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六盘山森林土壤中的砾石对渗透性和蒸发的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
时忠杰  王彦辉  于澎涛  徐丽宏  熊伟  郭浩 《生态学报》2008,28(12):6090-6098
为了解山地土壤中的砾石对土壤水文循环的影响,测定了砾石土壤的贮水能力、渗透速率和蒸发速率。结果表明,砾石含量与土壤有效贮水量呈正相关关系,但与土壤最大贮水量无明显相关。在0-40cm土层,当砾石体积含量小于15%~20%时,稳渗速率随砾石含量增加而增大,当砾石体积含量大于15%-20%时,土壤稳渗速率随砾石含量增加而减小;在40cm以下土层,稳渗速率随砾石含量增加而提高。在土壤砾石含量为0~20%时,土壤蒸发速率随砾石含量增加而降低,但在砾石含量超过20%时,土壤蒸发速率基本保持稳定。土壤蒸发速率随砾石粒径增大有升高的趋势。  相似文献   

松嫩草原三种主要植物群落枯落物层生态水文功能   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
施爽  郭继勋 《应用生态学报》2007,18(8):1722-1726
分析了松嫩草原主要植物群落羊草群落、虎尾草群落、碱茅群落枯落物层的蓄积量及持水能力、枯落物层对降水的截留以及枯落物层抑制土壤水分蒸发的效应.结果表明,羊草群落枯落物蓄积量最大为4.7t·hm-2,最大持水量为9.6t·hm-2,最大持水率为208.4%;虎尾草群落枯落物层蓄积量、最大持水量和最大持水率分别为3.0t·hm-2、7.4t·hm-2和262.8%;碱茅群落分别为2.6t·hm-2、5.0t·hm-2和202.2%;3种群落枯落物层对降水的截留量分别为6.57、5.79和5.26t·hm-2,随着降雨量的增加,截留量增加,截留率减小;0.5~2mm枯落物覆盖下不同含水量的土壤水分蒸发比无覆盖的土壤减少7.95%~56.79%,枯落物层减少土壤水分蒸发的效应随枯落物层厚度和土壤含水量的增大而增加.  相似文献   

不同初始含水率下粘质土壤的入渗过程   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
刘目兴  聂艳  于婧 《生态学报》2012,32(3):871-878
土壤入渗是降雨渗入土体形成土壤水的基本水文过程,土壤渗透能力影响着地表径流和土壤侵蚀强度。土壤初始含水量决定了入渗初期的土水势,是影响土壤入渗过程的重要因素。利用环刀法,观测了三峡库区林地和草地的土壤入渗过程,对比分析了不同初始含水率下土壤入渗率和常用入渗模型的适宜性。结果表明,随土壤初始含水率的增大,林地和草地下土壤初始入渗率减小,入渗趋于稳定所需时间缩短,累积入渗量和稳定入渗率增大。土壤含水率为12%的林地初始入渗率为8.95 mm/min,是含水率40%林地初始入渗率的4倍,但1h累积入渗量仅是含水率40%林地的2/3。有机质含量丰富的草地土壤入渗过程对初始含水率的敏感性较弱,干湿草地相比较入渗参数的差异不如林地明显。随时间的延长,土壤入渗率逐渐降低,入渗曲线渐趋平缓,最小二乘法拟合结果显示Horton模型对林地和草地下土壤入渗过程的拟合效果较好,且模型参数具有物理意义,是分析和预测三峡库区林草覆盖下土壤入渗过程的适宜模型。  相似文献   

