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苏北海滨湿地互花米草种群繁殖方式   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
在江苏盐城新洋港滩涂由海向陆建立样地:光滩(Mudflat)、零星米草斑块(SAP)、稳定米草滩下边缘(SAFI)、2003年米草定居处(SAF03)、1989年米草定居处(SAF89)、碱蓬滩(SS)及禾草滩(Grass flat),在每个样地分别建立6个样方,构建原地栽培系统(长1 m×宽1 m×深0.7 m),其中3个用于无性繁殖体栽培,3个用于有性繁殖体栽培,对互花米草的种子萌发、无性分株及实生苗的定居、生长、繁殖进行了研究。结果表明:(1)受海浪物理冲刷、淹水胁迫、受潮浸频率及土壤水分的影响,实验系统各样地种子萌发率均较低,只有样地SAFI处互花米草种子萌发率为17.8%,显著高于其他样地(P0.01)。SAP、SAFI、SAF03、SAF89和Grass flat处实验最初栽培的互花米草无性分株植株存活率较高(大于60.0%)且样地间差异性不显著(P0.05);Mudflat处无性分株存活率极低(7.8±2.2)%,SS处无性分株全部死亡(0.0%)。无性分株和实生苗相比较,除Mudflat和SS样地二者存活率接近,其余样地的无性分株成活率均远高于有性分株。(2)互花米草无性分株在SAP、SAFI和SAF89样地中的株高、叶长、叶数、叶宽和叶厚均较高;实生苗在SAFI处长势较好,其他样地植株矮小、基径细或者死亡。无性分株生长指标显著高于实生苗。(3)各样地成功定居的无性分株均有结实植株,而实生苗只有Mudflat和SAFI处结实。样地Mudflat、SAP、SAFI、SAF03、SAF89和Grass flat无性分株分蘖数分别为21.7、23.0、25.5、6.8、9.0和4.1,实生苗的分蘖数除在Mudflat处达到14.0外,在其他样地均未分蘖。(4)各样地互花米草的无性分株单株生物量显著大于实生苗。两种繁殖方式地上生物量分配都呈现出向海陆两边递减的趋势,而地下生物量分配表现出相反的情况。综合对比各项指标,可以看出,在研究区内互花米草无性繁殖方式的定居成功率、生长、繁殖等指标均优于有性繁殖方式。研究区内互花米草种群的维持和扩张以无性繁殖方式为主。  相似文献   

互花米草盐沼土壤有机碳库组分及结构特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杭子清  王国祥  刘金娥  王刚  王会 《生态学报》2014,34(15):4175-4182
在江苏盐城互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)盐沼建立以下样地:光滩(Mudflat)、互花米草建群1a(S.alterniflora flat 2011)、5a(S.alterniflora flat 2007)、12a(S.alterniflora flat 2000)、23a(S.alterniflora flat 1989)以及碱蓬(Suaeda salsa flat 1989),采集表层土壤样品,分析土壤中的活性有机碳(可溶性有机碳、微生物量碳)特征,并利用核磁共振波谱法测定土壤总有机碳的结构图谱,研究互花米草盐沼土壤有机碳库组分及结构特征。结果表明:(1)互花米草建群后,盐沼表层土壤有机碳含量显著增加(P0.05),在0.82—7.6 g/kg之间,各样地表层土壤有机碳含量为:互花米草滩(5.57 g/kg)碱蓬滩(2.4 g/kg)光滩(1.05 g/kg);可溶性有机碳含量为:互花米草滩(36.08 mg/kg)碱蓬滩(17.43 mg/kg)光滩(6.92 mg/kg);微生物量碳含量为:互花米草滩(52.51 mg/kg)碱蓬滩(18.27 mg/kg)光滩(13.56 mg/kg)。互花米草建群后,土壤中活性碳库含量显著增加(P0.05)。(2)土壤有机碳结构以烷氧碳和芳香碳为主,其中芳香碳的平均比例(35.85%)最高,其次为烷氧碳(32.83%)和羧基碳(20.62%),烷基碳的平均比例(10.36%)最低,其中建群5a的互花米草样地(SAF2007)土壤芳香碳、烷氧碳、烷基碳含量最高,建群23a的互花米草样地(SAF1989)土壤羧基碳含量最高。(3)互花米草盐沼土壤中烷基碳/烷氧碳为:SAF2007(0.44)SSF1989(0.43)SAF2000(0.28)SAF2011(0.27)SAF1989(0.22);疏水碳/亲水碳为:SAF2007(0.97)SSF1989(0.87)SAF2000(0.85)SAF2011(0.83)SAF1989(0.81)。烷基碳/烷氧碳在建群5a后达到最高值0.44,烷基化程度最高;疏水碳/亲水碳达到最高值0.97,土壤碳库稳定性高于其它样地。  相似文献   

