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本文介绍在药物研究中,应用计算机技术测量,处理一般药学实验信号的新方法。通过分离实验动物的股动脉,接入压力探头,引出动脉血压波形;经位移传感器,摄取呼吸波形;计算机同步采集动脉压,呼吸波,心电图信号;再收计算机对上述信号进行计算分析,得到一般药理学实验的一系列参数。为深入进行有关药效学研究提供了新手段。  相似文献   

超声彩色血流成像的计算机快速仿真方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究超声彩色血流成像的快速仿真方法,克服原先仿真方法非常耗时的缺点。方法超声彩色血流成像计算机仿真中,血流信号是对成像区间内所有点散射体的回波信号累加而得到的。通过引入新的等效散射体模型,可以大大降低散射体的密度,从而减少计算回波信号所需时间。在计算机上用Matlab编程来进行仿真实验,对以往仿真方法和基于等效散射体模型方法的性能进行比较。结果实验表明:基于等效散射体模型的仿真,在保证相同流速精度的前提下,仿真速度比传统方法提高了10倍以上。结论基于等效散射体模型的仿真方法能极大地提高超声彩色血流成像的仿真速度,可以为超声彩色血流成像的方法研究提供便利。  相似文献   

褥疮预防器具——交替多气室气垫的实验探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以实验方法在人体褥疮易发部位对体压、血流、温度、湿度变化进行了检测,并以比较科学地讨论了作为褥疮预防器具的合理性。且临床结果实验结论相符,为评估预防褥疮的医疗器械提供了了科学的依据。  相似文献   

目的探讨一种采用计算机处理医学信号的方法,实现利用计算机,对超声血流声谱图自动测量,以及Tei指数的计算,评价采用计算机获得心指数方法的性能。方法由图像的方式获得二尖瓣和主动脉瓣处的血流声谱图,利用图像形态学处理的方法和工程数学的方法计算出Tei指数的值。结果采集30个病人信息,与医生手工测量结果比较,结论采用计算机直接测量心指数的方法,方便,快捷,与医生手工比较能较为准确的反映实际心功能的情况。  相似文献   

目的:提取与大鼠右前肢运动相关联的初级运动皮层场电位的信号特征,并探讨依据局部场电位(LFP)识别前肢运动行为的可行性。方法:4只SD大鼠通过训练习得压杆取水操作,然后在左右脑初级运动皮层M1区分别植入多通道束状微电极,术后恢复后进行大鼠压杆行为实验,以2 kHz/s速率记录深部脑电信号及压杆状态信号,同步记录行为过程的视频信号。以通道间的差分信号作为局部场电位信号,分析局部场电位信号的时域特征,进行聚类分析。以压杆状态信号和视频分析为判定依据,对聚类结果进行分析。结果:局部场电位信号在大鼠压杆动作时明显增强,不同通道的局部场电位信号幅值、波形有差异,表明与前肢运动相关联的M1区局部场电位信号有空间分布特征;依据阈值准则从局部场电位信号检测压杆行为的检出率为80%。结论:依据局部场电位信号特征对大鼠前肢运动进行检测具有可行性。  相似文献   

目的 本文提出了一种基于主成分分析(PCA)的双对比光学投影断层成像(DC-OPT)方法,以获得活体中血流网络和骨骼的三维可视化。方法 使用主成分分析方法来提取吸收图像和血流图像,原始图像序列的第一主成分用于获取吸收图像;通过计算每个像素的调制深度来获得流动图像。不同投影位置的流动和吸收对比图像被用于三维血流网络和骨骼的同步重建。结果 采用PCA和OPT相结合的方法,通过将动态血流信号和静态背景信号分离,实现了对微生物样本的血流网络和骨骼的三维成像。结论 本文研究的新颖之处在于通过同一光学系统获得了快速、同步、双对比的血流网络和骨骼三维图像。实验结果可用于活体生物的生理发育研究。  相似文献   