Agricultural soils have tremendous potential to sequester soil organic carbon (SOC) and mitigate global climate change. However, agricultural land use has a profound impact on SOC dynamics, and few studies have explored how agricultural land use combined with soil conditions affect SOC changes throughout the soil profile. Based on a paired soil resampling campaign in the 1980s and 2010s, this study investigated the SOC changes of the soil profile caused by agricultural land use and the correlations with parent material and topography across the Chengdu Plain of China. The results showed that the SOC content increased by 3.78 g C/kg in the topsoil (0–20 cm), but decreased in the 20–40 cm and 40–60 cm soil layers by 0.90 and 1.26 g C/kg respectively. SOC increases in topsoil were observed for all types of agricultural land. Afforestation on former agricultural land also caused SOC decreases in the 20–60 cm soil layers, while SOC decreases only occurred in the 40–60 cm soil layer for agricultural land using a traditional crop rotation (i.e. traditional rice–wheat/rapeseed rotation) and with rice–vegetable rotations converted from the traditional rotations. For each agricultural land use, SOC decreases in deep soils only occurred in high relief areas and in soils formed from Q4 (Quaternary Holocene) grey‐brown alluvium and Q4 grey alluvium that had a relatively low soil bulk density and clay content. The results indicated that SOC change caused by agricultural land use was depth dependent and that the effects of agricultural land use on soil profile SOC dynamics varied with soil characteristics and topography. Subsoil SOC decreases were more likely to occur in high relief areas and in soils with low soil bulk density and low clay content.  相似文献   

Many forest roads are being closed as a step in watershed restoration. Ripping roads with subsoilers or rock rippers is a common practice to increase the infiltration capacity of roads before closure. When considering the effectiveness of ripping for reducing runoff and erosion and the potential reduction in slope stability by saturating road fills, it is important to know how ripping changes the infiltration capacity of forest roads. Hydrographs from simulated rainfall on 1 × 1 m plots were analyzed to find the saturated hydraulic conductivity, an indicator of infiltration capacity. I examined saturated hydraulic conductivity for three treatments on two different soils. One road was built in a soil derived from the metamorphic belt series geology of northern Idaho, a soil noted for its high rock fragment content. The second road was built in a sandy soil derived from decomposed granitics of the Idaho batholith. On each soil, five plots were installed on a road before ripping, and nine plots were installed on the same road segment following ripping, four covered with a heavy straw mulch and five without. Three half-hour rainfall events with intensities near 90 mm/hr were simulated on each plot. Results show that ripping increases hydraulic conductivities enough to reduce risk of runoff but does not restore the natural hydraulic conductivity of a forested slope. The unripped road surfaces had hydraulic conductivities in the range of 0–4 mm/hr, whereas ripped roads were in the range of 20–40 mm/hr after the second event. Surface sealing and tilled soil subsidence processes are important in reducing the hydraulic conductivity of the soils with repeated wetting. Subsidence appears to be important on the granitic soil, whereas surface sealing was more important on the belt series soil.  相似文献   

A 10-year (2005–2015) field experiment was conducted to study the effects of an integrated rice-crayfish (CR) model on soil organic carbon, enzyme activity, and microbial diversity at soil depths of 0–10?cm, 10–20?cm, 20–30?cm, and 30–40?cm. Compared with a mid-season rice monoculture (MR) model, total organic carbon (TOC), particle organic carbon (POC), and water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) were significantly higher in the 0–40?cm soil layers, and the content of microbial biomass carbon (MBC) was significantly higher in the 30–40?cm soil layer in the CR model. The ratios of WSOC to TOC and POC to TOC in the 0–40?cm soil layers in CR model exhibited an increasing trend, whereas the ratio of MBC to TOC in the 0–30?cm layers exhibited a decreasing trend with respect to that of the MR model, however, these differences were not statistically significant. The activity of soil invertase, acid phosphatase, and urease in the 0–40?cm soil layers in the CR model exhibited a decreasing trend with respect to that of the MR model, and the activity of urease in the 10–20?cm soil layer in the CR model was significantly lower than that in the MR model. Compared with the MR model, the CR model significantly enhanced the carbon utilization capacity of soil microbes, and the richness index, dominance index, and diversity index of the soil microbial community in the 20–30?cm layer, whereas it significantly decreased the number of dominant soil microorganism species and the carbon utilization capacity of soil microbes in the 0–10?cm layer. Soil organic carbon and its active components had a significant direct correlation with the microbial diversity index, and significantly positive correlations with invertase, urease, and acid phosphatase. With respect to the soil microbial diversity index, soil organic carbon and its active components had a closer relationship with soil enzyme activity.  相似文献   

