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为了探讨样线法和样点法对盐沼湿地鸟类调查的有效性及适用性, 我们于2008年3–5月采用固定距离样线法和固定半径样点法对崇明东滩盐沼鸟类进行了调查。5次调查共记录到鸟类24种, 其中样线法记录到19种, 样点法记录到21种, 两种调查方法平均每次记录到的鸟类种数没有显著差异, 表明两种方法对盐沼鸟类种类的发现能力相似。两种方法得到的鸟类密度之间有显著的相关性,说明两种方法在反映鸟类群落中每种鸟类的相对数量方面具有可比性。但除了仅在一种调查方法中记录到的种类, 样点法调查得到的每种鸟类密度和鸟类总密度均高于样线法的调查结果。因此, 在对鸟类种群或群落的时空特征进行比较时, 需要考虑所采用的调查方法对调查结果的影响。  相似文献   

样线法在鸟类数量调查中的运用   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
样线法是野生动物种群数量调查的常用方法之一。本文简要介绍其发展历史、基本原理和主要类型,并对4种常用的种群密度计算方法,即条带最大记数法、Gates截线法、Fourier截线法以及距离取样法进行比较和总结,认为在鸟类野外数量调查中应记录鸟类个体到样线的垂直距离,并使用距离取样法来计算鸟类的种群密度,以便得到更为准确的结果。  相似文献   

为了探讨红外相机技术、网捕法、固定距离样线法和固定半径样点法对森林鸟类多样性调查的有效性和实用性, 我们于2011-2016年, 用这几种方法调查了广东南岭国家级自然保护区和车八岭国家级自然保护区的鸟类多样性。在南岭, 固定距离样线法和固定半径样点法记录鸟类222种, 网捕鸟类43种, 红外相机拍到鸟类47种; 其中1种鸟仅网捕到, 6种鸟仅被红外相机拍到, 164种鸟仅被固定距离样线法和固定半径样点法记录到。在车八岭, 固定距离样线法和固定半径样点法记录鸟类109种, 网捕鸟类42种, 红外相机拍到鸟类27种, 其中9种鸟仅网捕到, 3种鸟仅被红外相机拍到, 97种鸟仅被固定距离样线法和固定半径样点法记录到。随着鸟类的体重、体长、翅长和跗蹠增加, 网捕到的鸟类个体数量减少, 鸟类身体大小与网捕到的鸟类数量呈显著负相关; 而红外相机拍到的鸟类数量随鸟类的身体大小增大而增加, 并且呈显著的正相关。本文的结果显示, 网捕法和红外相机技术针对不同类群的鸟类调查效力不同, 但都是固定距离样线法和固定半径样点法的有效补充。建议今后开展森林鸟类多样性调查与监测时, 尽量采用多种研究方法相结合, 以求达到最优的效果。  相似文献   

种群数量是物种的重要生态学基础资料,合适的密度调查方法是数量估算的基础。2016年4-5月,采用广泛应用于鸡形目Galliformes鸟类种群密度调查的样线法和样点法,调查了四川黑竹沟国家级自然保护区3种鸡形目鸟类(白腹锦鸡Chrysolophus amherstiae、红腹角雉Tragopan temminckii和血雉Ithaginis cruentus)的种群密度。样线法和样点法估算的雄体密度分别是:白腹锦鸡1.20只/km^2和(6.31±0.98)只/km^2,红腹角雉5.41只/km^2和(0.39±0.17)只/km^2,血雉3.01只/km^2和(5.97±2.70)只/km^2。除红腹角雉外,样点法估算的白腹锦鸡、血雉种群密度均大于样线法。建议针对不同鸡形目鸟类采用不同的调查方法,并尽量扩大样本数量,从而提高调查结果的准确性。  相似文献   

关于使用样线法估计种群密度   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
样线法是在大范围内估计野生动物种群密度的优良方法这一。我们在本文中说明了使用以平均垂直距离作为有效样带宽度来计算种群密度的简单数学公式一般不会得到可靠的效果。即使野外实施方式正确,使用该数学计算式估计出的密度结果也往往过于偏高。因此,我们建议最好合作计算机软件DISTANCE调查野生动物种群密度,并能熟悉样线距离取样法的理论基础。  相似文献   

