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该文旨在探究高氧环境对星形胶质细胞的损伤情况及抗氧化剂N-乙酰半胱氨酸(N-acetyl-L-cysteine,NAC)对其的保护作用。该文将星形胶质细胞随机分为常氧组、高氧组(6 h、12 h、24 h)、常氧NAC组和高氧NAC组(6 h、12 h、24 h)。在高氧环境下培养不同时间后,检测星形胶质细胞的活性、细胞内线粒体膜电位的变化、细胞内的总活性氧(ROS)和线粒体ROS的改变,用免疫荧光染色法及Western blot检测细胞VEGF及VEGFR的表达情况。结果显示,高氧环境培养后,星形胶质细胞的活性显著下降(P0.05)。细胞内总ROS水平及线粒体ROS水平较常氧组明显增加。星形胶质细胞在高氧环境下VEGF与VEGFR的表达下调。加入抗氧化剂NAC后,星形胶质细胞的细胞活性在高氧6 h和高氧12 h组增强(P0.01),而在高氧24 h组减弱(P0.05)。加入抗氧化剂后6 h组与12 h组星形胶质细胞内的ROS较未加抗氧化剂组明显减少,但对24 h高氧处理的星形胶质细胞内ROS无明显影响。加入抗氧化剂后高氧处理的星形胶质细胞的VEGF与VEGFR的表达量也有所增加,但在高氧24 h组,星形胶质细胞的VEGF和VEGFR表达仅少量增加。结果证实,星形胶质细胞在高氧条件下产生损伤,且与高氧持续时间相关,而使用NAC能够在一定程度上挽救短期内高氧对星形胶质细胞的损伤。以上结果提示,对高氧刺激后星形胶质细胞的抗氧化保护可能可以作为ROP治疗的一种方法。  相似文献   

目的研究IL-1β(interleukin-1 beta) 单独应用及与谷氨酸(Gluamate,Glu)联合应用对体外纯化培养的大鼠大脑皮质星形胶质细胞细胞周期的影响.方法将纯化培养的星形胶质细胞血清剥夺培养24 h后,(1)加入不同浓度(0、10、100、1000 U/ml)的IL-1β;(2)加入浓度100U/ml的IL-1β分别作用24、48、72 h;(3)加入浓度100U/ml IL-1β 1mmol/L Glu分别作用24、48、72 h; 采用流式细胞术观察星形胶质细胞周期的变化.结果 (1)不同浓度的IL-1β可使星形胶质细胞S和G2/M期的细胞指数较对照组增高,在一定范围内随着IL-1β浓度的增加,星形胶质细胞的增殖更明显,同一浓度的IL-1β其作用随着时间的延长而逐渐衰减,(2)IL-1β与Glu联合应用较IL-1β单独应用星形胶质细胞的增殖更明显.结论 IL-1β激活星形胶质细胞,并启动细胞周期进程,促使星形胶质细胞增殖;IL-1β与Glu在诱导星形胶质细胞增殖时有一定的协同作用.  相似文献   

本研究将齐墩果酸(OA)与5-氟尿嘧啶(5-Fu)联合作用于A549细胞,用HPLC法测定有无齐墩果酸作用后细胞内外5-Fu的浓度,观察药物浓度的变化情况。结果显示当未给予OA时,刚开始5-Fu浓度与作用时间呈正相关,但增加到一定浓度的时候,其细胞内的浓度基本没有显著的变化,由此可能出现耐药性的情况。当给予OA后,细胞内的药物浓度一开始时就出现比较高的浓度,而随着作用时间的增长,细胞内的浓度并没有增加,呈现一个相对比较稳定的范围,由此推测可能是OA影响了细胞膜对5-Fu的转运。由此推测齐墩果酸可能会延长5-氟尿嘧啶的耐药性产生时间,并能与5-氟尿嘧啶具有协同的的抗癌细胞效果。  相似文献   

下丘脑神经内分泌系统的活动对机体水盐平衡、心血管活动、分娩与授乳等过程都具有关键性的调节作用;而这一系统的活动又与星状胶质细胞和神经内分泌神经元之间的相互作用密切相关。结合近年来实验发现,本文将系统地分析在渗透压与吸吮刺激下,下丘脑视上核星状胶质细胞对加压素与催产素神经元活动的影响,并探讨其作用的机制。  相似文献   

