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露蕊乌头(毛茛科)不同海拔居群的传粉生态学   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对青藏高原东北部两个不同海拔地点(互助,2460m和海北,3200m)的露蕊乌头Aconitum gymnandrum的传粉生态学进行了比较研究。研究结果表明高海拔居群的单花花期、雄性期持续时间、雌性期持续时间比低海拔长。露蕊乌头不存在无融合生殖现象,尽管高度自交亲和,但产生种子必须依赖传粉媒介。熊蜂是露蕊乌头的主要传粉昆虫,两个居群均存在传粉限制。熊蜂取食花蜜为主,在同一个花序上的访问顺序以由下向上为主,但在互助居群和海北居群有3.9%和2.7%的访花是由上向下进行的。统计发现有37.7%和29.3%的访问行为发生在同一植株内;因此,同株异花传粉造成的自交在露蕊乌头中仍然不能避免。低海拔居群的熊蜂种类和访花频率均高于高海拔居群,但自然状态下两个居群的结实率并没有显著差异。高海拔露蕊乌头居群可能具有较长的柱头持续时间,从而补偿了由于访花频率低带来的结实率降低。  相似文献   

中华山蓼不同海拔居群的繁殖分配研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究了具有克隆繁殖和雌雄异株繁育特性的中华山蓼Oxyria sinensis Hemsl.在5个不同海拔居群的繁殖分配.结果表明:(1)雄株高度和茎叶总生物量仪在海拔2780 m的居群显著高于雌株,在另外4个居群与雌株高度和茎叶总生物量均不存在显著差异:雄株地上部分总生物量在海拔较高的3个届群显著高于雌株的地上部分总生物量;雄株的花生物量和繁殖分配在海拔1978 m的居群与雌株没有显著差异,但在另外4个居群均显著高于雌株,表明在海拔较高的地区,中华山蓼增加了对雄性植株的资源配置,可能是对海拔较高地区不可预见性降雨和降低昆虫访花频率的适应.(2)雌雄株高度、地上部分总生物量和茎叶生物量以及雌株的花生物量和繁殖分配随海拔升高表现出降低的趋势,但雄花的生物量和繁殖分配随海拔升高显著增加,进一步证明中华山蓼在海拔较高地区的居群增加了对雄性资源的投资.(3)雄雌株繁殖分配受个体大小制约(个体大小依赖性),但并不支持"植物开始繁殖必须达到一定的大小(阈值)"的观点.这可能因为中华山蓼具有较强的无性繁殖能力,而同一植株上不同分株间能通过地下根状茎达到资源共享,因此中华山蓼分株的开花繁殖不需要达到一定的大小.  相似文献   

凤仙花属(Impatiens)植物具有极为广泛的多样性和类型各异的特化传粉者, 被誉为“双子叶的兰花”, 受到众多传粉生物学家的关注。本文以海南特有种海南凤仙花(Impatiens hainanensis)为研究对象, 对3个不同海拔梯度的种群进行了开花生物学特性和开花物候、花器官结构、花粉活力和柱头活性、传粉者种类和访花行为及繁育系统的比较研究。结果表明: 单花花期4.10 ± 0.46 d, 雄性期和雌性期分别约为3.15 ± 0.24 d和0.95 ± 0.36 d; 种群开花峰期在8月初, 高海拔种群的花期高峰相对滞后。低、中海拔种群花粉活力呈现先升高后下降的趋势, 以开花第2 d花粉活力最高; 高海拔种群花粉活力随开花时间推移逐渐下降; 柱头活性随开花时间的推移而增强, 高海拔种群开花各天次均较低、中海拔种群低。主要传粉昆虫为黄黑无垫蜂(Amegilla leptocoma)和绿条无垫蜂(A. zonata), 低、中海拔种群以黄黑无垫蜂为主, 高海拔种群以绿条无垫蜂为主。未观察到自动自花授粉和无融合生殖现象, 人工授粉能明显增加坐果率(75-90%), 自然坐果率在高海拔种群相对较低(40-60%), 说明存在较强的传粉者限制。海南凤仙花的保护需要同时关注其有效传粉者的保护, 促进有效传粉昆虫在不同海拔种群之间的往来, 保证种群间的花粉流与种子流, 维持海南凤仙花的种群遗传多样性与有效种群大小。  相似文献   