刘辉  姜广顺  李惠 《生态学报》2015,35(9):3076-3086
科学的种群数量调查方法的探索一直是困扰北方有蹄类动物种群资源有效管理工作的重要问题。目前,北方野生有蹄类调查所采用的方法主要有样线法、样带法、大样方法和非损伤性CMR法4种。然而,不同的调查方法基于的统计学假设和生态学原理不同,调查结果往往会出现很大差异,迫切需要对北方冬季有蹄类动物的这4 种调查方法的有效性进行评估。以驼鹿种群数量调查为例,采用样线法、样带法、大样方法和非损伤性CMR调查法,于2012年3月和2012年12月对内蒙古汗马国家级自然保护区约120 km2的区域驼鹿种群数量进行了调查和评估。 结果显示,以上4 种方法得到的驼鹿种群数量分别为:样线法168(109-227) 只,样带法237(165-309) 只,大样方法37(23-50) 只,非损伤性CMR法55(43-68) 只,表明样线法和样带法的调查结果远大于大样方法和非损伤性CMR法,并探讨了不同调查方法应用的科学性、限制性和适用性,为北方冬季有蹄类动物种群资源调查方法的选择和应用提供了科学参考。  相似文献   

鸟击事件主要发生在机场范围内,对机场周边生境的鸟类组成进行调查,是制定鸟击防范对策的重要前提。国内多数机场已经开展了相关的鸟类组成调查,但是选用的调查方法却存在较大差异。以样线法和网捕法两种常用的调查方法对沈阳桃仙国际机场周边的迁徙期鸟类进行了研究,旨在比较两种调查方法在机场鸟类群落组成调查中的效果及调查的鸟类群落组成差异。结果表明:两种方法均适合机场鸟类调研,共记录到鸟类97种,网捕法记录的鸟类种数(83种vs.57种)高于样线法,网捕法单独记录的鸟类种数(40种vs.14种)也高于样线法。尽管两种方法每期(半个月)调查的物种数和目的数量无明显差别,但随调查强度(如调查次数)增加,网捕法累计记录到的鸟类种类明显高于样线法,且较晚达到渐近线。另外,两种方法调查记录的鸟类群落组成也具有显著的差别,如网捕法记录到较多鹌鹑和鸮形目等夜间迁徙或活动鸟类,而样线法可记录到鹭科和雁鸭类水鸟等。这说明两种调研方法在鸟类调查中有较好的互补性。因此,本研究认为机场鸟情调研时应该根据鸟情特点,选择合适的鸟类调研方法,综合采用多种调研方法可更有利于获得科学的鸟情信息。  相似文献   

