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对链霉菌分子生物学的兴趣有一个十分突出的特点,就是人们感兴趣的菌种非常广泛,这个特点出自对不同的抗生素和细胞外酶生物合成遗传调控研究的需要。吸水链霉菌应城变种就是这类有趣菌种中的一员。 吸水链霉菌应城变种具有下述有趣的特征:(一)它产生三种不同结构的农用抗生素,一种为氨基糖苷类抗生素,与有效霉素A(Validamycin)的结构相类似,对水稻病原菌中的丝核菌类(如纹枯病,小核菌核病),具有良好防效。  相似文献   

微卫星不稳定性的生物学意义及其应用前景   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Ding Y  Tong TJ 《生理科学进展》1999,30(4):292-296
微卫星为遍布于人类基因组中的简单重复序列。在人群中,它们呈现高度多态性,并且稳定遗传。微卫星的高度多态性是微卫星不稳定性的表现,它与错配修复基因的缺陷有关。微卫星不稳定性已广泛应用于肿瘤学的研究,并依此提出了肿瘤发生的“增变基因”途径。  相似文献   

【目的】建立藤黄生孢链霉菌NRRL 2401的遗传操作系统和基因文库,以便筛选次级代谢产物生物合成基因。【方法】利用大肠杆菌和链霉菌的属间接合转移的方法,以整合型载体pPM927、pSET152和复制型载体pJTU1278构建链霉菌遗传操作系统。以pCClFOS^(TM)载体,大肠杆菌EP1300^(TM)-T1~R为宿主菌构建Fosmid文库。随后,设计引物,利用"板池-行池-单克隆"的三级PCR方法对文库进行快速筛选。【结果】pPM927、pSET152和pJTU1278均成功转入藤黄生孢链霉菌NRRL 2401,其中pSET152载体的转化效率最高。构建了稳定高效的藤黄生孢链霉菌NRRL 2401的基因文库,含2880个克隆,平均插入片段大小约为35 kb,空载率小于1%,文库覆盖率为99.99%,覆盖基因组16.5倍。同时,初步筛选出可能含有吲哚霉素生物合成基因簇的9个阳性克隆。【结论】成功构建了稳定高效的藤黄生孢链霉菌NRRL 2401遗传操作系统和高质量的基因文库,为克隆该菌中次级代谢产物生物合成基因簇以及进一步遗传改造奠定了基础。  相似文献   

离子注入选育高产壮观链霉菌的研究   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
利用离子注入选育高产壮观链霉菌。壮观链霉菌1043为一壮观霉素生产菌种,通过实验建立了离子注入选育壮观链霉菌。其效价较出发菌株提高了102.3%。  相似文献   

背景:螺旋链霉菌(Streptomyces spiramyceticus)为国内螺旋霉素(spiramycin,SPM)的生产菌,但目前工业生产中螺旋链霉菌利用遗传操作进行基因改造还没有成功报道。目的:建立螺旋链霉菌遗传操作系统,利用遗传改造的方法改变SPM的组分比例,降低SPM的分离成本。方法:以大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli ET12567/pUZ8002)为供体,螺旋链霉菌为受体进行接合转移实验,建立螺旋链霉菌接合转移的遗传操作系统,并对影响接合转移效率的培养基种类、抗生素覆盖时间、供受体比例等条件进行优化。结果:螺旋链霉菌不适合利用孢子进行接合转移,利用菌体进行接合转移时ISP4培养基为接合转移的最适培养基,供受体比例为103∶1得到的接合子数量最多,接合转移效率为1.93×10-4,SPM中三种组分百分含量变化显著。结论:实验首次建立了螺旋链霉菌接合转移的方法,利用菌体进行接合转移操作,简化了实验操作过程,并且利用CRISRP/Cas9基因编辑系统成功阻断3-O-酰基转移酶基因,并在该位置导入φC31整合位点att B,为后续螺旋链霉菌的基因改造奠定了基础。  相似文献   