为了明确闽江河口互花米草海向不同入侵阶段湿地土壤nirK型反硝化微生物的群落结构及多样性,在鳝鱼滩东部的互花米草分布区,由陆向海方向选择互花米草海向入侵前的光滩(MF)、入侵1~2年(SAN)和入侵6~7年的互花米草(SA)湿地为研究对象,基于高通量测序技术,测定并分析了不同互花米草入侵阶段湿地土壤nirK型反硝化微生物群落结构及多样性的差异。结果表明:互花米草海向入侵降低了土壤中nirK型反硝化微生物群落的多样性及丰富度。不同入侵阶段湿地土壤的nirK型反硝化微生物主要包括变形菌门和放线菌门,其中变形菌门占绝对优势地位。互花米草海向入侵整体改变了湿地土壤中nirK型反硝化菌属的组成特征,MF、SAN、SA湿地土壤中相对丰度最高的nirK基因菌属分别为慢生根瘤菌属、中慢生根瘤菌属和产碱杆菌属。互花米草海向入侵增加了土壤中nirK型反硝化微生物群落组成的空间异质性,尤其是在SAN样地,这主要与样地本身的环境扰动性较大及互花米草海向入侵加大了样地环境因子的空间异质性有关。互花米草海向入侵主要是通过显著改变土壤理化因子(粒度组成、pH值和含水量)和氮养分条件(全氮、NH4+-N、NO3--N)来影响nirK型反硝化微生物的群落结构及多样性。本研究结果有助于揭示互花米草海向入侵对湿地土壤反硝化过程影响的微生物机制。  相似文献   

以江苏王港典型互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)盐沼湿地为研究对象,分析光滩及互花米草滩沉积物中有机碳的水平和垂向分布特征,了解互花米草生物量的季节动态变化,探讨二者之间的相互关系,在此基础上研究互花米草生物量分布和季节变化对沉积物中有机碳(TOC)含量的影响。结果表明,互花米草枯落物中的有机碳数量在两个月内衰减了40%,而表层沉积物中TOC含量及其中互花米草来源TOC所占比例的变化,均与互花米草地表枯落物量的季节变化存在两个月的"相位差",这与枯落物快速分解时间大致吻合,说明枯落物是表层沉积物中TOC的重要来源。高达60%的互花米草地下生物量分布在0—20cm深度内,该深度范围内沉积物中TOC含量较高,且TOC主要来源于互花米草。此外,不同深度TOC含量与地下生物量之间存在良好的正相关关系,说明地下生物量是影响沉积物TOC含量的重要因子。研究区互花米草年固碳能力为2274g m-2a-1,盐沼沉积物中TOC埋藏速率达到了470 g m-2a-1,是地表一个重要的碳汇;同时研究区每年向近岸水域输出大量的TOC,是近岸海域生态系统的一个重要碳源。  相似文献   

互花米草海向入侵对土壤有机碳组分、来源和分布的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在江苏盐城新洋港互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)盐沼选择光滩(MF),互花米草入侵la(SAF-1),3a(SAF-3),5a(SAF-5)和12a(SAF-12)样地,采集0-20 cm表层土壤样品,分别测定土壤有机碳(SOC)、顽固性有机碳(RC)和活性有机碳(LC)含量,碳氮比(C/N),土壤有机碳和顽固性有机碳的δ13C值,分析互花米草海向入侵过程中土壤有机碳组分、分布及来源变化.结果表明:(1)SOC、RC、LC含量分别介于0.82-7.60 mg/g,0.58-4.02 mg/g和0.23-3.58 mg/g,由海向陆呈递增趋势:SAF-5>SAF-12>SAF-3>MF>SAF-1.入侵12 a的SAF-12样地表土SOC储量最大,年均碳汇积累速率为1.8 t/hm2.(2)互花米草来源SOC、RC和LC含量分别为0.06-3.01 mg/g、0.04-1.06 mg/g和0.03-2.00 mg/g,各占5.75%-47.40%、6.77%-31.77%和3.20%-64.40%.互花米草来源SOC、RC、LC由海向陆均呈递增趋势:SAF-12>SAF-5>SAF-3> SAF-1> MF.(3)互花米草植物来源SOC、RC、LC含量、比例与入侵时间显著正相关(P<0.01).互花米草入侵对LC的影响较大,对RC的影响较小.(4)随着入侵时间的增长,互花米草来源有机碳的输入显著改变了土壤SOC组分.以上结果表明,短期内互花米草海向入侵能够提高土壤碳汇能力.  相似文献   

