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该研究从转录组数据库中筛选鉴定紫苏溶血磷脂酸酰基转移酶(LPAT)家族基因,采用生物信息学方法分析了该家族基因的序列特征及蛋白结构,利用qRT PCR技术对该基因时空表达特性进行了研究,为进一步了解紫苏油脂合成机制提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)从紫苏转录组数据库中共检测出11个LPAT家族基因,分别命名为PfLPAT1、PfLPAT2 1、PfLPAT2 2、PfLPAT2 3、PfLPAT2 4、PfLPAT4 1、PfLPAT4 2、PfLPAT5 1、PfLPAT5 2、PfLPAT5 3和PfLPAT5 4;PfLPATs编码氨基酸长度介于250~384 aa之间,理论等电点在7.6~9.6之间。(2)基因序列比对结果表明,11个PfLPATs蛋白分别属于3个亚类,其中1型LPAT包含1个基因,2/3型LPAT 包含4个,4/5型LPAT 包含6个。(3)实时荧光定量PCR结果显示,11个LPAT家族基因在 ‘晋紫苏1号’不同组织中均有表达,其中LPAT2 1、LPAT2 2和LPAT2 3在种子中表达量较高,推测其在紫苏种子油脂合成代谢过程中发挥重要作用。该结果为后续紫苏LPAT家族基因的功能研究提供了重要的基因信息。  相似文献   

该研究利用组学方法从续随子(Euphorbia lathyris)基因组数据库中鉴定出续随子溶血磷脂酸酰基转移酶(lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase, LPAT)家族基因,并对其基因结构、蛋白理化性质、进化关系进行生物信息学分析,利用qRT-PCR等技术对该基因家族的时空表达特性进行分析,以探讨ElLPAT家族基因在调控种子脂肪酸生物合成中的作用。结果表明:(1)从续随子基因组共检测出5个LPAT家族基因,分别命名为ElLPAT1~5;ElLPAT1~5基因编码氨基酸长度介于237~388 aa之间,理论等电点在6.23~9.56之间。(2)系统进化分析显示,5个ElLPATs蛋白分别属于3个亚类,其中ElLPAT1属于1型LPAT,ElLPAT2和ElLPAT3属于2/3型LPAT,ElLPAT4和ElLPAT5属于4/5型LPAT。(3)实时荧光定量qRT-PCR结果显示,5个ElLPATs基因在续随子不同组织中均有表达,ElLPAT1ElLPAT4在各组织中表达量较低;ElLPAT2在各组织中表达量较高,且在种子中表达量最高。研究推测,ElLPAT2在续随子种子油脂合成代谢过程中可能发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

该研究根据已克隆的华南象草(Pennisetum purpureum cv.Huanan)肉桂醇脱氢酶(CAD)基因PpCAD的cDNA序列,构建亚细胞定位载体pAN580-PpCAD,用PEG介导法转化象草原生质体,以探究PpCAD蛋白在细胞内的定位;同时构建植物过表达载体pBA002-PpCAD,通过农杆菌介导法在烟草中异源表达,以研究PpCAD基因与植物木质素合成的关系。结果显示:(1)PpCAD定位在象草原生质体的细胞质内;(2)过表达载体pBA002-PpCAD转化烟草后获得27株转基因烟草,其中25株PCR鉴定为阳性;(3)半定量RT-PCR检测6株转基因烟草后发现,PpCAD基因在不同植株的表达量存在差异,通过Southern杂交检测后发现该差异与目的基因插入的拷贝数有关;(4)6株转基因烟草和野生型烟草表型上没有明显差异,除目的基因多拷贝插入的植株OEC6外,木质素含量有不同程度的提高,最高比野生型提高了56.50%。研究表明,PpCAD是一个细胞质蛋白,在烟草中过表达PpCAD能够提高植株木质素含量,表明PpCAD基因参与了植物的木质素合成,可用于象草的木质素调控研究。  相似文献   

