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几种杀虫剂亚致死中量对褐稻虱生殖力影响的初报   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
<正> 五十年代,由于大量使用氯代烃类(六六六、DDT、毒杀芬等),有机磷等以后,引起害虫再猖獗(resurgence)。 许多研究者认为引起害虫种群再猖獗的主要原因是农药使用后大量杀伤了害虫的捕食性、寄生性天敌和病原微生物所致。一些作者认为,另一原因可能使用农药后,对害虫生殖力刺激,而引起再猖獗。 Bartlett(1968)在一篇综述中列举59种农药,证实有机氯对螨类生殖力存在刺激作用。 S.Chelliah(1979)1977-79年进行杀虫剂对褐稻虱Nilaparvata lugens Stal再猖獗的一系列试验研究。其中用LD_5、LD_(10)、LD_(25)、LD_(50)剂量的溴氰菊酯,甲基1605,乙滴滴处理褐稻虱,结果与对照比,用溴氰菊酯四种剂量处理  相似文献   

施用杀虫药剂反而引起了施药后害虫的猖獗,或是使用杀虫药剂防治某一种害虫引起了另一种害虫的猖獗,总称为再增猖獗(Resur-gence)现象。这一现象实际上很早就已存在,但是在DDT使用之后,才受到人们的注意。因为,文献上已经报告了数十处由于使用DDT而  相似文献   

农药诱导害虫再猖獗机制   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
吴进才 《昆虫知识》2011,48(4):799-803
害虫再猖獗是农林害虫防治中出现的普遍现象,包括生态再猖獗和生理再猖獗.前者的机制主要是药剂削弱了自然控制作用,后者主要是药剂引起害虫的毒物兴奋效应及补偿作用(刺激产卵).作者团队最新研究证明,药剂刺激产卵是由于药剂激活了脂肪体RNA转录水平,使卵黄蛋白基因表达量显著上调;两性交配昆虫药剂同样刺激雄性生殖并能通过交配传导...  相似文献   

大部份害虫再增猖獗现象是属于这一类的,即:为了甲种害虫施用某一杀虫药剂,结果引起乙种害虫的再增或猖獗。有时,引起猖獗的害虫原来是重要的害虫,但是,也有时,因为某一药剂的施用,引起了一些原来是不重要的害虫猖獗成灾。后一类情况是最不幸的结果。 勃朗(Brown,1951)总结说,由于DDT在  相似文献   

我国斯氏线虫与化学农药混用研究概况梁梅芳,刘南欣(广东省昆虫研究所)人们在与害虫争夺各种食物和纤维中,由于不合理使用化学农药,既使害虫产生了抗药性又杀伤了天敌而造成了害虫的再猖獗,而对大量的农药洒向自然界而严重破坏了人们自己的生态环境后,害虫的生物防...  相似文献   

<正> 在农作物害虫防治中,由于大量地、不恰当地使用化学农药,既污染环境,又杀伤了天敌昆虫,从而导致了害虫再猖獗为害。如何使害虫防治与保护天敌之间互相协调配合,成为农业害虫防治中急待解决的问题。 本试验在于研究几种农药及不同浓度对害虫卵寄生蜂的杀伤力。 供试农药 试验方法  相似文献   

稻飞虱的危害及再猖獗机制   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
稻飞虱作为水稻上重要害虫,通过直接刺吸和传播病毒对水稻生产造成很大影响。飞虱的大暴发是世界性的问题,作者对导致稻飞虱再猖獗的机制进行了综述,并推测稻飞虱再猖獗可能是农药、气候和耕作制度综合造成的,可以通过控制农药使用来调控飞虱动态。  相似文献   

论害虫大量发生及其预测(一)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
马世骏 《昆虫学报》1955,(4):351-372
一.对害虫大量发生的一般认识 害虫大量发生(或又称害虫猖獗)系由於发生地的环境条件与害虫生理和形态的统一,而表现於数量上迅速增加的结果,亦即代表某种害虫生存历史中这一时期的最高发展。由於组成环境的各个条件变化速度不同,以及害虫生物性的差异,故猖獗期的间距和每次猖獗期的延续,各有其长短或久暂。研究害虫猖獗过程和造成猖獗原  相似文献   

从上面所述看来,在使用杀虫药剂时,必须注意这一问题,以免发生不良的后果。对于防止再增猖獗问题,目前提出的方法是:①改变杀虫药剂的使用方式、时间等等以避免对天敌的杀害及对害虫的刺激;②应用选择性的杀虫药剂,使它只杀死害虫而不影响到天敌或其他。下面  相似文献   

昆虫卵黄蛋白及其激素调控的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
戈林泉  吴进才 《昆虫知识》2010,47(2):236-246
卵黄蛋白的结构及其合成、摄取过程与激素的调控机理是目前昆虫生理学的研究热点之一。近几年,随着分子克隆技术、基因工程手段和生物信息学的发展,对卵黄蛋白基因的研究将为寻找害虫生物防治提供新途径。本文对昆虫卵黄蛋白及其激素调控进行了综述。为防治害虫再猖獗的发生和促进大量繁殖益虫提供重要的理论依据。  相似文献   

