Western blot and ELISA showed that Hp was only overexpressed in active BD but not in inactive BD, VKH syndrome, or healthy controls. An obvious band of SAA was detected in 72.2% of the serum samples from BD patients, whereas a vague band of this protein was found in 10.0% of the tested normal samples and 9.1% of VKH samples. Our results revealed a significantly increased expression of Hp and SAA in serum of active BD patients. These two proteins may be involved in the development of BD.  相似文献   

橡胶树死皮病胶乳C-乳清差异表达蛋白质的筛选与鉴定   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
橡胶树死皮病(Tapping Panel Dryness,TPD)在世界各橡胶种植园普遍发生,给橡胶种植业带来严重的危害。为了更好地了解和阐明死皮病发生、发展的分子机制,本研究应用双向凝胶电泳技术(2-DE)比较橡胶树死皮株与健康株胶乳C-乳清蛋白质组表达的差异。采用固相pH梯度双向凝胶电泳分离橡胶树死皮株与健康株C-乳清的总蛋白质,凝胶经考染显色后,用PDQuest7.40图像分析软件进行比较分析,识别差异表达的蛋白质。这些点经过胶内酶切后进行基质辅助激光解析电离飞行时间质谱(MALDI-TOF-MS)分析获取肽质指纹图谱(PMF),Mascot软件搜索SWISS-PROT和NCBInr数据库鉴定蛋白质。结果:①橡胶树死皮株与健康株C-乳清凝胶的平均蛋白质点数分别为1075±35和1134±27,其平均匹配的点数分别为982±38和1008±22,组内图像匹配率达91.89﹪和88.72﹪。②橡胶树死皮株与健康株C-乳清组间的平均匹配蛋白点数为970±25。利用MALDI-TOF-MS质谱技术对40个差异明显的蛋白点进行分析鉴定,通过查询数据库鉴定了27个蛋白质。本研究建立了分辨率高且重复性较好的橡胶树死皮株与 健康株胶乳C-乳清的双向凝胶电泳图谱,并应用质谱技术鉴定了其中表达差异的蛋白质点,这些差异表达的蛋白质可能参与了死皮发生和发展的过程。  相似文献   

In order to identify target antigens of anti-endothelial cell (anti-EC) antibodies (AECA) in healthy individuals, we have used a proteomic approach combining 2-DE and immunoblotting. Whole cell protein extracts obtained from human umbilical vein EC (HUVEC) cultures were used as a source of antigens. Serum IgG from 12 healthy blood donors were tested at a concentration of 200 microg/mL. Targeted spots were identified by MS. The HUVEC proteome was composed of 884 protein spots. Among these, 61 +/- 25.8 (mean +/- SD) spots were recognized by serum IgG from healthy individuals, with marked differences from one individual to another. Among these spots, 11 were recognized by serum IgG from all healthy individuals tested. These spots corresponded to six different proteins with several spots corresponding to different isoforms of the same protein. Target antigens were: cytoskeletal proteins (beta-actin, alpha-tubulin, and vimentin); glycolytic enzymes (glucose-3-phosphate-deshydrogenase and alpha-enolase); and prolyl-4-hydroxylase beta subunit, a member of the disulfide isomerase family. This study shows that the repertoire of IgG AECA is heterogeneous among healthy individuals. IgG from all of the healthy individuals tested recognized a restricted set of highly conserved ubiquitous proteins playing key roles in cell biology and maintenance of homeostasis.  相似文献   

Sheoran IS  Olson DJ  Ross AR  Sawhney VK 《Proteomics》2005,5(14):3752-3764
Proteome analysis of embryo and endosperm tissues from germinating tomato seed was conducted using 1-DE, 2-DE, and MS. Mobilization of the most abundant proteins, which showed similar profiles in the two tissues, occurred first in the endosperm. CBB R-250 staining of 2-DE gels revealed 352 and 369 major protein spots in the embryo and endosperm, respectively, at 0 h. Of these, 75 major spots were selected, excised, in-gel digested with trypsin, and analyzed by MALDI-TOF-MS and/or LC-ESI-Q/TOF-MS/MS. Peptide MS and MS/MS data were searched against publicly available protein and EST databases, and 47 proteins identified. Embryo-specific proteins included a BAC19.13 homologue, whereas four proteins specific to the endosperm were tomato mosaic virus coat proteins related to defense mechanisms. The most abundant proteins both in the embryo and endosperm were seed storage proteins, i.e., legumins (11 spots), vicilins (11 spots), albumin (2 spots). Housekeeping enzymes, actin-binding profilin, defense-related protein kinases, nonspecific lipid transfer protein, and proteins involved in general metabolism were also identified. The roles of some of the proteins identified in the embryo and endosperm are discussed in relation to seed germination in tomato.  相似文献   

In this study we applied serological proteome analysis (Klade, C. S. et al. Proteomics 2001, 1, 890-898) for identification of bacterial vaccine candidate antigens. First, approximately one hundred sera from healthy individuals and patients suffering from Staphylococcus aureus infections were screened for antibodies against staphylococcal lysates and recombinant proteins representing surface antigens. Two pools (healthy donors, patients) each consisting of five sera with the highest antiproteinaceous IgG reactivity were selected. Second, S. aureus COL was grown under different conditions and the number of antigens expressed was monitored by Western blot analysis. Third, surface proteins were enriched by digesting the bacterial cell wall under isotonic conditions and subsequent removal of protoplasts. These protein preparations were resolved by two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) (pI 4-7). 2-DE immunoblotting using the preselected serum pools at 1:10 000-1:100 000 dilutions revealed a number of highly immunogenic staphylococcal proteins. Twenty-one spots were isolated by preparative 2-DE, and analysed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry and tandem mass spectrometry sequencing of tryptic peptides. This led to the identification of 15 proteins including known and novel vaccine candidates. Seroreactivity of several antigens including serine-aspartate repeat containing protein D, immuno-dominant staphylococcal antigen and a novel 309 amino acid lipoprotein was independently confirmed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and Western blot analysis of purified recombinant proteins. In conclusion, serological proteome analysis proved to be a powerful tool for the identification of novel staphylococcal antigens, which provide a basis for rational vaccine design.  相似文献   

