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采用RAPD和同工酶技术对川西北具有代表性的10份荞麦材料进行分析.结果表明,筛选出的15个RAPD引物扩增出388条带.其中352条具有多态性,多态性比率为90.72%;过氧化物同工酶分析获得15条酶带,酯酶同工酶获得10条酶带.3种方法聚类结果基本一致,10份材料可初步聚为4个类群.其中,与金荞亲缘关系相比,甜荞较近而苦荞较远;普格县野荞和齿翅野荞、细柄野荞亲缘关系较近,划为同类;阿坝野荞单独划为一类,对其在分类中的地位有待进一步研究.  相似文献   

野生稻基因组随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
用18个随机引物对2份栽培稻、12份包含有六个基因组型的野生稻DNA进行了扩增,共获得147个多态性DNA片断,把这些多态性DNA片断作为遗传位点用UPGMA法计算出各材料间的遗传相似性系数,并作了聚类分析.主要结果如下:1普通野生稻同栽培稻的亲缘关系很近,其中江永普通野生稻更接近于粳稻.2.CCDD组的Oryzalatifolia和EE组的O.australiensis遗传多态性相似。3.B、C、D、E组的遗传多态性相似,组成一个复合体,此复合体与A组的遗传多态性也相似,而F组则相距较远.4.O.mcyeriana和Rhynchofyzasabulata尚未确定组型,RAPD测定结果表明,前者与其它组型的种亲缘关系较远,后者则与AC复合体的种较近.  相似文献   

辣椒种质遗传多样性的RAPD和ISSR及其表型数据分析   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:13  
用RAPDI、SSR分子标记及28个表型性状数据对辣椒属5个栽培种的13份材料进行了分析,结果表明:23条RAPD引物共扩增出209条带,平均每个引物扩增出9.09条,多态性位点比率为83.73%;16条ISSR引物共扩增出94条带,平均每个引物扩增出5.88条,多态性位点比率为79.79%.与RAPD相比,ISSR标记检测到的有效等位基因数(Ne)及Shannon多样性指数(I)、遗传离散度(Ht)和遗传分化系数(Gst)等遗传多样性参数都较大,多态性位点比例在亲缘关系较近的一年生辣椒(Capsicum annuum)种内较高,说明ISSR有更高的多态性检测效率,并且适合亲缘关系较近的种群间遗传多样性分析.基于RAPDI、SSR的聚类与基于表型数据的聚类之间存在极显著正相关,且都能将C.annuum与其它栽培种区分开来.  相似文献   

以阿联红麻(Alian Kenaf)与福红992(Fuhong992)杂交产生的F2代作图群体为研究材料,分别应用RAPD单引物和双引物进行多态性条带扩增,并进行扩增效果的比较研究,以期为作图群体构建红麻遗传连锁图谱奠定基础。结果表明,RAPD双引物比单引物扩增出更多的多态性条带,提高了引物的利用率和多态性条带的扩增效率。  相似文献   

用ISSR标记分析红麻种质资源的遗传多样性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为明确红麻种质资源的遗传多样性和亲缘关系,以20个国家的32份红麻(Hibiscus cannabinus L.)种质资源为材料,从90个ISSR引物中筛选出22个多态性引物对供试材料进行PCR扩增,最终选用条带最清晰、多态性明显的13个引物的扩增数据进行统计分析.结果表明:(1)13条ISSR多态性引物共扩增出谱带总数59条,多态性条带总数为47条,多态性条带比率达79.66%,其遗传多样性较丰富;(2)在切割线L1取值为0.73时,可将供试材料分为一个由22份栽培品种构成的L1-1大类群,以及由8份野生材料和2份古老地方品种构成的3个独立的个类和3个不同小类群.(3)当切割线L2取值为0.77时,又可将第1个大类群L1-1中22份栽培品种根据其亲缘关系,重新划分为I1、I2、I3、I4 4个不同的亚类群,各亚类群表现出明显的地域性特点.(4)聚类结果显示,红麻多数栽培品种之间的遗传差异较小,亲缘关系较近,其遗传多样性比野生材料明显狭窄.  相似文献   

