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Vasquez  Julio A.  Guerra  Nelson 《Hydrobiologia》1996,326(1):327-333
Twelve seaweed species were sampled from 1991 to 1993 in order to detect the impact of natural mineralization and mining in 14 contaminated and non-contaminated areas (between 24° and 30° S — more than 1200 km) along the northern Chilean coast. Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) was used to measure the concentration of 17 chemical elements. The results showed high variability in and between species, among sampling sites and times of collection. The high values of heavy metals in seaweeds suggest that these marine organisms can be used as biological indicators for detecting mineralization and anthropogenic impact on coastal marine communities.Facultad de Ciencias del Mar  相似文献   

AMF symbiosis in sand dunes is the key for maintenance of stable vegetation. The main goal of this work was to determine the effects of environmental and temporal factors on AMF living in sand dunes (Gulf of Valencia, Spain). Soil samples were collected seasonally at 6 sites, during 2 yrs, from three habitats and four plant species and the frequency and relative abundance of AMF was examined. AMF were more frequent in mobile than in embryonic dunes, in spring and in sites with old vegetation. Ten AMF species were identified, their distribution depending mainly on the anthropogenic disturbance of the site. Gigasporaceae Cetraspora sp. and Dentiscutata sp. preferred undisturbed soil whereas Diversisporaceae, Glomeraceae and other Gigasporaceae were associated with recently restored soils. All AMF species were found in all plant species although Corymbiglomus corymbiforme was mainly associated with Echinophora spinosa. Our results might be of help for Mediterranean sand dune restoration.  相似文献   

滇川干热河谷种子植物区系成分研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
金振洲   《广西植物》1999,19(1):1-14
论及滇川干热河谷种子植物区系成分由科级到种级的研究结果。用于统计分析的植物共1707个种,分属于752个属,165个科.科级区系成分中,除广布科外,明显为主,其次为暖温带科和热带科,热带科有27个科,远比干暖河谷区系中的热带科多。属区系成分中,热带属占明显多数,有523个属,占75.03%,温带属158个,占22.67%,有个中国特有属。种级区系成分中,有中国特有种622个,占37.42%,热带种791个,占47.59%,温带种249个,占14.88%。干热河谷的植物区系标志种很丰富,有437种,分三个等级,其中一级为本河谷特有种,有45种,二级199种,三级193种。热带科、属、种偏多说明本河谷历史上以热带区系为主和近代区系源于热带。干热河谷的特有区系成分和区系的标志种均较好地反映本河谷区系成分组合特征、演化的近代趋势、区系的多样性及其独特性。  相似文献   

青藏高原北部戈壁区海拔变化幅度大,极端干旱、低温且大风,特殊环境条件导致该区种子植物区系组成有别于其他戈壁区。本文在野外调查的基础上,对该区种子植物组成与植物区系特征进行了分析。结果显示:(1)青藏高原北部戈壁区种子植物组成贫乏,调查中共记录种子植物17科50属69种,以灌木、半灌木及多年生草本为主;(2)该区含属、种数较多的科有:藜科、菊科、柽柳科、禾本科、豆科等,科内物种组成简单,优势物种主要有:红砂(Reaumuria songarica(Pall.) Maxim.)、驼绒藜(Ceratoides latens(J.F.Gmel.) Reveal et Holmgren)、合头藜(Sympegma regelii Bunge)、沙拐枣(Calligonum mongolicum Turcz.)、膜果麻黄(Ephedra przewalskii Stapf)、松叶猪毛菜(Salsola laricifolia Turcz.ex Litv.)等;(3)种子植物区系地理成分较为复杂,其中科的分布区类型以世界分布型占绝对优势,属的分布区类型以北温带分布及地中海区、西亚至中亚分布类型为重要成分;中国特有、戈壁区特有植物在植被组成中多为建群种或优势种;(4)与其他荒漠区相比,该区北温带分布及其变型,地中海区、西亚至中亚分布及其变型的比例达65%以上,显著高于黑戈壁地区、临近的库姆塔格沙漠及整个西北荒漠区。该区种子植物区系组成具有一定特殊性与过渡性特征。  相似文献   

