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2013年6月—2014年5月在贵阳市以每24 h为一个混合样连续采集了357个大气PM2.5样品,采用Lumex测汞仪(RA-915塞曼效应汞分析仪和配套PYRO-915热解装置),分析了颗粒物PM2.5汞浓度,并结合HOBO U30气象仪同步记录气象数据分析汞的浓度变化。结果表明,贵阳市全年大气颗粒物PM2.5汞日浓度在11~2560 pg·m-3,平均值为104±85 pg·m-3,其中12、1月份颗粒态汞浓度较高,7月份最低,全年有164 d超过全球背景值。以季节划分来看,全年季节平均值为107±60 pg·m-3,存在季节性差异,表现为:夏季秋季春季冬季,明显受风向、风速和降雨等气象参数影响,春、秋、冬季节以东北风为主风向,存在明显污染源,同时冬季降雨量小,污染物聚集,导致冬季污染最高,夏季以南风为主风向,风速大,降雨量大,因此汞浓度夏季最低。结合气象因素初步分析得出,颗粒态汞主要来源于燃煤与工业排放,与国内现有报道数据相比较,处于轻度污染水平。  相似文献   

2012年7月—2013年9月对旬阳汞矿区大气降水中总汞、活性汞和溶解气态汞污染特征以及微量元素浓度进行了调查,分析了汞与微量元素浓度之间的相关性。结果表明:旬阳汞矿区大气降水中总汞、活性汞和溶解气态汞浓度的平均值分别为(48±43)、(13±9.0)和(3.8±3.6)ng·L~(-1),浓度变化范围分别为4.4~253、0.39~43和0.41~17 ng·L~(-1);大气降水中活性汞和溶解气态汞分别占总汞浓度的27%和7.9%,其他无机汞形态是其主要存在形态,占总汞浓度的65%;雨水的pH平均值为5.4,变化范围为4.2~6.7;大气降水中Hg和Sb、Se呈显著的正相关,R~2分别为0.67和0.54,说明Hg和Sb、Se具有相同的来源,其中旬阳汞矿的开采和汞锑冶炼等人为释放源为主要贡献源,其次为燃煤源。  相似文献   

稻田甲烷排放模型研究——模型的验证   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
张稳  黄耀  郑循华  李晶  于永强 《生态学报》2004,24(12):2679-2685
模型的有效性检验是模型应用于估计区域尺度稻田甲烷排放量的基本前提 ,尤其是针对多种不同的土壤、气候以及农业管理方式等可能影响稻田甲烷排放的环境条件下的模型检验。利用覆盖全国主要水稻产区的 94个甲烷排放观测案例对稻田甲烷排放模型 (CH4 MOD)进行了验证。这些观测区域分布范围北至北京 (4 0°30′N,116°2 5′E) ,南至广州 (2 3°0 8′N,113°2 0′E) ,东起杭州 (30°19′N,12 0°12′E) ,西到四川的土主 (2 9°4 0′N,10 3°5 0′E)。既有双季稻 ,也有单季稻 ,稻田灌溉及施肥方式也多种多样 ,对我国水稻生产具有较广泛的代表性。观测获得的稻田甲烷排放季节总量从 3.1kg C/hm2到 76 1.7kg C/hm2 ,平均值为199.4 (± 187.3) kg C/hm2 ;相应的模拟值分别为 13.9、82 4 .3和 2 2 4 .6 (± 187.0 ) kg C/hm2。模拟值与实测值的线性相关系数(r2 )为 0 .84 (n=94 ,p<0 .0 0 1)。CH4 MOD模型能够通过较少的输入参数有效地模拟我国主要农作方式下的稻田甲烷排放  相似文献   

