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内葵杂3号染色体核型分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
对内蒙古地区的栽培品种内葵杂3号三交种和单交种了进行了核型分析。其结果为:内葵杂3号三交种和单交种的染色体数均为2n=34,各具一对随体染色体。三交种第2对染色体具随体且为近中部着丝粒染色体,其余为中部着丝粒染色体,染色体相对长度变异范围4.105%~7.703%,核型公式为2n=2x=34=32m+2sm(2sat),核型类型属于1A型;单交种均为中部着丝粒染色体,第4对染色体具随体,染色体相对长度变异范围3.661%~8.128%,其核型公式为:2n=2x=34=34m(2sat),核型类型属于1B型。  相似文献   

不同放牧压力下大针茅种群的遗传多样性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
珊丹  赵萌莉  韩冰  韩国栋 《生态学报》2006,26(10):3175-3183
大针茅是亚洲中部草原亚区特有的蒙古草原种,以大针茅建群的草原在内蒙古的分布面积为2 798 081hm^2.从遗传多样性上探讨了大针茅种群在放牧压力下的适应机制,结果表明:虽然放牧导致部分基因位点丢失,但整个种群仍表现出丰富的多态性,ISSR检测的多态性条带比率为89%.Nei's指数计算的大针茅种群间的遗传分化为0.1984,说明有19.8%的遗传变异存在于种群之间, 80.2%的遗传变异存在于种群内. 由Shannon's和Nei's多样性指数检测的大针茅种群内遗传多样性随着放牧压力的增加有逐渐减弱的趋势.根据遗传距离构建的UPGMA聚类图中, 中度和重度放牧样地首先聚为一类, 不放牧和轻度放牧样地聚为一类, 随后聚在一起.  相似文献   

基于GISH的甘蔗与斑茅F1染色体遗传与核型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
斑茅在甘蔗育种的利用是现代甘蔗育种种质创新的热点,育种者期望把斑茅中优异的特性通过杂交渗透到甘蔗中。甘蔗与斑茅的F1是斑茅利用研究的难点也是基础。本研究利用基因组原位杂交技术(GISH)分析甘蔗与斑茅的F1染色体构成和核型,探讨甘蔗与斑茅F1染色体的遗传行为。GISH结果表明,甘蔗与斑茅杂交F1的染色体众数68~69条,其中40条来自甘蔗热带种Badila,28~29条来自海南斑茅,未发现有染色体的交换或易位现象。参试材料大部分染色体都属于中部着丝点(m)的染色体,少数为近中部着丝点(sm),YCE95-41核型属2B型,其余的核型都为1B型。甘蔗与斑茅的染色体按n+n的方式传递给F1,本研究结果为斑茅种质在甘蔗育种中的利用及其杂交后代染色体细胞遗传研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

内蒙古锡林郭勒草原处于我国典型草原分布区, 但部分地区有戈壁针茅(Stipa gobica)等荒漠成分侵入, 并与大针茅(S. grandis)和克氏针茅(S. krylovii)共同形成斑块状格局分布, 目前尚不清楚群落中优势种之间的相互作用关系。采用2 × 2列联表, 通过方差分析、Pearson相关分析和Spearman秩相关分析等研究方法, 对大针茅+克氏针茅群落的大针茅斑块、克氏针茅斑块和戈壁针茅斑块中的24种主要植物的种间联结动态进行了定量分析。结果表明: 1)群落主要成分总体上种间联结呈无关联, 种间关联松散; 2) 3种针茅斑块的种间关联分析, 验证了由于干扰、竞争、土壤环境与植物相互作用形成的斑块分布格局, 此结果为种对正、负关联理论提供了有力证据; 3) 同一种对的联结性质(正关联或负关联)或关联程度因斑块不同而发生改变, 根据24个优势种群对环境的适应方式和主导生态因素, 可将它们划分为3大生态种组。  相似文献   

