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采用盆栽人工控水试验,研究了不同水分处理(正常供水、中度干旱和重度干旱)对耐旱型(‘迪庆苦荞’、‘西农9909’)和不耐旱型(‘西荞1号’和‘黑丰1号’)苦荞品种苗期生理、形态指标的影响,并通过隶属函数法与主成分分析对品种抗旱性进行综合评价,以揭示苦荞苗期的抗旱生理机制。结果表明:(1)与正常供水相比,除‘迪庆苦荞’和‘西农9909’在重度干旱胁迫下主根长呈升高趋势外,其余苦荞品种在2个干旱条件下的株高、茎粗、叶面积、地上部干重、地下部干重、根系体积、根系表面积均呈下降趋势,且耐旱品种降幅小于不耐旱品种;重度干旱胁迫使得‘迪庆苦荞’的根冠比升高,而其余品种根冠比在干旱胁迫下均无显著变化。(2)干旱胁迫使苦荞叶片的叶绿素含量、相对含水量、最大荧光产量(Fm)、最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)、根系活力和可溶性蛋白含量显著降低,而根系超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性、过氧化物酶(POD)活性、丙二醛(MDA)、可溶性糖及游离脯氨酸含量呈升高趋势;不同抗旱性品种间的升降幅度存在差异。(3)各苦荞品种耐旱能力综合评价值(D)表现为‘迪庆苦荞’‘西农9909’‘黑丰1号’‘西荞1号’;幼苗株高、地下部干重及根系SOD活性和蛋白质含量与D值呈显著正相关关系,而根系脯氨酸含量和可溶性糖含量与D值呈极显著正相关关系。研究发现,在中度与重度干旱逆境下,苦荞品种‘迪庆苦荞’和‘西农9909’综合表现较好,具有更强的耐旱能力,而品种‘西荞1号’和‘黑丰1号’综合表现较差,其抗旱性较弱;苗期株高、地下部干重以及根系SOD活性、蛋白质含量、脯氨酸含量和可溶性糖含量可作为苦荞抗旱性快速鉴定的指标。  相似文献   

不同基因型苦荞幼苗对低磷胁迫的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用沙培法,以4个不同耐低磷苦荞(Fagopyrum tataricum(L.) Gaertn)品种为材料,设正常磷处理(P1,2 mmol/L对照)、低磷胁迫(P2,1 mmol/L)和极低磷胁迫(P3,0.2 mmol/L) 3个处理,研究低磷胁迫对苦荞苗期农艺性状、生理生化指标以及植株磷利用的影响。结果显示:(1)低磷胁迫下,苦荞苗期株高、茎粗、叶面积、地上部干重、根系干重、根系平均直径、根系表面积、根系体积等指标均有所下降;主根伸长、根冠比有所升高,但不同品种的升降幅度有所不同。(2)低磷胁迫使苦荞叶绿素含量、可溶性蛋白含量和根系活力均有所下降,根系的SOD活性、POD活性、酸性磷酸酶活性、可溶性糖含量、游离脯氨酸含量显著增加,且表现为耐低磷苦荞品种的增幅大于不耐低磷苦荞。(3)低磷胁迫使苦荞植株全磷含量和单株磷积累量下降,却使磷利用效率升高。研究结果表明耐低磷品种通过主根伸长下扎以及分泌较多的酸性磷酸酶,合理吸收与利用土壤磷素,通过保持叶片较高的叶绿素含量维持较强的光合能力,通过保持较高的抗氧化酶活性降低膜脂过氧化伤害,最大程度的适应低磷环境。  相似文献   

