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报道了采自新疆布尔津县五彩滩的微孢衣属(Acarospora A.Massal.)地衣两个新记录种,即:中国新记录种美国微孢衣(Acarospora americana H.Magn.)和新疆新记录种翡翠微孢衣(Acarospora smaragdula(Wahlenb.)A.Massal.),详细描述了这两种地衣的形态特征、解剖特征及生境。  相似文献   

结合相关的研究资料,对新疆西部部分山区实地采集的地衣标本进行初步整理、分类和鉴定,结果发现了微孢衣属(Acarospora)的3个中国新记录种: Acarospora glaucocarpa,Acarospora peliscypha,Acarospora veronensis。  相似文献   

本文报道了中国微孢衣属地衣的3个中国新记录种,分别为粉霜微孢衣Acarospora obpallens(Nyl.ex Hasse)Zahlbr.、莲座微孢衣Acarospora rosulata(Th.Fr.)H.Magn.以及爱琴海微孢衣Acarospora aeginaica H.Magn.,标本采集于黑龙江、内蒙古及新疆等地区。本文提供了各种的详细描述、形态及解剖图片以及ITS和mt SSU序列,标本现保存于新疆大学中国西北干旱区地衣研究中心标本管理室(XJU-NALH)。  相似文献   

采用传统分类学及分子生物学技术,鉴定并报道了采自中国甘肃、新疆、西藏的微孢衣属中国新记录种——泡状微孢衣(Acarospora bullata Anzi),并对该属部分种类[节微孢衣(A. nodulosa (Dufour) Hue)、垫微孢衣(A. pulvinata H. Magn.)]进行了分类及系统发育学研究,提供了这3个物种的详细描述、形态结构图以及ITS序列。本研究可为《中国地衣志——微孢衣科》的编写提供科学数据。  相似文献   

果疣衣属地衣系子囊菌门Ascomycota,子囊菌纲Ascomycetes,茶渍衣亚纲Lecanoromycetidae,鸡皮衣目Pertusariales,鸡皮衣科Pertusariaceae的成员。由于粉色果疣衣Varicellaria rhodocarpa在中国的首次发现,使中国地衣区系中新增添了一个属:果疣衣属Varicellaria。该属迄今已知仅含三种,即粉芽果疣衣V.kemensis,八孢果疣衣V.carneonivea及粉色果疣衣V.rhodocarpa。果疣衣属为壳状地衣,地衣体微薄,膜质;子囊盘茶渍型,单个或数个聚生于瘤状果疣中;类侧丝多分枝并呈网状缠绕;子囊内含单孢或八孢;子囊孢子大型(长度为200~400μm),双胞,无色透明,椭圆形;孢子壁厚达27μm;与鸡皮衣属不同之处在于前者子囊内含双胞孢子,后者子囊内含单胞孢子。由于该属在中国是首次被发现,为了进一步的研究,文中还提供了该属迄今已知的全部三种的分种检索表。粉色果疣衣以其地衣体基本无粉芽和遇Pd呈负反应而区别于粉芽果疣衣,以子囊内含单孢而区别于八孢果疣衣。通过薄板层析法首次从该种髓部检测出茶渍衣酸。其地理成分为北极高山种,主要分布于欧洲的挪威、瑞典、芬兰、阿尔卑斯山脉,喀尔巴阡山脉、苏格兰以及北美洲;在亚洲迄今只见于日本与中国。  相似文献   