中国野生东北虎数量监测方法有效性评估   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
张常智  张明海  姜广顺 《生态学报》2012,32(19):5943-5952
虎数量监测是虎保护的核心内容之一。野生虎现存数量少、领域宽广,加之习性机警,很难对其数量和种群变化趋势做出准确的评估。合适的虎数量监测方法随着监测目标、监测尺度、虎密度、猎物密度、气候及其它环境因素的变化而不同。2002—2011年,用东北虎信息收集网络法,样线调查法,猎物生物量和捕食者关系法,对东北虎数量进行监测。(1)用老虎信息收集网络法研究2006年完达山东部地区东北虎的种群现状,结果显示东完达山地区2006年东北虎数量为6—9只,由1只成年雄虎,2—3只成年雌虎,2—4只亚成体虎和1只小于1岁的幼体虎组成;(2)用猎物生物量和捕食者关系法得到东完达山地区2002年东北虎的密度为0.356只/100 km2,能容纳22—27只东北虎;(3)用样线法在黑龙江的老爷岭南部和吉林省大龙岭北部面积1735.99 km2的区域内设置样线64条,总长609 km,没有发现东北虎足迹链。样线调查的结果表明,在2011年2—3月该调查区域东北虎的数量为0只。监测结果表明,用猎物生物量和捕食者关系得到东北虎数量远远超过现实数量,人们对有蹄类的盗猎和猎套对老虎的伤害可能是其主要原因;样线法调查得出的结果低于现实种群,主要原因是老虎数量极低和调查者对野生虎行为学了解甚少,较难在野外有效的发现虎信息;且样线法监测仅应用于当东北虎以一定的密度(即有定居虎)存在的情况下(多数监测样线能发现虎信息)。虽然和样线法一样存在着诸如专家估计密度和真实密度之间的关系,老虎足迹数量和老虎真实密度间关系不确定,保守估计等内在缺点,在目前中国东北地区野生东北虎种群密度极低,且多是穿越于中俄边境地区的游荡个体的现状下,信息收集网络法是一种高效,可行东北虎监测方法。因此,建议建立更广泛的监测信息收集网络,培训监测人员,严格执行信息收集程序,减少专家估计误差以完善此监测方法。此外,其他监测方法,如占有法、基于标志重捕远红外照相法、粪便DNA法、足迹数码信息法、警犬法等,应根据各种方法的理论前提、误差来源、适用范围和老虎是否定居及密度等具体情况有选择地加以应用,且有些方法可能成为未来中国野生东北虎种群的有效监测工具。  相似文献   

内蒙古大兴安岭南麓东北马鹿种群现状调查北大核心CSCD   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国东北地区的马鹿(Cervus elaphus)在内蒙古大兴安岭南麓的生态系统中占有重要位置,栖息地环境恶化以及人类活动干扰等因素严重影响了马鹿种群的生存状态。本文于2019至2020年采用样线法和粪堆计数法对内蒙古大兴安岭南麓野生马鹿种群恢复现状开展调查,估算其种群密度及数量。结果显示,与10年前相比,黄岗梁、白音敖包、大冷山、赛罕乌拉、乌兰坝和高格斯台的马鹿种群密度均有显著增长(P<0.05),研究区域现有马鹿总数量约为(9644.2±1378.6)头,种群密度(2.5±0.9)头/km^(2)。本次调查从种群密度、数量及增长率等方面探讨了进一步促进马鹿种群恢复的措施,为改进大兴安岭南麓马鹿保护工作提供科学指导。  相似文献   

为探讨不同生境鸟类多样性和植物多样性之间的关系,2007年8月和2008年8月,采用样方法和固定距离样线法对白银库伦五蕊柳湿地和浑善达克沙地的鸟类与植物进行了调查,通过Shannon-Wiener指数、Pielou指数、鸟类密度指数等对各数据进行分析,结果表明:两种生境鸟类群落的相似性极低;植物多样性的改变影响鸟类群落的多样性;鸟类多样性的变化反映植物多样性的变化.  相似文献   

2016年12月—2018年6月采用样带法和样点法对四川美姑大风顶国家级自然保护区的鸟类资源进行了调查,根据调查并结合相关文献记录,统计出保护区分布有鸟类268种,隶属17目56科。其中,留鸟146种(54.5%)、夏候鸟91种(34.0%)、冬候鸟18种(6.7%)、旅鸟13种(4.9%),以繁殖鸟为主。繁殖鸟类中,以东洋界物种为主(67.5%)。保护区的珍稀濒危鸟类物种数量较多,有国家Ⅰ级重点保护野生鸟类2种、国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生鸟类16种;列入濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约附录Ⅰ1种、附录Ⅱ12种;列入世界自然保护联盟濒危物种红色名录濒危(EN)1种、易危(VU)3种、近危(NT)2种;中国特有种14种。各生境类型中的鸟类丰富度为针叶林>阔叶林>针阔混交林>灌丛及灌草丛>高山灌丛草甸>水域;针叶林、阔叶林、针阔混交林之间的鸟类群落结构相似性最高,水域与其他生境的最低。保护区鸟类物种丰富度在2600~3000m的中海拔地区最高,在高海拔和低海拔较低,物种垂直分布呈中峰模式。本研究丰富了保护区和凉山山系的鸟类资料,为鸟类垂直多样性研究提供了重要案例。  相似文献   