贵州3种车前草的随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)亲缘关系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)技术对贵州车前草的3个种进行了分析,建立了它们的指纹图谱.从60个随机引物中筛选出的9个引物共产生94条DNA片段,大小分布在0.1~0.2kb之间,其中71个条带具有遗传多态性,约占总数的75.53%.平均每个引物扩增的DNA带数为10.44条.应用NTSYSpc软件进行聚类,将聚类结果转化为3种车前草之间的遗传关系树形图.结果显示,车前和平车前首先聚类,其Dice相似性系数为0.76,在三者中它们的亲缘关系较近;而大车前与它们的遗传相似性系数为0.56,亲缘关系较远.  相似文献   

利用随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)技术对小麦族披碱草属、鹅观草属和猬草属3个属的模式种进行了基因组DNA多态性分析。42个引物产物的290条谱带中,257条(88.62%)表现出多态性,说明披碱草属、鹅观草属和猬草属3个属的模式种间具有丰富的遗传多样性。利用290个RAPD标记,计算材料间Nei氏遗传相似性系和遗传距离,在NTSYS程序中利用UPGMA进行聚类。结果表明,Elymus sibiricus种不同居群间的遗传差异较小,遗传距离在0.097-0.180之间。E.sibiricus,Roegneria caucasica和Hystrix patula的种间遗传差异明显,遗传距离在0.458-0.605之间。H.patula与E.sibiricus的亲缘关系较近。R.caucasica与E.sibiricus的亲缘关系较远。  相似文献   

利用RAPD标记分析大麦种质资源的遗传多样性   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
利用RAPD标记对19份西藏近缘野生大麦材料、33份我国不同省市的地方品种以及8份国外引进大麦品种共60份大麦种质资源的遗传多样性进行检测.结果表明材料间遗传差异明显.32个RAPD引物中,有25个引物(占78.13%)可扩增出清晰且具多态性的条带,另外7个引物能扩增出1~3条清晰但无多态性的条带.每个引物可扩增出1~8条多态性带,平均为3.72条.32个引物共产生119条DNA片段,其中87条具有多态性,多态性比率(PPB)为73.11%,平均多态信息量(PIC)为0.434;每个位点平均有效等位基因数(Ne)为2.304;材料间遗传相似系数GS变化范围为0.757~0.981,平均值为0.871.19份来源于西藏的近缘野生大麦材料间GS值变幅为0.818~0.969,平均为0.892;33份我国栽培大麦地方品种间的GS值变化范围为0.783~0.981,平均为0.879;8份分别来自8个国家的栽培大麦品种间的GS值变幅为0.820~0.956,平均为0.882.根据RAPD标记分析的结果,对60份大麦种质资源进行聚类分析,在平均GS值0.871水平上60份大麦材料可聚为5类,聚类结果能在一定程度上反应材料的地理分布关系,但某些相同地理来源的材料也较分散地分布在整个聚类树中.本研究从分子水平上进一步证明了我国栽培大麦丰富的遗传多样性,是世界栽培大麦的遗传多样性中心之一.  相似文献   

利用RAPD和ISSR标记对48份叶子花种质进行遗传多样性及亲缘关系分析。结果显示:(1)筛选出具有多态性的RAPD引物7条、ISSR引物11条,RAPD引物共扩增97条多态性条带,ISSR引物共扩增140条多态性带,多态性百分率均达100%。(2)根据两种标记的扩增结果,用UPGMA法对48份叶子花种质的聚类分析显示,48份供试材料间具有较丰富的遗传多样性,其品种间遗传相似系数RAPD为0.318 8~0.955 6,ISSR为0.349 5~0.900 0;两种分子标记均能清楚地将48份种质材料区分开来,对种质类群的划分结果基本一致,仅有些许差异。(3)聚类分析结果显示,48份种质可分为两大种系:1)B.glabra种系,其品种大多以其种内来源为主;2)涵盖了B.spectabilis、B.peruviana、B.×buttiana和B.×spectoglabra等4个种的种系,种质构成较为复杂。(4)两种标记聚类结果呈显著相关关系,相关系数为0.752 3。研究表明,对一些形态上无法细分的叶子花种质(类群),RAPD和ISSR分子标记是可靠的鉴别方法。  相似文献   