西北针茅(Stipa sareptana var. krylovii)群系是亚洲中部地区特有的典型草原之一, 也是生态适应性最广的草原类型, 向东可以在呼伦贝尔高原与草甸草原重叠分布, 向西可以在乌兰察布高原、天山等地区与荒漠草原形成复合分布, 向南可分布至黄土高原与暖温带草原镶嵌分布, 还可在青藏高原的东缘与高寒草原混生。该研究调查了中国西北针茅群系的主要植被类型, 通过对117个样地的调查数据分析, 量化描述了该群系的基本群落特征。结果表明, 中国西北针茅群系共有种子植物336种, 分属于36科131属, 物种数大于15的科有禾本科、菊科、豆科、蔷薇科、藜科和百合科; 物种存在度等级划分中, I级(0-20%)植物占比91.67%, 多为群落中的偶见种或稀有种, 最为常见的植物除西北针茅外, 也有糙隐子草(Cleistogenes squarrosa)、阿尔泰狗娃花(Heteropappus altaicus)、冰草(Agropyron cristatum)、 草(Koeleria cristata)、二裂委陵菜(Potentilla bifurca)、猪毛菜(Salsola collina)、细叶韭(Allium tenuissimum)和羊草(Leymus chinensis)等; 生活型组成上以地面芽植物最多, 占66.37%; 水分生态类型以旱生植物最多, 占61.19%; 区系地理成分以东古北极植物占优势, 占33.33%。基于群落学-生态学分类原则, 将西北针茅群系划分为6个群丛组, 45个群丛。  相似文献   

半干旱草地长期封育进程中针茅植物根系格局变化特征   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
苏纪帅  赵洁  井光花  魏琳  刘建  程积民  张金娥 《生态学报》2017,37(19):6571-6580
以云雾山不同封育年限草地针茅植物根系和土壤为研究对象,对其根系特征、土壤特性及两者关系进行研究,以探讨分析封育对针茅根系格局的影响。结果表明:(1)针茅植物根系生物量、根长密度、根表面积和根体积在封育初期轻微下降,之后缓慢上升,并在封育30 a草地得到显著增加。(2)随封育年限增加,各根系指标在3种针茅物种间的组成格局具有类似变化规律,具体表现为:长芒草在放牧草地所占比例最高,之后逐渐降低,并在封育30 a草地消失;大针茅所占比例呈先升后降变化规律,并在封育22 a草地达到最大值;甘青针茅仅出现于封育30 a草地,且占据优势地位。(3)大针茅和甘青针茅0—0.6 mm径级根系比例高于大针茅,使其根系直径显著低于大针茅,比根长和比根面积显著高于大针茅;此外,长芒草根组织密度显著高于长芒草和甘青针茅。(4)长期封育在显著提高土壤水分、养分含量和土壤氮磷比的同时显著降低土壤碳氮比,但对微生物生物量碳、氮无明显影响。(5)针茅根系特征与土壤指标的关联性分析显示针茅根系受土壤氮资源的显著影响。  相似文献   

利用普通压片法对3个引进彩色马蹄莲(Zantedeschia hybrid)品种的染色体数与核型进行了分析。结果表明:所试验品种染色体数均为2n=32。染色体形态比较一致,多是由中部(m)以及近中部(sm)着丝粒染色体组成。其中,‘Allure’为2n=2x=32=14m(2SAT)+2sm,‘Cupdio’的核型公式为2n=2x=32=14m+2sm,Odessa的核型公式为2x=32=1M+15m(1SAT)。3个品种核型不对称系数分别为56.72%,56.25%和56.38%,核型分类显示其均为1A型。  相似文献   

戈壁针茅(Stipa tianschanica var. gobica)草原主要分布于荒漠草原区的石质丘陵或石质山坡, 向东可以分布在典型草原区的石质丘陵或山地, 向西也可以分布在荒漠区的石质山坡上。该研究调查了中国戈壁针茅草原的主要植被类型, 通过对115个样地的样方数据分析, 量化描述了这一草原类型的主要植物群落特征。结果表明, 中国戈壁针茅草原共有维管植物272种, 隶属于38科127属; 其中裸子植物3种, 隶属于1科1属; 被子植物269种, 隶属于37科126属, 物种数大于等于10种的科为: 菊科、禾本科、豆科、蔷薇科、百合科、藜科、石竹科; 戈壁针茅草原植物区系的生活型谱以地面芽植物为主, 共178种植物, 占总种数的65.44%; 水分生态类型以旱生植物为主, 共120种, 占总种数的44.12%; 植物区系地理成分上以东古北极分布种和亚洲中部分布种(含其变型)最多, 分别为82种和80种, 占总种数的30.14%和29.41%; 盖度等级划分上以0.1%-1.0%的盖度最多, 共174种, 占总种数的63.97%; 恒有度等级划分上以I级(0-20%)的物种数最多, 共258种植物, 占所有植物种数的94.85%。基于群落调查数据, 按照群落-外貌分类原则, 将戈壁针茅群系划分为8个群丛组106个群丛。  相似文献   