研究了青藏高原东缘不同海拔12个居群大耳叶风毛菊(Saussurea macrota Franch.)繁殖分配对海拔的响应。结果表明:(1)随着海拔的升高,大耳叶风毛菊个体大小呈现减小的趋势,但其繁殖分配随海拔升高而增大,这是为了保证顺利完成有性繁殖而采取的生存策略;(2)大耳叶风毛菊部分花部特征发生变异,以响应随海拔升高面临的传粉困难问题,保证花期传粉的最大成功几率;(3)随着海拔的升高,大耳叶风毛菊产生的种子数目减少,种子百粒重增加;花序和管状小花的数量均减少,而它们的重量均增加,即权衡现象在大耳叶风毛菊的这些器官中普遍存在。  相似文献   

巨伞钟报春(Primula florindae)是报春花属(Primula)的一种二型花柱植物,为青藏高原地区特有种。该研究于巨伞钟报春自然种群在色季拉山的分布下限(3 100m)至上限(林线4 350m)沿海拔梯度设立5个远离人为活动干扰的样点,并选取开花物候、花部结构性状、传粉昆虫、性分配、自然结实5个繁殖表征性状,通过分析比较不同海拔梯度样点的繁殖表征性状之间的差异,明确巨伞钟报春繁殖性状对海拔变化的适应策略,并探讨未来气候变化对巨伞钟报春的分布格局可能产生的影响。研究发现:(1)巨伞钟报春始花时间最早为中海拔种群,其次是低海拔种群,最晚为高海拔种群,而且随海拔高度上升,巨伞钟报春两种表型的花寿命均显著延长;花部结构面积显著增大;访花昆虫种类减少;性分配倾向于偏雌分配,各性状对于不同海拔之间异质环境的适应可能是巨伞钟报春在各海拔繁殖策略上表现出差异的主要原因。(2)随着海拔的上升,巨伞钟报春的开花数显著减少,但虫食数与虫食率也显著降低,最终不同海拔有效座果数和结籽数均无显著差异,表明巨伞钟报春通过应对不同环境形成相应的繁殖策略,在不同海拔均能保证恒定的繁殖成功率,并维持种群的稳定。(3)气候变化将会对巨伞钟报春的分布产生深远影响,其分布下限可能发生上移,但更高海拔地区现有的砂壤环境不适于巨伞钟报春的生长,且传粉昆虫在气候变化综合作用下的时空变异尚不明确,致使其分布上限上移空间有限。研究推测,未来100年内,巨伞钟报春的分布下限可能上移至其现今分布格局的中海拔地区,造成其分布区域缩小。  相似文献   

高山植物圆穗蓼的繁殖资源分配   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于海北高寒草甸生态系统定位站附近的一个西向山坡上,以高寒灌丛草甸中海拔不同的4个地点的圆穗蓼为研究对象,分析圆穗蓼的繁殖特征在海拔梯度上的变化规律,以探讨高山植物在极端环境下的资源分配策略。结果发现:(1)随海拔升高,圆穗蓼的植株高度先增大后变小,营养器官生物量和繁殖器官生物量均呈现增加的趋势,但三者与海拔梯度的相关性不显著,而且繁殖分配在4个不同海拔取样地点间差异不显著;(2)个体越大,圆穗蓼分配到繁殖器官的绝对资源比例也显著增加,但在海拔较低的3个取样地点内,繁殖分配随海拔升高呈增加的趋势,这可能与高寒灌丛草甸土壤的潜在肥力较高而导致圆穗蓼不存在资源限制有关;(3)圆穗蓼在4个取样地点均存在繁殖阈值,繁殖阈值与海拔的相关性不显著,但仍然表现出随海拔升高而略有降低的趋势,表明海拔较高居群的植株达到开花繁殖需要的营养积累较小。研究表明,由于海北站的土壤肥力较高,4个取样地点的圆穗蓼不存在个体大小依赖性的繁殖分配和随海拔升高而增加的繁殖分配;而高海拔取样地点较低的繁殖阈值表明高山植物的有性繁殖比营养生长具有更为重要的意义,强调了有性繁殖对高山植物的重要性。  相似文献   

