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中国兰科杓兰属一新种及一新变种   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对云南东南部兰科新种麻栗坡杓兰(Cypripodium,malipoense)和新变种大围山杓兰(Cypripedium lichiangense var.datveishanense)作了描述。麻栗坡杓兰与文山杓兰(C.lentiginosum)相近,区别点在于新种叶淡黄色而有紫斑,色泽与花瓣及唇瓣极为相似;花瓣明显较短,仅稍长于唇瓣。新变种大围山杓兰与原变种的不同在于中萼片黄绿色,疏生紫红色斑点;花瓣仅稍长于唇瓣;唇瓣囊口有一黑色圈。  相似文献   

徐可  王涛  张毓 《生物资源》2020,42(1):43-48
兰科杓兰属(Cypripedium)植物主要分布于东亚、北美等温带地区和亚热带山地。杓兰不仅具有极高的观赏价值,而且其经济价值和科研价值也越来越受到人们的重视。近年来对杓兰属植物人工繁殖的相关研究不断深入,主要集中于种子的非共生萌发等方面。本文对濒危兰科杓兰属植物进行了简要介绍,并就其种子非共生萌发研究从种子成熟度、预处理和有机添加物的作用、培养基的配置等方面进行综述,为目标杓兰种类的非共生萌发试验方案的制定奠定基础,将有助于温带/高山兰科植物保育研究的发展。  相似文献   

杂交种子研究在一定程度上能说明是否存在杂种不活机制,在植物生殖隔离研究中具有重要意义。通过对同域分布的西藏杓兰(Cypripedium tibeticum)、黄花杓兰(C.flavum)和褐花杓兰(C.calcicola)的自交、异交、杂交种子的形态特征及活性进行分析,发现3种杓兰属植物两两之间均可产生杂交种子,且杂交种子活性较高,杂交种子与其他处理所得种子的外观、表面纹饰无显著性差异;种子宽度、种子长度、有胚率、着色率并没有比自交或异交种子显著低。这一结果表明这3种同域杓兰属植物种与种之间具有相当高的亲和性,它们之间不存在明显的杂种不活机制。黄花杓兰与西藏杓兰或褐花杓兰间的传粉者大小明显不同,黄花杓兰由丽蝇和熊蜂工蜂传粉,而西藏杓兰和褐花杓兰由体形较大的熊蜂蜂王传粉,传粉者隔离已使得它们之间的物种界限比较清晰,因此已经没有必要再产生杂种不活等其他隔离机制。而西藏杓兰与褐花杓兰的传粉者相同,又没有明显的杂种不活隔离机制,暗示它们之间有其他合子后隔离机制或应将其合并为一个种。  相似文献   

丽江杓兰大围山变种(Cypripedium lichiangense vat.daweishanense)被提升为种的等级:大围山杓兰(Cypripedium daweishanense)。此种的特征是:中萼片浅黄绿色,上面疏被栗色斑点;花瓣较短,近等长于或略长于唇瓣。而丽江杓兰(Cypripedium lichiangense)的中萼片为紫肝色;花瓣要长得多,大约为唇瓣长的2倍。它们均属于三棱组(Cypripedium sect.Trigonopedium)。该组共含11种,均为中国特有种。文中提供了一个该组的分种检索表。  相似文献   

安曼云 《广西植物》2017,37(6):763-767
杓兰属(Cypripedium)植物因具有较高的观赏和药用价值而长期被过度采集,已成为濒危植物。利用菌根技术进行杓兰属植物的保护和人工栽培,需要获得其可培养的菌根真菌。该研究采用分离培养法和共生回接方法,研究了云南杓兰菌根真菌菌群组成及其共生关系。结果表明:(1)从10株云南杓兰300块毛根组织中分离获得126株内生真菌,归属为3个菌属,分别是胶膜菌属(Tulasnella)73株、伏革菌属(Corticium)36株、角担菌属(Ceratobasidium)17株。其中,胶膜菌属为优势菌群,占总菌株数量的57.94%。(2)6株供试菌株中,4株菌株可显著缩短种子的萌发过程,6株菌株对幼苗的生长有显著的促进作用。(3)从中筛选获得一株CY-18高效促生真菌,对云南杓兰种子共生萌发和幼苗共生生长有极显著的促进作用。该研究结果为更好地利用菌根技术进行杓兰属植物资源的保护与可持续利用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

兰科植物对生境的要求较高,温带地区分布的兰科植物非常有限。利用实地定点观察,样方设置等方法对长白山区进行杓兰属植物的物种、生境及物候进行调查分析。结果表明长白山区天桥岭长2 km,宽1 km,海拔300~500 m的山沟内集中分布着4种杓兰属植物,其中杓兰组物种均具有较高的花色多样性,杓兰属植物的开花期集中在6月4~13日。  相似文献   