肝星状细胞是肝脏中重要的间质细胞,是肝细胞外基质的主要来源.表皮形态发生素(epimorphin、EPM、syntaxin2)在肝脏发育、再生及癌变过程中发挥了重要的作用,目前其表达变化的调控机制及对肝星状细胞的作用还未有报道.通过对肝组织标本进行检测,发现肝纤维化过程中肝星状细胞表达EPM上调.从表观遗传学的角度对EPM表达变化调控机制进行研究,发现DNA去甲基化促进了EPM的表达.为了研究EPM对肝星状细胞的可能的调节作用,将EPM表达质粒转染肝星状细胞,之后检测了EPM对肝星状细胞增殖及迁移能力的变化.结果证明EPM能够促进肝星状细胞的增殖与迁移.本研究发现,激活的肝星状细胞高表达EPM可能是由于DNA去甲基化引起的,同时,高表达的EPM能够促进肝星状细胞的增殖与迁移,进而促进肝纤维化进展.  相似文献   

目的观察EphA4介导的ephrin-A3逆向通路激活对星形胶质细胞谷氨酸摄取能力的影响。方法采用原代培养的大鼠海马星形胶质细胞,使用免疫荧光双标法定位ephrin-A3在海马星形胶质细胞上的表达,Western blot法观察糖氧剥夺(oxygen-glucose deprivation,OGD)后星形胶质细胞ephrin-A3表达水平的变化,随后实验分为三组:空白对照组(不含星形胶质细胞),药物对照组(加入IgG-Fc)和EphA4组(加入ephrin-A3逆向通路激动剂预聚集化的EphA4-Fc),分别在正常及缺血条件下的特定时间点以谷氨酸浓度测定试剂盒检测不同干预组星形胶质细胞谷氨酸摄取能力的变化。结果 ephrin-A3高表达于海马星形胶质细胞,并在缺血后出现蛋白表达水平一过性上调。与对照组相比,EphA4干预组星形胶质细胞谷氨酸摄取能力较对照组明显下降。结论 Ephrin-A3高表达于海马星形胶质细胞并参与调节星形胶质细胞谷氨酸摄取能力。  相似文献   

IL-1β对星形胶质细胞的激活作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的研究IL-1β对体外原代培养的星形胶质细胞中的激活及增殖作用,并探讨IL-1β对星形胶质细胞细胞周期的影响.方法将单层培养于盖玻片上的纯化的星形胶质细胞分为4组,分别采取血清培养和血清剥夺培养,加入不同浓度IL-1β,其浓度依次为0ng/ml、1ng/ml、10ng/ml、100ng/ml,作用24小时.采用免疫细胞化学观察GFAP和PCNA的表达.并且采用流式细胞术观察其对星形胶质细胞周期的影响.结果血清培养时不同浓度IL-1β组的星形胶质细胞GFAP表达和细胞指数无明显改变,PCNA表达较对照组明显增强,但是1ng/ml和10ng/ml IL-1β时星形胶质细胞PCNA表达无明显变化.而血清剥夺时不同浓度IL-1β组的星形胶质细胞GFAP和PCNA表达较对照组明显增强,S和G2/M期的细胞指数较对照组增多.结论 IL-1β激活星形胶质细胞,上调GFAP和PCNA的表达,并启动细胞周期进程,促使星形胶质细胞进入增殖周期.这对中枢神经系统损伤和疾病时反应性胶质增生及胶质瘢痕的形成机制起着重要作用.  相似文献   

