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不同寄主植物对截形叶螨生长发育及繁殖的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
在28℃下用叶盘法研究了5种寄主植物对截形叶螨生长发育及繁殖的影响。结果表明,在不同寄主植物上,截形叶螨各螨态历期、单雌产卵量、日均产卵量、产卵期、净增殖率、周限增长率、内禀增长率、世代平均周期和种群加倍时间等均有明显差异; 雌螨完成一代所需时间长短依次为9.3天(黄瓜)、9.3天(菜豆)、9.6天(大豆)、11.0天(茄子)和11.6天(玉米),产卵期依次为9.9天(茄子)、11.2天(黄瓜)、12.9天(菜豆)、15.8天(玉米)和17.9天(大豆);单雌产卵量和净增殖率在大豆上最高,分别为115.0和51.7,而在茄子上最低,分别为38.0和11.7。幼、若螨期存活率大小依次为93.6%(大豆)、91.7%(玉米)、89.9%(黄瓜)、84.3%(菜豆)和61.6%(茄子),存活曲线均为Ⅰ型。大豆是其最嗜食寄主植物,其次是玉米,再次为黄瓜和菜豆,对茄子的嗜食性最差。  相似文献   

在15~35℃、RH80%~85%条件下,研究了加州新小绥螨Neoseiulus (Amblyseius) californicus (Mcgregor)以截形叶螨Tetranychus truncatus Ehara为猎物时,不同螨态的发育和实验种群生命表。结果表明,加州新小绥螨在此温度范围内能完成世代发育,世代发育历期随着温度升高而逐渐缩短。该螨能适应35℃的高温条件,雌性的发育历期最短仅为6.14d。平均产卵期和平均寿命均随着温度的上升逐渐缩短。20℃~25℃时,该螨的平均产卵量最大,达53.73粒/雌。净增殖率在20℃时最高(48.2525),且雌雄性比最大。15℃时内禀增长率和周限增长率均最低,分别为0.0638和1.0659,种群倍增时间最长(10.8669d),35℃时内禀增长率和周限增长率均最高,分别为0.1954和1.2158,种群倍增时间最短(3.5477d)。  相似文献   

[目的]明确不同西甜瓜品种对截形叶螨Tetranychus truncates Ehara生长发育及繁殖的影响,为西甜瓜品种布局和该虫的综合治理提供科学依据.[方法]在实验室条件下,研究截形叶螨在不同西甜瓜品种(西瓜早佳8424、西瓜美都、西瓜嘉美和甜瓜金玉红2号、甜瓜玉菇)上的发育历期、产卵量和生命表参数.[结果]截形叶螨在西瓜早佳8424和甜瓜玉菇上的存活率较高,分别为95.00%和86.55%,而在西瓜美都和甜瓜金玉红2号上存活率较低,只有75.38%和70.45%;截形叶螨在不同西甜瓜品种上的繁殖力也存在显著差异,在西瓜早佳8424和西瓜美都上的繁殖适合性最高,即抗虫性最弱,产卵期长且产卵量大,如在西瓜早佳8424上平均单雌产卵量达(35.31±5.35)粒,而在西瓜嘉美上的繁殖适合性最低,即抗虫较最强,产卵期短产卵量少,平均单雌产卵量为(19.96±2.02)粒;此外,西瓜美都和西瓜早佳8424的内禀增长率rm和周限增长率λ最高,分别为0.203 1、0.161 7和1.225 2、1.175 5;西瓜嘉美的净增值率R0最低,仅为16.7.[结论]在供试的5个西甜瓜品种中,西瓜早佳8424和美都是最适宜截形叶螨生长和繁殖的品种,而西瓜嘉美有较高的抗虫性.  相似文献   

