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花背蟾蜍角膜早期发育中胶原合成,分泌和分布的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
汪晓鹏  仝允栩 《动物学报》1992,38(3):327-333
本文以花背蟾蜍19—25期胚胎为材料,采用半薄切片荧光标记胶原酶术及超薄切片分别在光镜及电镜水平观察了胶原蛋白在角膜早期形态发生中合成及分布并探讨其作用。结果表明:角膜上皮与内角膜细胞均可合成、分泌胶原蛋白。角膜上皮基底细胞与内角膜细胞中细胞器数量与位置随发育过程而发生的变化与角膜上皮及内角膜细胞合成及分泌胶原蛋白有关。  相似文献   

本文用放射自显影追踪注射入胚胎的~(35)S-硫酸盐的方法,研究了花背蟾蜍早期形态发生时眼的各部分组织和细胞外基质中的硫酸糖胺聚糖(Sulfated Glycosaminoglycans简称:硫酸GAG)的合成,并分析了其在眼形态发生中的作用。结果表明:1.在眼早期形态发生时,合成的硫酸GAG主要是硫酸软骨素。2.眼各部分组织中在即将分化时硫酸GAG合成率增高,分化开始后逐渐下降到原基形成时的水平。3.在晶状体被诱导时,在视杯和晶状体相互贴近的组织及两者间的细胞外基质中硫酸GAG的合成率明显增加,提示这是晶状体诱导的重要因素。4.角膜上皮形成时即向角膜上皮下层和细胞外基质分泌硫酸GAG;角膜上皮透明时,合成更多的硫酸角质素。  相似文献   

用辣根过氧化物酶标记的ConA、WGA和RCA Ⅰ为探针,研究了小鼠发育期间角膜内糖残基的分布和变化。Man残基主要分布在角膜基质和内皮;SA残基主要存在于角膜上皮;Gal残基在角膜上皮和基质中都有分布。Man残基在出生前后的小鼠角膜基质中朝内皮方向呈现递增的梯度。SA和Gal残基随角膜发育最后在成体角膜上皮的外表而密集。胎龄13天是小鼠角膜成纤维细胞合成复合糖的起始时间。  相似文献   

原儿茶酸乙酯作为天然食品添加剂在自然界中广泛存在,发挥抗氧化作用,同时作为脯氨酸羟化酶抑制剂,发挥抑制胶原合成作用,参与胚胎发育、肌肉和脂肪组织分化等体内多种生物学过程。综述原儿茶酸乙酯在胶原合成、角膜修复、心脑血管疾病和肿瘤发生等领域中的研究进展。  相似文献   

花背蟾蜍角膜早期形态发生的超微结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文用透射电镜对花背蟾蜍角膜早期形态发生(18期至25期即肌肉感应期至鳃盖完全封闭期)过程中超微水平的变化进行了细致的研究。结果表明:从19期至21期(心跳期至胚胎开口期)角膜处于尚无特异分化的预定角膜阶段,其结构与邻近表皮无明显区别;22期至24期末(尾血循环期至右侧鳃盖封闭期)是角膜上皮分化阶段,主要变化是角膜上皮变薄、上皮细胞中的色素颗粒被酶解和经粘液泡排出、上皮下层的形成以及内角膜基质原基细胞层数的增加;25期后进入透明的蝌蚪期角膜,此期上皮下层仍不被间质细胞侵入,内皮和基质是以内角膜基质原基的形式存在。  相似文献   

本文用钌红显示氨基多糖的电镜细胞化学方法,较细致地研究了花背蟾蜍(Bufo raddeiStrauch)胚胎发育过程中(16—25期,即神经管至鳃盖完全封闭期)氨基多糖(GAG)在角膜早期发育中的变化。结果表明:GAG的合成由非硫酸化向硫酸化转变,且随着角膜的发育其含量逐渐增加。角膜各部位的HA在16—21期(胚胎开口期),其含量逐渐增加,且20(鳃血循环期)-21期达最高水平,此后含量下降,同时DS、CS、HS和Hep的含量上升。据分析,HA、HS和胶原与间充质细胞迁移有关,HA还可促使基质的膨胀和水化。硫酸化GAG在角膜的脱水、致密、细胞密度及角膜透明中起作用。胶原纤维间的硫酸化GAG能调节胶原纤维的规则化,故也有助于角膜的透明。  相似文献   