Spd浸种对盐胁迫下番茄(Solanum lycopersicum)幼苗的保护效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
胡晓辉  杜灵娟  邹志荣 《生态学报》2009,29(9):5152-5157
通过水培试验,研究了100 mmol/L NaCl盐浓度下,0.25 mmol/L Spd浸种处理对两个番茄品种白果强丰(耐盐基因型)和江蔬14号(盐敏感基因型)植株干重、根冠比(R/T)、幼苗叶片和根系抗氧化酶活性及活性氧含量的影响.具体试验处理如下:(a) 对照(蒸馏水浸种+ 0 mmol/L NaCl),(b) NaCl (蒸馏水浸种+ 100 mmol/L NaCl),(c) Spd(0.25 mmol/L Spd浸种 +100 mmol/L NaCl).结果表明,在盐胁迫下,两个番茄品种幼苗叶片和根系内超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性升高,H2O2含量和O·-2产生速率增高,幼苗生长受到抑制,幼苗地上部、地下部干重均明显低于对照,R/T增大,且江蔬14号的变化幅度大于白果强丰.Spd浸种处理降低了盐胁迫下番茄幼苗叶片和根系内O·-2产生速率和H2O2含量,进一步提高了SOD、POD和CAT活性,促进幼苗干重增加,缓解了盐胁迫对植株的伤害.与耐盐基因型番茄品种白果强丰相比,Spd浸种处理对盐敏感基因型番茄品种江蔬14号的作用效果更为明显.总之,Spd浸种处理通过提高盐胁迫下植株体内抗氧化酶活性,降低ROS水平来缓解盐胁迫对番茄幼苗的伤害,提高幼苗耐盐能力.  相似文献   

采用溶液培养方法,选取硝酸盐积累差异明显的两个油菜品种(低硝态氮积累品种‘红油3号’和高硝态氮积累品种‘中双6号’,研究苗期根系硝酸还原酶(NR)活性被抑制以后两个油菜品种叶片、叶柄和根系中NR活性和硝态氮含量的变化。结果表明:1.0mmol.L-1的NR活性抑制剂Na2WO4对两个油菜品种的根系NR活性抑制效果最佳;根系NR活性被抑制以后,两个油菜品种的根系NR活性、硝态氮吸收速率均显著下降,而硝态氮含量却显著上升;且Na2WO4对‘中双6号’硝态氮吸收的抑制程度强于其对‘红油3号’的抑制。叶片和叶柄的NR活性变化不显著,但叶柄硝态氮含量显著下降,叶片硝态氮含量稳定,且这一趋势在低积累品种‘红油3号’中表现得更为明显。  相似文献   

以番茄耐盐碱品种‘金鹏一号’和盐碱敏感品种‘中杂9号’为试验材料,采用营养液水培的方法,设置正常营养液栽培(对照CK)、100mmol/L盐碱溶液胁迫、100mmol/L盐碱溶液胁迫+0.1mmol/L亚精胺(Spd)浸种、100mmol/L盐碱溶液胁迫+0.25mmol/L Spd浸种4种处理,研究外源Spd对番茄幼苗株高和茎粗的相对生长率、叶片和根系含水量、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化物酶(POD)活性以及丙二醛(MDA)、脯氨酸(Pro)、叶绿素含量的影响。结果显示:(1)单独盐碱胁迫下,两品种番茄幼苗叶绿素含量、株高和茎粗的相对生长率、叶片和根系相对含水量较对照均降低,而其MDA、Pro含量、SOD和POD活性显著增加。(2)外源Spd浸种处理较盐碱胁迫下能够增加番茄幼苗的株高和茎粗的相对生长率、叶片和根系的相对含水量、Pro及叶绿素含量,进一步提高SOD和POD的活性,降低其MDA含量,能有效缓解盐碱胁迫对番茄幼苗的伤害。(3)在100mmol/L盐碱胁迫条件下,0.25mmol/L Spd浸种处理对番茄幼苗受到的盐碱胁迫伤害的缓解效果更佳,并且这种缓解作用对盐碱敏感品种‘中杂9号’幼苗的效果更加明显。研究表明,在盐碱胁迫下,番茄幼苗的生长受到一定程度的抑制,但外源Spd浸种能够通过调节渗透调节物质含量、增强抗氧化酶活性来减轻盐碱胁迫的伤害,维持植物体的正常生理代谢功能,从而提高番茄幼苗抵抗盐碱胁迫能力,有效缓解盐碱胁迫的伤害,并以0.25mmol/L Spd浸种处理缓解效果更佳,且这种缓解作用对盐碱敏感品种‘中杂9号’幼苗效果更明显。  相似文献   