上海崇明东滩互花米草种子产量及其萌发对温度的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张利权  祝振昌  肖德荣 《生态学报》2011,31(6):1574-1581
外来物种互花米草通过快速的无性和有性繁殖,已在崇明东滩形成了大面积的单优势种群。研究了崇明东滩互花米草入侵区种子产量及温度对其萌发的影响。结果表明,互花米草在潮间带的中潮间带种子产量最高,为44523粒/m2,高潮间带次之,为31150粒/m2,低潮间带最低,为17250粒/m2。各潮间带的种子在10 30℃范围内均能萌发,而且随着温度的升高,萌发率和萌发速度总体呈现先增大后减小的趋势。互花米草种子在25℃恒温与20/30℃变温处理下的萌发率最高和萌发速度最快,而且互花米草种子在变温环境下的萌发率高于恒温处理。研究表明,崇明东滩中潮间带互花米草的种子产量和活性最高,是提供有性扩散种源的主要区域,适合种子萌发温度的4-5月是互花米草进行有性扩散的主要季节。研究结果对了解互花米草有性繁殖扩散的时空格局和入侵生态学过程,以及有效控制和管理入侵物种互花米草提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

盐胁迫对互花米草种子萌发及胚生长的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以1/2Hoagland溶液为基础培养液,研究了1×104-6×104mg/L NaCl对互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)种子萌发的影响.结果表明,互花米草种子在萌发阶段胚芽鞘和胚轴生长先于胚根和胚芽;当盐浓度不超过3×104mg/L时,互花米草种子的萌发率未受到影响,种子萌发及胚生长的适宜盐浓度为1 x104mg/L,盐浓度对胚的不同部位生长的抑制程度不同,随着盐浓度的升高,胚根、胚芽的长度旱明显下降趋势,但盐浓度对胚轴、胚芽鞘生长的抑制作用较小,有利于已萌发的互花米草幼苗快速出土,迅速适应多变的潮间带环境.  相似文献   

采用分解袋法,在江苏盐城新洋港互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)盐沼,根据盐沼发育阶段,从海向陆设置以下5个样地:建群3年互花米草盐沼(SAF2011)、5年互花米草盐沼(SAF2009)、11年互花米草盐沼(SAF2003)、25年互花米草盐沼(SAF1989)以及互花米草-碱蓬(Suaeda salsa)盐沼(SAF-SS),研究互花米草凋落物分解过程中总有机碳、惰性有机碳及活性有机碳动态变化。结果表明:(1)各样地凋落物经过1年的分解,其总有机碳、惰性有机碳、活性有机碳残留率逐月下降,惰性有机碳残留率高于活性有机碳残留率,有机碳各组分分解残留率随盐沼建群时间增加而增加;(2)各样地凋落物有机碳分解速率有明显季节变化,总有机碳、惰性有机碳和活性有机碳分解速率分别在8、1和6月最高,总有机碳和活性有机碳分解速率在10和2月较低,惰性有机碳分解速率在12和2月较低;活性有机碳分解速率高于惰性有机碳;凋落物总有机碳和活性有机碳分解速率均随着互花米草盐沼建群时间的增加而下降,建群3年盐沼中凋落物惰性有机碳分解速率最高;(3)凋落物分解后,总有机碳中惰性有机碳比重增高,活性有机碳比重降低,总有机碳中活性有机碳的分解比例大于惰性有机碳;(4)各样地凋落物总有机碳年分解量分别为0.3167、0.2632、0.2608、0.2380和0.2583 g·g-1,建群3年的盐沼中凋落物有机碳分解量高于其余样地。盐沼发育程度对凋落物的分解动态有显著影响。  相似文献   