兰德庆  刘盼  刘虹  覃瑞 《生物资源》2018,40(2):192-192
正杓兰属植物是兰科(Orchidaceae)杓兰亚科(Cypripedioideae)的一个保育研究的热点类群,全属植物约50种(含变种),中国是该属植物的分布中心,我国产32种、1变种,其中24种为特有种[1]。扇脉杓兰(Cypripedium japonicum)是一种珍稀的多年生地生兰,隶属于兰科(Orchidaceae)杓兰亚科(Cypripedioideae)杓兰属(Cypripedium),具极高观赏价值。扇脉杓兰中药名为扇子七,全株可入药,《陕西中草药志》记有:扇  相似文献   

丽江杓兰(Cypripedium lichiangense S.C.Chen & P.J.Cribb)隶属兰科杓兰属,为中国特有种,濒危(EN),已列入I UCN红色名录.为地生草本,植株高7~14 cm,具较粗壮而短的根状茎.茎直立,为2枚筒状  相似文献   

汪健 《西北植物学报》2011,(6):1249+1274
丽江杓兰(Cypripedium lichiangense S.C.Chen&P.J.Cribb)隶属兰科杓兰属,为中国特有种,濒危(EN),已列入I UCN红色名录。为地生草本,植株高7~14 cm,具较粗壮而短的根状茎。茎直立,为2枚筒  相似文献   

<正>杓兰属植物是兰科(Orchidaceae)杓兰亚科(Cypripedioideae)的一个保育研究的热点类群,全属植物约50种(含变种),中国是该属植物的分布中心,我国产32种、1变种,其中24种为特有种[1]。扇脉杓兰(Cypripedium japonicum)是一种珍稀的多年生地生兰,隶属于兰科(Orchidaceae)杓兰亚科(Cypripedioideae)杓兰属(Cypripedium),具极高观赏价值。扇脉杓兰中药名为扇子七,全株可入药,《陕西中草药志》记有:扇  相似文献   

A molecular analysis was performed on 56 taxa in the orchid genus Cypripedium using nrDNA ITS and five chloroplast regions (trnH-psbA, atpI-atpH, trnS-trnfM, trnL-F spacer, and the trnL intron). The genus Cypripedium was confirmed as monophyletic. Our data provided strong support for monophyletic grouping of eight infrageneric sections (Subtropica, Obtusipetala, Trigonopedia, Sinopedilum, Bifolia, Flabelinervia, Arietinum, and Cypripedium) defined in earlier taxonomic treatments, and paraphyletic grouping of two sections (Irapeana and Retinervi). Within the genus Cypripedium, the first divergent lineage consisted of two Mesomaerican species, and subsequently the Cypripedium debile lineage from eastern Asia was split. Our study did not support the notion that two Asian species (Cypripedium subtropicum and Cypripedium singchii) were closely related to either Mesoamerican Cypripedium irapeanum or North American Cypripedium californicum, as indicated by previous interpretations based on morphological evidences. In addition, one pair of vicariant species, Cypripedium plectrochilum (eastern Asia) and Cypripedium arietinum (North America), unique to section Arietinum, was confirmed. Furthermore, within the monophyletic section Cypripedium two previously recognized subsections, Cypripedium and Macrantha, were shown to be paraphyletic. Our results suggested that this section split into two groups based on distribution (North America vs. Eurasia) instead of such previously used, morphological traits as flower color, and the shape of the lips (labellum) and lateral petals.  相似文献   

为了解扇脉杓兰(Cypripedium japonicum Thunb.)和无距虾脊兰(Calanthe tsoongiana T. Tang et F. T. Wang)的核型,采用根尖压片法对扇脉杓兰和无距虾脊兰的染色体数目和核型进行了研究。结果表明,扇脉杓兰体细胞的染色体数为22,核型公式为2n=2x=22=16m+2sm+2st+2t,染色体相对长度组成为2n=22=2L+6M2+12M1+2S,核不对称系数为60.01%,核型分类为2B型;而无距虾脊兰体细胞的染色体数为40,核型公式为2n=2x=40=28m+10sm+2st,染色体相对长度组成为2n=40=8L+10M2+16M1+6S,核不对称系数为59.84%,核型分类为2B型;两者核型都较为对称。其中,无距虾脊兰的核型为首次报道。这为扇脉杓兰和无距虾脊兰的进化地位和种质保护提供了细胞学证据。  相似文献   

An electrophoretic analysis of allozyme variation from 14 loci in Cypripedium calceolus, C. candidum, C. arietinum, C. acaule, and C. reginae was conducted to address evolutionary conclusions reached in prior studies on the Orchidaceae. The following specific questions were examined: 1) Do the allozyme data suggest that C. arietinum be transferred to the genus Criosanthes? 2) Do Cypripedium populations contain unusually low levels of genetic variation relative to other angiosperms with comparable life histories? and 3) Is the distribution of genetic variation among populations consistent with the idea that evolutionary processes produce higher levels of among-population differentiation in the Orchidaceae? Very low Nei's genetic identities (0.000–0.285) were found for most species comparisons; however, C. arietinum was not the most genetically distinct taxon and should be retained in the genus Cypripedium. Although most Cypripedium populations contain very low levels of expected heterozygosity, C. calceolus contains unusually high levels in all populations examined. Most species examined here have below average levels of variation distributed among populations. This result indicates that evolutionary processes produce relatively lower, not higher, levels of genetic differentiation among Cypripedium populations compared to other flowering plants. Historical events that could have influenced the observed genetic patterns are discussed.  相似文献   