果疣衣属地衣系子囊菌门Ascomycota,子囊菌纲Ascomycetes,茶渍衣亚纲Lecanoromycetidae,鸡皮衣目Pertusariales,鸡皮衣科Pertusariaceae的成员。由于粉色果疣衣Varicellariarhodocarpa在中国的首次发现,使中国地衣区系中新增添了一个属:果疣衣属Varicellaria。该属迄今已知仅含三种,即粉芽果疣衣V.kemensis,八孢果疣衣V.carneonivea及粉色果疣衣V.rhodocarpa。果疣衣属为壳状地衣,地衣体微薄,膜质;子囊盘茶渍型,单个或数个聚生于瘤状果疣中;类侧丝多分枝并呈网状缠绕;子囊内含单孢或八孢;子囊孢子大型(长度为200~400mm),双胞,无色透明,椭圆形;孢子壁厚达27mm;与鸡皮衣属不同之处在于前者子囊内含双胞孢子,后者子囊内含单胞孢子。由于该属在中国是首次被发现,为了进一步的研究,文中还提供了该属迄今已知的全部三种的分种检索表。粉色果疣衣以其地衣体基本无粉芽和遇Pd呈负反应而区别于粉芽果疣衣,以子囊内含单孢而区别于八孢果疣衣。通过薄板层析法首次从该种髓部检测出茶渍衣酸。其地理成分为北极高山种,主要分布于欧洲的挪威、瑞典、芬兰、阿尔卑斯山脉,喀尔巴阡山脉、苏格兰以及北美洲;在亚洲迄今只见于日本与中国。  相似文献   

在形态和化学研究的基础上,对中国金黄衣属地衣进行了分类订正。将《中国地衣综览》中微孢衣属的3个种——黄微孢衣、枝瓣微孢衣和戈壁微孢衣正式归入金黄衣属,并分别命名为多孢金黄衣、枝瓣金黄衣和戈壁金黄衣(新拟),并增补散瓣金黄衣(新拟)。至此,中国金黄衣属包括了4个种。该文详细记述了每个种的表型特征和地理分布,并提供了分种检索表。  相似文献   

在形态和化学研究的基础上,对中国金黄衣属地衣进行了分类订正。将《中国地衣综览》中微孢衣属的3个种——黄微孢衣、枝瓣微孢衣和戈壁微孢衣正式归入金黄衣属,并分别命名为多孢金黄衣、枝瓣金黄衣和戈壁金黄衣(新拟),并增补散瓣金黄衣(新拟)。至此,中国金黄衣属包括了4个种。该文详细记述了每个种的表型特征和地理分布,并提供了分种检索表。  相似文献   

对采自新疆东天山米泉林场的地衣鉴定分析,发现2个中国新记录种,即散点微孢衣(Acarospora dispersa H.Magn.)和暗灰微孢衣(A.obnubila H.Magn.)。根据研究标本描述了2个新记录种的形态解剖、化学特征和生境,并提供了相关形态学及解剖学彩色图片。标本保存于新疆大学西北干旱地衣研究中心的标本室(XJUNALH)。  相似文献   

报道了采自哈纳斯的一个中国新记录属:木炭衣属(Placynthiella),并对中国新记录种黑木炭衣(P.oligotropha)的形态特征,子囊盘、子囊、子囊孢子和侧丝等解剖特征以及化学特征和生境进行描述,并提供了相关图片。  相似文献   


New or interesting Lichens of italian coasts. — The autor describes a lichen new to Italy, Acarospora microcarpa (Nyl) Wedd, a mediterranean species, found in southern France only hitherto. The lichen was gathered on the tufs rocks of the Isle of Procida; so the species is classed among the cryptogamic flora of phlegrean tufs.

The presence of Acarospora trachytica Jatta on the isle of Procida is therefore indicated, a species that is somewhat rare and known so far only on the Island of Ischia and Vesuvius.

Some new places for the marine lichen, Verrucaria symbalana Nyl. are reported, and the particular ecological interest of the species and its full geographical placement considered.

Finally, new places for Lichina confinis Ag., in Italy are given. This is a marine species of considerable ecological interest.  相似文献   

Manganese oxyhydroxides have been found deposited on the surface of the lichen Catillaria chalybeia on an altered rhodochrosite. It is suggested that the Mn was mobilised from the ore surface via surface-weathering and redeposited in the thallus. The lichen Acarospora smaragdula also grew upon the ore but showed no sign of Mn deposition. Nine further lichens and two bryophytes were also found on the ore.  相似文献   

The upper cortex and extracellular hyphal wall matrix are mineralized in both rust-coloured Acarospora sinopica and the paler A. smaragdula ‘f. subochracea’ in the form of microgranular or microbotryoidal phases. Analysis confirmed the distinctive colours are not simply due to hydrated iron oxides, as previously believed, and suggests mixed sulphide and oxide phases with little crystallinity, as well as other elements arising from clay minerals are present. These aspects highlight the need for a more detailed study employing a range of micro-analytical techniques, including analytical TEM, which will allow mineral characterisation and localisation down to the nanometre scale.  相似文献   

