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Abstract The impact of silvicultural practices (clearfelling, slash burning and sowing) on carabid beetle communities in tall wet Eucalyptus obliqua forests in southern Tasmania was examined using traplines of pitfalls in a chronosequence of regenerating coupes. Total species richness (n= 18) was modest compared to other temperate forests and was not systematically changed by forest management, although it was considerably lower in 20 year old regrowth than in younger regrowth or old-growth controls, possibly due to habitat simplification. The Shannon-Weiner Index was at a minimum in intermediate aged regeneration. TWINSPAN analysis assisted recognition of beetle communities typical of broad stages in the forest succession, with a major dichotomy between most old-growth sites plus young sites and intermediate plus advanced regeneration sites. Vector fitting of environmental variables in an ordination of the sites by non-metric multidimensional scaling revealed a significant influence for the age of regeneration and litter depth, but not bare ground percentage or soil pH. Survival of carabids in the habitat mosaic created by commercial forestry activity is likely to depend on both reinvasion from edges and survival of individuals in the fire-protected refuges that exist within the coupes. Pioneer species were winged, small in size, and non-endemic whereas the opposite was true of the fauna in the older sites. Carabids in eucalypt forests have good potential as indicators but their seasonality in occurrence demands that sampling be extended over most of the year.  相似文献   

Most ciids (Ciidae) are strict fungivores specialized on fruit bodies of wood‐rotting fungi. The Ciidae includes both specialist and generalist species. Recent evidence suggests that ciids locate and discriminate their potential hosts based mainly on fungal odours. In this study, we investigated the field distribution of ciids in a local woodland near Bath, U.K. We also evaluated experimentally the behavioural responses of ciids to host and non‐host fungi in an olfactometer, and explored potential differences in putative aroma compounds in host fungi. Our field data showed that Octotemnus glabriculus, Cis boleti and Cis nitidus have preference for one host species, whereas C. bilamellatus has no preference. The experimental evidence was in accordance with the field observations. The specialists O. glabriculus, C. boleti and C. nitidus were specifically attracted to odour compounds of their preferred host fungi: Coriolus versicolor for the first two beetles and Ganoderma adspersum for the latter one. By contrast, the generalist C. bilamellatus was attracted to odours from C. versicolor, G. adspersum and Piptoporus betulinus. The evidence from this and other published studies suggest that ciids depend mainly on fruit body odours for location and discrimination of their host fungi. In accordance with this, we observed diffierential behavioural responses of ciids to aroma compounds of host and non‐host species.  相似文献   

Grassland birds have exhibited dramatic and widespread declines since the mid‐20th century. Greater prairie chickens (Tympanuchus cupido pinnatus) are considered an umbrella species for grassland conservation and are frequent targets of management, but their responses to land use and management can be quite variable. We used data collected during 2007–2009 and 2014–2015 to investigate effects of land use and grassland management practices on habitat selection and survival rates of greater prairie chickens in central Wisconsin, USA. We examined habitat, nest‐site, and brood‐rearing site selection by hens and modeled effects of land cover and management on survival rates of hens, nests, and broods. Prairie chickens consistently selected grassland over other cover types, but selection or avoidance of management practices varied among life‐history stages. Hen, nest, and brood survival rates were influenced by different land cover types and management practices. At the landscape scale, hens selected areas where brush and trees had been removed during the previous year, which increased hen survival. Hens selected nest sites in hay fields and brood‐rearing sites in burned areas, but prescribed fire had a negative influence on hen survival. Brood survival rates were positively associated with grazing and were highest when home ranges contained ≈15%–20% shrub/tree cover. The effects of landscape composition on nest survival were ambiguous. Collectively, our results highlight the importance of evaluating responses to management efforts across a range of life‐history stages and suggest that a variety of management practices are likely necessary to provide structurally heterogeneous, high‐quality habitat for greater prairie chickens. Brush and tree removal, grazing, hay cultivation, and prescribed fire may be especially beneficial for prairie chickens in central Wisconsin, but trade‐offs among life‐history stages and the timing of management practices must be considered carefully.  相似文献   

