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从我国滇池分离、培养获得2株超微真核藻, 对其进行形态学、细胞超微结构和18S rRNA基因序列分析。结果表明: 藻株在细胞形态、结构和繁殖方式具麦可属(Mychonastes Simpson Van Valkenburg)特征, 细胞壁2层, 外层细胞壁表面具不规则肋网和典型的暗-明-暗结构; 具备一套简单的细胞器, 包括细胞核、不具蛋白核的叶绿体和线粒体各1个, 叶绿体周生、杯状, 占据细胞大部分体积; 以似亲孢子方式繁殖。结合18S rRNA序列分析, 将其归为麦可属, 属于绿藻纲、绿藻门, 是该属在我国淡水湖泊的首次描述。    相似文献   

从南京产白乳胶样品中分离和培养得到1株藻种,编号为FACHB-2245,对其进行形态观察和SSU基因序列分析。结果显示,该藻株为单细胞,球状至椭球状,细胞壁平滑。细胞具有1个大液泡、1个红色球体和1个透明晶状结构以及许多折光颗粒。叶绿体周生,1至多个,具膨大的蛋白核。结合形态和分子系统发育分析,确定这株藻种为真眼点藻纲的具晶泡绿藻(Vacuoliviride crystalliferum Nakayama,Nakamura,Yokoyama,Shiratori,InouyeIshida)。该属种在我国是首次报道,生活于白乳胶这一特殊生境。基于SSU序列的系统发育研究表明,具晶泡绿藻藻株与真眼点藻纲中的角绿藻属(Goniochloris Geitler)、粗盘藻属(Trachydiscus Ettl)和假十字趾藻属(Pseudostaurastrum Chodat)的亲缘关系密切,位于这些类群的基部。  相似文献   

高、低氮浓度对2株真眼点藻的生长和油脂积累的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】研究氮浓度对真眼点藻纲(Eustigmatophyceae)的2株高产油微藻大真眼点藻(Eustigmatos magnus,EM)和波氏真眼点藻(Eustigmatos polyphem,EP)的细胞形态、生长、总脂含量、脂质组成和脂肪酸组成与含量的时序变化规律。【方法】利用高氮(18.0 mmol/L NO3?-N)和低氮(3.6 mmol/L NO3?-N)浓度培养微藻。【结果】形态观察结果表明,大真眼点藻(E. magnus)和波氏真眼点藻(E. polyphem)营养细胞具有1个周生的裂叶状叶绿体,细胞质中有液泡,内含能够振动的颗粒物,以及一个较为明显的红色色素体;生殖方式通过形成2个D形或4个四角形的似亲孢子;随着培养周期的延伸和营养盐的消耗,细胞中油体逐步形成,其数量不断增加,体积不断增大。实验结果表明,初始氮浓度对2种微藻的总脂积累及生长均有显著影响(P<0.05),低氮浓度下2种微藻的生物质浓度分别为9.0 g/L和8.5 g/L,均低于高氮浓度下的生物质浓度。而低氮浓度下2种微藻的总脂、中性脂和总脂肪酸的含量以及总脂、中性脂与总脂肪酸的单位体积产率均明显高于高氮浓度组,其最高值分别为:59.10%、51.90%、46.95%和0.28、0.24、0.22 g/(L·d) (EM);64.20%、56.80%、50.01%和0.32、0.28、0.25 g/(L·d) (EP)。脂肪酸分析结果表明,两种微藻的脂肪酸主要成分均为棕榈酸(C16:0)、棕榈油酸(C16:1)、油酸(C18:1)和二十碳五烯酸(C20:5,EPA),四者的总含量(占总脂肪酸)分别达到85.83%和85.48%,其中棕榈油酸的含量最高。【结论】低氮浓度胁迫有利于大真眼点藻和波氏真眼点藻细胞内油脂的积累,两种微藻均为适合于生产生物柴油的油脂生产藻株。  相似文献   

盐藻的生物学特性与开发利用   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
盐藻即杜氏藻(Dunaliela),是绿藻门团藻目多睫毛藻科的一个属,包含约30个种,其中最有代表性和应用最广的是盐生杜氏藻(D.Salina)。盐藻为单细胞藻类,外包一层薄胶鞘,无细胞壁。个体呈梨形、卵形或椭圆形,具2条等长鞭毛,可自由游动。藻体内...  相似文献   