闽江河口湿地植物氮磷吸收效率的季节变化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以闽江河口湿地土著种芦苇与入侵种互花米草为研究对象,测定了二者地上生物量和氮、磷吸收效率.结果表明:芦苇和互花米草地上生物量的季节变化呈典型的单峰值曲线,芦苇夏季地上生物量最大,达到2195.33 g·m-2,互花米草则秋季最大,达到3670.02 g·m-2;不同季节芦苇和互花米草氮、磷吸收效率均呈单峰值曲线,芦苇氮、磷吸收效率分别在夏季和秋季达到最高(21.06 和1.12 g·m-2),互花米草均在秋季达到峰值(26.76和3.23 g·m-2);芦苇和互花米草的氮吸收效率极显著大于磷(P<0.01),且互花米草的氮、磷吸收效率显著大于芦苇(P<0.05);植物N/P、C/N和C/P对植物氮、磷吸收效率有一定指示意义.  相似文献   

肖德荣  祝振昌  袁琳  田昆 《应用生态学报》2012,23(11):2997-3002
选取上海崇明东滩“刈割+水位调节”集成技术治理互花米草示范工程样地,对互花米草二次入侵过程进行了2年的监测.结果表明:大量互花米草实生苗在春季随潮水沿潮沟等通道向恢复自然水文区扩散定居,2年即可形成与周边群落无明显差异的二次入侵群落,而群落边缘通过无性繁殖的扩散距离有限.在保持淹水控制区,互花米草两年累计扩散距离小于1 m.在物理隔离区,2年未监测到互花米草的二次入侵现象.实生苗在春季的快速拓植是互花米草实现种群二次入侵的关键.彻底消除治理区周边互花米草扩散源,设置隔离带以阻止其向治理区的扩散,或采用种植芦苇等土著物种进行生物替代,是防止互花米草二次入侵的主要措施.  相似文献   

Spartina alterniflora was recorded in 2004 in the Great Brak Estuary, a system along the southern coast of South Africa that closes to the sea. This is alarming as this is a species with a known history as an aggressive invasive plant which has now been found 8000 km from its nearest known location and furthermore it is spreading under atypical conditions of submergence. This first recorded population in Africa indicates the adaptive potential of this invasive grass which survives inundation and non-tidal conditions for months at a time. Spartina alterniflora spread from 2566 m2 in 2006 to a maximum area covered of 10,221 m2 in 2011. There was an increase in silt, sediment organic matter and a significant reduction in sediment redox potential at sites invaded by S. alterniflora. When the estuary closes to the sea the water level rises and S. alterniflora is flooded, limiting opportunities for mechanical and chemical control. Application of a glyphosate-based herbicide in 2012 showed that chemical control was more effective in reducing the stands than mechanical removal. The additional use of imazapyr in 2014 significantly reduced stem density and the proportion of live stems. Spread of this invasive plant to the intertidal marshes in adjacent estuaries is a potential biodiversity threat although, fortunately, this population does not seem to produce viable seed. There is also the concern that hybridization with the resident S. maritima may occur. Important research and management questions remain i.e. how quickly will the natural marsh re-establish following eradication and how can we prevent movement of the grass to other estuaries?  相似文献   

Invasive species that strongly modify their physical habitat are a particular management concern. Theoretical models predict that habitat modification could speed spread rates or allow invasion of sites that would otherwise resist invasion. There are few empirical tests of this hypothesis, however. We tested whether habitat modification by invading Spartina alterniflora populations facilitates conspecific seedling recruitment and spatial spread in Willapa Bay, WA, USA. Established S. alterniflora individuals strongly modified their local physical environment. Hydrologic flow, porewater salinity, and light availability were decreased while sediment NH4 + increased with increasing S. alterniflora stem density. The S. alterniflora seed bank was greater and spring seedlings were denser within meadows of S. alterniflora than on unvegetated tideflats. However, almost all seedling recruitment after 1 year occurred on tideflats or on meadow edge plots where the above ground S. alterniflora biomass had been removed. Instead of facilitating invasive spread, ecosystem engineering in this system appears to create conditions that inhibit local seedling recruitment. These results suggest that the influence of ecosystem engineering on invasive spread is highly contingent on the relative spatial scales of habitat modification, environmental heterogeneity, and propagule availability. Control activities could change these spatial relationships, however, inadvertently promoting invasive recruitment.  相似文献   

