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采用“放松分子钟”模型、氨基酸位点正选择模型和分子内共进化网络估算方法,对蕨类植物Ⅱ型内含子成熟酶蛋白K(Maturase K,MATK)编码基因matK的进化趋势进行研究。结果显示:matK基因在蕨类植物系统学研究中具有一定的应用价值,与rbcL基因和psaA基因联合后能显著提升系统发育树的可信度;蕨类植物MATK蛋白中存在少数曾经历正选择的位点;MATK蛋白内部有多对氨基酸位点共同构成共进化网络。在被子植物兴起环境改变后,MATK蛋白部分位点发生适应性进化,通过位点间共进化网络协同作用方式提升蕨类植物对新光合环境的适应能力。  相似文献   

裸子植物psbA基因分子进化式样的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为阐明裸子植物对陆生生境生态响应的分子机制,以新近的裸子植物分类系统为指导,基于psb A基因编码全序列对4亚纲53种代表植物进行分子进化分析。首先,依据"放松分子钟"模型重建裸子植物在时间尺度下系统发育关系;其次,采用6个模型(MEC/JTT、MEC/cp REV、M5、M7、M8、M8a)估测氨基酸位点ω值,并对各模型结果进行统计检测;随后,利用Bootstrap方法检PSBA蛋白内部氨基酸位点的共进化动态。结果表明,系统树提示的物种分化历程支持前期分类结果;光合系统反应中心核心PSBA蛋白有3个氨基酸位点(13、19和243)曾经受正选择压力;PSBA蛋白内部有多对氨基酸位点间构成了共进化网络。因此,psb A基因编码序列具有作为描绘裸子植物系统发育关系标记的潜力,PSBA蛋白部分位点经历了适应性进化,通过位点间共进化网络协同作用方式辅助裸子植物响应陆生生境。  相似文献   

以68种蕨类植物和2种石松类植物的rps12基因为对象,在系统发育背景下,结合最大似然法,使用HyPhy和PAML软件对该基因进行进化速率和适应性进化研究。结果显示:位于IR区的外显子2~3,其替换率明显降低,rps12基因编码序列的替换率也随之降低,且rps12基因密码子第3位的GC含量明显升高;在蕨类植物的进化过程中,3′-rps12更倾向定位于IR区,以保持较低的替换率;rps12基因编码的123个氨基酸位点中,共检测到4个正选择位点和116个负选择位点。研究结果表明基因序列进入到IR区后,显示出降低的替换率;强烈的负选择压力表明RPS12蛋白的高度保守性以及rps12基因的功能和结构已经趋于稳定。  相似文献   

以念珠藻属(Nostoc)及其近缘类群hetR基因的51条序列为研究对象,对hetR基因的编码蛋白进行生物信息学分析和系统发育分析,并使用分支模型、位点模型和分支-位点模型进行该基因位点的适应性进化研究。系统发育分析结果显示,51条hetR基因蛋白序列可分为4个大分支。适应性进化分析结果表明,在3种进化模型中,大多数分支及藻株都没有检测到统计学上具有显著性的正选择位点,说明检测的位点大多处于负选择压力下。但在普通念珠藻(Nostoc commune,CHAB2802)中检测到正选择位点(126T),提示念珠藻属植物hetR基因发生了适应性改变。  相似文献   

D2蛋白是植物光系统Ⅱ复合体(PSⅡ)核心蛋白之一,由叶绿体psbD基因编码。为了深入理解核心薄囊蕨类植物在阴生环境下的“辐射”式演化,我们对12种蕨类植物的psbD基因进行了克隆和测序,然后联合已公布的其他8种蕨类植物的psbD序列,基于ω值(非同义替换率ds和同义替换率ds的比值)探讨了该基因经受的选择压力。发现D2蛋白在大多数分支和位点受到强烈的负选择,但是树蕨类分支的psbD进化速率低且ω值较高。借助多种模型进行的共进化分析显示,树蕨类D2蛋白的168R、245H和272M两两组成具有共进化关系的氨基酸位点对。  相似文献   

以68种蕨类植物和2种石松类植物的rps12基因为对象,在系统发育背景下,结合最大似然法,使用Hy Phy和PAML软件对该基因进行进化速率和适应性进化研究。结果显示:位于IR区的外显子2~3,其替换率明显降低,rps12基因编码序列的替换率也随之降低,且rps12基因密码子第3位的GC含量明显升高;在蕨类植物的进化过程中,3'-rps12更倾向定位于IR区,以保持较低的替换率; rps12基因编码的123个氨基酸位点中,共检测到4个正选择位点和116个负选择位点。研究结果表明基因序列进入到IR区后,显示出降低的替换率;强烈的负选择压力表明RPS12蛋白的高度保守性以及rps12基因的功能和结构已经趋于稳定。  相似文献   