土壤入渗是决定雨水或融水通过地表再分配给土壤的关键, 影响着森林生态水文过程。为研究北京油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)人工林火烧迹地早期土壤入渗特征及其结构性控制因素, 在火灾发生(2019年3月)的当年对火烧和对照样地的0-20 cm土壤进行为期8个月(5-12月)的采集, 测定分析土壤结构和入渗对火烧干扰的响应及随土壤深度和时间的变化, 并通过路径分析探讨火烧和土壤结构性质对土壤入渗的作用机制。结果表明: 1)土壤各结构指标(除小团聚体外)随土壤深度和时间变化总体具有浅层>深层和6-8月>其他月份的趋势。火烧改变了土壤结构原有的垂直分布特征和季节动态规律, 火烧后2个月土壤>5、2-5和1-2 mm团聚体含量和容重显著增加, 其余指标均显著减少。随土层加深和时间推移, 火烧的作用减弱, 但与土壤深度和时间变化具有明显的交互效应。2)土壤入渗特征随土壤深度变化缓慢, 但随时间变化显著, 表现为雨水较多且出现强降雨事件的8月土壤初渗速率、稳渗速率、入渗总量和饱和导水率最大。火烧后0-5 cm和6-9月的土壤入渗过程与对照相比差异较大, 各月土壤入渗特征均下降, 出现峰值时间提前1-2个月。3)火烧显著影响土壤结构性质, 而土壤入渗性主要受土壤结构性质的直接影响。在未受火烧干扰的情况下, 土壤的入渗性受到土壤团聚体、容重和持水量的正效应以及孔隙度的负效应, 有机质含量和初始含水率对入渗性的直接影响均不显著, 但有机质含量可以通过影响孔隙度或持水量间接影响入渗性。火烧后土壤初始含水率是唯一显著且直接影响入渗性的因素, 且初始含水率越高, 土壤入渗越慢。综上所述, 火烧会改变或解耦火烧迹地早期土壤结构对土壤入渗及其内部的作用程度及途径而间接影响土壤入渗。  相似文献   

长江上游亚高山暗针叶林土壤水分入渗特征研究   总被引:42,自引:0,他引:42  
长江上游以峨嵋冷杉为主的亚高山暗针叶林流域土壤质地较粗,属于壤质砂土。随着森林演替的发展,林地土壤砂粒含量逐渐降低,粉、粘粒含量逐渐增加,以过熟龄峨嵋冷杉纯林的粉粘粒含量为最高。就坡积物而言。随土层深的增加,砂粒含量逐渐增加,粘粒含量逐渐减小。随森林演替的进展和土层深度的减小,土壤容重逐渐减小,土壤孔隙度和土壤贮水力逐渐增大,研究区土壤非饱和导水率随土层深度的增加和土壤含水量的减小而减小,并与土壤含水量呈指数函数关系。随土层深度的增加,土壤饱和导水率呈负指数递减,不同土层到达稳渗的时间有差异,随土层深度的增加,稳渗时间增加,平均在110min左右。该流域暗针叶林带土壤质地上的变化和土壤水分物理性质的分异以及土壤水分的高入渗性是该暗针叶林流域水文循环中森林对水分传输调节的具体体现,也可以为该流域很少见到坡面径流或地表径流,而大部分以壤中流、回归流和地下渗漏等径流形式出现的机制作出有力的解释。  相似文献   