Water‐holding soil amendments such as super‐absorbent polymer (SAP) may improve native species establishment in restoration but may also interact with precipitation or invasive species such as Bromus tectorum L. (cheatgrass or downy brome) to influence revegetation outcomes. We implemented an experiment at two sites in Colorado, U.S.A., in which we investigated the interactions of drought (66% reduction of ambient rainfall), B. tectorum seed addition (BRTE, 465 seeds/m2), and SAP soil amendment (25 g/m2) on initial plant establishment and 3‐year aboveground and belowground biomass and allocation. At one site, SAP resulted in higher native seeded species establishment but only with ambient precipitation. However, by the third year, we detected no SAP effects on native seeded species biomass. Treatments interacted to influence aboveground and belowground biomass and allocation differently. At one site, a SAP × precipitation interaction resulted in lower belowground biomass in plots with SAP and drought (61.7 ± 7.3 g/m2) than plots with drought alone (91.6 ± 18.1 g/m2). At the other site, a SAP × BRTE interaction resulted in higher belowground biomass in plots with SAP and BRTE (56.6 ± 11.2 g/m2) than BRTE alone (35.0 ± 3.7 g/m2). These patterns were not reflected in aboveground biomass. SAP should be used with caution in aridland restoration because initial positive effects may not translate to long‐term benefits, SAP may uniquely influence aboveground versus belowground biomass, and SAP can interact with environmental variables to impact developing plant communities in positive and negative ways.  相似文献   

The spatial distributions of dispersed seeds have important evolutionary consequences for plants. Repeated defecations in sites frequently used by seed dispersers can result in high seed concentrations. We observed the resting behavior of a mixed-species group of tamarins in Peru and recorded the occurrence of seed dispersal (over 8 mo) and seed fate (over 11–22 mo) to determine whether the location and use of resting sites influenced the spatial distribution of dispersed seeds and seedlings. The tamarins rested mostly on trees (Saguinus fuscicollis: 60.6%, S. mystax: 89.2%) and dead trunks (S. fuscicollis: 24.4%) and used 61% of their resting sites repeatedly. During both the dry and wet seasons, tamarins dispersed significantly more seeds within resting areas (0.00662 and 0.00424 seeds/m2, respectively) than outside them (0.00141 and 0.00181 seeds/m2). Seed survival and seedling recruitment did not differ significantly between resting and other areas, resulting in a higher seedling concentration around the resting sites. Seed density did not increase with the duration or the frequency of use of the resting sites but did increase when we pooled the seasonal resting sites together in 50 m × 50 m quadrats, ultimately causing a clumped distribution of dispersed seeds. The use of resting sites in secondary forest, particularly during the dry season, allows the creation of seedling recruitment centers for species coming from the primary forest. Our findings show that tamarin resting behavior affects the spatial distribution of dispersed seeds and seedlings, and their resting sites play an important role in plant diversity maintenance and facilitate forest regeneration in degraded areas.  相似文献   

An inexpensive growth chamber of simple construction is described and is shown suitable for the culture of Spartina alterniflora Loisel in a labeled (14CO2) atmosphere. The smallest plants were least tolerant to transplant and trimming. The biomass which survived transplant was ≈ 684 g dry weight/m2. Carbon dioxide uptake and O2 evolution by growing plants and associated benthic microalgae were followed for 2 months. Increase of Spartina biomass indicated a whole plant net production of 713 g dry weight/m2/year. Spartina net production was 25 % of its gross production and 86 % of total net production (Spartina plus benthic microalgae). These Spartina production values and ratios are similar to those observed in natural Spartina marshes. Average specific activities of plant tissues were 42.4 gmCi/g C for new leaves and 16.0 and 14.0 μCi/g C for stem bases and roots, respectively. The tissues are suitable for experimental studies of breakdown and utilization of Spartina by microbial heterotrophs and detritus consumers. The chamber could be used in conjunction with existing techniques for seed germination and seedling growth to produce uniformly labeled Spartina plants.  相似文献   