A lichen biodiversity study conducted in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug (district) reports 958 species in 199 genera and 72 families. Cetrelia alaskana (Llano) W. L. Culb. et C. F. Culb. is new to West Siberia; Graphis elegans (Borrer ex Sm.) Ach., Porpidia hydrophila (Fr.) Hertel et A. J. Schwab, and Sclerococcum sphaerale (Ach.) Fr. are new to Siberia; Acarospora fusca B. de Lesd., Cliostomum tenerum (Nyl.) Coppins et S. Ekman, Pertusaria corallina (L.) Arnold, and P. stalactiza Nyl. are new to Russia. High diversity of epilithic lichens is ecologically due to a variety of ecotopes that include mountain habitats on the eastern spurs of the Subarctic and Northern Urals in addition to plain ones.  相似文献   

《Mycological Research》2006,110(5):521-526
The molecular phylogeny of Acarosporaceae with a focus on the recently proposed genus Polysporinopsis was investigated using maximum parsimony and Bayesian analyses, using nuITS-LSU and mtSSU rDNA sequence datasets. A well-supported monophyletic clade corresponding to Acarospora (including the type species A. schleicheri, A. fuscata, A. nitrophila, A. rugulosa, A. bullata, A. sinopica, A molybdina and A. peliscypha) was present in all analyses. Acarospora as currently delimited is not monophyletic; neither A. smaragdula nor A. badiofusca belongs to the genus in the restricted sense. Polysporinopsis, which comprises three species previously classified in Acarospora (P. sinopica-type species, P. smaragdula, and P. rugulosa) is not a monophyletic group separate from Acarospora s. str. Acarospora sinopica and A. smaragdula are not closely related; A. sinopica belongs to Acarospora s. str., but A. smaragdula is one of the most basal taxa currently known in Acarosporaceae.  相似文献   

Samples of a calcareous conglomerate rock colonized by Squamarina cartilaginea and a siliceous schist colonized by Acarospora scotica were cut and examined with SEM-backscattered electron imaging. Both species produce extensive rhizomorphs (sensu lato), whose component hyphae interpenetrated, separated, and incorporated substrate particles in the course of development. Rhizomorph expansion and contraction associated with hydration cycles could also detach adherent fragments within the substrate. In S. cartilaginea, rhizomorphs and associated hyphae also directly penetrated the calcareous substrate matrix, probably by chemical dissolution. Those of A. scotica appeared to penetrate the schist mainly by forcing their way between the fine, angular, somewhat flattened particles which comprises the substrate. The orientation of these particles influenced the form of developing rhizomorphs and the subsequent pattern of substrate exfoliation. Lichen compounds of potential biode-teriorative significance occurred within the squamules of both species but were not detectable in their rhizomorphs. Lichenized photobionts were abundant within the substrate; their developmental relationship to epilithic squamules could be demonstrated in the case of A. scotica.  相似文献   

Evidence of high annual growth rate for lichens in the maritime Antarctic   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
On Livingston Island (South Shetland Islands, Antarctica) young moraines, now roughly 45 years old, were investigated in 1991 and 2002. More than 500 thalli of the 6 most abundant species, Acarospora macrocyclos, Bellemerea sp. Buellia latemarginata, Caloplaca sublobulata, Rhizocarpon geographicum and Usnea antarctica, previously measured in 1991, were measured again in 2002, which allowed an accurate measure of thallus growth rates. From our results, we believe it important to emphasize that: (1) lichen colonization probably took place at the end of the 1950s, soon after the last glacier retreat. (2) No relation between thallus growth rate and boulder size could be established. (3) Higher annual growth rates than those previously estimated were observed for R. geographicum and Bellemerea sp. and the former had one of the highest growth rates ever reported for this species. We speculate whether this high growth rate may be related to the rapid retreat of the Livingston Island ice cap and glaciers during the last recent years, and which have been attributed to climate warming on the Antarctic Peninsula region.  相似文献   

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