Finding practical ways to robustly estimate abundance or density trends in threatened species is a key facet for effective conservation management. Further identifying less expensive monitoring methods that provide adequate data for robust population density estimates can facilitate increased investment into other conservation initiatives needed for species recovery. Here we evaluated and compared inference-and cost-effectiveness criteria for three field monitoring-density estimation protocols to improve conservation activities for the threatened Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis). We undertook line-transect counts, cage trapping and camera monitoring surveys for Komodo dragons at 11 sites within protected areas in Eastern Indonesia to collect data to estimate density using distance sampling methods or the Royle–Nichols abundance induced heterogeneity model. Distance sampling estimates were considered poor due to large confidence intervals, a high coefficient of variation and that false absences were obtained in 45 % of sites where other monitoring methods detected lizards present. The Royle–Nichols model using presence/absence data obtained from cage trapping and camera monitoring produced highly correlated density estimates, obtained similar measures of precision and recorded no false absences in data collation. However because costs associated with camera monitoring were considerably less than cage trapping methods, albeit marginally more expensive than distance sampling, better inference from this method is advocated for ongoing population monitoring of Komodo dragons. Further the cost-savings achieved by adopting this field monitoring method could facilitate increased expenditure on alternative management strategies that could help address current declines in two Komodo dragon populations.  相似文献   

Many studies have compared results from sound recordings and traditional point-count survey observer data when surveying avian communities. None have investigated the use of a moving sound recorder to replicate line-transect surveying.We conducted point-count surveys and line-transect surveys in four urban/peri-urban habitats in Darwin, tropical Australia, with stationary and moving sound recorders, respectively, to assess whether such a combination would result in more bird species being identified than with either technique alone.More bird species were identified using sound recordings than standard observer data. Further, the difference in the number of species identified between the observer and audio from point-count surveys was found to be significant with audio identification being more accurate; however, line-transect surveys showed no significant difference between the two identification methods. Overall, there was no statistical significance between using point-count surveys and line-transect surveys for total species identified.Linear mixed modelling found the interaction between habitat and survey type (point-count vs line-transect) was strongly significant, but not so that between habitat and survey method (sound recording vs human observation).Our results indicate that the integration of bioacoustic and drone technologies with traditional avian surveying techniques adds significant additional identifications when compiling a species list of an area.  相似文献   

Abstract: There are various methods of estimating detection probabilities for avian point counts. Distance and multiple-observer methods require the sometimes unlikely assumption that all birds in the population are available (i.e., sing or are visible) during a count, but the time-of-detection method allows for the possibility that some birds are unavailable during the count. We combined the dependent double-observer method with the time-of-detection method and obtained field-based estimates of the components of detection probability for northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus). Our approach was a special case of Pollock's robust capture-recapture design where the probability that a bird does not sing is analogous to the probability that an animal is a temporary emigrant. Top models indicated that observers' detection probabilities were similar (0.78–0.84) if bobwhite were available, but bobwhite only had an approximately 0.61 probability of being available during a 2.5-minute sampling interval. Additionally, observers' detection probabilities increased substantially after the initial encounter with an individual bobwhite (analogous to a trap-happy response on the part of the observer). A simulated data set revealed that the combined method was precise when availability and detection given availability were substantially lower. Combined methods approaches can provide critical information for researchers and land managers to make decisions regarding survey length and personnel requirements for point-count-based surveys.  相似文献   