黄河三角洲滨海湿地微生物多样性及其驱动因子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李金业  陈庆锋  李青  赵长盛  冯优  李磊 《生态学报》2021,41(15):6103-6114
微生物在湿地的生物地球化学循环和生态功能调节中发挥着重要作用,对全球气候变化具有重大影响,对维持全球生态系统的健康至关重要。以黄河三角洲滨海湿地为研究对象,通过采集代表性植被群落的土壤表层和部分植物根系,探究土壤微生物群落组成、根际微生物、环境因子及其内在的关联性和影响机制。研究结果表明不同植被覆盖地区微生物多样性存在差异,芦苇区和柽柳区微生物丰度高于泥滩区、碱蓬区和棉田,海漫滩微生物丰度高于河漫滩地和泥滩。土壤微生物菌群结构和多样性显著高于根际:土壤细菌的香农指数约为4-5.5,根际微生物的香农指数约为0-4。土壤细菌主要为厚壁菌门、变形菌门、拟杆菌门和放线菌门,占样品总数的90%以上;而根际细菌主要是蓝藻门、变形菌门和放线菌门,二者在属水平上的菌群结构差异更加明显。环境因子的含量与生境类型有关,SO42-和NO3-的相关性最高,植被覆盖区土壤中Mn4+、Fe3+和水解氮的含量低于滩涂裸地。冗余分析(RDA)表明,pH值在小空间尺度上对湿地土壤中细菌群落的影响较小,环境因子在门和属水平的解释率分别为89.7%和86.8%,其中K(23.4%)、NO2-(11.8%)、Mn4+(9.8%)和Na(8.0%)是解释门水平微生物区系结构变化和组成的主要因子。研究为理解湿地微生物多样性与湿地生态系统功能之间的影响机制提供了一个生态学视角,有助于了解黄河三角洲滨海湿地土壤和植物根际的细菌分布特征,对黄河三角洲退化滨海湿地的生物修复具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

Some aquatic oligochaete species, mainly certain naidids and tubificids, are often associated with polluted environments, with high levels of organic matter and oxygen deficit. However, in the stations sampled in the Guadaira river basin, which can be arranged on an axis of organic pollution, the main aquatic oligochaete species (Nais elinguis and Tubifex tubifex) inhabiting these environments do not show a distribution pattern significantly related to the water physico-chemical characteristics measured. Nor, have we registered any association between these species and any kind of microhabitat, defined here: water current, presence of different types of vegetation, substrate coarseness and presence of anoxic sediments. Paranais litoralis is the exception, being related to areas without water current, located at higher altitudes, with high levels of dissolved organic matter and an anoxic substrate made up of fine particles. These results can be explained by the highly fluctuating nature of Mediterranean ecosystems and by the marked generalist character and ubiquity of the oligochaete assemblage species, able to colonize any kind of environment.  相似文献   

大兴安岭北部林区景观格局变化及其影响分析   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
人为干扰影响着景观格局变化的速率和方向 ,这在景观格局变化过程中的作用越来越大 ,同时景观格局的变化也对人类活动产生了重大影响。通过对大兴安岭北部林区的景观多样性指数、优势度指数等一系列景观指数来研究该地区森林景观格局的变化 ,简要分析了格局变化产生的影响。结果表明 ,大兴安岭森林景观中 ,人为干扰使森林景观短时期内多样性增加、森林的优势度降低 ;景观向破碎化趋势发展 ;景观格局的变化对环境和人类活动产生了重大影响 ,森林向不可持续方向发展 ,因此应该进行合理的人类活动使森林可持续发展。  相似文献   

滇川干暖河谷种子植物区系成分研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
金振洲   《广西植物》1998,18(4):313-321
本文论及滇川干暖河谷种子植物区系成分由科级到种级的研究结果。所统计分析的植物共692个种,分属于336个属,111个科。科级区系成分中,明显以亚热带科为主,暖温带科次之,热带科很少。属级区系成分中,热带属多于温带属,有14个特有属。热带科属偏多说明本河谷历史上有过以热带区系为主体时期和近代区系发源于热带。种级区系成分中,有中国特有种421种,占61.90%,其次是温带种多于热带种。干暖河谷的植物区系标志种有158种,分三个等级,一级为本河谷特有种,有18种,二级103种,三级37种。干暖河谷的特有区系成分和各级植物区系标志种均较好地反映本河谷区系演化的近代趋势及其独特性。  相似文献   