对国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生植物、准四川省特有植物和优先拯救保护的极小种群植物圆叶天女花[Oyama sinensis(Rehder et E.H.Wilson)N.H.Xia et C.Y.Wu]在不同海拔居群[P1(海拔1 758 m)、P2(海拔1 988 m)、P3(海拔2 181 m)和P4(海拔2 397 m)居群]的花部特征、花粉活力和柱头可授性进行了研究,并对其访花昆虫的种类和访花行为进行了观察。结果表明:P2和P3居群圆叶天女花的花朵直径、花被片长和花被片宽总体上显著(P0.05)大于P1和P4居群,而4个居群间花朵长的差异不显著(P0.05)。随着海拔升高,圆叶天女花在雄蕊和雌蕊投入上逐渐减少,其雄蕊、雌蕊、花粉和胚珠的数量以及花粉/胚珠比(P/O)总体上呈逐渐减小的趋势。高海拔居群(P3和P4居群)圆叶天女花的花粉活力和柱头可授性明显高于低海拔居群(P1和P2居群),雄蕊和雌蕊的寿命更长。熊蜂(Bombus ningpoensis)、花蚊子(Aedes albopictus)、中华蜜蜂(Apis cerana)、食蚜蝇(Syrphus sp.)和白粉蝶(Pieris rapae)为圆叶天女花的有效传粉昆虫,其中,主要访花昆虫熊蜂的访问高峰期为10:00—14:00。P2和P3居群圆叶天女花花朵的展示效果较好,访花昆虫种类较多(10~11种)。随着海拔升高,圆叶天女花访花昆虫的访问次数逐渐减少。研究结果显示:随着海拔升高,延长花粉和柱头的寿命为圆叶天女花提高传粉效率和增强适应性的有效策略。  相似文献   

对达乌里秦艽3个自然居群和1个人工栽培居群进行了两年的传粉生态学研究.研究发现:(1)达乌里秦艽套袋花均不结实,说明雌雄异熟和雌雄异位这两种花部机制成功阻止了主动自交,且不存在无融合生殖现象.(2)隔离传粉昆虫导致花寿命明显延长,授粉会导致花冠提前闭合,说明达乌里秦艽的花寿命具有可塑性,可通过延长花寿命确保成功繁殖.(3)在一个自然居群中证明存在花粉限制,且该居群的花寿命显著长于另外两个没有花粉限制的自然居群.(4)在整个雌性持续期柱头都具有一定的可授性,且在第2天可授性最高,随后逐渐降低;开花后期柱头可授性降低,使植物维持花开放资源投入的产出将有可能降低.研究表明,达乌里秦艽在严重缺乏传粉者的情况下,延长花寿命仅能部分弥补传粉者的不足,该物种在部分居群中仍有可能存在花粉限制.  相似文献   

花寿命指花保持开放且具有功能的时间长度, 是开花植物繁殖成功的一个重要功能性状。可塑性延长花寿命是植物在不利的传粉环境中保障繁殖的一种策略, 但延长花寿命也会增加繁殖成本。花寿命的可塑性变异不仅受传粉环境的影响, 而且还受资源分配权衡的影响。花寿命的理论模型指出, 植物的花寿命与花吸引特征之间存在资源分配权衡。为了研究在花粉限制环境中, 植物花寿命与花吸引特征之间的资源权衡及其对雌性适合度的相对重要性。该研究以青藏高原高寒草甸不同海拔(2 900和3 600 m)的11种开花植物为研究对象, 分析了不同植物群落中, 物种水平上: (1)花寿命与花吸引特征(花大小以及开花数目)之间的相关关系; (2)花寿命与花吸引特征对植物雌性适合度的相对贡献。结果表明, 无论是低海拔还是高海拔植物群落, 植物的花寿命与开花数目之间均存在权衡关系, 且长的花寿命增加了植物的雌性适合度。但在高海拔环境中, 植物的雌性适合度只与花寿命有关。这说明相对于低海拔植物, 花寿命对高海拔植物的雌性繁殖成功更为重要。  相似文献   

