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该实验通过普通光学显微镜、透射电子显微镜和扫描电子显微镜的方法,研究不同盐度条件下(盐度0、10、20、27、35)广盐性海水鱼类遮目鱼(Chanos chanos)幼鱼鳃器官结构和鳃上线粒体丰富细胞分布及结构的变化。鳃线粒体丰富细胞呈椭圆形或卵圆形,内含有大量线粒体,细胞核较大。在不同盐度条件下,遮目鱼幼鱼出现两种鳃线粒体丰富细胞:一种是具有顶端小窝、线粒体体积较大的A型线粒体丰富细胞;另一种是单独存在、线粒体体积较小的B型线粒体丰富细胞。随着盐度降低,A型线粒体丰富细胞及其线粒体数量减少、体积减小,电子密度降低,顶端开口变小甚至关闭。盐度降至淡水条件下,鳃小片肿胀、脱落,鳃小片上增生出具有大面积平滑或波状的顶端开口的B型线粒体丰富细胞。结果表明,在高渗环境下,A型线粒体丰富细胞较为丰富和发达,其结构特征适应了离子分泌的功能,为海水型线粒体丰富细胞;在低渗环境下,B型线粒体丰富细胞较为丰富,其结构特征适应了离子吸收的功能,为淡水型线粒体丰富细胞。不同结构类型鳃线粒体丰富细胞的存在使得广盐性海水鱼类可以适应较广的盐度范围变化。  相似文献   

研究了环境盐度急性胁迫对鲻鱼幼鱼(Mugil cephalus)鳃丝Na+/K+-ATPase(NKA)活性及体内含水量的影响.结果表明,将幼鱼从S33(盐度33)的对照组中直接转移至S0(盐度0)、S10(盐度10)、S20(盐度20)、S33和S40(盐度40)的水体中,随盐度降低各盐度处理的死亡率迅速升高.各处理...  相似文献   

鲻鱼寄生蠕虫种群和群落组成分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从1018尾鲻鱼(Mugil cephalus L.)体内获得各类寄生蠕虫9种,共2133个虫体,其中复殖吸虫8种,棘头虫1种。寄生蠕虫总的感染率为24.4%,感染强度1-81,平均感染强度为8.8,平均密度为2.3。鲻长尾吸虫(Elonginus mugilus)和双睾原单脏吸虫(Prohaplanchnus diorchis)的感染率随着宿主体长增加而下降,而楔形单脏吸虫(Haplosplanchnus cuneatus)、长形单脏吸虫(H.elongatus)、浦里单脏吸虫(H.purii)、惠东拟囊腔吸虫(Saccocoelioides huidongensis)、粤东纵睾吸虫(Tandemorchis yuedongensis)、单睾椭宝贵虫(Elliptobursa singlorchis)和圆颚针鱼新棘吻虫(Neoechinorhynchus tylosuri)的感染率与宿主体长相关不显著(P>0.05)。研究结果还表明,楔形单脏吸虫、长表单脏吸虫、惠东拟囊腔吸虫和浦里单脏吸虫的感染强度则随着宿主体长增加而增大,其余5种寄生蠕虫的感染强度与宿主体长相关性不显著(P>0.05),鲻鱼寄生蠕虫在不同月的感染率和种群数量差异,除10月与11月及8月与9月不明显外(P>0.05),其余月份之间的差异显著(P<0.01)。根据感染率和种群密度变化分析,优势种为惠东拟囊腔虫;通过模糊聚类分析,将鲻鱼体内寄生蠕虫组分群落分为3个亚群,宿主体长小于70mm的寄生蠕虫亚组分群落的平均种数、优势度、感染指数、多蠕虫组分群落分为3个亚群,宿主体长小于70mm的寄生蠕虫亚组分群落的平均种数、优势度、感染指数、多样性指标、平均密度和感染强度相对较低;体长于70mm的亚组分群落下值则随体长增加而上升,而平均种数减少。  相似文献   

