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建立了套式RT-PCR与限制性内切酶酶切相结合的区别猪瘟兔化弱毒疫苗株与猪瘟病毒田间分离株的诊断方法。通过对猪瘟兔化弱毒疫苗株与猪瘟石门株E2基因主要抗原编码区序列进行限制性内切酶酶切位点分析,分别找出猪瘟兔化弱毒疫苗株与猪瘟石门株各自独有的限制性内切酶酶切位点,结果二者分别有10和16个独有的限制性内切酶的酶切位点;分别对17株猪瘟病毒E2基因主要抗原编码区序列进行这26个限制性内切酶酶切位点分析,结果表明有3个限制性内切酶(HgaI、Hin8I及Hsp92I)  相似文献   

猪瘟病毒强弱毒株和野毒株E2全基因序列测定及比较分析   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
为了比较猪瘟病毒 (HCV)野毒株、疫苗株及标准株之间E2基因抗原区域的差异 ,采用RT PCR扩增了HCV石门株、兔化弱毒疫苗株、野毒 0 3及 0 7株的囊膜糖蛋白E2 (gp55)全基因的cDNA片段 ,分别克隆于pGEM T载体中并对其进行了核苷酸序列测定及氨基酸序列的推导 ,同时进行了同源性比较及E2结构与功能的分析。所测 4株HCVE2基因的长度均为1 2 73bp,所编码的氨基酸序列均包括部分信号肽序列和完整的跨膜区序列 ,共由 381个氨基酸组成 ;4个毒株E2蛋白N末端的 683位至 690位信号肽序列 (WLLLVTGA)和C末端 1 0 30~1 0 63位跨膜区均为保守序列 ,而且具疏水性 ;N末端抗原功能区中 ,4个E2蛋白与其它所比较序列在位于第 753位至 759位氨基酸处 ,均有一段保守序列RYLASLH ,无一氨基酸发生变异 ,为亲水性 ,在整个E2蛋白抗原谱中抗原性峰值为最高 ,推测对抗原性产生起重要作用 ;4个E2蛋白的氨基酸序列中均含有 1 5个半胱氨酸 (Cys)残基 ,其数量及位置与国外五株HCV(Brescia ,C ,Alfort.ALD和GPE)完全一致。表明…  相似文献   

为了构建猪瘟重组腺病毒载体疫苗,通过细菌内同源重组法构建了含有猪瘟病毒E2基因的重组腺病毒rAdV-E2.测定其一步生长曲线,同时用间接免疫荧光试验和Western blotting检测外源基因表达,然后用rAdV-E2免疫家兔,免疫后6周用猪瘟兔化弱毒疫苗株(c株)进行攻击,攻毒后3 d取其脾脏,用实时荧光定量RT-PCR检测C株病毒RNA.结果表明,该重组腺病毒传至第10代时,毒价可达1.0×1010TCID<,50/mL;外源基因可在其中得到稳定表达;rAdV-E2接种兔免疫后2周产生猪瘟特异性抗体,免疫后5 W抗体达到峰值,攻毒后rAdV-E2接种兔和C株接种兔均未出现定型热反应,从其脾脏也未检测到C株病毒RNA,而野生型腺病毒接种兔均出现了定型热反应,并且从其脾脏检测大量C株病毒RNA,其含量达到了103拷贝/μL以上.由此表明,rAdV-E2可望开发为猪瘟候选疫苗.  相似文献   

用重组PCR技术对猪瘟病毒石门株E2基因进行了定点突变, 然后将突变后的基因克隆至表达载体质粒pET-28a(+)中,构建成重组质粒pETE2。将pETE2转入受体菌BL21(DE3)plysS中,在IPTG的诱导下, 重组转化菌可高效表达目的基因, 表达量平均可达菌体蛋白总量的28%。免疫印迹和间接ELISA表明所表达的蛋白是CSFV特异性的。此重组蛋白免疫的家兔可抵抗猪瘟兔化弱毒的攻击。  相似文献   