侧多食跗线螨实验种群繁殖特征生命表   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郅军锐 《昆虫知识》2002,39(3):199-202
研究了侧多食跗线螨Polyphagotarsonemuslatus (Banks)在 2 5℃ ,相对湿度 85 %~ 90 % ,取食辣椒条件下的种群繁殖特征生命表。结果表明 :该螨的内禀增长力为 0 2 94 8,周限增长率为 1 34 2 9,净增殖率为 2 5 4 94 4,种群世代平均周期为 1 3 85 0 9d ,种群加倍时间为 2 35 1 2d ,在理论年龄组配中 ,未成熟期(卵、幼螨、若螨 )占 70 1 781 % ,成螨占 2 9 82 1 9%。  相似文献   

温度对玉米蚜种群增长的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
王永宏  苏丽  仵均祥 《昆虫知识》2002,39(4):277-280
研究了温度对玉米蚜RhopalosiphummaidisFitch种群存活率、生殖率及内禀增长率的影响 ,同时测定了不同温度条件下玉米蚜种群的净增殖率、周限增长率、种群倍增时间及稳定年龄组配等种群参数。在 1 0℃和 3 5℃条件下 ,玉米蚜若蚜的死亡率较高 ,特别是 4龄若蚜 ;2 5℃最适宜玉米蚜的生长、发育和繁殖 ,其种群增长最快  相似文献   

韦德卫  于永浩  曾涛 《昆虫知识》2008,45(2):269-271
在27℃条件下,以粗脚粉螨Acarus siro L.为饲料饲养观察南非盲走螨Typhlodromus(Anthoseius) transvaalensis(Nesbitt)的生长发育和繁殖情况,组建实验种群生命表。结果表明,南非盲走螨行孤雌生殖,卵、幼螨、前若螨、后若螨、成螨产卵前期各阶段发育历期分别为2.00,0.72,1.96,1.53,1.77d,完成1个世代发育需7.98d,雌成螨平均寿命14.82d、平均产卵量25.75粒,各种群生命参数分别为:净增殖率R0=25.01,世代平均周期T=13.71,内禀增长率rm=0.23,周限增长率λ=1.26,种群倍增所需日数t=2.95。采用小空间湿度控制法,测定不同湿度对南非盲走螨卵的孵化和成螨产卵的影响。结果表明,卵发育和孵化的最适湿度为75.0%~85.0%,96.0%的相对高湿度对成螨的产卵和存活均有不利影响。以橘全爪螨Panonychus citri McGregor不同螨态为猎物时,南非盲走螨对橘全爪螨幼螨的捕食量最大,日平均捕食量为5.40头,而对橘全爪螨雌成螨则几乎不取食。  相似文献   

土耳其斯坦叶螨和截形叶螨生殖力比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在25±0.5℃的条件下,应用岛屿法观察比较了土耳其斯坦叶螨Tetranychus turkestani和截形叶螨Tetranychus truncatus实验种群的存活率、产卵量,组建了土耳其斯坦叶螨和截形叶螨生殖力表特定年龄生命表,比较了2种群净增殖率(R0)、内禀增长率(γm)、周限增长率(λ)和种群翻倍时间(t)等生殖力参数以及种群增长指数(I).从结果看,截形叶螨的生殖能力和种群增长指数低于土耳其斯坦叶螨.因此,可以判断截形叶螨在新疆部分棉田取代土耳其斯坦叶螨种群爆发成灾,并非其物种本身生殖潜能形成,而是由其它生态因子造成.由于截形叶螨存活时间长于土耳其斯坦叶螨,其一旦进入棉田,则造成更大危害.  相似文献   

在温度28±1℃,相对湿度65±5%的条件下,室内以蚕豆叶饲养朱砂叶螨。连续观察3个世代,世代平均历期25.12 d,其中卵平均历期4.34 d,幼螨平均历期2.01 d,若螨平均历期4.66 d,雌螨平均产卵历期14.16 d;组建朱砂叶螨实验种群连续3个世代的生命表。实验结果表明:孤雌生殖对朱砂叶螨实验种群具有强烈的影响作用,表现在缩短了雌螨的产卵历期,使雌螨的产卵高峰期提前,提高了种群的死亡率,降低了种群的净繁殖率、内禀增长率以及周限增长率。同时发现朱砂叶螨实验种群对世代历期、单雌卵量、性比具有极强的保持能力,孤雌生殖对这些指标的影响不能遗传给下一代。  相似文献   