研究采用组织学方法观察和比较了达里诺尔湖瓦氏雅罗鱼(Leuciscus waleckii, 碱水种)和松花江瓦氏雅罗鱼(淡水种)在相同碳酸盐碱度胁迫下(CA0、CA30和CA50)鳃组织结构的差异, 探究瓦氏雅罗鱼碱水种耐高碱特性与鳃组织结构微观调整的适应性关系。结果显示, 随着碱度增加, 碱水种鳃丝变宽、鳃小片变长、鳃小片间距变大(P<0.05); 淡水种鳃丝变宽、鳃小片间距变大(P<0.05), 鳃小片长度在CA30时显著变长(P<0.05), 而在CA50时与对照组无明显差异(P>0.05)。碱水种在CA30和CA50的氯细胞数量与对照组相比明显增加, CA50的氯细胞排列更加紧密并且有叠加现象, 扁平上皮细胞变大, 细胞表面增厚; 淡水种在CA30时的氯细胞数量明显多于CA50, 但在碱度胁迫下, 鳃小片出现破损, 扁平上皮细胞、柱细胞和血细胞融合、脱落现象严重。另外, 在碱水种和淡水种鳃耙上皮细胞中发现了大量黏液细胞分泌, 随着碱度增加, 黏液细胞由大而稀疏变为小而密集, 其中碱水种的黏液细胞数量较淡水种多, 而且排列更为整齐、密集。鳃组织学研究结果表明, 瓦氏雅罗鱼碱水种通过保持鳃组织结构和生理功能的完整性达到对高碱环境的长期适应, 而淡水种则因鳃细胞融合、脱落造成生理功能丧失, 不能长期适应高碱环境。研究结果可为淡水鱼类在盐碱水的移植驯化提供依据和指导。  相似文献   

用链霉亲合素 生物素 过氧化物酶复合物 (StreptAvidin Biotin peroxidaseComplex ,SABC)免疫细胞化学方法和兔抗人神经肽Y与兔抗人 β 内啡肽抗体对鲻鱼肠道不同部位的内分泌细胞进行鉴别和定位研究。结果显示 ,这两种神经肽的免疫活性内分泌细胞不同程度地分布在鲻鱼前肠前段和后段、中肠和后肠。神经肽Y免疫活性细胞的形态多样 ,大多数属开放型细胞 ,具有胞质突起 ,少数为封闭型细胞 ,阳性细胞一般出现在肠褶的中部和近端部。β 内啡肽免疫活性细胞则几乎为封闭型细胞 ,且定位在肠褶基部。神经肽Y主要分布在前肠前段和后段 ,分布密度分别为 18.7个细胞 mm2 和 2 6 .3个细胞 mm2 ,而在中肠和后肠仅少量分布 ( <5 .5个细胞 mm2 )。β 内啡肽的分布密度在后肠最高 ,达 31.5个细胞 mm2 ,其次从前肠前段至中肠顺序递减。还讨论了这两种神经肽在鲻鱼肠道中的生理作用  相似文献   

实验用鱼为全长35.5~40.0 cm的野生鲻(Mugil cephalus),采用石蜡切片以及透射电镜技术对鲻的嗅囊以及嗅板细胞进行观察。结果表明:鲻的嗅觉器官由左右两个呈扁平椭球形嗅囊构成,分别由前后两个鼻孔与外界相通。嗅囊长径与眼径之比为0.80,长径与短径之比为2.09。嗅囊的嗅轴左右两边分别有垂直于嗅轴并向上倾斜排列整齐的18~25个披针形嗅板,只有初级嗅板未见次级嗅板。嗅板由中央髓和两侧的嗅上皮两部分构成,中央髓由疏松的结缔组织和毛细血管组成。嗅上皮又分为感觉区和非感觉区,感觉区位于嗅板的内侧,具有发达纤毛,呈连续分布状态,非感觉区位于嗅板边缘,细胞纤毛较少。通过光镜和电镜的综合研究结果显示嗅上皮细胞大致可分为5类:基细胞、支持细胞、纤毛非感觉细胞、纤毛感觉细胞和柱状细胞。文章讨论了鲻的感官活动类型。  相似文献   

