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记述了Limothrips denticornis(Haliday),1836,Apterothrips secticornis( Tryborn),1896,和Apterothrips apteris (Daniel),1904中国3新纪录种,同时也代表着刺鬃蓟马属Limothrips Haliday,1836和无翅蓟马属 Apterothrips Bagnall,1908在我国的首次记录,提供了新纪录种的形态描述,特征图和无翅蓟马属的分类检索表,并对无翅蓟马属进行了修订.  相似文献   

记述了中国大陆新发现的一种能传播番茄斑萎病毒的外来物种首花蓟马Frankliniella cephalica(Crawford)。该新纪录种的触角第2节端部有一对明显的粗鬃可与花蓟马属Frankliniella的其它种类相区别。本文还讨论了该种的寄主植物、地理分布和经济重要性。  相似文献   

记述中国尾管蓟马族3属8种,其中瘤突管蓟马属Bradythrips Hood et Williams为中国新纪录属,并描述了该属1新种,张氏瘤突管蓟马Bradythrips zhangi sp.nov.;编制了中国尾管蓟马族种类名录及种类检索表.新种与近似种Bradythrips hesperus的形态区别:1)新种雌虫腹部2~8节腹面中央各着生1个纵向刻纹斑,而B. hesperus缺该特征;2)新种头部褐色,而B.hesperus头部草黄色;3)新种肛鬃2对等长,而B.Hesperus肛鬃2对不等长.新种的模式标本保存于华南农业大学昆虫学系昆虫标本室(SCAU).  相似文献   

记述了中国1新纪录属,髋管蓟马属Coxothrips Bournier,1963,以及2新纪录种,即驼峰髋管蓟马C.gibberosa(Kudo,1989)和塔莱髋管蓟马C.tarai(Stannard.1970);并首次描述了塔莱髋管蓟马的雄虫.总结了髋管蓟马属的属征,提供了新纪录种的形态描述、特征图以及该属中国已知种的检索表.研究标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所国家动物博物馆.  相似文献   

记述中国新纪录属,曲管蓟马属Sinuothrips Collins,2000,以及1新纪录种,剑曲管蓟马S.hasta Collins.更新了曲管蓟马属的属征,提供了新纪录种的形态描述、特征图以及COI序列.研究标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所国家动物博物馆和澳大利亚国家昆虫收藏.  相似文献   

脊背管蓟马属是具有长翅的蓟马,头长,头部额区脊状隆起,口针宽,通常极长并有一个或几个侧环.记述中国脊背管蓟马属1新种,即齿跗脊背管蓟马Oidanothrips notabilis sp.nov.并与台湾脊背管蓟马O.taiwanus进行了比较.模式标本保存于包头市园林科技研究所(BLRI).此新种与O.taiwanus相似,其主要区别是新种1)翅基鬃内Ⅲ端部钝;2)复眼后鬃端部钝;3)口针伸达单眼后鬃;而后者,1)翅基鬃内Ⅲ端部尖;2)复眼后鬃端部尖;3)口针不伸达单眼后鬃.  相似文献   

本文记述了中国缨翅目管蓟马科一新纪录属,匙管蓟马属(Mystrothrips)。该属的主要特征为:全身、触角和足布满网状花纹,前胸背板具5对发达的鬃。本文还详细描述了黄匙管蓟马(Mystrothrips flavidus)的形态特征,并首次描述了该种的长翅型。该种原记载于日本,现于我国广东省发现。研究标本保存在华南农业大学昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

报道了吉野蓟马属Yoshinothrips Kud,1985(蓟马科,蓟马亚科)在中国的1新种,天目山吉野蓟马Y.tianmushanensis Mirab-balou et Chen,sp.nov.,并编制了该属分种检索表。该种生活于杂草上。此外,还记述了蓟马亚科中国1新纪录属,伪蓟马属Pseudoxythrips Priesner,1940及中国1新纪录种,齿伪蓟马Pseudoxythrips dentatus(Knechtel,1923)。  相似文献   

报道了吉野蓟马属roshinothrips Kud(6),1985(蓟马科,蓟马亚科)在中国的1新种,天目山吉野蓟马γ.tianmushanensis Mirab-balou et Chen.sp.nov.,并编制了该属分种检索表.该种生活于杂草上.此外,还记述了蓟马亚科中国1新纪录属,伪蓟马属Pseudoxythrips Priesner,1940及中国1新纪录种,齿伪蓟马 Pseudoxythrips dentatus( Knechtel,1923).  相似文献   

记述了齿蓟马属Odontothrips Amyot & Serville(Thysanoptera:Thripidae)两个中国新纪录种,即间齿蓟马O.intermedius(Uzel)和蒙古齿蓟马O.mongolicus Pelikón,并首次描述了两种雄性外生殖器结构。提供了新纪录种的形态描述、特征图及该属中国已知种类分种检索表。研究标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所国家动物博物馆。  相似文献   

