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衰老叶片和叶绿体中H_2O_2的累积与膜脂过氧化的关系   总被引:67,自引:0,他引:67  
在自然衰老和ABA处理的叶片和叶绿体中活性氧H_2O_2均比对照明显增高。外加H_2O_2刺激水稻叶绿体膜脂过氧化作用。叶绿体的丙二醛含量随H_2O_2浓度、光照时间、光照强度及叶绿体完整性而变化。AsA、GSH、SOD、甘露醇和过氧化氢酶对外源H_2O_2引起的膜脂过氧化有缓解作用,Fe~(2+)有刺激作用。而H_2O_2对叶绿体过氧化损伤主要是转化为OH之故。  相似文献   

鹅掌楸(Liriodendron chinense(Hemsl.) Sarg.)是中国特有珍稀树种.鉴于目前还鲜有野生鹅掌楸组培过程生理生化变化的相关报道.本研究以峨嵋山野生鹅掌楸茎尖芽为外植体进行组织培养,并对其继代培养再生过程中超氧阴离子自由基(O_2~-)、过氧化氢(H_2O_2)和丙二醛(MDA)含量的变化进行了测定.研究结果表明,随着培养时间的延长,植物体中O_2~-和MDA含量呈现逐渐增加的变化趋势.这表明在连续继代培养条件下,植物体内活性氧会积累,引起膜脂过氧化.H_2O_2含量"S"形曲线变化,并随着再生芽的分化而上升,因此,H_2O_2不仅参与了膜脂过氧化过程,还可能作为一种细胞信号物质参与诱导细胞分化和再生芽的形成.该研究也为进一步用组织培养法保存峨眉山珍稀植物鹅掌楸种质资源提供了参考.  相似文献   

为明确H_2O_2在杜鹃耐热性形成中的作用机制以及高温胁迫下杜鹃活性氧清除系统的亚细胞分布,该研究以3个耐热性不同的杜鹃品种为实验材料,进行H_2O_2预处理后再进行高温胁迫,分析叶绿体、线粒体和细胞溶质等亚细胞组分中活性氧产生和清除系统的变化。结果表明:(1)‘胭脂蜜’、‘红月’、‘红珊瑚’分别为耐热、较耐热和热敏感品种。(2)高温胁迫下,3个杜鹃品种H_2O_2含量的亚细胞分布为细胞溶质叶绿体线粒体,各亚细胞组分中超氧阴离子自由基■产生速率差异不显著;3个杜鹃品种均以细胞溶质中的丙二醛(MDA)含量最高,且热敏感杜鹃‘红月’和‘红珊瑚’中MDA亚细胞分布与H_2O_2相一致,但‘胭脂蜜’线粒体中MDA含量高于叶绿体。(3)高温胁迫下,‘胭脂蜜’和‘红珊瑚’亚细胞组分超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化物酶(POD)活性排序为细胞溶质叶绿体线粒体,‘红月’相应排序为细胞溶质线粒体叶绿体;过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性在‘胭脂蜜’和‘红月’亚细胞组分中的排序相同,线粒体中CAT活性高于细胞溶质和叶绿体,而在‘红珊瑚’中叶绿体CAT活性最高。(4)H_2O_2预处理可以通过增强耐热杜鹃的抗氧化防御能力,减轻杜鹃幼苗的过氧化损伤,尤其是对耐热性较差的杜鹃品种效果显著。研究发现,杜鹃叶片MDA、活性氧、抗氧化酶活性的亚细胞分布在高温胁迫下存在品种差异,MDA亚细胞分布与活性氧的分布并不完全一致,热敏感杜鹃‘红月’和‘红珊瑚’叶绿体所受的过氧化损伤程度高于耐热品种‘胭脂蜜’;高温胁迫下,H_2O_2预处理对不同杜鹃品种各亚细胞器的活性氧和抗氧化酶的影响程度也表现出品种间差异。  相似文献   

从不同干旱胁迫时间下的小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)叶片中提取微粒体膜,测定活性氧自由基变化和膜伤害程度。结果表明,随着干旱胁迫时间的延长发生以下变化:(1)O_2~-和H_2O_2的产生速率在一定时间内逐渐加快然后下降;(2)膜脂过氧化产物丙二醛(MDA)的含量逐渐增加;(3)微粒体膜上的SOD活性逐渐下降;(4)—SH基的含量在一定时间内逐渐增多以后下降;(5)与膜伤害程度有关的生理指标如根系电导率、叶片水势及其含水量等均有变化。  相似文献   