王文采 《广西植物》2016,36(Z1):224-226
描述了自甘肃南部发现的葡萄属一新种,文县蘡薁(Vitis wenxianensis W. T. Wang)。此新种与特产浙江的三出蘡薁[V. bryoniifolia Bunge var. ternata(W. T. Wang)C. L. Li]有很近的亲缘关系,二者可能是由蘡薁(V. bryoniifolia Bunge)衍生而出的一对姊妹群。基于上述认识,将三出蘡薁由变种提升至种的等级,但由于存在一个于1871年发表的种名(V. ternata Baker),因此,必须为三出蘡薁拟定一新名。  相似文献   

Hybridization and introgression are thought to be important for speciation and adaptation in many plants. However, little is known about the hybridization and introgression among Cypripedium species. To investigate the evidence for hybridization and the pattern of introgression between Cypripedium yunnanense and C. tibeticum in Shangrila County, Yunnan Province, China, morphological characters and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) data for both the species and their putative hybrids were studied. Hand pollination was also performed to verify the crossability of the putative parents. Principal coordinate analysis based on morphological characters and the AFLP data suggested that the putative hybrids were true hybrids of these two Cypripedium species. Analysis with the NewHybrids software indicated that the putative hybrids were F1 generation individuals and backcrosses to C. yunnanese, but no F2 generation was found. Analysis with the Structure software demonstrated asymmetric introgression from C. tibeticum to C. yunnanense. We conclude that natural hybridization and introgression can occur between these two species and that in situ conservation of the parental species is required before fully assessing the evolutionary potential of hybrids.  相似文献   

 Nectarless flowers of Cypripedium macranthos var. rebunense are pollinated by only queen Bombus pseudobaicalensis, which also pollinates nectar-producing flowers of Pedicularis schistostegia. Our previous study (Sugiura et al. 2001) suggested that they form a floral mimicry system: (1) Flowering phenology of both plants overlapped greatly. (2) Cypripedium occurred with lower frequency relative to Pedicularis. And (3) in a mixed stand of both plants, foraging bumblebees were sometimes confused between the mimic and model flowers. The present study clarified the system with new evidence. (4) Flower colour of Cypripedium and Pedicularis would be similar within the range of a bumblebee's visual spectrum. And (5) both species largely overlapped in spatial distribution. Based on these findings, we discuss how C. macranthos var. rebunense differs in pollination mechanism from other congeneric species, especially C. calceolus. Received April 23, 2002; accepted August 23, 2002 Published online: November 28, 2002 Addresses of the authors: Naoto Sugiura (e-mail: sugiura@aster.sci.kumamoto-u.ac.jp), Department of Environmental Science, Faculty of Science, Kumamoto University, Kumamoto 860-8555, Japan. Masashi Goubara, United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Tottori University, Tottori 680-8553, Japan. Kenji Kitamura, Division of Environmental Biology, Faculty of Life and Environmental Science, Shimane University, Mastue 690-8504, Japan. Ken Inoue, Biological Institute and Herbarium, Faculty of Science, Shinshu University, Matsumoto 390-8621, Japan.  相似文献   

Pollen morphology of the four traditional genera (Paphiopedilum, Selenipedium, Cypripedium, Phragmipedium) comprising the cypripedioid orchids indicates that the monads are sulcate, more or less smooth-surfaced, and covered by a non-acetolysis resistant layer called elastoviscin. Evidence from ultrathin sections of pollen grains shows that typical exine layers are present only inSelenipedium, modified inPhragmipedium and absent inPaphiopedilum and most species ofCypripedium; that a small, inconspicuous portion of the grain surface is constructed as a sulcus; and that the pollen grain wall acts as a sponge in rapidly absorbing water. Several instances of parallelisms between non-related families and among different groups of orchids are reported and new ideas on the evolution of theCypripedioideae are presented.Dedicated to Prof. DrE. Tschermak-Woess on the occasion of her 70th birthday.Reprint requests toM. Hesse.  相似文献   

王文采  李良千 《广西植物》2016,36(Z1):70-72
该文描述了自甘肃南部发现的毛茛科铁线莲属的一新种,甘南铁线莲。  相似文献   

Cypripedium macranthos sensu lato typically has purple‐pink flowers with no nectar and harvestable pollen. On Rebun Island, Hokkaido, Japan, purple‐pink‐flowered C. macranthos var. macranthos individuals rarely grow among numerous pale‐cream‐flowered C. macranthos var. rebunense plants. In both varieties, flower size is similar, their flowering periods completely overlap, and they share the same pollinator (Bombus pseudobaicalensis). However, in only one of 12 years from 2001 to 2012 did var. macranthos attain an annual fruit‐set ratio (an estimate of pollination success) higher than that of sympatric var. rebunense plants. These findings strongly suggest that in C. macranthos on Rebun Island, flower color results in the differential pollination success, because the pollinator prefers pale‐cream Cypripedium flowers and/or avoids purple‐pink ones, thereby producing pollinator‐mediated selection favoring pale‐cream flowers.  相似文献   

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