为探讨淡水红藻的叶绿体基因及其适应性进化特征,选取弯枝藻属(Compsopogon)及相近外类群的rbc L基因共17条,利用PAML 4.9软件,对弯枝藻属rbc L基因编码蛋白进行生物信息学分析,并分别采用分支模型、位点模型以及分支-位点模型对基因的选择位点进行检测。结果表明,弯枝藻属rbc L基因编码蛋白的二级结构主要由α螺旋和β折叠构成,结构稳定。采用最大似然法构建的系统发育树表明,内类群为单一物种,分为3个小分支,具有一定地理分布规律。在3种进化模型中均未检测到统计上显著的正选择位点,表明绝大多数位点处于负选择压力下。因此,弯枝藻属rbc L基因未发生适应性进化。  相似文献   

蕨类植物叶绿体rps4基因的适应性进化分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张丽君  陈洁  王艇 《植物研究》2010,30(1):42-50
在原核生物和植物叶绿体中,RPS4(ribosomal protein small subunit4)在核糖体30S小亚基形成起始过程中发挥重要作用;该蛋白在植物中由叶绿体rps4基因编码。为验证蕨类植物在白垩纪适应被子植物兴起而发生分化的观点,本文以23种蕨类植物为研究对象,利用分支模型、位点模型和分支位点模型对其叶绿体rps4基因进化适应性进行分析。分支模型检测到4个可能存在正选择的分支;位点模型和分支位点模型虽然没有检测出正选择位点,但是位点模型检测出了85个负选择位点。通过研究我们仅仅得出a、b两个代表水龙骨类的分支处于正选择压力下,这与水龙骨类在白垩纪发生辐射式演化的理论相一致。同时rps4基因处于强烈的负选择压力这一事实表明该基因的功能与结构已经趋于稳定。  相似文献   

凤尾蕨科旱生蕨类rbcL基因的适应性进化和共进化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
核酮糖-1,5-二磷酸羧化酶/加氧酶(Rubisco,EC是植物参与光合作用的关键酶,其大亚基由叶绿体rbcL基因编码。为深入理解凤尾蕨科植物对干旱生境的分子适应机制,本研究以53种凤尾蕨科旱生植物的rbcL基因为对象,展开适应性进化和共进化研究。采用位点间可变ω比值模型以及SLAC、REL和FEL等方法进行的适应性进化分析显示:在氨基酸水平上共有15个正选择位点(66S、84E、139L、235G、245I、252A、273Y、295K、296N、299M、307G、330E、349S、365F、404A),其中位点245I、252A和273Y对维持Rubisco功能起重要作用。共进化分析共鉴定出2组共进化位点,分别由139L、273Y、295K和273Y、295K、349S组成,这些氨基酸位点间的共进化方式与蛋白质的疏水性和分子量都显著相关。以上结果一方面支持基于ω比值检验DNA编码序列发生适应性进化的有效性,另一方面也提示凤尾蕨科植物对干旱生境的适应可能与rbcL基因的适应性进化有关。  相似文献   

ycf94基因是近年来在叶绿体基因组中新发现的一个基因,在蕨类植物中表现高度保守。该研究共选取94种蕨类植物,在系统发育背景下,对ycf94基因的结构特征、密码子偏好性、进化速率和适应性进化进行分析。结果表明, ycf94基因的密码子偏好性较弱,偏好使用以A/U结尾的密码子,且不同物种间的偏好性存在一定差异。密码子偏好性的形成主要受到突变压的影响,同时也存在其他因素的作用;基于凤尾蕨科和其他蕨类中ycf94基因的结构特征存在区别,对两者的分子替换速率进行了比较,表明颠换率、非同义替换率和ω值间存在显著差异;仅检测出1个正选择位点74A,强烈的负选择作用表明ycf94基因的结构和功能基本趋于稳定。这为蕨类系统发育分析提供了新依据,并提供了解析ycf94基因功能的线索。  相似文献   