以硬枝黄蝉Allamanda neriifolia幼胚为试验材料,对其体细胞染色体进行计数与核型分析。结果表明,硬枝黄蝉幼胚细胞含9对染色体,由中部或近中部着丝粒染色体构成。核型公式为2n=2x=6sm+12m。核型不对称系数为58.95%,核型分类属于2A型。  相似文献   

该研究采用常规压片法对分布于内蒙古高原的6个沙鞭居群的染色体核型进行研究,探讨沙鞭不同居群的核型特征及其进化关系。结果表明:(1)沙鞭6个居群的染色体数目恒定,均为2n = 2x = 46。(2)染色体有正中部着丝粒(M)、中部着丝粒(m)、亚中部着丝粒(sm)和亚端部着丝粒(st)4种类型,且中部着丝粒类型数量最多。(3)沙鞭不同居群核型公式存在差异。(4)核型类型有1A、2A、1B和2B型4种,染色体平均臂比介于1.29 ~ 1.62,长度比为1.73 ~ 2.68。(5)核型不对称系数处于55.96% ~ 59.95%,核型对称性较高,进化程度较为原始,其中37居群的核型不对称系数最大,进化程度较高,34居群的核型不对称系数最小,进化程度较低。(6)沙鞭6个居群聚为两类,37居群单独聚为一类,其他所有居群聚为一类,表明37居群与其他居群具有相对较远的亲缘关系。该研究首次报道了沙鞭不同居群的染色体核型特征及其进化关系,为以后沙鞭的系统进化和优良种质资源筛选奠定了细胞学证据。  相似文献   

少花龙葵与黄果龙葵染色体核型分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用DAPI显带技术对少花龙葵和黄果龙葵染色体进行了核型分析。结果表明,少花龙葵染色体数目为24,为二倍体,核型公式为K(2n)=24=6sm+18m;黄果龙葵染色体数目为48,为四倍体,核型公式为K(4n)=48=48m,并进一步构建了这两个种的核型模式图。此外,还初步探讨了染色体的DAPI带型及其异染色质的分布。为中国龙葵的系统分类和进化趋向研究,以及育种和资源的开发利用提供帮助。  相似文献   

Karyomorphological comparisons were made of 16 native and cultivated species ofSelaginella in Japan. The somatic chromosome numbers are 2n=16 inS. boninensis; 2n=18 inS. doederleinii, S. helvetica, S. limbata, S. lutchuensis, S. nipponica, S. selaginoides, S. tama-montana, andS. uncinata; 2n=20 inS. biformis, S. involvens, S. moellendorffii, S. remotifolia, andS. tamariscina; 2n=30 inS. rossii; and 2n=32 inS. heterostachys. The interphase nuclei of all species examined are uniformly assigned to the simple chromocenter type. The metaphase karyotype of 2n=16 (x=8) is 8 m (=median centromeric chromosomes)+8(st+t)(=subterminal and terminal). The group of the species having 2n=18 (x=9) is heterogeneous karyomorphologically: The karyotype ofS. nipponica is 2n=18=6 m+12(st+t),S. tama-montana 10 m+2 sm(=submedian)+6(st+t), andS. uncinata 6 m+7 sm+5(st+t). Although the remaining five species have the common karyotype 8 m+4 sm+6(st+t), the values of mean chromosome length are variable. Another group of the specles having 2n=20 (x=10) is homogeneous, since all species have the same karyotypes 8 m+4 sm+8(st+t) and have similar chromosome size. The karyotype of 2n=30 is 12 m+6 sm+12(st+t) and is suggested to be a triploid of x=10, and 2n=32=16m+16(st+t), a tetraploid of x=8. Thus, three kinds of basic chromosome numbers, x=8, 9, 10 are present in JapaneseSelaginella examined, and their karyomorphological relationships are discussed.  相似文献   