为明确'迪庆苦荞'和'黑丰一号'苦荞的水分敏感时期,及其合理灌溉、稳产栽培、节水生产,该文以'迪庆苦荞'和'黑丰一号'苦荞为试验材料,采用盆栽人工控水试验,研究了苗期、花期、成熟期干旱胁迫(S)对其生长及生理特性的影响。结果表明:(1)干旱胁迫显著影响了这两种苦荞的生长,表现为株高、茎粗、叶面积、茎叶干重、根系体积、根系表面积、根系平均直径、根系干重、根系活力、根系可溶性蛋白含量均显著低于对照(CK);根系超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、丙二醛(MDA)、游离脯氨酸含量显著高于对照处理,干旱胁迫下'迪庆苦荞'比'黑丰一号'表现更优。(2)不同生育时期干旱胁迫对这两种苦荞各指标的影响程度表现为花期苗期成熟期;花期干旱胁迫对茎叶干重的影响最大,花期干旱胁迫与对照相比,'迪庆苦荞'和'黑丰一号'的茎叶干重分别降低了44.47%、51.04%。综上所述,干旱影响了这两种苦荞的生长,花期干旱胁迫对其影响最大,'迪庆苦荞'在干旱胁迫下生长较好,受到的影响较小,所以,在生产实践中,应注意苦荞花期水分的及时供应。  相似文献   

以两种不同抗旱性小麦品种幼苗为试验材料,采用PEG模拟干旱胁迫处理,探究干旱胁迫及复水对小麦幼苗叶片与根系脯氨酸累积及关键酶活性的影响。结果显示:(1)PEG胁迫下抗旱品种‘普冰143’根长和根干重下降不大,而水敏感品种‘郑引1号’根长和根干重下降显著;且于胁迫处理36h时‘普冰143’根系脯氨酸含量增加(75.0%)显著大于‘郑引1号’(37.7%),复水24h后均恢复至对照水平。(2)PEG胁迫下‘普冰143’叶片中谷氨酸合成途径关键酶P5CS和鸟氨酸合成途径关键酶δ-OAT活性均显著增加,且‘普冰143’叶片脯氨酸两条合成途径关键酶活性均得以加强;PEG胁迫处理36h时,‘郑引1号’叶片中P5CS活性增加显著,δ-OAT活性变化较小,且‘郑引1号’叶片脯氨酸合成可能以谷氨酸途径为主;但在PEG胁迫下两个不同抗旱性品种的根中P5CS、δ-OAT活性均变化较小。(3)PEG胁迫处理36h时‘普冰143’叶片脯氨酸降解酶PDH活性显著下降,而‘郑引1号’叶片PDH活性显著增加,复水后抗旱品种叶片该酶活性显著增加,水敏感品种恢复至对照水平;但PEG胁迫处理下两个不同抗旱性品种的根中PDH活性均显著下降。研究表明,PEG胁迫下小麦叶片是合成脯氨酸的主要部位,抗旱品种‘普冰143’根系脯氨酸持续积累与叶片中高的脯氨酸合成关键酶活性及脯氨酸转运有关。  相似文献   

以耐低氧性具有明显差异的两个网纹甜瓜(Cucumis melo var. raticulalus)品种为试材,研究了根际低氧胁迫下幼苗生长、根系活力及根系呼吸关键酶活性的变化。结果表明,根际低氧胁迫下,两品种幼苗生长均受到明显抑制,而根系活力升高;根系PDC活性两品种均显著提高,品种间无显著差异; MDH活性两品种均显著降低,且耐低氧性弱的‘西域一号’下降幅度较大;根系ADH和LDH活性两品种均显著提高,耐低氧性强的‘东方星光’ADH活性增加的幅度显著高于耐低氧性弱的‘西域一号’,而‘西域一号’LDH活性增加幅度显著高于‘东方星光’。说明‘东方星光’在低氧胁迫下能保持较高的有氧呼吸水平,无氧呼吸的主要途径为乙醇发酵,而‘西域一号’在低氧胁迫下无氧呼吸的主要途径为乳酸发酵。  相似文献   

