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不同化感水稻品种根系分泌物中萜类化合物的差异分析   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
以强化感水稻品种PI312777和弱化感水稻品种Lemont为供试材料,运用“循环法”收集供试水稻经土壤和石英沙介质后的根系分泌物,并经乙醚萃取,所获萃取物经气相色谱 质谱联用仪(GC-MS)测试,检索谱图库确定化合物.结果表明,乙醚萃取物中检测到含氧萜类化合物,如柠檬烯氧化物、柠檬烯二氧化物、香芹酮氧化物、香芹醇、雪松醇等,不同品种间含氧萜类化合物种类相似,但在不同介质中的存留方式和数量存在差异.文中还就不同培养方式和品种间萜类化合物的差异作了进一步讨论.  相似文献   

水稻化感品种能从根系分泌释放化感作用物质 ,长期以来 ,酚酸类物质被认为是水稻根分泌的主要化感物质 ,但这一结论常常被质疑。利用连续循环和直接树脂吸收两种方法采集典型的水稻化感品种 PI31 2 777幼苗的根分泌物 ,并用液相色谱 /质谱(L C/ MS)联用技术鉴定了根分泌物中的非酚酸类物质。结果显示 ,水稻 PI31 2 777幼苗根系能分泌释放 7-甲氧基羟基肟酸、羟基肟酸、3-异丙基 - 5 -乙酰氧基环己烯酮 - 1、5 ,7,4′-三羟基 - 3′,5′-二甲氧基黄酮、二萜内酯 A和二萜内酯 B6个非酚酸类化合物。经液相色谱 (HPL C)定量分析 ,这些化合物在水稻生长 1 0 d的根分泌物中的浓度为 5~ 1 9μmol/ L。进一步的生测结果显示 ,这些化合物在其释放的浓度范围能对稻田常见的稗草和异型莎草有抑制活性 ,尤其是这些化合物的等摩尔混合物的抑草活性增加 ,同时水稻根分泌物的抑草活性与土壤载体显著相关。表明羟基肟酸、环己烯酮、黄酮和二萜内酯四类非酚酸类物质是水稻的主要化感物质 ,这与近期愈来愈多的研究结果一致  相似文献   

水稻化感生物测试方法的比较及应用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
选用8个化感作用潜力各异的水稻品种(系):PI312777、Lemont、Moroberekan、IAC25、IACA7、IAC120、Batatais、Iguape Cateto为供试材料,以田间伴生稗草为受体材料,比较分析了目前较为通用的3种生物测试方法:琼脂迟播共培法(RSA)、石英砂迟播共培法(RSS)和根系分泌物培养法(SRE)对水稻化感潜力的测试效果.结果表明,RSA法应用于测试水稻化感作用潜力的效果最好,RSS法和SRE法的测试结果虽较为一致,但两者都存在不足.据此,运用RSA法对57个水稻材料进行了化感抗草种质资源的初步筛选,从中获得5个强化感作用潜力的水稻材料:Iguape Cateto、PI312777、Azucena、Taichung Native 1和IAC25.  相似文献   

不同苗龄伊贝母根系分泌物GC-MS分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以不同苗龄伊贝母幼苗为试验材料,采用连续收集法收集伊贝母不同苗龄根系分泌物,并采用气相色谱质谱联用技术(GC-MS)分析了根系分泌物的组分和含量.结果表明:一、二、三、四年苗龄伊贝母幼苗根系分泌物化合物在含量上存在较大差异,醛酮类化合物含量最多,分别为57.90%、74.15%、59.66%、59.32%.脲类、苯酚类、醇类含量较小,均在0.5%以下.但不同苗龄根系分泌物在种类和组成上相似,连续捕获系统获得的根系分泌物种类丰富,主要为有机物,包括烷烃类、酯类、醚类、烯烃类、苯酚类等有机物质.  相似文献   