该文采用光学显微镜和透射电镜技术观察不同盐度下(5、20、30)人工选育卵形鲳鲹(Trachinotus ovatus)鳃线粒体丰富细胞的分布和超微结构变化。结果表明,线粒体丰富细胞主要分布于鳃丝和鳃小片基部,且随盐度升高而体积增大,数量增多;三个盐度组均存在由线粒体丰富细胞、扁平细胞和附细胞构成的顶端小窝,盐度5组线粒体丰富细胞顶膜面积较大,微脊发达,顶端小窝内凹,盐度20和30组线粒体丰富细胞顶膜面积相对较小,微脊不发达,顶端小窝明显内陷;盐度5和30组线粒体丰富细胞胞质内存在发达的微细小管系统,线粒体内脊丰富,盐度20组胞质内微细小管系统分布不均匀,结构松散,部分收缩成珠泡状结构,与粗面内质网相混杂。线粒体丰富细胞的结构变化与其所处的渗透压环境相适应。  相似文献   

通过比较对虾-鲻鱼(SM)、对虾-罗非鱼(ST)混养池塘内营养盐含量、颗粒物质、浮游生物以及对虾生长性能等指标变化, 研究了鲻鱼(Mugil cephalus)、罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus)在对虾养殖池塘内(1000 m2)的生态效益。实验时间为100 d。结果显示, 实验期间SM 和ST 组池塘水体中氨氮(NH4+-N)、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、活性磷(SRP)、颗粒物质(TPM)等均表现出增加的趋势; 在实验中后期, SM 组池塘水体中的溶解态氮(NH4+-N、NO3 -N)低于ST 组, 然而TN 含量却高于ST 组, 且在实验后期表现出显著差异(P<0.05); 同时, SM 组池塘水体中的颗粒物质含量高于ST组, 表明SM 池塘水体中较高的TN 含量是源于悬浮颗粒物质。2 个混养池塘内浮游生物和叶绿素a 含量变化范围分别为5.72-16.83 μg·L–1 和4.35-15.32 μg·L–1, 无显著差异。实验表明, 鲻鱼的扰动可以促进底部有机质向上层水体迁移,有利于降低NH4+-N、NO3 -N 等物质的积累和促进养殖系统内物质循环; 对虾存塘率和鱼类取样结果表明, 鲻鱼可以与对虾直接混养, 罗非鱼通过围网隔离养殖可以取得更好的效果。鲻鱼和罗非鱼对养殖系统不同粒径浮游植物的滤食能力需要进一步研究。  相似文献   

盐度对军曹鱼胚胎和仔鱼发育的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
孙丽华  陈浩如  王肇鼎 《生态科学》2006,25(1):48-51,55
观察比较了不同盐度梯度(20、23、26、29、32、35、38、41和44)下军曹鱼受精卵的沉浮性、孵化率和畸形率以及测定了不同盐度梯度(10、14、18、22、26、30、34、38、42和44)下仔鱼不投饵存活系数SAI值。结果表明,受精卵在海水盐度32以上为完全浮性,26以下为完全沉性。军曹鱼受精卵孵化的最适盐度范围为29~38,适宜盐度范围为26~41,其中23~26和41~44分别视为受精卵孵化在低盐区和高盐区的两个临界区域,在此盐度上下,军曹鱼受精卵孵化率大幅度下降而仔鱼畸形率大幅度上升。试验盐度范围内军曹鱼仔鱼SAI值为2.32~16.24,仔鱼生长和存活的最适盐度范围为26~34,适宜盐度范围为22~38,而盐度18~22及38~42可分别视为军曹鱼仔鱼存活率在低盐区和高盐区的两个临界区域。  相似文献   