以转Bt基因抗虫水稻T1C-19(含cry1C基因)和T2A-1(含cry2A基因)及其亲本水稻MH63为材料,用20和40 mg·L-1的三唑磷以及1、3和6 mg·L-1的溴氰菊酯喷雾分别处理稻株上的3龄褐飞虱若虫,研究了两种农药对转Bt基因抗虫水稻上褐飞虱再猖獗的影响.结果表明: 三唑磷处理对褐飞虱的若虫历期无显著性影响,溴氰菊酯则能显著降低若虫历期,但随着两种药剂处理浓度的升高,若虫的存活率降低、成虫的产卵量增加.在同一浓度农药药剂处理下,3个水稻品种上的褐飞虱若虫发育历期、若虫存活率、初羽雌成虫体质量、产卵量和卵孵化率等生态学参数均没有显著差异.表明褐飞虱在两种转Bt水稻上对三唑磷和溴氰菊酯诱导再猖獗的反应能力与其亲本水稻MH63没有差异.  相似文献   

杀虫剂诱使棉蚜再猖獗的研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
吴孔明  刘芹轩 《生态学报》1992,12(4):341-347
为指导棉蚜的综合防治,笔者对杀虫剂诱导棉蚜再猖獗的现象进行了研究,速灭杀丁,氧化乐果和久效磷对棉蚜田间施药试验结果表明:效果较好,但进入伏蚜发生期后,速灭杀丁处理区棉蚜种群上升极快,第3次施药手2000倍和4000倍的20%,速灭杀丁处理区棉虹种群数量分别是对照的9.05倍和7.22倍,氧化乐果施药区棉蚜密度也明显高于不 施药的对照区蚜虫密度,整个棉蚜发生阶段棉蚜的抗药性测定表明,随着用药次数增加,棉蚜对速灭杀丁抗性倍数增长迅速,第4次施药后LD56值是早春棉蚜的9.39倍。3种农药对七星瓢虫和异色标虫的毒性皆显著地对棉蚜的毒力,随着棉蚜抗药性增加,农药对瓢虫-蚜系统的破坏愈加严重,对3种农药处理后的棉蚜成,若蚜的生命表分析表明3种农药没有刺激种群增殖作用,因而可以认为速杰灭刹丁诱使棉蚜再猖獗的作用是由于棉蚜抗药性水平迅速提高和对棉田生态的破坏所致。  相似文献   

溴氰菊酯和甲胺磷引起稻飞虱再猖獗问题的研究   总被引:43,自引:2,他引:41  
王荫长  田学志 《昆虫知识》1994,31(5):257-262
室内测定和田间试验的结果表明,溴氰菊酯引起稻飞虱再猖獗的现象非常明显,其原因首先是稻飞虱对溴氰菊酯具有极高的自然耐药力,连续施药以后,耐药力还会进一步提高;其次是药剂会使飞虱的产卵量增多,并杀伤天敌。这种再猖獗在用药量偏低时更为明显。甲胺磷在常用剂量下,对飞虱的再猖獗不明显。  相似文献   

Three hens were trained to door push and three were trained to head bob using food as the reinforcer (Behaviour 1 training). A period of extinction followed. Each hen was then trained to perform the other behaviour (Behaviour 2) and this was followed by seven sessions of extinction. This whole sequence was repeated six times, with two sessions of extinction following Behaviour 1 training. Over the repeated extinction conditions there were decreases in responding early in extinction, for both Behaviours 1 and 2, compared with the first condition. Behaviour in the later extinction sessions could be studied for Behaviour 2 only, and it was found to increase relative to the first condition, over repeated extinction conditions. The occurrence of Behaviour 1 during the extinction following the training of Behaviour 2, that is the resurgence of Behaviour 1, both over the whole of and in the first session of each extinction phase, was variable and tended to increase over these six conditions. Thus it is possible to study resurgence using a within-subject design but the effect of repeated extinction conditions needs to be considered. The period of extinction immediately following Behaviour 1 training was then increased to nine sessions for two replications of the whole sequence. This was followed by two repeats of the sequence with no sessions of this extinction and then by another repeat, with nine sessions of this extinction phase. Over these five conditions the total resurgence of Behaviour 1 was generally greater when there were no sessions of extinction immediately following Behaviour 1 training, than when there were nine sessions. This result was more marked for the resurgence of Behaviour 1 in the first session of the extinction of Behaviour 2. Thus, these data support the hypothesis that the resurgence of Behaviour 1 is the result of the prevention of the extinction of Behaviour 1 by training Behaviour 2. At a similar point in extinction, the number of occurrences of Behaviour 1 in its own extinction was not significantly different from the number of occurrences of Behaviour 1 during the extinction of Behaviour 2. This fails to support the hypothesis that resurgence is induced by the extinction of Behaviour 2.  相似文献   