于2008年7-9月对贵阳市中心城区采集的21个大气降水进行了总汞、甲基汞及阴、阳离子浓度的测定,分析了大气降水中总汞与阴阳离子间的相互关系.结果表明:大气降水中总汞的平均含量为18 ng·L-1,变化范围为0.4~57.4 ng·L-1;甲基汞的平均含量为0.07 ng·L-1,变化范围为0.02~0.2 ng·L-1.大气降水中的阴离子以SO2-4和NO-3为主,其浓度平均值分别为151和145 mol·L-1;阳离子主要以Ca2+为主,平均浓度达到了123 mol·L-1,变化范围为3.7~560 mol·L-1,其次是NH4+和Mg2+,其浓度平均值分别为52.2和20.4 mol·L-1.通过分析降水中总汞和阴阳离子之间的相互关系,发现总汞和阴离子SO2-4具有显著的相关性,与F-有一定的相关性,而与NO-3不具有相关性.由此初步判定,大气降水中的总汞主要来源于燃煤等人为释放源.  相似文献   

贵州洪家渡水库水体不同形态汞的分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析贵州省乌江流域新建的洪家渡水库水体不同形态汞的浓度,探讨了水库水体各形态汞的分布特征,旨在进一步弄清新修建的水库水体汞的甲基化过程.结果表明,洪家渡水库总汞(THg)浓度变化范围在0.32~6.75 ng·L-1;溶解态汞(DHg)浓度变化范围在0.23~2.27 ng·L-1;颗粒态(PHg)汞浓度变化范围在0.03~4.51 ng·L-1;总甲基汞(TMeHg)浓度变化范围在0.04~0.18 ng·L-1;溶解态甲基汞(DMeHg)浓度变化范围在0.02~0.08 ng·L-1;颗粒态甲基汞(PMeHg)浓度变化范围在0.01~0.13 ng·L-1.洪家渡水库水体不同形态汞存在着季节性变化,水体THg、DHg和PHg的季节变化表现为夏、秋季大于春、冬季;水体TMeHg、DMeHg和PMeHg的季节变化表现为春、夏季大于秋、冬季.在空间上,水体甲基汞含量从表层到底层表现无规律性的增加趋势,从上游到下游的浓度也无明显的变化,与北美欧洲新建水库水体甲基汞浓度(0.01~6.6 ng·L-1)进行比较,发现洪家渡水库水体甲基汞浓度明显偏低,以上结果说明洪家渡水库水体没有显著的汞甲基化作用,这与乌江流域淹没土壤的贫瘠、有机质含量偏低有关.  相似文献   

贵阳市大气黑碳污染特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用连续颗粒物采样仪(URG Model 2000-01J)和黑碳仪(Aethalometer)对贵阳市城区2008年9-11月大气黑碳浓度进行了连续观测,结果表明,贵阳市城区秋冬季大气24 h黑碳浓度变化范围为1.6~12 μg·m-3,平均值为4.1 μg·m-3;12 h黑碳浓度观测值主要分布在2~5 μg·m-3,白昼黑碳浓度变化范围介于1.9~9.2 μg·m-3,平均值3.9 μg·m-3,夜间黑碳浓度变化范围0.48~15 μg·m-3,平均值4.3 μg·m-3;黑碳浓度与大气PM2.5浓度变化一致,呈正相关关系(r=0.84,P<0.0001,n=178),大气黑碳浓度的变化趋势还明显受相对湿度、温度和风速的影响.  相似文献   

燃煤烟气中汞排放对周边环境影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了上海市内2个燃煤电厂所排放烟气中的汞对周边环境的影响,并利用高架连续点源大气污染模型分析了电厂烟气排放汞对周边大气汞浓度的影响.结果表明,G电厂周边大气汞浓度范围为9.7~15.6 ng·m-3,J电厂为15.2~22.9 ng·m-3.利用高架连续点源大气污染模型,估算出G电厂和J电厂所排放的烟气下风向3 km处元素态汞的落地浓度分别为0.218和3.034 ng·m-3,颗粒态汞的落地浓度分别为0.038和1.199ng·m-3.G电厂周边表层土壤汞浓度为36.3~136.5 ng·g-1,J电厂为44.3~115.9ng·g-1.G电厂周边植物叶片中汞浓度为215.3~342.3 ng·g-1,J电厂为223.4~396.9 ng·g-1.现场监测数据和模型估算均表明:燃煤电厂所排放的烟气对周边环境中汞的分布和积累有贡献.  相似文献   

