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Complementary DNAs (cDNA's) specific for various regions of the Moloney murine sarcoma virus (MSV) 124 RNA genome were prepared by cross-hybridization techniques. A cDNA specific for the first 1,000 nucleotides adjacent to the RNA 3' end (cDNA 3') was prepared and shown to also be complementary to the 3'-terminal 1,000 nucleotides of a related Moloney murine leukemia virus (MLV) genome. A cDNA complementary to the "MSV-specific" portion of the MSV 124 genome was prepared. This cDNA was shown not to anneal to Moloney MLV RNA and to anneal to a portion of the viral RNA of about 1,500 to 1,800 nucleotides in length, located 1,000 nucleotides from the 3' end of MSV RNA. A cDNA common to the genome of MSV and MLV was also obtained and shown to anneal to the 5'-terminal two-thirds, as well as to the 3'-terminal 1,000 nucleotides, of the MSV RNA genome. This cDNA also annealed to the RNA from MLV and mainly to the 5'-terminal half of the MLV genome. It is concluded that the 6-kilobase Moloney MSV 124 RNA genome has a sequence arrangement that includes (i) a 3' portion of about 1,000 nucleotides, which is also present at the 3' terminus of MLV; (ii) an MSV-specific region, not shared with MLV, which extends between 1,000 and 2,500 nucleotides from the 3' terminus; and (iii) a second "common" region, again shared with MLV, which extends from 2,500 nucleotides to the 5' terminus. This second common region appears to be located in the 5' half of the 10-kilobase MLV genome as well. Experiments in which a large excess of cold MLV cDNA was annealed to (3)H-labeled polyadenylic acid-containing fragments of MSV RNA gave results consistent with this arrangement of the MSV genome.  相似文献   

A cell line derived from a murine sarcoma virus (Moloney pseudotype)-induced tumor has been established. It retains oncogenicity, releases both sarcoma and leukemia viruses, and has virus-induced cellular antigens.  相似文献   

In vitro translation of virion RNA of Moloney murine sarcoma virus (MSV) strain 124 yielded major products having molecular weights of 63,000 (63K), 43K, 40K, 31K, and 24K daltons. A molecularly cloned subgenomic fragment of Moloney MSV comprised of the cellular insertion (src) region was utilized in hybridization arrest translation as a means of identifying products of the MSV src gene. MSV src DNA specifically inhibited synthesis of the 43K, 40K, 31K, and 24K proteins, implying that each of these proteins was coded within the MSV src gene. The MSV src-specific nature of this family of proteins was further confirmed by partial purification of MSV src-containing RNAs from MSV non-producer cells. In vitro translation of enriched cellular RNAs yielded products with molecular weights identical to those of the 43K family of proteins synthesized from virion RNA. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the MSV transforming region has revealed a long open reading frame which includes five methionine codons (Reddy et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 77:5234-5238, 1980). The molecular weights of the four largest proteins that could be synthesized within this open reading frame corresponded closely to the molecular weights of the 43K family of proteins. Partial cyanogen bromide cleavage of each of the three largest proteins resulted in an uncleaved fragment having a molecular weight equal to that of the smallest (24K) protein. These findings provide direct biochemical evidence that the 43K, 40K, 31K, and 24K proteins are related in their carboxy-terminal regions, as well as information concerning the MSV src gene coding sequences from which each protein originates:  相似文献   

A transformation-defective (td) deletion mutant of Moloney murine sarcoma virus (td Mo-MSV) and a transforming component termed Mo-MSV 3 were cloned from a stock of clone 3 Mo-MSV. To define the defect of the transforming function, the RNA of td Mo-MSV was compared with those of Mo-MSV 3 and of another transforming variant termed Mo-MSV 124 and with helper Moloney murine leukemia virus (Mo-MuLV). The RNA monomers of td Mo-MSV and Mo-MSV 3 comigrated on polyacrylamide gels and were estimated to be 4.8 kilobases (kb) in length. In agreement with previous analyses, the RNA of Mo-MSV 124 measured 5.5 kb and that of Mo-MuLV measured 8.5 kb. The interrelationships among the viral RNAs were studied by fingerprinting and mapping of RNase T1-resistant oligonucleotides (T1-oligonucleotides) and by identification of T1-oligonucleotides present in hybrids formed by a given viral RNA with cDNA's made from another virus. The nontransforming td Mo-MSV RNA lacked most of the Mo-MSV-specific sequence, i.e., the four 3′-proximal T1-oligonucleotides of the six T1-oligonucleotides that are shared by the Mo-MSV-specific sequences of Mo-MSV 3 and Mo-MSV 124. The remaining two Mo-MSV-specific oligonucleotides identified td Mo-MSV as a deletion mutant of MSV rather than a deletion mutant of Mo-MuLV. td Mo-MSV and Mo-MSV 124 exhibited similar deletions of gag, pol, and env sequences which were less extensive than those of Mo-MSV 3. Hence, td Mo-MSV is not simply a deletion mutant of Mo-MSV 3. In addition to their MSV-specific sequences, all three MSV variants, including td Mo-MSV, shared the terminal sequences probably encoding the proviral long terminal repeat, which differed from their counterpart in Mo-MuLV. This may indirectly contribute to the oncogenic potential of MSV. A comparison of td Mo-MSV sequences with either Mo-MSV 124 or Mo-MSV 3 indicated directly, in a fashion similar to the deletion analyses which defined the src gene of avian sarcoma viruses, that Mo-MuLV-unrelated sequences of Mo-MSV are necessary for transformation. A definition of transformation-specific sequences of Mo-MSV by deletion analysis confirmed and extended previous analyses which have identified Mo-MuLV-unrelated sequences in Mo-MSV RNA and other studies which have described transformation of mouse 3T3 fibroblasts upon transfection with DNAs containing the Mo-MSV-specific sequence.  相似文献   