Fragmentation of the lowland tropical rain forest has resulted in loss of animal and plant species and isolation of remaining populations that puts them at risk. At Los Tuxtlas, Mexico, lowland rain forests are particularly diverse in the avian fauna they contain and while most of the forests have been fragmented by human activity, many of the fragments still harbor diverse assemblages of bird species. In these landscapes, linear strips of residual rain forest vegetation along streams as well as linear strips of vegetation fences (live fences) crossing the pastures might provide some connectivity to bird populations existed in forest fragments. We investigated bird species richness and relative abundance in one 6-km long section of live fences (LF) bordering a dirt road and in two 6-km long sections of residual forest vegetation along a river (MR) and one permanent stream (BS). We used point count procedures which resulted in the count of 2984 birds representing 133 species. At the LF site we detected 74% of the species, 72% at the BS site and 57% at the MR site. Only 38% of the species were common among sites. Neotropical migratory birds accounted for 34–41% of the species counted at all sites. While edge and open habitat birds accounted for 6–10% of the species and for 50% of the records at the three vegetation strips, about 90% of the species were forest birds. Distance to forest fragments and degree of disturbance of the vegetation seemed to negatively influence bird species presence at the BS and MR strips. Rarefaction analysis indicated that the LF strip was richer in species than the other two sites, but the occurrence of the three vegetation strips in the landscape seem to favor the presence of many more species. We discuss the value of these vegetation strips to birds as stepping stones in the fragmented landscape.  相似文献   

Studies comparing different bird censusing methods are useful for assessing relative biases, synthesizing data across studies, and designing bird population monitoring programmes. A field study was carried out in mid-elevation tropical rainforest in the Western Ghats to compare bird density estimates from line transect, point count and territory spot-mapping methods. Interspecific comparisons were made using data for 13 common resident bird species, including two endemics. Variable-width line transect density estimates were highly correlated with, but slightly (17%) higher than, those produced by territory spot-mapping. Although densities from variable-width point counts and spot-mapping were highly positively correlated, the estimates were 95% higher on average in the former. Higher density estimates relative to spot-mapping were produced mainly for the most abundant species, probably due to their mobility and the inclusion of additional individuals that enter the count area during the count period. Fixed-width strip transects and point counts produced density estimates that were highly correlated with, but significantly lower than, variable-width estimates. Wherever possible, territory spot-mapping and line transects are recommended for density estimates; the former may yield additional information on spatial distribution of birds. Fixed-width transects or point counts, being easier to apply, may be used for large-scale monitoring programmes. Interspecific variation in flocking systems and the poor visibility in dense rainforest vegetation indicate the need for care in collection of data on flock size and its variation, which is necessary for estimating the density of individuals. The variation across methods suggests the need for further research using multiple methods across years and marked individuals to verify territoriality and accuracy.  相似文献   

刘天天  邓文洪 《生态学报》2015,35(8):2622-2627
2007年4月至7月,2007年12月至2008年1月,分别在北京市门头沟区小龙门森林公园、百花山自然保护区以及延庆县松山自然保护区,对同域分布的普通(Sitta europaea)和黑头(Sitta villosa)两种同域分布的类种群密度进行了调查。普通在小龙门森林公园、百花山自然保护区和松山自然保护区的种群密度分别是40.92、96.67只/km2和16.67只/km2。而黑头在上述3个调查区域的种群密度分别是2.03、16.67只/km2和23.33只/km2。普通的总体平均密度(51.4只/km2)高于黑头(20.68只/km2)。两种类分布的海拔和林型存在着差异。普通在海拔高度1070—1350 m的分布比较多。在海拔段1070—1250 m区间,普通的数量随海拔高度的增加呈递增的趋势。而黑头在海拔600—800 m分布较多,随着海拔高度的增加,种群数量呈递减趋势。普通主要分布在阔叶林和针阔混交林中,而黑头主要分布在针叶林中。  相似文献   

Europe has a well‐established network of breeding bird monitoring that is used to produce supranational indices of population trends for many species. However, a comparison of breeding bird censuses with other methods may be beneficial to confirm the validity of such indices. The aim of this study was to assess the value of standardized capture data of migratory birds at migration bottlenecks as an indicator of the effective breeding populations. One limitation to this method is that several populations are co‐occurring at these bottlenecks and their catchment areas need to be clearly identified to allow extrapolation of population indices. Here, we used standardized trends in capture numbers of 30 species on the island of Ponza, a migration bottleneck in the central Mediterranean, and compared them to population trends estimated in the putative catchment breeding areas between 2005 and 2016. The catchment areas were identified through the analysis of ring recoveries during the breeding season of birds passing through Ponza. Our results show an agreement between the population trends observed on Ponza and those in the breeding areas in 15 out of 30 species. The correlations were strongest in species with a more robust definition of the catchment areas, that is, species with more than 10 recoveries, and for which the recoveries were most likely of breeding birds. The main reason for disagreement between the two indices in the remaining species might be related to different intensity of sampling in different areas. This issue can be solved by further developing monitoring projects in underrepresented countries, as well as by intensifying monitoring through ringing, both in the breeding grounds and at migration bottlenecks. These results show that spring migration monitoring at bottlenecks has the potential to provide a valuable complement and an independent control of breeding bird surveys, allowing raising early warnings of population declines and contributing to their conservation.  相似文献   