Δ9 硬脂酰 ACP脱氢酶(SAD)是参与植物不饱和脂肪酸生物合成的关键酶。该研究从续随子(Euphorbia lathyris)种子转录组数据库中筛选得到续随子ElSAD2基因序列,对其序列表达特性进行分析,并鉴定ElSAD2基因的功能。结果显示:(1)续随子ElSAD2的 cDNA全长1 665 bp,ORF为1 194 bp,编码397个氨基酸残基;系统进化分析显示ElSAD2蛋白与蓖麻(Ricinus communis)RcSAD1蛋白等亲缘关系较近。(2)ElSAD2在续随子各器官中均有表达,其中在花后30 d种子中表达量最高。(3)在BY4389缺陷型酵母中过表达ElSAD2,使缺陷酵母不饱和脂肪酸含量升高。(4)本氏烟草瞬时表达ElSAD2,使得烟草叶片总油脂和油酸含量分别提高2.46%和2.1%。研究发现,ElSAD2能催化单不饱和油酸的生物合成,可进一步应用于油料植物油脂产量和品质改良。  相似文献   

黑果枸杞(Lycium ruthenicum)富含花青素,AN2基因是调控黑果枸杞花青素合成代谢的主效基因。为解析AN2基因启动子的活性差异,采用Tail-PCR方法分别克隆了黑果枸杞和红果枸杞(L. barbarum) AN2基因起始密码子上游约1 686 bp (LrAN2p)和1 495 bp (LbAN2p)的序列。Plant CARE预测表明,LbAN2pLrAN2p中分别有133和137个的顺式作用元件, 其中,参与光调控的顺式元件分别有11和15个;参与激素响应相关的顺式元件分别有13和16个。构建AN2启动子植物表达载体pKGWFS7:LbAN2p和pKGWFS7:LrAN2p,利用农杆菌介导的烟草遗传转化体系获得转基因烟草。GUS染色结果表明,LrAN2p能够驱动GUS在烟草中的表达,叶片呈现蓝色,具有较LbAN2p更强的启动活性,qRT-PCR结果表明,LrAN2p转基因烟草中GUS基因具有更高的转录水平,这可能会使AN2基因在黑果枸杞中具有更高的表达,激活黑果枸杞花青素合成代谢通路。这为解析枸杞果色形成及AN2基因的表达调控机制奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

为提高大豆Glycine max种子含油量和营养品质,文中以二酰甘油酰基转移酶1(Diacylglycerol acyltransferase 1,DGAT1)基因为遗传修饰靶标。将来自高油植物斑鸠菊Vernonia galamensis L.编码DGAT1酶蛋白的c DNA克隆Vg DGAT1A在大豆种子特异超表达。连续选择获得高代(T7)Vg DGAT1A转基因大豆株系。转基因株系表型鉴定显示,在大豆种子发育中期(30–45 DAF),Vg DGAT1A高表达,相应地DGAT酶活性是非转基因野生型和空载体转化对照的7.8倍。转基因成熟种子含油量比对照提高了5.1%,淀粉含量比对照减少2%–3%,蛋白质含量与对照无显著差异。此外,转基因大豆种子百粒重(14.5 g)和种子萌发率(95.6%)与对照亦无明显差异。种子油脂脂肪酸成分分析显示,转基因大豆种子油中抗氧化的油酸(C18:1Δ9)含量比对照提高8.2%,相应地易氧化的亚油酸(C18:2Δ9,12)和亚麻酸(C18:3Δ9,12,15)分别减少6%和2%。这些数据表明,种子特异超表达外源Vg DGAT1A基因,打破了大豆种子含油量和蛋白质含量的负连锁,显著提高种子含油量且未导致蛋白含量降低。转基因大豆种子重量和萌发率亦未显负效应,而且种子油脂抗氧化性和营养品质得以改善。研究表明应用这一高酶活性Vg DGAT1A的基因工程是提高种子含油量和改善油脂品质的一条有效途径。  相似文献   