刘尊驰  刘华峰  赵丹  罗宁  孙园园  郝晓冉  刘彤 《生态学报》2015,35(18):5957-5965
以新疆准噶尔盆地藜科猪毛菜属植物紫翅猪毛菜(Salsola affinis C.A.Mey)、钠猪毛菜(Salsola nitraria Pall)为研究对象,用繁殖分配比例的方法对比分析了两种猪毛菜不同海拔同一种群内不同个体大小繁殖分配的特点,并用异速生长模型分析了不同海拔繁殖生物量与营养生物量之间分配与个体大小的依赖关系。结果发现:1)不同海拔繁殖生物量(R)与营养生物量(V)呈不同程度的异速生长。紫翅猪毛菜随海拔的升高R-V的异速生长斜率显著升高,截距随海拔的升高没有显著增加;而钠猪毛菜的斜率随海拔升高显著降低,截距则显著升高。2)紫翅猪毛菜在较低海拔个体大小与繁殖分配呈负相关,在较高海拔呈正相关;钠猪毛菜在较低海拔个体大小与繁殖分配呈正相关,在较高海拔呈负相关;两种猪毛菜繁殖分配的适应对策相反。3)将同一种群个体大小分成大、中、小3种类型,多重比较发现紫翅猪毛菜在较低海拔,中小个体的繁殖分配显著高于大个体的繁殖分配;在较高海拔,大个体的繁殖分配显著高于中小个体的繁殖分配。钠猪毛菜在较低海拔,大个体的繁殖分配显著高于中、小个体的繁殖分配;在较高海拔,小个体的繁殖分配显著高于大、中个体的繁殖分配。综合分析认为:两个物种随海拔变化产生不同的繁殖分配策略,除遗传效应外,环境和个体大小对钠猪毛菜繁殖分配的变化均产生重要影响,而紫翅猪毛菜繁殖分配的变化主要由海拔差异导致。由于微生境对同一种群的个体大小产生影响,进而产生不同的繁殖分配模式,所以在干旱区更应重视个体大小对繁殖分配的影响。  相似文献   

The strategy of resource allocation between vegetative and reproductive functions, quantitative relationship between size and reproductive output are central aspects of plant life history. To test the tactics of resource allocation and its altitudinal trend, we examined the reproductive allocation (RA) of Bergenia purpurascens (Saxifragaceae), in six populations along a shady slope in Sejila Mountain of southeast Tibet, at an altitude gradient from 4 200 m to 4 640 m. Our results showed that (1) with increasing altitude, vegetative biomass, reproductive biomass, total aboveground biomass, flower number per plant and length of flower stalk decreased significantly, but the number of leaves did not change greatly. However, the change of RA did not show a monotonic trend when altitude increased, shifting from significantly decreasing below the tree line to slightly increasing above it; (2) vegetative biomass was positively correlated with reproductive biomass, but negatively correlated with RA in all populations, but the level of significance was different among the populations; (3) RA decreased with individual size in all populations, whereas the relationship between absolute resource allocated to reproduction and individual size was allometric; (4) reproductive allometry and a size threshold for reproduction did exist in this alpine perennial, but the obvious altitudinal trend was only found along the populations below the tree line, not above it. We then concluded the altitude could not fully explain the change of resource allocation strategy of this alpine perennial, and different effects of size and habitat on RA may result from various environmental constraints along the altitudinal gradient or genetic background. Therefore, each individual within a population will follow its own developmental trajectory shaped by its genotype and the habitats. The most innovative finding was plant adaptation and resource trade off might be sharply altered at the tree line, which is a sensitive area in alpine mountains. Further investigations are needed to better understand the relationship between the reproductive allocation and changing environmental conditions.  相似文献   