神经病理性疼痛是一种临床的常见疾病,严重影响了患者及家属的生活质量,给社会带来了沉重的负担。神经病理性疼痛的发病机制及有效治疗仍在探索中。中枢神经系统内有三种胶质细胞,包括小胶质细胞、星形胶质细胞以及少突胶质细胞。近来有研究发现,这三种胶质细胞可通过活化、产生和释放细胞因子等途径参与神经病理性疼痛的调节。探索神经胶质细胞的多种复杂功能或作用机制来充分认识胶质细胞的特点,为今后神经病理性疼痛的临床治疗提供新的思路。本文通过研究小胶质细胞、星形胶质细胞以及少突胶质细胞的特点及其对神经病理性疼痛的影响,并分析中枢神经系统胶质细胞与疼痛治疗之间的相关性,旨在总结神经病理性疼痛的发生和发展过程中小胶质细胞、星状胶质细胞及少突胶质细胞的调节作用。  相似文献   

采用新型TAXIScan细胞动态可视化系统观察和分析中性粒细胞在趋化因子甲酰甲硫氨酰–亮氨酰–苯丙氨酰(N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine,f MLP)诱导下的迁移以及在此过程中胞质内游离钙离子浓度的变化规律。该文将小鼠骨髓中性粒细胞经Fluo-3/AM标记后用流式细胞术检测不同浓度f MLP刺激下瞬时钙离子流的变化。采用TAXIScan系统观测f MLP趋化下细胞的运动及运动过程中胞质内钙离子浓度的变化。流式细胞术结果显示,细胞在0.5、1、5μmol/L f MLP诱导下形成的瞬时钙离子流峰值最高;TAXIScan结果显示,f MLP作用下细胞瞬时钙离子流要早于极性化出现,且在细胞迁移过程中伴随着钙离子浓度的振荡波动,其中1μmol/L f MLP作用下细胞运动速度最快、路程最远。TAXIScan系统可准确、定量地分析中性粒细胞定向迁移过程及单细胞钙离子荧光的变化,为探究中性粒细胞极性与钙离子间的关系提供新方法及参考依据。  相似文献   

本文利用小鼠大脑机械损伤模型及体外培养的胶质细胞,采用同位素渗入法观察了细胞介素及其抗体对胶质细胞增生的影响。结果表明:体外培养时TNF-α在浓度为10~200u/ml培养液时均能促进胶质细胞增生(P<0.05),IL1-β在浓度为5~200u/ml培养液时能促进胶质细胞增生,TNF-α+IL1-β其促进胶质细胞增生作用更强烈,TNF-α抗体能完全阻断TNF-α的促增生作用,部分阻断TNF-α+IL1-β的促增生作用。在体实验时,IL1-β及TNF-α的作用与离体时相似,IL1-β及TNF-α亦能促进胶质细胞增生,二者共同作用时促细胞增生作用更强。以上结果提示,外源性TNF-α及IL1-β能促进中枢神经损伤后胶质细胞增生且具有协同作用。  相似文献   

Brain edema and the subsequent increase in intracranial pressure are the major neurological complications in fulminant hepatic failure (FHF). Brain edema in FHF is predominantly "cytotoxic" due principally to astrocyte swelling. It is generally believed that ammonia plays a key role in this process, although the mechanism by which ammonia brings about such swelling is yet to be defined. It has been postulated that glutamine accumulation in astrocytes subsequent to ammonia detoxification results in increased osmotic forces leading to cell swelling. While the hypothesis is plausible and has gained support, it has never been critically tested. In this study, we examined whether a correlation exists between cellular glutamine levels and the degree of cell swelling in cultured astrocytes exposed to ammonia. Cultured astrocytes derived from rat brain cortices were exposed to ammonia (5 mM) for different time periods and cell swelling was measured. Cultures treated with ammonia for 1-3 days showed a progressive increase in astrocyte cell volume (59-127%). Parallel treatment of astrocyte cultures with ammonia showed a significant increase in cellular glutamine content (60-80%) only at 1-4 h, a time when swelling was absent, while glutamine levels were normal at 1-3 days, a time when peak cell swelling was observed. Thus no direct correlation between cell swelling and glutamine levels was detected. Additionally, acute increase in intracellular levels of glutamine by treatment with the glutaminase inhibitor 6-diazo-5-oxo-L-norleucine (DON) after ammonia exposure also did not result in swelling. On the contrary, DON treatment significantly blocked (66%) ammonia-induced astrocyte swelling at a later time point (24 h), suggesting that some process resulting from glutamine metabolism is responsible for astrocyte swelling. Additionally, ammonia-induced free radical production and induction of the mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT) were significantly blocked by treatment with DON, suggesting a key role of glutamine in the ammonia-induced free radical generation and the MPT. In summary, our findings indicate a lack of direct correlation between the extent of cell swelling and cellular levels of glutamine. While glutamine may not be acting as an osmolyte, we propose that glutamine-mediated oxidative stress and/or the MPT may be responsible for the astrocyte swelling by ammonia.  相似文献   

