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Fura2/AM作为一类高效的钙离子荧光探针,在动物细胞中已得到较成功的应用,但在微生物细胞分析方面鲜见报道。该文系统研究了该探针的荧光光谱特征及其在大肠杆菌细胞内的负载行为,并考察了在大肠杆菌细胞中钙离子与Fura2的结合情况。为利用其研究大肠杆菌等微生物细胞内钙离子浓度及钙离子跨膜行为奠定了基础。  相似文献   

应用AR—CM—MIC阳离子测定系统检测单个神经元内游离钙   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
运用Ca~(2 )指示剂Fura-2作为细胞内钙离子的荧光探针,采用精密的AR-CM-MIC阳离子测定系统,检测了分离的单个神经细胞内游离钙离子浓度的动态变化,同时观察了钙离子载体、钙螯合剂等多种药物对细胞内钙浓度的影响,并追踪刺激前后的瞬间变化,探讨此项技术应用于检测细胞内游离钙的灵敏度及适用范围,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

拟南芥花粉细胞质游离钙离子荧光测定法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以拟南芥花粉为材料,利用低温装载法在完整的花粉粒中,成功地载入酯化形式的钙离子荧光探针Fura-2/AM。利用荧光比率分析法对花粉细胞质中游离钙离子的分布特点进行研究并测定了花粉细胞内游离钙离子浓度。结果表明花粉萌发初期细胞质内游离钙离子呈极性分布,萌发沟附近的钙离子浓度明显高于其它部位,萌发孔附近最高,花粉细胞核中最低。花粉粒细胞萌发状态下的[Ca2 ]i=246±38nmol/L,该值与花粉粒细胞萌发状态下游离钙离子浓度用其它方法测得值接近,进一步表明所建立的用Fura-2/AM检测拟南芥花粉粒细胞质游离钙离子的方法是可靠的。  相似文献   

目的:构建表达基因编辑钙探针(GECIs)的细胞系HeLa-GECIs,探究细胞应答外界ATP刺激中钙离子在细胞内的响应和变化。方法:分别用能够直接通过荧光强度反映细胞胞浆内和线粒体内钙离子相对浓度的2种钙探针cyto-GCaMP6和4mt-GCaMP6感染HeLa细胞,获得2种表达钙离子探针的HeLa细胞系;在感染了2种腺病毒探针24 h后,用共聚焦荧光显微镜检测荧光探针在HeLa细胞内的表达情况;在表达2种钙探针的细胞的培养基中加入外源ATP,用Time-lapse成像动态观测技术观察HeLa细胞内钙离子对外环境中ATP的响应。结果:共聚焦荧光显微镜观察,确定95%以上的细胞表达了对应的钙离子指示荧光探针;Time-lapse成像动态观测技术观察发现,在细胞培养基中加入ATP后,细胞胞浆钙探针荧光强度瞬时(3~6 s)升至10倍,200 s后逐渐降低到基础水平;线粒体钙到达峰值(4倍)的时间稍滞后(5~8 s),并且回落更慢,300 s时至1.5倍。在ATP受体P2X7抑制剂A438079预处理的实验组,上述胞浆钙和线粒体钙浓度上升不明显。结论:构建了能在活体细胞内通过荧光探针实时监测钙离子响应胞外ATP刺激的细胞实验体系,为进一步深入探究ATP等危险信号导致细胞的炎性损伤机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

本文用Quin 2/AM荧光探针作为细胞内部钙离子指示剂,研究了竹红菌乙素光敏损伤后引起小鼠腹水肝癌细胞的钙离子浓度变化。实验结果表明,细胞内的钙离子浓度随着乙素光敏作用增强而上升。并且钙离子浓度的升高与细胞的存活率下降呈正比关系;用数种单线态氧淬灭剂(L-His,NaN_3);羟自由基清除剂(PABGA)观察了乙素光敏过程中产生的活性氧与细胞内的钙离子浓度增加相关。用膜去极化方法研究了细胞在光敏损伤过程中钙离子浓度变化与去极化的关系。  相似文献   

