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通过对照医院等级评审标准,阐述了评审标准对医院医学伦理学建设的相关要求,分析了医院伦理委员会建设中存在的问题,提出了推进医学伦理建设的建议。文章强调,推进伦理学教育,加强医德医风建设;严格伦理学督导,提高医疗科研水平;遵循伦理学原则,构建和谐的医患关系。  相似文献   

曹国英  邹和建  伍蓉 《生命科学》2012,(11):1237-1242
生命伦理学委员会是从伦理学角度审查人体试验研究,保护受试者权益的决策咨询组织。该委员会一般由来自法学、伦理学、医学、药学等领域的专家学者组成,其审查遵循的重要依据是世界医学会制订的《赫尔基辛宣言》。近年来,伦理委员会快速发展,但各伦理委员会审查质量参差不齐。因此,相关部门尚需加强对伦理委员会成员的培训,并加强对伦理委员会的监管,方能促进我国伦理委员会的良性发展。  相似文献   

胡晋红 《生命科学》2012,(11):1263-1269
我国药物临床试验的深入广泛开展,促进了药物临床试验伦理审查水平的提高,伦理审查能力建设也取得了长足进步。但我国药物临床试验伦理审查能力建设面临系统的评估标准及体系、持续性培训和信息化程度缺乏等问题。加强药物临床试验伦理审查能力建设是我国医药领域进一步推进的重要工作,也是继续探索研究的热点内容及医学伦理审查工作者的自身需求。  相似文献   

邹晓沨  涂娟  吴建元  秦俊  黄建英 《生物磁学》2013,(27):5377-5380
本文就国内涉及人的医学科研项目伦理审查现状进行了简要介绍,并结合武汉大学中南医院医学伦理委员会近年来伦理审查的工作实际,对涉及人的医学科研项目伦理审查中存在的共性问题进行了初步探讨,提出管理部门和伦理委员会应加强对研究人员伦理知识的宣传教育,加强科研项目伦理行为的过程监督,保护受试者权益,保证医学科研的健康发展。  相似文献   

胡林英 《生命科学》2012,(11):1225-1231
生命伦理学是20世纪60年代兴起于美国的一门新兴学科,旨在应对生命科学和生物技术的发展或医疗保健的演变使人类面临的种种伦理难题。生命伦理学的兴起有着特殊的社会历史背景。它在发展过程中出现的一些里程碑式的案例,对生命伦理学的发展产生了深远的影响。从其发展特征上看,生命伦理学和医学伦理学紧密联系,有着更为广泛的研究内容和独特的专业特性。生命伦理学要有效回应现代医学和生命科学的发展给人类带来的伦理难题,既要准确地界定伦理问题,又要以适当的方式将伦理学基础理论应用到具体问题当中。对生命伦理学的基本理论进行概述。  相似文献   

法医遗传学主要以人体生物检材为对象,通过检测遗传信息解决与法律相关的生物检材鉴识问题,为侦查提供线索,为审判提供证据,往往涉及到众多伦理问题。本文提出伦理学在法医遗传学研究和鉴定中的应用基本原则,并对检材/样本收集、法医DNA表型分析、法医遗传系谱学分析、法医DNA数据库建设和应用、亲子鉴定和亲缘鉴定、法医遗传学科研数据交流和共享等方面涉及的伦理问题进行了分析,提示法医遗传学从业人员在研究和鉴定中要充分考虑伦理问题,建议有关部门制定法医遗传学具体的伦理要求,建立伦理审查制度,加强从业人员伦理学培训。  相似文献   

陆雯娉  张勘 《生命科学》2012,(11):1258-1262
转化医学作为一门新兴学科,运用多学科交叉策略来推动医学发展,从临床实践中发现问题,将其凝练成科学问题进行基础医学研究,再将研究成果应用到疾病诊断、治疗和预防过程中,使其真正发挥作用,是一个从基础医学到临床应用的双向进程。转化医学已逐步融入各个学科,并在干细胞研究、生物标志物、细胞信号转导、药物及器具研发及个体化医学等各个领域发挥重要作用。随着转化医学研究深入,一些临床试验势必对人体存在一定伤害和潜在危险,存在各种伦理问题。虽说科学研究与伦理道德是一对相互冲击的矛盾,但两者在总体上又是一致的,共同决定着社会前进步伐。科研的重大进步必然会对伦理道德提出更高要求,而伦理道德的高标准又规范、引导、促进科学研究朝着正确方向迈进,两者相辅相成。鉴于伦理辩护对于转化医学研究强有力的支撑,建议在转化医学研究中能进一步完善伦理监管体系,发挥机构伦理委员会的功效,持续加大伦理培训的力度,强化研究人员的伦理道德修养,从而为转化医学的发展夯实人文基础。  相似文献   