鸢尾属部分植物种质资源的RAPD分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用RAPD分子标记技术,从100个随机引物中筛选出多态性强、重复性好且稳定性高的引物18个,对38份野生鸢尾属材料进行扩增,共扩增出409条带,其中多态性带405条,多态性比率为99.0%,表明野生鸢尾属植物种间有丰富的遗传多态性;根据DNA谱带计算物种间遗传距离,聚类分析结果将鸢尾属38份材料划分为6组,其结果与传统生物学特性划分的6个亚属的分类结果基本一致;物种特有RAPD标记分析表明,利用18个引物可以较好地将鸢尾属38种植物区分开,其中9个材料得到了单一标记的扩增带,表明运用RAPD分子标记对研究鸢尾属植物特异性基因及标记的筛选等有一定的理论和实际应用价值。  相似文献   

Studies were made of the morphology and karyotype of accessions of H. asper, H. cannabinus and H. surattensis. There were six simple epicalyx segments in H. asper , nine in H. cannabinus and ten branched and leafy epicalyx segments in H. surattensis. Karyotypic analysis of the species showed a preponderance of median centromeres. H. surattensis had a more symmetrical karyotype and smaller chromosomes than H. asper and H. cannabinus. H. asper had the longest chromosomes. Ten of their chromosomes were significantly different in length, while four were significantly different in arm ratio.  相似文献   

Expressed sequence tag (EST) derived simple sequence repeats (SSRs, microsatellites) were screened and identified from 3863 almond and 10 185 peach EST sequences, and the spectra of SSRs in the non-redundant EST sequences were investigated after sequence assembly. One hundred seventy-eight (12.07%) almond SSRs and 497 (9.97%) peach SSRs were detected. The EST-SSR occurs every 4.97 kb in almond ESTs and 6.57 kb in peach, and SSRs with di- and trinucleotide repeat motifs are the most abundant in both almond and peach ESTs. Twenty one EST-SSRs were thereafter, developed and used together with 7 genomic SSRs, to study the genetic relationship among 36 almond (P. communis Fritsch.) cultivars from China and the Mediterranean area, as well as 8 accessions of other related species from the genus Prunus. Both EST-derived and genomic SSR markers showed high cross-species transferability in the genus. Out of the 112 polymorphic alleles detected in the 36 cultivated almonds, 28 are specific to Chinese cultivars and 25 to the others. The 44 accessions were clustered into 4 groups in the phylogenetic tree and the 36 almond cultivars formed two distinct subgroups, one containing only Chinese cultivars and one of unknown origin and the other only those originating from the Mediterranean area, indicating that Chinese almond cultivars have a distinct evolutionary history from the Mediterranean almond. Our preliminary results indicated that common almond was more closely related to peach (P. persica (L.) Batsch.) than to the four wild species of almond, (P. mongolica Maxim., P. ledebouriana Schleche, P. tangutica Batal., and P. triloba Lindl.). The implications of these SSR markers for evolutionary analysis and molecular mapping of Prunus species are discussed.  相似文献   

China, one of the primary centers of genetic diversity for the genus Malus, is very rich in wild apple germplasm. In this study, genetic diversity in 29 Malus accessions, including 12 accessions from 7 Chinese Malus species, 4 Chinese landraces, and 13 introduced apple cultivars, was assessed using a set of 19 single-locus simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers distributed across all 17 linkage groups of the apple genome. The number of alleles detected at each locus ranged from 2 to 11, with an average of 5.3 per SSR marker. In some accessions, 16 unique alleles were identified. Ten out of these 16 unique alleles (62.5%) were detected exclusively in wild species, indicating that these Chinese wild apple species have considerable genetic diversity and can be used in breeding programs to increase the genetic diversity of apple cultivars. Using 19 SSRs, an unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic average cluster analysis was conducted, and the resulting dendrogram revealed that all cultivars, except for E??peMeBckoe, were clustered together in the same group. The Russian cultivar E??peMeBckoe was closely related to the Chinese crabapple Baihaitang (M. prunifolia), with a high similarity coefficient value of 0.94. Of the two M. sieversii accessions used, one accession showed a close relationship to apple cultivars, while the other accession was closely related to wild apple species, suggesting the presence of a wider genetic diversity in Chinese M. sieversii species. The influence of SSR marker selection on genetic diversity analysis in this Malus collection was also discussed.  相似文献   