杨俊  周玮  周婷  王强  代平礼  吴艳艳 《昆虫知识》2012,49(5):1167-1171
本实验试图建立一套蜜蜂脑神经细胞游离钙离子浓度([Ca2+]i)的体外测定方法.采用Fura-2 acetoxy-methyl ester(Fura-2 AM)作为荧光指示剂,对体外培养的意大利蜜蜂Apis mellifera ligustica Spinola脑神经细胞的[Ca2-]i测定方法进行了探索,研究了不同浓度的Fura-2 AM及不同的孵育时间对细胞钙离子测量ratio值的影响.结果测得细胞ratio值随Fura-2AM浓度的增大而降低,孵育时间也会影响ratio值,综合比较得到最佳孵育时间以及最佳染料浓度,并在此基础上制订了一套意大利蜜蜂蜜蜂脑神经细胞钙离子浓度的测定方法,这对进一步建立以蜜蜂神经细胞钙离子浓度变化作为衡量环境有毒物质对蜜蜂的风险研究具有重要意义.  相似文献   

我们使用荧光探针fura2、mag-fura2和fluo3测定了凝血酶引致的血小板凝聚过程中细胞内钙、镁离子浓度的变化及分布状态。在0.5U/ml凝血酶作用下,血小板细胞内钙离子浓度呈双时相变化。血小板细胞群中细胞内钙离子浓度呈正态分布。伴随血小板凝聚时细胞内钙离子浓度增加,血小板细胞内游离镁离子浓度也明显增加,提示镁离子在血小板凝聚中有重要的作用。  相似文献   

把重组表达钙离子敏感蛋白的YC2.1基因(yellow cameleon 2.1)导入了粟酒裂殖酵母中,观察了粟酒裂殖酵母细胞内钙离子浓度的分布。结果发现,钙离子敏感蛋白所指示的钙离子呈细胞周缘胞质较高浓度分布,而在细胞胞质中部的钙离子浓度相对低一些。通过DAPI染色实验证实这是由于胞质中部细胞核的填充而形成。fluo-3染色的裂殖酵母细胞,由于fluo-3进入到细胞器(房室化现象),所以出现胞质的内部区域高的荧光信号,而在周缘的胞质区相对弱,不能真实反应胞质钙离子的分布。因此重组表达钙离子敏感蛋白测定钙离子的方法优于fluo-3荧光探针的方法,对于裂殖酵母细胞胞内钙离子的研究具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

以小麦根尖为材料,利用低温装载法在根尖细胞中成功地装载了酯化形式的钙离子荧光指示剂fluo-3/AM,利用激光共聚焦显微技术检测了增强UV-B辐射后小麦根尖细胞内游离钙离子荧光强度的分布,并对胞质内游离钙离子浓度进行了测定.结果表明:(1)对照组小麦根尖细胞内钙离子荧光主要分布于细胞胞质周缘;而经UV-B辐射处理后,细胞内钙离子荧光不仅分布在胞质周缘,且在细胞壁与胞间隙可观察到大量钙离子荧光.(2)对单个细胞内钙离子荧光强度进行测定,发现UV-B处理使细胞胞质内游离钙离子浓度明显升高.  相似文献   

用钙离子报告基因非侵入式监测细胞内源钙离子实时变化是目前比较常用的钙离子监测方法。而基于传统荧光共振能量转移原理(FRET)的荧光探针具有较高的量子产率,则是目前应用于细胞或亚细胞水平钙离子检测的重要备选实验方案之一。然而,供体荧光基团的激发过程却经常给最终成像过程带来强的背景和荧光信号光漂白等干扰。水母发光蛋白(Aequorin)能够在底物存在的情况下和3个Ca~(2+)结合,通过氧化还原反应产生一个波长为469 nm的蓝光光量子,借助这一反应中蓝光光量子的产率与细胞中游离Ca~(2+)浓度间存在精确定量关系,研究者可以准确测量细胞内的钙离子浓度动态变化情况。但是由于蓝光的波长短,存在易于被散射而难于被检测等问题,造成了目前直接使用水母发光蛋白检测细胞内Ca~(2+)动态时,实验效率较低。为了解决上述这些问题,我们构建了一种将apoaequorin-egfp基因融合表达的植物双元表达载体,然后通过农杆菌介导的遗传转化法将这个融合基因整合到烟草的基因组中,建立了一个基于生物发光共振能量转移技术(BRET)技术,较为高效的植物细胞内源钙离子动态检测系统。  相似文献   