该研究基于叶绿体16S rRNA基因序列,构建绿色裸藻类的系统发育树,并对绿色裸藻类植物8个形态性状进行祖先重建分析,以明确绿色裸藻类植物的系统演化关系,为研究该类植物的起源提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)贝叶斯法构建的绿色裸藻类系统发育树显示,双鞭藻属与拟双鞭藻属互为姐妹群,扁裸藻属、鳞孔藻属和盘裸藻属亲缘关系较近,而囊裸藻属和陀螺藻属亲缘关系较近,裸藻属、隐裸藻属、柄裸藻属和旋形藻属亲缘关系较近,表明裸藻属不是一个单系类群。(2)基于形态性状的祖先重建结果显示,绿色裸藻类相对原始的7个性状包括:表质柔软易变形,出现螺旋形线纹,细胞后端渐尖或尖尾刺状,无囊壳,叶绿体为片状、盾状或大盘状,具无鞘蛋白核,副淀粉粒为小颗粒状且数量不定,而鞭毛长度不能推断可能的祖先状态。(3)综合8种性状祖先重建结果发现,裸藻属和眼裸藻属植物具有所有原始性状,可能是最先出现的绿色裸藻类的祖先。  相似文献   

济南春季常见的几种隐藻   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
春暖花开,大地复苏.随着气温的回升,济南各水体中就开始出现浮游藻类.在有鞭毛的藻类中,隐藻体形较小,但区分特征明显,易于辨认.有关文献记载,啮蚀隐藻为较好的污水指示种,主要分布于污染比较严重或者中等严重的水体中,所以对此类藻类的确认有一定的环境生物学意义. 隐藻类植物虽然较常见于一般水体,但由于其在系统分类的教科书上极少被提及,所以常不被理科教学所重视.该类植物隶属于甲藻门的隐藻纲,也有另立为隐藻门的.常见种类多是该纲的隐鞭藻目的隐藻属和色胞藻属.隐  相似文献   

为了确定不同初始氮供应水平对产油微藻魏氏真眼点藻(Eustigmatos vischeri)生长、形态和油脂积累的影响, 本研究通过在改良的BG-11培养基中设置4种不同的初始硝酸钠浓度(17.6、11.7、5.9和3.0 mmol/L)对魏氏真眼点藻(E. vischeri)进行培养。观察结果表明, 魏氏真眼点藻(E. vischeri)的营养细胞为一具裂叶状叶绿体、细胞质中有一红色素体和许多振动颗粒及光滑细胞壁的球形单细胞; 细胞繁殖方式主要是形成二分裂和四分裂的似亲孢子。在低氮条件下, 随着培养时间的延长, 细胞内油体逐步形成, 至培养末期占据细胞的大部分空间, 同时培养物的颜色也由绿色向黄绿色转变, 最终呈橙黄色。实验结果表明, 魏氏真眼点藻(E. vischeri)生物质浓度在17.6 mmol/L组获得最大值为9.14 g/L; 总脂、中性脂和总脂肪酸三者占干重的含量随着初始硝酸钠浓度的降低而升高, 在3.0 mmol/L组获得最高值, 分别为60.81%、56.59%和53.47%; 三者的单位体积产率均在5.9 mmol/L组获得最高值, 分别为0.24、0.21和0.20 g/(Ld); 主要脂肪酸组成为棕榈酸(C16:0)、棕榈油酸(C16:1)、油酸(C18:1)和二十碳五烯酸(C20:53, EPA), 其中棕榈油酸的含量最高。上述研究表明, 魏氏真眼点藻(E. vischeri)是一株适合于生产生物柴油和长链不饱和脂肪酸EPA的高产油微藻。    相似文献   