外源ABA对大蒜试管苗玻璃化发生和抗氧化系统的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以大蒜品种‘二水早’试管苗为材料,从活性氧代谢的角度研究了外源ABA、H_2O_2和H_2O_2+ABA处理下的试管苗玻璃化率、活性氧积累与组织定位和抗氧化系统的响应特征,探讨ABA缓解试管苗玻璃化过程的机理。结果表明:(1)外源H_2O_2处理可诱导大蒜试管苗玻璃化发生,外源ABA处理下玻璃化率最低,可以缓解H_2O_2诱导的玻璃化的发生。(2)试管苗O_2~产生速率和H_2O_2含量在H_2O_2处理下最高,在ABA处理下最低;在添加H_2O_2的培养基中同时添加ABA能显著减少因外源H_2O_2处理引起的O_2~产生和H_2O_2积累。(3)试管苗CAT、POD和APX活性在外源H_2O_2处理前期(0~8d)均上升并显著高于对照,但其CAT、APX活性在处理后期(8~16d)下降,其同期POD活性也增加缓慢;各抗氧化酶的活性在外源ABA与H_2O_2+ABA处理前期(0~8d)均呈直线上升趋势,而它们在H_2O_2+ABA处理后期(8~16d)均显著高于H_2O_2处理。(4)各处理试管苗抗坏血酸和谷胱甘肽含量随处理时间先升高后降低,并以外源ABA处理下最高,外源H_2O_2处理下最低。(5)试管苗O_2~和H_2O_2产生部位主要在基部和叶尖,且外源ABA处理下组织中ROS的积累最少。(6)在ABA+H_2O_2处理下,大蒜试管苗内丙二醛含量和膜相对透性显著低于对照和H_2O_2处理。研究发现,外源ABA处理可有效降低大蒜试管苗的内源O_2~产生速率和H_2O_2含量,提高抗氧化酶活性和抗氧化物质含量,抑制活性氧在试管苗内的产生和运输,显著降低试管苗玻璃化率;外源ABA可通过增强大蒜试管苗抗氧化能力来抑制玻璃化发生。  相似文献   

研究姜黄素对H_2O_2诱导HT29细胞氧化应激的保护作用及其可能的分子机制。分别采用低、中、高浓度姜黄素处理H_2O_2诱导的HT29细胞氧化损伤模型,并设置H_2O_2模型组和正常对照组;MTT法确定H_2O_2最佳损伤浓度和时间及姜黄素(2.5、5、10μmol/L)对H_2O_2诱导的HT29细胞活性的影响;Annexin V/PI双标记流式细胞术检测细胞凋亡情况;PI染色流式细胞术检测细胞周期变化;DCFH-DA荧光探针检测细胞内活性氧(ROS);JC-1染色检测细胞线粒体膜电位;比色法测定乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)释放量,以及丙二醛(MDA)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、caspase-3和caspase-9的水平。结果显示姜黄素组(2.5、5、10μmol/L)明显提高H_2O_2诱导的HT29细胞的存活率(P0.05,P0.01);与H_2O_2模型组相比,姜黄素组细胞凋亡率降低(P0.01),增殖指数增高(P0.05,P0.01),LDH释放量和细胞内ROS降低(P0.05,P0.01),线粒体膜电位上升(P0.01),SOD活力增加(P0.01),MDA降低(P0.01),caspase-3和caspase-9活性增强(P0.01),并呈剂量-效应关系。结果表明姜黄素在一定剂量范围内对H_2O_2诱导的HT29细胞氧化损伤具有较好的保护作用,该作用可能与清除ROS,减轻DNA氧化损伤,抑制线粒体通路介导的细胞凋亡有关。  相似文献   

苋菜叶片和叶绿体消除活性氧能力的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从苋菜成熟叶和老叶分离的叶绿体中加入外源H_2O_2和O_2~+,发现前者对这两种活性氧的消减速率比后者高1.5~1.0倍,而形成的丙二醛则低30%~70%。同一植株的下部老叶中SOD、GR活性、GSH、ASA及类胡萝卜素等抵御活性氧的清除剂水平显著比中部的成熟叶片低。老叶中消除活性氧能力的降低是导致膜损伤的原因。  相似文献   

为了研究腺甘酸环化酶Cyr1对酵母细胞时序寿命的影响,我们使用Cyr1△与野生菌DBY746来检测酵母细胞的时序寿命,H_2O_2或热抵抗能力以及线粒体膜形态。结果表明,Cyr1△的时序寿命是DBY746的2.25倍,在强卡路里限制调节下,两者的生存时间均有延长,DBY746和Cyr1△达到10%生存率的时间分别为13d和45d。Cyr1△有更强的抵抗H_2O_2和热处理能力,同时发现Cyr1△比DBY746在培养第3d和第5d有更完整的线粒体膜形态。  相似文献   