嫁接茄子根系分泌物变化及其对黄萎菌的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周宝利  刘娜  叶雪凌  鲁博 《生态学报》2011,31(3):749-759
采用番茄为砧木嫁接茄子,经过GC-MS检测,研究了黄萎菌胁迫前后嫁接对茄子植株根系次生代谢的影响。通过比较黄萎菌胁迫前后茄子根系次生代谢物质的变化,探讨了嫁接在胁迫前后对植株根系次生代谢的调节作用,并对嫁接茄根系分泌物中丁二酸二甲酯对茄子黄萎菌及茄子种子萌发、幼苗生长的化感效应进行了研究。结果表明,黄萎菌胁迫前,嫁接影响了根系的次生代谢物质的分泌,表现为物质种类和数量的增加,各类物质相对含量改变。嫁接茄子根系分泌物中检测出9大类、66种物质,比自根茄处理多出4大类、33种物质。黄萎菌胁迫时,嫁接茄子田间表现出明显的抗病性;进一步对根系分泌物进行检测发现,嫁接茄根系分泌物中物质种类和相对含量与自根茄处理相比均有显著差别;嫁接茄根系分泌物中烃和酚醇类物质相对含量分别增加了3.25%和0.07%,苯类、茚类和脂肪酸酯类物质相对含量降低,降幅分别为2.62%、0.26%和0.07%。新出现了胺类物质,芴类物质。黄萎菌胁迫前后茄子根系次生代谢物质成分同样发生了变化。与接菌前嫁接茄子植株根系分泌物相比,接菌后嫁接处理的苯类、茚类、酚醇类和胺类物质相对含量增加,增幅分别为22.07%、1.72%、1.21%和0.34%;烃类和脂肪酸酯类物质相对含量降低了1.28%和21.75%;酮类、咔唑类和芴类物质消失。新增物质中以丁二酸二甲酯的相对含量最高,达14.38%。随后的生物检测结果显示,丁二酸二甲酯能够提高茄子田间抗病性,对黄萎菌菌丝生长起化感抑制作用,并促进了茄子种子的萌发和幼苗的生长,随着处理浓度升高作用效果增强,并在1 mmol/L处理时达到最佳作用效果。  相似文献   

不同抗病性茄子根系分泌物对黄萎菌的化感作用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
周宝利  陈志霞  杜亮  谢玉宏  叶雪凌 《生态学报》2011,31(14):3964-3972
以不同抗病性茄子为试材,即抗病类型Solanum tor、S.sis,耐病类型立原紫茄,感病类型西安绿茄,研究了不同茄子品种抗黄萎病特性,根际微生物结构与黄萎菌数量的变化,茄子根系分泌物对黄萎菌的化感作用,并利用GC-MS对根系分泌物的成分进行了鉴定。结果表明:抗病类型的根系分泌物既可以直接影响黄萎菌的生长、发育,又可以通过调节土壤微生物种群结构间接影响黄萎菌的生长,达到抗病效果。而感病类型则正相反。推断这可能是因为抗病类型根系分泌物中存在醇类、胺类、吡喃类、芴类等特异物质,而感病类型根系分泌物中酮类、酚类、酯类、酚酸类物质种类或含量较高。  相似文献   

不同苗龄梭梭根系分泌物组分分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张汝民  张丹  白静  陈宏伟  高岩 《西北植物学报》2006,26(10):2150-2154
以梭梭幼苗为供试材料,采用循环灌溉技术收集梭梭不同苗龄近自然状态下根系分泌物,利用气相色谱质谱联用技术分析了根系分泌物的组分和含量,探讨梭梭幼苗不同发育时期根系分泌物的差异.实验结果表明:不同苗龄梭梭幼苗根系分泌物化合物的种类组成相似,主要由酚醌类、醛酮类、醇类、有机酸类、酯类和胺类化合物组成;30 d梭梭幼苗根系分泌物主要以有机酸和酯类化合物为主,占梭梭幼苗根系分泌物总量的81.57%;60 d梭梭幼苗根系分泌物主要以酯类和含氮化合物为主,占梭梭幼苗根系分泌物总量的65.08%.  相似文献   

在低磷(0.5 mg·L-1) 营养胁迫下,运用生理生化方法分析了化感水稻PI312777(PI)与非化感水稻Lemont (Le) 对稗草抑制作用潜力的变化特性及其内在机理.结果表明,在低磷营养胁迫下,化感水稻品种PI对受体稗草根干重的抑制能力明显提高,在处理后的5 、10和15 d,其对稗草地下部干重的抑制率分别增加了5.64%、3.89%和12.13%,增加幅度比非化感水稻品种Le显著.生理生化分析结果表明,与正常营养条件相比,用低磷营养下生长的化感水稻PI的根系分泌物处理稗草5、10和15 d,受体稗草叶片中POD活性的促进率分别提高了20.19%、15.47%和6.68%,吲哚乙酸氧化酶活性的促进率分别提高了18.08%、17.71%和12.50%,硝酸还原酶活性的抑制率分别增加了13.89%、18.60%和2.10%. 在低磷营养胁迫下,化感水稻通过抑制受体植物的硝酸还原酶活性,影响其对氮营养的吸收,同时显著提高了吲哚乙酸氧化酶活性,减缓了受体稗草的生长速度,提高了其抑草作用潜力.  相似文献   