RT-PCR和酶切方法区分猪瘟疫苗毒与野毒的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
建立了套式RT-PCR与限制性内切酶酶切相结合的区别猪瘟兔化弱毒疫苗株与猪瘟病毒田间分离株的诊断方法。通过对猪瘟兔化弱毒疫苗株与猪瘟石门株E2基因主要抗原编码区序列进行限制性内切酶酶切位点分析,分别找出猪瘟兔化弱毒疫苗株与猪瘟石门株各自独有的限制性内切酶酶切位点,结果二者分别有10和16个独有的限制性内切酶的酶切位点;分别对17株猪瘟病毒E2基因主要抗原编码区序列进行这26个限制性内切酶酶切位点分析,结果表明有3个限制性内切酶(HgaI、Hin8I及Hsp92I)的酶切位点在HCLV株序列是独有的;利用HgaI限制性内切酶分别对HCLV、HCVSM及5株不同基因群的猪瘟病毒田间分离株进行酶切鉴定,结果只有HCLV株能够被HgaI酶切成2个片段,而其它的毒株则不能被切开。同时测定了套式RT-PCR方法的敏感性及特异性,结果其敏感性可达到0.2MLD,而对BDV以及BVDV均不能特异扩增。本方法的建立无疑对猪瘟在我国的控制和消灭具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

猪瘟病毒E2基因真核表达质粒的构建及基因疫苗的研究   总被引:31,自引:1,他引:30  
构建了猪瘟病毒(classical swine fever virus, CSFV)主要保护性抗原E2基因4种不同的真核表达质粒.小鼠免疫试验表明,E2基因上不同的功能区对基因疫苗的免疫应答有很大影响,有信号肽序列的E2基因可诱导产生特异性免疫反应,且无跨膜区序列的E2基因所诱导的免疫应答反应比有跨膜区序列的强,而无信号肽序列的E2基因则不能诱导产生CSFV特异性的免疫反应.攻毒保护试验表明,免疫家兔最少可抵抗10个最小感染剂量(MID)的猪瘟兔化弱毒苗(Hog cholera lap-inized virus, HCLV)的攻击;免疫猪可抵抗致死剂量的CSFV石门株强毒的攻击.  相似文献   

皮肤寻常疣的发生与多种基因型别HPV的感染密切相关.本研究利用PCR方法对1例临床罕见的寻常疣患者感染的HPV-2毒株LCR及E2基因序列进行扩增、测序,分别构建含HPV-2变异株及原毒株LCR的重组CAT基因报导质粒pBLCAT-LCR和表达突变及野生型E2蛋白的重组真核表达质粒pcDNA3.1-E2,通过瞬时转染HeLa细胞,研究变异株启动子活性及突变E2蛋白的转录抑制作用.结果显示,患者感染的HPV-2变异株LCR及E2基因均存在多处点突变.变异株早期启动子活性明显高于原毒株;突变的E2蛋白转录抑制作用较野生型E2蛋白显著降低;变异株LCR上E2结合位点核苷酸的突变明显降低E2蛋白对病毒早期启动子的抑制作用.提示HPV-2变异株启动子活性增强及突变E2蛋白转录抑制作用的降低与这一罕见巨大寻常疣临床表型之间存在着重要的联系.  相似文献   

根据马传贫强毒株EIAV-L和疫苗株EIAV-FDD表面蛋白gp90的N-连接糖基化的变化规律,采用PCR定点突变的方法,对全长感染性克隆pLGFD3-8上的N-连接糖基化的差异区域进行改造后,构建成含有3个N-连接糖基化位点突变的感染性克隆pLGNl91N236N246.将其转染驴胎皮肤细胞(FDD),通过用逆转录酶活性、间接免疫荧光和RT-PCR方法检测而确定其感染性.结果表明,在FDD细胞中盲传三代后,在细胞培养物中可检测到逆转录酶活性,RT-PCR和间接免疫荧光检测均呈阳性,电镜下见到典型的EIAV颗粒.这一结果可能对N-连接糖基化在我国马传贫弱毒疫苗致弱机理的作用研究而奠定良好的基础.  相似文献   

猪瘟病毒石门株与兔化弱毒株gp55基因的克隆与序列分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
李红卫  涂长春 《病毒学报》1998,14(3):257-261
猪瘟病毒石门系强毒株及兔化弱毒疫苗株(HCLV株)是我国的标准毒株,囊膜糖蛋白gp55(又称E1)是该病毒最重要的保护性抗原。本实验采用反转录PCR扩增了这两个毒株的gp55基因。序列分析结果表明:1.石门株和兔化弱毒株糖蛋白E1的氨基酸序列含有15个半胱氨酸残基(Cys),其数量及位置与国外4株猪瘟病毒(Alfort、Brescia、ALD和GPE^-)完全一样。E1中Cys的数量及位置的保守性  相似文献   