为了解全球气候变化背景下氮沉降对土壤氮矿化的影响及硅添加对土壤氮矿化的促进作用, 该试验设置不同浓度的氮肥单独添加(0、20、40、60 g·m -2, 分别为对照CK、N20、N40、N60)以及与硅肥配施(硅酸4 g·m -2, Si4), 测定不同处理下0-20、20-40、40-60 cm土层土壤硝态氮含量、铵态氮含量、净硝化速率、净氨化速率以及净矿化速率。结果显示: (1)单独添加氮肥, 各土层土壤硝态氮和铵态氮含量均随处理浓度的增加而增加, 0-20 cm土层N20、N40、N60处理下土壤硝态氮和铵态氮分别较CK增加63.48%、126.04%、247.03%和80.66%、152.52%、244.56%; 随着土层深度增加, 土壤硝态氮、铵态氮含量均有下降, 20-40、40-60 cm土层较0-20 cm土层硝态氮含量分别平均减少53.90%、76.05%, 铵态氮含量分别平均减少48.62%、68.23%。(2)土壤净硝化速率、净氨化速率及净矿化速率随着氮肥浓度增加均呈上升趋势。相同氮肥添加浓度下, 土壤净硝化速率、净氨化速率和净矿化速率随着土层深度增加逐渐下降(除CK外)。(3)与单独添加氮肥比较, 氮硅肥配施, 土壤氮含量有显著提高, 在0-20 cm土层硝态氮和铵态氮较CK分别增加98.78%、192.62%、330.16%和99.96%、195.82%、306.32%, 20-40、40-60 cm土层也有类似趋势。同时, 氮硅配施促进了土壤氮矿化行为, 在0-20 cm土层, N60Si4处理下的土壤净硝化速率、净氨化速率较单独施氮时分别增加35.88%、27.41%。以上结果表明, 与单独氮肥添加相比, 氮硅配施不但能提高土壤氮含量, 而且能促进土壤氮的矿化作用, 对大气氮沉降有一定的缓解作用。  相似文献   

The biogeochemical properties of soils drive ecosystem function and vegetation dynamics, and hence soil restoration after mining should aim to reinstate the soil properties and hydrological dynamics of remnant ecosystems. The aim of this study is to assess soil structure in two vegetation types in an arid ecosystem, and to understand how these soil properties compare to a reconstructed soil profile after mining. In an arid ecosystem in southeast Australia, soil samples were collected at five depths (to 105 cm) from remnant woodland and shrubland sites, and sites either disturbed or totally reconstructed after mining. We assessed soil physico‐chemical properties and microbial activity. Soils in the remnant arid ecosystem had coarse‐textured topsoils that overlay clay horizons, which allows water to infiltrate and avoid evaporation, but also slows drainage to deeper horizons. Conversely, reconstructed soils had high sand content at subsoil horizons and high bulk density and compaction at surface layers (0–20 cm). Reconstructed soils had topsoils with higher pH and electrical conductivity. The reconstructed soils did not show increased microbial activity with time since restoration. Overall, the reconstructed soil horizons were not organized in a way that allowed rainfall infiltration and water storage, as is imperative to arid‐zone ecosystem function. Future restoration efforts in arid ecosystems should focus on increasing sand content of soils near the surface, to reduce evaporative water loss and improve soil quality and plant health.  相似文献   

稻草易地还土对丘陵红壤有机质和主要物理性质的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
选取新垦坡地和熟化旱地2种典型土地利用类型,研究了稻草易地还土对丘陵红壤有机质含量和主要物理性质的影响,并探讨了土壤有机质、田间持水量、容重、孔隙度间的相关性.结果表明稻草易地还土可提高丘陵红壤有机质含量,改良土壤物理性质,增强土壤蓄水性能.与不施肥或化肥处理相比,稻草易地还土提高了耕层(0~20 cm)土壤有机质含量5.8%~28.9%和>0.25 mm水稳性大团聚体含量;降低了亚表层(10~15 cm)土壤容重,降低幅度为4.5%~7.5%,提高了亚表层土壤的田间持水量和孔隙度,提高幅度分别为6.8%~16.2%和4.8%~7.7%(P<0.05).相关分析表明,土壤有机质含量(0~20 cm)与亚表层土壤容重(r=-0.799)、孔隙度(r=0.803)、田间持水量(r=0.844)呈极显著相关(P<0.01);表层、亚表层土壤田间持水量与土壤容重(r=-0.638)、孔隙度(r=0.664)呈显著相关(P<0.05).  相似文献   