A key aim of many European agri-environment schemes (AES) is to improve biodiversity on farmland. In recent years, several countries have been looking at long term trends in the spring adult population size of a target group of farmland birds as an indicator of this. The overall trend in these indicators is however not upwards. While this might suggest we need to look at the design and deployment of habitat management options within schemes, there is an increasing view that we also need to refine and improve our indicators, or the way we monitor them.Relating spring adult bird population size to AES options is problematic not least because of the time lag between the deployment of those designed to enhance bird breeding success in summer, and the spring surveys the following year. At the other end of the scale detailed studies of breeding success in farmland birds have practical/cost restraints. We argue that to understand the impact on farmland birds of particular summer options within AESs we need to be able to estimate the breeding success of local bird populations quickly and cheaply. This would enable us to relate particular AES options to the breeding performance of the birds actually using them.Complementing a previous study of woodland birds, we assess the likelihood of encountering fledged broods of hedgerow nesting bird species during transect surveys without finding nests, and then apply a simple mark-recapture analysis technique to provide an index of breeding success for those species. Following spring adult assessments, counts of fledged broods were undertaken four times a week during April, May, June and July, in four 2.5 km hedgerow transects, at four sites in southern England in 2010. Mean daily detection probabilities of fledged broods of 16 common hedgerow birds were calculated from these counts using the software Presence. For 15 out of these 16 species these detection probabilities were sufficiently high for a programme of fledged brood surveys, involving just two or three visits per week from mid-May to mid-July, to provide a useful estimate of breeding success.The survey technique and associated analyses make certain assumptions when providing estimates of breeding success and these are discussed. Little is known about initial dispersal in passerine fledglings and a study in hedgerows may be useful here. However our pilot study suggests that the method could have application as a relatively easily derived productivity index for hedgerow birds, and hence an additional method available to study the impact of certain AES options on indicator species, or for research studies.  相似文献   

Capsule Populations of birds on farmland are larger and more stable in Hungary than in the UK and may provide baseline targets when planning population restoration programmes in more intensively farmed regions of Europe.

Aims To review the available evidence on farmland bird populations and their changes over the past century in Hungary, and to compare this with similar data for the UK.

Methods Published papers and grey literature were searched to determine long-term bird population trends for birds on farmland in Hungary, and for research evidence on the relationship between farmland management and bird diversity in Hungary.

Results Population density of common farmland birds is higher and trends are more positive in Hungary compared to the UK. These findings correlate with the recent change to generally less intensive agriculture in Hungary. However, while the birdlife associated with farmland in Hungary can be considered to have high diversity and density, it is still lower than it was in the first half of the 20th century and earlier. The few studies available showed that low-intensity traditional management promotes a rich biodiversity in both grasslands and arable systems in Hungary. Agri-environment schemes were introduced when Hungary joined the EU in 2004; however, their influence on biodiversity has not been systematically monitored.

Conclusions Insights emerging from farmland bird research in those European countries which still practice extensive agricultural techniques could be used to set general baseline targets for restoring biodiversity in regions where farmlands are now intensively managed. At the European scale urgent tasks are to: (1) investigate the relationships between management and bird diversity and density on a much wider geographical scale, (2) evaluate the geographical generality of the existing evidence base (which is mainly based on studies conducted in more intensively farmed regions), and (3) enhance the policy impact of conservation research.  相似文献   

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