以真眼点藻纲8株微藻(类波氏真眼点藻(Eustigmatos cf. polyphem)、大真眼点藻(Eustigmatos magnus)、波氏真眼点藻(Eustigmatos polyphem)、魏氏真眼点藻(Eustigmatos vischeri)、斧形魏氏藻(Vischeria helvetica)、点状魏氏藻(Vischeria punctata)、星形魏氏藻(Vischeria stellata)和眼点拟微绿球藻(Nan-nochloropsis oculata))为研究材料, 用3种氮源(硝酸钠、碳酸氢铵或尿素)和4种氮浓度(18、9、6和3 mmol) 在改良的BG-11培养基中对藻细胞进行培养。比较分析这8株微藻在不同培养条件下的藻液pH、生物量、油脂含量、脂肪酸组成的差异, 从而筛选出适合该类微藻生长和油脂积累的最适氮源与最佳氮浓度。结果表明, 这8株微藻均能在3种氮源中生长, 但是随着培养时间延长, 以碳酸氢铵和尿素为氮源时藻液pH逐渐降低, 其变化范围为5.0—6.0, 而以硝酸钠为氮源时藻液pH保持在7.0—8.0, 变化不大。当以尿素为氮源培养时, 能获得较高的生物量, 但是不同藻株在不同尿素浓度时达到最高生物量。最高生物量是波氏真眼点藻(E. polyphem)在9 mmol时达到, 为10.96 g/L。总脂含量分析发现, 在低氮浓度下均能促进8株微藻油脂的积累, 真眼点藻属中的魏氏真眼点藻(E. vischeri)在8株藻中获得最高油脂含量, 达到59.24%。进一步对脂肪酸分析发现, 8株微藻总脂肪酸含量为细胞干重的50%—58%, 主要脂肪酸组成为豆蔻酸(C14鲶0)、棕榈酸(C16鲶0)、棕榈油酸(C16鲶1)、油酸(C18鲶1)和二十碳五烯酸(C20鲶5), 其中拟微绿球藻(N. oculata)细胞中棕榈酸的含量最高占总脂肪酸50%左右; 其他7株微藻细胞中棕榈油酸的含量较高, 其占总脂肪酸含量范围在40%—60%。8株微藻均表现出较高的生物量与油脂积累能力, 以尿素为氮源, 氮浓度为6 mmol时更有利于该类微藻生物量和油脂的积累。总体来说, 真眼点藻纲的微藻是一类极具潜力适合于微藻生物燃料生产的微藻, 而真眼点藻属藻株表现更为明显的优势。  相似文献   

夜光藻(Noctilucascientillans),属于甲藻门、夜光藻科、夜光藻属(动物学中也将它归入原生动物门、鞭毛虫纲、腰鞭毛虫目,称为夜光虫)。单细胞,球形或肾形,直径可达0.15~3mm。有眼点,没有细胞壁,它的腹面有1条纵沟,也称口沟。沟内有1条退化的鞭毛。沟的一端有口,在口旁有1条具有摄食功能的粗大触手。细胞质在细胞中央聚集成一团,并向四周成很多细条状散出。细胞核位于中央的一团细胞质中。不含叶绿素,不能进行光合作用,为动物性的异养生活,以捕获硅藻和桡足类等浮游植物和浮游动物为食物。夜光藻具有很强的发光能力,为海洋中最普遍、最常见…  相似文献   

藻类植物种类繁多,分布甚广,它们都具有光合色素,是能利用光能把无机物合成有机物的自养植物。在多数藻类植物门中(蓝藻门、红藻门除外),其营养细胞或生殖细胞是具有鞭毛的单细胞原始类型,在植物界中是很大的一群低等植物。从鞭毛存在的时间上看,有的藻类在营养时期存在鞭毛,有的则在生殖时间存在鞭毛。在营养时期具有鞭毛的藻类有单细胞的,也有群体的。单细胞的有衣藻、扁藻、裸藻、甲藻、隐  相似文献   

The Pinguiophyceae class. nov., a new class of photo‐synthetic stramenopiles (chromophytes), is described. The class includes five monotypic genera, Glossomastix, Phaeomonas, Pinguiochrysis (type genus), Pinguio‐coccus and Polypodochrysis. These algae have an unusually high percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially 20:5 (n‐3)(EPA, eicosapentaenoic acid). These fatty acids are the basis for choosing the Latin noun ‘Pingue’ (= fat, grease) as the root for the class name. Analyses of nuclear‐encoded 18S rRNA and chloroplast‐encoded rbcL gene sequence data showed that these algae formed a monophyletic group that could not be placed in any other class. Morphologically, the species are all single‐celled microalgae from picoplanktonic size to over 40 urn in length. Each cell has one (or two) typical chloroplast(s) with a girdle lamella and a surrounding chloroplast endoplasmic reticulum. Pyrenoids occur within the chloroplast, varying from embedded to stalked, and membranes penetrate into the pyrenoid in all five genera. Phaeomonas has motile cells with two flagella, and the forward‐directed flagellum bears mastigonemes (tripartite flagellar hairs). Two other genera (Glossomastix, Polypodochrysis) produce zoospores that possess only one smooth flagellum (no mastigonemes), and this flagellum apparently is the mature flagellum, a feature previously unknown in the photosynthetic stramenopiles. The major carotenoid pigments in the pinguiophytes are fucoxanthin, violaxanthin, zeaxanthin and P‐carotene, as well as chlorophyll a and chlorophyll c‐related pigment(s). These features support recognition of the Pinguiophyceae class. nov. as a unique group of algae.  相似文献   