1321N1 astrocytoma cells loaded with Fura-2 were found to continuously transport Fura-2 to the extracellular medium. To correct for extracellular Fura-2 fluorescence a protocol was developed in which Mn2+ was added to duplicate cuvettes of cells to quench extracellular Fura-2 at the beginning and end of the experimental time course. Since the export of Fura-2 was linear with time, two separate quench determinations allowed the amount of fluorescence from extracellular Fura-2 fluorescence to be estimated at every point in the time course and subtracted from the data. The uncorrected and Mn2+-corrected basal cytoplasmic calcium concentrations averaged 153 nM and 72 nM, respectively. The peak intracellular calcium concentrations following muscarinic stimulation with 300 microM carbachol averaged 1159 nM (uncorrected) and 889 nM (Mn2+-corrected). Probenecid (2.5 mM) was found to block the export of Fura-2 from these cells and did not change the basal calcium concentration or the muscarinic calcium response.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial damage is the main source of cellular injury upon ischemia–reperfusion, and calcium loading has been implicated in this phenomenon. The use of optical probes for calcium monitoring of the intact heart is hampered by internal filter effects of intracellular hemoproteins, endogenous fluorescence, and their sensitivity to pH.We describe here a method for measurement of intracellular free calcium in isolated myoglobin-deficient perfused mouse hearts under conditions of large intracellular pH fluctuations by simultaneous fluorescence monitoring of the calcium-probe Fura-2 and the pH probe BCECF through dual wavelength excitation of both probes. In myoglobin-containing mouse heart endogenous chromophores interfere with Fura-2 fluorometry.It is shown that a paradoxical decrease in Fura-2 fluorescence occurs during ischemia in isolated mouse hearts. Simultaneous recording of BCECF fluorescence (calibrated against pH measurement with phosphorus NMR) and data reduction based on continual recalculation of the apparent dissociation constant of the calcium-probe complex revealed that a marked increase in intracellular free calcium occurs, and that the Fura-2 fluorescence decrease was caused by an increase in dissociation constant due to intracellular acidification. Intracellular free calcium rose almost linearly during a 20-min period of ischemia and returned to basal values rapidly upon the commencement of perfusion.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial damage is the main source of cellular injury upon ischemia-reperfusion, and calcium loading has been implicated in this phenomenon. The use of optical probes for calcium monitoring of the intact heart is hampered by internal filter effects of intracellular hemoproteins, endogenous fluorescence, and their sensitivity to pH. We describe here a method for measurement of intracellular free calcium in isolated myoglobin-deficient perfused mouse hearts under conditions of large intracellular pH fluctuations by simultaneous fluorescence monitoring of the calcium-probe Fura-2 and the pH probe BCECF through dual wavelength excitation of both probes. In myoglobin-containing mouse heart endogenous chromophores interfere with Fura-2 fluorometry. It is shown that a paradoxical decrease in Fura-2 fluorescence occurs during ischemia in isolated mouse hearts. Simultaneous recording of BCECF fluorescence (calibrated against pH measurement with phosphorus NMR) and data reduction based on continual recalculation of the apparent dissociation constant of the calcium-probe complex revealed that a marked increase in intracellular free calcium occurs, and that the Fura-2 fluorescence decrease was caused by an increase in dissociation constant due to intracellular acidification. Intracellular free calcium rose almost linearly during a 20-min period of ischemia and returned to basal values rapidly upon the commencement of perfusion.  相似文献   