肾上腺髓质在急性心肌缺血时血液流变学变化中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本实验观察了阻断冠脉血流后血液流变学的变化并分析了肾上腺髓质活动增强在急性心肌缺血早期血液流变学变化中的作用。实验结果表明,对照组阻断冠脉血流40min时全血粘度已显著增加,血细胞压积、血浆纤维蛋白原浓度逐渐升高。阻断冠脉血流前切断双侧内脏大神经可消除心肌缺血早期血液流变学的异常变化,而切断内脏大神经后输注肾上腺素又可使心肌缺血时全血粘度、血细胞压积等各项指标出现明显异常。上述结果提示,阻断冠脉血流后交感-肾上腺系统活动增强可能是急性心肌缺血早期血液流变学变化的重要原因。  相似文献   

本文介绍了伪彩色超声Doppler血流信号实时声谱分析系统及其技术问题,并给出了一些实验结果。  相似文献   

本实验用大鼠29只,进行人工通气吸入烟气,初步探讨了吸烟对肺循环的影响。其中7只观察了吸烟对肺循环血流动力学的直接影响,结果表明,吸烟可致右心室收缩压、心输出量下降及心率减慢,肺循环阻力无明显改变。观察22只大鼠吸烟后缺氧所致肺循环血流动力学变化,结果表明,吸烟可使缺氧性肺血管反应降低,而且发生在肺循环血流动力学变化之前。  相似文献   

在大鼠前肢压杆任务中,同步记录初级运动皮层神经元集群活动信号与压杆的压力信号,分析神经元锋电位发放的时空模式,并用于大鼠前肢运动的解析和预测.数据分析显示在压杆阶段与非压杆阶段大鼠运动皮层神经元锋电位发放模式存在着显著差别,且神经元活动变化先于前肢运动的发生约300~400ms,并可通过与行为的相关性将神经元的发放模式分为4类.研究结果同时显示,两层Elman神经网络可用于神经元集群活动的解码,解码所得到的压力值与系统所采集的压杆压力信号有较好的拟合度,二者间的相关系数可达0.8766.研究表明了运动相关的神经信息处理和表征依赖于初级运动皮层神经元的相互作用和整合,揭示了神经元集群活动在运动信息编码中的重要作用.实验结果也揭示神经元集群活动信号解析后有望用于对外部器械进行直接控制,推动植入式脑-机接口及运动重建等康复技术的发展.  相似文献   

The influence of left ventricle pressure and volume changes on coronary blood flow was investigated in eight anesthetized dogs. Coronary artery pressure-flow relationships were determined at two levels of left ventricular pressure and volume. The distribution of blood flow within the myocardium was also determined when these relationships varied. Reducing left ventricle pressures and volumes increased heart rate. Rate-pressure product, diastolic coronary pressure, myocardial O2 consumption, total, subendocardial and subepicardial flow decreased. Hematocrit and blood gas data were unchanged. The pressure-flow relationships were shifted leftward (p = 0.001) but the range of autoregulation was not altered. At low left ventricle pressures and volumes, the lower coronary artery pressure limit was shifted leftward (from 75 to 45 mm Hg (1 mm Hg = 133.3 Pa)), while total, subendocardial, and subepicardial blood flow did not change compared with the control. Below the lower coronary artery pressure limit, subendocardial but not subepicardial flow decreased, resulting in maldistribution of flow across the left ventricular wall. When coronary pressure was reset between control and the lower coronary artery pressure limit, subendocardial flow was restored. These results show that the lower coronary artery pressure limit can be shifted leftward while the distribution of blood flow across the left ventricular wall is preserved.  相似文献   

The character and values of changes of the pulmonary and systemic hemodynamics following epinephrine, norepinephrine and angiotensin intravenous injection were studied in acute experiments on the anesthetized cats. After catecholamines injection pulmonary blood flow was always increased, meanwhile pulmonary artery pressure can be elevated (in the most observations) or decreased. In the cases of angiotensin administration the pulmonary blood flow could be augmented or decreased; pulmonary artery pressure had been increased or decreased independently from the character of changes of pulmonary flow. Thus, linear correlation between shifts of the pulmonary artery pressure and pulmonary blood flow had not been revealed. The changes of the pulmonary artery pressure were not correlated with the pulmonary vascular resistance ones; however they had strong relationship with the changes of the left atrial pressure. If the left atrial pressure was decreased the pulmonary artery pressure elevation was less, comparing with its values in experiments, where the left atrial pressure was increased; in the case of depressor shifts of pulmonary artery pressure, the left atrial pressure was also decreased. The character and values of the pulmonary blood flow changes were strongly correlated with the changes of the venous return; however they had no linear correlations with the right and left atrial pressures and pulmonary vascular resistance changes. Thus we concluded, that hemodynanics mechanisms of the pulmonary artery pressure and flow changes following vasoactive pressor drugs injection changes are different.  相似文献   