采用组织学方法观察了实验室饲养的重口裂腹鱼眼在胚胎和早期仔鱼阶段的发生和形态变化过程。结果显示,重口裂腹鱼眼的发生开始于神经胚时期形成的眼原基,眼原基经过分化和内陷形成双层视杯,最终发育形成视网膜。晶状体和角膜来源于外胚层细胞,晶状体发育主要经历晶体板时期;角膜的发育时间较视网膜和晶状体晚,始于角膜上皮的形成。出膜后3 d仔鱼视网膜发育基本完成,眼色素沉积明显,基本具备眼的功能结构。本研究结果丰富了重口裂腹鱼早期发育的生物学资料,为苗种培育等生产实践提供了理论指导。  相似文献   

花背蟾蜍蝌蚪变态期角膜发育的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王子仁  仝允栩 《动物学报》1989,35(4):370-375
作者用光镜和电镜研究了花背蟾蜍蝌蚪变态期角膜的发育。在后肢发育晚期,内、外角膜在中央部位首先愈台,在完全变态期角膜完全愈合,此时角膜上皮细胞增殖,上皮基质变为Bowman’s膜,内、外角膜之间的成纤维细胞和由它分泌的胶原纤维形成角膜基质,内角膜细胞形成单层的角膜内皮,它与角膜基质间的Descemet’s膜最晚形成。  相似文献   

心肌纤维化相关生物标志物研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Wang YP  Xu M  Gao W 《生理科学进展》2010,41(6):461-463
心肌纤维化与多种心血管疾病相关,是猝死的潜在危险因素。通过对血液中某些生物标志物的检测,有望实现对心肌纤维化的早期诊断、早期治疗。根据纤维化的机制,相关的标志物大致分四类:(1)胶原合成相关标志物;(2)胶原降解相关标志物;(3)胶原代谢相关细胞因子;(4)胶原基因转录相关的M icroRNA。  相似文献   

角膜缘干细胞是角膜上皮更新与修复的来源,角膜上皮受损严重常会导致角膜盲。尽管近几年通过角膜缘干细胞移植术(LSCT)治愈角膜上皮受损的临床应用已被推广,但是对于角膜缘干细胞移植受损机体后的修复机理并不明确。为了实现角膜缘干细胞移植后的活体追踪,使用G418筛选标记有Venus荧光蛋白的角膜缘干细胞株(GLSC-V),并以其为种子细胞接种于去上皮羊膜上,体外培养21d构建成荧光角膜上皮植片。荧光倒置显微镜下观察GLSC-V的细胞质和细胞核均有绿色荧光表达,在体外培养荧光至少持续3个月。免疫荧光检测GLSC-V细胞P63、Integrinβ1均呈阳性表达,对GLSC-V细胞及未转染的GLSCs进行半定量RT-PCR检测显示,两组细胞皆未表达终末分化角膜上皮细胞基因k3、k12,GLSC-V中p63及pcna较未转染组细胞略上调,venus强表达。经HE染色观察构建的人工角膜组织由5~6层上皮细胞组成,组织中上表皮细胞个数少、体积大且呈扁平状;基底部细胞密集、体积小且成立方状。经免疫荧光检测仅组织基底部最基层细胞表达P63,上表皮细胞不表达。该人工角膜与正常角膜上皮组织结构特性相似,可用于移植,为研究角膜缘干细胞修复严重受损角膜上皮机理奠定基础。  相似文献   

Summary Type IV collagen is the basic structural component of all basement membranes (BM), and forms the backbone to which other BM components attach. We have found that in the centre of the adult human cornea the epithelium does not display a type IV collagen immunoreactive BM. In fetal corneas (14 and 22 weeks of gestation), however, the epithelial BM shows uninterrupted type IV collagen immunoreactivity. In similar experiments laminin immunoreactivity was observed in the entire corneal epithelial BM, in fetal as well as adult corneas. Ultrastructurally, a normal BM with a lamina lucida and a lamina densa can be observed in the conjunctiva. The adult corneal centre, however, shows epithelium without a lamina densa. Focal deposits of electron-dense material are observed in conjunction with hemidesmosomes and anchoring fibres.These observations indicate that in the development of the eye, the cornea is initially covered with an epithelium which attaches to a normal BM. Later on, however, the BM type IV collagen disappears from the corneal centre. Assuming that highly differentiated epithelium cannot produce a BM, this could be due to the high level of differentiation of central corneal epithelium, which is generated in the limbal proliferation zone. Alternatively, the acellular Bowman's layer might lack triggers to induce type IV collagen production by the epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Role of lumican in the corneal epithelium during wound healing   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Lumican regulates collagenous matrix assembly as a keratan sulfate proteoglycan in the cornea and is also present in the connective tissues of other organs and embryonic corneal stroma as a glycoprotein. In normal unwounded cornea, lumican is expressed by stromal keratocytes. Our data show that injured mouse corneal epithelium ectopically and transiently expresses lumican during the early phase of wound healing, suggesting a potential lumican functionality unrelated to regulation of collagen fibrillogenesis, e. g. modulation of epithelial cell adhesion or migration. An anti-lumican antibody was found to retard corneal epithelial wound healing in cultured mouse eyes. Healing of a corneal epithelial injury in Lum(-/-) mice was significantly delayed compared with Lum(+/-) mice. These observations indicate that lumican expressed in injured epithelium may modulate cell behavior such as adhesion or migration, thus contributing to corneal epithelial wound healing.  相似文献   

