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独蒜兰种子共生萌发研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用从独蒜兰分离的菌根真菌与其种子在燕麦培养基上共生萌发.结果表明GN21、GN23和GN24的作用效果较好,其中GN21萌发率84.6%,高于对照7个百分点,达到显著性.同时也表明,从同一兰科植物分离到的属于同一属的不同菌根真菌种,有的能明显促进种子萌发,有的却不能促进萌发,甚至产生病斑,引起原球茎死亡.  相似文献   

带叶兜兰种子原地共生萌发及有效菌根真菌的分离与鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为获得带叶兜兰(Paphiopedilum hirsutissimum)种子萌发的共生真菌,采用原地共生萌发技术获得了2株自然萌发的小幼苗,并分离和筛选出了有效的种子萌发共生菌——瘤菌根菌(Epulorhiza sp.)。为验证分离菌株对带叶兜兰种子萌发的有效性,将Phs34号菌株与带叶兜兰种子在灭菌后的原生境基质上进行室内共生萌发试验,结果表明,经过6周的培养,对照组没有观察到种子的萌发;接菌的种子胚明显膨大,突破种皮,形成原球茎,平均萌发率为(58.35±3.41)%。这表明分离得到的瘤菌根菌能促进带叶兜兰的种子萌发。  相似文献   

在对产于云南西双版纳的热带兰花菌根进行研究时,发现一分离自墨兰的菌株,菌丝纯白色,具典型的锁状连合,对其子实体的鉴定表明该菌株代表着一新分类单位——兰小菇Mycena orchidicola Fan et Guo sp.nov.同时,对该新种在兰科种子萌发中的作用作了初步探讨,结果表明该菌可侵入兰科种子,促进种子萌发。  相似文献   

墨兰共生真菌一新种的分离,培养,鉴定及其生物活性   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
范黎  郭顺星 《真菌学报》1996,15(4):251-255
在对产于云南西版纳的热带兰花菌根进行研究时,发现一分离自墨兰的菌株,菌丝纯白色,具典型的锁状连合,对其子实体鉴定表明该菌株代表着一新分类单位-兰小菇MycenaorchidicolaFanetGuosp.nov同时,对该新种在兰科种子萌发中的作用作了初步探讨,结果表明该菌可侵入兰科种子,促进种子萌发。  相似文献   

自然条件下,兰科植物需要依赖菌根真菌获得营养才能萌发。本研究对白及根和原球茎中分离的4株菌根真菌(WQ17-33、WQ17-43、JST-3和SL15-7)进行分子鉴定,并评价光照和黑暗条件下不同菌株促白及种子萌发和幼苗生根的效果。结果表明,4个菌株分别隶属于鬼伞属Coprinus、胶膜菌属Tulasnella、腊壳菌属SebacinaSerendipita。在种子萌发前期(未形成叶子)进行暗培养较光照对菌株JST-13和SL15-7处理组原球茎阶段萌发具有显著的促进作用。不同菌株共生萌发效果不同,菌株SL15-7较其他处理原球茎和幼苗发育阶段的萌发率高。菌株JST-13和SL15-7处理组形成的幼苗较其他处理组强壮,定殖的菌丝团也较多,其幼苗生根效果也较对照组好。该研究表明白及可与多种不同类群的菌根真菌菌株形成共生关系,这些真菌在促进白及种子萌发和生根能力方面存在差异。  相似文献   

真菌在兰科植物种子萌发生长中的作用及相互关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从真菌在兰科种子萌发中的应用、真菌侵染的过程、种子和根系消化真菌的途径及共生真菌的分布等方面,综述了真菌与兰科植物种子萌发及菌根关系的研究进展,讨论了该研究的有关问题及真菌在兰科种子萌发中应用的前景。  相似文献   

兰科植物的种子原地和迁地共生萌发技术是近年发展起来的开展兰科植物种子和共生真菌研究的有效方法。该研究对兰属(Cymbidium)附生植物硬叶兰(C. mannii)开展了种子的迁地共生萌发研究, 试图获得其种子萌发的有效真菌。利用硬叶兰成年植株根部周围的树皮、苔藓、枯枝落叶、腐殖质等作为培养基质, 进行种子的共生培养。在培养133天后, 成功地获得了处于不同阶段的已萌发种子、原球茎和幼苗, 并从原球茎中分离得到一种瘤菌根菌属(Epulorhiza)真菌。用所分离到的FCb4菌株和一种从兜唇石斛(Dendrobium aphyllum)分离到的胶膜菌属(Tulasnella) FDaI7菌株和硬叶兰种子在燕麦琼脂培养基上进行共生萌发, 设置不接菌作为对照处理, 以检验FCb4菌株对硬叶兰种子萌发的有效性。经过58天的培养, 不接菌的对照处理中种子没有萌发, 接种FCb4和FDaI7菌株的处理都有很高的种子萌发率, 两种接菌处理在不同光照条件下的种子萌发率均无显著性差异。但暗培养条件下, 种子萌发形成原球茎后, 表现出生长停滞的趋势, 仅有很少的原球茎继续生长达到幼苗阶段, 说明原球茎发育后期与幼苗发育阶段需要光照。在光照条件下, 接种FCb4菌株处理中达到幼苗阶段种子的比例为(25.67 ± 9.27)%, 显著高于接种FDaI7菌株处理的(3.04 ± 2.27)% (W = 56, p = 0.026, Mann-Whitney U-test), 表明此研究中分离到的瘤菌根菌属真菌能有效地促使硬叶兰种子萌发并生长发育到幼苗阶段。  相似文献   