Fluctuations of resources in time and space will influence not only species abundance but also interactions among species. For plant–consumer interactions, the effects of resource variation have mostly been studied in systems with high resource variability. Systems with moderate variations are less studied, although ecological and evolutionary dynamics of plants and consumers are likely to be affected also by less extreme variability. The effects of variation in a particular resource should depend on consumer diet width.
We examined how spatial and temporal variation in seed production in the perennial herb Lathyrus vernus influenced population dynamics and resource utilization in two beetle pre-dispersal seed predators with different host ranges over six years. The monophagous Apion opeticum occupied fewer patches and had lower densities than the oligophagous Bruchus atomarius . The proportion of seeds attacked increased with increases in seed production between years for both seed predators. A possible explanation for these patterns is that population dynamics of beetles are driven largely by local factors and that the same factors influence both beetle performance and seed production. In B. atomarius , patterns may also be influenced by a more pronounced preference for L. vernus in years with a high seed production in L. vernus . We conclude that relatively modest variation in seed production may result in responses that differ in both direction and extent from those usually observed in systems with high variation in seed production.  相似文献   

Grasslands are the main source of feed for cattle in Argentina. Standing dead biomass accumulation threatens efficient resource use. The effect and timing of high impact grazing by cattle as a management tool to remove excess standing dead biomass was studied in grasslands of North Eastern Argentina. High impact grazing (HIG) was introduced monthly on adjacent paddocks over the course of the year and its effects were studied for 12 months following the treatment. Dynamics of biomass re-growth and accumulation of green and standing dead biomass were studied. HIG generally improved the green to total biomass ratio and reduced the overall biomass in the paddocks. Strong seasonal dynamics in the biomass growth rates strongly influenced the effects of timing of the HIG. All sub-plots subjected to HIG showed a growth pattern anti-cyclic to control, with an active growth phase during autumn when the biomass in the control sub-plots decreased. Best results in terms of standing dead biomass reduction and dead to green biomass ratios were achieved after HIG in winter. HIG in autumn, however, reduced fodder availability and reduced next year's grassland's productivity. We propose strategically (carefully) timed HIG not only as an alternative method to reduce standing dead biomass, but also as a pathway to sustainable intensification by providing green forage at levels equal or even higher than those achieved under continuous traditional grazing.  相似文献   

Density dependent habitat selection at the community level is regarded as a major determinant of biodiversity at the local scale, and data on these processes and how they are affected by human activities is highly applicable to conservation. By studying the competitive relationships between a specialist and a generalist we can acquire valuable insights about how different environmental elements determine species abundance and distribution and consequently biodiversity. Here we describe a study of density dependent processes that determine the community structure of two rodents: a specialist—the broad toothed mouse (Apodemus mystacinus), and a generalist—the common spiny mouse (Acomys cahirinus) in a Mediterranean maqui habitat, and how this structure is impacted by anthropogenic planting of pine stands. We carried out two field experiments: The first, based on open field trapping, looking at how rodent communities change with habitat structure. The second experiment was an enclosure study aimed at validating the habitat preferences and competitive relationship between the specialist and the generalist. We identified asymmetric competition relationships in which the specialist was dominant over the generalist. Competition intensity was lower in maqui with >10% oak cover, although both species abundances were high. Competition was found only during the limiting season (summer). Based on these findings we produced management recommendations to keep indigenous small mammals’ biodiversity high. Density dependent habitat selection processes play a central role in determining biodiversity, and understanding the mechanisms motivating these processes is needed if alterations in biodiversity in response to human disturbance are to be understood.  相似文献   