The primary stroma of the cornea of the chick embryo consists of orthogonally arranged collagen fibrils embedded in glycosaminoglycan (GAG) produced by the epithelium under the early inductive influence of the lens. The experiments reported here were designed to test whether or not the collagen of the lens basement lamina is capable of stimulating corneal epithelium to produce primary stroma. Enzymatically isolated 5-day-old corneal epithelia were grown for 24 hr in vitro in the presence of 35SO4 or proline-3H on various substrata. Epithelia cultured on lens capsule synthesized 2.5 times as much GAG (as measured by incorporation of label into CPC precipitable material) and almost 3 times as much collagen (assayed by hot TCA extraction or collagenase sensitivity) as when cultured on Millipore filter or other noncollagenous substrata. A similar stimulatory response was observed when epithelium was combined with chemically pure chondrosarcoma collagen, NaOH-extracted lens capsule, vitreous humor, frozen-killed corneal stroma or cartilage, or tendon collagen gels; in the latter case, the magnitude of the effect can be shown to be related to concentration of the collagen in the gel. All of the collagenous substrata stimulate not only extracellular matrix production, but also polymerization of corneal-type matrix, as judged by ultrastructural criteria and by the association of more radioactivity with the tissue than the medium. Since purified chondrosarcoma collagen is as effective as lens capsule, the stimulatory effect on collagen and GAG synthesis by corneal epithelium is not specific for basal lamina (lens capsule) collagen.  相似文献   

Synthetic onlays that are implanted onto the surface of the cornea have the potential to become an alternative to spectacles and contact lenses for the correction of refractive error. A successful corneal onlay is dependent on development of a biocompatible polymer material that will maintain a healthy cornea after implantation and that will promote growth of corneal epithelial cells over the onlay, and development of a method for attachment of the onlay with minimal surgical invasiveness. The ideal onlay should be made of a material that is highly permeable yet has sufficient surface characteristics to stimulate stable and firm attachment of the corneal epithelium over the onlay. Recent research indicates that collagen I coated polymer materials that mimic the basement membrane of the corneal epithelium promote the most favorable growth of epithelial cells in vivo in comparison to wholly biological or synthetic materials.  相似文献   

Synthesis of collagen types I, II, III, and IV in cells from the embryonic chick cornea was studied using specific antibodies and immunofluorescence. Synthesis of radioactively labeled collagen types I and III was followed by fluorographic detection of cyanogen bromide peptides on polyacrylamide slab gels and by carboxymethylcellulose chromatography followed by disc gel electrophoresis. Type III collagen had been detected previously by indirect immunofluorescence in the corneal epithelial cells at Hamburger-Hamilton stages 20--30 but not in the stroma at any age. Intact corneas from embryos older than stage 30 contain and synthesize type I collagen but no detectable type III collagen. However, whole stromata subjected to collagenase treatment and scraping (to remove epithelium and endothelium) and stromal fibroblasts from such corneas inoculated in vitro begin synthesis of type III collagen within a few hours while continuing to synthesize type I collagen. As demonstrated by double-antibody staining, most corneal fibroblasts contain collagen types I and III simultaneously. Collagen type III was identified biochemically in cell layers and media after chromatography on carboxymethylcellulose be detection of disulfide-linked alpha l (III)3 by SDS gel electrophoresis. The conditions under which the corneal fibroblasts gain the ability to synthesize type III collagen are the same as those under which they lose the ability to synthesize the specific proteoglycan of the cornea: the presence of corneal-type keratan sulfate.  相似文献   