真菌在兰科植物种子萌发生长中的作用及相互关系   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文从真菌在兰科种子萌发中的应用、真菌侵染的过程、种子和根系消化真菌的途径及共生真菌的分布等方面,综述了真菌与兰科植物种子萌发及菌根关系的研究进展,讨论了该研究的有关问题及真菌在兰科种子萌发中应用的前景。  相似文献   

实验室条件下五唇兰菌根真菌专一性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用从高原温带兰科植物菌根中获得的22个菌根真菌菌株, 对五唇兰(Doritis pulcherrima)进行了室内种子萌发、原球茎分化和组培苗回接试验, 从交叉回接的角度对附生兰科植物与菌根真菌的生理专一性进行了探讨。经过20周的共生培养, 只有编号为Cf1和Mm1的两个菌株使种子表现出种胚明显膨大的萌发迹象; 9个菌株能够促使原球茎较好地分化发育出根叶; 11个菌株处理苗的平均鲜重增长率高于对照组(156.25%), 其中Mm1的效果达到极显著水平(p = 0.01)。通过根切片显微观察, 在原球茎分化根和回接效果良好的处理苗的根皮层组织发现典型的菌丝团结构, 表明菌根体系已成功建立。温带地生兰菌根真菌对五唇兰种子萌发、原球茎发育和幼苗生长等3个重要生长阶段影响的试验显示, 五唇兰的种子和菌根真菌的共生萌发效果不佳, 而原球茎及幼株更容易与之建立良好的共生关系。同时, 也没有发现同一个真菌菌株能够对五唇兰的种子、原球茎和幼苗均产生促进作用。研究结果表明, 五唇兰的菌根真菌专一性因生理生长阶段的不同而存在差异。  相似文献   

菌根接种对长苞铁杉幼苗生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用天然长苞铁杉林富含菌根真菌的根际土壤,对长苞铁杉种子进行盆栽接种育苗试验,比较接种处理和未接种的长苞铁杉种子萌发率、菌根侵染率、幼苗生长、生物量分配及氮磷钾含量的差异。结果表明,外生菌根对长苞铁杉种子的萌发没有影响,对幼苗生长和氮磷钾养分的吸收有明显的促进作用,接种幼苗菌根感染率超过75%,其株高、根生物量、叶生物量和氮磷钾含量等均比对照显著增加,但对生物量在器官中的分配没有显著影响。  相似文献   

The rapid loss of native orchid habitat throughout ecologically important areas (e.g., Florida) has prompted researchers to develop appropriate plans for the propagation and reintroduction of many native orchid species. Ideally, symbiotic orchid seed germination methods are utilized in the production of orchid seedlings to be used in plant reintroduction programs. In the current study we (1) describe an efficient symbiotic seed germination protocol to germinate seeds of the rare sub-tropical terrestrial orchid Habenaria macroceratitis; (2) discuss the in vitro fungal specificity demonstrated by this species; and (3) describe the effects of three photoperiods (0/24 h, 16/8 h, 24/0 h L/D) on in vitro symbiotic seed germination of H. macroceratitis. Six fungal mycobionts were isolated from both vegetative and flowering plants of H. macroceratitis from two geographically distinct sites. Symbiotic seed germination percent was highest (65.7%) and protocorm development was most advanced (Stage 2) when seeds were cultured with fungal mycobiont Hmac-310. Seeds of H. macroceratitis demonstrated a degree of specificity toward fungal mycobionts isolated from plants originating from the same site where seed was collected. Continual darkness (0/24 h L/D) inhibited initial seed germination (Stage 1; 17.1%), but stimulated subsequent protocorm development (Stage 2; 53.5%). These findings will aid in developing an efficient symbiotic seed germination protocol for the conservation of this rare Florida terrestrial orchid, and may prove useful in the conservation of other sub-tropical terrestrial orchid species.  相似文献   