该研究采用实时荧光定量PCR(qRT PCR)技术,对烟草金属耐受蛋白1(MTP1)基因(NtMTP1)在烟草不同组织以及不同质量浓度ZnSO4处理下的表达进行了分析;利用农杆菌介导法,将NtMTP1基因植物过表达载体pBI121 35S∶∶MTP1转化野生型烟草,筛选得到NtMTP1基因过表达的转基因烟草植株,并进行不同质量浓度ZnSO4处理,检测NtMTP1基因过表达对烟草Zn胁迫耐受性的影响。结果表明:NtMTP1基因在烟草中呈现组织特异性表达,主要在花与叶中表达;NtMTP1基因的表达受到Zn2+诱导,在400 μmol/L ZnSO4处理后,表达量达到最高,为对照组的3.81倍;3株转基因烟草植株中NtMTP1基因表达量分别为野生型的10.42、7.61和11.84倍,与野生型相比,过表达植株对Zn胁迫的耐受性显著增强。研究结果为阐明NtMTP1基因在烟草体内Zn2+转运过程中的生物学功能提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

WRKY转录因子家族在植物应对非生物和生物胁迫的防卫反应中起重要作用。岷江百合(Lilium regale Wilson)是高抗枯萎病的野生百合,该研究基于前期转录组测序分析,采用RT PCR方法从岷江百合中克隆得到WRKY转录因子基因LrWRKY4并分析其功能,以探讨岷江百合对枯萎病菌尖孢镰刀菌(Fusarium oxysporum)侵染的转录调控机制,为进一步研究岷江百合WRKY基因家族的功能奠定基础。结果显示:(1)LrWRKY4开放阅读框为993 bp,编码330个氨基酸,LrWRKY4含有一个高度保守的‘WRKYGQK’七肽序列和一个C2H2锌指基序,属于Ⅱc类WRKY转录因子。(2)成功构建GFP LrWRKY4融合载体并通过根癌农杆菌介导转化洋葱表皮细胞,激光共聚焦显微观察发现,GFP LrWRKY4融合蛋白表达的绿色荧光特异性地分布在洋葱表皮细胞的细胞核中。(3)成功构建了过表达载体pCAMBIA2300s LrWRKY4并转化烟草,得到11个T2代转基因烟草株系,且转LrWRKY4基因烟草与野生型烟草(WT)在表型上无明显差异;尖孢镰刀菌接种根部和叶片的实验结果显示,转LrWRKY4基因烟草对尖孢镰刀菌的抗性较WT明显增强;qRT PCR分析显示,岷江百合LrWRKY4基因在11个转基因烟草株系中均有表达,且转基因烟草中JA/SA信号途径相关基因的表达上调,并诱导了部分病程蛋白相关基因以及抗氧化相关基因的表达上调。(4)岷江百合鳞片浸染LrWRKY4 RNAi载体后的腐烂程度和病变面积均远大于RNAi空载转化的鳞片;瞬时表达LrWRKY4 RNAi载体的岷江百合鳞片中LrWRKY4基因的表达水平较对照下降了约45.7%,接种尖孢镰刀菌72 h后表达水平下降了93.8%;瞬时表达LrWRKY4 RNAi后,一些JA/SA信号途径相关基因的表达水平明显下降。研究表明,岷江百合LrWRKY4编码一个定位于植物细胞核的Ⅱc类WRKY转录因子;LrWRKY4基因能够在转基因烟草中稳定表达,且过表达LrWRKY4基因提高了烟草对尖孢镰刀菌的抗性;但瞬时表达LrWRKY4 RNAi降低了岷江百合JA/SA信号途径相关基因的表达并增强了对尖孢镰刀菌的敏感性。推测LrWRKY4基因是岷江百合抗尖孢镰刀菌防卫反应中的正调控因子,可能通过参与JA/SA介导的信号传导途径,诱导防卫相关基因的表达从而调节其对尖孢镰刀菌的抗性。  相似文献   