普通小麦与华山新麦草的杂交   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:23  
陈涑阳  张安静 《遗传学报》1991,18(6):508-512
华山新麦草是分布在秦岭山脉华山段的1个特有种,经细胞学鉴定为二倍体种(2n=14)。利用普通小麦与之杂交并通过幼胚培养获得了杂种,杂交结实率为0.19%,幼胚培养出苗率为33.3%。杂种表现为双亲的中间型,杂种F_1体细胞染色体数为2n=28,花粉母细胞减数分裂中期Ⅰ每细胞平均0.99个二价体,26.01个单价体。杂种花粉粒败育,以小麦花粉与杂种回交时获得了种子,回交结实率为2.5%。回交一代体细胞染色体数为2n=49,花粉母细胞减数分裂中期Ⅰ染色体构型多数为2Ⅲ 7Ⅰ。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Selaginella is the largest genus of heterosporous pteridophytes, but karyologically the genus is known only by the occurrence of a dysploid series of n=7-12, and a low frequency of polyploids. Aiming to contribute to a better understanding of the structural chromosomal variability of this genus, different staining methods were applied in species with different chromosome numbers. METHODS: The chromosome complements of seven species of Selaginella were analysed and, in four of them, the distribution of 45S rDNA sites was determined by fluorescent in situ hybridization. Additionally, CMA/DA/DAPI and silver nitrate staining were performed to investigate the correlation between the 45S rDNA sites, the heterochromatic bands and the number of active rDNA sites. KEY RESULTS: The chromosome numbers observed were 2n=18, 20 and 24. The species with 2n=20 exhibited chromosome complement sizes smaller and less variable than those with 2n=18. The only species with 2n=24, S. convoluta, had relatively large and asymmetrical chromosomes. The interphase nuclei in all species were of the chromocentric type. CMA/DA/DAPI staining showed only a weak chromosomal differentiation of heterochromatic bands. In S. willdenowii and S. convoluta eight and six CMA+ bands were observed, respectively, but no DAPI+ bands. The CMA+ bands corresponded in number, size and location to the rDNA sites. In general, the number of rDNA sites correlated with the maximum number of nucleoli per nucleus. Ten rDNA sites were found in S. plana (2n=20), eight in S. willdenowii (2n=18), six in S. convoluta (2n=24) and two in S. producta (2n=20). CONCLUSIONS: The remarkable variation in chromosome size and number and rDNA sites shows that dramatic karyological changes have occurred during the evolution of the genus at the diploid level. These data further suggest that the two putative basic numbers of the genus, x=9 and x=10, may have arisen two or more times independently.  相似文献   