We studied the use of a supervised artificial neural network (ANN) model for semi-automated identification of 18 common European species of Thysanoptera from four genera: Aeolothrips Haliday (Aeolothripidae), Chirothrips Haliday, Dendrothrips Uzel, and Limothrips Haliday (all Thripidae). As input data, we entered 17 continuous morphometric and two qualitative two-state characters measured or determined on different parts of the thrips body (head, pronotum, forewing and ovipositor) and the sex. Our experimental data set included 498 thrips specimens. A relatively simple ANN architecture (multilayer perceptrons with a single hidden layer) enabled a 97% correct simultaneous identification of both males and females of all the 18 species in an independent test. This high reliability of classification is promising for a wider application of ANN in the practice of Thysanoptera identification.  相似文献   

An illustrated key is provided for the identification of 35 genera of Thripinae (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) from Iran with comments for each genus. Chirothrips maximi Ananthakrishnan and Limothrips cerealium Haliday are recorded from Iran for the first time. A checklist is provided of Thripinae recorded from this country.  相似文献   

The following eighteen species of Thysanoptera Terebrantia have been found on flax in the British Isles: Melanthrips fuscus (Sulzer), Aeolothrips fasciatus (L.), Anaphothrips obscurus (Müler), Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin), Chirothrips manicatus Hal., Limothrips cerealium Hal., L. denticornis Hal., Stenothrips graminum Uzel, Taeniothrips atratus (Hal.), T. vulgatissimus (Hal.), Thrips angusticeps Uzel, T. discolor Hal., T. flavus Schrank, T. fuscipennis Hal., T. major Uzel, T. minutissimus L., T. physapus L., T. tabaci Lindeman. Each species is described briefly with notes on habits of adults and larvae, place of pupation, number of generations in the year, hibernation, time of occurrence on plants, plants and objects on which found, host plants of larvae and adults, importance to flax, record of locality and collector on flax, distribution, including altitudes, in the British Isles. More species occur in the south than in the north of Great Britain, and species common to both regions usually occur in greater numbers in the south. The insects breed on certain species of crop plants, weeds or trees of arable land. No damage of economic importance to flax by Thysanoptera has been proven in the British Isles, and the flax thrips, Thrips lini Ladureau, has not been found. Taeniothrips vulgatissimus (Hal.) may breed on flax and its adults, and those of T. atratus (Hal.) may cause superficial damage to petals of flowers. Thrips angusticeps Uzel and T. tabaci Lindeman will probably breed on flax.  相似文献   

Thysanoptera drifting over and around a wheat field were trapped using black, green and white water traps, black cylindrical sticky traps and suction traps. Certain Taeniothrips spp., Thrips spp., and Aeolothrips spp. were strongly attracted to white but not to green or black; Limothrips cerealium Hal., Chirothrips manicatus Hal., and Stenothrips gramium Uzel were not markedly attracted to any of these colours. At crop level suction traps gave more consistent catches2 than either sticky or water traps; at higher levels, catches from sticky traps were more consistent than those from water traps. Up to 48 ft the aerial density of all species decreased with height but the rapidity of the decrease differed between species.
Sommaire Les Thysanoptères qui flottaient autour et au-dessus d'un champ de blé étaient attrapés par le moyen de pièges à l'eau noirs, verts ou blancs, de pièges cylindriques qui étaient visqueuz et noirs et d'aspirateurs. De certaines espèces des genres Taeniothrips, Thrips et Aeolothrips étaient très attirées par le blanc mais pas par le vert ni le noir: les espèces Limothrips cerealium Hal., Chirothrips manicatus Hal., et Stenothrips gramium Uzel n'étaient pas notablement attirées par chacune de ces couleurs. Au niveau des épis les données obtenues avec les aspirateurs étaient plus justes que ne l'étaient celles obtenues avec les pièges à glu ou les pièges à eau: plus haut les pièges à glu indiquaient des données plus justes que les pièges à eau. Jusqu'à quinze mètres environ de hauteur la densité aérienne de toutes les espèces diminuaient progressivement, mais la rapidité de la diminution était différente entre les espèces.

The influence of tray drench (TD) treatments, with and without foliar applications of the plant activator acibenzolar-S-methyl (Actigard), was examined in replicated field plots in 2000--2002. TD treatments of Actigard, imidacloprid (Admire), and these two products combined had little effect on seasonal mean thrips populations; however, thrips densities were lower in the Admire-treated plots at 4 and 5 wk after transplanting. Actigard and Admire TD treatments significantly reduced the seasonal incidence of tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) symptomatic plants in 2 yr in the study. The combination of both products was better in reducing TSWV than Actigard alone. Three early-season foliar sprays of Actigard had no effect on thrips population densities, but they did reduce TSWV incidence. The tobacco thrips, Frankliniella fusca (Hinds), comprised 92-95% of the thrips complex each year. Other thrips collected on tobacco foliage at very low densities included Haplothrips spp., Chirothrips spp., Limothrips cerealium (Haliday), other Frankliniella spp. and other unidentified species. Using nonstructural TSWV protein enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, 1.5-2.3% of the F. fusca tested positive for nonstructural TSWV protein. Cured yields were higher in the TD treatments and the Actigard foliar treatments in the years with high TSWV in the untreated plots. The TD treatments and foliar Actigard had little impact on plant height or grade index; however, TD treatments with Admire had low tobacco aphid, Myzus nicotianae Blackman, populations through 10 wk after transplanting. The early-season Actigard and Admire treatment options are management decisions that can effectively reduce the risks of TSWV incidence in flue-cured tobacco.  相似文献   