岩白菜(虎耳草科)不同海拔居群的繁殖分配   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
资源分配策略是植物生活史研究的重要内容之一,植物用于繁殖的相对资源比例(即繁殖分配)与植株的生活史特征、个体大小及植株的生境密切相关。本文研究了藏东南色季拉山一个阴坡上海拔4200m~4640m范围内6个不同居群的虎耳草科多年生草本植物岩白菜(Bergenia purpurascens)的繁殖分配特征,结果发现:(1)繁殖器官生物量、营养器官生物量、地上部分总生物量、花数目、花序轴长度均随海拔的升高而显著降低,而叶数目随海拔变化不大,繁殖分配值则先降低后升高,转折点在林线过渡带(海拔4400m)处;(2)各居群(海拔4300m居群除外)营养器官生物量与繁殖器官生物量均显著正相关,而营养器官生物量与繁殖分配则负相关,但各居群的显著性不同;(3)各居群繁殖器官生物量与植株个体大小(营养器官生物量)呈不同程度的异速增长,而繁殖分配则与植株个体大小负相关;(4)各居群植株都存在一个繁殖所需的个体大小阈值,而且这一阈值在林线以下区域随海拔的升高而显著增大,在林线以上区域变化不显著。研究结果表明,海拔并不是影响岩白菜繁殖分配策略的唯一生态因子,不同居群的生境状况和植株个体大小都与其资源分配策略密切相关,高山地区林线的存在对植物资源的权衡方式会产生巨大影响。  相似文献   

不同海拔藜芦种群繁殖特征的初步研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
 在北京东灵山地区,沿一定海拔梯度,对藜芦(Veratrum nigrum)这一雄花两性花同株的多年生草本植物的繁殖特征进行了初步研究。结果表明:藜芦开花植株的生物量显著大于未开花植株的生物量。藜芦开花植株大小存在最小临界值,总种群的最小临界值为2.61 g,不同种群的繁殖临界值存在一定的差异。根据花粉/胚珠比(Pollen / ovule ratio,P/O比)推测,藜芦应属于以异交为主的混合交配系统。雄花的大小与生物量都比两性花小,而且其开放时间也晚于两性花,但二者的花粉生产量却没有显著差异。这种现象与人们针对雄花两性花同株植物的雄花功能所提出的最优资源分配假说(Optimal resource allocation hypothesis)是一致的。  相似文献   

王满堂  赵志刚  周显辉  程栋梁 《广西植物》2018,38(10):1391-1398
生物量分配影响植物生长和繁殖,是植物生活史研究的重要内容。为了了解植物生活史性状对放牧的响应,该研究以青藏高原高寒草甸毒杂草展毛翠雀为对象,分析了放牧干扰对展毛翠雀的花期繁殖分配和性分配的影响。结果表明:放牧显著降低了展毛翠雀的总生物量、个体大小和繁殖投入; 放牧未改变展毛翠雀的营养部分与繁殖部分的等速生长关系,但显著增加了繁殖部分的生物量分配和总花数; 展毛翠雀的个体大小与总花数呈显著的正相关关系,但与性分配呈显著的负相关关系; 展毛翠雀的总花数与单花大小、单花的花瓣比例均表现出负相关关系,表明总花数与单花大小之间、总花数与单花的花瓣比例之间均存在权衡。因此,在放牧条件下,展毛翠雀的繁殖分配和性分配均表现出显著的可塑性。  相似文献   

Larger and longer lived flowers receive more pollinators, but may also involve increased water maintenance costs under hot, dry environments. Hence, smaller and/or short-lived flowers may buffer such costs. We surveyed floral longevity in three large-flowered Mediterranean Cistus species. We hypothesize that: (1) in Cistus, floral longevity decreases with increasing air temperature and flower size; (2) in C. ladanifer, flower size and longevity increase along an altitudinal gradient; (3) floral longevity is differentially affected by temperature rather than flower size along the gradient; (4) under similar temperature, floral longevity decreases with flower size. For each species, we evaluated the effects of flower size and air temperature on floral longevity. Specifically, floral longevity was surveyed along an altitudinal gradient in the largest flowered species Cistusladanifer. Floral longevity in Cistus species lasted < 1 d and was affected by air temperature, independently of flower size. In C. ladanifer, flower size increased along the gradient but floral longevity decreased. Still, floral longevity decreased with increasing air temperature and, to a lesser extent, with flower size. Together, our findings show a triangular relationship among air temperature, flower size and floral longevity with margins for plasticity to accommodate pollinator attraction with the costs of large-flowered Mediterranean plants.  相似文献   