Ren Y  Wang J  Xia J  Jiang C  Zhao K  Li R  Xu N  Xu Y  Liu S 《Journal of proteome research》2007,6(7):2812-2821
A fundamental issue for sepsis therapy is to control the development of inflammation at an early stage. With cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) surgery, the mouse model has clearly shown the septic signs triggered by chronic insult. To monitor the plasma proteomic responses to sepsis, the mouse blood was collected at intervals after sham and CLP surgery followed by the sample treatment to remove high abundance serum albumin. The treated mouse plasma proteins were well resolved by two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE). The image analysis revealed that these 2-DE spots observed from the sham and the CLP samples 4 h after surgery were comparable, whereas more than 30 different spots appeared on the 2-DE gels between the sham and CLP mouse plasma 24 h after surgery, indicating that some plasma proteins responded to the inflammatory development. These differential spots were verified by MALDI-TOF/TOF MS, resulting in 13 unique sepsis-responsive proteins. More importantly, most of them exhibited multiple spots as difference on the 2-DE gels. Furthermore, these isospots were incubated with PNGase F to eliminate N-linked oligosaccharides on proteins and then evaluated by Western blot as well as mass spectrometry. The results of PNGase F digestion suggested that most sepsis-associated proteins remained in N-glycosylation status but changed their N-glycans during septic development.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of chemo-radiotherapy on serum protein expression of the esophageal cancer patients and discover potential biomarkers by detecting serum proteins mass spectrometry of the healthy Kazakh people in Xinjiang as well as the patients before and after their chemo-radiotherapy. In order to separate and compare the three serum samples (the healthy group’s, the patients’ before and after chemo-radiotherapy) with two-dimensional protein liquid chromatography system (Proteome LabTM PF-2D), then detect the differential protein spots with linear trap quadruple mass spectrometer (LTQ MS/MS). (1) The Kazakh esophageal cancer patients got 21 expressed protein spots peaks with significant difference after chemo-radiotherapy compared with before; before the treatment there were 10 different expressed protein spots compared with the healthy group, and after it there were four peaks in the expression of protein spots compared with the healthy group. (2) After LTQ mass spectrometric detection, 22 proteins were up-regulated in serum samples of the healthy group, 22 were up-regulated of the patients before medical treatment and 5 were up-regulated after chemo-radiotherapy. (3) 8 proteins including APOA1 can be served as serum markers in Kazakh esophageal cancer diagnosis, and proteins like CLU can be served as serum markers in judging the resistance and sensitivity towards chemo-radiotherapy. (4) The abnormal expressions of APOC2, APOC3, Antithrombin-III in esophageal cancer were discovered for the first time. Specific protein spots related to Xinjiang Kazakh esophageal cancer diagnosis and chemo-radiotherapy can be identified in the serum, which will probably become a maker in Kazakh esophageal cancer diagnosis and therapeutic evaluation.  相似文献   

Comparative proteomics analysis of human lung squamous carcinoma   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2-DE) profiles of human lung squamous carcinoma tissue and paired surrounding normal bronchial epithelial tissue were compared. Selected differential protein-spots were identified with peptide mass fingerprinting based on matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) and database searching. Well-resolved and reproducible 2-DE patterns of both the tumor and the normal tissues were acquired. The average deviations of spot position were 0.873+/-0.125mm in IEF direction and 1.025+/-0.213mm in SDS-PAGE direction, respectively. For the tumor tissues, a total of 1349+/-67 spots were detected and 1235+/-48 spots were matched with an average matching rate of 91.5%. For the corresponding normal tissues, a total of 1297+/-73 spots were detected and 1183+/-56 spots were matched with an average matching rate of 91.2%. A total of 1069+/-45 spots were matched between the tumor and the normal tissues. Forty differential proteins between tumor and normal tissues were characterized. Some proteins were the products of oncogenes and others were involved in the regulation of cell cycle and signal transduction. These data are valuable for mass identification of differentially expressed proteins involved in lung carcinogenesis, establishing human lung cancer proteome database and screening molecular marker to further study human lung squamous carcinoma.  相似文献   

Sepsis is one of the major health problems all over the world. Early diagnostic of sepsis is an attractive strategy to decrease the mortality of septic patients. However, an effective biomarker that fulfills all the necessary requirements for the accurate characterization of sepsis is still unavailable until now. In this study, the 2-DE technique followed by mass spectrometry and a database search was used for searching and identifying the differential expressed proteins in platelets between septic patients and paired healthy controls. Platelet 2-DE profiles of septic patients and paired healthy controls with high resolution and reproducibility were obtained. Differential platelet 2-DE profiles between septic patients and paired healthy controls were established. Differential protein spots between normal healthy volunteers and septic patients from platelet 2-DE profiles were identified by 2-DE followed with mass spectrometry and a database search. Five proteins with increased expression were identified between septic patients and healthy controls from platelet samples. These up-expressed proteins were EF-hand calcium-binding domain-containing protein 7, actin, interleukin-1β, glycoprotein IX, and glycoprotein IIB. Sepsis induces a complex regulation of platelet protein changes. Our study highlights the important role of these differential expressed proteins in sepsis, which deserve further research as potential candidates for therapeutic strategies. Furthermore, our research is beneficial for the future developments of sepsis diagnosis and therapy.  相似文献   

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