The effect of manipulating cereal aphid population development, by either adding aphids or spraying with an aphid-specific insecticide, on the predatory mite fauna was investigated. Populations of the anystid mite, Anystis baccarum (L.) were very small until late June when numbers built up rapidly at the time of the aphid population decline. There was however, no significant relationship between aphids and numbers of mites over the whole season. Preliminary electrophoretic analysis of two enzymes in the gut of anystid mites indicated that they may have been feeding on thrips, Limothrips cerealium Haliday. The free-living soil Mesostigmata had two population peaks, each related, the first positively and the second negatively to aphid populations.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Limothrips denticornis is a common thrips infesting rye, triticale and winter barley in Sweden. Field experiments with insecticides were carried out 1983–1996 in farmers' fields to investigate the damage to the plant and to evaluate the relationship between thrips density and crop yield losses. The total number of experiments was 99 in rye, 41 in triticale and nine in winter barley. The mean number of thrips per leaf sheath was around 8 in all three crops. The highest number found was 27 thrips per leaf sheath. The population density in the leaf sheath was correlated with the damage observed on the leaf sheath as percentage damaged surface. The effect on the leaf sheath alone contributed to a significant proportion of the yield loss. Thrips in the ear and aphids also contributed to the damage but with multiple regression methods it was possible to estimate the damage done solely by L. denticornis . The yield loss caused by L. denticornis was about the same in all three crops, with a variation between 21 and 26 kg per thrips per leaf sheath and hectare. Compared with the yield loss for aphids, which is about 40 kg per aphid per tiller and hectare, this is considerably lower. The economic injury level was found to be about 14 thrips per straw. The economic threshold for L. denticornis has to be decided when the females are flying into the crop and it was found to be 0.5 females per straw at earing. Economic damage by L. denticornis alone was estimated to be 20% of the total number of experiments for all three crops but economic damage for the three pests together was estimated at 40% of the total number of experiments.  相似文献   

物种编目及其科属系统排列是了解生物多样性的基础, 本文采用Flora of China使用的分类系统, 结合最新分子分类学研究成果以及近几年发表的新资料, 对中国石松类和蕨类植物多样性和地理分布数据进行了统计和分析。结果表明中国共有石松类和蕨类植物40科178属2,147种5个亚种118个变种, 其中特有种839个, 占总种数的39.08%。种数最多的5个科依次为鳞毛蕨科(505种, 含种下单位, 下同)、蹄盖蕨科(323种)、水龙骨科(280种)、凤尾蕨科(266种)和金星蕨科(209种); 种数最多的5个属依次为耳蕨属(Polystichum, 209种)、鳞毛蕨属(Dryopteris, 176种)、蹄盖蕨属(Athyrium, 137种)、双盖蕨属(Diplazium, 98种)和凤尾蕨属(Pteris, 97种)。在地理分布上, 种数排名前5的省份为云南(1,365种)、四川(875种)、贵州(838种)、广西(785种)和台湾(779种)。含中国特有石松类和蕨类植物的科属中, 排前3位的科分别为鳞毛蕨科(257种)、蹄盖蕨科(169种)和凤尾蕨科(113种); 排前3位的属为耳蕨属(140种)、蹄盖蕨属(82种)和鳞毛蕨属(61种)。  相似文献   

中国红树林湿地物种多样性及其形成   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
何斌源  范航清  王瑁  赖廷和  王文卿 《生态学报》2007,27(11):4859-4870
目前中国红树林湿地共记录了2854种生物,包括真菌136种、放线菌13种、细菌7种、小型藻类441种、大型藻类55种、维管束植物37种、浮游动物109种、底栖动物873种、游泳动物258种、昆虫434种、蜘蛛31种、两栖类13种、爬行类39种、鸟类421种和兽类28种。这些动物中有8种国家一级保护动物,75种二级保护动物。中国红树林湿地是中国濒危生物保存和发展的重要基地,并在跨国鸟类保护中起着重要作用。中国红树林湿地单位面积的物种丰度是海洋平均水平的1766倍。从初级生产物质基础、食物关系多样性、宏观尺度和微观尺度的空间异质性、生境利用的时序性等方面分析了中国红树林湿地物种多样性极其丰富的原因。  相似文献   

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