水稻抗草品种选育研究初报   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用PI312777抗草稻种材料,与本单位优质稻核心种质及其衍生系统材料广泛杂交配组,创建一批以PI312777衍生系统为主的新型育种材料。建立水稻抗草育种圃,重点针对抗草特性和综合农艺性状,通过田间抑草效应筛选,培育水稻抗草苗头株系,在稳定世代(F4代以上)应用以水稻特征次生物质为标记评价水稻品种(系)化感潜力的方法,辅助选育水稻抗草新品种(系)。初步提出适合华南稻区的以田间筛选和评价为主,以特征次生物质标记评价水稻品种(系)化感潜力的方法为辅,田间与实验室相结合,操作性强、简便有效的水稻抗草育种方法。  相似文献   

水稻品种化感潜力的双重评价与筛选   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以初筛获得的7份水稻品种为材料,用特征次生物质标记法在HPLC上测定化感指数AI值并结合田间小区试验进行双重评价与筛选,得到3份既具高化感指数又具较高田间抗草活性的水稻化感品种(系),它们是:我国台湾品种I-Kung-Pao、Parahainakoru和大陆品种HB-1。它们对无芒稗根长抑制率分别达57%、64%、55%,均超过50%;其化感指数分别是0.61、0.56、0.59,均与美国化感潜力品种PI312777的化感指数0.59相近;结果表明,水稻品种I-Kung-Pao、Parahainakoru和HB-1是我国宝贵的化感品种资源。  相似文献   

蟛蜞菊根分泌物的异种克生作用及初步分离   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
蟛蜞菊根分泌物的异种克生作用及初步分离曾任森,林象联,谭惠芬,曾强(华南农业大学农业生态室,广州510642)(南开大学元素有机化学研究所,天津30007)AllelopathicEffectsandPreliminaryIsolationofRoo...  相似文献   

小麦根系分泌物对黄瓜生长及土壤真菌群落结构的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以黄瓜为受体,以不同化感效应(促进/抑制)小麦品种为供体,采用PCR-DGGE技术,研究了小麦根系分泌物及伴生小麦对黄瓜生长及土壤真菌群落结构的影响.结果表明: 在处理第6天和第12天,化感促进效应小麦根系分泌物分别显著提高了黄瓜幼苗株高和茎粗;在处理第18天,化感促进和抑制效应小麦根系分泌物均显著提高了黄瓜幼苗株高;在处理第6天,不同化感效应小麦根系分泌物均显著降低了黄瓜幼苗根际土壤真菌群落条带数、Shannon指数及均匀度指数,有苗对照(W)显著高于无苗对照(Wn);在处理第18天,各处理的真菌群落结构条带数、Shannon指数及均匀度指数均显著高于无苗对照(Wn).伴生化感抑制效应小麦显著降低了黄瓜根际土壤真菌群落Shannon指数和均匀度指数,说明小麦根系分泌物及伴生小麦改变了土壤真菌群落结构.DGGE图谱及其主成分分析结果表明,伴生不同化感效应小麦对土壤真菌群落结构影响较大.  相似文献   

Barnyard grass-induced rice allelopathy and momilactone B   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Here, we investigated chemical-mediated interaction between crop and weeds. Allelopathic activity of rice seedlings exhibited 5.3-6.3-fold increases when rice and barnyard grass seedlings were grown together, where there may be the competitive interference between rice and barnyard grass for nutrients. Barnyard grass is one of the most noxious weeds in rice cultivation. The momilactone B concentration in rice seedlings incubated with barnyard grass seedlings was 6.9-fold greater than that in rice seedlings incubated independently. Low nutrient growth conditions also increased allelopathic activity and momilactone B concentrations in rice seedlings. However, the increases in the low nutrient-induced allelopathic activity and momilactone B concentration were much lower than those in barnyard grass-induced allelopathic activity and momilactone B concentration. Root exudates of barnyard grass seedlings increased allelopathic activity and momilactone B concentration in rice seedlings at concentrations greater than 30 mg/L of the root exudates, and increasing the exudate concentration increased the activity and momilactone B concentration. Therefore, barnyard grass-induced allelopathic activity of rice seedlings may be caused not only by nutrient competition between two species, but also by components in barnyard grass root exudates. As momilactone B shows strong allelopathic activities, barnyard grass-induced allelopathic activity of rice may be due to the increased concentration of momilactone B in rice seedlings. The present research suggests that rice may respond to the presence of neighboring barnyard grass by sensing the components in barnyard grass root exudates and increasing allelopathic activity by production of elevated concentration of momilactone B. Thus, rice allelopathy may be one of the inducible defense mechanisms by chemical-mediated plant interaction between rice and barnyard grass, and the induced-allelopathy may provide a competitive advantage for rice through suppression of the growth of barnyard grass.  相似文献   