外源亚精胺对盐胁迫下燕麦幼苗生长及生理特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨外源喷施亚精胺(Spd)对燕麦幼苗生长和耐盐性的影响,该研究选用燕麦品种‘白燕5号’为试验材料,通过水培试验研究70 mmol/L盐胁迫下(NaCl和Na_2SO_4摩尔比1∶1混合),叶面喷施不同浓度的亚精胺对燕麦幼苗生长、根系活力、抗氧化酶活性以及丙二醛、游离脯氨酸和离子含量的影响。结果显示:(1)盐胁迫显著抑制了燕麦幼苗生长,喷施0.75 mmol/L Spd使盐胁迫下幼苗地上、地下干重和根系活力分别显著提高34.1%、23.8%和24.7%。(2)喷施0.75 mmol/L Spd使幼苗叶片中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)的活性较对照分别显著增加了17.0%、22.9%和23.7%,根系中分别显著增加了43.0%、19.4%和91.2%,并使幼苗叶片和根系中的MDA含量分别显著降低了25.2%和12.8%。(3)喷施0.75 mmol/L Spd使燕麦幼苗叶片和根系游离脯氨酸(Pro)含量分别显著增加了63.3%和362.6%,并使叶片Na~+/K~+、Na~+/Ca~(2+)和Na~+/Mg~(2+)值分别降低了6.7%、16.3%和4.9%。研究表明,在盐胁迫环境下,叶面喷施适宜浓度(0.75 mmol/L) Spd可通过提高燕麦幼苗抗氧化和渗透调节能力,维持生物膜系统的稳定,有效减轻渗透胁迫和离子毒害对幼苗的伤害,从而增强其耐盐性,促进幼苗生长。  相似文献   

盐胁迫对冬小麦幼苗干物质分配和生理生态特性的影响   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
以冬小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)品种周麦18(Zhoumai18)和豫麦49(Yumai49)为材料,采用盆栽培养,研究100、250、350 mmol/L和450 mmol/L NaCl 浓度胁迫下,小麦幼苗干物质分配、根系特征、叶绿素含量、游离脯氨酸含量和根系活力变化规律.结果表明,随着盐分浓度的增加,两个品种小麦的叶面积、地上干重以及根的长度显著减小;根系干重、根直径、根表面积、根体积、根系活力以及叶绿素含量呈先上升后下降趋势,在250 mmol/L NaCl处理下达最大.叶绿素a/b随NaCl浓度升高而上升.随盐分浓度变化周麦18叶片游离脯氨酸含量高而变化幅度大,450mmol/L处理组的含量高于对照组1.5倍.供试品种冬小麦耐盐阈值为250~350 mmol/L.  相似文献   

Environmental stresses at particularly vulnerable stages during crop development may severely diminish productivity. At temperature of 10 °C or below cultivated tomato germinate slowly if at all. In this study, seven tomato genotypes bred at the Research Institute of Vegetable Crops were evaluated for germination time at 10 °C. Analysis identified that one genotype which has L. chilense in its pedigree, germinated most rapidly while four other genotypes germinated slower. After 21 days, four out of five of the genotypes resulted in seed germination from 81 to 98 %.  相似文献   

Cryopreservation protocols based on slow freezing or vitrification often result in cell injury due to ice formation, cell dehydration and/or toxic concentrations of cryoprotectant (CPA).In this study, we present a cryopreservation technique based on low, non-toxic concentrations of cryoprotectants (≈2–4 M) combined with a rapid cooling rate in the liquid nitrogen phase (−196 °C). Protocols for successfully cryopreserving the plant parasitic nematodes Globodera tabacum tabacum, Heterodera schachtii and Meloidogyne incognita were developed, as demonstrated by the high survival rates and reproducibility of cyst and root-knot nematode species post-cryostorage. This approach for effective cryopreservation of viable plant-parasitic nematodes was developed by inducing an “apparent vitrification” by rapid cooling of the microscopic samples in less than 2 M of cryoprotectant. The extremely thin structure (15–20 μm width, 350–400 μm length) of these nematodes, in combination with a direct and rapid exposure to LN2, likely prevents the formation of damaging ice crystals. Moreover, this procedure results in viability of both short- and long-cryostorage samples. These techniques could potentially be used for the near-indefinite preservation of thousands of different nematode species. A cryo-nematode collection produced in our lab is available and presented here.  相似文献   

Manetas  Y.  Drinia  A.  Petropoulou  Y. 《Photosynthetica》2002,40(3):349-354
We checked the hypothesis that the transient presence of anthocyanins in young leaves serves a photoprotective function. For this purpose, Rosa sp. and Ricinus communis L., whose young leaves are red to become green upon maturation, were used. Thus, young leaves with high and mature leaves with low anthocyanin contents were analysed concerning their carotenoid (Car) composition and susceptibility to photoinhibition. Cars, including the components of the xanthophyll cycle, had similar contents in young and mature leaves, when expressed on a chlorophyll basis. Yet, when expressed on a leaf area basis or on the assumed photon absorptive capacity of leaves, Cars contents were considerably lower in anthocyanic young leaves. Although this may indicate a low photodissipative potential, red young leaves were considerably less susceptible to photoinhibitory damage. The results are compatible with a photoprotective function of anthocyanins, indicating also that their presence may compensate for a low capacity in the xanthophyll cycle-dependent harmless dissipation of excess excitation energy.  相似文献   