细胞内线粒体呼吸链过程中的电子漏和神经细胞代谢的酶类如单胺氧化酶(MAO)等可产生活性氧物质(ROS)如H_2O_2等。ROS对细胞有毒性作用,导致细胞死亡,在许多疾病特别是神经退行性疾病中具有重要作用。我们用H_2o_2诱导N-2a神经母细胞瘤细胞,利用光镜、荧光显微镜、透射电镜观察了诱导的N-2a细胞的死亡,结果表明其死亡形式不同于典型的细胞凋亡,而类似于Ⅱ型神经细胞编程性死亡,死亡细胞染色质呈团块状凝集,细胞核膜仍保持完整。DNA不降解形成ladder,且不需要caspase-3,1的活性,但是H_2O_2诱导的Neuro-2a细胞死亡可以被Bcl-X_L,抑制。我们的结果可以说明,ROS介导的细胞毒性作用是导致Ⅱ型神经细胞编程性死亡的一个原因。  相似文献   

SO2对植物的氧化作用和植物的抗氧化作用   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22  
本文主要介绍了SO_2通过活性氧(如O_2~-,H_2O_2,·OH等)伤害植物的机理和植物体内清除O_2~-,H_2O_2,·OH,L·,LO·,LOO·的抗氧化系统。  相似文献   

A ceriometric method is described in which Ce3+ salts are used for the determination of dissolved oxygen and Ce4+ salts for the determination of the chemical oxygen demand. The interference of COD in the O2 determination, a common feature of most Winkler determinations, is corrected. The standard deviation is typically about 1% of the mean, and bias (inaccuracy) is very small.The method is simple, quick and reliable.The precision and accuracy of the Winkler method is discussed and compared with that of the Cerium method.  相似文献   

Oxygen is an essential substance for plants, and adequate oxygen supply is necessary for plant growth and developments. As one of the major abiotic threats to plants, frequent floods could lead to oxygen deficiency in the rhizosphere. Therefore, it is important to understand the response and adaptive mechanisms of plants to rhizosphere oxygen concentration for crop productions and breeding of resistant varieties. This review shed light on the impacts of rhizosphere oxygen contents on plants from multiple perspectives. We also demonstrated the injury and acclimations caused by oxygen deficiency and the mechanism of low-oxygen signaling. We finally summarized methods to avoid oxygen deficit and prospect of further studies.  相似文献   

Since their introduction in 2001 miniaturized bioreactor systems have made great advances in function and performance. In this article the dissolved oxygen (DO) transfer performance of submilliliter microbioreactors, and 1–10 mL minibioreactors was examined. Microbioreactors have reached kLa values of 460 h?1, and are offering instrumentation and some functionality comparable to production systems, but at high throughput screening volumes. Minibioreactors, aside from one 1,440 h?1 kLa system, have not offered as high rates of DO transfer, but have demonstrated superior integration with automated fluid handling systems. Microbioreactors have been typically limited to studies with E. coli, while minibioreactors have offered greater versatility in this regard. Further, mathematical relationships confirming the applicability of kLa measurements across all scales have been derived, and alternatives to fluorescence lifetime DO sensors have been evaluated. Finally, the influence on reactor performance of oxygen uptake rate (OUR), and the possibility of its real‐time measurement have been explored. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 1005–1019. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Hicks  William T.  Harmon  Mark E. 《Plant and Soil》2002,243(1):67-79
O2 is an important regulator of physiological processes involved in the decomposition of woody debris, yet O2 levels and diffusion rates within decomposing logs are largely unknown. We examined how O2 diffusion rates in decayed and sound wood varied with moisture and density, and we compared predicted with observed seasonal changes in oxygen concentration in logs in a Pacific Northwest old-growth Pseudotsuga menziesii forest. In the laboratory, the oxygen diffusion coefficient (DO2) was determined in the longitudinal and radial (or tangential) directions on wood cores of varying moisture content and density. In the field, O2 was measured in tubes inserted to three radial depths (2, 6 and 15 cm) within logs of two species (Pseudotsuga menziesii and Tsuga heterophylla) and five decay classes (where class 5 = most decayed). In both the radial and longitudinal directions, DO2 increased exponentially as the air filled pore space (AFPS) increased and as density decreased. In the field, mean O2 concentrations in logs were not significantly different between species. Mean O2 concentrations were significantly lower in the least decayed logs as compared to the most decayed logs. Mean O2 concentrations decreased with radial depth only in decay class two logs. Seasonal O2 levels did not consistently vary with log moisture, respiration, or air temperature. The comparison of the results from a model that assumes oxygen diffuses only in the radial direction to field data indicates that laboratory measurements of oxygen diffusion may underestimate field oxygen concentrations. Cracks, insect galleries and other passages in decayed logs, and longitudinal oxygen diffusion may account for this discrepancy. In the field, log oxygen concentrations were rarely as low as 2%, indicating anaerobic conditions may not be as common in logs as we previously thought. Oxygen limitations on decomposition may occur in relatively sound and/or water soaked wood, but probably not in decayed logs in a terrestrial setting.  相似文献   