Prescribed burning is routinely used to improve grazing in Pyrenean rangelands affected by an overall trend of land abandonment. This study considers the environmental variables influencing habitat occupancy by birds and the consequences of the use of fire in range management for bird conservation. Bird use and habitat structure of 11 cover types, the result of specific management regimes, were monitored for two breeding seasons in a mosaic landscape. Three main gradients of avian composition, corresponding to tree cover, shrub volume and grazing intensity, were identified from canonical correspondence analysis. The structure of the bird community seemed more intensely affected by species-specific selection of cover types than by the birds' use of multiple patches. Out of a total of 10 bird species analysed by a simultaneous confidence intervals procedure, four species with an unfavourable conservation status in Europe (Emberiza cia, Lullula arborea, Saxicola torquata and Lanius collurio) preferred managed grassland. Three types of grassland with shrubs (derived from single or repeated burning) had the highest bird conservation index (taking into account specific status and abundance of the bird assemblage), whereas forests showed middle or low values. The relation (P = 0.054) of this index to the logarithm of the pastoral value (which includes density and grazing quality of grasses) in currently managed cover types suggests that the objectives of grassland recovery by appropriate management practices and those of bird conservation coincide in our study area.  相似文献   

半干旱草地不同植物枯落物分解对放牧和封育的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈蔚  刘任涛  张安宁  蒋嘉瑜  唐希明 《生态学报》2021,41(14):5725-5736
为探究放牧和封育对半干旱草地植物枯落物分解的影响,选取赖草、牛枝子及其混合物为研究对象,调查了不同网孔分解袋中宁夏半干旱草地植物枯落物分解特征及对放牧和封育的响应规律。结果表明:(1)放牧样地250目网孔中,枯落物质量残留率表现为牛枝子显著高于赖草和混合物(P<0.05),而在放牧样地30目网孔、封育样地2种网孔中,枯落物质量残留率均表现为3种枯落物间无显著差异。(2)250目网孔中,放牧和封育样地枯落物分解衰减常数均表现为混合物显著高于牛枝子,而赖草居中;并且,牛枝子枯落物分解衰减常数表现为封育样地显著高于放牧样地。30目网孔中,放牧和封育样地枯落物分解衰减常数均表现为赖草、混合物显著高于牛枝子(P<0.05);并且,牛枝子枯落物分解衰减常数表现为封育样地显著高于放牧样地(P<0.05)。(3)在放牧样地,仅牛枝子枯落物Rm表现为30目显著低于250目网孔(P<0.05),k表现为30目显著高于250目网孔(P<0.05);土壤动物对枯落物分解的贡献率表现为混合物显著低于牛枝子,赖草居中(P<0.05)。而在封育样地,仅牛枝子枯落物k表现为30目显著高于250目网孔(P<0.05);土壤动物对枯落物分解的贡献率表现为混合物和牛枝子均显著高于赖草,且混合枯落物的土壤动物贡献率表现为封育样地显著高于放牧样地(P<0.05)。(4)枯落物残留率与其初始N、P、木质素/N、C/P呈显著相关性(P<0.05);枯落物分解衰减常数与其初始N、P、木质素、N/P、C/P和木质素/P间均呈显著相关性(P<0.05)。研究表明,植物种类组成显著影响枯落物的残留率和分解衰减常数。放牧与封育管理通过影响网孔中土壤动物分布来调控半干旱区草地植物枯落物的分解,而且封育管理更有利于促进土壤动物对低质量枯落物(牛枝子)的分解。  相似文献   

Foraging parasitoids are thought to need more specific information than generalists on the presence, identity, availability, and suitability of their insect host species. In the present paper, we compare responses to host kairomones by two phylogenetically related parasitoid species that attack Drosophilidae and that differ in the width of their host range. As predicted, the behavioral response of the parasitoids to host kairomones reflected their difference in host range. The response of the specialist parasitoid Leptopilina boulardiwas restricted to contact kairomones from its natural hosts and one closely related species. In contrast, the generalist parasitoid Leptopilina heterotomaresponded to contact kairomones of a variety of Drosophilidae species.  相似文献   