Relationships between sex‐specific floral traits and endogenous phytohormones associated with altitude are unknown particularly in dioecious trees. We thus examined the relationships between floral morphology or biomass and phytohormones in male and female flowers of dioecious Populus cathayana populations along an altitudinal gradient (1,500, 1,600, and 1,700 m above sea level) in the Xiaowutai Nature Reserve in northern China. The female and male flowers had the most stigma and pollen at 1,700 m, the largest ovaries and least pollen at 1,500 m, and the smallest ovaries and greater numbers of anthers at 1,600 m altitude. The single‐flower biomass was significantly greater in males than in females at 1,600 or 1,700 m, but the opposite was true at 1,500 m altitude. The biomass percentages were significantly higher in anthers than in stigmas at each altitude, while significantly greater gibberellin A3 (GA3), zeatin riboside (ZR), indoleacetic acid (IAA), and abscisic acid (ABA) concentrations were found in female than in male flowers. Moreover, most flower morphological traits positively correlated with IAA in females but not in males. The biomass of a single flower was significantly positively correlated with ABA or IAA in males but negatively with ZR in females and was not correlated with GA3 in both females and males. Our results demonstrate a distinct sexual adaptation between male and female flowers and that phytohormones are closely related to the size, shape, and biomass allocation in the pollination or fertilization organs of dioecious plants, although with variations in altitude.  相似文献   

Stressful ecological conditions have been implicated in the evolution of separate sexes in plants. Gender dimorphic species are often found in drier habitats than their sexually monomorphic relatives, and gynodioecious populations appear closer to a dioecious state as resources, particularly water, become limiting. This pattern could result if dry conditions decrease the relative seed fitness of cosexual plants, allowing female plants to become established in monomorphic populations. We studied geographical variation in gender expression and biomass allocation among 12 monomorphic and dimorphic populations of Wurmbea dioica along a latitudinal precipitation gradient in southwestern Australia to provide insight into mechanisms by which aridity might favor transitions between sexual systems. Plants in monomorphic and dimorphic populations exhibited contrasting gender expression and patterns of biomass allocation in areas with different levels of precipitation. Among dimorphic populations, lower precipitation was associated with a higher frequency of female plants, and reduced allocation to female function by hermaphrodites during flowering. In contrast, stress conditions had no effect on female allocation at flowering in monomorphic populations. Across latitudes, unisexuals and cosexuals exhibited consistent differences in above ground traits, with cosexuals having larger leaves, taller stems and larger flowers. Although all plants were smaller under drier conditions, cosexuals decreased above ground allocation to vegetative and reproductive structures with decreasing latitude. In contrast, unisexuals increased allocation to reproduction in drier areas at the expense of below ground size. Aridity was associated with reduced flower size among all gender classes, but not with changes in flower number. These data do not support the hypothesis that resource limitation of female allocation in cosexual populations favors the establishment of gender dimorphism in W. dioica. Alternative hypotheses, involving higher selfing rates and enhanced survival of unisexuals relative to cosexuals under resource-limited conditions, are discussed as possible explanations for the origin of dioecy in W. dioica. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