The regional blood flow through the myocardium of the left ventricle was measured in 11 dogs after ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery, by means of a local injection of 133Xe depot and precordial detection of its washout 2 hours after ligation. Immediately after ligation the blood flow in the ischaemic area declined considerably but at the same time there was a significant increase of blood flow in the non-ischaemic left ventricular myocardium. The regional flow in the ischaemic and non-ischaemic area increased insignificantly for 2 hrs. These changes were not due to alterations in coronary artery pressure, as the mean arterial pressure declined significantly during the first hour. After temporary ischaemia by ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery for 2--4 minutes, an intensive reactive hyperaemia developed in the ischaemic region (the blood flow reached 221% of control values on the average) which was the more intensive, the greater the drop of blood flow in the ischaemic area after ligation.  相似文献   

The left anterior descending coronary artery in anaesthetized greyhounds was perfused at constant pressure with blood pumped from the carotid artery. Phasic and mean coronary flow, left ventricular pressure, dP/dt, cardiac output, ECG, heart rate and systemic pressure were measured. Leukotriene (LT) D4 was administered into the left anterior descending coronary artery as a bolus injection. LTD4 caused dose-related reductions in coronary flow. Other parameters showed little immediate change although a gradual decrease in left ventricular pressure, dP/dt, cardiac output and systemic pressure occurred after administration of LTD4. Following intracoronary administration of LTD4 small surface haemorrhages were observed over the area perfused. The reduction in coronary flow was not inhibited by indomethacin.  相似文献   

The ultrasonic method was used in acute experiments on cats with open chest under artificial lung ventilation to obtain blood flow in low-lobar pulmonary artery and vein, the blood pressure in pulmonary artery, as well as the left atrial pressure in fat (olive oil) and mechanical (Lycopodium spores) pulmonary embolism. It is shown that pulmonary embolism produces the decrease in the blood flow in pulmonary artery and vein, the increase of the pressure in pulmonary artery and left atria, the increase of lung vessels resistance. The decrease is observed of systemic arterial pressure, bradycardia, and extrasystole. After 5-10 min the restoration of arterial pressure and heart rhythm occur and partial restoration of blood flow in pulmonary artery and vein. In many experiments the blood flow in vein outdoes that in the artery--it allows to suppose the increase of the blood flow in bronchial artery. After 60-90 min there occur sudden decrease of systemic arterial pressure, the decrease of the blood flow in pulmonary artery and vein. The pressure in pulmonary artery and resistance of pulmonary vessels remain high. Pulmonary edema developed in all animals. The death occurs in 60-100 min after the beginning of embolism.  相似文献   

In acute experiments in anesthetized rabbits, changes of the pulmonary hemodynamics following myocardial ischemia in the region of the descendent left coronary artery were studied in control animals and after the infusion of adrenaline and phenylephrine. The pulmonary artery pressure was increased following infusion of these drugs; however, it decreased to normal level in the condition of myocardial ischemia. Meanwhile the pulmonary vascular resistance was elevated to the same level in both cases. Following adrenaline infusion, the pulmonary artery blood flow and venous return increased and, in the condition of myocardial ischemia, they decreased to normal level, but the left atrial pressure was decreased. Following phenylephrine infusion, the pulmonary artery blood flow and venous return did not change and, in the condition of myocardial ischemia, these parameters decreased lower than normal level but the left atrial pressure was elevated. Thus we concluded that equal values of the pulmonary artery pressure in both cases were caused by changes of different character in the left atrial pressure. The differences of the changes character and values of the pulmonary artery flow under experimental myocardial ischemia following the infusion of adrenaline and phenylephrine were caused by different shifts of the venous return.  相似文献   