Larvicidal proteins encoded by cry genes from Bacillus thuringiensis were released in root exudates from transgenic B. thuringiensis corn, rice, and potato but not from B. thuringiensis canola, cotton, and tobacco. Nonsterile soil and sterile hydroponic solution in which B. thuringiensis corn, rice, or potato had been grown were immunologically positive for the presence of the Cry proteins; from B. thuringiensis corn and rice, the soil and solution were toxic to the larva of the tobacco hornworm (Manduca sexta), and from potato, to the larva of the Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata), representative lepidoptera and coleoptera, respectively. No toxin was detected immunologically or by larvicidal assay in soil or hydroponic solution in which B. thuringiensis canola, cotton, or tobacco, as well as all near-isogenic non-B. thuringiensis plant counterparts or no plants, had been grown. All plant species had the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter, except rice, which had the ubiquitin promoter from maize. The reasons for the differences between species in the exudation from roots of the toxins are not known. The released toxins persisted in soil as the result of their binding on surface-active particles (e.g. clay minerals, humic substances), which reduced their biodegradation. The release of the toxins in root exudates could enhance the control of target insect pests, constitute a hazard to nontarget organisms, and/or increase the selection of toxin-resistant target insects.  相似文献   

Abstract: Plant root exudates play important roles in the rhizosphere. We tested three media (nutrient solution, deionized water and CaSO4 solution) for three periods of time (2, 4 and 6 h) for collecting root exudates of soil‐grown rice plants. Nutrient culture solution created complications in the analyses of exudates for total organic C (TOC) by the wet digestion method and of organic acids by HPLC due to the interference by its components. Deionized water excluded such interference in analytical analyses but affected the turgor of root cells; roots of four widely different rice cultivars excreted 20 to 60 % more TOC in deionized water than in 0.01 M CaSO4. Furthermore, the proportion of carbohydrates in TOC was also enhanced. Calcium sulfate solution maintained the osmotic environment for root cells and did not interfere in analytical procedures. Collection for 2 h avoided under‐estimation of TOC and its components exuded by rice roots, which occurred during prolonged exposure. By placing plants in 0.01 M CaSO4 for 2 h, root exudates of soil‐grown traditional, tall rice cultivars (Dular, B40 and Intan), high‐yielding dwarf cultivars (IR72, IR52, IR64 and PSBRc 20), new plant type cultivars (IR65598 and IR65600) and a hybrid (Magat) were collected at seedling, panicle initiation, flowering and maturity and characterized for TOC and organic acids. The exudation rates were, in general, lowest at seedling stage, increased until flowering but decreased at maturity. Among organic acids, malic acid showed the highest concentration followed by tartaric, succinic, citric and lactic acids. With advancing plant growth, exudation of organic acids substituted exudation of sugars. Root and shoot biomass were positively correlated with carbon exudation suggesting that it is driven by plant biomass. As root exudates provide substrates for methanogenesis in rice fields, large variations in root exudation by cultivars and at different growth stages could greatly influence CH4 emissions. Therefore, the use of high‐yielding cultivars with lowest root excretions, for example IR65598 and IR65600, would mediate low exudate‐induced CH4 production. The screening of exciting rice cultivars and breeding of new cultivars with low exudation rates could offer an important option for mitigation of CH4 emission from rice agriculture to the atmosphere.  相似文献   



The possible involvement of the chemical-mediated interaction in allelopathy between rice and barnyard grass was investigated.


Effcts of rice seedlings and rice root exudate on the alleloapthic activity of barnyard grass were determined and a key compound invovled in the allelopathic interaction between rice and barnyard grass was isolated.


Allelopathic activity of barnyard grass was increased by the presence of rice seedlings. Rice root exudates also elevated the allelopahtic activity of barnyard grass. A key compound, which increased the allelopathic activity of barnyard grass, in the rice root exudates was isolated and determined as momilactone B. Momilactone B increased the allelopathic activity of barnyard grass at concentrations greater than 3 μM, and increasing the momilactone B concentration increased the activity.