Four fungal species of Mycena were identificated from the strains isolated from the protocorm and roots of Orchidaceae species.M anoectochial was isolated from the Proocorm of G.elata, M orchidicola, M.dendrobii and M anoectochila respectively separated from the roots of Cymbidium sinense, Dendrobium candidum and Anoectochilus roxburghii. The symbiotic germination test beteen G. Elata seeds and the above fungal species demonstrated that these flingal species can stimulate the seed germination, Which means t…  相似文献   

While understanding that seed germination is crucial for ecological restoration activities, the seed traits of desert perennials are understudied. We experimentally determined germination traits of 43 species from 14 families from Hummock grasslands in the Great Sandy Desert, Australia. We defined morphological and physiological seed traits of framework species required for restoration and investigated the effects of fire and temperature on seed germination. We classified dormancy and explored the effect of Karrikinolide, a fire cue derived from smoke, on germination. Seeds of 38 (88%) out of 43 species were dormant: 13 (30%) with physical and 25 (58%) with physiological dormancy. Karrikinolide promoted seed germination of 9 (21%) species across all life-forms except trees, and widened the range of germination temperatures and increased germination rate of one species. Although high germination percentages were obtained over a wide temperature range, germination rate was affected by temperature. Non-dormant seeds and seeds pre-treated to overcome physical dormancy germinated quickly, with times to 50% germination of 1–5 days. Dormancy class differed between life-forms and families. Fast germination of non-dormant seeds is a trait that allows seeds to germinate during short periods of moisture availability. An absence of under-developed embryos is consistent with the global trends for hot deserts. A response to Karrikinolide shows that seed germination is related to a fire cue. These results will inform land managers of effective seed pre-treatments prior to seed broadcasting for restoration, and information on seed germination temperatures and rates will improve the understanding of when and where seeds could germinate in restored sites.  相似文献   

在室温下测定10种木兰科植物种子的储藏时间及在室温、4 ℃、-18 ℃三种温度下测定其中5种木兰科植物种子的储藏时间。结果表明,10种木兰科植物种子在室温条件下的发芽率、发芽势和保存时间均差异较大。5种木兰科植物种子在4 ℃贮藏条件下发芽率最高,发芽率降低最慢,保存时间最长;其次是-18 ℃储藏,室温储藏最差;随着贮藏时间的延长,种子发芽率下降,但发芽所需天数减少,出土整齐度提高,表明其种子具有休眠现象。美丽紫玉兰和深山含笑均在4 ℃下发芽势最高,在室温下次之,在-18 ℃下最差;14 d是5种木兰科植物种子出土萌发最旺盛的时间,不同的温度对种子达到此时间的影响不大,因此,4 ℃低温贮藏和保证高发芽率是提高种子发芽势的有效途径。木兰科植物种子以随采随播的发芽率最高;其萌发前所需休眠时间因种类不同而不同;在不同保存条件下,种子保存时间差别较大。  相似文献   


Recolonization of wind-dispersed tree species in degraded areas may decline with distance from remnant forest fragments because seed rain frequently decreases with distance from the seed source. However, regeneration of these species may be even more limited to sites close to the seed source if dispersal distance is negatively affected by seed mass, and germination probability is positively affected by seed mass. We evaluated these hypotheses in a Mediterranean-type ecosystem of central Chile, using the wind-dispersed tree species Quillaja saponaria. We assessed the seed rain curve in a degraded open area adjacent to a remnant forest fragment of this species, and related seed mass with dispersal distance from the seed source. Then, we evaluated the relationship between seed mass, germination, and seedling growth, and if seeds that fall nearer the seed source have greater germination probability. We found a decreasing seed rain with the distance from the seed source. Seed mass was not related to dispersal distance, although seeds with higher wing area dispersed further. Germination probability was significantly and positively related to the seed mass. We observed no significant relationship between distance and germination probability. We conclude that germination probability of this species does not vary along the seed rain curve, and that the recruitment density would be greater near the seed source only due to decreasing seed rain with distance. Our results suggest that this species has the potential to be passively restored in degraded areas, especially within the first 70 m from the remnant forest fragments.


The possibility that the alternative respiration (AR) is involvedin seed germination was followed during and after imbibitionby noting the changes in the sensitivity to the respiratoryinhibitors, KCN and salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM). This wascarried out by measuring oxygen uptake of mitochondrial preparationsfrom storage cotyledons and of the whole axis in a selectionof legumes (Vigna mungo, V. radiata, V. angularis, V. sinensisPhaseolus vulgaris, Pisum sativum and Dolichos lablab). Theextent of participation of AR in the respiration of cotyledonarymitochondria was variable according to species and time afterimbibition, and varied even within the same genus ( Vigna).In some species, AR was not observed. As to the axis, SHAM treatmentby itself had little effect on the rate of respiration, but,when applied with KCN, reduced oxygen uptake to an extent greaterthan KCN treatment alone. It was suggested that AR was not necessarilyimportant for seed germination. Key words: Alternative respiration, mitochondria, seed germination  相似文献   

The capacity of seeds to germinate after ingestion by frugivores is important for the population dynamics of some plant species and significant for the evolution of plant-frugivore interactions. In this paper the effects of different vertebrates on seed germination of nearly 200 plant species are reviewed, searching for patterns that predict the circumstances in which germination of seeds is enhanced, inhibited, or unaffected by the passage through the digestive tract of a seed disperser. It was found that seed dispersers commonly have an effect on the germinability of seeds, or on the rate of germination, or both, in about 50% of the plants they consume, although the diversity of animal species tested so far is still rather low (42 bird species, 28 non-flying mammals, 10–15 bats, 12 reptiles, 2 fishes). Enhancement of germination occurred about twice as often as inhibition.