采用浓度为0、0.05和100.0 μg·L-1的菲水溶液对斑马鱼(Brachydanio rerio)进行36 d的暴露实验,研究了菲对斑马鱼鳃、肝结构的影响.H-E染色显示:在0.05和100.0 μg·L-1的菲溶液暴露下,受试鱼的鳃受到损伤,均发生鳃小片上皮细胞肥大和水肿;菲浓度为100.0 μg·L-1时,受试鱼还发生鳃丝上皮增厚、鳃小片上皮隆起现象.此外,菲暴露造成斑马鱼的肝组织损伤,0.05 μg·L-1的菲溶液暴露下,受试鱼的肝细胞发生肿大,胞质产生空泡;菲浓度为100.0 μg·L-1时,受试鱼的肝细胞变得不规则,细胞核萎缩变形和偏离细胞中心,部分肝细胞空泡化程度加重,发生核溶解或细胞溶解,造成局部肝组织坏死.表明水环境中菲浓度达到0.05 μg·L-1即已对斑马鱼的鳃、肝产生毒性作用;而菲浓度达到100.0 μg·L-1时,受试鱼的鳃、肝将受到较严重的损伤;伴随菲浓度的升高,鱼的鳃、肝损伤加重.  相似文献   

Grey mullet, Mugil cephalus , collected from ponds were induced to spawn with carp pituitary homogenate and human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) at 30%o salinity and 26° C. The spontaneously spawned and fertilized eggs were transferred to sea water of different salinities in the range of 5–70%o, either at the 2-blastomere or the gastrula stage. Those eggs transferred at the gastrula stage were more tolerant to the salinity change than were those transferred at the 2-blastomere stage. The eggs did develop to the embryonic stage within the salinity range from 5 to 60%o. Hatching occurred in all salinities between 10 and 55%o. However, no larvae survived at 10 or at 55%o. The optimal salinity range for eggs incubating at 22.0–25.5° C was from 30 to 40%o salinity, with the peak at 35%o.  相似文献   

Yin F  Sun P  Peng SM  Shi ZH 《应用生态学报》2011,22(4):1059-1066
通过逐级降低水体盐度的方法,将银鲳幼鱼分别在盐度25、20、15和10的条件下饲养120 h,检测不同盐度下、不同时间点银鲳幼鱼肝脏中抗氧化酶、鳃和肾脏ATP酶的活力.结果表明:随着盐度的降低和处理时间的延长,肝脏中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶(GST)活力总体表现出先升后降的趋势(P<0.05);而过氧化氢酶(CAT)的活力除在盐度20的24 h和盐度15的48 h略有上升外,其他各时间点的酶活力均低于对照组(P<0.05);谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GPX)活力表现出逐步升高的趋势(P<0.05);谷胱甘肽还原酶(GR)活力在盐度15的24 h时出现上升,随后下降到较低水平(P<0.05).鳃和肾脏中Na+/K+-ATP酶和Ga2+/Mg2+-ATP酶活力总体均表现为先升后降的趋势(P<0.05),只是在两种器官中ATP酶上升的起始盐度和时间有所不同.适当降低水体盐度可以激活和增强银鲳幼鱼肝脏中的抗氧化酶、鳃和肾脏ATP酶活力,消除机体中过多的活性氧自由基和稳定细胞内外渗透压平衡.但不同酶被激活具有一定的组织器官特异性和时序性,而且当达到机体的耐受极限后,酶活力反被抑制.  相似文献   

Using grey mullet Mugil cephalus as a model species, the hypothesis that escape latency increases with body size was tested. Minimum escape latency was c . 10 ms (mean ± s . d . 18·1 ± 13·7 ms; range 8–72 ms) and was independent of body size.  相似文献   

Mitochondria isolated from the gill tissues of the fishSarothredon mossambica were analysed for their macromolecular content, following transfer from freshwater to media of higher salinity. The results suggest a breakdown of mitochondria during the initial phases of the stress and a regeneration during continued exposure. Also all the synthetic machineries, in general, seem to be triggered in gill tissue during continuous exposure to hyperosmotic media.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the isotopic‐turnover rate (RIT) and trophic‐discrimination factor (FTD) in muscle tissues of Lebranche mullet Mugil liza fed an experimental diet (δ13C = ?27·1‰; δ15N = 1·0‰). Juvenile M. liza exhibited a relatively fast RIT, with a half‐life (t50) of only 16 and 14 days for δ13C and δ15N respectively and a nearly complete isotopic turnover (t95) of 68 and 60 days for δ13C and δ15N.  相似文献   