针对黄淮海平原由于连年旋耕所导致的犁底层加厚上移、耕层变浅的问题,引入一种全新的耕作技术——深旋松耕,以改良耕层障碍因素,提高冬小麦产量.设置深松20 cm(SS20)、深旋松30 cm(DVR30)两个处理,以深松20 cm为对照,研究深旋松耕作对土壤物理特性及小麦开花期光合特性的影响.结果表明: DVR30处理能够充分破除犁底层,DVR30处理10~20和20~30 cm土层容重分别较SS20处理降低了9.5%和11.2%,DVR30处理20~30 cm穿透阻力较SS20处理降低了42.3%.DVR30能够增强水分入渗能力,提高土壤深层贮水量.随着深度的增加,DVR30处理土壤含水量显著增加,30~40和40~50 cm土层含水量分别较SS20处理提高16.9%和10.6%,且差异达到显著水平,0~50 cm土壤贮水量提高3.3%.DVR30处理创造了良好的耕层环境,促进了小麦开花期光合能力的提高,与SS20处理相比,DVR30处理小麦开花期叶片相对叶绿素含量(SPAD)及净光合速率分别提高1.3%和15.5%,小麦地上部、地下部干物质累积量亦有显著增加,同时DVR30处理通过提高小麦有效穗数,提高了产量,实际增产12.4%.综上,短期深旋松耕作能够充分破除犁底层、深松活土,为构建合理耕层结构、充分挖掘耕层潜力提供了一种新的技术手段.  相似文献   

The responses of soil nitrogen (N) transformations to climate change are crucial for biome productivity prediction under global change. However, little is known about the responses of soil gross N transformation rates to drought gradient. Along an aridity gradient across the 2700 km transect of drylands on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, this study measured three main soil gross N transformation rates in both topsoil (0–10 cm) and subsoil (20–30 cm) using the laboratorial 15N labeling. The relevant soil abiotic and biotic variables were also determined. The results showed that gross N mineralization and nitrification rates steeply decreased with increasing aridity when aridity was less than 0.5 but just slightly decreased with increasing aridity when aridity was larger than 0.5 at both soil layers. In topsoil, the decreases of the two gross rates were accompanied by the similar decreased patterns of soil total N content and microbial biomass carbon with increasing aridity (p < .05). In subsoil, although the decreased pattern of soil total N with increasing aridity was still similar to the decreases of the two gross rates (p < .05), microbial biomass carbon did not change (p > .05). Instead, bacteria and ammonia oxidizing archaea abundances decreased with increasing aridity when aridity was larger than 0.5 (p < .05). With an aridity threshold of 0.6, gross N immobilization rate increased with increasing aridity in wetter region (aridity < 0.6) accompanied with an increased bacteria/fungi ratio, but decreased with increasing aridity in drier region (aridity > 0.6) where mineral N and microbial biomass N also decreased at both soil layers (p < .05). This study provided new insight to understand the differential responses of soil N transformation to drought gradient. The threshold responses of the gross N transformation rates to aridity gradient should be noted in biogeochemical models to better predict N cycling and manage land in the context of global change.  相似文献   

采用时间序列分析法,对江西省修水县退化石灰岩红壤区4种主要重建森林类型的土壤(0~40 cm)含水量与降水量、蒸发量之间的相关关系进行了研究.结果表明:研究区各重建森林前一个月的土壤含水量对当月整个土壤剖面(0~40 cm)平均土壤含水量和当月20~40 cm土层土壤含水量具有较强影响,对当月0~10 cm土层土壤含水量的影响较小;研究区各重建森林20~40 cm土层土壤含水量主要受当月降水量的影响,0~10 cm土层土壤含水量主要受当月蒸发量的影响;在4种森林重建模式中,枫香纯林当月降水量与当月土壤含水量的相关系数最大,混交林模式土壤含水量的自相关系数大于纯林模式.  相似文献   