Momilactone B is known to act as a potent rice allelochemical and to possess strong growth inhibitory activity against barnyard grass. The present research suggests that barnyard grass may response to the presence of neighboring rice by sensing momilactone B in rice root exudates and increase allelopathic activity. Thus, momilactone B may not only act as a rice allelochemical but also play an important role in rice-induced allelopathy of barnyard grass. The induced-allelopathy may provide a competitive advantage for barnyard grass through the growth inhibition of competing plant species including rice. Barnyard grass allelopathy may be one of the inducible defense mechanisms by chemical-mediated plant interaction between rice and barnyard grass. Rice allelopathy was also reported to be increased by the presence of barnyard grass through increasing production and secretion of momilactone B into surrounding environments. During the evolutional process, rice and barnyard grass may have developed the chemical cross talk to activate the defense mechanisms against some biotic stress conditions by detection of certain key compounds.  相似文献   

Tang CS  Young CC 《Plant physiology》1982,69(1):155-160
Collection of allelopathic chemicals from the undisturbed plant root system is difficult because of their low concentrations and the high level of contaminants in growth media such as soil. A new approach for the continuous trapping of quantities of extracellular chemicals from donor plants is described. Bigalta limpograss (Hemarthria altissima), a tropical forage with allelopathic activities, was established in sand culture. Nutrient solution was circulated continuously through the root system and a column containing XAD-4 resin. Extracellular hydrophobic metabolites were selectively adsorbed by the resin, while inorganic nutrients were recycled to sustain plant growth. Columns were eluted with methanol and the eluate separated into neutral, acidic, and basic fractions. Bioassays of trapped root exudates using lettuce seed combined with paper and thin layer chromatography showed that the inhibitors were mainly phenolic compounds. The active neutral fraction was methylated and analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Twelve compounds were identified, with two additional compounds tentatively identified. 3-Hydroxyhydrocinnamic, benzoic, phenylacetic, and hydrocinnamic acids were the major rhizospheric compounds with known growth regulatory activities.  相似文献   

  • Despite increasing knowledge of the involvement of allelopathy in negative interactions among plants, relatively little is known about its action at the root level. This study aims to enhance understanding of interactions of roots between a crop and associated weeds via allelopathy.
  • Based on a series of experiments with window rhizoboxes and root segregation methods, we examined root placement patterns and root interactions between allelopathic rice and major paddy weeds Cyperus difformis, Echinochloa crus‐galli, Eclipta prostrata, Leptochloa chinensis and Oryza sativa (weedy rice).
  • Allelopathic rice inhibited growth of paddy weed roots more than shoots regardless of species. Furthermore, allelopathic rice significantly reduced total root length, total root area, maximum root width and maximum root depth of paddy weeds, while the weeds adjusted horizontal and vertical placement of their roots in response to the presence of allelopathic rice. With the exception of O. sativa (weedy rice), root growth of weeds avoided expanding towards allelopathic rice. Compared with root contact, root segregation significantly increased inhibition of E. crus‐galli, E. prostrata and L. chinensis through an increase in rice allelochemicals. In particular, their root exudates induced production of rice allelochemicals. However, similar results were not observed in C. difformis and O. sativa (weedy rice) with either root segregation or root exudate application.
  • The results demonstrate that allelopathic rice interferes with paddy weeds by altering root placement patterns and root interactions. This is the first case of a root behavioural strategy in crop–weed allelopathic interaction.

Allelopathy has been considered not only as an environmentally friendly approach for weed control but also a potential reason causing autotoxicity in crop production. In this study, the responses of seeds of lettuce, wheat, rice, clover broomrape (CB), and sunflower broomrape (SB) to the root exudates of rice cultivars were studied. Lettuce germination was promoted by root exudates of Yliangyou 3218 and I-Kung-Pao. Wheat seedling growth was inhibited by all nine rice species. I-Kung-Pao and Ganxin 203 exerted greater autotoxicity than other cultivars. Yongyou 15 and I-Kung-Pao induced the highest germination rate of CB, while Yongyou 13, Zhongzao 22, and I-Kung-Pao induced the highest germination rate of SB. A significantly correlation was noted between germination-inducing ability on broomrape seeds and allelopathic effects on target plants. It is suggested that using broomrape seeds germination is a better receptor for the identification of rice allelopathic potential.  相似文献   

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