Until now, analytical studies on European urban floras have mostly concentrated on the central and north‐western parts of the continent. In this paper, factors determining species richness of urban flora were studied for the city of Rome, Italy, based on a comprehensive floristic survey carried out between 1985 and 1994, and updated in 2005. All species were recorded in grid cells of 1.6 km2 and classified into native and alien (the latter divided into archaeophytes and neophytes). The grids were classified with respect to the prevailing habitat type, area available to vegetation, level of disturbance and geographical position within the city. Data were analysed using minimal adequate models. Total species number was determined by habitat and its interaction with position on the north‐west gradient; other variables explained much less variance. Holding other variables constant, the average species number per grid cell was highest in archaeological sites and parks, followed by woodlands and rivers, and grasslands and recent developments. Residential areas and the historical centre were poorest in species number. Towards the north of the city, species richness in corresponding habitats increases because of higher landscape heterogeneity and closer association with diaspore pools in the surroundings. Native species make up on average 84% of the total species numbers, and trends opposite to those for the total number of species were found for the proportional representation of aliens. The occurrence of alien and native species in the flora of Rome is driven by similar factors, but factors that increase representation of aliens decrease that of natives and vice versa. The representation of neophytes and native species in grid cells was easier to explain (74% of variation accounted for) than that of archaeophytes (27%); this result reflects that in terms of ecology and response to factors, archaeophytes take an intermediate position between native plants and neophytes. Proportional representation of neophytes decreased with increasing area available to vegetation, reflecting that semi‐natural vegetation is better developed where less fragmented.  相似文献   

Abstract. This study investigates the effects of human disturbance and environmental factors on the distribution of alien plant species on the Georgia Sea Islands (GSI), USA. We sampled the absolute cover of native and alien plant species on two tourist islands (St. Simons Island and Jekyll Island) and on two protected National Wildlife Refuge Islands (Blackbeard Island and Wassaw Island). On each island, vegetation composition and environmental variables (soil properties and salt spray) were measured in two habitats that differed substantially in their degree of environmental stress, the more exposed primary dune and the more sheltered and inland maritime forest. Sites were further stratified within each habitat into areas that had different levels of human disturbance. Many alien species were present on all islands and the absolute cover of alien species was not significantly different among islands even though they varied substantially in their degree of accessibility and overall land use. Alien plant cover was appreciably greater in severely disturbed sites than in less disturbed sites on all islands and within both habitats. However, the difference between disturbance categories was much less pronounced in the primary dunes where human disturbance agents do not mitigate the harsh environmental conditions of this habitat (salt spray and saline soils). Alien plant abundance on the GSI is evidently more dependent upon the availability of disturbed ground than the degree of accessibility or overall island development. It appears that human disturbance increases alien cover in general, but in environments where the stress levels are not mitigated, human disturbance does little to foster alien invasions.  相似文献   

Aim Mediterranean coastal sand dunes are characterized by both very stressful environmental conditions and intense human pressure. This work aims to separate the relative contributions of environmental and human factors in determining the presence/abundance of native and alien plant species in such an extreme environment at a regional scale. Location 250 km of the Italian Tyrrhenian coast (Region Lazio). Methods We analysed alien and native plant richness and fitted generalized additive models in a multimodel‐inference framework with comprehensive randomizations to evaluate the relative contribution of environmental and human correlates in explaining the observed patterns. Results Native and alien richness are positively correlated, but different variables influence their spatial patterns. For natives, human population density is the most important factor and is negatively related to richness. Numbers of natives are unexpectedly lower in areas with a high proportion of natural land cover (probably attributable to local farming practices) and, to a lesser degree, affected by the movement of the coastline. On the other hand, alien species richness is strongly related to climatic factors, and more aliens are found in sectors with high rainfall. Secondarily, alien introductions appear to be related to recent urban sprawl and associated gardening. Main conclusions Well‐adapted native species in a fragile equilibrium with their natural environment are extremely sensitive to human‐driven modifications. On the contrary, for more generalist alien species, the availability of limited resources plays a predominant role.  相似文献   