林地覆盖经营对雷竹生物量及土壤肥力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以不同覆盖栽培年限(0、3、6、9和12年)雷竹林为研究对象,分析雷竹林退化过程中林分生长与土壤养分的变化趋势.结果表明:随着覆盖年限的增加,竹林地上及地下生物量均在覆盖3年时达到最大值,与对照相比增幅分别为14.6%和146.6%,差异显著;土壤养分含量受覆盖年限和土层深度的影响而出现差异性,并逐渐表现出上层富集的现象,土壤有机碳和全氮含量随覆盖年限的增加呈上升趋势,全磷含量在不同土层中均呈先降低后升高的变化趋势,在表层(0~20 cm)和底层(40~60 cm)土壤中覆盖6年时达到最低,亚表层(20~40 cm)土壤中覆盖3年时达到最低,全钾含量在表层土壤中持续增大,在亚表层和底层土壤中则表现为在覆盖0~3年下降、3~12年上升的变化趋势,试验雷竹林间差异显著.覆盖9年后,土壤肥力综合指数总体得到较大幅度的提高,亚表层土壤肥力优于表层和底层土,但不同覆盖年限间土壤肥力综合指数与雷竹各器官生物量均没有显著的相关性,而在亚表层中,土壤氮含量与竹叶生物量,以及钾含量与竹叶和鞭根生物量呈显著负相关.这表明长期覆盖及大量施用化肥导致的土壤养分过量积累已经对雷竹林的扩繁和生物量积累产生严重的抑制作用,加剧了竹林衰退趋势.  相似文献   

Organic mulch can improve the moisture, chemical composition, dust, and dust suppression of soil, and beautify the environment. In view of the rapid evaporation rate and serious loss of soil water in tropical areas, this paper explored the effect of organic mulch materials with different thickness on the increase of soil water retention rate and the improvement of soil water loss caused by evaporation. Rubberwood sawdust (RWS), rubberwood bark (RWB), coconut fiber (CF), and Mulch (MC) were selected as the mulching materials. Field experiment and laboratory experiment were performed, and soil-moisture content and temperature were continuously monitored. However, from the daily measurement of water content at constant conditions (29°C ± 0.2°C, 74% ± 1% air RH) in the laboratory experiment, the results of variance analysis (ANOVA) showed that there was no significant difference between the soil-water content of covered samples and bare soil (P >0.05). In the field experiments, the analysis of variance indicated significant differences in the soil-moisture content owing to the effect of the covering material (P <0.01). Mulching increased the soil-moisture content with smaller fluctuations in the deep soil compared with bare soil. The most stable soil-moisture content were achieved by RWS, RWB, CF, and MC, with thicknesses of 5, 3, 7, and 5 cm, respectively, compared with bare soil, and the average water contents of the 0–40 cm soil layer was 0.58%, 0.01%, 0.82%, and 0.93%, respectively. Vertically, the intensity of the change in soil moisture decreased gradually with increasing depth, and was more stable than that of bare soil and other treatments. Among them, the difference in water content between the adjacent gradient soil layers (the soil layers are graded every 10 cm in depth) M3–7 (0.011 ± 0.004) was the smallest. It can be concluded that CF mulching materials with a thickness of 7 cm would be preferable when selecting mulching materials for controlling soil moisture in tropical cities.  相似文献   

干旱区不同景观单元土壤盐分的变化特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对内陆河流域空间土壤盐渍化问题,以新疆三工河流域为例,通过调查、取样分析,研究了冲洪积扇和冲洪积平原2个水文地质带上一个生长季5-10月0~10、10~20cm土壤盐分积聚特征及其主导因素.结果表明:冲洪积扇土壤盐分含量明显低于冲洪积平原,盐分含量的变异系数均>100%,属于强变异性;灌溉景观土壤盐分的聚积在冲洪积扇和冲洪积平原相似,盐分含量均减小,而非灌溉景观的差异较大,冲洪积扇区土壤盐分含量减小,土壤盐渍化程度减弱;而冲洪积平原区土壤盐分含量升高,盐渍化程度增强.冲洪积扇区土层间盐分变化关系紧密相关(P<0.01),降雨和灌溉对盐分都具有淋洗作用,促进了盐分含量的减少;冲洪积平原区,蒸发对非灌溉景观0~10 cm土层盐分聚积起到促进作用,而10~20 cm土层盐分聚积受上层土壤盐分和地下水位共同作用.
Aiming at the problem of soil salinization in inland river basin, a case study was con-ducted in the Sangong River catchment of Xinjiang, China. The characteristics and dominant af-fecting factors of salt accumulation in 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm soil layers in two hydro-geological zones, i. e. , alluvial-proluvial delta and alluvial plain, were studied in a growth season (from May to October), and the precipitation, evaporation, groundwater table, and irrigation were also taken into account. The soil salt content was obviously lower in alluvial-proluvial delta than in al-luvial plain, but its coefficient of variation in the two zones was all higher than 100%, indicating a great variability. The soil salt accumulation in irrigated landscape in the two zones had a similar decreasing trend, but that in non-irrigated landscape had greater difference, with a decreased soil salinization in alluvial-proluvial delta, and an increased soil salinization in alluvial plain. In allu-vial-proluvial delta, the salt contents in 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm soil layers had a close relation-ship (P <0. 01), and there was a clear process of salt leaching by precipitation and irrigation, leading to the decrease of soil salt content. In alluvial plain, the salt accumulation in 0-10 cm soil layer in non-irrigated landscape was promoted by evaporation, and that in 10-20 cm soil lay-er was co-affected by the salt content in 0-10 cm soil layer and the groundwater table.  相似文献   