In spite of the morphological and physiological differences in their digestive tracts, the different animal groups tested have similar effects on seed germination, although non-flying mammals tend to influence germination slightly more often than the other groups. Data on fishes are still too scarce for any generalization. Seed retention time in the dispersers' digestive tract is one factor affecting germination, and helps to explain the variation in seed responses observed among plant species, and even within a species. However other factors are also important; for example, the type of food ingested along with the fruits may affect germination through its influence on chemical or mechanical abrasion of the seed coat. Seed traits such as coat structure or thickness may themselves be responsible for some of the variation in seed retention times. Seeds of different sizes, which usually have different transit times through frugivores, and seeds of either fleshy or dry fruits, show often similar germination response to gut passage.

Seeds of different plants species differ strongly in their germination response after ingestion, even by the same frugivore species. Congeneric plants often show little consistency in their response. Even within a species variation is found which can be related to factors such as the environmental conditions under which germination takes place, seed morphology, seed age, and the season when the seeds are produced.

The effect of gut passage on germination differs between tropical and temperate zones. Seed germination of both shrubs and trees (data on herbaceous species are still scarce) in the temperate zone is more frequently enhanced than in the tropics. This result supports the hypothesis that enhanced germination may be more advantageous in unpredictable or less constant environments. Significant differences in frugivore-mediated germination are also found among different life forms. In both tropical and temperate zones, trees appear to be consistently more affected than shrubs or herbs. This might be due to an overall higher thickness of the seed coats, or to a higher frequency of seed-coat dormancy in tree species.

The influence of frugivory upon the population dynamics of a species has to be evaluated relative to other factors that influence germination and seedling recruitment at a particular site. Whether seed ingestion by dispersers is really advantageous to a plant (as has commonly been assumed) can only be assessed if we also determine the fate of the ingested seeds under natural conditions, and compare it to the fate of seeds that have not been ingested.  相似文献   

For taxonomic purposes in the genus Pleione D. Don (Orchidaceae) breeding studies, chromosome numbers, karyotypes and analyses of pollen mother cells have been investigated. In addition to confirming many previous chromosome numbers, new tetraploid, hexaploid and triploid counts establish the existence of a tetraploid taxon (P. speciosa) , a hexaploid (P. bulbocodioides) and a triploid hybrid (P.humilis 'Frank Kingdon-Ward'). The karyotypes of the diploid species P. bulbocodioides, P.yunnanensis, P. humilis, P.forrestii and P. hookeriana are distinct, whereas those of P.formosana and P. limprichtii have similar morphology to that of P. bulbocodioides , which was also represented in the polyploid taxa. Karyotype morphology provides evidence to trace the putative parents of P. x confusa and P. humilis 'Frank Kingdon-Ward'. Results from pollen mother cells and karyotype analyses suggest that P.formosana and P. limprichtii are not cytologically differentiated from P. bulbocodiodes , and the taxa P. speciosa, P. limprichtii (tetraploid form) and P. bulbocodioides (6x) are of autopolyploid origin, being derived from the P. bulbocodioides genome. The species limits are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of smoke, heat, darkness and cold stratification on seed germination were examined for 40 species with various life history attributes. These species establish in early successional stages on a volcano and are distributed in cool temperate zones of northern Japan. Smoke decreased seed germination in 11 species and increased it in one species, Leucothoe grayana . Germination of Polygonum longisetum was enhanced by a combination of smoke and cold, and that of Aralia elata by smoke and heat. Heat increased germination for three species and decreased it for one. Cold stratification broke dormancy in seeds of 11 species. Continuous darkness decreased germination of 22 species and did not increase germination for any species, showing that approximately half of the species require light for maximum germination. Although most species are sun plants that establish in early stages of succession and/or in disturbed areas, smoke and heat do not enhance germination of these species after disturbance, even when the disturbance is fire. Germination of slender and/or large seeds tends to be decreased more by smoke, probably because of their larger surface area. Light is more important than smoke and heat for detection of disturbance and for seed germination in this region. However, despite the low fire frequency in the region, germination of a few species was increased by fire-derived stimuli.  相似文献   

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