长白山阔叶红松林土壤N2O排放通量的变化特征   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
采用静态密闭箱 /气相色谱分析方法对长白山阔叶红松林两个样地的N2 O排放通量进行了测定。结果表明 ,凋落物对林地土壤N2 O排放的影响是显著的 ,其对全年N2 O排放的平均贡献率是 36 89%。长白山阔叶红松林土壤是大气N2 O一个重要的源 ,但在极少的天气状况下也能吸收大气中的N2 O ,而起着汇的作用。其排放通量的变化范围是 - 4 1 4 8~ 2 91 84μgN2 O·m-2 ·h-1,平均通量是 6 8 7μgN2 O·m-2 ·h-1,高于其他类型林地的排放通量 ,且变动范围也较其他森林类型大。无凋落物林地土壤N2 O排放通量变化范围是 - 2 3 2 4~ 93 75 μgN2 O·m-2 ·h-1,平均通量为 33 79μgN2 O·m-2 ·h-1。两个样地N2 O排放通量的季节变化特征相似 :夏季N2 O的排放通量最高 ,春季次之 ,秋冬两季较低且趋于平稳。昼夜变化趋势也相似 :N2 O排放通量的最大值都出现在 18∶0 0 ,最小值都出现在 12∶0 0和 14∶0 0。研究还表明 ,林地土壤N2 O的排放通量与地表温度和地下 5cm温度的相关性较好 ,无凋落物的样地N2 O的排放通量仅与地下 5cm温度的相关性较好。  相似文献   

东海浮游植物数量分布与优势种   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
罗民波  陆健健  王云龙  沈新强  晁敏 《生态学报》2007,27(12):5076-5085
根据1997~2000年东海23°30′~33°N、118°30′~128°E海域4个季节海洋调查资料,运用定量、定性方法,探讨了东海浮游植物总丰度的平面分布、季节分布及变化的动力学机制,同时还探讨了东海浮游植物优势种的生态学特征和对温盐环境适应特征。结果表明:东海浮游植物总丰度有明显的季节分布,秋季总丰度达到4季最高峰,均值为211.91×104cell.m-3,夏季次之(50.40×104cell.m-3),冬季11.34×104cell.m-3,春季(2.01×104cel.lm-3)最低。春夏季东海近海(Ⅰ和Ⅲ)高于外海(Ⅱ和Ⅳ),秋冬季东海北部外海(Ⅱ)高于近海(Ⅰ),南部近海(Ⅲ)高于外海(Ⅳ)。4季共出现优势种(Y≥0.02)11种,冬季的主要优势种为洛氏角毛藻和细弱海链藻,春季的主要优势种为洛氏角毛藻和夜光藻,夏季以拟弯角毛藻和细长翼根管藻为主要优势种,秋季优势种仅为聚生角毛藻。浮游植物的聚集强度指数为较大正值,聚集作用明显。从全年的逐步回归分析结果看,温度是影响浮游植物总丰度季节分布的主要因子,盐度是次要因子。浮游植物的11个优势种之间生存环境适应比较,洛氏角毛藻和中华盒形藻生长温度幅度较大,可以在12~28℃水温增长,因而春、夏和冬季都成为优势种。中肋骨条藻适合生长的水温范围都较小,仅为22~28℃。聚生角毛藻更小,仅21~25℃。洛氏角毛藻和中华盒形藻生长温盐度和高分布区温盐度范围比聚生角毛藻和中肋骨条藻都广,而秋季数量却低于聚生角毛藻。  相似文献   

为了揭示三江源区垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans)人工草地生态系统(100°26′-100°41′E,34°17′-34°25′N,海拔3980m)的净生态系统CO2交换(NEE),该研究利用2006年涡度相关系统观测的数据分析了该人工草地的NEE,总初级生产力(GPP)、生态系统呼吸(Reco)以及Reco/GPP的变化特征及其影响因子。CO2日最大吸收值为6.56g CO2·m-2·d-1,最大排放值为4.87g CO2·m-2·d-1。GPP年总量为1761g CO2·m-2,其中约90%以上被生态系统呼吸所消耗,CO2的年吸收量为111g CO2·m-2。5月的Reco/GPP略高于生长季的其他月份,为90%;6月Reco/GPP比值最低,为79%。生态系统的呼吸商(Q10)为4.81,显著高于其他生态系统。该研究表明:生长季的NEE主要受光量子通量密度(PPFD)、温度和饱和水汽压差(VPD)的影响,生态系统呼吸则主要受土壤温度的控制。  相似文献   