上位性对光敏核不育水稻不育性不稳定性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以来源于农垦58S的籼型光敏核不育水稻(Oryza satiwa L.)培矮64S(长日低温下不育性稳定)和8902S(长日低温下不育性不稳定)及其人F1、F2群体为材料,通过长日低温和不同长日生态条件的7种处理,并结合RFLP分子标准记,研究了影响光敏核不育基因的育性不稳定性的遗传及其基因定位和基因互作对其育性不稳定性的影响。结果表明:影响光敏核不育基因的育性不稳定性表现为微效基因的作用,定位了  相似文献   

链霉菌天然产物因其显著的生物活性一直是新药开发的重要来源,测序技术的发展揭示了链霉菌强大的生物合成潜力。链霉菌中多数次级代谢生物合成基因簇(biosynthetic geneclusters,BGCs)在常规实验条件下表达水平低甚至不表达,这使得相关天然产物的开发受到阻碍。原位激活和异源表达是挖掘链霉菌天然产物的有效方式,启动子作为基因表达的“开关”,在其中发挥着重要作用。因此对启动子的研究可以有效地促进BGCs的激活,从而挖掘新天然产物。本文重点阐述了链霉菌启动子的结构特征及其挖掘表征和设计构建的思路,并列举了链霉菌启动子在天然产物开发中的应用,有望为链霉菌生物合成路径的优化以及全新生物活性物质的发现提供思路和方法学参考。  相似文献   

从我国湖北省应城县水稻田土壤中分离到一株链霉菌,编号为5102。根据其形态、培养特征、生理特性和抗菌谱等的研究结果,该菌株属于吸水链霉菌类群,但不同于已报道的相近似菌种,为吸水链霉菌的一个新变种,定名为吸水链霉菌应城变种(Streptomyces hygroscopicusvar.Yingchengensis Yan et Ruan n. var.)  相似文献   

链霉菌是活性天然产物的重要来源。基因组学研究揭示了链霉菌有巨大的生物合成潜力,平均每株菌拥有20–40个生物合成基因簇。在常规的实验室条件下,大多数链霉菌来源的天然产物产量较低,影响了对其进一步研究和产业化开发。由于链霉菌中天然产物的生物合成受到严格的调控,对于这些调控因子和调控网络的深入研究将有力地促进链霉菌来源的天然产物的发现和开发利用。文中主要综述了近5年来链霉菌来源天然产物生物合成中途径特异性调控因子的研究进展,重点介绍其在提高相应天然产物产量中的应用。  相似文献   

我们为了对庆丰链霉菌的遗传研究准备实 验材料,应用效果显著的化学诱变剂N一甲基一 N'一硝基-N一亚硝基狐(NTG),对庆丰链霉菌 进行诱变处理,筛选各种不同遗传标记的营养 缺陷型突变体,并分析了这些变种类型的分布 和突变机理。  相似文献   

Abstract Wild-type cells of Streptomyces hydrogenans ATCC 19631, strain HY A1, show a remarkable degree of genetic instability with regard to the biosynthesis of 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. As plasmids might be responsible for this phenomenon we tried to detect plasmids in lysates of this microorganism. Streptomyces lividans , strain TK64 (pIJ916), was used as reference strain, containing a 19-kb plasmid with low abundancy. Whereas plasmid DNA could be shown in lysates of S. lividans TK64, no plasmid DNA was detectable in lysates of S. hydrogenans .  相似文献   

Bacterial circular chromosomes have sporadically become linearised during prokaryote evolution. Unrelated bacteria, including the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi and the actinomycete Streptomyces, have linear chromosomes. Linear chromosomes may have been formed through integration of linear plasmids. Linear chromosomes use linear plasmid strategies to resolve the 'end-of-replication problem', but they have generally retained from their circular ancestors a central origin of replication. Streptomyces linear chromosomes are very unstable and at high frequency undergo amplifications and large deletions, often removing the telomeres. At least in Streptomyces, chromosome linearity is reversible: circular chromosomes arise spontaneously as products of genetic instability or can be generated artificially by targeted recombination. Streptomyces circularised chromosomes are very unstable as well, indicating that genetic instability is not confined to the linearised chromosomes. Bacterial linear chromosomes may contain telomere-linked regions of enhanced genomic plasticity, which undergo more frequent genetic exchanges and rearrangements and allow differential evolution of genes, depending on their chromosomal location.  相似文献   