The present paper reports the chromosome numbers and karyotypes of eight species of Sect. Rhiziridium in Allium (Liaceae). The materials were all collected from their natural populations in east Inner Mongolia, China. The karyotype analysis is made on the basis of Li et al. (1985).The results are as follows (for chromosomes parameters, voucher specimens and localities, see Table 1 and Plate 1--2 the idiograms of the eight species in Fig. 1): (1) Auium leucocephalum Turcz. The somatic chromosome number and karyotype of this species is 2n=16=12m=2sm+2st (2SAT), in Stebbinsl(1971) kayotype classification, which belongs to 2A (Plate 1: 1; Fig. 1: 1). The range of chromosome relative length varies between 8.90--15.55%. Two small satellites are attached to the short arms of the 8th pair of chromosomes. (2) A. strictum Schrader has 2n (4x) =32=16m+4sm+12st, belonging to 2B (Plate 1: 2 & Fig. 1: 2). Satellites were not observed., and the range of chromosome relative length is between 3. 67-11.00%. (3) A. ramosum L. 2n=16=14m+ 2st (2SAT), belonging to 2A (Plate 1: 3 & Fig. 1: 3), Two small satellies are attached to the short arms of the 8th pair of chromosomes. The range of chromosome relative length is between 9.17-16.39%. The chromosome number and karyotype of this species are in accordancewith those reported by Li et al. (1982) with the material from Jinshan, Beijing. (4) A. bidentatum Fisch. ex Prokh. 2n (4x) =32=24m+4sm+4T, belonging to 2B (Plate 1: 4 & Fig. 1: 4). Satellites were not observed. A small median B-chromosome was found in root-tip cells of the population growing in sandy soil, and it is the first discovery (Plate 2: 9). The species has terminal chromosomes, which are seldom seen in Sect. Rhiziridium. The range of chromosome relative length is between 3.32—9.06%. (5) A. tenuissimu L. 2n=16= 10m+4sm+2st(2SAT), belonging to 2B(Plate 1:5 & Fig. 1:5). Two large satellites are attached to the short arms of the 8th pair of chromosome. The range of chromosome relative length is between 8.27--17.56%. (6)A. anisopodium Ledeb. 2n = 16 = l2m +2sm + 2st (2SAT), belonging to 2A (Plate 2:7 & Fig. 1: 7). Two large satellites are attached to the short arms of the 8th pair of chromosomes. In somatic cells of some plants of this species, a small submedian B-chromosome was found (Plate 2: 10, 11). The range of chromosome relative length is between 8.05-17.08 %. (7) A. anisopodium Ledeb. var. zimmermannianum (Gilg) Wang et Tang 2n (4x)=32=24m+4sm+4st( 4SAT), belonging to 2A (Plate 1: 6 & Fig. 1: 6). Four large satellites are attached to the short arms of the 15 and 16th pairs of chromosomes. The range of chromosome relative length is between 4.45--8.35%. This variety is similar to A. anisopodium Ledeb. in morphological characters, and their karyotype formulas are also very similar. The present authors consider that the variety is an allotetraploid derived from A. anisopodium Ledeb. (8) A. condensatum Turcz. 2n=16=14m+2st (2SAT), belonging to 2B (Plate 2:8 & Fig. 1:8). Two. small satellites are attached to the short arms of the 6th pair of chromosomes. In a few individuals of this species median (M) B-chromosome was discovered, and the number is stable (Plate 2: 12). The range of chromosome relative length is between 7.64--17.07%. In short, the chromosome numbers of the species studied in the present work are found to be 2n=16 or 32, and the karyotypes belong to 2A or 2B, highly symmetrical. The karyotypes of Chinese materials of these species are mostly reported for the first time. Threespecies have B-chromosomes.  相似文献   

国产13种鸢尾属植物的核型研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对中国产13种鸢尾属Iris植物进行了核型研究。其中中甸鸢尾I.subdichotoma、长葶鸢尾I.delavayi、大锐果鸢尾I.cuniculiformis为中国特有。大锐果鸢尾的染色体数目及核型为首次报道,核型公式为2n=22=4m 6sm 12st(2SAT)。长管鸢尾I.dolichosiphon的核型为首次报道,核型公式为2n=22=4m 12sm 6st。中甸鸢尾的染色体数目为新报道,核型公式为2n=42=20m 22sm。矮紫苞鸢尾I.ruthenicavar.nana的染色体数目为新报道,3个居群的染色体数目均为2n=42,核型公式分别为中甸居群2n=42=30m 12sm(2SAT),丽江甘海子居群2n=42=28m 14sm(2SAT),中甸尼西居群2n=42=36m 6sm(4SAT)。结合以往的细胞学研究结果,显示尼泊尔鸢尾亚属subgen.Nepalensis是一个染色体数目变化较大的类群,其中的中甸鸢尾可能是联系野鸢尾属Pardanthopsis与尼泊尔鸢尾亚属的重要类群。已报道的紫苞鸢尾I.ruthenica染色体数目为2n=84,与我们所研究的变种矮紫苞鸢尾(2n=42)呈倍性关系,通过与相邻类群的分析比较,认为紫苞鸢尾应是由二倍体类群演化而来。还对鸢尾属内染色体数目的变化和核型进化的趋势进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Palestis BG  Cabrero J  Trivers R  Camacho JP 《Genetica》2010,138(11-12):1181-1189
We analyze the prevalence of B chromosomes in 1,601 species of orthopteran insects where chromosome number and shape are known. B chromosomes have been reported in 191 of these species. Bs are not uniformly distributed among orthopteran superfamilies, with evident hotspots in the Pyrgomorphoidea (32.3% of species carrying Bs), Grylloidea (14.9%), Acridoidea (14.6%) and Tetrigoidea (14.3%). As expected under the theory of centromeric drive, we found a correlation between B chromosome presence and A chromosome shape-Bs are more frequent in karyotypes with more acrocentric A chromosomes. We also found that Bs are less common in species with high chromosome numbers and appear to be most common at the modal chromosome number (2n = 24). Study effort, measured for each genus, was not associated with B prevalence, A chromosome shape or A chromosome number. Our results thus provide support for centromeric drive as an important and prevalent force in the karyotypic evolution of Orthoptera, just as it appears to be in mammals. We suggest that centromeric drive may provide a mechanistic explanation for White's principle of karyotypic orthoselection.  相似文献   