The auditory bulla is a much-scrutinized taxonomic character of mammals, which is generally regarded as showing a high degree of structural consistency within higher taxa. Observations of bulla variability in populations of the marsupial Phalanger orientalis from the Solomon Islands demonstrate considerable flexibility in bulla makeup, with variable incorporation of the squamosal into the tympanic floor. Studies of the ontogeny of the bulla in Phalanger show the presence of three ossification centres, including an entotympanic. Squamosal invasion of one of these ossificiation centres is seen as a possible result of inbreeding, arising from the mode of colonization of the Solomon Islands by this species. This suggests that, under certain conditions, considerable morphological plasticity may be induced within the selective constraints of bulla function.  相似文献   

Variation in the locomotion behavior of Gammarus pulex was studied using the Multispecies Freshwater Biomonitor®. Behavior was recorded individually under a 12:12 h light:dark cycle for a period of 7 d during which the amphipods were not fed. Gammarids behaved differently during the first 7 h in the laboratory chambers. Most specimens were active and decreased their activity but some were relatively inactive after the start of the experiment and increased their locomotion. At least 2 h are needed by G. pulex to accustom to the conditions. No significant relationships existed between type of behavior during the acclimation period or acclimation time and gender or length of the gammarids. There was a large variation in time spent on locomotion during the first night. In general, males were significantly more active than females. Within males, a distinction can be made between very active and less active specimens. The 7-d observation period showed that only 70% of the specimens demonstrated a clear day–night rhythm with higher activity during the night. Unexpectedly, approximately 10% of the specimens were more active during daytime. Furthermore, in this study locomotion became relatively stable only after 4 d. Inter-individual variation in behavior must be taken into account when using behavior as an endpoint in ecotoxicological bioassays.  相似文献   

The aim of our study was to verify, on the basis of statistical analyses of nine quantitative morphological features of pollen grains, the hypothesis that pollen grains of three parental species of Crataegus (C. laevigata, C. monogyna, C. rhipidophylla) differed from the pollen of three spontaneous hybrids of these species (C. × macrocarpa, C. × media, C. × subsphaericea). Contrast analysis revealed that a majority of the pollen features of hybrid species were characterized by significantly higher mean values than those of parental species. Analysis of pollen shape classes indicated that the parental species clearly differed from each other in contrast with hybrids, which were characterized by a similar proportion of pollen in individual pollen shape classes. Statistical analyses showed that the pollen grains of two parental species, C. laevigata and C. monogyna, were most similar to one another. Pollen grains of typical C. rhipidophylla were similar to the pollen of hybrids and the mean values of almost all studied pollen features [P, E, Exp, Exp/P, Le, d, d/E (PAI)] of C. rhipidophylla var. rhipidophylla were intermediate between those of C. monogyna and C. rhipidophylla var. lindmanii. This corroborates Zieliński's conjecture that C. rhipidophylla is probably an old, conserved hybrid between C. monogyna and C. calycina (= C. lindmanii = C. rhipidophylla var. lindmanii). According to the analysis of canonical variables, C. × macrocarpa and C. × media pollen grains were most similar. C. × subsphaericea and C. rhipidophylla var. rhipidophylla and C. rhipidophylla var. lindmanii formed another pair (group), and C. monogyna and C. laevigata constituted separate ‘single species groups’. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 172 , 555–571.  相似文献   