在国内首次对犬冠状病毒大熊猫野毒株(CCVDXMV)纤突蛋白基因进行了克隆和序列测定。该基因全长4362bp,编码1453个氨基酸,N端前18个氨基酸为推测的信号肽序列,后1435个氨基酸构成成熟蛋白。与GenBank中已发表的11个CCV毒株s基因相比,s基因核苷酸序列同源性在40.2%-99.5%之间;推导的氨基酸序列同源性在15.9%-99.O%之间。DXMV株s基因变异区主要集中在该基因前1/2处,其中350.370、439.478、1718.1818三个区域碱基变异较大,而1060.1700区却十分保守。基于s全基因及其蛋白的聚类分析表明,DXMV株与K378、NVSL和USpatent株亲源关系最近。推导的DXMV株s蛋白氨基酸序列潜在的N-联糖基化位点与CCV强毒V54相同,为34个,比Insavc.1弱毒多一个;其中第566.568位糖基化位点为多数强毒拥有而弱毒没有的。另外,DXMV株S蛋白疏水性及抗原表位与其它毒株有一定的差异,这些差异对DXMV株致病性和免疫原性等影响尚待进一步的研究。  相似文献   

Envelope proteins E1 and E2 of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) play a major role in the life cycle of a virus. These proteins are the main components of the virion and are involved in virus assembly. Envelope proteins are modified by N-linked glycosylation, which is supposed to play a role in their stability, in the assembly of the functional glycoprotein heterodimer, in protein folding, and in viral entry. The effects of N-linked glycosylation of HCV protein E1 on the assembly of structural proteins were studied using site-directed mutagenesis in a model system of Sf9 insect cells producing three viral structural proteins with the formation of virus-like particles due to the baculovirus expression system. The removal of individual N-glycosylation sites in HCV protein E1 did not affect the efficiency of its expression in insect Sf9 cells. The electrophoretic mobility of E1 increased with a decreasing number of N-glycosylation sites. The destruction of E1 glycosylation sites N1 or N5 influenced the assembly of the noncovalent E1E2 glycoprotein heterodimer, which is the prototype of the natural complex within the HCV virion. It was also shown that the lack of glycans at E1 sites N1 and N5 significantly reduced the efficiency of E1 expression in mammalian HEK293 T cells.  相似文献   

Deglycosylation of viral glycoproteins has been shown to influence the number of available epitopes and to modulate immune recognition of antigens. We investigated the role played by N-glycans in the immunogenicity of hepatitis C virus (HCV) E1 envelope glycoprotein, a naturally poor immunogen. Eight plasmids were engineered, encoding E1 protein mutants in which the four N-linked glycosylation sites of the protein were mutated separately or in combination. In vitro expression studies showed an influence of N-linked glycosylation on expression efficiency, instability, and/or secretion of the mutated proteins. Immunogenicity of the E1 mutants was studied in BALB/c mice following intramuscular and intraepidermal injection of the plasmids. Whereas some mutations had no or only minor effects on the antibody titers induced, mutation of the fourth glycosylation site (N4) significantly enhanced the anti-E1 humoral response in terms of both seroconversion rates and antibody titers. Moreover, antibody induced by the N4 mutant was able to recognize HCV-like particles with higher titers than those induced by the wild-type construct. Epitope mapping indicated that the E1 mutant antigens induced antibody directed at two major domains: one, located at amino acids (aa) 313 to 332, which is known to be reactive with sera from HCV patients, and a second one, located in the N-terminal domain of E1 (aa 192 to 226). Analysis of the induced immune cellular response confirmed the induction of gamma interferon-producing cells by all mutants, albeit to different levels. These results show that N-linked glycosylation can limit the antibody response to the HCV E1 protein and reveal a potential vaccine candidate with enhanced immunogenicity.  相似文献   

Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is a noncultivable virus that causes acute liver failure in humans. The virus's major capsid protein is encoded by an open reading frame 2 (ORF2) gene. When the recombinant protein consisting of amino acid (aa) residues 112 to 660 of ORF2 is expressed with a recombinant baculovirus, the protein self-assembles into virus-like particles (VLPs) (T.-C. Li, Y. Yamakawa, K. Suzuki, M. Tatsumi, M. A. Razak, T. Uchida, N. Takeda, and T. Miyamura, J. Virol. 71:7207-7213, 1997). VLPs can be found in the culture medium of infected Tn5 cells but not in that of Sf9 cells, and the major VLPs have lost the C-terminal 52 aa. To investigate the protein requirement for HEV VLP formation, we prepared 14 baculovirus recombinants to express the capsid proteins truncated at the N terminus, the C terminus, or both. The capsid protein consisting of aa residues 112 to 608 formed VLPs in Sf9 cells, suggesting that particle formation is dependent on the modification process of the ORF2 protein. In the present study, electron cryomicroscopy and image processing of VLPs produced in Sf9 and Tn5 cells indicated that they possess the same configurations and structures. Empty VLPs were found in both Tn5 and Sf9 cells infected with the recombinant containing an N-terminal truncation up to aa residue 125 and C-terminal to aa residue 601, demonstrating that the aa residues 126 to 601 are the essential elements required for the initiation of VLP assembly. The recombinant HEV VLPs are potential mucosal vaccine carrier vehicles for the presentation of foreign antigenic epitopes and may also serve as vectors for the delivery of genes to mucosal tissue for DNA vaccination and gene therapy. The results of the present study provide useful information for constructing recombinant HEV VLPs having novel functions.  相似文献   

The role of N-linked glycosylation in the biological activity of the measles virus (MV) fusion (F) protein was analyzed by expressing glycosylation mutants with recombinant vaccinia virus vectors. There are three potential N-linked glycosylation sites located on the F2 subunit polypeptide of MV F, at asparagine residues 29, 61, and 67. Each of the three potential glycosylation sites was mutated separately as well as in combination with the other sites. Expression of mutant proteins in mammalian cells showed that all three sites are used for the addition of N-linked oligosaccharides. Cell surface expression of mutant proteins was reduced by 50% relative to the wild-type level when glycosylation at either Asn-29 or Asn-61 was abolished. Despite the similar levels of cell surface expression, the Asn-29 and Asn-61 mutant proteins had different biological activities. While the Asn-61 mutant was capable of inducing syncytium formation, the Asn-29 mutant protein did not exhibit any significant cell fusion activity. Inactivation of the Asn-67 glycosylation site also reduced cell surface transport of mutant protein but had little effect on its ability to cause cell fusion. However, when the Asn-67 mutation was combined with mutations at either of the other two sites, cleavage-dependent activation, cell surface expression, and cell fusion activity were completely abolished. Our data show that the loss of N-linked oligosaccharides markedly impaired the proteolytic cleavage, stability, and biological activity of the MV F protein. The oligosaccharide side chains in MV F are thus essential for optimum conformation of the extracellular F2 subunit that is presumed to bind cellular membranes.  相似文献   

To examine the role of the glycans of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 transmembrane glycoprotein gp41, conserved glycosylation sites within the env sequence (Asn-621, Asn-630, and Asn-642) were mutated to Gln. The mutated and control wild-type env genes were introduced into recombinant vaccinia virus and used to infect BHK-21 or CD4+ CEM cells. Mutated gp41 appeared as a 35-kDa band in a Western blot (immunoblot), and it comigrated with the deglycosylated form of wild-type gp41. Proteolytic cleavage of the recombinant wild-type and mutant forms of the gp160 envelope glycoprotein precursor was analyzed by pulse-chase experiments and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay: gp160 synthesis was similar whether cells were infected with control or mutated env-expressing recombinant vaccinia virus, but about 10-fold less cleaved gp120 and gp41 was produced by the mutated construct than the control construct. The rates of gp120-gp41 cleavage at each of the two potential sites appeared to be comparable in the two constructs. By using a panel of antibodies specific for gp41 and gp120 epitopes, it was shown that the overall immunoreactivities of control and mutated gp41 proteins were similar but that reactivity to epitopes at the C and N termini of gp120, as present on gp160 produced by the mutated construct, was enhanced. This was no longer observed for cleaved gp120 in supernatants. Both gp120 proteins, from control and mutated env, were expressed on the cell surface under a cleaved form and could bind to membrane CD4, as determined by quantitative immunofluorescence assay. In contrast, and despite sufficient expression of env products at the cell membrane, gp41 produced by the mutated construct was unable to induce membrane fusion. Therefore, while contradictory results reported in the literature suggest that gp41 individual glycosylation sites are dispensable for the bioactivity and conformation of env products, it appears that such is not the case when the whole gp41 glycan cluster is removed.  相似文献   