Assessment of Fura-2 for measurements of cytosolic free calcium   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Fura-2 has become the most popular fluorescent probe with which to monitor dynamic changes in cytosolic free calcium in intact living cells. In this paper, we describe many of the currently recognized limitations to the use of Fura-2 in living cells and certain approaches which can circumvent some of these problems. Many of these problems are cell type specific, and include: (a) incomplete hydrolysis of Fura-2 acetoxymethyl ester bonds by cytosolic esterases, and the potential presence of either esterase resistant methyl ester complexes on the Fura-2/AM molecule or other as yet unidentified contaminants in commercial preparations of Fura-2/AM; (b) sequestration of Fura-2 in non-cytoplasmic compartments (i.e. cytoplasmic organelles); (c) dye loss (either active or passive) from labeled cells; (d) quenching of Fura-2 fluorescence by heavy metals; (e) photobleaching and photochemical formation of fluorescent non-Ca2+ sensitive Fura-2 species; (f) shifts in the absorption and emission spectra, as well as the Kd for Ca2+ of Fura-2 as a function of either polarity, viscosity, ionic strength or temperature of the probe environment; and (g) accurate calibration of the Fura-2 signal inside cells. Solutions to these problems include: (a) labeling of cells with Fura-2 pentapotassium salt (by scrape loading, microinjection or ATP permeabilization) to circumvent the problems of ester hydrolysis; (b) labeling of cells at low temperatures or after a 4 degrees C pre-chill to prevent intracellular organelle sequestration; (c) performance of experiments at lower than physiological temperatures (i.e. 15-33 degrees C) and use of ratio quantitation to remedy inaccuracies caused by dye leakage; (d) addition of N,N,N',N'-tetrakis(2-pyridylmethyl)ethylenediamine (TPEN) to chelate heavy metals; (e) use of low levels of excitation energy and high sensitivity detectors to minimize photobleaching or formation of fluorescent non-Ca2+ sensitive forms of Fura-2; and (f) the use of 340 nm and 365 nm (instead of 340 nm and 380 nm) for ratio imaging, which diminishes the potential contributions of artifacts of polarity, viscosity and ionic strength on calculated calcium concentrations, provides a measure of dye leakage from the cells, rate of Fura-2 photobleaching, and can be used to perform in situ calibration of Fura-2 fluorescence in intact cells; however, use of this wavelength pair diminishes the dynamic range of the ratio and thus makes it more sensitive to noise involved in photon detection. Failure to consider these potential problems may result in erroneous estimates of cytosolic free calcium.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Metal ions are often used to block calcium channels in various tissues, including synaptosomes. In the present study, Fura-2 was used to determine the effectiveness of various metal ions as calcium channel blockers in rat brain synaptosomes in vitro. In buffer solutions, La3+ and Cd2+ increased the Fura-2 fluorescence in a manner similar to Ca2+. Ni2+ and Mn2+ appeared to be fluorescence quenching cations, and Sr2+ and Co2+ had little effect on the fluorescence of Fura-2. In suspensions of synaptosomes under resting conditions, Cd2+, Ni2+ and Mn2+ were found to be not suitable for use in synaptosome studies. On the other hand, La3+ and Co2+ had little effect on the Fura-2 fluorescence of resting synaptosomes, and under depolarizing conditions, La3+ and Co2+ decreased the Fura-2 fluorescence. These resuls, therefore, suggest that La3+ and Co2+ may be suitable as calcium channel blockers in synaptosome studies.  相似文献   

The subject of this work was to study the reasons of the variability of the calcium response amplitudes in individual neurons of the hippocampal cell culture to agonists of ionotropic glutamate receptors and the regularities of the calcium response amplitude distribution. Changes of [Ca2+] i in the neurons in response to the NMDA-, AMPA-, and KA-receptor agonists were recorded using fluorescence probe Fura-2. The calcium response amplitudes (expressed as the ratio of fluorescence intensities of Fura-2 upon excitation at wave-lengths 340 and 380 nm) to short-term application of glutamate receptor agonists N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA), domoic acid (DA), α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid (AMPA), and (S)-(−)-5-fluorowillardiine (FW) were measured. Calcium responses of individual cells differed in shape and amplitude but always reproduced upon the second application of the agonist. To elucidate the nature of calcium response variability, we compared distributions of calcium response amplitudes to the NMDA-, KA-, and AMPA-receptor agonists in cultures of various ages in the presence of receptor desensitization inhibitors and different agonist concentrations. An even increase from 0.05 to 1.6 was characteristic for distributions of calcium response amplitudes. Nevertheless, in 1–3% neurons of the cell culture, calcium response amplitudes reached much higher values. The efficiency of the ligands usually increased in the following order: FW ≈ NMDA > DA. However, this regularity varied with age and depended on the presence of the receptor desensitization inhibitor. In the process of growth and differentiation of neurons in culture from 1 to 14 day in vitro, calcium response amplitude to AMPA- and KA-receptor agonists increased. Desensitization inhibitors transformed the response from pulse-like with a sharp peak into stepwise and increased the amplitude of calcium responses but did not abolish the character of even amplitude distribution. The effect of AMPA- and KA-receptor desensitization inhibitor decreased with calcium response amplitude growth in the control and approached zero in neurons with initially maximal amplitude. KA- and AMPA-receptor agonists at high concentrations possessed a property of desensitization inhibitors and transformed a transient response into a continuous one that lasted throughout the application time. Thus, the amplitude and shape of the calcium response to glutamate receptor agonists is a characteristic parameter of an individual cell.  相似文献   