Many of the studies in Campos grasslands focus on management aspects such as the control of herbage allowance, and application of nutrients and/or overseeding with legumes. However, there is little literature on how the Campos grassland resource is utilised, especially regarding the grazing pattern and the relationship between pasture quantity and quality on daily grazing activities. The study of the ingestive behaviour in species-rich and heterogeneous native grasslands during daylight hours, and understanding how animals prioritise quality or quantity of intake in relation to pasture attributes, are important to comprehend the ingestive-digestive processes modulating the energy intake of animals and to achieve a better grazing management. Therefore, the objective was to describe and quantify the daily grazing behaviour of growing cattle grazing native pasture with different structures as a result of different management practices, and study the relationship of pasture attributes and intake through multivariate analysis. The study was carried out at the Faculty of Agronomy, Paysandú, Uruguay. Treatments were native grassland, overseeding with Trifolium pratense and Lotus tenuis + phosphorus, and native pasture + nitrogen-phosphorus. Grazing activities were discriminated into grazing, searching (defined when animals take 1–2 bites in one feeding station and then change to another feeding station and so on), ruminating and idling. The probability of time allocated to each activity was continuously measured during daylight hours (0700–1930) and was related to pasture structure and forage quality using regression tree models, while the bite rate was determined every 2 h. The diurnal pattern of growing cattle showed grazing and searching sessions, followed by ruminating and idling sessions. The length of sessions (as the probability of time allocated to each activity) varied throughout the day. The grazing probability was greater during afternoon than morning and midday (0.74 vs 0.45 vs 0.46, respectively), and it was associated with higher bite rate (34.2 bites/min). Regression tree models showed different grazing, searching and ruminating strategies according to pasture attributes. During the morning, animals modified grazing, searching, ruminating and idling strategies according to bite rate, crude protein in diet and herbage allowance. At midday, they only adjusted ruminating and idling, while during afternoon sessions, grazing activities were modified by pasture quantity attributes such as herbage mass and herbage allowance. By controlling the herbage allowance, herbage mass and pasture height, animals prioritise quality in the morning and quantity in the afternoon, integrating and modifying the grazing-searching and ruminating-idling pattern.  相似文献   

This work explores the possibility that constraints on genetic variation guide host shifts and are responsible for the evolutionary conservatism of host affiliation in phytophagous insects. To this end, we used full- and half-sib breeding designs to screen two species of the North American bettle genus Ophraella for genetic variation in larval and adult feeding responses to several host plants of other species of Ophraella. All the plants are in the family Asteraceae. In O. conferta, we observed effectively no feeding response, and hence no genetic variation in response, to three of five test plant species; only those plants related to the species' natural hosts evoked genetically variable responses. In O. artemisiae, adults displayed genetic variation in response to a congener of the natural host, but not to two distantly related plants. However, significant variation among full-sib broods in larval feeding suggests the existence of nonadditive genetic variance in feeding response to all five species of test plants—although survival was very low on most of them. The results suggest that patterns of presence versus apparent absence of detectable genetic variation may be related to the chemical similarity of plants to the insects' natural hosts, but not evidently to the phylogenetic history of host affiliation within the genus. Almost all genetic correlations in responses to host plants were not significantly different from zero; the few significant correlations were positive, and negative correlations that might explain host specificity were not found. Our data do not explain why exclusive shifts to new hosts should occur, but the apparent lack of genetic variation in responses to some plants suggests that the direction of host shifts is genetically constrained.  相似文献   

Aim To evaluate the joint and independent effects of spatial location, landscape composition and landscape structure on the distribution patterns of bird and carabid beetle assemblages in a mosaic landscape dominated by pine plantation forests. Location A continuous 3000‐ha landscape mosaic with native maritime pine Pinus pinaster plantations of different ages, deciduous woodlands and open habitats, located in the Landes de Gascogne forest of south‐western France. Methods We sampled breeding birds by 20‐min point counts and carabid beetles by pitfall trapping using a systematic grid sampling of 200 points every 400 m over the whole landscape. Explanatory variables were composed of three data sets derived from GIS habitat mapping: (1) spatial variables (polynomial terms of geographical coordinates of samples), (2) landscape composition as the percentage cover of the six main habitats, and (3) landscape structure metrics including indices of fragmentation and spatial heterogeneity. We used canonical correspondence analysis with variance partitioning to evaluate the joint and independent effects of the three sets of variables on the ordination of species assemblages. Moran's I correlograms and Mantel tests were used to assess for spatial structure in species distribution and relationships with separate landscape attributes. Results Landscape composition was the main factor explaining the distribution patterns of birds and carabids at the mesoscale of 400 × 400 m. Independent effects of spatial variables and landscape structure were still significant for bird assemblages once landscape composition was controlled for, but not for carabid assemblages. Spatial distributions of birds and carabids were primarily influenced by the amount of heathlands, young pine plantations, herbaceous firebreaks and deciduous woodlands. Deciduous woodland species had positive responses to edge density, while open habitat species were positively associated with mean patch area. Main conclusions Forest birds were favoured by an increase in deciduous woodland cover and landscape heterogeneity, but there was no evidence for a similar effect on carabid beetles. Fragmentation of open habitats negatively affected both early‐successional birds and carabids, specialist species being restricted to large heathlands and young plantations. Several birds of conservation concern were associated with mosaics of woodlands and grasslands, especially meadows and firebreaks. Conserving biodiversity in mosaic plantation landscapes could be achieved by the maintenance of a significant amount of early‐successional habitats and deciduous woodland patches within a conifer plantation matrix.  相似文献   