新型杀螨剂丁氟螨酯对土耳其斯坦叶螨亚致死效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解新型杀螨剂丁氟螨酯Tetranychus turkestani对土耳其斯坦叶螨实验种群的亚致死效应,本研究采用叶碟法研究了其亚致死剂量对土耳其斯坦叶螨实验种群成螨和卵生命表参数的影响。结果表明:经丁氟螨酯LC20、LC10亚致死剂量处理成螨后,成螨的平均寿命、产卵量和次代卵的孵化率均显著降低;次代种群除了卵期、LC20幼螨期和LC10若螨期显著延长外,所有处理次代种群成螨期和雌螨寿命均显著缩短,其余处理次代种群幼螨期、若螨期和产卵前期均无显著差异;次代种群的净生殖率(Ro)和平均世代历期(T)均显著降低,内禀增长率(rm)和周限增长率(λ)增加;存活率和平均每雌日产卵率显著降低。丁氟螨酯LC20、LC10亚致死剂量处理卵后,次代种群除了LC10处理卵期明显延长和幼螨期显著缩短外,所有处理次代种群若螨期、成螨期和雌螨寿命均显著缩短,其余处理卵期、幼螨期和产卵前期均无显著差异;净生殖率(Ro)和平均世代历期(T)均显著降低,内禀增长率(rm)和周限增长率(λ)增加;存活率和平均每雌日产卵率显著降低。这些结果表明,新型杀螨剂丁氟螨酯亚致死剂量可以降低土耳其斯坦叶螨种群的发育速率,这对土耳其斯坦叶螨的综合防治策略的制定有积极意义。  相似文献   

本文报道胡瓜钝绥螨Amblyseius cucumeris Oudemans在25℃条件下以毛竹4种害螨南京裂爪螨chizotetranychus nanjingensis Ma&Yuan、竹裂爪螨S.bambusae Reck、竹缺爪螨Aponychus corpuzae Rimando、竹刺瘿螨Aculus bambusae Kuang为猎物的实验种群生命表,并进行比较结果表明:①胡瓜钝绥螨能取食上述4种害螨,其世代存活率依次为90.4%、77.55%、87.93%、81.63%;②每雌总产卵量依次为38.12粒、45.77粒、35.59粒、30.76;③胡瓜钝绥螨以南京裂爪螨为猎物其净增殖率R0=16.74低于南京裂爪螨(R0=20.84),但是内禀增长率rm=0.154是猎物的1.73倍(rm=0.089),世代周期T=18.31和种群倍增时间t=4.5088均低于南京裂爪螨(T=33.35,t=7.704),因此在林间当南京裂爪螨离巢、破巢或大量迁移时能有效地控制其种群增长;④胡瓜钝绥螨以竹裂爪螨为猎物其净增殖率R0=25.81,内禀增长率rm=0.152,周限增长率λ=1.164均低于竹裂爪螨(R0=39.28、rm=0.192、λ=1.212),而世代周期T=21.35种群倍增时间t=4.552均高于竹裂爪螨(T=19.08,t=3.603)因此必须在竹裂爪螨处于低密度时释放胡瓜犯绥螨才能有效地控制其种群密度的增长;⑤胡瓜钝绥螨以竹裂爪螨为猎物时,其净殖率R0=20.80,内禀增长率rm=0.175,周限增长率λ=1.191均略低于竹裂爪螨(R0=21.54、rm=0.185、λ=1.202),而世代周期T=17.30种群倍增时间t=3.958均略高于竹裂爪螨(T=16.62,t=3.753)因此必须在竹裂爪螨处于低密度时释放胡瓜钝绥螨才能有效地控制其种群密度的增长;⑥胡瓜钝绥螨以竹刺瘿螨为猎物时其净增殖率R0=16.82与取食南京裂爪螨相近,但内禀增长率rm=0.144,周限增长率λ=1.155均低于取食上述三种叶螨,但产卵量高于其乡土天敌竹盲走螨(Tylodromus bambusae),林间在竹刺瘿螨低密度时仍能控制竹刺瘿螨的种群密度.模拟试验表明当毛竹长至1米高时释放胡瓜钝绥螨16小时后,能在12米高的竹冠上发现大量的胡瓜钝绥螨.研究结果表明胡瓜钝绥螨能有效地控制毛竹害的危害.  相似文献   