A method to simultaneously assess the changes in intracellular calcium concentration and cell volume in single cells was developed using the Ca2+-sensitive fluorescent probe Fura-2 and a three-dimensional image-surface reconstruction technique, respectively. Studies with this method showed that Fura-2 loading had no significant effect on the kinetics of A549 human epithelial cell swelling in a hypotonic solution, as well as the volume restoration kinetics. Significant changes in intracellular Ca2+ concentration were not observed in the examined volume modulation range. The results suggest that Ca2+-mediated signaling pathways are not involved in the autoregulation of the cell volume in A549 cells exposed to hypotonic conditions.  相似文献   

We employed the fluorescent calcium indicator Fura-2, loaded into intact retinas of the bullfrog Rana catesbeiana, to measure free calcium concentrations in the rod outer-segment cytosol. We determined that traditional methods of calculation yielded erroneous values of calcium. This error results from the presence of at least two distinct pools of Fura-2 in rod outer segments. Application of manganese quenches each pool, but quenching occurs at different rates. Using this fact, we show that the pools can be isolated by brief exposure to manganese and examined separately. One of these pools has the same fluorescent properties as the free salt of Fura-2 we use in our in vitro calibrations. The other source of fluorescence has more unusual properties. Although insensitive to calcium concentrations in the physiological range, it contributes significant anomalous fluorescence when cytosolic free calcium concentrations are elevated by application of IBMX. Nevertheless, the experimentally isolated, classic pool of Fura-2 is well behaved and allows us to calculate calcium concentrations relative to the Kd of Fura-2 by the usual ratio method. We show that when rods are exposed to saturating light, the free calcium concentration in their outer segments falls to a level not significantly different from zero within 20-30 s.  相似文献   

Berkels R  Dachs C  Roesen R  Klaus W 《Cell calcium》2000,27(5):281-286
Different methods to measure the unstable radical nitric oxide (NO) have been established. We are going to present a new method to measure intracellular calcium and NO simultaneously in endothelial cells. A new fluorescent dye (DAF-2) has been developed recently which binds NO resulting in an enhanced fluorescence. We loaded porcine aortic endothelial cells with Fura-2, a fluorescent dye commonly used to measure intracellular calcium, and DAF-2 simultaneously (cell permeable dyes). Using excitation wavelengths of lambda 340 nm (Fura-2) and lambda 485 nm (DAF-2) we could show that thrombin induces an intracellular calcium increase and simultaneously a NO formation in endothelial cells which could be blocked by a NO synthase inhibitor. This new method of a simultaneous measurement of intracellular calcium and NO provides the possibility to follow intracellular calcium and NO distributions online, and is sensitive enough to monitor changes of NO formed by the constitutive endothelial NO-synthase.  相似文献   

大肠杆菌K88体外黏附Caco-2细胞及其对细胞膜的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用体外Caco-2细胞培养模型,研究大肠杆菌K88黏附Caco-2肠上皮细胞后对其存活率及增殖活力、细胞膜磷脂酶A2、细胞内Ca^2 浓度及膜流动性的影响。结果表明,细菌黏附3h后细胞活力明显下降,PLA2活性升高,细胞内Ca^2 浓度增加,细胞膜流动性降低,从而导致肠上皮细胞膜结构和功能的损害。  相似文献   

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