Glutathione (GSH) is a major antioxidant in the brain and ammonia neurotoxicity is associated with oxidative stress. In this study, we show that intracerebral administration of ammonium chloride (“ammonia”, final concentration 5 mM) via a microdialysis probe, increases by 80% the glutathione content in cerebral cortical microdialysates, and tends to increase its content in striatal microdialysates. Treatment with ammonia in vitro dose-dependently increased the glutathione content in cultured cerebral cortical astrocytes and a C6 glioma cell line. Significant effects have been observed after 1 h (astrocytes) or 3 h (C6 cells) of exposure and were sustained up to 72 h of incubation. A gradual decrease of the GSH/GSSG ratio noted during 3 h (astrocytes) or 24 h (C6 cells) of exposure, was followed by an partial recovery after 24 h of incubation, the latter phase possibly reflecting increased availability of de novo synthesized glutathione. In our hands, cystine, the precursor for astrocytic glutathione synthesis, was transported to astrocytes almost exclusively by system XAG, while in C6 cells the transport engaged both system xc (60% of uptake) and XAG (40% of uptake). Ammonia in either cell type stimulated cystine uptake without changing the relative contribution of the uptake systems. The results are consistent with the concept of increased astrocytic glutathione synthesis as an adaptive response of the brain to ammonia challenge, and emphasize upregulation of cystine uptake as a factor contributing to this response.  相似文献   

Neurotoxic effects of ammonia are mediated by increased accumulation of nitric oxide (NO), which combines with free radicals to form a highly toxic compound, peroxynitrite. Previous experiments in vivo and in vitro have suggested that this phenomenon engages neuron-derived NO and is coupled to changes in the accumulation of cGMP. The present study accounted for the facts that: (i) astrocytes, not neurons are the morphological target of ammonia, and (ii) both NO-dependent, soluble (sGC) and NO-independent, particulate guanylate cyclase (pGC) mediate cGMP production in the cells. Neocortical rat astrocytes were treated for 1 or 24 h with 5 mM ammonium chloride ("ammonia") and then subjected to: (i) cGMP measurement, and (ii) mRNA and/or protein expression analysis of alpha1 and beta1 subunits of sGC and two pGC forms: pGC-A and pGC-B. Treatment with ammonia for 1h increased accumulation of cGMP and sGCbeta1 mRNA expression, without producing significant changes in the protein expression. This was followed by a decrease of cGMP level at 24 h treatment, associated with a decreased expression of sGCbeta1 and sGCalpha1 mRNA and sGCbeta1 protein. Expression of pGC-A and pGC-B mRNA was elevated in ammonia-treated astrocytes after 24 h. Accordingly, increased cGMP accumulation was noted in the presence of a specific sGC inhibitor (ODQ). The results show that ammonia affects cGMP production in astrocytes, and that this may involve not only sGC but also pGC.  相似文献   