To test the prediction of sex allocation theory that plants or flowers high in resource status emphasize the female function, we explored the variation in both biomass (the number of pollen grains and ovules) and temporal (male and female durations) sex allocation among and within plants of protandrous Lobelia sessilifolia in relation to plant size and flower position within plants. Among plants, the mean number of pollen grains and ovules per flower of a plant increased with plant size, whereas the mean P/O ratio (number of pollen grains/number of ovules ratio) decreased with plant size. The mean male duration, the mean female duration, and the mean ratio of male duration/flower longevity per flower of a plant were not correlated with plant size. Thus, large plants emphasized female function in terms of biomass sex allocation, which is consistent with the prediction of size-dependent sex allocation theory. The results for temporal sex allocation, however were inconsistent with the theory. Within plants, the mean number of pollen grains and ovules per flower at each position decreased from lower to upper flowers (early to late blooming flowers) and that of the P/O ratio increased from lower to upper flowers. The mean male duration and the mean female duration per flower decreased from lower to upper flowers, whereas the mean ratio of male duration/flower longevity increased from lower to upper flowers. The population sex ratio changed from male-biased to female-biased. Thus, later blooming flowers emphasized the male function in terms of both biomass and temporal sex allocation, consistent with the sex allocation theory, regarding the change in the population sex ratio.  相似文献   

毛翠雀花花序内的性分配和繁殖成功   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张新  安宇梦  史长莉  米兆荣  张婵 《广西植物》2021,41(8):1324-1332
两性花植物花序内不同位置的性分配和繁殖成功一般存在差异,通常认为资源竞争、结构效应和交配环境是形成这种差异的主要原因。为了研究雄性和雌性繁殖资源在花序内不同位置间的最优分配问题,该文以青藏高原高寒草甸典型高山植物毛翠雀花为材料,通过比较花序内不同位置的花部特征和种子性状,对其花序内的性分配模式和雌性繁殖成功进行研究,并通过观察传粉者运动特点以及人工去花和补授花粉实验,探讨花序内资源竞争和交配环境对繁殖资源分配的影响。结果表明:(1)不同位置间的雄蕊数、雄蕊鲜重/雌蕊鲜重、花粉数及花粉胚珠比从花序基部到上部显著增加,而雌蕊鲜重和胚珠数逐渐减少,表现出上部花偏雄的性分配;上部花的结籽率显著低于基部花和中部花,不同位置间的发育种子数/果实和发育种子重/果实随着花位置的升高而显著降低,说明基部花具有更佳的雌性繁殖成效。(2)去花处理后,剩余果实的单个种子重/果实显著增加,但发育种子数/果实没有显著增加;而给上部花人工补授异花花粉后,位置间结籽率的差异消失,说明传粉限制而非资源竞争导致了花序内位置依赖的种子生产模式。(3)毛翠雀花雄性先熟的开花特征,以及传粉者苏氏熊蜂从花序基部到上部的定向访花行为,导致了花序内交配环境的变化。综上结果表明,毛翠雀花花序内的性分配和繁殖成功差异是对交配环境适应的结果,对其在高山环境中实现雌雄适合度最优化具有重要意义。  相似文献   

For alpine plant species, patterns of resource allocation to functional floral traits for pollinator attraction can be highly significant in adaptation to low pollinator abundance and consequent pollen limitation. Increased pollination can be achieved either through a larger floral display or production of more pollen rewards. In this study, variation in resource allocation to different components for pollinator attraction was studied along an altitudinal gradient in Trollius ranunculoides, an obligate self‐incompatible out‐crosser of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau. We compared resource allocation to conspicuous yellow sepals (which mainly provide visual attraction) and degenerate petals (which provide the major nectar reward) between populations at four altitudes. Furthermore, we investigated the contribution of sepals and petals to pollinator attraction and female reproductive success in an experiment with sepal or petal removal at sites at different altitudes. At the level of single flowers, resource allocation increased to sepals but decreased to petals with increasing altitude. Consistent with these results, sepals contributed much more to visitation rate and seed set than petals, as confirmed in the sepal or petal removal experiment. Sepals and petals contributed to female reproductive success by ensuring visitation rate rather than visitation duration. To alleviate increasing pollen limitation with increasing altitude, resource allocation patterns of T. ranunculoides altered to favour development of sepals rather than petals. This strategy may improve pollination and reproductive success through visual attraction (sepal) rather than nectar reward (petal) over a gradient of decreasing pollinator abundance.  相似文献   

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