吴家睿 《生命科学》2023,(5):557-560
<正>生命健康领域的研究事关人类福祉,“伦理先行”是生物医学研究的基本要求。早在1964年,第18届世界医学协会联合大会就通过了生物医学伦理的“基本法”——《赫尔辛基宣言》,明确规定“医学研究必须遵守的伦理标准是:促进和确保对人类受试者的尊重,并保护他们的健康和权利”。2016年,国际医学科学组织理事会(Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences, CIOMS)发布了《涉及人的健康相关研究的国际伦理准则》(简称“CIOMS伦理准则”),把伦理规范从医学研究扩大到涉及人的健康相关研究。  相似文献   

从机构建设和科学研究两个角度分析国内医院转化医学发展现状。机构建设方面,美国转化医学中心的依托单位多为大学,组织架构较完善。但国内的依托单位多为医院或临床中心,较为分散,多为自发成立,缺乏国家层面的规划部署,难以形成比较高效的转化医学研究体系。但机构建设的迅速发展带来了转化研究成果的增多。国内转化医学研究多为从基础医学的角度探索疾病的致病机制和干预措施,如将实验室技术、细胞生物学、生物化学与分子生物学、药理学、应用生物技术等和临床问题的整合,特别是肿瘤、心血管病、内分泌与代谢病、消化系与腹部疾病等临床领域的转化研究受到了国内较多的关注。最后提出国内医院转化医学发展的策略和建议。  相似文献   

医学研究的可持续发展离不开学科的交叉与融合、基础与临床的紧密结合、资源与信息的充分共享。北京大学人民医院适应医学发展的趋势,针对医学研究发展中的问题与现状,构建了实验室技术共享平台、临床医学研究三联体以及转化医学合作平台,为医学研究的发展提供全面的支撑平台。  相似文献   

The growing potential of biomedical technologies has increasingly been associated with discussions surrounding the ethical aspects of the new technologies in different societies. Advances in genetics, stem cell research and organ transplantation are some of the medical issues that have raised important ethical and social issues. Special attention has been paid towards moral ethics in Islam and medical and religious professions in Iran have voiced the requirement for an emphasis on ethics. In the last decade, great strides have been made in biomedical ethics, especially in the field of education, research and legislation. In this article, contemporary medical ethics in Iran, and the related moral philosophy, have been reviewed in brief and we have discussed some of the activities in the field of medical ethics that have been carried out in our country within recent years. These activities have included the establishment of the National and Regional Committees for Medical Research Ethics and the production of national codes of ethics in biomedical research in the 1990s and the introduction of a comprehensive strategic plan for medical ethics at the national level in 2002. This paper will discuss these issues, along with the production, in 2005, of the Specific National Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research.  相似文献   

As a result of increased interest in global health, more and more medical students and trainees from the 'developed world' are working and studying in the 'developing world'. However, while opportunities to do this important work increase, there has been insufficient development of ethical guidelines for students. It is often assumed that ethics training in developed world situations is applicable to health experiences globally. However, fundamental differences in both clinical and research settings necessitate an alternative paradigm of analysis. This article is intended for teachers who are responsible for preparing students prior to such experiences. A review of major ethical issues is presented, how they pertain to students, and a framework is outlined to help guide students in their work.  相似文献   

At the beginning of the twentieth century, health research in the Sudan developed primarily as a function of the colonial British administration. Ethical issues in the medical profession in the Sudan are governed by the Sudan Medical Council. To address these issues, the Sudan Medical Council issued Medico-legal and Ethical Guidelines in 1967. This important document has focused principally on ethical issues arising in clinical medicine. Throughout the history of health research in Sudan it is very difficult to find any reference to research ethics. Nevertheless, there have been a few attempts to articulate ethics in health research. In 1979, Sudan witnessed the establishment of the first ethical review committee, which was established by the initiative of a group of doctors and scientists from the national health research laboratory. This committee got neither political nor institutional recognition. Therefore, it was not developed and came to an end shortly after its inception. Yet, in 2000 the FMOH established an ethical review committee (ERC). The functions of this committee were to review proposals of health research to be carried out in the country for ethical issues irrespective to the funding agents. Unfortunately, the committee devoted all the jobs in reviewing only externally-sponsored health research and research carried out by expatriate researchers or international organisations.  相似文献   