PurposeThe accuracy and precision of the dose estimates obtained with radiochromic film dosimetry are investigated in a clinical environment. The improvement in the accuracy of dose estimates reached with corrective methods is analyzed. Two novel re-calibration algorithms for radiochromic film dosimetry are presented.MethodsTwo different EBT3 lots are evaluated in two different centres. They are calibrated in Varian linacs and read in two different EPSON scaners. Once the lots are calibrated, three films per lot are considered and divided into stripes that are exposed to known doses. Several dosimetry protocols usually employed in radiochromic film dosimetry are used to convert film responses to absorbed doses. These protocols are characterized by different choices of the film responses or different sensitometric curves. Finally, the accuracy and reproducibility of the dose estimates is investigated with and without the corrective methods.Results and ConclusionsThe variabilities that affect radiochromic film dosimetry, such as intra-lot variability, inter-scan variability, post-exposure time and film autodevelopment may give rise to inaccuracies in the dose estimates. However, the implementation of re-calibration methods leads to more accurate dose estimates. All the investigated protocols showed more accurate and reproducible results when the re-calibrated methods were employed. So, the novel re-calibration methods may be applied in order to improve the accuracy and reproducibility of radiochromic film dosimetry.  相似文献   

Traditionally, movement variability is considered an indicator for sensorimotor malfunctioning. However, functional movement variability is also a result of compensation mechanisms e.g. to account for prior movement deviations and is, therefore, crucial for stable movements. The aim of this study was to analyze functional variability during motor learning of a complex cyclic task.Thirteen young participants practised riding a Pedalo® slalom until they were able to complete the task without errors. Since trunk movements are controlled with high priority, we analyzed trunk kinematics as a result parameter. Since lower extremities affect the result parameter, foot, thigh and pelvis kinematics are considered execution parameters. The movement variability for result and execution parameters was determined for the first (poor performance), an intermediate (medium performance) and the last (good performance) training sessions. Furthermore, the variability ratio (execution/result parameter) was calculated as a measure of functional variability.Movement variability of the result parameter decreased significantly with increasing expertise. In contrast, movement variability of all execution parameters increased significantly from measurements representing poor to medium performance. No change from medium to good performance was found. Functional variability increased over time in all execution parameters.Since the movement variability of all execution parameters did not decrease with increasing Pedalo performance, applying a traditional interpretation approach of movement variability would have led to completely wrong conclusions. Possible mechanisms explaining the increased movement variability are discussed. The variability ratio seems to be the only parameter that can reveal improved sensorimotor functioning during all analyzed stages of motor learning.  相似文献   

The genetic variability of the Brazilian physic nut (Jatropha curcas) germplasm bank (117 accessions) was assessed using a combination of phenotypic and molecular data. The joint dissimilarity matrix showed moderate correlation with the original matrices of phenotypic and molecular data. However, the correlation between the phenotypic dissimilarity matrix and the genotypic dissimilarity matrix was low. This finding indicated that molecular markers (RAPD and SSR) did not adequately sample the genomic regions that were relevant for phenotypic differentiation of the accessions. The dissimilarity values of the joint dissimilarity matrix were used to measure phenotypic + molecular diversity. This diversity varied from 0 to 1.29 among the 117 accessions, with an average dissimilarity among genotypes of 0.51. Joint analysis of phenotypic and molecular diversity indicated that the genetic diversity of the physic nut germplasm was 156% and 64% higher than the diversity estimated from phenotypic and molecular data, respectively. These results show that Jatropha genetic variability in Brazil is not as limited as previously thought.  相似文献   

The Aeglidae family is a useful model for evaluating the shape variation to present small geographically isolated populations and present a carapace structure that allows precise placement of landmarks. We analysed variations of the size and shape of the carapace of seven populations of A. schmitti. We used 18 bidimensional anatomical landmarks on the carapace of adult males. Size variation between the populations was analysed through a univariate analysis of variance, while the shape variation was analysed through a multivariate analysis of variance using the configurations aligned by the generalized Procrustes analysis. The ordination of the populations was investigated through a canonical variables analysis. Individuals from the populations differed in the carapace size, in this case, we observed the largest individuals in the Iguaçu river basin, followed by Ribeira do Iguape and the Coastal basin. Carapace shape also differed between the populations of A. schmitti, with the exception of the Mato Grande and Piraquara rivers: populations from the Iguaçu River presented a larger and rounder carapace when compared with the slenderer carapace of the Coastal basin, and the Ribeira do Iguape animals presented intermediate shapes. Data from the present study show great congruency with the draining pattern and geological history of the region.  相似文献   