The traditional order Mischococcales (Xanthophyceae) is polyphyletic with some original members now classified in a separate class, Eustigmatophyceae. However, most mischococcalean species have not yet been studied in detail, raising the possibility that many of them still remain misplaced. We established an algal culture (strain CCALA 838) determined as one such species, Trachydiscus minutus (Bourr.) H. Ettl, and studied the morphology, ultrastructure, life cycle, pigment composition, and phylogeny using the 18S rRNA gene. We discovered a zoosporic part of the life cycle of this alga. Zoospore production was induced by darkness, suppressed by light, and was temperature dependent. The zoospores possessed one flagellum covered with mastigonemes and exhibited a basal swelling, but a stigma was missing. Ultrastructural investigations of vegetative cells revealed plastids lacking both a connection to the nuclear envelope and a girdle lamella. Moreover, we described biogenesis of oil bodies on the ultrastructural level. Photosynthetic pigments of T. minutus included as the major carotenoids violaxanthin and vaucheriaxanthin (ester); we detected no chl c. An 18S rRNA gene‐based phylogenetic analysis placed T. minutus in a clade with species of the genus Pseudostaurastrum and with Goniochloris sculpta Geitler, which form a sister branch to initially studied Eustigmatophyceae. In summary, our results are inconsistent with classifying T. minutus as a xanthophycean and indicate that it is a member of a novel deep lineage of the class Eustigmatophyceae.  相似文献   

The green amoeboid cells of Chlorarachnion reptans Geitler are completely naked and each contains a central nucleus, several bilobed chloroplasts each with a central projecting pyrenoid enveloped by a capping vesicle, several Golgi bodies, mitochondria with tubular cristae, extensive rough ER, and a distinct layer of peripheral vesicles. Complex extrusome-like organelles occur rarely in both the amoeboid and flagellate stages. The only organelles entering the reticulopodia are mitochondria, but microtubules are also present. The chloroplasts contain chlorophylls a and b, but histochemical tests suggest that the carbohydrate storage product probably is not a starch. The chloroplast lamellae are composed of one to three thylakoids or form deep stacks. A girdle lamella and interlamellar partitions are absent. Each chloroplast is bounded by either four separate membranes, a pair of membranes with vesicular profiles between them, or three membranes; all three arrangements may occur in the same chloroplast. A periplastidal compartment occurs near the base of the pyrenoid where there are always four surrounding membranes. The compartment has a relatively dense matrix and contains ribosome-like particles and small dense spheres; it extends over and into a deep invagination in the pyrenoid where its contents are enclosed in a double-membraned envelope which is penetrated by wide pores. The zoospores are ovoid and each bears a single laterally inserted flagellum which appears to be wrapped helically around the cell body during swimming. The flagellum lies in a groove in the cell surface and bears fine lateral hairs. Neither a second flagellum or vestige of one, nor an eyespot, is present. A single microtubular root and a larger homogeneous root run from the flagellar base parallel to the emerging flagellum, between the nuclear envelope and the plasmalemma. In the simple flagellar transition region, fine filaments connect adjacent axonemal doublets. A detailed comparison of C. reptans with all other algal taxa results in the conclusion that it must be segregated in the new class Chlorarachniophyceae, the only class in the new division Chlorarachniophyta. The possibility that C. reptans evolved from a symbiosis between a colorless amoeboid cell and a chlorophyll b- containing eukaryote is considered, but the possible affinities of the symbiont remain enigmatic. The implications of the unique chloroplast structure of C. reptans for current hypotheses concerning the origin of chloroplasts are discussed.  相似文献   

The phycobiont ofCatolechia wahlenbergii belongs to a new genus of theChlorococcales. It has mostly ellipsoidal, more rarely spherical cells with one bilobate through-shaped chloroplast and in general alveolar cytoplasm. Reproduction occurs by 2 or 4 autospores as well as by 16 or 32 motionless, small rodlike spores, which are formed and released in the same way as zoospores. They are aplanospores, and their formation apparently is fixed genetically, and not modificatorily, as in other species.