原卟啉原氧化酶(Protoporphyrinogen oxidase, PPOX1) 是叶绿素生物合成途径中的关键酶,为深入探究苹果PPOX1基因的功能,该研究以苹果砧木垂丝海棠(Malus halliana)为试材,采用PCR方法,克隆MhPPOX1基因,并进行生物信息学分析及功能鉴定;采用农杆菌介导法转化烟草和拟南芥,进一步分析MhPPOX1在缺铁胁迫中的功能,并对转基因烟草与拟南芥进行抗性分析。结果表明:(1)成功克隆获得 垂丝海棠MhPPOX1基因片段,经序列比对鉴定为苹果的 MhPPOX1基因(序列号:LOC103444480)。MhPPOX1基因的开放阅读框为1 644 bp,编码547个氨基酸,等电点为8.98;系统进化树分析表明,苹果属垂丝海棠MhPPOX1与白梨该家族蛋白的亲缘关系最近。(2)成功克隆获得垂丝海棠MhPPOX1启动子序列片段(2 016 bp),对该启动子顺式作用元件预测结果显示,MhPPOX1启动子序列中存在干旱、低温、光、生长素以及与叶绿素相关等响应元件。(3)成功构建过表达载体 MhPPOX1 pRI101,并成功获得转MhPPOX1基因烟草和拟南芥。(4)qRT PCR分析表明,垂丝海棠幼苗在缺铁( Fe)胁迫下植株叶片黄化枯死,且MhPPOX1基因表达量较对照显著升高;转MhPPOX1基因烟草和拟南芥在缺铁胁迫中与野生型相比均生长良好,不易黄化,且缺铁条件下转基因拟南芥和烟草的叶绿素a、叶绿素b总量以及总铁含量明显高于野生型植株,表明MhPPOX1基因过量表达提高了拟南芥和烟草对缺铁胁迫的抗性。研究认为,MhPPOX1基因在植物抵抗缺铁胁迫中可能发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

We have cloned fourNeurospora crassagenes by complementation analysis. Cloned genes include thearginine-1(arg-1),methionine-6(met-6),unknown-7(un-7), andribosome production-1(rip-1) loci. Chromosome walks were initiated in ordered cosmid libraries from the cloned loci. A total of about 700 kb of theNeurosporagenome is covered in these walks.  相似文献   

Scirtothrips perseae Nakahara was discovered attacking avocados in California, USA, in 1996. Host plant surveys in California indicated that S. perseae has a highly restricted host range with larvae being found only on avocados, while adults were collected from 11 different plant species. As part of a management program for this pest, a “classical” biological control program was initiated and foreign exploration was conducted to delineate the home range of S. perseae, to survey for associated natural enemies and inventory other species of phytophagous thrips on avocados grown in Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Trinidad, and Brazil. Foreign exploration efforts indicate that S. perseae occurs on avocados grown at high altitudes (>1500 m) from Uruapan in Mexico south to areas around Guatemala City in Guatemala. In Costa Rica, S. perseae is replaced by an undescribed congener as the dominant phytophagous thrips on avocados grown at high altitudes (>1300 m). No species of Scirtothrips were found on avocados in the Dominican Republic, Trinidad, or Brazil. In total, 2136 phytophagous thrips were collected and identified, representing over 47 identified species from at least 19 genera. The significance of these species records is discussed. Of collected material 4% were potential thrips biological control agents. Natural enemies were dominated by six genera of predatory thrips (Aeolothrips, Aleurodothrips, Franklinothrips, Leptothrips, Scolothrips, and Karnyothrips). One genus each of parasitoid (Ceranisus) and predatory mite (Balaustium) were found. Based on the results of our sampling techniques, prospects for the importation of thrips natural enemies for use in a “classical” biological control program in California against S. perseae are not promising.  相似文献   

Functionally active preparations of Na+,K+-ATPase isozymes from calf brain that contain catalytic subunits of three types (1, 2, and 3) were obtained using two approaches: a selective removal of contaminating proteins by the Jorgensen method and a selective solubilization of the enzyme with subsequent reconstitution of their membrane structure by the Esmann method. The ouabain inhibition constants were determined for the isozymes. The real isozyme composition of the Na+ pump from the grey matter containing glial cells and the brain stem containing neurons was determined. The plasma membranes of glial cells were shown to contain mainly Na+,K+-ATPase of the 11 type and minor amounts of isozymes of the 22(1) and the 31(2) type. The axolemma contains 21 and 31 isozymes. A carbohydrate analysis indicated that 11 enzyme preparations from the brain grey matter substantially differ from the renal enzymes of the same composition in the glycosylation of the 1 isoform. An enhanced sensitivity of the 3 catalytic subunit of Na+,K+-ATPase from neurons to endogenous proteolysis was found. A point of specific proteolysis in the amino acid sequence PNDNR492 Y493 was localized (residue numbering is that of the human 3 subunit). This sequence corresponds to one of the regions of the greatest variability in 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-subunits, but at the same time, it is characteristic of the 3 isoforms of various species. The presence of the 3 isoform of tubulin (cytoskeletal protein) was found for the first time in the high-molecular-mass Na+,K+-ATPase 31 isozyme complex isolated from the axolemma of brain stem neurons, and its binding to the 3 catalytic subunit was shown.  相似文献   