The ethical review process is an important component of contemporary health research worldwide. Sudan started an ethical review process rather late in comparison with other countries. In this study, we evaluate the structure and functions of existing ethics review committees. We also explore the knowledge and attitudes of Sudanese researchers toward the ethical review process and their experience with existing ethics review committees. There are four ethics review committees in the country; these committees have no institutional regulations to govern their functions. Furthermore, Sudan also lacks national guidelines. Ethical reviews are carried out primarily for studies seeking international funding and are almost always governed by the funding agencies' requirements. Nearly half of respondents (46.3%) knew about the existence of research ethics committees in Sudan. Researchers reported a variety of experiences with the ethical review process; most of them were unable to define 'ethics committee'.  相似文献   

丘祥兴  沈铭贤  胡庆澧 《生命科学》2012,(11):1308-1317
干细胞具有"分化"和"脱分化"的特点和潜能,干细胞研究有着良好的医学前景,许多人类严重疾病的治疗有了新的希望。伴随着干细胞研究的开展和深入,出现了诸多伦理问题的争论。拟就干细胞研究的希望和现实、伦理争论的主要观点及干细胞研究伦理准则的构建,作一简要介绍,并就加强干细胞管理提出建议。  相似文献   

Developing countries face numerous barriers to conducting effective and efficient ethics reviews of international collaborative research. In addition to potentially overlooking important scientific and ethical considerations, inadequate or insufficiently trained ethics committees may insist on unwarranted changes to protocols that can impair a study's scientific or ethical validity. Moreover, poorly functioning review systems can impose substantial delays on the commencement of research, which needlessly undermine the development of new interventions for urgent medical needs. In response to these concerns, the Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative (DNDi), an independent nonprofit organization founded by a coalition of public sector and international organizations, developed a mechanism to facilitate more effective and efficient host country ethics review for a study of the use of fexinidazole for the treatment of late stage African Trypanosomiasis (HAT). The project involved the implementation of a novel ‘pre‐review’ process of ethical oversight, conducted by an ad hoc committee of ethics committee representatives from African and European countries, in collaboration with internationally recognized scientific experts. This article examines the process and outcomes of this collaborative process.  相似文献   

This article considers the process of ethical review of research on human subjects at a very large multinational consumer products company. The commercial context of this research throws up unique challenges and opportunities that make the ethics of the process of oversight distinct from mainstream medical research. Reflection on the justification of governance processes sheds important, contrasting light on the ethics of governance of other forms and context of research.  相似文献   

Obtaining ‘informed consent’ from every individual participant involved in health research is a mandatory ethical practice. Informed consent is a process whereby potential participants are genuinely informed about their role, risk and rights before they are enrolled in the study. Thus, ethics committees in most countries require ‘informed consent form’ as part of an ethics application which is reviewed before granting research ethics approval. Despite a significant increase in health research activity in low‐and middle‐income countries (LMICs) in recent years, only limited work has been done to address ethical concerns. Most ethics committees in LMICs lack the authority and/or the capacity to monitor research in the field. This is important since not all research, particularly in LMICs region, complies with ethical principles, sometimes this is inadvertently or due to a lack of awareness of their importance in assuring proper research governance. With several examples from Nepal, this paper reflects on the steps required to obtain informed consents and highlights some of the major challenges and barriers to seeking informed consent from research participants. At the end of this paper, we also offer some recommendations around how can we can promote and implement optimal informed consent taking process. We believe that paper is useful for researchers and members of ethical review boards in highlighting key issues around informed consent.  相似文献   

Recently, training programs in research ethics have been established to enhance individual and institutional capacity in research ethics in the developing world. However, commentators have expressed concern that the efforts of these training programs have placed ‘too great an emphasis on guidelines and research ethics review’, which will have limited effect on ensuring ethical conduct in research. What is needed instead is a culture of ethical conduct supported by national and institutional commitment to ethical practices that are reinforced by upstream enabling conditions (strong civil society, public accountability, and trust in basic transactional processes), which are in turn influenced by developmental conditions (basic freedoms of political freedoms, economic facilities, social opportunities, transparency guarantees, and protective security). Examining this more inclusive understanding of the determinants of ethical conduct enhances at once both an appreciation of the limitations of current efforts of training programs in research ethics and an understanding of what additional training elements are needed to enable trainees to facilitate national and institutional policy changes that enhance research practices. We apply this developmental model to a training program focused in Egypt to describe examples of such additional training activities.  相似文献   

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