New insights into the genetic instability of streptomyces   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract The high level of genetic instability in Streptomyces ambofaciens is related to large scale DNA rearrangements (deletions and DNA amplifications) which occur within a 2 Mb chromosomal region. The genome of several Streptomyces species is linear and the unstable region is present at the chromosomal extremities. This has raised the questions of the role of the unstable region (which is dispensable under laboratory conditions), the functions of the genes present in this area, and the relationships between instability and chromosomal linearity. The unstable region of Streptomyces and the replication termini of several other microorganisms, including Escherichia coli , share numerous common traits. This suggests that the unstable region of Streptomyces includes the replication terminus, and that chromosomal instability is related to the termination process.  相似文献   

Many Streptomyces species exhibit a very high degree of genetic instability which is usually manifested as genomic rearrangements such as large deletions. In Streptomyces ambofaciens DSM40697, two levels of genetic instability were previously described: (i) a basic genetic instability similar to that reported for other strains, and (ii) hypervariability, a phenomenon that we believe to be a new aspect of instability closely associated with DNA amplification. A large DNA region undergoes deletions, amplifications and large genomic changes strictly associated with both aspects of genetic instability. The genetic and molecular analyses of the different aspects of genetic instability allow us to propose that they result from a cascade of molecular events and to investigate the relationships between genetic instability phenomena and genome fluidity.  相似文献   

Summary Repeated DNA sequences were detected as rapidly reannealing sequences in the chromosomal DNA of 13 out of 14Streptomyces species using either hypochromicity measurements or hydroxyapatite chromatography. These sequences made up between approximately 4% and 11% of the total DNA of these species; only inStreptomyces rimosus were repeated DNA sequences not detected. The repeated sequences fall into a number of distinct percentage G+C (%G+C) classes, many being of rather low %G+C. Analytical density ultracentrifugation of the DNA of these species indicated satellite bands of low %G+C, and high-resolution thermal denaturation profiles indicated the presence of blocks of DNA of low G+C content too. No such satellite band could be found inStreptomyces coelicolor and no low-%G+C DNA could be detected in its thermal denaturation profile. The possible relationship of this repeated DNA, an unusual occurrence in a procaryote, to genetic instability and genetic control mechanisms inStreptomyces is discussed.  相似文献   

Two mutants of Streptomyces cattleya affecting DNA repair were isolated. These mutants were analysed using spore survival curves and phage reactivation curves in the presence and absence of caffeine and arsenite. Two DNA repair systems (uvr1 and uvr2) were identified, the latter of which seems to influence genetic instability.  相似文献   

Summary Streptomyces glaucescens exhibits a high degree of genetic instability. A sequence of 7.2 kb has been found which is present in a few tandemly repeated copies in the wild type strain GLA 0 and is amplified to ca. 500 copies per genome in the mutant strain GLA 1204. This sequence was cloned in Escherichia coli using pBR325 as vector.  相似文献   

Resistance to erythromycin is genetically unstable in strains of Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2). The frequent loss of resistance as well as reversion of sensitive variants to the original unstable resistance phenotype excluded the possibility that plasmid elimination is involved. The spontaneous frequency of occurrence of sensitive clones was 0.14 to 1.5%, the rate of reversion ranging from 1.10(-6) to 1.10(-8). Resistance to erythromycin has been mapped on the chromosomes of two S. coelicolor A3(2) derivatives in different sites: between markers adeC (v 10) and ArgA1 in the strain A617, between pheA1 and SCP1 in the strain S18. It is suggested that genetic instability of erythromycin resistance determinants having chromosomal location is due to transposition of genetic material.  相似文献   

We report a previously unobserved form of genetic instability for Streptomyces coelicolor, the replacement of one chromosome end by the other end. These genetic changes occurred spontaneously in both a wild-type strain and strains harboring a foreign transposon. Deleted and duplicated DNA comprises up to 33% of the genome.  相似文献   

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