In order to establish criteria for the identification of the neural and glial cells of the central nervous system, sections of the brains and spinal cords of mice, rabbits, guinea pigs, and rats; and portions of tumors of the human brain have been examined by electron microscopy. Identification of neurons is made possible by the characteristic cytoplasmic picture, in which there is a distinct granular and less constant membranous ergastoplasmic pattern. In no other cell of the central nervous system is such a distinct granular component present in the ergastoplasm. The shape of the neuron in electron microscopic preparations is similar to that seen by light microscopy with several dendrites containing a similar cytoplasm arising from the perikaryon. Synapses are relatively common on the surface of the neuron and its dendrites. Microglial cells are relatively small and dense with few processes, and are arranged as perineuronal and perivascular satellites for the most part. Occasionally phagocytized material is present in their cytoplasm. The oligodendroglial cells are identifiable by their position as perineuronal satellites and in the white matter as cells arranged in rows. They have a uniformly round to ovoid nucleus with a pale cytoplasm, which has a sparse, finely granular component and a few small mitochondria. The processes are few and relatively straight when cut in longitudinal section. The predominant cellular type in an oligodendroglioma was similar, with a pale cytoplasm. The astrocytes are variable in appearance. Their nuclei are moderately large, irregularly ovoid, and the cytoplasm adjacent to the nucleus is finely granular and scant. In the protoplasmic astrocytes the cytoplasm has a complicated infolded arrangement with reduplication of the plasma membrane, numerous processes extending radially from the cell and rebranching. To a certain extent this same folded plasma membrane was noted in the fibrous astrocytes. However, their more distant processes were narrowed, relatively straight, and filled with numerous dense fibrils. The processes of the astrocyte often surrounded axons, and other cellular processes, and surrounded some vessels, while attaching to a part of the wall of another vessel. Proliferating cells in experimentally produced gliosis and in astrocytic neoplasms were similar in structure. The ependymal cells and the epithelium of the choroid plexus have a specialized surface with microvillous projections of the cytoplasm covered by the plasma membrane. Cilia in varying numbers are present in both epithelia.  相似文献   

The 14-3-3 protein family plays critical regulatory roles in signaling pathways in cell division and apoptosis. 14-3-3gamma is mainly expressed in brain. Using primary cultures of cerebral cortical astrocytes, we investigated the relationships between 14-3-3gamma proteins and actin in astrocytes in cell division and under ischemia. Our results showed that endogenous 14-3-3gamma proteins in immature astrocytes appeared filamentous and co-localized with filamentous actin (F-actin). During certain stages of mitosis, 14-3-3gamma proteins first aggregated and then formed a ring-like structure that surrounded the daughter nuclei and enclosed the F-actin. In 4-week-old cultures of astrocytes, 14-3-3gamma proteins appeared as punctate aggregates in the cytoplasm. Under ischemia, 14-3-3gamma proteins formed filamentous structures and were closely associated with F-actin in surviving astrocytes. However, in apoptotic astrocytes, the intensity of immunostaining of 14-3-3gamma proteins in the cytoplasm decreased. The proteins aggregated around the nucleus and dissociated from the actin filaments. Reciprocal co-immunoprecipitations demonstrated that endogenous 14-3-3gamma proteins bound to detergent-soluble actin and the level of binding increased after 4h of ischemia. As actin is a critical structural protein heavily involved in cell division and apoptotic death, our findings suggest that 14-3-3gamma proteins play a role in cytoskeletal function during the process of cell division and apoptosis in astrocytes in association with actin.  相似文献   

目的比较研究成年大鼠细胞周期蛋白在神经元和星形胶质细胞的表达差异。方法应用免疫荧光和激光扫描共聚焦显微镜观察成年大鼠生理状态下大脑皮层或海马CA1区神经元和星形胶质细胞细胞周期素D1、E、A、B1、(CyclinD1、E、A、B1)的表达。结果成年大鼠海马CA1区和大脑皮层的神经元有Cyclin D1、E、A和B1的表达,细胞核和细胞浆均有表达,以胞核为主;星形胶质细胞也有上述细胞周期蛋白的表达但细胞数目较少,并且表达这些指标的星形胶质细胞多聚集在海马CA1区。结论成年大鼠大脑皮层和海马区的神经元和星形胶质细胞均表达细胞周期蛋白,而其在神经元的表达较星形胶质细胞更为普遍。  相似文献   