Rat liver cells in vitro were transformed with chicken sarcoma virus B77, giving RL(B77) cells, and with murine sarcoma virus (Harvey), giving RL(MSV) cells. Rat liver cells transformed spontaneously in vitro were designated RL cells. In addition, the RL(MSV) cell line was adapted for growth in culture fluid containing 25 mug of 5-bromodeoxyuridine per ml. All cell lines were tumorigenic in 1-wk-old rats. The number of cells needed for induction of tumor growth was 1,000-fold higher in the case of RL(B77) cells in comparison with RL(MSV) cells and RL cells. No production of viral particles from any of the cell lines investigated was detected by plating concentrated supernatant fluid of the cultures on different secondary embryo cells with and without fusion by Sendai virus, by labeling with uridine-5-(3)H, or by assay for deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase activity. The viral genome was rescued by fusion of RL(B77) cells with chicken cells. Chicken sarcoma virus rescued from (RL(B77) cells differed in plating efficiency on duck cells from B77 virus rescued from transformed rat embryo cells. No virus was rescued after fusion of RL(MSV) and RL cells with mouse, rat, or chicken embryo cells. Infectious murine sarcoma virus can be induced by 5-bromodeoxyuridine from RL(MSV) cells.  相似文献   

The effect of suppressor tRNA's on the cell-free translation of several leukemia and sarcoma virus RNAs was examined. Yeast amber suppressor tRNA (amber tRNA) enhanced the synthesis of the Rauscher murine leukemia virus and clone 1 Moloney murine leukemia virus Pr200gag-pol polypeptides by 10- to 45-fold, but at the same time depressed the synthesis of Rauscher murine leukemia virus Pr65gag and Moloney murine leukemia virus Pr63gag. Under suppressor-minus conditions, Moloney murine leukemia virus Pr70gag was present as a closely spaced doublet. Amber tRNA stimulated the synthesis of the “upper” Moloney murine leukemia virus Pr70gag polypeptide. Yeast ochre suppressor tRNA appeared to be ineffective. Quantitative analyses of the kinetics of viral precursor polypeptide accumulation in the presence of amber tRNA showed that during linear protein synthesis, the increase in accumulated Moloney murine leukemia virus Pr200gag-pol coincided closely with the molar loss of Pr63gag. Enhancement of Pr200gag-pol and Pr70gag by amber tRNA persisted in the presence of pactamycin, a drug which blocks the initiation of protein synthesis, thus arguing for the addition of amino acids to the C terminus of Pr63gag as the mechanism behind the amber tRNA effect. Moloney murine sarcoma virus 124 30S RNA was translated into four major polypeptides, Pr63gag, P42, P38, and P23. In the presence of amber tRNA, a new polypeptide, Pr67gag, appeared, whereas Pr63gag synthesis was decreased. Quantitative estimates indicated that for every 1 mol of Pr67gag which appeared, 1 mol of Pr63gag was lost.  相似文献   

WE reported accelerated transformation by DNA viruses (SV40 and polyoma) in rat embryo (RE) cells chronically infected with a C-type RNA virus1,2. Recently we found in RE cells transformed by polyoma virus a new complement-fixing (CF) antigen detectable by rat antisera having broad reactivity with the various intraspecies and interspecies antigens of the RNA tumour viruses3–8; this antigen, however, was distinct from the murine intraspecies and interspecies group-specific (gs) antigens both immunologically and by virtue of other properties. It is also distinct from the polyoma virion (capsid) and tumour (“T”) antigens.  相似文献   

Transformation of rat embryo cells by murine sarcoma virus (MSV) was contingent upon synthesis of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) during the first 12 hr of infection. Inhibition of DNA synthesis by thymidine (20 mm) or cytosine arabinoside (0.1 mm) resulted in the protection of cells from transformation by MSV. Transient suppression of DNA synthesis prior to infection or after a 12-hr delay had little effect on subsequent transformation, emphasizing the critical time period in in which DNA synthesis was necessary for intracellular fixation of the viral genome. These results are similar to those previously described for Rous sarcoma virus. Development of transformed cells after viral fixation was shown to be influenced by cellular density. Under conditions which allowed fixation of virus in confluent cellular monolayers, less than 20% of these cells developed into transformed foci.  相似文献   

慢性病毒性肝炎小鼠动物模型的建立及其特征分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
慢性病毒型肝炎是一种严重危害人类健康的常见病,多发病,目前尚缺乏理想的实验动物模型来阐明其具体的发病机制,从而使得对其防治的研究受到限制.本研究采用纯化的3型鼠肝炎病毒(MHV-3)经腹腔注入近交系C3H/HeJ小鼠体内,小鼠感染MHV-3后,约63%存活,存活的小鼠一般情况较正常对照组差,肝脏组织呈现持续炎性改变,血清ALT、AST升高而TP、ALB有所下降,与人类慢性病毒性肝炎的发生发展极为相似,可作为研究慢性病毒性肝炎的比较理想动物模型.  相似文献   

慢性病毒型肝炎是一种严重危害人类健康的常见病,多发病,目前尚缺乏理想的实验动物模型来阐明其具体的发病机制,从而使得对其防治的研究受到限制。本研究采用纯化的3型鼠肝炎病毒(MHV-3)经腹腔注入近交系C3H/HeJ小鼠体内,小鼠感染MHV-3后,约63%存活,存活的小鼠一般情况较正常对照组差,肝脏组织呈现持续炎性改变,血清ALT、AST升高而TP、ALB有所下降,与人类慢性病毒性肝炎的发生发展极为相似,可作为研究慢性病毒性肝炎的比较理想动物模型。  相似文献   

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