With the goal of mimicking the mechanisms of the biological effects of low energy laser irradiation, we have shown that infrared low intensity laser radiation causes oxygenation of the chemical traps of singlet oxygen dissolved in organic media and water saturated by air at normal atmospheric pressure. The photooxygenation rate was directly proportional to the oxygen concentration and strongly inhibited by the singlet oxygen quenchers. The maximum of the photooxygenation action spectrum coincided with the maximum of the oxygen absorption band at 1270 nm. The data provide unambiguous evidence that photooxygenation is determined by the reactive singlet 1g state formed as a result of direct laser excitation of molecular oxygen. Hence, activation of oxygen caused by its direct photoexcitation may occur in natural systems.  相似文献   

A new method for real-time monitoring of the oxygen uptake rate (OUR) in bioreactors, based on dissolved oxygen (DO) measurement at two points, has been developed and tested extensively. The method has several distinct advantages over known techniques.It enables the continuous and undisturbed monitoring of OUR, which is conventionally impossible without gas analyzers. The technique does not require knowledge of k(L)a. It provides smooth, robust, and reliable signal. The monitoring scheme is applicable to both microbial and mammalian cell bioprocesses of laboratory or industrial scale. The method was successfully used in the cultivation of NSO-derived murine myeloma cell line producing monoclonal antibody. It was found that while the OUR increased with the cell density, the specific OUR decreased to approximately one-half at cell concentrations of 16 x 10(6) cells/mL, indicating gradual reduction of cell respiration activity. Apart from the laboratory scale cultivation, the method was applied to industrial scale perfusion culture, as well as to processes using other cell lines. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

练庆林  倪国坛 《生理学报》1993,45(2):182-185
本研究目的在于探讨大鼠氧惊厥时,纹状体和下丘脑内亮-脑啡肽(L-Enk)含量的变化。实验中将32只雄性大鼠随机分为4组:常压空气组、高压常氧氮组、高压氧未惊厥组和高压氧惊厥组。用放射免疫法测定了纹状体和下丘脑内L-Enk含量。结果显示,在高压氧环境中暴露的大鼠纹状体和下丘脑内L-Enk含量明显高于常压空气组和高压常氧氮组;且增高到一定水平时发生惊厥。实验结果提示,动物惊厥与纹状体和下丘脑中L-Enk含量的增加呈正相关,而与高压氧环境及加减压方式无显著关系。  相似文献   