Cotton aphids, Aphis gossypii Glover (Homoptera: Aphididae), obtained from cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L., fields in the Gorgan region of northern Iran, were colonized on 'Varamin' cotton plants in a growth chamber. The development, survivorship, and life table parameters of the cotton aphid were evaluated at 27.5 +/- 1 degrees C, 65 +/- 10% RH, and aphotoperiod of 14:10 (L:D) h of artificial light on five commonly growing cotton cultivars: Varamin, 'Sealand' (relatively resistant cultivar), 'Bakhtegan', 'Sahel' (both relatively susceptible cultivars), and 'Siokra' [resistant to Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius)]. The developmental times of immature stages ranged from 4.6 d on Bakhtegan and Varamin to 6.3 d on Sealand, whereas the immature survival was 97.5 to 65% on Sahel and Siokra, respectively. On average, there were 28.7, 28.3, 23.5, 20.1, and 16.8 nymphs produced per female on Sahel, Bakhtegan, Varamin, Sealand, and Siokra, respectively. The intrinsic rate of natural increase (r(m)) for cotton aphids on Sahel was the highest, whereas the values for r(m) varied from 0.284 (nymphs per female per d) on Siokra to 0.368 on Sahel. Jackknife estimates of generation times (T), net reproductive rate (R(0)), doubling time (DT), and finite rate of increase (lambda) on these cultivars were as follows: 9.79-10.84 d for T, 9.23-23.81 nymphs per female for R(0), 2.17-3.19 d for DT, and 1.28-1.38 nymphs per female per d for lambda. Cotton aphid performance was at its highest on Sahel and lowest on Siokra.  相似文献   

Life table, reproduction, and population growth parameters of the beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), were determined on nine soybean (Glycine max L.) cultivars ('032', '033', 'Hill', 'M4', 'M7', 'M9', 'M11', 'TMS', and 'Zane') at 25°C. The age-specific survival rate of eggs and immature stages was higher on 033 in comparison with other cultivars. The gross fecundity rate ranged from 911 on M9 to 1,296 on Zane, but the differences were not statistically significant. The net fecundity rate was significantly higher on 033 (1,082 eggs per female) than on other cultivars. The gross fertility rate significantly differed on tested cultivars, and was the highest on Zane (1,257 eggs per female) and lowest on Hill (813 eggs per female). The net fertility rate varied from 532 on M11 to 1,082 eggs per female on 033. Both daily number of eggs and daily number of fertile eggs laid per female varied significantly among the different cultivars, and were the highest on TMS (90 for both parameter) and lowest on M7 (47 and 43), respectively. The values of net reproductive rate, intrinsic rate of increase, and finite rate of increase were significantly higher on 033. The shortest generation time (23 d), shortest doubling time (1.66 d), and highest percentage of female offspring (56%) also were obtained on 033. According to population growth parameters, 033 and Hill partially were susceptible and resistant, respectively, to S. exigua. The results of this study provide direction to design a more comprehensive integrated pest management program for this pest.  相似文献   