粉蚧是农林经济作物的一类重要害虫,由于体表覆盖一层蜡粉,化学防治常需要大剂量反复用药该虫才能得以控制,易造成环境污染及害虫再猖獗。本文从昆虫化学生态学的角度综述了粉蚧类害虫的寄主植物范围、天敌应用以及三重营养关系研究进展,归纳已鉴定粉蚧性信息素化学结构特点及其在综合防治中应用概况,探讨粉蚧类害虫化学生态学未来研究方向,为其绿色防控提供理论基础。  相似文献   

周琼  梁广文  曾玲  岑伊静 《生态学报》2003,23(12):2736-2740
为解决目前化学合成杀虫剂长期大量使用所带来的“3R”问题 ,有必要从对人畜无毒或低毒、对害虫天敌安全的植物和其它天然产物中筛选与环境相容性好的物质作为害虫控制的手段。已经从 63种植物中筛选出两种对蔬菜蚜虫有较好控制作用的植物苍耳 Xanthium sibiricum Petr.et Widd.和白蝴蝶Syngonium podophyllum Schott。报道该两种植物乙醇提取物以及几种常用天然源药剂 (鱼藤酮精、机油乳剂和 0 .3%印楝素乳油 )对深圳菜区蚜虫重要天敌瓢虫 (六斑月瓢虫 Menochilussexmaculata( Fabricius)和狭臀瓢虫 Coccinella trasversalis Fabricius)的影响。结果表明 ,两种植物提取物 ( 0 .0 4 g DW/ml)对所测试瓢虫的孵化、存活和捕食效能与对照之间在 0 .0 1或 0 .0 5水平均无显著差异 ,表明两种植物提取物对瓢虫安全、无明显毒性。而鱼藤酮精 ( 80 0× )、机油乳剂 ( 4 0 0× )和 0 .3%印楝素乳油 ( 2 0 0 0× )在所测试的浓度对瓢虫卵的毒性较强 ,瓢虫卵的孵化率明显降低 ,仅有对照瓢虫卵孵化率的 7.74%~ 1 4.31 % ,因此应避免在田间瓢虫大量产卵的季节使用。苍耳和白蝴蝶提取物对蚜虫的重要天敌瓢虫没有负面影响 ,可以考虑作为保护十字花科蔬菜免遭蚜虫危害的植物保护剂配方。  相似文献   

Two organotin pesticides, triphenyltin acetate (TPTA) and triphenyltin hydroxide (TPTH), were evaluated for their ability to induce micronuclei (MN) and sister chromatid exchange (SCE) in vitro using cultured Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells and in vivo BALB/c mouse erythrocytes. Both pesticides induced a dose-dependent increase but only TPTH induced a significant increase in MN at the highest dose (150 ng/ml) tested in CHO cells. With adding S9 microsomal fractions, both pesticides induced a meaningful MN induction at 150 ng/ml and a dose-dependent significant increase in SCE. In vivo MN induction in erythrocytes was conducted by treating BALB/c mice orally or intraperitoneally with these pesticides either in a single or triple treatments. Oral gavage (p.o.) of TPTA resulted in a dose-related significant increase of MN induction in peripheral blood and of TPTH induced a significant increase in micronucleated reticulocyte (MNRETs) only in a single treatment. Intraperitoneal administration of TPTA or TPTH, however, resulted in meaningless random increases in MN though these increases might be attributable to toxic effects. The MNRETs levels in the treatment with both pesticides were independent to the sampling time. This study demonstrated that TPTA and TPTH was potential chromosome mutagens.  相似文献   

Differential resurgence and response elimination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Resurgence refers to the transient recovery of previously reinforced, but presently not reinforced, responding when more recently reinforced responding is extinguished. The primary purpose of our research was to determine how differential resurgence results from the procedures used to eliminate that responding. There were three conditions in each of five experiments. In Condition 1, key pecking by pigeons was maintained under a two-component multiple variable-interval (VI) 30-s VI 30-s schedule. In Condition 2, this pecking was eliminated in different ways across components. In Condition 3, extinction was in effect for all responses, and resurgence of key pecking was compared across components. These three conditions were repeated for most pigeons, and the procedures used to eliminate responding in Condition 2 varied across experiments. In Experiment 1, there was greater resurgence, and an earlier onset of it, after a differential-reinforcement-of-other-behavior (DRO) schedule than after a VI schedule was correlated with pecking an alternative key. Experiments 2 and 3 showed that the differential resurgence in Experiment 1 probably was not due to conditional stimulus control or the periodicity of food delivery, respectively. In Experiment 4, there was no systematic difference in resurgence after either a DRO schedule or a VI schedule correlated with treadle pressing. In Experiment 5, there was greater resurgence, and/or an earlier onset of it, after a VI schedule correlated with treadle pressing than after a VI schedule correlated with pecking an alternative key. Taken together, the results showed that the reinforcement of an alternative key-peck response was the most effective means of reducing subsequent key-peck resurgence. The relation of these results to an understanding of resurgence is discussed.  相似文献   

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