Above-ground productivity of dominant freshwater, brackish, and salt-marsh species from the U.S. Gulf Coast was evaluated using both gas exchange techniques and harvest methods. Both techniques showed significant differences in productivity among the study species which represent major components of their respective communities. Estimates of net aerial primary productivity using the harvest method yielded 3683 g dw (dry weight) m?2yr?1 for Spartina alterniflora (tall), 2008 g dw m?2yr?1 for S. alterniflora (short), 3677 g dw m?yr?1 for S. patens and 1641 g dwm?yr?1 for Panicum hemitomon. Carbon balance estimated from gas exchange calculation yielded values approximately equivalent to a biomass accumulation of 6024 g dw m?2yr?1 for S. alterniflora (tall), 3047 g dw m?yr?1 for S. alterniflora (short), 5702 g dw m?yr?1 for S. patens, and 2912 g dm?yr?1 for P. hemitomon. The net aerial primary production was estimated to be approximately 61% of total productivity in S. alterniflora (tall-form) and 66%o of total productivity in short-form, 64% in S. patens and 56%) in P. hemitomon. The assimilation data also indicated that Spartina alterniflora and S. patens continue carbon fixation throughout the year while assimilation in Panicum hemitomon is absent due to lack of live leaves during the winter. Various aspects of harvest and gas exchange techniques are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigates a spatially explicit, individual-based model for simulating the spread of invasive smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) in Yancheng coastal wetlands from 1995 to 2010. The model, which considers the landscape heterogeneity and changes detected by remote sensing, also reveals the relative importance of sexual and asexual reproduction in the spread by global sensitivity analysis. The model was verified as suitable for simulating the range expansion of S. alterniflora. The results show that: (1) although seedling recruitment is low, it significantly contributes to the range expansion of S. alterniflora. Removing sexual propagation greatly reduces the expansion rate. Rapid expansion requires both sexual and asexual reproduction; (2) in the global sensitivity analysis, the most significant affecters of S. alterniflora invasion were seed dispersal distance, adult survival rate and asexual recruitment survival rate. Sexual propagation contributes much more significantly to quick range expansion than asexual reproduction, but asexual reproduction is the main source of recruitment. Invasion control strategies should target a single reproduction mode. Here, limiting the germination and dispersal of seeds is suggested as a realistic strategy for controlling and managing invasion by this species.  相似文献   

Midstory hardwoods are traditionally removed to restore longleaf pine on fire‐excluded savannas. However, recent evidence demonstrating midstory hardwood facilitation on longleaf pine seedling survival has brought this practice into question on xeric sites. Also, midstory hardwoods could facilitate longleaf pine seedling establishment, as hardwood litter may conceal seeds from seed predators or improve micro‐environmental conditions for seedling establishment. However, little is known about these potential mechanisms. In this study, we tracked longleaf pine seed depredation and germination in artificially seeded plots (11 seeds/m2) in a factorial design fully crossing hardwood retention or removal with vertebrate seed predator access or exclusion in the Sandhills Ecoregion of North Carolina, U.S.A. Seed depredation averaged 78% across treatments and was greatest in unexcluded plots. Hardwood retention did not affect seed depredation. Longleaf pine averaged 3.6 germinants/4 m2 across treatments, and was six times more abundant where vertebrates had been excluded. Hardwood removal had a strong positive effect on seedling germination, likely due to the removal of litter, but only when vertebrates were excluded. Our results indicated midstory hardwoods are not facilitating longleaf pine seedling establishment. Nevertheless, our results indicated that hardwood removal may not increase longleaf pine seedling establishment, as seed depredation diminished the effectiveness of hardwood removal under mast seed availability. Collectively, these results demonstrate the underlying complexity of the longleaf pine ecosystem, and suggest that planting may need to be part of the restoration strategy on sites where seed depredation limits longleaf pine natural regeneration.  相似文献   

Few seagrass transplant projects worldwide have relied on seeds, and those projects using Zostera marina (eelgrass) seeds have generally found low rates of seedling establishment (<10%). We compared seedling establishment achieved by a mechanical seed planter with seeds broadcast on the sediment surface by hand. The planter injected seeds into the sediment by pumping the seeds, suspended in a gelatin-based matrix, to a benthic sled with eight planting nozzles. As a control for the gel, seeds were also injected into the sediment without gel using a hand-held pipette. Seeds were planted at a density of 300 m−2 into six replicate plots at each of three sites in the Chesapeake Bay region in September 2005, with seedling establishment measured in April 2006. Burying seeds, either with or without gel, had an overall positive effect on seedling establishment, but the effectiveness and the best method varied among sites. Mean seedling establishment for machine-planted seeds was significantly greater than for broadcast seeds at the Piankatank River site (4% vs. 1%), but not at the York (1.2% vs. 1.4%) or Spider Crab Bay (10.1% vs. 7.4%) sites. The effect of the gel was inconsistent among sites, with the highest seedling establishment (18.8%), resulting from seeds injected by pipette without gel at the Spider Crab site. Seed burial shows promise for increasing seedling establishment relative to seed broadcasting in the Chesapeake region, but further investigation of seed–sediment interactions at specific restoration sites is necessary. Low seedling establishment rates remain a bottleneck for seed-based eelgrass restoration.  相似文献   

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