We here analyzed the effect of a mild hyperosmotic challenge on the activities of deiodinases type I (D1) and II (D2) in the trout liver, and D1 in kidney and gill, two organs involved in osmoregulation. FW-adapted immature rainbow trout were transferred to 5 per thousand SW and killed 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8 12, 24 and 48 h post-transfer (PT). Fish maintained in FW served as controls. Hepatic, renal and branchial D1 and hepatic D2 activities were assessed as well as circulating levels of T(3), T(4) and cortisol. Hyperosmotic challenge elicited significant and sustained decreases in kidney D1 and liver D2 activities at 8 h PT, which returned to control values at 48 h PT. In contrast, liver and gill D1 activities exhibited no significant change throughout the study. Also, significant increases in circulating T(4) at 2-4 and 48 h PT were observed. Circulating T(3) remained unmodified until 24-48 h PT, when it rose sharply. Simultaneously, cortisol showed a trend towards increase during the initial 4 h PT, which attained significance at 48 h PT. The present findings demonstrate that a mild hypertonic challenge is sufficient to elicit responses in the trout thyroidal axis. Hormonal changes in the circulatory compartment are in accordance with those previously described for migratory salmonids. A novel aspect of our findings is the organ-specific differential response exhibited by ORD-enzymes when trout are exposed to a mildly different osmotic environment. Our findings further establish the uniqueness of fish thyroid physiology, and can be of value in further understanding the evolutionary aspects of this ORD family of deiodinases.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy together with glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and vimentin immunocytochemistry reveals the presence of a specialized glial region in the octavolateral area of the medulla oblongata of adult and juvenile grey mullets, Chelon labrosus. Glial cells, which can he characterized as ependymal and subependymal cells, originate in the walls of the lateral recess of the fourth ventricle. They contain numerous gliofilaments and are connected through frequent gap junctions. Electron microscopy also reveals the lack of nerve cell parikarya and processes in this region. Immunocytochemistry reveals that the glial cells are strongly GFAP-positive in both adults and juveniles, whereas vimentin is only detected in this region in juveniles. The meninges associated with this glial region contains connective fibres, formed of very thick collagen fibres, that arc metachromatic and PAS-positive under light microscopy. These findings strongly support a structural role for this medullary specialization. Differences between adults and juveniles in the distribution of GFAP- and vimentin-immunoreactive structures in other regions of the medulla oblongata are also reported.  相似文献   

Juvenile thick-lipped grey mullet, Chelon labrosus , believed to be about 6–7 months old, possessed well developed lymphoid organs including a clearly differentiated thymus with distinct cortical and medullary zones. However, unlike older fish, the juvenile mullet usually failed to produce antibody in response to a single injection of classical thymus-dependent antigen (using the soluble proteins human gamma globulin or keyhole limpet haemocyanin). Prior priming of the juvenile fish with antigen was found to potentiate antibody production following challenge with a second dose of the antigen in adjuvant, priming by oral administration being equally as effective as priming by injection. Neither juvenile nor adult mullet produced any significant level of antibody against ovalbumin.
The results suggest that, despite their apparently well differentiated lymphoid organs, juvenile mullet still show a certain level of immaturity in their antibody responses to soluble proteins; also that immunization can improve their ability to respond.  相似文献   

Adult female specimens of Liza ramada were pinealectomized and sham-pinealectomized, and the development of their ovaries was followed over a period of 14 weeks and compared with those of untreated controls. Pinealectomized specimens exposed to long photoperiod (16L/8D) for 14 weeks, showed undeveloped ovaries, with a maximum oocyte diameter of less than 100 μm, and a gonadosomatic index of 0·6 similar to that of sham-pinealectomized and control specimens. In pinealectomized females exposed to short photoperiod (8L/16D) for 6 weeks, the mean diameter of oocytes was 270 μm v . 155 μm in control and sham-pinealectomized specimens. After 9 weeks, the oocytes in pinealectomized specimens reached 430 μm as against 265 μm in the controls. Within 14 weeks of pinealectomy, mean oocyte diameter was 480 um while it was 400 μm in controls and sham-pinealectomized specimens. It is tentatively concluded that the pineal complex has an inhibitory effect on ovarian function in Liza ramada exposed to short photoperiod.  相似文献   

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