β-1,4-galactosyltransferase I (β-1,4-GalT I) plays an important role in the synthesis of the backbone structure of adhesion molecules involved in leukocyte–endothelial cell interaction. The expression of β-1,4-GalT I mRNA increased in primary human endothelial cells after exposure to tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α). In the central nervous system (CNS), astrocytes play a pivotal role in immunity as immunocompetent cells by secreting cytokines and inflammatory mediators, there are two types of astrocytes. Type-1 astrocytes can secrete TNF-α when stimulated with Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), while the responses of type-2 astrocytes during inflammation are unknown. So we examined the expression change of β-1,4-GalT I mRNA in type-2 astrocytes after exposure to TNF-α and LPS. Real-time PCR showed that TNF-α or LPS affected β-1,4-GalT I mRNA expression in a time- and dose-dependent manner. RT-PCR analysis revealed that TNFR1 and TNFR2 were present in normal untreated type-2 astrocytes, and that TNF-α, TNFR1 and TNFR2 increased in type-2 astrocytes after exposure to TNF-α or LPS. Immunocytochemistry showed that TNFR1 was expressed in the cytoplasm, nucleus and processes of normal untreated type-2 astrocytes, and distributed mainly in the cytoplasm and processes after exposure to LPS. TNFR2 was mainly expressed in the nucleus of normal untreated type-2 astrocytes, and distributed mainly in the processes of type-2 astrocytes after exposure to LPS. Both anti-TNFR1 and anti-TNFR2 antibodies suppressed β-1,4-GalT I mRNA expression induced by TNF-α or LPS. From these results, we conclude that TNF-α signaling via both TNFR1 and TNFR2 translocated from nucleus to cytoplasm or processes is sufficient to induce β-1,4-GalT I mRNA. In addition, we observed that not only exogenous TNF-α but also TNF-α produced by type-2 astrocytes affected β-1,4-GalT I mRNA production in type-2 astrocytes. These results suggest that an autocrine loop involving TNF-α contributes to the production of β-1,4-GalT I mRNA in response to inflammation. Chunlin Xia is the co-first author.  相似文献   

The localization of immunoglobulins G, A and M in glial cells of neoplastic and reactive origin have been investigated by the use of the PAP (peroxidase-antiperoxidase) method on paraffin embedded tissue previously fixed in calcium formol. It has been found, that some glial cells of astrocyte type showed a very intense staining when oligoclonal antibodies to human immunoglobulins G, A and M specific for gamma, alpha, and mu chains were used. The localization of immunoglobulins was disclosed in astrocytes of various morphology; astrocytes with well developed processes, gemistocyte type cells without or only with short and thick cell processes and in small cells with scanty cytoplasm. The number of cells with immunoglobulins localized is very small. No positive results have been noted if the normal brain tissue is concerned. The specificity of the method is discussed.  相似文献   

Brain edema and the consequent increase in intracranial pressure and brain herniation are major complications of acute liver failure (fulminant hepatic failure) and a major cause of death in this condition. Ammonia has been strongly implicated as an important factor, and astrocyte swelling appears to be primarily responsible for the edema. Ammonia is known to cause cell swelling in cultured astrocytes, although the means by which this occurs has not been fully elucidated. A disturbance in one or more of these systems may result in loss of ion homeostasis and cell swelling. In particular, activation of the Na-K-Cl cotransporter (NKCC1) has been shown to be involved in cell swelling in several neurological disorders. We therefore examined the effect of ammonia on NKCC activity and its potential role in the swelling of astrocytes. Cultured astrocytes were exposed to ammonia (NH(4)Cl; 5 mm), and NKCC activity was measured. Ammonia increased NKCC activity at 24 h. Inhibition of this activity by bumetanide diminished ammonia-induced astrocyte swelling. Ammonia also increased total as well as phosphorylated NKCC1. Treatment with cyclohexamide, a potent inhibitor of protein synthesis, diminished NKCC1 protein expression and NKCC activity. Since ammonia is known to induce oxidative/nitrosative stress, and antioxidants and nitric-oxide synthase inhibition diminish astrocyte swelling, we also examined whether ammonia caused oxidation and/or nitration of NKCC1. Cultures exposed to ammonia increased the state of oxidation and nitration of NKCC1, whereas the antioxidants N-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester and uric acid all significantly diminished NKCC activity. These agents also reduced phosphorylated NKCC1 expression. These results suggest that activation of NKCC1 is an important factor in the mediation of astrocyte swelling by ammonia and that such activation appears to be mediated by NKCC1 abundance as well as by its oxidation/nitration and phosphorylation.  相似文献   

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