The chloroplast psaA gene of the green unicellular alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii consists of three exons that are transcribed from different strands. Analysis of numerous nuclear and chloroplast mutants that are deficient in photosystem I activity reveals that roughly one-quarter of them are specifically affected in psaA mRNA maturation. These mutants can be grouped into three phenotypic classes, based on their inability to perform either one or both splicing reactions. The data indicate that the three exons are transcribed independently as precursors which are normally assembled in trans and that the splicing reactions can occur in either order. While some chloroplast mutations could act in cis, the nuclear mutations that fall into several complementation groups probably affect factors specifically required for assembling psaA mRNA.  相似文献   

It has now believed that chloroplasts arose from cyanobacteria,however,during endosymbiosis,the photosynthetic genes in chloroplasts have been reduced.How these changes occurred during plant evolution was the focus of the present study.Beginning with photosystem Ⅰ (PSI) genes,a homologous comparison of amino acid sequences of 18 subunits of PSI from 10 species of cyanobacteria,chloroplasts in 12 species of eucaryotic algae,and 28 species of plants (including bryophytes,pteridophytes,gymnospermae,dicotyledon and monocotyledon) was undertaken.The data showed that 18 genes of PSIcan be divided into two groups: Part Ⅰ including seven genes (psaA,psaB,psaC,psaI,psaJ,yct3 and ycf4) shared both by cyanobacteria and plant chloroplasts;Part Ⅱ containing another 11 genes (psaD,psaE,psaF,psaK,psaL,psaM,btpA,ycf37,psaG,psaH and psaN) appeared to have diversified in different plant groups.Among Part I genes,psaC,psaA and psaB had higher homology in all species of cyanobacteria and chloroplasts.Among Part II genes,only psaG,psaH and psaN emerged in seed plants.  相似文献   

During trans-splicing of discontinuous organellar introns, independently transcribed coding sequences are joined together to generate a continuous mRNA. The chloroplast psaA gene from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii encoding the P(700) core protein of photosystem I (PSI) is split into three exons and two group IIB introns, which are both spliced in trans. Using forward genetics, we isolated a novel PSI mutant, raa4, with a defect in trans-splicing of the first intron. Complementation analysis identified the affected gene encoding the 112.4 kDa Raa4 protein, which shares no strong sequence identity with other known proteins. The chloroplast localization of the protein was confirmed by confocal fluorescence microscopy, using a GFP-tagged Raa4 fusion protein. RNA-binding studies showed that Raa4 binds specifically to domains D2 and D3, but not to other conserved domains of the tripartite group II intron. Raa4 may play a role in stabilizing folding intermediates or functionally active structures of the split intron RNA.  相似文献   

Summary The genes encoding the two P700 chlorophyll a-apoproteins of the photosystem I complex were localized on the pea (Pisum sativum) chloroplast genome. The nucleotide sequence of the genes and the flanking regions has been determined. The genes are separated by 25 bp and are probably cotranscribed. The 5 terminal gene (psaA1) codes for a 761-residue protein (MW 84.1 kD) and the 3 terminal gene (psaA2) for a 734-residue protein (MW 82.4 kD). Both proteins are highly hydrophobic and contain eleven putative membrane-spanning domains. The homology to the corresponding polypeptides from maize are 89% and 95% for psaA1 and psaA2, respectively. A putative promoter has been identified for the psaA1 gene, and potential ribosome binding sites are present before both genes.  相似文献   

Certain Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mutants deficient in photosystem I due to defects in psaA mRNA maturation have been reported to be capable of CO2 fixation, H2 photoevolution, and photoautotrophic growth (Greenbaum, E., Lee, J. W., Tevault, C. V., Blankinship, S. L. , and Mets, L. J. (1995) Nature 376, 438-441 and Lee, J. W., Tevault, C. V., Owens, T. G.; Greenbaum, E. (1996) Science 273, 364-367). We have generated deletions of photosystem I core subunits in both wild type and these mutant strains and have analyzed their abilities to grow photoautotrophically, to fix CO2, and to photoevolve O2 or H2 (using mass spectrometry) as well as their photosystem I content (using immunological and spectroscopic analyses). We find no instance of a strain that can perform photosynthesis in the absence of photosystem I. The F8 strain harbored a small amount of photosystem I, and it could fix CO2 and grow slowly, but it lost these abilities after deletion of either psaA or psaC; these activities could be restored to the F8-psaADelta mutant by reintroduction of psaA. We observed limited O2 photoevolution in mutants lacking photosystem I; use of 18O2 indicated that this O2 evolution is coupled to O2 uptake (i.e. respiration) rather than CO2 fixation or H2 evolution. We conclude that the reported instances of CO2 fixation, H2 photoevolution, and photoautotrophic growth of photosystem I-deficient mutants result from the presence of unrecognized photosystem I.  相似文献   

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