The present study traces corneal morphogenesis in a reptile, the lizard Calotes versicolor, from the lens placode stage (stage 24) until hatching (stage 42), and in the adult. The corneal epithelium separates from the lens placode as a double layer of peridermal and basal cells and remains bilayered throughout development and in the adult. Between stages 32– and 33+, the corneal epithelium is apposed to the lens, and limbic mesodermal cells migrate between the basement membrane of the epithelium and the lens capsule to form a monolayered corneal endothelium. Soon thereafter a matrix of amorphous ground substance and fine collagen fibrils, the presumptive stroma, is seen between the epithelium and the endothelium. Just before stage 34 a new set of limbic mesodermal cells, the keratocytes, migrate into the presumptive stroma. Migrating limbic mesodermal cells, both endothelial cells and keratocytes, use the basement membrane of the epithelium as substratum. Keratocytes may form up to six cell layers at stage 37, but in the adult stroma they form only one or two cell layers. The keratocytes sysnthesize collagen, which aggregates as fibrils and fibers organized in lamellae. The lamellae become condensed as dense collagen layers subepithelially or become compactly organized into a feltwork structure in the rest of the stroma. The basement membrane of the endothelium is always thin. Thickness of the entire cornea increases up to stage 38 and decreases thereafter until stage 41. In the adult the cornea is again nearly as thick as at stage 38.  相似文献   

Comparative histochemical and biochemical studies on the catalytically active protease Dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPPIV), have been performed in the rabbit cornea and the tear fluid using a sensitive fluorogenic substrate, Gly-Pro-7-amino-4-Trifluoromethyl Coumarine (AFC). In both normal and experimentally injured corneas, DPPIV activity was detected histochemically and in the tear fluid biochemically. In contrast to the normal cornea where DPPIV activity was absent and in the tear fluid where it was low, during continuous wearing of contact lenses or repeated irradiation of the cornea with UVB rays, slight DPPIV activity appeared first in the superficial layers of the corneal epithelium, while later increased activity was present in the whole epithelium. This paralleled elevated DPPIV activity in the tear fluid. Moreover, during continuous contact lens wear, the increased DPPIV activity in the tear fluid was, in many cases, coincidental with the presence of capillaries in the limbal part of the corneal stroma. After severe alkali burns when corneal ulcers appeared, collagen fragments were active for DPPIV, which was associated with high DPPIV activity in the tear fluid. In conclusion, Gly-Pro-AFC was found to be useful for comparative histochemical and biochemical studies on DPPIV activity in the experimentally injured rabbit eye. Using the method of the tear film collection by a short touch of substrate punches to the respective site of the cornea or conjunctiva we can show that in experimental injuries (wearing of contact lenses, irradiation of the cornea with UVB rays), the damaged corneal cells were the main source for DPPIV activity in the tear fluid. It is suggested that the activity of DPPIV measured in the tear fluid might serve as an indicator of early corneal disorders, e.g. corneal vascularization related to contact lens wear.  相似文献   

An investigation into the collagenous structure of the mature avian cornea is presented. Wide-angle X-ray diffraction is employed to assess collagen organization in 9-month-old chicken corneas. The central 2-4mm corneal region features a preponderance of fibrils directed along the superior-inferior and nasal-temporal orthogonal meridians. More peripherally the orientation of fibrils alters in favor of a predominantly tangential arrangement. The chicken cornea appears to be circumscribed by an annulus of fibrils that extends into the limbus. The natural arrangement of collagen in the chicken cornea is discussed in relation to corneal shape and the mechanical requirements of avian corneal accommodation. Equivalent data are also presented from age-matched blind chickens affected with the retinopathy, globe enlarged (rge) mutation, characterized by an abnormally thick and flat cornea. The data indicate considerable realignment and redistribution of collagen lamellae in the peripheral rge cornea. In contrast to normal chickens, no obvious tangential collagen alignment was evident in the periphery of rge corneas. In mammals, the presence of a limbal fibril annulus is believed to be important in corneal shape preservation. We postulate that corneal flattening in rge chickens may be related to biomechanical changes brought about by an alteration in collagen arrangement at the corneal periphery.  相似文献   

The primary stroma of the cornea of the chick embryo contains a cell-free orthogonal ply of collagen fibrils which is delineated clearly by Gomori's silver stain for reticulin and has, in miniature, the same fibrous architecture as the mature stroma. The collagen of this matrix is synthesized by the basal cells of the corneal epithelium and deposited beneath them a layer at a time.  相似文献   

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