Thermoluminescence Investigation of Low Temperature Stress in Maize   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Janda  T.  Szalai  G.  Páldi  E. 《Photosynthetica》2000,38(4):635-639
The thermoluminescence (TL) emission of photosynthesising materials originates from the recombination of charge pairs created by a previous excitation. Using a recently described TL set-up the effect of chilling stress on TL bands occurring at positive temperatures (AG, B, and HTL) was investigated in intact leaves. The far-red irradiation of leaves at low, but non-freezing temperatures induced a TL band peaking at around 40–45 °C (AG band), together with a B band peaking between 20 and 35 °C. Low temperature stress first caused a downshift and a temporary increase in the AG band after 4 h at 0 °C in the light, then a decrease in the AG and B TL bands after 1 d at 0 °C in the light. This decrease was less pronounced in cold-tolerant genotypes and in those grown at acclimating temperatures. Furthermore, an additional band appeared above 80 °C after severe cold stress. This band indicates the presence of lipid peroxides. Thus TL is a useful technique for studying the effects of low temperature stress.  相似文献   

Effects of Low Temperature on Winter Wheat and Cabbage Leaves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Contents of soluble proteins, proline and chlorophyll in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. Doğu-88) and cabbage leaves (Brassica oleracea convar. acephala) during acclimation to low temperature were investigated. When both of the plants species were cold acclimated, soluble proteins, proline and chlorophyll contents were higher than in the controls (non-acclimated). Also protein patterns differed between the plants at control and cold conditions. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Pacu, Piaractus mesopotamicus (=Colossoma mitrei), is a South American warm water fish species found in the temperature range of 15–35°C. The culture of a warm water species in temperate regions demands knowledge on its temperature requirements. Pacu introduction into the Israeli fish culture system is being considered. Temperature range in the region is 8–33°C, thus the minimum winter water temperatures might be a limiting factor. To determine what is the minimum temperature pacu would tolerate, and hence which overwintering operations in warm-temperate regions are required for this warm water species, low temperature tolerance tests in the laboratory and observations in the field were carried out. Laboratory experiments reducing temperature by 1–3°C per day were carried out with fish of 150–200g, about the size pacu reach after one culture season. The field observations compared survival of two-year-old pacu of 1.3kg mean weight overwintered in outdoors and in greenhouse ponds. For one-year-old fish 7.5°C was found to be the lower temperature tolerance limit. Two-year-old fish withstand short exposures to this temperature rather well and their lower tolerance limit might be lower. This indicates that in warm-temperate regions pacu should survive in outdoors ponds. In this case some loss of weight should be expected, and suspension of feeding when temperature drops below 16–18°C is recommended to avoid wasting feed that the fish will not consume anyway. To be in the safe side, inflow of the warmest available water into the ponds is recommended if maximum water temperature drops to 10°C or below. Overwintering in greenhouses or other heated facilities would be recommended if an exceptionally cold winter is expected and for regions with lower winter minimum temperatures.  相似文献   

We modulated the level of a hormone gene expression in poplars using either 35S promoter (p35S) of cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) or aux promoter (pAUX) of A. rhizogenes. The transgenic poplars (Populus alba × P. tremula var. glandulosa), in which the bacterial trans-zeatin secretion (tzs) gene was attached either to the 35S promoter or to the aux promoter, were compared for their performance in tissue culture as well as in nursery. Northern blot analysis of total RNA probed with tzs coding region showed that the total tzs mRNA expression by p35S was approximately 200–300-fold higher than that driven by pAUX. In contrast, the cellular zeatin content of p35S-tzs transgenic poplars was merely 13-fold of those found in pAUX-tzs plants. Due to different levels of cellular zeatin levels, the two types of transgenic poplars showed different morphogenetic as well as growth responses. The p35S-tzs transgenic plants showed morphological characteristics typical of those treated with cytokinin in culture. These include multiple axillary shoot formation, thick stems, narrow leaves and absence of roots. In contrast, the pAUX-tzs plants had slightly higher cellular cytokinin levels than did control plants and showed a lower degree of cytokinin-related phenotypes, including a few axillary shoots in root-inducing media. Since p35S-tzs did not develop roots, only pAUX-tzs transgenic poplars could be transplanted to the nursery where they resumed a close-to-normal growth. Nevertheless, pAUX-tzs plants transferred to the nursery developed cytokinin-related phenotypes, including greater number of shoots, smaller leaves and slightly retarded growth in height, but with a high total biomass.  相似文献   