通过两年室外盆栽和室内人工控制试验,建立了不同冬春性小麦品种死苗率与低温的定量关系,确定了隆冬期不同冬春性小麦品种死苗率达10%、20%和50%的临界低温以及抗冻能力密度.结果表明: 强冬性小麦品种抗冻能力最强,半致死温度最低(燕大1817为-21.5 ℃,京411为-21.2 ℃),其次是冬性品种(农大211为-21.1 ℃,农大5363为-20.3 ℃)和弱冬性品种(郑366为-18.5 ℃,平安8号为-18.4 ℃),春性品种抗冻能力最弱(郑9023为-15.4 ℃,偃展4110为-14.7 ℃).当温度降低到冬小麦冻害发生临界温度后,温度每降低1 ℃,弱冬性小麦(郑366和平安8号)死苗率增量最大,分别增加16.8%和25.8%,冬性小麦(农大211和农大5363)死苗率分别增加14.7%和18.9%,强冬性小麦(燕大1817和京411)死苗率分别增加15.4%和13.1%,春性小麦(郑9023和偃展4110)死苗率分别增加13.8%和15.1%,说明冻害发生后若持续降温,弱冬性品种遭受冻害风险更大.  相似文献   

Diurnal variation of gas exchange, chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence, and xanthophyll cycle components of three maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids released in different years, i.e. Baimaya (1950s), Zhongdan2 (1970s), and Nongda108 (1990s), were compared. On cloudless days, the newer hybrids always had higher net photosynthetic rate (P N), especially at noon, than the older ones. At noon, all the hybrids decreased their maximal yield of photosystem 2 (PS2) photochemistry (Fv/Fm) and actual quantum yield of PS2 (ΦPS2), the newer ones always showing higher values. Generally, the newer hybrids displayed higher photochemical quenching of Chl (qP) and lower non-photochemical quenching (NPQ). The interhybrid differences in P N may be owing to their differential photochemical efficiency. A midday depression in P N occurred in all hybrids, which might be caused by serious photoinhibition or by decreased stomatal conductance. However, midday depression in P N was more obvious in the older hybrids, especially when leaves were senescent. The higher de-epoxidation state of the xanthophylls was noted in older hybrids, which was confirmed by their larger NPQ. The newer maize hybrids did not need a strong de-epoxidation state since they had a better photosynthetic quantum conversion rate and a lower NPQ.  相似文献   

The antibiotic and antixenotic resistance of six commonly produced potato cultivars in Iran including Aozonia, Agria, Cosima, Cosmos, Kondor and Savalan to the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae Sulzer, were investigated under laboratory conditions at 20 ± 2oC, 65 ± 5% RH and 16:8h (L:D) in 2009. Antibiosis experiments showed significant differences in the developmental time, nymphal survivorship, fecundity, adult longevity of the green peach aphid among the potato cultivars. Intrinsic rate of natural increase (r m) for apterous aphids varied significantly with the potato cultivars on which the aphids were reared. This value ranged from 0.225 to 0.293 females/female/day, which was lowest on Cosmos and highest on Aozonia. Additionally, the estimated net reproductive rate (R0) and finite rate of increase (λ) for apterous aphids were the lowest on Cosmos. For the antixenosis experiment, no significant difference was found in aphid's preference to the potato cultivars. However, Aozonia was preferred more than the other five cultivars by the apterous aphids. Therefore, our results demonstrated that among the investigated cultivars the Cosmos cultivar is moderately resistant to the green peach aphid.  相似文献   