In acute experiments in anesthetized rabbits, changes of the pulmonary hemodynamics following myocardial ischemia in the region of the descendent left coronary artery were studied as well as in control animals and after the blockade of beta-adrenoreceptors. The myocardial ischemia decreased the left ventricular myocardial contractility, cardiac output and arterial pressure, decreased the pulmonary artery pressure and flow. Following myocardial ischemia, the pulmonary artery pressure decreased less than pulmonary artery blood flow as the result of elevating of the left atrial pressure, meanwhile pulmonary vascular resistance was not changed. Following myocardial ischemia in animals after the blockade of the beta-adrenoreceptors, the pulmonary flow decreased the same as in control animals. However, the pulmonary artery pressure was decreased twofold more significantly than in control animals, and its diminishing was in the same degree as the pulmonary artery flow. Following myocardial ischemia after the blockade of the beta-adrenoreceptors, the pulmonary vascular resistance decreased whereas the left atrial pressure did not change significantly because the myocardial contractility decreased less than in control animals.  相似文献   

The character and values of changes of the pulmonary hemodynamics and venous return following acetylcholine, histamine and isoproterenol intravenous injection were studied in acute experiments on the anesthetized cats. After depressor drugs injection the character and values of changes of pulmonary artery pressure and flow were different. In 67% cases the pulmonary artery pressure was decreased, and in 33%--it was elevated, meanwhile the pulmonary artery flow was decreased in 48% cases and it was increased in 52%, i.e., in the equal number of observations. Thus, following depressor drugs intravenous injection, hemodynamic mechanisms of the changes of pulmonary artery pressure and flow are different. The character and values of changes of the pulmonary artery pressure are correlated with the changes of pulmonary vascular resistance and are not dependent with the left atrial pressure shifts. The changes of the pulmonary artery blood flow are caused by the changes of the venous return and are not correlated with the changes of the right and left atrial pressure.  相似文献   

Pulmonary arterial wedge pressure measures the pressure where blood flow resumes on the venous side. By occlusion of a large artery, the point where blood flow resumes will be in or near the left atrium. However, by occlusion of a small artery, it is possible to shift the point where flow resumes to a more proximal site in the veins and thus measure a pressure within the small veins. Increased pulmonary venous pressure, as a result of partial obstruction in the large veins, may not be detected by wedging a Swan-Ganz catheter in a large artery but may be detected by wedging in a small artery. We demonstrated this phenomenon in open-chest dogs by mechanically obstructing the left lower lobar vein or by infusing histamine to cause a generalized pulmonary venoconstriction. The wedge pressure measured by a 7-F Swan-Ganz catheter, with its balloon inflated in the main left lower lobar artery, nearly equaled left atrial pressure. On the other hand, the wedge pressure measured with a 7-F, 5-F, or a PE-50 catheter advanced into a small artery (without a balloon) was considerably higher than left atrial pressure. These results suggest that high resistance in the pulmonary veins can be demonstrated with the Swan-Ganz catheter by comparing the pressures obtained with the catheter wedged in a small and large artery.  相似文献   

We studied the bronchial arterial blood flow (Qbr) and bronchial vascular resistance (BVR) in sheep prepared with carotid-bronchial artery shunt. Nine adult sheep were anesthetized, and through a left thoracotomy a heparinized Teflon-tipped Silastic catheter was introduced into the bronchial artery. The other end of the catheter was brought out through the chest wall and through a neck incision was introduced into the carotid artery. A reservoir filled with warm heparinized blood was connected to this shunt. The height of blood column in the reservoir was kept constant at 150 cm by adding more blood. Qbr was measured, after interrupting the carotid-bronchial artery flow, by the changes in the reservoir volume. The bronchial arterial back pressure (Pbr) was measured through the shunt when both carotid-bronchial artery and reservoir Qbr had been temporarily interrupted. The mean Qbr was 34.1 +/- 2.9 (SE) ml/min, Pbr = 17.5 +/- 3.3 cmH2O, BVR = 3.9 +/- 0.5 cmH2O X ml-1 X min, mean pulmonary arterial pressure = 21.5 +/- 3.6 cmH2O, and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (Ppcw) = 14.3 +/- 3.7 cmH2O. We further studied the effect of increased left atrial pressure on these parameters by inflating a balloon in the left atrium. The left atrial balloon inflation increased Ppcw to 25.3 +/- 3.1 cmH2O, Qbr decreased to 21.8 +/- 2.4 ml/min (P less than 0.05), and BVR increased to 5.5 +/- 1.0 cmH2O.ml-1.min (P less than 0.05).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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