Iva Weiterov 《Flora》2008,203(3):204-214
Seasonal and small-scale spatial variation of the seed bank in an oligotrophic wet meadow (Molinion) was assessed by two methods: (1) direct determination of seeds extracted from soil samples (6 cm in diameter, 10 cm depth) and (2) germination of seeds according to Ter Heerdt et al. [1996. An improved method for seed bank analysis: seedling emergence after removing the soil by sieving. Funct. Ecol. 10, 144–151]. Samples were taken three times during the year (July and November 2001, March 2002) from three distinct microhabitats (moss layer, gaps, Molinia caerulea tussocks). Using the extraction method, more seeds were found in the upper 0–3 cm soil layer than in the deeper 3–7 cm layer, significant differences in the number of seeds were found among microhabitats (with the lowest seed bank densities in Molinia tussocks). The highest number of seeds was found in the spring census, but the test was not significant (P<0.10). However, seasonal variation was found when damaged seeds were included in the analysis. Changes in damaged/undamaged and light/heavy seed ratios, and in numbers of grass/herbs/sedges seeds are also discussed. The spatial distribution of seeds is probably influenced to a great degree by abiotic factors, such as microtopography (round and heavy seeds of sedges prevail in gaps and in deeper soil layers). The species composition of the seed bank varied among microhabitats, depth, and throughout the year. No differences were found by the seed germination method.  相似文献   

E. Narbona  P.L. Ortiz  M. Arista 《Flora》2006,201(8):633-641
Patterns of seed germination of the perennial spurge Euphorbia nicaeensis were studied in three populations in south-western Spain. We investigated the variation in seed viability and germination among individuals, and among populations over 2 consecutive years. We also studied if diverse factors such as temperature, acid scarification, darkness or caruncle loss affect the germination of the seeds.

Interindividual and interpopulation variability in seed viability was found. E. nicaeensis seeds are nondormant, so differences in interpopulation viability translate into differences in final germination rates. The germination percentage of the seeds from each population was similar in the 2 years studied. The effects of diverse factors were homogeneous in the two populations studied. Darkness has no effect on seed germination, and ecarunculate seeds germinated in the same proportions as carunculate seeds; this could allow the seeds to germinate in the chambers of deserted anthills. Acid scarification significantly reduced the germination percentage in only one of the populations, but over 50% of the seeds germinated, which could allow herbivores to act as occasional dispersing agents. The seeds that were preheated at 100 °C for 1 and 5 min germinated in the same proportions as the control group. The seeds that were preheated at 120 °C for 5 min displayed a significant decrease in germination, but the percentage was over 40% for both populations, indicating that the seeds could still germinate after the passage of a fire.  相似文献   

While technological characteristics largely determine the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions during the construction of a wind farm and meteorological circumstances the actual electricity production, a thorough analysis to quantify the GHG footprint variability (in g CO2eq/kWh electricity produced) between wind farms is still lacking at the global scale. Here, we quantified the GHG footprint of 26,821 wind farms located across the globe, combining turbine-specific technological parameters, life-cycle inventory data, and location- and temporal-specific meteorological information. These wind farms represent 79% of the 651 global wind (GW) capacity installed in 2019. Our results indicate a median GHG footprint for global wind electricity of 10 g CO2eq/kWh, ranging from 4 to 56 g CO2eq/kWh (2.5th and 97.5th percentiles). Differences in the GHG footprint of wind farms are mainly explained by spatial variability in wind speed, followed by whether the wind farm is located onshore or offshore, the turbine diameter, and the number of turbines in a wind farm. We also provided a metamodel based on these four predictors for users to be able to easily obtain a first indication of GHG footprints of new wind farms considered. Our results can be used to compare the GHG footprint of wind farms to one another and to other sources of electricity in a location-specific manner.  相似文献   

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