Edible banana and plantains of the Musa genus are important staple food crops cultivated in humid tropical and subtropical climatic zones. These crops are important for subsistence farming in rural communities and also to generate significant employment and income. In an effort to increase the genetic variability of available cultivars, indexed accessions have been introduced into a regional collection in southeastern Mexico, through the Banana Bioversity International Program. The aim of this study was to use the fluorescently labeled sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) molecular marker system to characterize the genetic variability within 71 accessions of the existing collection and resolved uncertainties for the better management of the collection, as a preliminary step to establishing a breeding program. These accessions, which included wild species and cultivars of different subgroups, were consistently identified and separated by SRAP markers. A total of 330 polymorphic bands were detected using 12 primer combinations. The average number of polymorphic bands per primer pair was 27.5. The genetic similarity between accessions ranged between 0.44 and 0.97, as estimated using Jaccard's coefficient. Moreover, SRAP marker system probed to be useful to identify closely related accessions in the genus Musa and facilitated the recognition of duplicates to be eliminated and clarified uncertainties or mislabeled banana accessions introduced to the collection.  相似文献   

ISSR analysis of genetic diversity in sacred lotus cultivars   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this study, inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR) markers were applied to assess genetic diversity and genetic relationships of 92 cultivars of sacred lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.), one of the most famous flowers in China. Our results showed that sacred lotus exhibited a low level of genetic diversity (percentage of polymorphic bands, PPB = 55.8%), which may result from its asexual mode of reproduction and long-term artificial selection. Clustering analyses indicated that these cultivars could be divided into two clades. Most cultivars of Chinese lotus species origin were included in one clade, and one cultivar of American lotus species origin was nested in the other clade. The hybrid cultivars from hybridization between the two subspecies were interspersed in these two clades. Seven cultivars native to Thailand formed a distinct subclade among the cultivars of Chinese lotus species origin. Genetic differentiation between two subspecies, and between cultivars from Thailand and other cultivars could be attributed to geographic isolation. The monophyly of three cultivars of Sanshui Winter Lotus and their closest relationships to Chinese lotus species origin suggests that they might have a common origin and may consist completely or mainly of genetic material from N. nucifera subsp. nucifera.  相似文献   

Fungal cultivars of fungus-growing ants (Attini, Formicidae) are carried by dispersing queens from parent to offspring nest. This vertical cultivar transmission between generations is thought to result in long-term ant-fungus coevolution and selection for beneficial cultivar traits that maximize harvests and thus colony productivity. In contrast to this traditional view of vertical cultivar transmission, frequent horizontal cultivar transmission between ant species is implicated by a phylogenetic analysis of 72 cultivars propagated by two fungus-growing ant species coexisting sympatrically in central Panama. The two ant species are specialized on the same group of closely related cultivars, but in six of 12 cultivar clades identifiable within this group, cultivars from both ant species were united in the same clade. Five of these 'mixed' clades were supported by bootstrap values of about 90% or higher. In one instance, colonies from the two ant species cultivated the same, genetically identical, cultivar clone. These phylogenetic patterns indicate that: (i) cultivar exchanges between the two ant species occur routinely throughout ecological time; and that (ii) coevolutionary processes between ants and their fungi are more diffuse than previously assumed. Because the two ant species are specialized on a narrow group of closely related cultivars that they regularly exchange among each other, but not with other sympatric ant species, cultivar exchanges are constrained, most likely, by ant preferences for their own cultivar group or by stringent selection against transitions of ant lineages to distantly related cultivars.  相似文献   

Nuclear internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions and chloroplast trnL intron and trnL/trnF spacer and matK sequences were used from 86 accessions to assess relationships among 31 European and South American species of Hypochaeris plus 18 representatives of related genera of tribe Cichorieae. The ITS tree shows high resolution compared to that of the maternally inherited trnL intron, trnL/F spacer, and matK sequences. The ITS and the combined tree reveal clades that agree well with sections of the genus established previously on morphological and cytological grounds, except for H. robertia, which groups with Leontodon helveticus and L. autumnalis. Monophyly of species of Hypochaeris from South America is strongly supported by both ITS and the joint matrix of ITS, trnL, and matK data. European species lie basal to South American taxa, which suggests that species in South America evolved from a single introduction from European progenitors and not from H. robertia as suggested previously. Low levels of sequence divergence among South American taxa suggest a pattern of rapid speciation, in contrast to much greater divergence among European representatives. Different species of Leontodon form two different clades that are also supported by chromosome numbers and morphology. Both nuclear and chloroplast markers suggest that Helminthotheca, Leontodon, and Picris are closely related to each other as well as to Hypochaeris.  相似文献   