Oxygen has two faces. On one side it is the terminal electron acceptor of aerobic respiration – the most efficient engine of energy metabolism. On the other hand, oxygen is toxic because the reduction of molecular O2 creates reactive oxygen species such as the superoxide anion, peroxide, and the hydroxyl radical. Probably most prokaryotes, and virtually all eukaryotes, depend on oxygen respiration, and we show that the ambiguous relation to oxygen is both an evolutionary force and a dominating factor driving functional interactions and the spatial structure of microbial communities.We focus on microbial communities that are specialised for life in concentration gradients of oxygen, where they acquire the full panoply of specific requirements from limited ranges of PO2 , which also support the spatial organisation of microbial communities. Marine and lake sediments provide examples of steep O2 gradients, which arise because consumption or production of oxygen exceeds transport rates of molecular diffusion. Deep lakes undergo thermal stratification in warm waters, resulting in seasonal anaerobiosis below the thermocline, and lakes with a permanent pycnocline often have permanent anoxic deep water. The oxycline is here biologically similar to sediments, and it harbours similar microbial biota, the main difference being the spatial scale. In sediments, transport is dominated by molecular diffusion, and in the water column, turbulent mixing dominates vertical transport.Cell size determines the minimum requirement of aerobic organisms. For bacteria (and mitochondria), the half‐saturation constant for oxygen uptake ranges within 0.05 – 0.1% atmospheric saturation; for the amoeba Acanthamoeba castellanii it is 0.2%, and for two ciliate species measuring around 150 μm, it is 1‐2 % atmospheric saturation. Protection against O2 toxicity has an energetic cost that increases with increasing ambient O2 tension. Oxygen sensing seems universal in aquatic organisms. Many aspects of oxygen sensing are incompletely understood, but the mechanisms seem to be evolutionarily conserved. A simple method of studying oxygen preference in microbes is to identify the preferred oxygen tension accumulating in O2 gradients. Microorganisms cannot sense the direction of a chemical gradient directly, so they use other devices to orient themselves. Different mechanisms in different prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbes are described. In O2 gradients, many bacteria and protozoa are vertically distributed according to oxygen tension and they show a very limited range of preferred PO2. In some pigmented protists the required PO2 is contingent on light due to photochemically generated reactive oxygen species. In protists that harbour endosymbiotic phototrophs, orientation towards light is mediated through the oxygen production of their photosynthetic symbionts. Oxygen plays a similar role for the distribution of small metazoans (meiofauna) in sediments, but there is little experimental evidence for this. Thus the oxygenated sediments surrounding ventilated animal burrows provide a special habitat for metazoan meiofauna as well as unicellular organisms.  相似文献   

Perovskite oxide ceramics attracts significant attention as a strong candidate of bifunctional oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and oxygen evolution reaction (OER) electrocatalyst for the metal‐air batteries. Numerous approaches to the viability of bifunctional perovskite electrocatalyst represent that the electro­chemical performance is highly correlated with defect chemistry, surface structure, and overall polycrystalline perovskite structure. By making use of the intrinsic flexibility of internal structure and high nonstoichiometry in perovskite oxide, the heat treatment effect of the complex Ba0.5Sr0.5CoxFe1‐xO3‐δ (x = 0.2 and 0.8) perovskites in argon atmosphere at 950 °C (Ar‐BSCF5582 and Ar‐BSCF5528) on the surface structure/defect chemistry and electrocatalytic performance is intensively investigated. Upon heat‐treatment in argon atmosphere, the amorphous thickness layer increases from ≈20 to 180–200 nm in BSCF5582, while there is little change in BSCF5528 with ≈20 nm. The electrocatalytic performance of BSCF5582 catalyst both in ORR and OER deteriorates seriously, while Ar‐BSCF5528 demonstrates a significant increase of electro­chemical performance in ORR. This study demonstrates that the electrochemical performances of a perovskite catalyst can be significantly determined by the simultaneous modification of both surface structure and internal defect chemistry, which are explained with transmission electron microscopy and atomic‐selective X‐ray absorption fine structure analyses, respectively.  相似文献   

Nutrient and oxygen supply of cells are crucial to tissue engineering in general. If a sufficient supply cannot be maintained, the development of the tissue will slow down or even fail completely. Previous studies on oxygen supply have focused on measurement of oxygen partial pressures (pO(2)) in culture media or described the use of invasive techniques with spatially limited resolution. The experimental setup described here allows for continuous, noninvasive, high-resolution pO(2) measurements over the cross-section of cultivated tissues. Applying a recently developed technique for time-resolved pO(2) sensing using optical sensor foils, containing luminescent O(2)-sensitive indicator dyes, we were able to monitor and analyze gradients in the oxygen supply in a tissue over a 3-week culture period. Cylindrical tissue samples were immobilized on top of the sensors. By measuring the luminescence decay time, two-dimensional pO(2) distributions across the tissue section in contact with the foil surface were determined. We applied this technique to cartilage explants and to tissue-engineered cartilage. For both tissue types, changes were detected in monotonously decreasing gradients of pO(2) from the surface with high pO(2) to minimum pO(2) values in the center of the samples. Nearly anoxic conditions were observed in tissue constructs ( approximately 0 Torr) but not in excised cartilage discs ( approximately 20 Torr) after 1 day. Furthermore, the oxygen supply seemed to strongly depend on cell density and cell function. Additionally, histological analysis revealed a maximum depth of approximately 1.3 mm of regular cartilage development in constructs grown under the applied culture conditions. Correlating analytical and histological analysis with the oxygen distributions, we found that pO(2) values below 11 Torr might impair proper tissue development in the center. The results illustrate that the method developed is an ideal one to precisely assess the oxygen demand of cartilage cultures.  相似文献   

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