Subcultures of SAG 211–9b and 1AM C-211, ultimately derived from CCAP 211/9b, a strain isolated by Pringsheim in 1939 and identified as Chlorella sac-charophila (Kruger) Migula were observed using light and electron microscopy. Their morphology proved to be basically identical. Both have two forms of cells, one (E-form) narrowly to broadly ellipsoidal, the other (S-form) ovoid to spheroidal. The cell wall of both forms is composed of a single smooth layer. The chloroplast of young cells is trough-like or saucer-shaped with a smooth margin, while that of mature cells is band- or cup-shaped with deep incisions. The thylakoid lamellae are loosely stacked and neither form has a pyrenoid. Both types of cells are capable of producing autospores: eight to 16 in E-form cells, two to four in S-form cells. These morphological features are different from those of C. saccharophila, which has a pyrenoid and produces only one form of autospores. In the absence of any existing genus that includes Chlorella-like algae with a simple cell wall, no pyrenoid, and two forms of mature cells and autospores, a new genus, Watanabea, is proposed with the type species W. reniformis.  相似文献   

Summary Ultrastructure of the zoospores ofVischeria stellata (R. Chodat ex Poulton) Pascher is investigated, with particular reference to the system of flagellar roots. Microtubular roots and a rhizoplast are present and a model showing their distribution is proposed. Four microtubular roots attach to the basal bodies in a system basically similar to that displayed by the heterokont algae and fungi. The rhizoplast is also similar to that of other heterokont algae. We conclude from these observations that the class Eustigmatophyceae should be placed within the division Heterokontophyta.Abbreviations C chloroplast - B basal body of the emergent flagellum - B' second basal body - E eyespot - F emergent flagellum - FS flagellar swelling - LV lamellate vesicle - M mastigonemes - MTs microtubules - N nucleus - R 1–R 4 microtubular roots - Rh rhizoplast - SB striated band - SV spiral vesicle  相似文献   

In the genusTrebouxia (incl.Pseudotrebouxia) two sorts of nonmotile reproductive cells exist: autospores and aplanospores. In subg.Trebouxia small mother cells give rise to 4, 8, or 16 autospores, while comparatively large mother cells develop into zoosporangia or, if the release of zoospores is arrested, into aplanosporangia. Both zoo- and aplanosporangia contain (32) 64 or 128 daughter cells. The transformation of trophic cells into zoo-/ aplanosporangia starts with the formation of a local thickening of the cell wall that marks the prospective opening, and (in most species) with the disappearance of the pyrenoids; sooner or later strong starch deposition can be observed. In subg.Eleutherococcus autospores do not occur; zoo- and aplanosporangia are formed essentially in the same way as in subg.Trebouxia. Differences occur between the form and position of chloroplasts during successive divisions: flattened and parietal in subg.Eleutherococcus, not flattened and ± central in subg.Trebouxia. InEleutherococcus, besides large cells also relatively small cells may produce zoo- or aplanospores.—Dictyosomes could be observed in the living state in representatives of subg.Eleutherococcus under optimal conditions. In trophic cells they are arranged in a group surrounding a hyaline area at the side of the nucleus. In young uninuclear sporangia they are positioned between the nucleus and the local thickening of the cell wall. In somewhat older sporangia they occupy mainly those parts of the nuclear surface which is turned towards the cytoplasmatic cleavage furrow. In subg.Trebouxia dictyosomes could not be observed by light-microscopy. In several species the chloroplast lobation (observed under optimal conditions) differs from that described in the literature.Dedicated to Prof. DrLothar Geitler on the occasion of his 90th birthday, together with cordial thanks for initial scientific guidance and fifty years of stimulation and encouragement.  相似文献   

The galactolipid, phospholipid, and fatty acid composition of chloroplast envelope membrane fractions isolated from leaves of Vicia faba L. has been determined. The major lipids in this fraction are: monogalactosyldiglyceride, 29%; digalactosyldiglyceride, 32%; phosphatidylcholine, 30%; and phosphatidylglycerol 9%. The lipid composition of the chloroplast envelope membranes is qualitatively similar to that of the lamellar membranes isolated from the same plastids, but the proportion of each lipid present is very different. The total galactolipid to total phospholipid ratio was 1.6: 1 in the envelope and 11.1: 1 in the lamellae. The monogalactosyldiglyceride-digalactosyl-diglyceride ratio was 0.9: 1 in the envelope and 2.4: 1 in the lamellae. Both membranes lack phosphatidylethanolamine.  相似文献   

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