D X Zheng  L Dickens  T Y Liu  H L Nakhasi 《Gene》1989,82(2):343-349
A full-length cDNA clone for the 24S subgenomic mRNA of the vaccine strain (HPV77) of rubella virus has been isolated from a cDNA library made from the RNAs of infected cells. Starting from the first Met start codon, the 24S mRNA codes for a precursor protein of 1063 amino acids (aa). This precursor encodes a capsid protein of 300 aa, and two envelope proteins, E1 (481 aa) and E2 (282 aa). Both the E1 and E2 proteins are preceded by a stretch of 21 hydrophobic aa, characteristic of a signal peptide, and each has three putative glycosylation sites in the polypeptide chains. Comparison between the structural proteins of the vaccine and the wild-type (wt; M33) strains of rubella virus, revealed that the E2 protein of the vaccine strain differs, in its apparent Mr, by approx. 3 kDa, from the wt strain. The difference could be due to decreased glycosylation of the vaccine strain E2 protein, as revealed by [3H]mannose incorporation studies. Five single-aa changes in the structural proteins occurred during the attenuation process, one each in the capsid and the E1 protein and three in the E2 protein. The change of Thr-412----Ile in the E2 protein results in the loss of a putative glycosylation site at Asn-410, which offers a plausible explanation for decreased glycosylation of the E2 protein from the vaccine strain of rubella virus.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone encoding the entire coding sequence of rat pancreatic cholesterol esterase (bile salt-stimulated lipase) was subcloned into the Baculovirus transfer vector pVL1392 and used to co-transfect Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) insect cells with wild-type Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (AcNPV) DNA. Two recombinant proteins (M(r) 74 kDa and 64 kDa) reactive with anti-cholesterol esterase IgG were produced and secreted by the infected Sf9 cells in large quantities in a time-dependent manner. The 74-kDa protein was detectable in the cultured medium at the second day post-infection and increased progressively, reaching a level of 50 micrograms/ml of culture medium after 8 days. Amino-terminal sequencing of this recombinant protein showed that the signal peptide of cholesterol esterase was correctly cleaved, resulting in the production of mature protein. The 64-kDa recombinant protein was not detected in the medium until Day 5 post-infection and accumulated to a level of 25 micrograms/ml at Day 8. Both the 74- and the 64-kDa cholesterol esterases were biologically active and hydrolyzed the artificial substrate p-nitrophenyl butyrate. Results of this study demonstrated that Baculovirus-infected Sf9 cells can be used for high-level expression of pancreatic cholesterol esterase. The recombinant enzyme will be useful for further characterization of this protein.  相似文献   

Human cyclooxygenase-2 (hCox-2) is a key enzyme in the biosynthesis of prostaglandins and the target of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Recombinant hCox-2 overexpressed in a vaccinia virus (VV)-COS-7 system comprises two glycoforms. Removal of the N-glycosylation consensus sequence at Asn580(N580Q and S582A mutants) resulted in the expression of protein comprising a single glycoform, consistent with the partial N-glycosylation at this site in the wild-type (WT) enzyme. The specific cyclooxygenase activities of the purified WT and N580Q mutant were equivalent (40 ± 3 μmol O2/min/mg) and titrations with diclofenac showed no difference in inhibitor sensitivities of WT and both mutants. Results of the expression of WT and N580Q hCox-2 in aDrosophilaS2 cell system were also consistent with the N-glycosylation at this site, but low levels of activity were obtained. High levels of N-glycosylation heterogeneity are observed in hCox-2 expressed using recombinant baculovirus (BV) in Sf9 cells. Expression of a double N-glycosylation site mutant in Sf9 cells, N580Q/N592Q, resulted in a decrease in glycosylation but no clear decrease in heterogeneity, indicating that the high degree of N-glycosylation heterogeneity observed with the BV-Sf9 system is not due to partial glycosylation of both Asn580and Asn592. N-linked oligosaccharide profiling of purified VV and BV WT and S582A mutant hCox-2 showed the presence of high mannose structures, (Man)n(GlcNAc)2,n= 9, 8, 7, 6. The S582A mutant was the most homogeneous with (Man)9(GlcNAc)2comprising greater than 50% of oligosaccharides present. Analysis of purified VV WT and S582A mutant hCox-2 by liquid chromatography–electrospray ionization–mass spectrometry showed an envelope of peaks separated by approximately 160 Da, corresponding to differences of a single monosaccharide. The difference between the highest mass peaks of the two envelopes, of approximately 1500 Da, is consistent with the wild-type enzyme containing an additional high mannose oligosaccharide.  相似文献   

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