The major pentasaccharides Fuc(1-2)[GalNAc(1-3)]Gal(1-4)[Fuc(1-3)]Glc and Fuc(1-2) [Gal(1-3)]Gal(1-4)[Fuc(1-3)]Glc, which are normally present in the urine of bloodgroup A Leb and B Leb healthy subjects, were each found to be contaminated by a minor component when analysed by1H-NMR. The determination of these structures, Fuc(1-2) [GalNAc(1-3)]Gal(1-3)[Fuc(1-4)]Glc and Fuc(1-2) [Gal(1-3)]Gal(1-3)[Fuc(1-4)]Glc, was based on the results of methylation analysis and1H/13C-NMR spectroscopy.Abbreviations HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - GLC gas liquid chromatography - NMR nuclear magnetic resonance - COSY correlation spectroscopy - Gal d-galactopyranose - GalNAc 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-d-galactopyranose - Glc d-glucopyranose - Fuc l-fucopyranose - LNDFH I lacto-N-difucohexaose I (Leb determinant  相似文献   

The epistatic interaction of alleles at the VRN-H1 and VRN-H2 loci determines vernalization sensitivity in barley. To validate the current molecular model for the two-locus epistasis, we crossed homozygous vernalization-insensitive plants harboring a predicted “winter type” allele at either VRN-H1 (Dicktoo) or VRN-H2 (Oregon Wolfe Barley Dominant), or at both VRN-H (Calicuchima-sib) loci and measured the flowering time of unvernalized F2 progeny under long-day photoperiod. We assessed whether the spring growth habit of Calicuchima-sib is an exception to the two-locus epistatic model or contains novel “spring” alleles at VRN-H1 (HvBM5A) and/or VRN-H2 (ZCCT-H) by determining allele sequence variants at these loci and their effects relative to growth habit. We found that (a) progeny with predicted “winter type” alleles at both VRN-H1 and VRN-H2 alleles exhibited an extremely delayed flowering (i.e. vernalization-sensitive) phenotype in two out of the three F2 populations, (b) sequence flanking the vernalization critical region of HvBM5A intron 1 likely influences degree of vernalization sensitivity, (c) a winter habit is retained when ZCCT-Ha has been deleted, and (d) the ZCCT-H genes have higher levels of allelic polymorphism than other winterhardiness regulatory genes. Our results validate the model explaining the epistatic interaction of VRN-H2 and VRN-H1 under long-day conditions, demonstrate recovery of vernalization-sensitive progeny from crosses of vernalization-insensitive genotypes, show that intron length variation in VRN-H1 may account for a continuum of vernalization sensitivity, and provide molecular markers that are accurate predictors of “winter vs spring type” alleles at the VRN-H loci.  相似文献   

The progeny of Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) grown in ricin-resistant 14 cells (RicR14) lackingN-acetylglucosaminyltransferase I was released in the extracellular medium at a very low rate. By using a monoclonal antibody immobilized on Sepharose we purified from HSV-1-infected RicR14 cells a viral glycoprotein (gC), which carries bothN-andO-linked oligosaccharides. Glycopeptides obtained from [3H]mannoselabeled gC by Pronase digestion were entirely susceptible to endo--N-acetylglucosaminidase H, and the major oligosaccharide released was Man4GlcNAc. The accumulation of this high-mannose species was related to the enzymic defect of the host cells and to the long retention of the viral glycoprotein within the cells. The extent ofO-glycosylation evaluated in [14C]glucosamine-labeled gC from RicR14 cells as compared to that of gC from wild type cells did not appear to be significantly modified.Abbreviations Con A concanavalin A - BHK cells baby hamster kidney cells - HSV Herpes simplex virus  相似文献   

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