不同耕作方式下黑土的渗透特性和优先流特征   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
用染料示踪法和双环法相结合,对连续6年的免耕与秋翻中层黑土进行水分入渗与优先流对比研究.结果表明:在整个入渗过程中,免耕土壤的渗透率都大于秋翻土壤,达到稳渗时,免耕土壤的稳渗率是秋翻土壤的1.35倍,累积渗透量是秋翻土壤的1.44倍.从亚甲基蓝溶液的渗透深度来看,免耕土壤的渗透深度(43 cm)明显大于秋翻土壤(27 cm).与秋翻土壤相比,免耕土壤具有更好的孔隙发育和更多的生物孔隙,具有良好的优先流特征,这对水分入渗和水土保持有重要作用.  相似文献   

祁连山青海云杉林地土壤水分特征研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
通过对祁连山青海云杉林地土壤水分含量及主要影响因子的测定,结果表明,青海云杉林地土壤具有容重低、入渗率高、土壤水分含量垂向分布受降水影响明显等特征,灌木-青海云杉林、苔藓-青海云杉林和草地(对照)平均容重分别为0.522、0.641、0.874g·cm^-3.土壤初渗率分别为6.0、21.0、2.5mm·min^-1,稳渗率分别为3.98、11.2、0.5mm·min^-1.苔藓-青海云杉林地土壤可划分为4层:水分活跃层(0~30cm)、水分调节层(30~60cm)、水分传输层(60~80cm)和蓄水层(80ClTI以下),各层土壤贮水量分别为3.30、3.17、2.80和2.83mm·cm^-1.灌木-青海云杉林可分为3层:水分稳定层(0~30cm)、水分活跃层(30~60cm)和水分传输层(60cm以下),各层土壤贮水量分别为3.98、3.65、3.48mm·cm^-1.两种林地土壤水分含量的季节变化受降水影响较大,相比而言,苔藓.青海云杉林地入渗率更高,有较明显的蓄水层,水分传输能力更强,而灌木-青海云杉林地贮水能力更强.  相似文献   

不同土地利用方式土下岩溶溶蚀速率及影响因素   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以重庆中梁山为例,通过野外埋放标准溶蚀试片、土壤CO2收集装置和进行亮蓝染色示踪试验,测试不同土地利用方式下不同土层碳酸盐岩溶蚀速率、土壤CO2浓度、土壤溶解性有机碳(DOC)含量及土壤含水量、土壤pH值和孔L隙度等性质,探讨不同土地利用方式土下溶蚀速率差异及其影响因素.结果表明不同土地利用方式对土壤理化性质产生影响,形成特定的岩溶微环境,进而影响土下不同层次的岩溶作用:土壤CO2浓度是影响林地和草地旱季土下溶蚀速率的重要驱动力;土壤含水量和供水能力是影响旱季不同土地利用方式溶蚀速率的关键因素;菜地产生的酸性物质较多,土壤pH值最低,其平均溶蚀速率高于林地;土壤DOC随水下渗迁移性强,是林地土下50 cm处溶蚀速率高于土下20 cm处的原因之一.该文为西南岩溶区土下岩溶机理、岩溶碳汇提供理论依据和数据参考.  相似文献   

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