The relationships among lemons, limes and citron: a chromosomal comparison   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lemons, limes and citron constitute a group of closely related Citrus species, whose species delimitations and taxonomic relationships are unclear. In order to identify karyotypic similarities and species relationships within this group, the CMA+/DAPI- banding pattern and the distribution of the 5S and 45S rDNA sites of 10 accessions of lime, lemon, and citron were investigated. The four cultivars of C. limon analyzed showed the same pattern of CMA+ bands and rDNA sites, suggesting that they originated from a single germplasm, later differentiated by distinct somatic mutations. The lemons C. jambhiri, C. limonia and C. volkameriana displayed karyotypes very similar to each other, but they differed from C. limon by the absence of a single chromosome with one band in each telomere. The limes, C. aurantifolia and C. limettioides, seemed less related to each other and exhibited different heteromorphic chromosome pairs. In C. aurantifolia, the presence of a chromosome type unknown in all other Citrus species cytologically known so far supports the assumption that this accession may be derived from a hybrid with a species from the subgenus Papeda or from another genus. Citrus medica was the only homozygous accession of this group and all of its chromosome types were clearly represented in limes and lemons, some of them forming heteromorphic pairs. The analysis of the distribution of rDNA sites allowed a further refinement of the comparison among accessions. The lemons and limes were heterozygous for all rDNA sites, whereas C. medica was entirely homozygous. These data support the hypothesis that C. medica is a true species while the other nine accessions are hybrids.  相似文献   

Menzel, Margaret Y. (Florida State U., Tallahassee), and F. D. Wilson. Cytotaxonomy of twelve species of Hibiscus section Furcaria. Amer. Jour. Bot. 50(3): 262–271. Illus. 1963.—Metaphase-I chromosome numbers and pairing in 88 accessions showed that H. cannabinus, H. costatus, and H. surattensis are diploid (n = 18); and H. acetosella, H. aculeatus, H. bifurcatus, H.furcellatus, H. meeusei, H. radiatus, H. rostellatus and H. sabdariffa are tetraploid (n = 36), with similar low multivalent frequencies, hence probably allotetraploids each combining 2 well-differentiated genomes. No intraspecific variation in ploidy was found. Fertile, vigorous F1 hybrids between H.furcellatus and H. bifurcatus showed complete chromosome pairing (n = 36), confirming a close relationship between the parents. Two African strains of H. diversifolius were octoploid (n = 72) with low multivalent frequency and hence probably contain 4 differentiated genomes. At least 4, perhaps 5 or 6, differentiated genome groups are represented in tropical Africa, and at least 2 in the American tropics.  相似文献   

The inter-retrotransposon amplified polymorphism (IRAP) protocol was applied for the first time within the genus Helianthus to assess intraspecific variability based on retrotransposon sequences among 36 wild accessions and 26 cultivars of Helianthus annuus L., and interspecific variability among 39 species of Helianthus. Two groups of LTRs, one belonging to a Copia-like retroelement and the other to a putative retrotransposon of unknown nature (SURE) have been isolated, sequenced and primers were designed to obtain IRAP fingerprints. The number of polymorphic bands in H. annuus wild accessions is as high as in Helianthus species. If we assume that a polymorphic band can be related to a retrotransposon insertion, this result suggests that retrotransposon activity continued after Helianthus speciation. Calculation of similarity indices from binary matrices (Shannon’s and Jaccard’s indices) show that variability is reduced among domesticated H. annuus. On the contrary, similarity indices among Helianthus species were as large as those observed among wild H. annuus accessions, probably related to their scattered geographic distribution. Principal component analysis of IRAP fingerprints allows the distinction between perennial and annual Helianthus species especially when the SURE element is concerned.  相似文献   

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