采用Li-8150多通道土壤呼吸自动测量系统对黄河三角洲滨海湿地土壤呼吸进行全年连续测定,同步测量了温度、土壤含水量、地上生物量以及叶面积指数等环境因子和生物因子.结果表明: 土壤呼吸日动态在全年尺度上多呈单峰型,但在受到土壤封冻和地表积水干扰时,土壤呼吸日动态呈多峰型.土壤呼吸具有明显的季节动态特征,总体呈单峰型,年平均土壤呼吸速率为0.85 μmol CO2·m-2·s-1,生长季平均土壤呼吸速率为1.22 μmol CO2·m-2·s-1.在全年尺度上,土壤温度是滨海湿地土壤呼吸的主要控制因子,可解释全年土壤呼吸87.5%的变化.在生长季尺度上,土壤含水量和叶面积指数对土壤呼吸的协同影响达到85%.  相似文献   

崀山丹霞地貌区野生藤本植物区系与生长特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用线路与样方相结合的调查方法,对崀山丹霞地貌区野生藤本植物区系的种类组成及重要类群进行了调查,并根据调查结果对该藤本植物区系的分布区类型、生活型、叶质和叶级及生长特性和群落形成因素进行了分析.结果显示,崀山丹霞地貌区有野生藤本植物41科75属131种,其中蕨类植物和裸子植物各有1科1属1种,被子植物有39科73属129种;在被子植物中,双子叶植物有34科68属121种,具有明显优势.比较重要的科有蝶形花科(Papilionaceae)、葡萄科(Vitaceae)、茜草科(Rubiaceae)、防己科(Menispermaceae)和卫矛科(Celastraceae), 重要属有铁线莲属(Clematis L. )、蔷薇属(Rosa L. )、猕猴桃属(Actinidia Lindl. )、南蛇藤属(Celastrus L. )、葡萄属(Vitis L. )、蛇葡萄属(Ampelopsis Michaux)和地锦属(Parthenocissus Planch. ).该藤本植物区系含有12个分布区类型,具有明显的热带属性, 热带分布属占总属数的66.19%, 东亚分布和东亚-北美间断分布类型在该藤本植物区系中也有重要作用.在该藤本植物区系中,高位芽、地上芽、地面芽、地下芽和1年生草本植物的比例分别为78.63%、 8.40%、 5.34%、 6.87%和0.76%, 并且以缠绕类的数量占优势, 缠绕类、卷曲类、吸固类和搭靠类藤本植物的比例分别为51.91%、 21.37%、 15.27%和11.45%;叶质以纸质叶为主,占83.21%;叶级谱为中型叶35.88%、小型叶55.72%、微型叶7.63%、鳞型叶0.76%.调查结果表明,崀山丹霞地貌区野生藤本植物类型十分复杂,具有完整的生活型谱,区系组成具有地带性植被--亚热带常绿阔叶林的特征;在崀山丹霞赤壁上由藤本植物和苔藓、矮小草本植物组成的盖度较大的藤本植物组合已经成为一个生态功能单位,形成了一个新的藤本植物植被类型.  相似文献   

We investigated the hypothesis that maritime climatic factors associated with summer fog and low cloud stratus (summer marine layer) help explain the compositional diversity of chaparral in the coast range of central California. We randomly sampled chaparral species composition in 0.1‐hectare plots along a coast‐to‐interior gradient. For each plot, climatic variables were estimated and soil samples were analyzed. We used Cluster Analysis and Principle Components Analysis to objectively categorize plots into climate zone groups. Climate variables, vegetation composition and various diversity measures were compared across climate zone groups using ANOVA and nonmetric multidimensional scaling. Differences in climatic variables that relate to summer moisture availability and winter freeze events explained the majority of variance in measured conditions and coincided with three chaparral assemblages: maritime (lowland coast where the summer marine layer was strongest), transition (upland coast with mild summer marine layer influence and greater winter precipitation), and interior sites that generally lacked late summer water availability from either source. Species turnover (β‐diversity) was higher among maritime and transition sites than interior sites. Coastal chaparral differs from interior chaparral in having a higher obligate seeder to facultative seeder (resprouter) ratio and by being dominated by various Arctostaphylos species as opposed to the interior dominant, Adenostoma fasciculatum. The maritime climate influence along the California central coast is associated with patterns of woody plant composition and β‐diversity among sites. Summer fog in coastal lowlands and higher winter precipitation in coastal uplands combine to lower late dry season water deficit in coastal chaparral and contribute to longer fire return intervals that are associated with obligate seeders and more local endemism. Soil nutrients are comparatively less important in explaining plant community composition, but heterogeneous azonal soils contribute to local endemism and promote isolated chaparral patches within the dominant forest vegetation along the coast.  相似文献   