The effects of 10 commercial canola, Brassica napus L., cultivars widely grown in Iran--'SLM(046),' 'Opera,' 'Okapi,' 'RGS(003),' 'Modena,' 'Sarigol,' 'Zarfam,' 'Licord,' 'Hayula(420),' and 'Talaye'--on the demographic parameters of diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella L. (Lepidoptera-Plutellidae), were determined. The experiments were conducted in a growth chamber at 25 +/- 1 degrees C, 65 +/- 2% RH, and a photoperiod of 16:8 (L:D) h. The comparison of intrinsic rate of natural increase (r(m)), net reproductive rate (R0), and the survival rate of adult stage of P. xylostella on 10 canola cultivars suggested that this pest performed best on SLM(046). The r(m) value of P. xylostella ranged between 0.241 on RGS(003) and 0.304 on SLM(046). The R0, finite rate of increase (lambda), mean generation time (T), and doubling time (DT) values of P. xylostella on SLM(046) were 52, 1.35, 13.4, and 2.35 and on RGS(003) were 31, 1.27, 14.4, and 2.94, respectively. The Weibull model adequately described the shape of the survivorship curve of adult P. xylostella from life-table data. A significant fit was obtained with the Weibull model for P. xylostella in all experimental canola cultivars. As a result, SLM(046), Opera, and Hayula(420) were the most suitable hosts and had least negative impact on life-history statistics of the pest.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the mycorrhizal responsiveness among old and recent Chinese maize genotypes (released from 1950s to 2008) in low- and high-Olsen-P soils and to identify parameters that would indicate the relationships between the mycorrhizal responsiveness and the functional traits related to P uptake of maize. A greenhouse factorial experiment was conducted. The factors were maize genotype [Huangmaya (HMY), Zhongdan 2 (ZD2), Nongda 108 (ND108), and NE15], inoculation with or without arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) (Rhizophagus irregularis), and Olsen-P levels (4, 9, 18, 36, or 60 mg P kg?1). Old and recently released genotypes differed in their response to AMF under low- and high-P supply. Three kinds of responses (in terms of shoot growth) were observed: the response was positive if the soil P content was low, but negative if the soil Olsen-P content was high (HMY and ND108); the response was neutral regardless of soil P content (ZD2); and the response was positive regardless of soil P content (NE15). Principle component (PC) analysis showed that the first PC comprised morphological and physiological traits of maize roots, and the second PC comprised mycorrhizal traits. The opposite was the case, however, in high-P soil. It is concluded that maize breeding selection from 1950s to 2000s is not always against the AM association and that AMF play positive roles in promoting the growth of some maize genotypes in high-P soil. The root length colonization by efficient AMF might be a useful parameter for breeding varieties with increased mycorrhizal responsiveness.  相似文献   

桃蚜抗吡虫啉品系和敏感品系某些生物学特性比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
室内连续筛选15代,桃蚜Myzuspersicae(Sulzer)对吡虫啉产生了一定水平的抗性,抗性倍数是14.34倍。通过建立抗性品系和敏感品系的生命表,比较了抗性品系和敏感品系的发育历期和生殖力的差异。结果表明,抗性品系适合度显著下降,若蚜存活率降低,若蚜历期延长,成蚜寿命缩短;在繁殖上表现为产仔量下降,生殖期缩短。以净生殖率(Ro)和内禀增长率(rm)来评价抗性品系的相对生物适合度,与敏感品系相比,吡虫啉抗性品系的相对适合度分别为0.699和0.897。  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were conducted using organophosphate-resistant and susceptible strains of greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood, to assess age-specific vital rates in individually-held adults, and development and survival in preadults on three cotton cultivars at 27±1 °C, 50±10% RH, and a photoperiod of 16:8 (L:D). Female whiteflies lived longer than males, with a maximum life expectancy of 29 days. Heaviest egg laying occurred at ages between 7 and 18 days when individual whiteflies laid > 10 eggs/day. Greenhouse whitefly populations doubled weekly, with stable age distribution of 63% eggs, 28% larvae, 5% pupae, and 4% adults. Analysis of various life history parameters that combine aspects of survival, developmental rates, and fecundity indicated no consistent differences in reproductive fitness between the two greenhouse whitefly strains. Of the three cotton cultivars tested, Pima S-6 was most susceptible, Acala SJ-2 was intermediate and Gumbo 500 was most resistant to greenhouse whitefly. Resistance of Gumbo 500 was expressed as slower developmental rates, reduced survival to adulthood, lower reproductive rates, and lower intrinsic rate of increase.  相似文献   

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