Abstract. Changes in land use, particularly the type of forest management, and their spatial pattern, especially woody plant diversity, were related to each other in an area in the Basque region (Spain). The number and diversity of boundaries between landscape patches is related to the development of the spatial complexity of the landscape, C(s), measured in bits and defined as: C(s) = H(b) H(l), where H(b) is the boundary diversity H(1) the spatial heterogeneity generated by these boundaries. As to the vegetation types, changes in land use over the last 50 yr have resulted in a less diversified and more fragmented landscape, especially on a small scale. Forest plantation has become the predominant land use. The frequency of land use changes is studied regarding its influence on the present levels of woody plant diversity.  相似文献   

Plants are obliged to defend themselves against multiple generalist and specialist herbivores. Whereas plant cyanogenesis is considered an efficient defence against generalists, it is thought to affect specialists less. In the present study, we analysed the function of various cyanogenic features of lima bean [Phaseolus lunatus L. (Fabaceae)] during interaction with different herbivores. Three cyanogenic features were analysed, i.e., cyanogenic potential (HCNp; concentration of cyanogenic precursors), β‐glucosidase activity, and cyanogenic capacity (HCNc; release of cyanide per unit time). In no‐choice and free‐choice feeding trials, five lima bean accessions were offered to generalist desert locust [Schistocerca gregaria Forskål (Orthoptera: Acrididae)] and specialist Mexican bean beetle [Epilachna varivestis Mulsant (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)]. The HCNc was the most important parameter determining host plant selection by generalists, whereas choice behaviour of specialists was strongly affected by HCNp. Although locusts were effectively repelled by high HCNc, this cue was misleading for the detection of suitable host plants, as extensive consumption of low HCNc plant material resulted in strong intoxication of locusts. Balancing cyanide in consumed leaf area, the quantitative release of gaseous cyanide during feeding, and cyanide in faeces suggested that specialists metabolized significantly lower rates of cyanide per consumed leaf material than generalists. We hypothesize that specialists are able to avoid toxic concentrations of cyanide by using HCNp rather than HCNc as a cue for host plant quality, and that they exhibit mechanisms that reduce incorporation of host plant cyanide.  相似文献   

Ecological immunology examines the adaptive responses of animals to pathogens in relation to other environmental factors and explores the consequences of trade-offs between investment in immune function and other life-history traits. Among species of herbivorous insects, diet breadth may vary greatly, with generalists consuming a wide variety of plant families and specialists restricted to a few species. Generalists may thus be exposed to a wider range of pathogens exerting stronger selection on the innate immune system. To examine whether this produces an increase in the robustness of the immune response, we compared larvae of the generalist herbivore Heliothis virescens and the specialist Heliothis subflexa challenged by entomopathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria. Heliothis virescens larvae showed lower mortality, a lower number of recoverable bacteria, lower proliferation of haemocytes and higher phagocytic activity. These results indicate a higher tolerance to entomopathogenic bacteria by the generalist, which is associated with a more efficient cell-mediated immune response by mechanisms that differ between these closely related species. Our findings provide novel insights into the consequences of diet breadth and related environmental factors, which may be significant in further studies to understand the ecological forces and investment trade-offs that shape the evolution of innate immunity.  相似文献   

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