Sequences of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of the 18S-26S nuclear ribosomal DNA were used to resolve phylogenetic relationships among 13 species of the genus Dahlia . Phylogenetic reconstruction from both parsimony analysis and pairwise distance data produced a single tree in which four clades could be distinguished, these broadly separating the species into the different chromosome numbers found in Dahlia ( x = 16, x = 17 and x = 18). Although species based on x = 16 were divided into two clades, there is the suggestion that this separation may be artificial and that these should be combined as a single clade. The phylogeny produced here has been discussed with reference to the existing taxonomic treatment of the genus. It currently appears that the genus Dohlia is monophyletic and it is evident that the different basic chromosome numbers withim the dysploid series in Dahlia have evolved only once. This proposed monophyly of the genus coupled with the successful production of hybrids withim the dysploid series (2 n = 32, 2 n = 34 and 2 n = 36) suggests that the species of Dahlia have evolved from a common ancestor.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Since the advent of molecular phylogenetics, numerous attempts have been made to infer the evolutionary trajectories of chromosome numbers on DNA phylogenies. Ideally, such inferences should be evaluated against cytogenetic data. Towards this goal, we carried out phylogenetic modelling of chromosome number change and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in a medium sized genus of Araceae to elucidate if data from chromosomal markers would support maximum likelihood-inferred changes in chromosome numbers among close relatives. Typhonium, the focal genus, includes species with 2n = 65 and 2n = 8, the lowest known count in the family.


A phylogeny from nuclear and plastid sequences (96 taxa, 4252 nucleotides) and counts for all included species (15 of them first reported here) were used to model chromosome number evolution, assuming discrete events, such as polyploidization and descending or ascending dysploidy, occurring at different rates. FISH with three probes (5S rDNA, 45S rDNA and Arabidopsis-like telomeres) was performed on ten species with 2n = 8 to 2n = 24.

Key Results

The best-fitting models assume numerous past chromosome number reductions. Of the species analysed with FISH, the two with the lowest chromosome numbers contained interstitial telomeric signals (Its), which together with the phylogeny and modelling indicates decreasing dysploidy as an explanation for the low numbers. A model-inferred polyploidization in another species is matched by an increase in rDNA sites.


The combination of a densely sampled phylogeny, ancestral state modelling and FISH revealed that the species with n = 4 is highly derived, with the FISH data pointing to a Robertsonian fusion-like chromosome rearrangement in the ancestor of this species.  相似文献   

采用经典测量和染色体常规压片法,对龙牙百合(Lilium brownii var.viridulum Baker)3个地方品种的形态特征及核型进行研究。植株形态分析结果显示:‘江西’龙牙的株高、开花口径、种球重量和周长、中外层鳞片重量和长度以及鳞片扦插产生小鳞茎数等指标均显著大于‘大叶’龙牙和‘平头’龙牙;‘大叶’龙牙的叶片最长,均值为14.54 cm。花粉、叶表皮气孔及鳞片淀粉粒的微形态特征分析结果显示:‘江西’龙牙的花粉粒径最大,均值达111.76 μm;‘平头’龙牙的叶表皮气孔最长,气孔密度也最大(约47.6个/mm2);‘大叶’龙牙的淀粉粒径最大,均值为47.61 μm;‘江西’龙牙的淀粉粒大小分布更集中,差异性小。染色体核型分析结果显示:龙牙百合3个品种的染色体数目均为2n=2x=24,为二倍体,其中‘江西’龙牙核型公式为2n=2x=24=2m(2SAT)+6sm(2SAT)+12st(4SAT)+4t;‘平头’龙牙核型公式为2n=2x=24=4m+8sm+10st(4SAT)+2t;‘大叶’龙牙核型公式为2n=2x=24=2m(2SAT)+6sm+14st(4SAT)+2t,三者核型均为3B型。  相似文献   

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