地中海沿岸沙丘种子大小对植物及其种子多度的影响   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
分析了地中海沿岸沙丘3种微生境(灌丛下、灌丛之间的开阔地、路径)以及整个沙丘生态系统的种子大小与土壤种子库中休眠种子的数量、土壤种子库中总种子的数量、地上植被中各个植物种的个体数量和幼苗数量、每种植物在小样方中的出现频率等方面之间的关系,也分析了种子尺寸(长、宽、高之和的平均值)与土壤种子的长久性、土壤种子库中休眠种子数量之间的关系;还分析了具有不同种子大小的植物在沙丘生态系统和各微生境的分布比率,验证了生活周期短的植物的种子在土壤中更长久和被干扰的微生境具有更多的休眠种子这种假说。结果发现,在地中海沿岸沙丘生态系统中,具有特别大的种子和特别小种子的植物种类都很少,不同植物种子的大小呈现近正态分布,但绝大多数植物的种子重量都不超过10 mg;微生境影响种子尺寸与种子长久性的关系,在灌丛下、开阔地区域等两个微生境以及整个的沙丘生态系统都呈现显著的正向关系(p<0 .0 5 ) ,而在路径这种关系不很明显;种子多度与植被物种出现频率呈现强烈的正相关(p<0 .0 5 ) ,没有发现种子大小与土壤种子库中休眠种子数量、种子库中总的种子数量、植被物种出现频率、植被的物种多度、幼苗植物多度等方面有显著的关系;具有中度大小种子(0 .1~10 mg)的植物在总的土壤种子库、休  相似文献   

Disturbances usually initiate processes of fragmentation in clonal plants, with the consequent division into portions of different size. The ability of these portions to survive and regrow after fragmentation plays an important role in the maintenance of populations and the colonization of new environments. In this field experiment we aim to determine the importance of stolons as reserve organs in the colonization of a coastal sand dune by a clonal invader. We simulated an event of fragmentation of clones of an aggressive invader into portions with short and long stolon sizes. Our results showed a reduction of biomass allocation to roots in the long stolon treatment that was balanced by an increase in the above‐ground growth; consequently, the area colonized by the invader was greater. We report evidence that stolons can contribute to buffering stressful conditions and allow expansion of the invader into a natural coastal sand dune.  相似文献   

Aim   To reconstruct the history of a Holocene sand dune using pollen and phytolith analyses, and to identify the strengths, weaknesses and compatibility of these two methods in the interpretation of Quaternary coastal environments.
Location  Great Barrier Island, northern New Zealand.
Methods  Pollen and phytolith analyses were carried out on a sequence through a Holocene sand dune containing a palaeosol.
Results  Phytoliths were present throughout the sequence. Grass phytoliths increased at the expense of tree phytoliths following fire disturbance. Pollen (and spores) was preserved only in the palaeosol part of the profile. Pteridium fern spores increased at the expense of tall tree pollen following the fire disturbance.
Main conclusions  Lack of phytolith production by many species and problems of taxonomic specificity in many others restricts the usefulness of phytolith analysis to defining only broad vegetation types. In New Zealand, gymnosperms are invisible in the phytolith record and ferns are extremely under-represented. In contrast, pollen analysis usually provides a great deal of information regarding the composition of a particular vegetation type. The loss of microscopic charcoal fragments during the phytolith extraction process is a disadvantage in the reconstruction of environments where fires have occurred. The greater durability of phytoliths compared with pollen means that phytoliths may be found in sediments where pollen has not been preserved. The phytolith record may also provide evidence of wetter environments that are not apparent in the pollen record. Unlike grass pollen, which is widely dispersed and therefore blurs the spatial record, the presence of grass phytoliths in sediments indicates a local source. The simultaneous application of both methods potentially provides a powerful tool in ecological interpretation and the reconstruction of Quaternary coastal environments.  相似文献   

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