1株滩涂沉积物反硝化细菌的鉴定及其性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用富集培养法从江苏沿海滩涂沉积物中分离筛选获得1株具有反硝化性能的细菌,命名为MD5。通过形态学观察、糖发酵及16S r DNA序列分析对其进行了分类鉴定、系统发育地位及反硝化性能等方面的研究。结果表明,该菌株能在厌氧条件下利用硝酸钠进行反硝化反应,在初始硝酸盐质量浓度为1 500 mg/L、30℃培养条件下,144 h后培养基中硝酸盐脱除率可达90.1%;在好氧培养条件下,该菌株可使能力测试管中硝酸盐质量浓度下降89.3%。菌株MD5的形态学、糖发酵结果与盐单胞菌一致,且基因序列与盐单胞属(Halomonas)细菌Halomonas sp.IW11-1(AB305262.1)的序列同源性达到99%,表明菌株MD5为1株盐单胞属细菌。本研究分离得到的菌株MD5在厌氧和好氧条件下均具有较强的反硝化能力,对海洋沉积物脱氮具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

TwoPyxidanthera morphs of questionable taxonomic rank are described in the eastern United States. We analyzed leaf samples from ninePyxidanthera populations (four of each morph and one with intermediate morphology) for 13 allozyme loci. Our results do not support differentiation of the two morphs at the species level. Mean genetic identity among populations was high ( = 0.97), and typical of that found for conspecific populations. The proportion of total genetic diversity found among populations was low (GST = 0.079). Several low frequency alleles were confined to each of the morphs, being found in some of the populations of each morph, but not all.  相似文献   

The apple maggot fly, Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh), has only recently been found in Utah infesting sour cherry, Prunus cerasus L. An electrophoretic comparison of flies from Utah cherries with flies from Illinois hawthorns, Crataegus mollis (T. & G.) Scheele (a native host within the native range of the fly), show a marked reduction of genetic variability in the Utah sample. This result is indicative of a genetic bottleneck associated with the establishment of the apple maggot population in Utah cherries.
Résumé R. pomonella (Walsh), est originaire de Crataegus dans l'Amérique du N.E. Il attaque de nombreux autres fruits, y compris les pommes et les cerises aigres (Prunus cerasus). La mouche a été récemment signalée en Utah, à la fois sur cerises et sur Crataegus douglasii. Nous avons comparé les niveaux de variabilité génétique d'une population de l'Utah contaminant les cerises et d'une population de l'Illinois contaminant C. mollis (la population de l'Illinois est représentative des niveaux de variabilité génétique dans l'aire d'origine de la mouche).La variabilité génétique à 17 loci a été évaluée par électrophorèse sur gel d'amidon. 10 de ces loci sont polymorphes dans la population d'Illinois, mais seulement 4 dans la population de l'Utah. Les fréquences alléliques de ces 4 loci de R. pomonella diffèrent significativement en Utah et en Illinois. La population de l'Utah présente nettement moins d'allèles par locus, un plus faible pourcentage de loci polymorphes et une hétérozygotie moyenne plus faible que la population de l'Illinois. Tous ces résultats sont conformes aux conséquences prévisibles d'un goulot d'étranglement.Deux explications existent pour cette perte de variabilité, toutes les deux liées à la combinaison de la faible taille de la population et de la dérive génétique ultérieure. Pour la première, la colonisation du cerisier par les mouches venant de Crataegus peut avoir provoqué un goulot d'étranglement génétique. Au contraire, la réduction de la variabilité peut avoir été la conséquence de la colonisation de l'Utah par R. pomonella. Nous retenons cette dernière comme la cause la plus vraisemblable de la variabilité génétique de la population de R. pomonella contaminant les cerises de l'Utah.

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